VOL. XXXVII. Advice to the Aged. Age brings Infirmities, inch as stag cish bowels, weak kidneys and blad der and TORPID LIVES. Tutt's Pills have ■ specific effect on these anus, stimulating the bowels, csnstag than to perform their natural functions as In youth and IMPARTING VIGOR—. to the kidneys, bladder and LIVES. They are adapted to old and yoaag. PROFESSIONAL CARDB T, S. C ©OK, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, ..... N. C. Offlce Patterson Building Second Floor. ..... JOHN VJSLAT ttYNoa. W. P. Brna Jm BVNUM &BYNUM, A.ttorn«y» ..md Counselors at Lnv fk u Practice regularly In the courts of Aa -nance county. Auir. t. #4 ll DAMERON & LONQ 4 Atlorneya-at-Law B. S. W. DAMBKON, J. ADOLPH LOHG •Phone 280, 'Phone IMB Piedmont Building, Holt-Nloholsoa Bldg. Burlington, N.C. Graham. H. 0. DR. WILL S. LONG, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Qraham.. . North Carellas OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDINO JACOB A. LONQ. J. BLUER LOMQ LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselor* atL v GRAHAM, N. •*. The Raleigh Daily Times RALEIGH, N. C. The Great Home Newspaper of the State. The newi of the World la gathered by pri vate leased wires and bv the well-trained special correspondents of tte Times and set before the readers In a concise and interest ing manner each afternoon. As a chronicle of world eventa the Times is indispensable, while Its bureaus in Wash ington and New York makes its news from the legislative and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. As a woman's paper the Times has no su perior, being morally and intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes .the very best features that can be written on fatnlon and miscellaneous matters. Tbe Times market news makes It a busi ness Man's necessity for the farmer, mer chant and the broker can depend upon com plete and reliable information upon their various lines of trade. Subscription Rstei Daily (mail) 1 mo. 25c; 8 mo. 75c; 6 mo. |1.50; 12 mo. $2.50 Address all orders to The Raleigh. Daily Times J. V. Simms, Publishers. ARE YOU fy UP f TO DATE ■ If you are not the NEWS ANT 0 BEEVES is. Subscribe ior it at once and it will keep you abreast _ oi the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New? and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. • for fr—report oo patentability. Tor frw book, ' : ***:: ESSwra 60 YBAItr ™ li V I J . I ■ ■ ■■ k ■ V%l e«—etas a »* ah*aa«•■■■rlf f natU*. wltbooi rtarv*. tatbe Scientific JIHKIKM. iSSSrsiilyasseagz fcsrft Mar: foar a>oath*, ft SeMkriU revaesslM I='" - • '■ V , * . * THE ALAMANCE GLEANER The Black and White Bill An Honest Legislator's Ex perience With Qraft By HOWARD FIELDiNO Copyright by American Press > SSO atlon. 1«1L Morton Strickland entered public life by way of the New York assembly. He bad been lured into politics in s previous campaign, where he seemed to perceive a moral Issue and had greatly assisted In tbe election of • man wbo subsequently proved to be • knave. Strickland was a big, hand some fellow, with the voice of a tram pet and a sharp wit; his crisp phrases caught the ear and were remembered and repeated; be codid pin a charac terization upon an adversary so that it would stick. , But Strickland waa not favored by "the machine" and wonld never have been nominated except in one of those "I HAVS HAD IT IK MT MIHD TO WAR* TOD." emergencies' In which It Is necessary to name a clean man on the normally dominant side in order that the minor Ity may not accomplish a political up beural. It is doubtful that there ever waa a man more thoroughly disgusted with the general principle of what la called "graft" tban Strickland. In his private affaire be bad been poisoned by it, smotbered In It. and be bad come to a furious belief that tbe only proper way to treat u grafter was with the toe of tbe boot. The bare mention of a bribe excited in bis mind the idea of personal violence. His chief inheritance had been a share in a lithographing establishment Tbe elder Strickland bad been a part ner in this business, but in the last of bis life had withdrawn from active management because of ill bealtb. and the affairs of the Arm had fallen into a very bad way. After bis father's death Morton Strickland tried to do something for the business. He went Into It with unbounded enthusiasm, but small experience, and for-a time he suffered from a great perplexity. There WHS an Inexplicable reason why nothing could be done It took Strick land more tban a year to discover that the whole establishment from top to bottom was honeycombed with brib ery; everybody In It waa either the beneficiary or tbe victim of some form of graft * • When Strickland came to realize that this was tbe business which bad been in part bla father's be could have wept with rage and shame. He made a fierce and futile Struggle and waa finally forced to sell bis Interest upon very disadvantageous terms, for be waa dealing with seasoned tricksters, and they bad tbe apper band of him. One result of this experience was that be took op tbe study of law. for be bad been worsted partly through ignorance of his own legal rights. He bad just been admitted to the bar when be was elected to the sssembly. There was In Albany a man named Leroy Wendell, wbo had been a friend of Btrlckland's father, though consid erably bis Junior. He waa in a quiet way of practice, lived modestly and seemed to find his pleasure in bis home, in good books snd tbe com pany of cultivated people. He offered Strickland tbe freedom of bis offlce. the use of bis library, and tbe hospitality of his home whenever tbe young man should care to coma. At tbe first glance the Wendells' style of living seemed to savor of tbe miserly: their boose was small, they kept bat one servant, aad the sim plicity and openness of their econo mies had an air of something very near to affectation. Mm Wendell aad two daughters completed the family. Tbe elder of tbe children waa her fa ther's etenograpber; the younger was still at school. A high average of personal bagaty distinguished this family. Strickland's first feeltng was of to tsrsst a men sense of pleasurable novelty wWeb developed Mo admin* ta la flaw ro teo^betl turned toward It of an srfeniat tbe day*a evil aeemed to fall away fM him. and be left it always with foot though ta. LOT* sprang np like a rose in a garden. HO waa la tors with Laura Wendell. About this time there came a aort of crisis In Strickland's personal af fairs, aad ho waa threatened with considerable loss. Tbe dstaflS see un necessary hare. Tbo difficulty grew out rf tbe aale of his Interest la tbo tttbompklif hMkw Ho bad. to ef fect. Invested aocao of thla.amy>■ ! fore b'e had received U. Hla former associates were delaying paymenta. but hla own that he agreed to make could not be put off without danger of tbe loss of #ll. In this emergency be con sulted Mr. Wendell, wbo advised him that be must not default In any pay ment True enough, but where ahould be get the money? Mr. Wendell thought he might be able to help the young man In securing a loan. and. tbongb Strickland was very unwilling to Accept this favor, be eventually did so. Tbe money waa advanced by a friend of Mr. Wendell, an old lawyer now retired from practice and sup- j posed to bo entirely disengaged from active affaire. His name waa Curtis B. Connor. Meanwhile an Interesting situation bad sprung up In tbe halls of legisla tion. Members were going about bright eyed and eager, and tbe older ones woto talking of tbe "good old. days." It waa a measure wltb money on both 'bides of It Tbe usual thing In these daya Is for the money to be on one side and the public- on the oth er. But In this Instance there was a battle of the giants, extremely doubt ful In laaue. and a member wbo de sired to be "Influenced" could look In either direction. v Tbe fight centered In tbe asaembly. That waa where the byahwbacklng was being done. Storle* of bribery tilled tbe air, but Strickland aeemed .to be Immune. He had been Intro duced to a great many lobbyist!, rang ing from seeming respectabilities to the lowest of created bipeds; but thougb some of tbese persons "sound ed" bim in a rather crude way. be received no direct propoaltloo. And In tbe midst of all this he was utterly In doubt at to bin proper course—confuted by rumors,. blinded by his own Inexperience wltb large affairs and unable to decide In which direction lay the public Interest. Two powerful ayndlcateo were fighting for and against tbe measure, and tbeee. from tbe names of two lesser figures In the legal talent of the lobby, be came known as tbe black ring and tbe white ring. Strickland bad carried his doubts to Wendell, who at first shared tbem, but on a certain evening tbe two men aat late before an offlce fire In the lawyer's bouse, and as a result of their conversation Strickland came to a decision. As a choice of evils he would vote upon the white side, for so Wendell advised him wltb argu ments that aeemed excellent On tbe second day following a little after noon Btrickland waa passing through a corridor of ths statebouao wbeu be met a veteran axsemblymun named Stuart Porter, a courtly, hand some man. who had treated tbe new member wltb consideration and bad been of conaiderable belp to bim. Porter bad taken no active purt In tbe debate on what was known as tbe black and white bill. His true atti tude was unknown to Strickland, wbo had often been upon the point of ask ing his advice. Tbey paused for a moment's talk, and It seemed to the younger man tbat the other regarded him strangely; there was a certain audness in hla man ner. Strickland was of a busty tem per and Impatient of mysteries. It wus his habit to speak atruigbt out. "Wbut Is the matter?" said ha "Have 1 offended you In any way?" Tbe old gentleman started aome what with surprise at this abrupt quea tton, and his face hardened, but in a moment relaxed Into a very kindly expression. "If you were keen enough to see that." said be, "I wonder that you have been ao easily deceived in other matters." "What matters?" said Strickland. **l have bad It ta my mind to warn you several times," said tbe other, "but you carry your bead rather high for so young s man. It seemed to me tbat perhaps you needed a lesson. Yon will vote upon what we call the wblte side this afternoon, I suppose?" "Such Is my intention." "And the loan from Curtis B. Con nor was. I believe. $2,0007" "What do you mean?" demanded Strickland, but gently, for tbe other's manner impressed bim. **Mr. Wendell secured It for yo«* ssld Porter. "Mr. Wendell has repre sented tbs Interests thst srs back of the white ring to Albany for twenty years.** ( • "1 don't believe it! Why. tho man Is poor." "Ho seems so." "Seems? Do you know how simply he lives) Are yon swsre thst his daughter serves him ss secretary r "Mr. Wendell nseds s secretary whom he caa trust'* answered Porter There, tbere! I mesa wo disrespect m tho youag lady! I know your private sentiments in that quarter. Sbe dost sot see any wrong la her father's deal ings; sbs ssrvss him foitbfsily. loyally, trustfully. She Is sa sdmlrsbHr girl But Mr. Wendell's esse Is not son thst ws caa pretend shoot. It Is well known. Ask Bockwsil; hsrs beesmss." Mr. Bockwsll wss sn old tlste meta bsr of ths sssembly. s maa uf gnat ability. Strickland rasbed sp to htm. scarce kaowtag what ha did. "We mn sysshlat of Mr. WeaMk." be bsgaa. "Tss," ta terra ptsd BocfcwoA. -aas se are a good maay other past** They ars saying that he has got yoa tied. Now. dost got excited. Yoa haven't dons any barm yet. Uo late your committee room aad sit dowa snd ksep coot I*U ssad you a doca meat tbst wfli beip yoa think." Strlcklaad was dazed, sad before he touid frame a reply tbe gresp wss la. creased by several aua. to the prss snce of some of whom bo did not care to spesk. Tbe suggestion of tbe com mlttoo room stack la his a»lad. Ho weat there, and tbs room being emp ty. be paced tho toor with a wild free dom. Hs ssw dearly enough tbat Wendell had dapad htm. aad all bla long cherts bsd wrath against tbe crime of bribery rose sp to fire to bis heed. A masssngsr entered tbe room sad gave Strickland a latter. It bad been opened. He glanced at tbe envelope aad aaw that It waa-one of Mr. Wen dell's sad wss sddrsssed to Curtis B. Connor. It snmid right to read It, ftr this mast ha the document to which Bock wall had referred. The letter waa typewritten and It ran upon tbe. second j GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1911. Iluge anu was signed by Wendell. In tbe boldest terms It outlined to Con nor the scheme of the loan, tbe money really to be furnished by the backers of the white ring for the purpose of clinching Wendell's influence over Strickland nnd securing his vote. Strickland crushed tbe letter In bis hand and rushed out ot the room. Ho went straight to Wendeil'a offlce. Lau ra was there, and he put the letter Into her bands. ——L "Read it." said be. and abe. alarm- . ed. drew out tbe letter from tbe envoi ope. 0 Sbe read about half tbe firat page 1 ' and then turned to tbe second and i li stared at ber father's algnature. Tben 1 I wltb trembling bands abe sought for ! c a notebook In a drawer and, having i t found It turned tbe page* hastily. . j "Here are tbe notes." said she. "Walt! 1 will compare tbem. Yes. tbo few lines on tbe aecond page are right; that Is. tbe real aecond page. Tbe first Is a forgery. See! It is our pa per! They have stolen a sheet, but the type Is not the eame—not to my eye. it was not done on this ma chine. but on one of the tame make. Look at the "mP* Look ft the "tP* Compare them." , I Strickland bent bis attention with frenzied concentration to this compari son. Then he stood erect, his face contorted, yet when be spoke his voice wan calm. "If I bad not found you here." be said, "I should have gone back to the capltol and voted as those devils planned to make me. I should have voted against your father'a advice, be lieving that be had tried to bribe me. There aball be a reckoning for thla." "Let me read the letter as It was," sbe said. It Is needless to ssy thst Its purport was entirely Innocent and that It made no reference whatever to ths bisck snd white bill. All tbst waa on tbe aubstl tuted first page which tbe couapirators bad got up after ateallng the original letter from Connor's offlce. "1 don't ask you to forgive me. I-au ra." nald Strickland, "und I won't lie to you. I believed this miserable lie. I have seen so much evil! How can 1 believe in good? But wait. Porter and Hock well shall pay for this." "You can do nothing." said she. "Tbey are old men; you cannot fight tbem pbynically. And what else can you do? Tbey will deny ever having spoken to you on tbe subject. You cannot prove tbat this forged letter came from tbem. You can accuse tbem publicly, hut they will laugh at you. I advise von to ignore tbe whole mat ter." This wax more than Strickland's tem per would permit blui to do; far mors, "BSSI ASS THK Kursa." SAID SBB. Indeed, tbau tbe girl desired, for abO was ax angry as lie wax and argued wltb him only to dissuade him from actual physical violence, in tbia sbe succeeded, and yet Strickland man aged lo pay both Porter and Rock well In full before be was done with tbem. Neither of tbem could bo elect ed today to be dog catcher to his na tive city, for Strickisnd waa cspsbio uf sustained animosity and bad gifts •f natural ability very dangerous to hla enemies. But Wendell, wboee rep utation bad been trilled wltb in SO gross a manner, could never bo led into tbia figbt. Tbe surface of his quiet life was not even ruffled by It. Hla sound good arose is au excellent backgrunnd for tbe oppressive force it Strioklend. sow his eou-in-isw. Hot Wendell himself is s lover of pesos aad of the sits sod at the hearth a t '■' boms. Spiteful. Yonng Lord Lscland mads s trip to New York snd proposed to s rstber elderly heiress. Sbe refused bim "1 am sorry. Lord Lscland." sbs said, "but 1 can never be anything mors to you than a"— "Just my lock.*" be interrupted, reaching for bla bat and stick. "And I've got two grandmothers already."— Argonaut. His Fluent Freneh. "The people la tbsse foreign hotels,'* ssld lbs young tourist "bavs ths queersst ways I ever esw." "What's tho matter BOWT* -Why. I Just now ssked tbo dork la French wbst news from America, snd bo replied tbst tho Russian Interpreter was out. I'd like to know whst con nection be thought there wss bstween tbe two "-IJpplarott's. A Rsttierf Bridegroom. "I married a girl yesterday," said a clergyman, -to a youth wltb a rather thick bead. At tbe beginning of tho ceremony I said to bim: " 'Yoc sre to repeat this after me.' "And then prior to beginning tbo declaration I whispered: " Take ber right hand.' -Take bei right band,' tbs stupid follow bellowed, and everybody la tbo cbun-b laugi.ed. "Afterward he couldn't get tbe ring OB the bride's Oncer. I - - Wet ll.' 1 wblspersd. "And acting ou my advice, be pott ber little white linger in bis mouth ' snd lubricating it thoroughly j succeeded In making ths ring slip on." A PICTURE ONjGLASS By ALLAN C CARLYLE Copyright by American Press Asso ciation, 1911. The residence of the Count Van Ars dale at Rotterdam, Holland. Is a very old one. Indeed. It waa standing when the first Dutch settlers bought Man hattan island for 124. In recent times David uoe of tbe Van Arsdale family, came to New York to make a home there, but be did not remain long. There were two reuaoua for his re turn to Holland. Flretly. he waa la love with a member of another branch of tbe family, Anneke Van Arsdale, the daughter of the man wbo the title and tbe Van Arsdale manor house. Secondly, there waa a tradition that David Van Arsdale was tbe real count The title and eatates had paased from Davld'a great-grandfather to an ances tor of Anneke's, and It had never been clear bow tbe tranaactlon came about David believed that Anneke's father knew something about It. but tbe count would not admit that he did. Wben David first came courting Anneke ber father favoied the suit but a very wealthy auKor having' aaked for her hand, tbe count feeling that money waa needed in tbe family, favored tbo latter. Anneke would not wed him and would not accept David without ber father'a consent There appearing to be no hope that tbe count would relent. David deter mined to go back to America. He nei ther could nor would deprive tlw girl be loved of bin prospective possessions, and since she must eventually pasa to another, be did not wish to bo near ber. The night before he was to sail be waa sitting In tbe great square ball wblcb was once used by tbe Dutch for a living room, making hla laat visit to Anneke preceding bis departure. The lovers were very deapondent "I believe." said David. "that ths reAson your father first favored our union is that bo believes me to be tbe rightful heir to tbe title end satatee be Is now enjoying." - "Why do yon think that, David?" asked tbe girl. "Because there are tboae wbo any tbat I am There lias alwnjs been s mystery connected with the dentb of uiy great grandfather. Jobu Van Ars dale. and the assumption of tbe title by Henry. It Is well known that Hen ry's mlud was subsequently affected, and It Is rumored that ibia came from remui-se." "Hut father baa nothing to do wltb that." "No; but if there wss fraud In tbs change of the title snd eetsles from bit ancestor to mine I am tbe real Count Van Arsdale. If I married you tbe two branches of the family would be united and the fraud. If atyy. would not matter. Tbat. I believe. Is the reason for your father's willingness st first, becauae there la no other reaaon. I am poor, and you need a rich bna band." At this moment something slngulsr happened. Winding about the ball to the upper story was s atalrcase. Mid way. where tbe stslrcsss turned st right anglea wltb tbs lower snd upper parts, waa a window. It wss of curi ous construction, tbe glass being of different thicknesses in different parts. It had been there no one know how long, and no one knew why an ordinary window or one of stained glass bsd not been placed tbere In Ita atead. At this time electricity was first converted Into snd utilized ss light Tbe searchlight bsd Just been Invent ed. and soine electricians wore experi menting wltb one of thom oo tbs roof of s neighboring building. Suddenly tbe window mentioned was brilliantly illuminated. David and Anneke look ed st It In sstonlsbmont. lost sad of being ordlnsry white gisss. It wss A picture— a picture in bisck snd whits such ss we now sse banging ta win dows thst tbe light may bring out tbe scene. And tbe subjsct, s man lo tbs Dutch costume of the old en time, Isy on his back bestridden by another man wbo bad plnaged s dagger Into his heart Below were tbe words: "The Murder of Henry. Count Tsn Arsdale." A mystery was explained by s mys tery. Tbe window till tbat moment bad been a blank. The Invention of tbs searchlight bad revealed what it contained. Hut wbo many years bo fore bad learned to make a picture oa glass? And what light did bo two to bring It out? For bow could ho bsve made It without seeing It? One fact of Its bslag tbere at sll might be explained by tbe fsct tbst tbe mur derer brooded over bis crime unUI be lost bis res son snd placed It tbere while a monomaniac. While tbe lovers looked tbe picture disappeared as Instantaneously as It hnd sprung Into being. Then Anneke covered her eyes wltb ber banda. "I am descended from s murderer,"* sbe said. "AU thst fotber pass.ssm Is yours." Dsvld did not ssll for America tbs next day. Workman came In. took oat tbe glaes to tbs window snd replaced It with a stained ooe. Tbea came a wedding between David aad Anneke. sad tbe count bavtag no male Issue, surrendered his title to his son-to-isw snd his estatae to bla daughter. Hav ing done this, be sailed for Amsrlcs. snd Holland aovsr ssw him sgsia. He liurled himself la tbe wfltfs ot Caa- David and Anneke still live la the boose to Rotterdam where tbe ptctsre was rarsaled to tbem. but where tbe picture is kept no one knows. MM ssy It has bsen destrsysd. The principle sdopted to tbe nuking of fireproof points Is to Incorporate wltb tbo other Ingredients of tbo point sn ammonium sslt which nnder ths influence of beat will give off am monia and so produce sn slioosphsre unfavorable to combustion. Ths solu bility uf most ammonium salts renders them unsuitable tor this purpose, bat good results bsve been obtained by mixing tbe pigment with Insoluble ammonium magnesium pbospbste snd s special medium consisting of Itoo lests of lead in oil of tnrpeutlao. North Carolina University Men at Dinner in New York. New York Dispatch to Raleigh Ntwi and Oboorver. Through the efforts of James A. Gwyn, Alfred W. Haywood, Jr., and Francis A. Gudger, the New York city alumni of the University of North Carolina, wore trented to a rare entertainment on Satur day night, October 14. Instead of arranging tbe uaual kind of din ner—with spick-and-span tattles, a profusion of knives aad forks, aggressive and unnecessary wait ers and a series of indigestible dishes with French names—the committee provided a "beefsteak dinnfer" at a famous restaurant. When the alumni had gathered in the outer hall they were led into A large room at one end of which was a huge open lire wi .h broiling bars above. The cooks and the beefstenk were ready, ai d AS soon as tho Chapel IlilliAns took their seats, each at a Hi tie, rough, coverless table all bis own, the cooking began. After that it was all celery and beefsteak and bread And bear, about the puly concessions to convention being A preliminary course of raw oysters and aftor-diuner coffee. Long, set speeches had been tabooed, as the profound disquisi tions upon International Peace at the last aiutni dinner had been declared sufficient provender of that kind for a number of years. The anecdote and the reminis cence, the inerry quij> and jest, reigned Augustus Van Wyck, Repjpt. Clair Hester and Dr. Charles Baskerville led lu recounting humorous Incidents of their college days, and were ably followed by others. —Ambitious young men and ladies should lunrn telegraphy, for, slrce the new 8-hour law be came effective tliore is A shortage of many thousan 1 telegraphers.. Positions pay from S6O to 170 a month to beginners. The Tele grap't Institute of Columbia, S. C. and Ave other cities is opera ed nnder supervision of ft. R. Of ficials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for pArticulArs. Martha, tho little lion tamer with Sparks' circus, which was wintering at the SAllsbury fair grounds lust winter, died A few days ago fiom the effects of a bite by one of the lions of her troupe of performing wild snimnls. The child WAS About 11 or 12 yearn old. To Cars a Cold la Oae Day. ■ Take LAxative Hromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggists refund the money if it fAlls to cure. K. W. Grove's cignAture is ou each bo«« 'Mt.—-j- NorvAl Marshall, colored, was electrocuted in the State prison at Raleigh Friday morning for crimi nal aasAult upon Mrs. Joseph Chaplin in WArren county Sep tember 15. Learn Automobile Business. The Southern Automobile Col lege, Oak Ridge, N. C., is by all odds the best equipped Automobile school routh of New York. With its splendid corps of fACtory trained Automobile experts, nnd suporb 910,000 equipment it is prepared to give A course equal in All respects to nny school of Ihe kind in the world. Ita honesty And reliAbility is gUAranteed by the presence at ita head ot Prof. M. 11. Holt, of Oak Ridge Insti tute. It has turned out scores of men who are filling splendid posi tions as GArage men, Demon strator*, and ChAnffeurs, to SAy nothing of the mnny who have taken the course to learn how to msnnge their own can. Special rates are offered to those who enter before November the first. This is tho best opportunity ever offered young men of the South to learn this most fascinating and paying business. Those interest ed can get illustrated Booklets of inforaiAtion by Applying. A postal card will bring it. directors of tbe State School for the Feeble Minded have elect ed Dr. I. M. Hardy, of Washing ton, N. C., superintendent. I'iaus are being prepared for the build, logs, which are to be located at Klnston. It is hoped to have then completed in a year. Mount Vernon School furnishes edncution, culture and gro#th of character to boya and young men with or without money. Tbe school is locsted on s large farm in Warren county immediately on the Seaboard Air Line Railway and ia for board ing pupils exclusively. For further information, address Mount Vernon School, Littleton, N. C. 2BSept4t. F9UYS OHNO LAX/HIVE yea SISIMCH Tmsa and COMSVIMTISM Don't Suffer! " I bad been troubled, a little, for nearly 7 year*," writes Mrs. L Flncher, in a letter from Peavy, Ala., "but I was not taken down, until March, when I went to bed and had to have a doctor. He did all he could for me, but I got no better. I hurt all over, and I could not rest At last, I tried Cardul, and soon I began to Improve. Now I am In very good health, and able to do all my housework" CARDUI WomansTertic You may wonder why Cardul is so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer is that Cardul Is successful, because It Is composed of scientific ingredients, that act curat!vely 'on the womanly system. It is a medicine lor women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. - If you suffer like Mrs. Flncher did, take CarduL It will surely do for you, what it did for her. all druggists. Wrikte LaflM* Advisory Dept. Chtttanooo Medicine Co., Chttaaood,Tern, >»r awe*ri/m*»WM«. MIHI peg toofc. "Home Treatment tot Women." uatln*. J (0 ...The Average Business Man... CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING EXCEPT Poor Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Forgive In the work produced by the EiffliOniEHFElIHR » / Hammond L --*-■ J Visible! f ifjjl . N» Model Model * No ' l2 is an established fact—it does the FINE TYPEWRITING OF THE WORLD And there Is a reason why— (Washington Branch) THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITFR CO. 324-385 Colorado Bldg., Washington. D. C. B. N. TURNER, Local Dealer, GRAHAM, N.C. Land Sale ! By virtue of the authority vested In me by an order of Alamance Superior Court, 1 will, on MONDAY, NOV. 6, 1911, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the court houae door In Graham, Mil at public out cry to the heat bidder the following de scribed roal property, to-wit: A tract or {xireel of land situate and being in Patterson Townihlp. Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the IMKIK of L. T. Smith, W. K. Overman, J. A. llornaday, W. T. Smith ami othera, and lioundcd ae follow*: Beginning at a (tone, J. A. Horanday'a corner; thence East 70 poles to a stone; thence North 80 poles to a stone; thence East 31 poles to a stone; thence Month HO poles to a stone; them e Kast 44 poles to a stone: thence South BT> poles to a stone; theme West 107 pol* to the middle of a spring; thence West 4fl poles to a stone; tnenoe West H polM to a gnm bush; thence North 10ft poles to the lieginnlng. containing 97 acres, more or leu. Ha id land Is sold to create assets to pay debts of the late Manliff Overmafl. TERMS OK SALE; One third cash; the other two-thirds in equal installments due at six aad twelve months, the ilefer red payments to be evidenced bv bonds carrying Interest from ilay of Mlc until paid, aad title to the property reserved until the payment of the purchase money is complete. This is vslusMe property, snd Is sa op portuaity to acquire a good farm at a rraaooable price. J. L. SCOTT, J*., Pub. Adm'r., as Adm'r of tbe estate of Manliff Overman. October S, 1911. A father's Vengeance would have fallen on any one who attacked the aon of Peter Bondy, of Sooth Rockwood, Mich., bat he was powerless befi.re attacks of Kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, "so at last wo gave him Electric Hitters and he improved wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine 1 ever saw." Backache, Tired feeling. Nervous ness. Loss of AppetiU, warn of Kidney trouble ihat may end in dropsy, diabetes or Blight's dis ease. Beware: "Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c. at Graham Drug Co. Sinoe July 1 there has been is sued from the office of the Secre tary of State over 900 registra tions for new automobiles, run ning the number of registered machines in the State up to 3,560. NO. 31 LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled m Above, contains over 200 memoir* of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, 12.50. By mall 20c extra. Orders may be sent to P. J. KEBNODLE, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. Indigestion f%AND° • Dyspepsia Kodol When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of lueli, It needs » UUl* assistant*—sod this ssslstanes is read ily supplied by Kodol. Kodol aasita ths stomach, by temporarily digesting all of thi food In tha stomach, to that tin stomach may rest aad raeuperats. Our Guarantee. ST.? SSs*u FM mMt bmriM-IM drumM wffl M MM rvtvo your s»oer. Doo't >wim» aay IntllM will Mil jon Kodol os l>m imm Tk* dollmr bottla oontelns «H ttmas M BMb Hltam bottle. Kodol I* prepared M UM «t a. a oewtu * c*. (Mass* Grakasi Dnif Co. I Very Serious It Is a very serious matter tank I far on* medicine aad bin tha I wrong one giro you. For this I reason we vp you ia buying to I bs csrsftil to gst Ihs gsnaiae— I BLAck-^MGHT Liver Mrrilrttt 1 The reputation of this old, rolls- | Ha medicine, far conatipathm, to- ■ digestion and liver trouble, ia Una- I ly aatabUihed. It doea not imiutte I other medicines. It ia better than ■ others, or h would not be the to- ■ Torite liver powder, with a larger I ssle than an othera combined. ; I noimnMEr«4Aß s>ss>rt»iosh«adl>s«l»lsatfa

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