Don't Suffer! " I had been troubled, a little, for nearly 7 years," writes Mrs. L Fincher, In a letter from Peavy, Ala., "but I was not taken down, until March, when I went to bed and had to have a doctor. He did all he could for trie, but I got no better. I hurt all over, and I could not rut At last, I tried Cardul, and soon I began to Improve. Now lam In very good health, and able to do all my housework " CARDUI Womanis Tonic You may wonder why Cardui fs so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer Is that Cardui is successful, because it Is composed of scientific ingredients, that act euratively on the womanly system. It Is a medicine for womeh, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. If you suffer like Mrs. Fincher did, take CarduL It will surely do for you, what it did for her. At all druggists. Wrtf to: Ladles' AdvUonr Dept. Cbattanoots Medietas Co., Cfcsttaaooo. Tsaa, tot Special Instruction*. asd64-ps£i book. "Hoa* Trestweat lor W»e* M seat Ires. J® NOT LONG TO WAIT. Circus Day Slot Far Off And The Kids Are Planning A lllg Holiday. Saturday, April 13th, Sparks World's Famous Shows will hold forth in Burlington for a inatinee and night exhibition, and the rare, unique and wonderful things that have been promised on paper will become a reality. The airy riders who, in diaphan ous skirts have been piroueting on the expansive backs of beauti ful and speedy circus horses (on the bill boards) will be seen in all the gorgeousness of tulle and se ductive smile; the elephants will copy their pictured acts of com edy and go them one better; the contortionist will proceed to dis entangle himself from the knot* he tied in his responsive body last year; the acrobatic families will turn dizzy somersaults and the clowns will work off thoir latest coined}' stunts to the great delight of the crowds present —we all Hke the clowns. There is nothing on earth like the circus. It is the people's show par excellence. It is the one great American amusement that appeals to all tho people. The expert knows what is coming every minute of theshow,buthe wouldn't have it changed for worlds. The very conventionalism of most of the performance is what makes it so delightful. „ The merit in a big circus like the Sparks Shows is iu tho fact that everything in the show is the very best of its kind. There must inevitably be riding acts, but the riders are tho leaders of their pro fession. Thore must be acrobats, but the acrobatic artists and aerial ists are gathered from the wide world, and are the best that money can procure. It is this superiority in the quajity of tho performers that makos the Sparks Shows such a j welcome Visitor. Almost A Mlrarle. " One of the most startling changes ever seen in any mau, ac cording to W. B. Holgelaw, Clar endon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother, "lie had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but be began to uso Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 E's. For many years our has used this wonderful / for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. —Priee 60 cents and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at Graham Drug Co. Frank Whisonant and Jo. Brin s son, negroes, against whom a young white man lodged the charge of assault , were lynched at Blaekaburg, S. C., Thursday night of last week, some time between midnight and dawn. Who com posed the mob is a mystery. The , bodies of the negroes were dis covered early Friday moruiug swinging from the rafters in a de serted blacksmith shop within a ■tone's throw of the guard house from which they had been taken. Constipaiiou brings many ail ments in its train and is the pri mary cause of much sickness. 'i Keep jour bowels regular, mad am, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women aro * subject. Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple things, it may lead to serious con sequences. Nature often needs a ; little assistance and Klitfn Cham berlain's Tablets are given at the If; first indication, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold The worst fire since the burn | log of (he Equitable building oc -1 curred on Broadway, New York Hrahfeek. The top floors of two build- It Look, Like A Crime to separate a boy from a box of Backlen'H Arnica Salve. Ili* pim ples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, aud its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at Graham Drug Co. Seventy years ago Saturday, Dr. Crawford W. Long, a native of Georgia, used either as an anaes thetic in surgery, opening a new era in that profession, and last Saturday at the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania, where it was first used, a bronze tablet WHS unveiled in memory of the event. It. G. Collins, Postmaster at Barnegat.N.J., advises his friends, "I find your Foley's Honey and Tar Compound the pest remedy for a cough I ever tried. I had a la grippe cough that left me com pletely exhausted, but after tak- Lng half a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, the coughing spells entirely ceased. I wish to say it can't be beat." For sale by all Druggists. . The special grand jury empan cled to pass on the court house assassination at Hlllsville, Va., Wednesday, last week, returned eight new indictments against members of the Allen clan, charg ing murder and conspiracy to kill. Those indicted were Sidna, Floyd, Victor, Claude and Friel Allen, Byrd Marion, Bldna Edwards and Wesley Edwards. Of these Floyd Allen, Sidna Edwards, Victor Al len and Byrd Marion are in custody. Pats Bad te Bad Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the bluett." Ten to one the trouble ia a sluggish liver, filling the syateui with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Lot tho joy of better feelings end "the blues." Best for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25c. Oraham Drug Co. Tho special committee of eight .Sunutors which has been investi gating tho election of Senator Lorlmer, of Illinois, has indicated in a test vote that it stands 6 to 3 In his favor. The majority of the committee has adopted the con tention of Judge Ileuecy, Senator Loriiner's counsel, that the Senate having passed upon Senator Lori iner's case once and declared his election valid, cannot try him again on the same charge. Such a resolution will be reported by the majority of the committee. W. T. Hilly, a prominent dealer in Pennington Oap, Va., was so bothered with kidney and bladder trouble that he could not attend to business, lie says: "I had severo pains in my back and kid neys and had to get up ten to fifteen times each night. Saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised and bought two bottles, and soon felt great relief, and was entirely cured. No longer disturbed a. night, but sleep till morning." For sale by all Druggists. The Virginia Supreme Court lias sustained the corporation court of Hoanoke which tv moved Mayor Joel 11. ~Cutchiu for "mis feasaneOj malfeasance and gross ueglect of official duty" in falling to suppress gambling and dis orderly houses In the city. The decision leaves Roanoke without a mayor. When a medicine must lie riven to young children it should be pleasant to lake. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is made from loaf sugar, and the roots nsed in lis preparation give It a Savor simi lar to maple syrup, making It plsasant to take. It has no su perior for oqlds, croup and whocg>- ing cough. For sale by all dealers. Taft followers controlled the Republican State convention of Mississippi anu elected and in structed the delegates, while the Roosevelt followers elected a con testing delegation, At %> - 1 •' '> u •» - *,* -' •" jguJ , .'r .1" • jk.j •• .•»' The Younger Brother Br CORA HATHORNE SVKE3 During Slut period when the ar gonauts or forty-niners— are call ed by both name*—were crossing the plains and afterward the mountains on their way to the then new goll diggings in California two young fel lows attached themselves to a wagon train tearing St. Joseph, Mo. Thay were known as Jack and Joe Larswsy and were understood to be brothers. Jack was the stronger of the two, both physically and mentally. He Jed, his brother in everything and when this was commented upon said that; be was the older of the two and a younger brother usually grows up to rely on the elder. At any rate, Joe Lara way did not count for much among the men of the expedition or. the women either, for that matter. In those days the Indians Infested the plains, and every man in a wagon train, In case of an attack, was ex pected to do his duty. The trsin to which the I-sraway brothers were at tached consisted of but three wagons, and there were but a dozen men to protect about as many women and' children. On the plains outriders flanked the party as vedettes, and at night wagons and mules were arrang ed as a corral. One day when passing over rolling ground Joe Larawaj was one of the vedettes. Suddenly he came galloping in, reporting that while' riding up to n rise In the ground an Indian face had appeared above tbo crest. When Joe spoke of the painted visage of the redskin be turned white as a sheet A good deal of contempt was ex. pressed for the young man for his cow ardlce. Ills brother took him apart from the others, and the two were seen to talk together, Jack very evidently trying to Infuse courage Into J9e, while Joe appeared very much excited. That night till 12 o'clock one-half the men la the party stood, guard, expecting an at tack, the rest steeping on tUeir. rifles. Jack L«raway when the watch vrtui changed offered to stand In his broth er's place, and Joe permitted Ulm to de eo. />■> l „•.... . The Indlfaa fklledtoebow them selves, and the n«t morning the marc# was resumed wltholft laternlptl6n'. Joe Larawiy from, that time was very much in disffvyr with both .the men and the women of the party, jack, excused his brother on the ground that be had been a sickly child and while growing to manhood had not been able to Indulge In those sports that manly boys delight In. lie was consequently not prepared for the sterner realities that a man U expected to encounter, aud the sight of a savage in war paint is enough to mako any man quail who has not been accustomed to any kind of fighting. But Jack's excuses made very little Impression. Ills brother was evidently not made of that stern stuff men expect and women admire In a man. But what respect was denied Joe was lavished on Jack. This was due to the fact that he waa a very manly fellow and was so Indulgent to hla younger brother. He was Just aa considerate to Joe as be had been before the latter had shown tbo white feather. Indeed, so kindly disposed wero the party to Jack that whenever he waa near to obaerve their treatment of Joe they re frained from showing any contempt for him. One day Jack Laraway asked thaVhl* brother might occupy one of the wag ona alone. lie claimed that his brother had an affection that rendered blm un fitted to perform the duties required and he (Jack) would perform them for him. -He would also pay liberally for tho privilege he asked. Anything be wished was granted, and a small space was set apart for Joe Laraway by mov ing the cSnteuta of the wagon. Jack did It all himself, for so great was the contempt felt for Joe that no one else would turn a band for him. When *ll waa completed Joe got Into the wagon and while on the Jour ney did not leaTe It. Hla brother gave him all the attention be required, and It «u well he did, for he might havo died before any of the reet of the party would have taken him a cruet of bread. The train lumbered alowly acroea the plaint, then more alowly acroaa the mountain*. It required months to make • Journey that la now made In a few dayi. and, since there ware many de iaya in thla caee, nearly half a year elapsed between the starting from the Mlasnnrl river till the antral at Ban Francisco. Curiosity anally got the better of the party to know what was the matter with Jos Lara way. for be waa not aeen after be took to the wagon. One of the woman offered to go In aad minister to the young man, bet Jack said that his brother was fitting on vary waft aad preferred not to aae any ooe except himself Bat one night a little cry came from the acbooner that alectri fted the camp. It sounded Ilka some thing between a penny trampet aad a young rooster giving his first now. -He's get the creep r exclaimed ew Thste It Is sgala-ttstaar said an other. "My food gractooa!" eTrlalmed a, mother of three oMtdraa. -If* a baby's tijr Tte Mcrtt waatmt John and Joaepb lna~ Laraway. a newly married cou ple, bad determined to go to California. Thinking (bay could gat as batter If Joa paaaad aa a man. aba had put on man's rlotbaa and they had glran out that thay wan brothers. * - . The Height ef Affluenoe. The goal toward which, alt humane creep la not a golden goal, but klgfcer- They crave tor eeme one while ileep To eleen ike walke and atokelhe Are. —Buffalo Newa. On a Kanaan'i Hare Dean A Ballerllle merchant baa thla atgn ao his at ore door: "Oocae to without. knocking. Oa out the aame way."— Kanaae Oty JotarneL i 11 When yon have 'rheumatism in your foot or Instep apply Cham berlain's Liniment and yon. will gat quick relief. It ooMa but a quarter. Why suffer? For sale bj all dealers. - The Ohio Progressive Demo cratic League has decided to sup port Qov. Wilson in the primaiy that will be held May XI to- elect delegates to the national conven tion. ... * President Yuan has assured missionaries in China that they will enjoy liberty and freedom under the now republic, and he intimates that so far as be under stands the principles of Christi anity they represent what he is striving for under the republic. The constitutUnrof the new Chi nese republic, President Yuan as sored the Christians, will remove all obstacles to the liberty of con science and that the distinction between Christians and non- Christians will disappear forever. Mrs. J. L. Starnes, Hickory, N. C., has In the nast suffered se verely with throat and lung trouble, and says, "I used Foley's Iloney and Tar Compound for this aud it gave me immediate satis faction and relief. It gives me pleasure to recommend this prep aration for sore throat, hoarse ness, or any affliction of the throat or lungs. I know it will do all claimed for it." For sale by all Druggists. Official- figures show that the death list in the Sanis Bois Coal Company disaster at McCurtain, Olcla., last Wednesday a week, is 70. This, with the 2# rescued alive, accounts, it is said, for all the men on the pay-roll. Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Prop. River side Drag Co., Greenville, S. C., writes recently, "I have been it practicing physician and drag gist for over 35 years and have bold and administered many kid ney medicines bat none to eqaal Foley Kidney Pills. They are superior to any I ever used, and give the quickest and most per manent relief." For sale by all Druggists. Another "plalik in the platform upon which Colonel Roosevelt is. to flght out bis - campaign was an- - at St. Paul, Minn., FsidajtniglUyon the " Wel fare • of the W*iinfer." 'Colonel Roosevelt said the movement - for conserving the country's natural resources and for bettering coun try life had not been carried for ward since bis administration. Do not drag along with a kidney ailment that saps yoar strength, causes terrible backaches, sleep lessness, nervousness, and loss of appetite. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They quickly cure all kid ney and bladder ailments. For sale by all Ornggists. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Fa vish, of Birmingham, Ala., will get $1,500 damages each for hu miliation incident to being ejected from the Hotel Astor in New York last year, the case being settled by compromise. The Favishes sued for SIOO,OOO. An employe at the Astor caused the couple to be put out because he said the hotel had information that they were not map and wife. "Our baby cries for Chamber ain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. 1\ B. Kendrlck, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale by all dealers. Tvo persons were killed and several injured when a Central of Georgia wort train ran over three oows near Oconee, Ga., Friday a week. Tbe flat ears on which the men were riding turned over when the train strnck the cows. Lame Shoulder is nearly always dae to rheumatism of the binsclee, and quickly yields to the free ap plication of Chamberlain's Lini ment. For sale by all dealers. Thirty-nine bridges in Guilford county, 18 of them long wooden structures, were totally or par tially wrecked by the reoent floods. Only three steel bridgaa were damaged and the county commis sioners have decided to replace the larger wooden bridges with steel structures. English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from hones; alto Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bona, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Ooflghs, etc. Save *3O by «se of one bot tle. * A wonderful Blemish Care. Bold by Graham Drug Company. John F. O'Malley, State Audi tor-elect of Maryland, has been placed under a bond of SIO,OOO to answer the charge of attempting to bribe a member of the Mary land Legislature. In cfase of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's lini ment. Fo* aale by all dealers. The right of the State of Indi ana to prohibit the sale of food stuffs containing beozoate at soda has been affirmed by tbe Federal court. [ARNOLD'S Trssr BALSAM CHOLERA INFANTUM BY Graham Drag Ok ii ft Hi I«i i%t ii nasi i S3 v 'i V >, "V"l3 Household Necessities PBEE ■ You Can Get Either by Paying SI.OO in" Advance And Taking The Gleaner For a Year. , I J > If you owe anything on subscription, pay up and pay SI.OO in advance , and you get your choice of these valuable premiums. » A FINE SAFETY RAZOR ? - ■ • ; ' m ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. "-ii-i ifiiin 11 n This is your opportunity—sl gets both «; ! |||k§il paper and razor. ~ \ ; & " • Housewife, here is the best Egg-Beater _ 1' in the world. It makes the work easy , and light and does it quickly, ' - - ' ! . . • . * ■ ■ Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, ' ! Graham, N. C. • -» i> i ft-**- Ift " " nftft "I I ilfltfl Hiflfliir-H lllir-»i iHn n ifli »i *>fli H At Anderson, S. C. r Friday evening the 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wright was run down by an automobile and received injuries from which she died in a short time. The car was driven by Henry Williams, colored, who was arrested. He said he did not see the child until the machine struck her. Dan. J. Joyce, Sanville, Va., is so glad he escaped consumption and regained his health, that he writes about it for the benefit of others. "I had a cough which huug on for two years when I be gan using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I kept on until the cough finally left me and I gained in weight from 113 to 185 pounds. In two years I have grown strong and healthy, all from the use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, which cured me." For sale by all Druggists. Arkansas Democratic primaries resulted in the nomination of Con gressman Jo: Robinson for Gov ernor over Gov. Donaghey.. Sena tor Jeff Davis was renominated, defeating Congressman Brundige. —Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, sivce the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from SSO to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, S. C. and five other cities is opera ed under supervision of R. R. Of- ficials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. The four Senators from the new States of Arizona and New Mexico this week btecame members of the Senate. All are lawyers. The Arizona men—Marcus Aureliun Smith and Henry F. Ashurst —are Democrats, while Thomas Benton Catron and Albert Baoon Fall, of New Mexico, are Republicans. T* Cura a C«M la One Uay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiata refund the money if it fails to cure. £. W. Grovp's cignature is on each box. 200. . FREE.—We havllS subscriptions to the Southern Ruralist, one of the very best agricultural papers pub lished in the United States, which will be given away to those who come first. Pay a 11.00 on your subscrip tion sad get the Ruralist free for one year. Do it now, before all are sold. Matter la ail Bnn. Distressing Kidney and Biad ner Disease relieved in alx hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CUKE." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in bladdor, kidneys And back, in male or female. Relieves re tention of water almost Immadiat ly. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Company. The Mioklgaa Legislature has psssod an act to submit the ques tion of woman* suffrage to the voters of the State at the fall elec tion. sloo—Dr. K. Dotation's Antt Diurectic may be worth to you more than 9100 if you have a child who soils bedding from In continence of water during sleep Curea old and youug alike. It arrests the trouble at once. 91. Sold by Graham Drug Co. OvWltt a i-ltue turfy Risers, * — I "T _ The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average annual sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle Is a Ten Cent Package of GROVE'S BLACK ROOT LIVER. MXS. Cures Biliousness, Sick rt WS ¥ IT PS Cleanses the ay*©* Headache, Sour Stom- M IX X JV LI thoroughly and dMtt ach, Torpid Liver and • sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. I ovaiiira Prnii Qvfffn pimples and blotches. Pleasant to talis JLaXaIIVO 111111 OjlUjJ It is guarantee* V GRAHAM DRUG CO. flV SOUTHERN RAILWAY Direct Line To All Points V 'F NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m„ making close connection for an arriving Montgom ery following day after leaying Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. ; m., New Orleans 8:20 p. m., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m,, Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m., making close connec tion with the Carolina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10:00 a. m. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close connection lor all I points North and North-West. ..Pullman for, Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Greensboro 6:30 a. m. t making close connection for all points North, Soneh, East and West. This car is handled on train 111 leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p. m. If yon desire any information, please write or call. We are here to furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. 0. JONES, T. P. A., General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St., Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. I ■ i i Fire ad Lib Insurance GOOD COMPANIES SAFE POLICIES CAREFULLY WRITTEN. A part of your business will be appreciated. KS* All Kinds of Insurance, CHAS. C. THOMPON, - - Agent GRAHAM, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I All peraooa hat'ln* chlmi tnlwt Iha ee-1 late of HopbU Ann Hromi, wctutd. win Stat them to the underwood duly vert- OB or beftire tbeMth Ur of March, Wli, i la default this notice will lis pleaded lo ku of their leooverr; and all peraoo* owing the aetata of aaM deoodent are notified to Make Immediate nanaant. S. tMCOTT, Pah. Adm'r Marah m, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. t All Dmaoiu holding clalmt against the ae tata of Jaa. A. Dlckej deoeaaad. win preaeat them to the lindattlgnad. duly varthed, on or before the Mk day of March. UK. aod In default tkia notice will be pieced in bar of their reoorerr, and aU peraona owing the MUUof laid decedent will make Immediate ** *" W.F. LAWRENCE. Adm'r March It, 1911. Jaa. A. Illckey Slmartt Elan Oollege. N. C. FOLEYS OMNG„, IVE 09a 9I*NMN Trouiu and c otami r—n ■ K-j • ■ ■ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I Having oualifled u executor of the will of sstfjfe&swuw a® decedent to present then on or before the lat day of Februajr. 1613, duly authenticated, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. An person! Indebted to sal. I estata are requeued to make taimarttaf settls ""tW* Maiek IMb, lttl. ' Kmartt Ureensboro, K C. Administrator's Notice. fy all persons holding claims asalnst (aid ea to aald eatate are requested to make Imme diate settlement Ail Nth day of March, W. R BBLLARS, Admr' . . of John ItTeer, doc-d. lLuu«t' MtonmT ' SO YEARS' V■mmW ■ ■ V ■ TRADE MARKS , 'IMVR DESIGNS 'RNI' 1 COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ;|u!«kly as certain our opinion free whether an urention Is probably patentable. Communle* tlonn nlrict ly confidential HANDBOOK on Patent# sent free. Oldest agency for ccenrtngpatcnte. Patents taken tnrough Munn A Co. reeetTC tpecial notiu, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation or any scientlQc Journal. Terms. It • year: four months,|L Sold by all newsdealers. Indigestion e Dyspepsia •Kodol When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of Itself, it needs a little assistance —and this assistance Is read ily supplied by Eodol. Kodol assits the stomach, by temporarily digesting •BC of the food in the stomach, so that thi stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee, G* 1 } SSSAU red are sot benefited—the dnifrtat wm al enoe return TOUT money. Don't beeltate: en} fiwrtt »u1 »eU rou Kodol en these terns The dollar bottle oontalns 1(4 times ae aook as the too bottle. Kodol ta Prop»r»d at U|« laboratories el K. 0. DeWltl h Ce.. OMsese. Graham Brag Co. I Very Serious It is a rtty serious matter to ask tor one medicine and have the wrong one gives you. For thia reason we urge yon in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLACK®GHT Liver Medicine |*bsrepmatk» of thia old, relia ble medicine, tor constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is ta»> iy established. It does not imitsts other medicines. ft is better than others, or b would not be the fc- Tsrite hverjwwder, with S larger sals than ail others combined. SOU) at TOW W KILL TMI COUCH "» CURB Tm LUWCS w ™ Dr. King's New Discsnry FOR COLD? 8 AM »U THROAT AWDLUWemOtIBUt. GUARANTEED BATIBFAOTOBI

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