Bad Spells " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness," writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C. "At last, I was almost bedtridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7to 28 days. In one week, after 1 gave Cardul a trial, I could eat, sleep, and Joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary years I Cardul relieved me, when everything else failed." CARDUI WomaitfsTonic If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy,for women, has been used by of weak and ailing sufferers. They found it of real value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suffer longer? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once,l>y you. Try it, today. |L SS" NOTES C.MBARNITZ WTOSDE CORBUPONDErfCe SOLICITED U/\ * (These article* and Illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis sion.] . THE BLACK MINORCAS. "I suppose," siiUi « bliow vliiltor, "your Murk Minorca* lay dark Hhotleil eggs." "No, milady," replied the fancier; "wo can't match feathers olid egga "I"' y° u ladle* do hair autl hats." How true! Minorca* with black feathers,"White akin and him* a white ess; jet Itlack Kllklea lay a black egg, Wlilto Hocks with snowy plumaxe, yellow skin and legs lay a brown egu, and White lcghorns with • yellow skin an:l leg. lay a white ogg. "Hut the Minorca egg l>eat» 'em all!" yells a Minorca onthuataat Now, It's not our desire to have an egg battle with chicken cranks, but what Is Is, and for a big white cggtlio Minorca can't lie beat, nor does any tinted egg beat them for size If you bare a big Minorca strain. Ono bnndrcd and eighty eggs per year la no new Minorca record, and at over two pounds per dozen that's "alga." The Single Comb Itlack Is tho origin of the llose Comb Black and Single \-XVt, Photo by C. M. Bnrnlt* M.AC* UINONCA "SAD—IUBAL Coinl) White Minorca*, and Its' history mny lie traced Jiack 100 yeara to Minor cn, a atinny Ixlc of the Mediterranean. It la largest of tile Mediterranean brviilH, mucb*r*aemblee the Leghorn, though nut *o restless, reocbea aa high •a ten pounds, mid Ita clone Altered, Juicy, |>lnk tleab la pronounced by some lietter tbnn turkey. The head and body shown are correct for mule. The eyea ahould tie dark bawl, beak black, face red. plumage brilliant black with lieetle green sheen. Tba body of mala and female la dis tinctively lons, tbe back flat at shoul dera, slanting evenly to tall: tbe breaat rounded, tbe body tapering from thence to Mr, tbe tall expanded and carried Al IDL 'y- _ B Wm ■ttp m J - ■Eg? VlMto by C. M. Derails. M« OF BLACK MWOBCAS. at an angle of 40 degrees. Tbe han't eocnb la large, droopa to on* aide orer bead and forma one loop orar beak. The lflnorca is popular bectfUse K produces tba goods. ft C BLACK MINORCA STANDARD WKIUHTB. K - Pounds. Founds to Tit 00 NTS. Dent forget that one ban with scaly leg will infect tba whole flock. Don't advertise one thing and sell aaother. Some do this and miss. Don't let tbe flock eat decayed vege tables or ptomaine poisoning may ra- Don't advertise only when business . is bright, for it was advertising made ~ Don't let a hobby run off with you. Ideas nt times go out of style and, Uke booptklris, make people amlie. Don't feoo moi.iy sprouted oats. A little salt In the sprinkling water will prevent mold and make the sprout* more palatable. Don't forget that the winter grain ration Is more concentrated and richer than the Mtimmcr range bill of fare, with Its delightful exercise la fresh air. , MY MOTHER-IN-LAW. Who was It on our wedding dsy Held back the teara snd made us gay And hugged us when we went away? My motlier-ln-law. Who w«» It taught my bride to bake Bweet hom«made bread and lovely cake And bow to broil that gilt edge steakT My mother-ln-law. Who watched by baby's crib sll night When desth our spirits did affright T Who nursed our right? My mother-ln-law. Who Is It when the children cry Just smiles snd looks them In the eye And they quick get as good as pleT My mother-ln-law. Who shares with us when times sre t)*d? Who laughs with us when ws are atoJT Who weeps with us when ws sre sad! My mother-ln-law. « Who'll have a manalon over there? Who'll havo a heavenly robe so falrT Who'll havo an angel's crown to weart My mother-ln-law. C M. BARNITZ. THE MABH MIXER. MoUt mash Is a line egg puller, but when It must be mixed by hand for a big flock that's tiresome work, and, besides, tbe ground grains are difficult PH ft t. m LJ} ] Photo by C. M. Barnlts. THC MASH MJXSO. to blend by hand. If you have ever tried to mix corn, oats, wheat and barley la a barrel with a shovel wltb •11 yoar exertion you found before the barrel was half empty that the grain was not half mixed. Chick feed ditto Necessity was the mother of Inven tion wltb tbe poultryman who got out tbe mlglng machine. Ita revolving paddlca quickly blend grain or by prodncta perfectly, and when ran by engine the poultryman has a snap. * FEATHERS AND EOQBHELLS. United States Commissioner of Edu cation Claxton la advocating a system of agricultural training for all tbe pub lic schoola In this country. If It con tinues the distinction between town dude and "country" Rube will be oblit erated, and all will belong to the An cient and Honorable Order of Hay seeds. xfiSr State departments of agriculture are beginning to lay atrees on turkey cul ture and are sending out turkey lec turers to tbe farmers' Institute*. Lec turers skilled In tbe art are few. and tbey And few turkey breeder* to talk to. This la « real case of locking tbe door after tbe turkey baa eloped. Salty corn meal dough la tbe latest sparrow exterminator. Bait them la tbe winter when they are hungry, but, Ox tbe dope so poultry and uoeful birda can't get IL City consumers do not get many fresh winter eggs became town pri vate trade gvbblee l hem. City people, more and more, are making quiet con tracts wltb egg farmers to furnish lheir egg supplies and thus get a boa too article the whole year round. Tbe |>oor batches of tbe past sea son have been ascribed to tbe late, cold spring. Rat we notice breeders from tbe same locality give different reports. We believe most of the Infertility comes from forcing bens to lay too many high priced winter eggs. We notice la this vicinity that Bocks which lay but few egg" In winter lay strong, fertile eggs In the natural laying season. A crow's egg seems especially fertile, and yel bow thin Jlmcrow la after a strenuous winter when be even gets so hungry as to Invade tbe dooryard for scrape. This la a pointer from na ture to keep yoar hens from weariag fst Rlddy bust lee. In See years tbe exportation of dreee ed .poultry from this country to Bag land dropped from £348,700 to 88,171 Tbis la not a sign tbat preachers' ap petites bare Increased, bat tbat popu lation and tbe American appetite are oa tbe gain. Engl bib poultry raisers are demand lag tbat all foreign poultry be marked so that market buyer* may know what tbey are getting. There la an Immeaae amount of dreesed poultry shipped Into England, coming even from China, and dealers bay It much cheaper than tbe English article and by selling It for home stock make a big profit. Tbat (be middleman la an unnecee eary evjl, n detriment to tbe fanner and a eklnner of the consumer was re cently proved to Mayor Gsyuor of New HS I .. - . York by a delegation of firmer* who presented before blm n eo-operntivo scheme wbereby tbe middleman should be done away with'and farm products be banded direct from farmer to con sumer. Tbey showed New con sumers paid W0.000.000 for potatoes tbat netted the fanner but IBJIOO.OOO. $0,125,000 for cabbages that brought blm bat 51.500.000 and M 9.000.000 for milk tbat netted blm bat 823.000.000. A big bunch of New York middlemen are now serving time for their light gentry methods.lll baying snd welling poultry. "THE roots AI NT ALL DEAD YET." v Tea kin inspect all the grsveyarda. You kin diagnose aaaelety, You kin hunt through human history. With all Its strsnge variety. But of all that's kicked the bucket I've a big wad to b«t Thar jrou'll boiler 'fore you're through the Job, "The fools ain't all dead ret!" "I am self made," boasts one of them. It's true, and whst a job! Be really and he truly looks Jest like a self msde snob. Be wasn't made In Germany. On that you're safe to bet Crow on, you self mads rooster, "The fools ain't all dead yet I" . "My ancestors," sars number two, "came from a line of kings. Ws ain't a bit related to you ordinary things." Oh. Johnny, run and git your gun and shoot this bird real quick! ' Be looks like some I've often eeafi s-flyln' up the creek. But If you knock him In the head here's the long green to bet— You'll And tbe woods still full of than. "The fools ain't all dsad yet." "This world is gettln' worser," now ws hear from number three. "Tbe people are unaanctlfled except the Lord and me." Oh, oay, you long faced Pharisee, go out and cfaew your hay! Borne other will get your share whlls you itand round and bray. When Peter turns you down below to hus tle coal and sweat You'll find the fools are not all there— "The foole ain't all dead yet." C. M. BARNITZ. KURIOS FROM KORREBPONDENTS Q. Which dresses best for market, tbe Mediterranean, Asiatic or Amer ican breeds? A. American. Q. I have bad uniformly large batch es tbe past seaaon, but In one batch of Incubator cblcks a large number had very large eyeballa and tbey did not seem to know enough to eat Was this tbe fault of the eggs or tbe In cubator? A. Itatber think it was yoar fuulL You did not run your Incubator tbe same for all your batchea and at too high a temperature for tbe one wltb tbe abnormal chicks. Tbey were blind, tbus couldn't eat Q. We have so many fleas on oar poultry premises and these get on to tbe cblcks' beads and In a abort time kill them. Havo yon a remedy? A. Apply carbollzed vaseline to the sore on chicks' heads and tbe attached In sect will soon be dead. Then spray tbe whole bouse and furniture, under the floor If open and any dusty baunta the Insects frequent, wltb a mixture of tar disinfectant and water one to three. Q. About bow long Is a vigorous pigeon's life and when docs Its natural force began to abate? A. Fifteen years In thoroughbreds kept under right con ditions. Tbe period of decline begins at ten years, and to extend tbelr use fulness and to keep any weakneaa from abowlng In tbe offspring tbe old pair la then separated and mated to young breeders. Q. 1 am anxious to breed large poul try, but do not like the Brahmaa, Cochlna add Langsbana because of tbelr feathered legs. Pleaae state tha name of tbe largest clean legged chick en. A. The Orpington. Q. Please make clear tbe distinction between the terms breed and variety. A. For Illustration, the Wyandottes are a breed made up of eight varieties -Silver, Golden, White, Buff, Black, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Columbian. Q. .Which are tbe Mediterranean breeds? Which Is most popular? Wblcb la largest and lays the Isrgest egg? A Leghorns, Mlnorcss. Spanish, Blua Andaluslans, Anconas.- Leghorns. Mi norca*. FEATHERS AND EQOSHELLS. Eight billion nine hundred and twen ty-six million dollara represents tbe wealth -produced on the farms of tbe United States In 1910, and of tbla Tex as, tbe Lone Star State, produced 8804,110,000. Her turkey crop brought 81,000,000. « Poultry manure la being nsed'exten alvely by I'ennsylvsnbi truckers for a top dressing for celery. It la applied about two weeks after the planta are aet out and glvea splendid results. Eggs bougbt from farmers In April and May for IB to 20 centa and placed In atorage were sold In December for 40 to 80 ceqts per doxen. It coats BO centa to store thirty doxen six to elgbt months, so you need no microscope to ooe tbe big profit It Is wise to order that Incubator before tbe rush. Tbe fsctorles start la the fall to stack up machine* for spring trade. These are made In reg ular time and are better Incubators titan those that are rushed off the machinery and ahlpped before tha var nish la dry. Early In November a leading New York store waa selling storage eggs at 40 cents, fresh eggs at fil cents and germ less White Leghorn egga at 71 centa. How'a that for high? Among tha daintiee served ot\ Christmas to the patients at tbe Dan ville (Pa.) State boepltal were 100 tur keys and 800 mince plea. Twenty eight Chrlatmaa trees added to tbe cheer. While printer's Ink la the greatest known booster. It can't keep a rooster on the top perch If be doesn't deserve to stay there. There are several va rieties now being boomed tbat do not fit the American market They will later take a quick drop, when tbe big fellows hare worked tbe Ifloocenta to the limit . ' - Tha National Aaaoclatloa of Han pecked Husbands waa recently hald at Ocean Orore. N. J. A new mem ber waa presented with a live fst ben. the emblem of tha order. There waa vary little boataeaa transacted, as the men's wtvae ware all preeent. During tbe'paat yaar'tbe debt em tha dty water and light plant to Oaa City, lad, has been redeeed to tha amooat of f2£oo: that Is. thla amount baa been paid on the debt It baa been a few days more than one year since tha water and light plant In Oaa City waa destroyed by Are In tha time eUpaad since tben tbe plant baa bean rebuilt and boa been placed In surrsaafa 1 opera Hon, and ttflOO of tbtdebt paid. That all tbls has been done la eea- SkUrMl an AYMllsnt aohU«am«n» . Eli Ellis, a farmer of the Mill- I'oro section of Randolph county ? committed suicide Friday by shooting himself. BACKACHE ALMOST UNBEARABLE is sn almost certain result of kid ney trouble. D. Toomey, 803 E. Olive St., Bloomington, 111., says: "I suffered with liackache and pains in ray kidneys which were almost unbearable. I gave Foley Kidney Pills a good ferial, and they done wonders for me. Today I can do a hard day's work and not feel the effects." For sale by all Druggists. R. L. Ripsbee, a Durham coun ty farmer, was thrown from a buggy in Durham Saturday and killed. Horse ran away. A Cold, It Grippe, Than Pneumonia Is too often the fatal sequence, and coughs that hang on weaken the system and lower the vital re sistance. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable medicine that stops the cough promptly by healing the cause; soothes the in flamed air passages, and checks the cold. Keep always on hand, Refuse substitutes. For sale by all Druggists. On invitation of the Confederate veterans, Judge Walter Clark, candidate for the Senate, will sneak in Charlotte on the 9th. Nineteen Mllei > Second without a jar, shock or disturb ance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's move ment, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that brings good health and fine leelings. 25 eta. at Qraham Drug Co. Dr. S. B. Kluttz, a former dent ist who had beon running a livery stable at Albemarle, .was found dead in bed Saturday. Heart disease. Two brothers died the same way. —Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, aivce the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from 900 to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele grap'i Institute of Columbia, S. C. and five other cities is opera od under supervision of R. R. Of ficials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. The number of guests at the banquet given by Republican State Chairman Morehead, in Ral eigh last wpek, is estimated at 700 and it is said that the spread cost Mr. Morehead about 12.,000. ♦loo—Dr. E. Detchnn's Anti Diurectlc may be worth* to you more than 9100 if yon have a child who soils bedding from in continence of water daring sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. The Honse committee on reform in the civil service has unfavor ably reported a bill to pnt all deputy collectors and other sub ordinate positions with the collec tors of internal revenue nnder the civil service. Had the bill become a law deputy collectors in North Carolina would have been given a new lease on their jobs and oould not have been removed during good service. They now hold their positions daring the tenure of office of the collector. Gloria Newi comes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwlght, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad eases of eczema iq my patients with Elec tric Bitters, but also cured myself by them, of the same disease. I feel sure they will benefit any oase of eczema." This shows what thousands have proved, that Elec tric Bitters is a most effective blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for ecaama, tetter, salt rheum, uleers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kid neys and bowels, expels poiitons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Price 80 cts. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. England, Russia, Germany and Japan have responded favorably to Secretary Knox's Invitation to place themselves on reoord with the United States for the con tinned integrity of Chins and joint action, without seeking individual advantage, in any oonoerted move ment of the powers which may be come necessary in the present disturbances in Chins. That is to say, the countries named will oppose any acquisition of Chinese territory by other countries. a Do you. know that of all the minor ailmenta colds are by far the moat dangerous? It is not the cold itself that yon need to fear, bat the serious diseases that it often leada to. If oat of these are known as germ diseases. Pneu monia and eoaanmption are among them. Why not take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and euro yonr cold while yon can? For ■ale by all dealers. President Taft is going into the Held to fight for his nomination— because he has to. lis will in a abort time start on a speech-mak ing tour. 3 Household Necessities 1 JO JEXJ -HI JLII ■ You Can Get Either by Paying SI.OO in Advance And Taking Hie Gleaner For a Year. If you owe anything on subscription, pay up and pay SI.OO in advance and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. ; fwr MJnsTXßit Tvam unaa II ACCOMPANIES EACH PAIR jWk ( OF THESE SHEAflS^^^ if" W U-3 PATCNT N0.799862. mgrmg atmnna I, - m OWNED & CONTROLLED BY WJ HAMILTON SILVER CO. K lawcsrzre-sTßcrr, Jof Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth the money asked you ' ior shears alone—sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year. , ff J ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. ; h |'||f- 'irT 1 MAN, DO X.OU SHAVE? This is your opportunity—sl gets both -- paper and razor. ' Housewife, here is the best Egg-Beater ' in the world It makes the work easy and light and does it quickly, (flßSysea. . Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, • Graham, N. C. DECORATIVE VALUE OF STREET LIGHTING. Th« Various Systems and Their Adapt ability to Certain Condition*. One of the practical advantages of the electric lamp is its ability to oper ate equally well In both upright and pendent positions, - nays a writer in the American City. The cluster sys tem, which consists of suitable posts supporting a number of lamps, has acquired great popularity, and justly so, the multiple light sources giving a distinctively decorative appearance. A very common arrangement and one to be particularly recommended in small er cities Is the use of four lamps sup ported on arms, with a lamp in the center, the latter being arranged on a separate circuit so that it can be uaed for service after midnight or whatever hour the other lamps may be consider ed unnecessary. The central lamp necessarily must be placed in the up right, position, and. the globe should be of larger diameter than these en the arms. Whether the lamps on tho arms should be pendent or npright Is principally a matter of taste, although there is some slight gain in illumina tion on the sidewalk by placing the lamps pendent and thus avoiding the abadow of the arms. The capacity or alee of the lamps will depend on the distance apart of .the standards. In all cases, however, the conduits should bare an ample margin of safety, so thst In caae larger lamps sre desired at any time they may be safely uaed. The width of the street must also be taken into account. The lower post Is more suitable for the narrow street, and vice versa. The usual heights sre from twelve to fourteen feet for dus ter posts, the exact height being deter- mined by the Individual condition* mentioned. Tbe various types of arc lamp*, being of much greater candle power, naturally require much higher porta, ranging from twenty feet for the lac toned arc to forty fee t or area more for tbe flaming arc. Exterior lighting, like interior light lift _ moat bo carried oat with do* con sideration of the environment and the chief purpose eooght. A wholly aatls factory result can be obtained only when all the condition* are carefully confide red and given doe weight Modern lllumtnanta hare made possi ble a decree of beauty and utility in public lighting that was undreamed of oren a half century ago. We are only beginning to refills what thia means la the dcrclopment of the city of the twentieth century. The means of pro dßeing unlimited quantities Is one of the few benefits bsstowed upon modem clrtllxatipn by science that can not be perverted to evU purposes. It la one of the few good things of which there la no danger of getting too mnch. Waterworks Earned f7CM7M. The municipally owned waterworka earned for the city of Knorrille, Tenn, the ram of 170,54768 for the year 1811. TMI Is aa increase of *10,080.41 orer the net earnings of the year 1910. The annual report of the KnoiTllle water wsrhs rnmmtsslsn. that la m being completed, will to Into details sad will show aa increase la mileage of pipes, la galtoas of water pumped, la number of Ore hydrants Installed and la gsa-1 SMI Improve menu of the plant The following aggregate figures, however, are taken from the record* of the com mission: Met esrnlags for 1911. *70.- M 7.08; net earnings for 1910, $58,- 868.21; Incresse of 1911 orer earnings of mt *18,080.47; mllss of pipe la 1011. 117412; miles of pipe In 1910, 111,812; increase orer 191% 6300; mllss ofnewßipeiaidinMU^tW. Subscribe for The Gleaner SOUTHERN RAILWAY I Direct line To All Points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts, C QK Pullman to Atlanta leaves, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., making-close connection for an arriving Montgom ery following day after leaying Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m., Now Orleans 8:20 p. m., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrives Washington 8:53 a. m., Baltimore 10:02 a. m„ Philadelphia 12:23 m , New York 2:31 p. m. This car makes clostf" connection at Washing- J ton for -Pittsburg, Chicago, and all prints North and West Greensboro for Through 'Tourist Sleeper for California points, ■Hi for all Florida points. V; r, Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Ashevi lie 7:40 p. m., making close connec tion. with the Carolina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10:00 arm. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Greensboro 6:30 a. m., making close connection for all points North, Soneh, East and West. This car is handled on train 111 leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p. m. . " If yon desire any information, please write or call. We are here to furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, W. a PARNELL, T. P. A., General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St., Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. 0. -Fire and Life ksurann GOOD COMPANIES SAFE POLICIES CAREFULLY WRITTEN. A part of your business will be appreciated. IS* Ail Kinds of Insurance. CHAS. C. THOMPON, - - Agent GRAHAM, - - N. C. . Cores Biliousness, Sick T Cleanses the syatam Headache, Sour Stom- M f| I f\| II thoroughly and clean Torpid Liver and • • sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. 1 Prtiit Qvtttrt pimples and blotchy Pleasant to tafca LOAdUYO ITIIU UjlUJf It la guaranteed GRAHAM DRPG CO. * It Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 2$ years. Average annual sales over One and a Half Minion bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yon ? No Core, No Pay. 50c. Indigestion Dyspepsia "'Kodol When your stomach cannot property digest food, of itaelf, it need* a little assistance—and this assistance 1* read ily supplied by Kodol. Kedol asslta the stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food In the stomach, so that thi stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee, g#} Tou am not benefited—the Arosgkt wffl M once return roar money. Don't hegttate: any druscM will sell yon Kodol on these terms Thadollftr bottle contains xft times sa mash ito Uto~hpttle. Kodol is prepwreC at the [| \JC s*" c ' DeWIU * Oo >Sto)bian* Dng Co. MimKninTCoiß ■ahaa Kldneya and Blazer Wlfht I Very Serious It is a very serious matter to aak far one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For thi* reason we urge you in buying to be care&l to get the genuine— BUCK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine I -The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite Kver powder, with a larger Mle than all others combined. ■OtP « TOWH ra KILLtnsOOUCH «» CUM TW» LUHOS -"Dr. King's New Discovery FOB CBHBf* JSht. MB MXTM BOUT MID UHMTMWUI. avAßumioiAiuriomn OB MOMMY SXWXnmMD.

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