VOL. XXXVIII. A FACT ' ABOUT THE "BLUES" What la known as the "Blues' la seldom occasioned by actual exist* tag external conditions, but la ths (teat majority of cases by a disorder ed ' lv " p THIS IS A FACT which may bo demonstra* ted by trying a course of Ms Pills They control and regulate the UVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to tbft ■hind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. i ' TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T, S. O OOIEC, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, - - - • N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Seoond Visor. ..... DAMERON & LONG Atlorneya-at-Law! B. 8. W. DAMEKON, J. A DOLTS LOUS 'Phone HSO, 'Phone ItSB ' Piedmont Building, Holt-NtahoMoa Bldg. Burlington, W.C. Graham, S.'O. DR. WILL S.LOM.JR. ; . . DENTIST . . . Graham. -* . . - North Caroline OFFICE IW SIMMONS BUILDINO JACOB A. XX)NO. J. ELMER LOW LONG A LONG, Attorneys and Counselors st L w GRAHAM, N. •», JOHN H. VERNON Attorney and Counselor-* t-Law 'PONES—Office BSJ Residence 3»T BURLINGTON, N. 0. 1 1 n The Raleigh Daily Times RALEIGH, N. C. O ' The Great Home Newspaper of the State. The news of the World Is gathered by pri vate leased wires and by the well-trained t speolal correspondents of ti-e Times and set before the readers In a concise and lnterest -1 ng msnner each afternoon. A* a chronicle of world events the Times is Indispensable, while Its bureaus In Wash ington and New Tork makes its news from • the legislative and.financial centers of the oountry the best that can be obtained. As a woman's paper the Times has no su perior, being morally and Intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publisSes ,the very best features that oan be written on fashion and miscellaneous matters. Tbe Times market news makes It a busi ness Man's necessity for tbe farmer, mer chant and the broker oan depend upon com plete and reliable Information upon their various lines of trade. . Subscription Rate! Daily (mail) 1 mo. 29c; 8 mo. 75c; 6 mo. 11.60; 12 mo. $2.50 Address all orders to . • The Raleigh Daily Times J. V. Simula, Publishers. ARE YOU UP - - f TO DATE B mill l -TurHTTTII—T If you are not the NBWS AIT OBEEVER is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep yon abreast of the times. Full Associated Press dispatch* es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New? and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian ti\ per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian ahdTHB ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sent for one year for Two Dollar*. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. The Senate last week, 29 to 28, refused to reeonslder its adoption of conference report on the army appropriation bill, carrying amendments which would legis late Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood out of his office as chief of staff of the army. Knglish Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SOO by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Drug Co. Gov. Oddie, of Nevada, has ap pointed Geo. Wingfleid United ! States Senator to succeed Senator Nixon, deceased. Wingfleid was ; •a friend nod business associate ; of Nixon. ( •(o This slgaatore Is the gsneto 1 Laxative 81-UOM-C W. JL* **** 1 . T™ r 11 4 THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. THE THREE GUARDSMEN BY ALEXANDRE DUMAS SYNOPSIS Tounr D'Artagnan, going to Paris to esck'serrlca under De Trevllle, captain of the king's guards, has a quarrel in Msung with a man accompanied by milady. D'Art a gnan Is received by Trevllle and meets the three guardsmen Porthoc. A ra mi* and Athfts.. They have been quarrel ing with Cardinal Rlshelleu'a guard*. Athos Is WoUndSd. , Trevllle often D'Artagnan a letter to the director of the royal military acade my. D'Artagnan sees the man of Meung, ruahee to ln'nvcspt htm. bumps Into Athos and la challenged. D'Artagnan offend* Porthoa and A rami* and engages to fight with them after Athos. Inatead he aids them In a fight with the cardinal's roar da. The three embrace D'Artagnan. The king listens to the cardinal's account of the fight D'Artagnan wounds Bernajous, relative of U. de la TremouUle, who com plalna to the king. Louis places D'Artagnan In M. Desses •art's guards. He acquires a lackey, Planchet Athos* lackey Is Qrtmaud. Por thos hss Mousqueton. Aramls, who In tends to tske orders, has Basin. Bonacleux, D*Artagnan's landlord. misses his wife, seamstress to the queen and pro teges of La porta, queen's valet She knows of ths queen's love affalra. Bona cleux ask* aid of D'Artagnan aad his friends. Bonacleux Is arrested. His wlfs Is res cusd from ths polios by D'Artagnan. who loves her. Hs takes her to Athos' house. He is to go to ths Louvre and warn La ports. Richelieu ccwnttd oo hit flofm tsd •aid to himself: "She will arrive, she says, four or live days after having tooeiVßfl the money. It Will require four or ffv* days for the transmission of the mon ey, four or five daya for her to rstara, that makes tan' day*. Npw, allowing for contrary winds, sccidents and a woman's weakness, we cannot make It altogether less than twelve daya." "Well, M. le Due," said the king, "have you made your calculations?" "Tee, aire, today la the 20th of Sep tember: the aldermen of the city give a fete on the 8d of October. That will fall In wonderfully wall Ton Will not appear to have gone oat of your way to please the queen." Then the cardinal added: "Apropos, strs, do not forgat to ten her majesty the evening before the fete that yon should Jike to aae bow her diamond atuda become tar." CHAPTER Xin,' Bonacleux at Home. r Was the second time the cardinal had mentioned theae diamond studs to the king. Louis XIIL waa struck with theae vapetlttona and began to fancy that thla recom mendation concealed some mystery. He hoped Id a conversation with Anne of Austria to obtain some Information from that conversation and afterward to come upon h'ls eminence with aome secret whlcb the cardinal either knew or did not know, but which In either case would raise him Infinitely to the eyea of hla minister. He went then, to the queen and, ac cording to custom, accosted her with fresh menaces against thoae who sur rounded her. "But" cried Anne of Anatria, tired of these vague attacks, "but aire, yon do not tell me all that yoq have in your heart What have I done, then? Let me know what crime I have commit ted. la impoaalble that your majea ty can make all thla to do about a let ter written to my brother!" . The king, attacked in a manner eo di rect did not know what to anawer, and be tbougbt that thla was tbe mo> ment for expressing tbe dealre which be waa not to have made until tbe evening before the fete. "Madame." aald h* with dignity, "tbere will shortly be a ball at the Ho tel de Ville. I wish that, to do honor to onr worthy aldermen, yon ahould appear dt It to cersnkonlal costume and particularly ornamented with tbe dia mond atnds wblch I gave yon on your birthday. That la my anawer." Tbe answer waa terrible Anne of Anatria believed tbst Louto XIIL knew all and that the cardinal bad per auaded him to employ thla long dis simulation of seven or eight days, which, likewise, waa characterlatic. She became exceaalvely pale and was nnabfe to reply Vy a single syllable. "You hear, madame," aald tbe king, wbo enjoyed thla embarraasment to lta toll extent bnt without gueealng tbe cause, "you hear, madams. You will appear at this ball and with thoae atnds r "Yes." Tbe queen'* paleness, If possible. In creased. The kins perceived it and ea- Joyed It with bis com cruelty. "Then that la agreed," eaid b«L "But on what day will this ball take placer asked Anne of Austria. Louis XIII. felt InaOaeUraly that be ooght not to reply to thla qtteetloo. "Oh, very abort]/, madam*," a aid be, "Bat I do not precisely recollect the date of the day. I will ask the cardi naL Than yon will appear!" "lea, aire." "Very well," said the king, retiring; 1 depend open yea." Tbe queen made a courtesy, laaa tnta etiquette than because bar knaaa war einklng under bar. "I am loat," mnrmored tbe queen; "loat, to r tbe cardinal knows an, and It la be who nrgea on tbe king, who a* yet knows nothing, bat win aoA-feeo* everything. lam loat" Bbe knelt upon a cushion and fray ed, with bar head boried between bee palpitating arms. In fact, bar poaMon was terrlblei Bbe bad not a sool la tbe-'World la whom she eoold confide with safety. , "Can I be of no serrtce-to your msj eetyr said an at once a voice tall of ■weelmiaa and pity. The qneen turned eharply round. for there eoold be no deception in tbe ex praaelon of that wfca It was a friend who spoke tbaa. It was the pretty Mm*. Unnarlwi t bad been en gaged In arranging tbe draaaas and llaeo In a closet when tbe king enter ed. She eoold not cat Ml and bad beard all The qneen ottered a piercing cry at finding herself aarprised, far In her trouble she did not at drat recognise tbe yoong woman who bad bean given to her by La ports. "Oh, fear nothing, madamer aald the 7uuun woman. clasping her bands and Weeping herself at the queen's sorrows. "I am your majesty's, body and soul, and. however far I may be from yon, however Inferior may be my poslUoi), 1 believe I have discovered a means of extricating your majesty from your trouble" "Look me In the facer cried the queen. "I am betrayed oo all sides! Can I trust In your* "Oh, madams," cried the young wom an, falling on her knees, "upon my soul, I am ready to die for your majesty! There are traitors her*, but by the holy name -of the Virgin I swsar that none is mote devoted to your majesty than I am. Thoee studs which the king speaks of, yon gave them to the Duke of Buckingham, did you not? Those studs were In a little rosewood box which be held under bis arm? Am 1 deceived! Is It not so, madame? We most bsvs them back again." "Tea, without doubt It moat be so!" cried the queen. "Bnt bow am I to act? How can It be effected 1" "Some one moat be aant to the dake. Place confidence tn me, madame, Do me that honor, my quaeo, and t will find a messenger." "But I must write." "Oh, yea; that is Indispensable! Two wonUi from the band of your majesty and your own private seal." "But tbeaa two worda would bring about my condemnation, divorce, ax* lie!" * "Tea, if they fell Into lnfamoua bands, bat I will anawer for tbeae two worda being delivered to their addreaa." "Oh, I must then place my Ufa, my honor, my reputation, ell in your ban da f "Yea, yea, madame, yon moat, and I will aave them all." "But how—tall me at least bowl* "My huab&nd baa been aat at liberty theae two or three daya. I have not yet had time to see blm again. He will do anything I wish. Be will aet out upon receiving an order from mo without knowing what be carrlea, and he will remit your majesty's letter without even knowing It la from yonr majesty." The queen took tbe two bands of the young woman with a burst of emotion, gazed at her aa if to mad her very heart and, seeing nothing but alncerlty to her beautiful eyes, embraced her tenderly. Then aha ran to a little table upon which were pens, Ink and paper, she wrote two lines, aealed the letter with her private aeal and gave It to Mme. Bonacleux. "And now," said the queen, "we am forgetting one vary necesaary thing money." Mme. Bonadeux blushed. "Tea, that la true," aald she. "and I will confess to yonr majeaty that my husband"— "Tour bnabaQd baa* none; la that What yon would say 7" "Oh, yea, be baa aome, but be Is very avarictpoe—that IS hla fault Never theless, let not yonr majesty be un easy. We will find means." "And I have none, either," said tbe queen. "But wait a minute." Anne of Austria ran to her Jewel case. "Here," said abe, "bare la a ring of great value, as I have been aasured. It came from my brother, tbe king of Spain. It !a mine, and lam at liberty to dlapoee of It Take this ring, make money of It and let yonr bnaband aet out" "In an hour yon ahall be obeyed, ma dame." "Yon see the address," said the queen, yi pea king so low that Mme. Bo nadeux could bardly bear wbst abe aald—"To Milord Dnke of Bucking bam, London." ■' Mme. Bonadeux klased tbe bands of tbe queen, concealed the paper to tbe. bosom of her drsaS snd diss p pes red With tbe lightness of a blrd. Ten mlnutee afterward abe waa at borne. As she told tbe queen abe bad "Take this ring, make money ef M and let year husband est out." act seen bar husbsnd since his ilbsrs tioo. Abe waa ignorant ef the clinage that bad taken -place to him with re spect to ths csidioal. a change whtph' bad atoce J>een strengthened by two or three visits from ths Coant ds Heehe fort. who bsd become the best friend of Bomditix. ob* found BraidMi (too*. IU worthy marcar htdt ißiiwHitWy opoß tfltotHm bla bona* (wmuwcilid to Ma wlfo the NWI « t Mo happy ratm, ia* Ida wlfo bad raptlad by eongrat* lliHil btan and tailing bin that tba tat moenant aba coald ataaJ from bar dntlaa ahoald ba dorotad to paying btan arML Tba flfat moment bad baao dalaytd Sra days, wblcb ondar any otbar dr camataoeaa mlgtit tar* appaarrd «atb ar long to Ma.ter Bonaclrax. bot ba had In tba rlatt ho bad mada to ba » GRAHAM, N. C n THURSDAY, JJTNE 80. 1912. cardinal and in the visits Rocbefort had made' blm ample subjects for re flection On her side, M me. Bonadeaz's thoughts constantly reverted to D'Ar tagnan. that handaome young man who was so* brave and appeared to b« so much In love with her. Married at eighteen to M. Bonadeux, having »!■ ways nved among her husbands friends. M me. Bonadeux had remain ed Insensible to vulgar seductions, but at tbla period the title of gentleman had a particularly great Influence with the bounreolae or cltlson class, and D'Artagnan waa a gentleman. Tbe married couple than, although they bad not seen each other for eight daya and that Goring that time eefto* events had taken plaoa In whloh both were concerned, accosted each Other with a degree of preoccupation. Nev ertheless M. Bonacleux manifested real joy and sdvsncsd toward his wife with open arma. Mme. Bonacleux praeented her cheek to him. * "Let us talk a little," aald aba. "It is of a thing of the bigheat Intereet aad upon which our future fortune per haps depends 1 would speak." "The complexion of our fortune has changed very much since I saw you, Mme. Bonacleux, and I ahould not be aatonlabed If in tbe course of a few months It were to exrito envy of many folks." "Particularly If yon obey the instruc tions I am about to give you." "To me?" "Y'ee, to yon. There la a good and holy action to be performed, monsieur, and mncb money to be gained «t tbe aame time." "Much money to be gained?" aald Bonacleux. "Yea, much." ■"About bow much, pray?" ■"A thousand pistoles perhapa." "What la to be doner' ""You must set out immediately for London; I will give you a paper which you must not part with on any ac count and wMch yon will deliver Into the proper bands." "I go to London! I have nothing to do in London." "But others require that yon ahould go tbere. An Illustrious person sends you, an illustrious person awaits yon and the recompense will exceed your expectations." "More Intrigues! Nothing bnt in trigues! Thank yon. madame, I am aware of tbem now; M. le Cardinal has enlightened me on that head." "Tbe cardinal T" cried Mme. Bona deux. "Have yon aeen tbe cardinal?" "He aent for me," answerad'the mer cer proudly. "lie gave me his band, and he called me hla friend." "You serve tbe cardinal?" "Yes. madame: and. as his servant, I will not allow you to be concerned in plots agalast the safety of the state or to aaslst In tbe Intrigues of a wo man who Is not a Frenchwoman and wbo baa a Spanish heart Fortunate ly we hare tbe great cardinal, hla vigi lant eye watches over and penetrates to the bottom of hearts." Bonacleux was relating, word for word, a sentence wblch be bad beard tbe Couut de Rocbefort make use of. "Ah. you are a Cardlnallst. then, monsieur, sre you?" cried bis wife, "and you serve tbe party who 111 treat your wife and insult yonr queen?" "Private Interests sre as nothing be fore tbe interests of all. I am for those wbo ssv4 the state." said Bona cleux empbatlenlly. (This was one of Rochefort's septeocea.) "Bealdes, see here tbe bag of money wbicb tbe car dinal bimaelf gave to me." "And wbat do yon know about tbe etate yon talk of?" aald Mme. Bona deux. shrugging her shoulders. "You are selling yourself, body snd seol, to the devil for money!" "No, but to tbe csrdlnsl. Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue, We may be overheard." "Yea. you are right 1 ahould be ashamed for any one to know yonr baseness." "But wbat do yon require of nte. then? Come, let us see!" "I have told yon. Yon mast aet out Instantly, moaslenr. Yon must sc complfkb loyally the commlaaion with whlcb I deign to charge yon, snd on that condition 1 psrdon everything, I forget everything; snd, still further"— snd she beM out her basd to blm—"l give yon my love sgsln." Bonsdeux wds a coward, aad he wss avaricious. But be loved his wife—he wss softened. Mate, Bons deux ssw tbst be hesttstsd. "Come! Hfve yon made yonr mind spr aald she. "But my desr love, reflect a little np«o wbat yon require of me. Lon don la tor from Paris, very far. aad perhapa the -commission with which you charge me Is not without dan ders." • *"• , "Of wbst consequence Is tbst If yoe avoid tbem?" "Wdt. then. Mme. Bonadcnx," said the mercer, "well, then, I positively refuse. Intrigues terrify me. I have aeen the Bastille. That'a a frightful place" "Well. If yon do not go thla very Instant I will have yon srrsetsd by tbe qoeen'a orders, and I will have you placed In that BaetUle which yon dread so much." "nave me arroetcd on tbe part of the queen," said he. "sad I—l will sp pssl to Ms eminence." At once Mme. Bonadeux ssw thst she bsd gone too tor. ssd sbs wss tor rid sd st having communicated as aroch. "Well. I will glvs it sp, then," ssM tbe young woman, slgblag. "It le aa wall aa tt la. Say no mora eboat It" "Yee; at least yon aboold toll me wbat I aboold bare to do to London," replied Bonadeux. wbo remembered s little too late that Rocbefort bad de al rod him to endeavor to obtain Ma wife's Berrsta. "It is of BO ass for yon to kaow any thing about it" ssid ths yoaag woman whom an inatiactive mietruet now Im pelled to draw back. ne reeolved. then, that instant to hasten to ths residence of the Coast de Rocbefort snd tell him thst qssso wss seeking for s messsngsr to SaadTTo London. , "Pardon me for leavto* yon." said ha; "but. not knowing yon would come to aaa ma. 1 bad made nn engagement with a friend. I shall soon return. Walt only a few minute* for me. and I will cotne-and conduct you back to the Louvre." •. "Tbank yon. monsieur," replied lime. Bonacleux. "I shall return very safe ly to the Louvre by myself." Bonacleux kissed his wlto'a hand and aet off at a quick pace. "Well," said Madame Bonacleux when her husband had shot the street door, and aba found heraelf alone, "there wanted nothing to complete that poor creature hot being a cardl hallat And I, Who hate answered for him to the queen. She will take me far one of thoee wretches with whom th* palace ewsrma afcd Which are placed about bar as splaa. Ah, M. Bonacleux, t hat* you, and toy my word, yoo. ahall pay tor this!" At the Motridbt aha apoke these worfde 'a t"hp on ma catling made MM "Ah, M. Benaeleux, I hate yeu, and yeu shall pay for this!" raise her head, and a voice which reached her through the plaster, cried: "Dear Mme. Bonsdeux, open the lit' tie passage door for ma, and I will come down to you." (TO aa ooimauzD.) "Do you know what aa oath Is?" aaked a Virginia Judge to an old dar ky who wanted hla vote sworn'ln at an election, "fee, ssh. When s man eweaba to a lie he's got to attck to it" —Satire. "Two souls with but a slagte'thought"— Now. lent that tea niaaT She's thinking of sa Easter hat; Me'e thinking of the prioe. - —Houston (Tsx.) Pest. Ella—There goea the luckleet girl alive. Bella— ln what respect? Ella—Nothing abq eata makee bar fht—Harper's Bazar. "What we yonr ideas about reform?" "Ab6ot tbe same aa everybody's," re plied Senator Sort bum. "I have a gen eral Impreeelon that myeelf snd my personal and political friends am the only people who dO not need if— Washington fftf f ... ~. i. Skinflint—l have no money, bnt I will give yon a little advice. Beggar—Wen, if yer hain't get no money yer sdvfee eant be very valu able—Cbriatia if Advocate. Algiers. Tbe commerce of Algiers la enor mous. Wines go to France and thence to New York with French lsttels. The oil. meat wool, sugsr, potstoss, fruit dstes tbst crowd tbe qusys, tbe huge railway yards, tbe Chicago harvesters, the warebousee and factoriee apeak of a vast Industry. French science, thrift snd pstlencs bsve made tbe desert bloeeom •tale Jan). Jam whlcb bas been laid aside long and bas got bard and sugary and unlit for use ran be made quite aa good as When new If It Is put into tbe oven for B little while till tbe sugar melts and then left to cool. Moeoow is situated almoat to the geo metrical center of European Kuaala. Antiquity ef Sugar. The first mention of sugar aae ma to have been made by Pliny mere thsn 1,800 years ago. wbo traces It to Ara bia ssd gives the preference to Indies sngsr. wblcft be spesks of sa "honey to snd to esses." On Saturday afternoons In the Pert Antonio market so the island ef Jt males, a doles or mora as grass msy be seen selling "rope" tobacco by the yard, it is smoked by the aatfros sM dertvss Its name from the fact that It Is twisted ssd put up ta colls like rope, yards to tbe colt The Oate ef Tears. So many sblpe bare been lost to the strait between tbe Bed ssa aad ths Arabian golf thst ths strait la eSUsd the Osts of Tears. The wedding Invitation means mocb to Barcelona, Spain, tor thea every ene who receives one most go and give a coin to the bride. That Is for her do#ry. The tot bee is ssnally unshls ta furnish ons. Hs hss had to bay s boass tor her snd fit It ap, and that Is asoslly sxpsnsl ve. A Ftmtui The famous hospital of Guy's, to St Tbomss street, London, wss founded to IT2I by s miserly bookssDsr whose aame tt bssrs T'r-esnwsr _ (J-*®- M.4LI NOTES C.MRARNITZ /ssS|J&k uvnuM' a L SOLICITED N -DI.M (These articles and illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis sion.] A FEARFUL FATE FORETOLD. A boats blew; an airship flew Out high o'er bsttla plain. Where trumpet blarsd aad war steed i reared And cannon did entraia. ____ Thea cavalry and infantry """7'?' Upon aach other fell. And cannon roaring from the hitla Made of the plain a hell.'" Then Johnny Bull drew back a pace To make an awful rush. To swsep down like an avalanche And every Yankee crush. When suddenly the hill aad plain Shook with a rending roar— Ths XJnioa Jack was torn to shreds, Aad John Bull wss no more. Oh, say, what killed the British iloaT What knocked brave John 801 l outf Waa K sa eerthquake's (earful foroe Or dreadful waterspout? Oh, no 1 a ripe old haymow ess. A high explosive great, Shot from above and busted Aad wiped John off the slatel a M. BARNITZ. BROODER ENVIRONMENT. Here'e a rime to take In time: "little detalla of a Ms .make the wheels of aucceea whit" This applies to every project, especially where problems In flash and blood are to be worked out, and that's poultry, aad one Important detail often overlooked with chiika Is brooder environment Note theae da tails: Brooders sbonld not be net up on mucky ground, on a ataep, windy spot, to a hollow where fog lingers, where water will flood or atand, nor on a bare, unshaded spot They sbonld not he near a barnyard where chicks can scratch In rot near poultry yards Photo by C M. Barn It L auoODSB 1* ALFALFA. where chicks can run on rotten ground and catch Hce from old stock, nor Sbonld tbey be nesr rat bole building*. Where rats may gobble them. Brood era ebouid not be located near woods. Where hawks, skunks and fozee may prey on them; near high brush, where weaaels msy make Inroads; near streama. Where mlnkq may grab chicks and run. Birds of a feather and sa age should lock together. - Ducklings, goslings, poults and chicks should be kept separata, and tbe brooder should not be located where Mother Ben and bar brood run, for the brooder chicks will gat lice, tbe dneka will bully them and ecratcb and Bleep la their brooders. Brooders ebouid be set np on a sandy loam, graaay and well drained and near tbe boose, so that attending and protecting them amy be reasonably easy. The brooder should be eat level, so that tbe water vssscl. lamp and floor S«e level aad beat la evenly diffused. It sbonld stand flat on boards, so' that Water caanot reach floor aad rata can not harbor anderneath. Tbe brooder Shown Is la aa ideal location. It fices Sooth on s twenty acre alfalfa Held Sad Is backed by a beautiful old or chard. DONTS. Dont expect your wife to do bar Work and what you shirk. If yon do amy aha ben peck yon. Don't nee Expansive drnga to cure a flfty cent ben. Prevention keepe die eaaa away, and there are 00 drug Mils to pay. Don't worry, bat smile and yonr trochlea will burst like bubblea. Be fare the dawn It'a dark; than come the light and lark. Don't be cruel We oft condemn old Here as s devil, bat wbst of tbe man Who works a bslf starved bora* or pol •one bis neighbor's dog or chickens? Dost worry That's the slogan to #ey, tor worry dvean't pay. Don't make toe editor, w Xl> bPt-JW? tc y*j iw /uur paper trf auvanCe and bur rah for the chance. Don't be a critic. In bosineaa church, aodety. to bold yonr tonirut- Sbows piety. If you at buatneaa rivals knock. It a bows you bare few brslns to stock, snd whoa yonr tougoe cut* right and left. It shows yon bsve so good MOM Idle SEAT INS THE ESQ TRUST. Milady Is ths picture Is not sslling eggs, bnt Is preparing to knock out tbe egg trnat eo tor aa bar borne com. sumption of prsservad eggs is con cerned. so thst this simple story will have a epedal Intereet tor ths house wife wbo dlsilkss storage eggs and dealre* to lower tbe cost Of living. Tboosanda of thrifty women sre fol lowing mllsdy's example putting away freab eggs In the cheap season to water glaaa (sodium slllcsto), to be ■ssd in winter, whsn froah ages sre so corny aba storage cosspenles reap big profits on eggs often nnflt tor toou. Water glass eggs are much superior to storage, and tbe method of (preser vation la eo simple. Note tbe picture. , There are a plot of water glasa, a three ghllon crock and fresh eggs, none over two days old. Touring Into the crock alght quarts of water, cooled after boiling, milady mm HI ■ mF. .. Photo by C. tL Barn Ha. FBSBSBVIXO BOOS FOB WtBTKB. Bttrred In tbe water glaaa, then Im mersed every egg in tbe mixture and laid them flat in tbe crock until It was full, tbe crock holding twelve dozen normal sized, dean, bard abe lied eggs. The crock waa then covered tightly and placed 00 a cool cellar floor. At the end of a year theae eggs showed little C ha age, had no nnuaual email, beat up Into the flnflloat tooth and made dandy egg custarda and pumpkin plea Bgga may be placed In the liquid a few a* a time and naad aa needed. ' The ebell shows no stain, sad cus tomers sre glad to bay tbem to prefer ence to old frozen ben fruit Better try tbe trick when egga am low ssd sdva money when egge am high. FEATHERS AND EOOtHELLE, Tbnknn* Qulgley of Corning, N. Y.. baa a game rooster with a record to make a white bulldog green wtth envy. He put tbe cock bird in the coop at night nod nezt morning early the sport cleaned np the coop, killing fif teen fat pullets and a big rooeter be fore breakfast Next Twenty-five thousand egg consumers Of Clevelsnd, 0., struck against ths high prioe of winter eggs. Ths hens. Induced by the mild westhsr, tocressed their output the price came down and no rotten eggs were thrown, though them were plenty being sold tor frssb st 00 cents per doaen. The Idea that ostriches am a warm weather fowl la certainly exploded by the big birds at the Bloomahnrg oa trich farm, thirteen mllea from Riv erside, Pa. Tbe oatricbea enjoy ths saro weather, wade in tbe enowdrifta and lie down and roll in the anow like boys when tbe first anow arriraa. Tbe belief has been exploded that a hen cannot lay two eggs inla day, and the autboritlea at tbe Nortll American egg laying conteat at Conn., have the goods to prove It Two trap nested pullets have already done the stunt at that egg laying competition, where 100 |>ena are buatllng for tbe International honore. Of 1.000 turkeys shipped in cars from Philadelphia to Wllkeebarre. Pa., 228 miles, forty-five were dead when tbey reached their destination. It waa claimed tbey died from the cold anap We have examined aucb shipments and to every case found the mortality came from crowding and ill usage. Excite ment and atarvation often kHI birds cooped In such a big bunch. The limit of conservation baa been reached when Professor Surface, atate zoologist of Pennsylvania, issuea the ultimatum "Conserve the skunk." We advise llr. Surface' that tbe pernon really responsible for tbe slaughter ol tbe Innocents Is not mere man. but woman, lovely, lovely woman, wbo wears akunk under tbe name Alaska aable. Instead of appealing to fan ciers and hunters be abpuld appear be torn women's cluba and Bister aoctsttsa ssd ssk tbem to throw their protect lag arm around tbe dear, barm lees little polecata. Tbe authorities at Woodbury. N. J., have a hard nut to crack. A darky was arrested with dead chickens In bis possession. Tbe crop of one con talned a Wood row Wilson button, and tbey were about to give the Mrda to a Democrat who bad chlckena atolen. considering the button proof of owner ship, when two overall buttons were diecovered In another ben. and as tbe Democrat didn't wssr tbe bins they refused hla claim A Prohibitionist then claimed tbe birda, bnt as be couldn't account for the Democratic button tbe esse still holds Irs. A*h*« In llm a rat*. Aabea, wben left in the grata or on tIM brarth, abaorb a (Teat deal of the beat, and It will be found that a amall fir* with a clean grata and clean hearth will sir* oot mora boat than a large Are cumbered with asbea. Or*fig* and L*m*n Treea. Single orange tree* bar* been known to produce 20.000 orangea, while n lem on tree aeldom jrtelda Bore Chan 8,000 lamn— The Meen'* Atmaa*hara Evidence of an atmosphere on the moon at a height of atxty or errenty mile* or mora baa been reported by Profe*aor W. Luther of DnaaaMorf, who on two oceaalona aaw one aide of the planet Mara become darkened on nearlng occultation by the moon. A Ctfrieue River. The Grpek Uland of CBphalonJa has the carton* phenomenon of a river flowing'lnland from the aea until it dlaappeara in lime*ton* jock*. NEW INTERNATIONAL. I \ DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER I The Only Weir unabridged dls> ' ttimtry in many 7Mrs. • Contains the p/th and w»wi(|» ; of an author!tatir* library. Coram (Ttry fltld of fcmovl. edge. 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Fri«e per oopy: oloth, $8.00; gilt top, S»M. By -4 mall 20c extra. Ordara may be sent to P. J. Kcrmodlb, ..jtasj 101 a B. Marshall Si, Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this ofles. f — : & .' - J UfW Wlut Vn Are Ttftlig When you take Grove's Tast leas Chill Tonic becanse the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle wowing that H is Iron and Qninlne in a taatloes form. Mo cure, No Pay. 50c. A Hlga Grate BImS Fsrilar. Go to Alamance Pharmacy And buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrich your blood and boild np your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. ia guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and akin homors, such aa Rheumatism, Ulcere, Eating Sores, Catarrh, lfiwun^ Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimples, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car- I bunclee. B. B. B. cures all theaa blood trouble* by killing thlt poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B. 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