Couldn't Walk! "I used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, 11L "For nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding my sides. I tried several different doctors, but I grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardui for my complaint I was so thin, my weight was 115. Now, 1 weigh 163, and I am never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. I am in fine health at 52 years." CAr6U I WomanVTonic We have thousands of such letters, and more are arriving dally. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta ble, tonic medicine, for women. Cardui relieves women's sufferings, and builds weak women up to health and strength. If you are a woman, give it a trial. It should help you, for It has helped a mil lion others. It is made from pure, harmless, hero ingredi ents, which act promptly and surely on the womanly organs. It is a good tonic. Try it I Your druggist sells it Wrltt to: Udle«" Advlwry D«cl . Chattanooga Mtdlclne Co.. Cbattiaooa. Ttoaa., lor Sctclal ImtrucUoru. tod M-pace book. "HOB* Treatment lor Wontn." (tat In*. | ■ A Veteran's Yarn By DANIEL CLAYBOURNE The veterans of th'o civil war ore getting old. For linlf a century they have been telling stories of their ex periences In the great struggle, which were literally.true when the veterans flret told them, but the old chaps havo gradually forgotten much of them, iWhleh they have been obliged to supply by Invention. These invented parts, after much telling, have gradually be come Impressed on the minds of the itory tellers as truth. That the story shouldn't lose any of Its original In terest the Invented parts have been a trifle more Munchnuseny than the real parts. The consequence W that now and then a pretty lively yarn Is got off by some old septuagenarian which he really believes to bo true, but which has grown up In the way I have men tioned. This Is one of thein. "I was In at our victory at Chlcka mauga," the Union veteran licgun .When he was not headed off. "I thought we were knocked Into n cocked hat at Chlckamuugu," said a man only forty years old. "Mebbe you was there and I wasn't," growled the veteran. "Reckon you .wasn't born then, you kid. Well, as I was saying, I was at Chlckamauga, and If you don't believe mo look at this stump of an arm. I was first lieu Kl». tenant of a battery, and the cap'n being killed, I succeeded to the com mand. "My battery was stationed with General Thomas' corps around a hill that withstood the wholo of Uragg's army. "They were pumpln' shot nnd ahell Into us anil We was glvln' it back to 'em when I began to bo conscious of a number of uijjile bullets alnglu' •bout my ears. For a while I was so Intent on bammrrln' the Johnnies that I didn't think much about tho waspy things, but suddenly it cailie to me that n sharpshooter was tryin' to pick mo off. "1 tell you that wasn't a comforting surmise Not hy any means. The night before we had cut down all tho treei In front" of us in order to give •Weep to our guns, and just beyond the clearing was the edge of a wood, where the Confederates were at work j, v •*"' on us. "1 looked up at these green trees Just v In titrife to see a little puff of smoke In ~ tne hranchei of one of 'em, and at the •aDie moment a ball seemed to grute —das m 7 ear. 1 put up my hand expectln' to feel blood, but I didn't; the ear was ■till there. "I hud a telescopic pointer on my tan that had been Invented by a sci entific officer, and I' thought I'd try •nd get that fellow with one of oar percussion •hells. I had to aim quick, for I knew be was reloading for an other ahot. Fortunately one of the guns was Just ready to be flred and, laying the telescope on It, I sighted the gun. The glass enabled me to see the man In the tree, and he bad Juat rammed another bullet homo when 1 * ' got • bead on him and fired. * "The smoke that followed prevented my seeing exactly where the ahot ■truck, but I saw my man come tum bling down. The tree atood apparently unharmed. Whether the aharpa hooter bad been killed by my ahot or dropped by the concussion of the ahell atriklng the tree, I couldn't telL What puxxled me was that ! couldn't see any awoke from the explosion. "I eoon forgot all about the matter In tba work I was doln", but after the light 1 got curious aboot what hud dropped the man In the tree and what had become of the shell I bad flred at htm. "I couldn't go to examine the place, for I WIIB bony till we left the ground on which we had been fightln'. But the thing troubled mo, and I took the Brut opportunity after the clone of tbe war to go down there and find out •boat It. "That waa about tbe time when they wete laying out the National park, and I met a number of cvUnlou aud Confederate aoldlera there. 1 found tbe tree I wanted to examine and a* I approached it aaw a man looking up at Ma branched. When I reached him 1 aaked him what be waa lookln' for. Ho •aid that during tbe battle be waa up la tbe tree aa a abarpahooter, aud. nee lag on officer worktn' a Vnion battery affectively, be bad tried to pick blm off. lie bad Bred and mlaaed aereral time* •ad waa ready for another abot when bo felt tbe tree (bake, be lost bia bal |»i ance and fell to tbe ground, lie waa badly abaken up, but tbat waa all the damage be received. I blm where tbe abell atruck, but he aald be s I "1 had an Idea that It bad gone Into tbe ground at tbe roota of the tree. lie ii' aeetued aa much Interested In tbe mat tar aa 1, and, picking up a maty bayo fc - net lying neac, be began to poke It Into K tbe ground at tbe too t of tbe tree. Tbe P first thing I knew I saw tbe ground Mae tipv and tbe Inbn who was pokin' waa scattered to the Winda with pieces *■ - 'By gum," I cried, 'I goeaa you won t Hyhl »» nl«v mo nit more * Knew mat shell wouia do tne business acid HO it linn done It at Inst.'" "Oh. my good gracious!" exclaimed several listener*, but n severe (jinnee from the vet prevented tbem frotp ex pressing the doubts tluit bad arisen in their Incredulous minds. There was an Intermission before tbe next story was told, and Hi* teller con cluded to draw it milder. ORCHARD ADVICE. Read Here About" Pruning, Early Spring Spraying and Other Matters. Diseased wood on a tree can never be made new again. Cut It off and al low another shoot to grow. Kveiy day that such wood remains on a tree adds to the liability of lotting It. / Before starting In fruit culture for market visit tho progressive, practical fruit culturlst and study details; also lenrn tho cost of bushes, method of culture nnd the returns. It Is nn excellent plan to whitewash the trees, Oiling the cracks of the bark with lime, so as to All up the hiding places of fruit pests, as well as to de stroy many which are biding. Hprnylng in the early part of the sea son seems like lots of waste of time and money, but when It cotnos to bar vest and you notice a larger proportion of marketable fruit you are then ready to ndmlt that spraying pnys. Do not prune too closely. Pruulng mny lie done any time In wluter or ear ly epriug, but the wounds should be covered at once with paint. An old tree bleeds freely and will suffer if there are a large number of wounds on It. Taint the scars on fruit trees to pre vent decay where branches have been cut off. White lead and oil paints will keep out moisture. Whitewash Is good for painting the entire trunk of the tree, nnd by adding sulphur to the whitewash fungi and Insect life will be destroyed.—Farm Progress. O-""»«—« ■ « ■ « » « 'O TOO MUCH LAND. There seems to be an almost Irresistible Inclination on the part of many persous to culti vate too much land. Laud well cultivated will produce better crops with lews work than n large area poorly cultivated.- The small farm with the uko of bralna will do butter work than will the large one where only muscle Is used. », O— • • FOLDING HARROW. Called by Writer "Handiest Thing I Have Handled Per Seme Time." The handleat thing 1 have handled for aofflo time Is a harrow that dope not have to be loaded, says a writer In the Farm aud Fireside. All that Is necessary when you wish to go from one Held to another Is to take bold of one aldo and turn It over on top of the other and then turn both plecea on FOLDIHa HAH HOW, (From Perm and rirestde-l their edges. The harrow then rests on the cleata shown la the drawing. Tho Iron on the front end of the two parallel pieces protects the front end, and tho harrow la then ready to travel on any kind of a road. The Irons can be made of old wagon tlrea, except the long rod It. which rune full length •of the harrow. « , K la a three fourths or a one Inch rod running through the harrow and connecting the y2 hinges on the Iron a A, each y. —■ Iron being about v/ 1. ft, two *«"**• '"Tt 1 ■■ an 4 one • fourth or thrw-elfbtb* *** -"O having the end turned back, forming a socket like the hinge on a gate. II la the book to which the donbletree Is fastened by Its clevis The cleata C are plecea of . wood #boftt one foot long and two and one-half or three Inches square, bolted on the side so that the barrow can be turned*op Its bock and tide. The cleata and the ends should be Iron, eo aa to prevent wear and to keep them from apllttlng. Law Points For the Farmer. In the construction of a written In strument by courts that construction will bo adopted. If possible, which will make the Instrument effect ft 11 nr.d rea sonable.—Prlscoll versim I'enrnl, Ind. 05 K. E. SI3. Section 304 of New Ydrk state agri cultural law puts Pan Jon scale lu the satpe list with bluek kn-> - ' Tlie Governor of Georgia h. s vetped a bill prohibiting the sale in that State of "near beer" and so limiting per centage of alcohol ae an ingredient that many pat eut medicines would have been excluded from sale. The Gover nor claimed the bill WHS too drastio. flying Men Pall victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles jusi like other peo ple, with like results in loss of ap- Eetite, backache, nervousness eadache, and tired, listless, run down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry,Tenn., proved. "Six bot tles of Electric Bitters" he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other stomach remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to suf fer when this great remedy will help yon from the first dose. Try it. Only 50 cents at Graham Drug Co. Mr. E. T. Lamb, president and general manager of the Norfolk Southern railroad, has resigned to become general manager for the receivers of the Atlanta, Birming ham and Atlantic railway, with Atlanta as headquarters. —Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, since the now 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from 150 to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, 8. C. and five other cities is opera ed under supervision of R. 11. Of ficials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. Oscar 11. Forest, wanted iu Georgia and South Carolina on a charge of using the mails to de fraud, is in jail at Asheville under •1,000 bond. It Is said that Forest secured stationery of a well known firm in Greenville, 8. C., went to Gainesville, Ga., and from there solicited orders in name of Green ville firm. lie pocketed the pro coeds of what business he secured from the scheme. Are Ever At War. There aro two things everlast ingly at war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve will ban ish piles in any form. It soon subdues the itching, irritation, in flammation or swelling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Greatest liealer-of burns, boils, uloors, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only, 25 cts. at Graham Drug Co. Mr. Bryan has contributed sl,- 000 to the national Democratic campaign fund. A. S. Jones, of the Lee Pharm acy, Chico, Cal., who has handled Foley A Co.'s medicines for many years, says: "I consider that Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has no equal, and is'the one cough medicine I can recommend as con taining no narcotics or other harmful properties." The genuine in a yellow package. For Bale by all Druggists. The North Caroliua State Fire men's Association closed its 25th annual convention in Fayetteville Wednesday of last week after re electing Jas. D. McNeill, of Fay etteville, president lor the 22d time, re-electing other officers and selecting Wilmington as the next meeting place. D. C. Bybee, teaming contractor living at 6G9 Keeling Court, Can ton, 111., iB now well rid of a severe and annoying case of kidney trouble. Ilis back pained and he was bothered with headaches and dizzy spells. "I took Foley Kid ney Pills just as directed and in a few days I felt much better. My life and strength seemed to come back, and I sleep well. lam now all over my trouble and glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills." Try them. For sale by all Drug gists. Qov. Wilson disappeared from public view last week to secure the necessary privacy to write bis letter of acceptance: It is under stood that he spent the time at sea in a private yacht. latflaa Killed Oa Track. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to sleep pn a railroad track and was killed by the fast express. Ho paid for his carelessness with his life. Often it's that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your lite when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip," writes J. R. Watts, Floydada, Tex., "and I regain M! 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at Graham Drag Co. Judge Dillon, Republican nomi nee for Governor of Ohio, has withdrawn from the race on ac count of inability to reconcile Republican factions. **l was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E. Gfebhardt, Orio'e, Pa. There is nothing bettor. For sale by all dealers. An attempt to arrest some negroes charged with plotting to bnrn the town of Plainvilie, Ga., precipitated a race riot iq which the sheriff and two other white men were shot, one being serious ly Injured, and several negroes were badly beaten. Ten negroes who barricaded themselves in a house and fired on the officers, are in jail. __j f . Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is »t great surprise on account'of its t exceeding promptness in relieving i pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves re tention of water almost immodiat ly. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by GrahaufDrug Company. Revision of the tariff should not be made at one sweep but should be gradual and thorough, is the opiuiou of Governor \\ il son. The Governor so declared in his first discussion of the ques tion for publication since he wrote his speech of acceptance and after a long conference with Repre sentative Redfleld, of Brooklyn, whom he condidersone of the best juformed men in the country on the tariff. One of the most common ail ments that hard working people are afflicted with is lame back. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day and massage the parts thoroughly at each application, and yon will get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Julius Kibel, private in the United States army who was trans ferred to Richmond, Va., from a recruiting station at Rocky Mount, has been ordered to Fort Slocum, N. Y., to be court martialed for plying the part of a masher in Richmond. Kibel was fined sls in the police court for attempting to escort home a young lady whom he accosted on Broad street after lie had bet a friend a dollar he could do so. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living near Fleniing, Pa., eays he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for fourteen years, and that he has found it to be an ex cellent remedy, and takes pleas uro in recommending it. For sale by all dealers. "Uncle Sara," a balloon piloted Vy Capt. H. E. Honeywell, of St. Louis, landed on Bull Hun battle field, near Manassas, Va., early Monday morning, last week, hav ing made the trip of 925 miles, as the crow flies, fropi Kansas City in 35 hours. It was the winner in a balloon race to determine which of three should, take part in an international race at Stutt gart, Germany, in October. A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to perform its functions properly the whole sys tem becomes deranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is all yoa need. They will strengthen f'our digestion, invigorate your Iver, and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others liaVe been permanently cored— why not you? For sale by all dealers. FREE. —Wo have 18 subscriptions to the Southern Ruralist, one of the very beet agricultural papers pub lished in the United States, which will be given away to thoee who come first. Pay a SI,OO on your subscrip tion and get the Ruralist free for one year. Do it now, before all are sold. "Were all medicipes as meri torious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be much better off and tbe percentage of suffer ing greatly decreased," writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple, luk For sale by all dealers. Thomas Quinn, aged 36 years, foreman at tbe plant of the United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company at Scottdale, Pa., wss killed by falling into a pit and two tons of molton metal was poured over him. Quinn was working with a ladle at the edge of the pit. When ho slipped the big ladle tilted, engulfing his body with the hot fluid. The "Pi-agrteetve" Party is the individual, roan or woman, who uses Foley Kidney Pills for backache, rheumatism,weak back, and other kidney and bladder ir regularities. Foley Kidney Pills are healing, strengthening, tonic, and quick to produce beneficial results. Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Put up in two sixes in sealed bottles. The genuine is a yellow package. For sale by all Druggists. - ■ Unless Congress takes action to provide for the operation of the Panama canal at the present ses sion, President Taft and Secretary of War Stimsen believe that it will be practically impossible for army engineers to keep their promise and open the big ditch to tbe ships of the world next year. •'IrSS -M/. tnr -a i la Re-Sale! Valuable Farm Land By virtue of an ordor of the Superior oourt of Alamance county, made in a special pro eeedlngs, whereto all the heirs at-law and personal representative of J. M. Teer, dee'd, were duly made parties, for the purpose of selling the real property herein described to mute inueta ana for partition. I will again offer «t>ulillc tale, to the highest bidder, at IS Cjrtjfk M„ on SATURDAY, AUG. 31, 1913, at the court house f'oor In Graham, the fol lowing valuable real eatato, to-wlfc Two par cels of laud ID Pleaaant Grove township, Alamance county, adjoining the lands of C. G Maynard, Mrs. Bachel Vincent, W. 11. and George McAdams. and others, find bounded as follows: •—* First Lot:—Beginning at a poplar stump on tbe old run of Stagg Creek, C. G. Maynard'* corner, running thence 9 clxs. to a stake, said MaynattTs corner; thence N. j•• W. cbs, to a stake, co ner with a*ld Maynard; thence H. 17° W. 8.75 chs. to a stake on old Faycttevllle rocd; thence up said road us fol low*: N. IMfi W. ABO chs., N. *ftU° W. 8 chs. W.2chs. N, W° W. 2.65 chs.. N. 48 deg. W. 4.46 ofiS , N Ul • deg., W. 5.20 chs. to a large U.O. point to said road,C. ft. Maynard's coruer; tlieuce with hit line 8. 82 deg. K. chs. to a rock, corner with said Mayn ird and Mrs. Vincent; thenoe with her line and line of said Mo Ad a os 34 cbs. to Birches on said creek, thenen down sild creek as It meanders to the first station, nod containing 40 acres, more or less. Hecond Lot:—Beginning at a large nirch be low the new road on Htagg's creek In Frank Garrison's line, and running with his line N. deg. W. s.4ochs. to a rock and W. O. point corner with said Garrison and C. U. May* nard; N ,61 ieg. K. crossing the new road fI.BB chs. to a birch on Mtagg's Creek, thenc ; down said creek as It fne«nder» to tbe first station and containing 0 acres more o lesa. * lltddlng will start at $490.50- TRUMs.' One-fourth cash, one~fouttb In six. twelve and eighteen months, with Inter* est from day of sale and tltl« reserved until 1 fully paid. Subject to confirmation by the I Clerk. This he 28th day of July, 1912 W. 11. mELLA it «Commissioner. J. 8. Cook, Attorney. Service by Publication North Carolina—Alamance County, In the Superior Court Lester Durch) vs. f Notlco. JV. H. Hurch.j W. H. Duroh. tbe defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled a« above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute dlvoroe from the t>onds of matrimony heretofore existing b- * tween plaintiff and, delondant; and tbe said defendant will further take notice tbat he is required to appear at the Term of Superior Court of said county to be held at the court houKc of paid county, in Grah «m. on tho first Monday lu Hepteinber, 1912. It being the 2nd day of September. 1012, and answer or demur to the complaint filed tn said aotlon, or tbe plaintiff will apply to the oourt for tho re lief demanded in the oomplalnt. Wltnes my hand this July 22nd, 1912. J. D. KEKNODLR, C. 8. C. uug-l-4t Alamance County. Dissolution Notice! Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to' Whom These Presents May Come— Oreetlng: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authentlcnted record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent or all the stock holders, deposited In my oßlce, that tho Re liance Cotton Company, a corporation of this Htate, whose principal office Is situated in the town or Uraham, County of Alamance, State of North Carolina (B. 8. nobertson be ing tbe agent therein and In charge thereof upon whom process may be served), has con: plied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revlsal of 1006, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the Issuing of this Certificate ol Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J, Bryan Grimes, Secre tary of State of the Btate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, op the 15th day of July, 1818, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corpora tion,executed by all the ftookholders thereof, which said' content and the rocord of tbe proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed mr official seal, at Italelgh, this 16th day of July, A. D., 1012. J, BRYAN GRIMES, tsiAL.] Hocretary of Btate, • Land Sale! By virtue of authority given me in a deed ot trust, executed by R. C. Hunter and his wife, Laura R. Hunter, bearing date of Octo ber IT, 1807. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Mortgage Deed Book No. 3D, at pages iUtt to MO,l will on Mobdat, Auftt'ST 12, 1912, At 12 o'olock, noon, sell at tbe court housn door In Orabam, at public outory to tbe best bidder. the following described real prop erty. to-wlt: A lot or parcel of laud situate in tbe oor purutu lliniuof the town of Qraham, N. c., bounded >a follows: Fronting on tbe North side of McAden street lu nalu town, begin ning at an Iron bar, tbe Southwestern corner of tue lot of O. 11, Henderson, running tbence H t I*B° B 2.a6 ebalns to an Iron bar, tbe Northwestern corner of the lot of Bald Hen derson, tbenoe N 871-4 deg W I#B cbs to an Iron bar; thence » 1 i-#° w 2:n l-tobstoan Iron bar on the Northern line of Mid Mo Aden street, tbence B 87 1-4° K 1.08 cbs to the beginning, containing twenty-four one hun dredths of an acre, more or less. This property will be sold tor cash. K. H FAItKEH, JB., Trustee, ThU July 10, Kit. I Very Serious It la a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be Osrcful to get the genuine— BUCK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine I Tbe reputation of this oil, relia ble medicine, lor constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate ether medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with • larger sale than ad others combined. sou) m towm pa English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft of calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain* all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save *SO by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Six persons were killed, two fatally injured and one hurt when a train collided with an automo bile at Alexia, Ohio, 12 miles from Toledo, Sunday. Itch relieved in 20 minutes by Woodford's Sanit#:y Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Hon. William D. Washburn, former United States Senator from Minnesota, died Mouday night a week at Minneapolis, aged 81 years. jpuw-t i, lll ■ ; ,m > SaleofTalualPans Br virtue of an order of the Superior Court of A aaanee eoonty, made l' a Special Pro ceedings whereto the helm of J. rfT Tarpley Sfl hi' wife R, F. Tarpley. were duly con stituted parties for the purpose of srtHor for partition the lands hereinafter described among the owner* thereor, 1 win offer at pubilo aaJe, to the highest bidder, at t£e Ceart Hone Door In Graham, at IS o'clock, M., on Satardajr Angwst 31, 191*. described real property, First': A lot or tract of land in Morton township, adjoining the lands of Henry Hose and others, and bounded aa follows: Beginning at a hickory, comer with Geo. Poster, thence N IK" I! 13 40 cha to a stake: thence B M*° E fM ohs to a Dogwood N 12° XV IBM chains to a rook; thence VTK*~g 4JSO chains to a IlUck Jack with Henry Itonv thence * 88J*° B tt.lo chains to a rock with Dr. E. F. Watwn: tdsnie B«f W 17.10 a Post Oak; thenoe N Mi" w I M chains to a stake, corner No. 5; thence ri 81 dog W 14.70 chains to a rock wltli No. 6: thence H M/,% deg W 4.30 chains to a stake by the Spring path, thence N. MX deg W 11 aba to the beginning and containing about ID acres. Being lot No.# in the division of the lands of Margaret*:. Garrison and waa allot ted to Mrs. fr. Tarpley, deoeased. 2nd. A lot of land adjoining above tract beginning at a BlackJjok on Rosa* line, fence BW Iff chains 10 a Dogwood; thenoe East 10 chains to a Hickory in tt. F. Tarpley's line, thenoe North 18 chains to the Winn Ins. and containing acres mere or lesa. The two lxits Together, And KNWI as tile J. H. Tarpley Home Place, will be sold aa a whole, and there Is building ami good out bouses, good well of water well situate i In a good nelgliborlMML Son is fertile and produces well. Timber has been "ell taken care of on this place. Terms of Male; One-fourth oath; one-fourth in six months; one fourth In twelve months.aud ''ne-fourth In eighteen months Interest on deferred pajim.-nta.aiM title reserved till paid for. Hubject to confirmation by tbe Clerk. This July 2t, IBM. J. 8. COOK. ComV. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as admlnbtratoe, c. t. a., of the estate of James Henry Lona. colored, deceased, i to of Alamance county. Noith Carolina, this Is to notify all persona having claims against th. estate of asld deoeased to exhibit them to the uiiderxlnoei'. at Rlon College. N. C., in or before the 10th day f July, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar or tbclr recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, will make Immediate payment. This ltttb day of July, 1012. H. K. IRELAND, Adm'r.o. t. a., of James Henry Long, dee'd. Our Big Four Clubbing Offer The Greatest Subscription Bargain Ever Offered. Reading for the Entire Family. BfAsmsvoKl mm lUIIUUi Bloomlngton, IDinos. by ARTHUR 9. 811/ti. i Is a, aeml-monthly (arm papetypab fished tor tha purpose of report Inc.. itWIWIIIH and teach'ng agricul tural truth tor tha benefit of all who kr* Interested In batter farms, better hemea, better acboola. better churoh •4 and a better and more sattsfytnr Country 112 a, It la edited from tha Bald, and la closely associated lh« farmers, the Farmers' Institutea, the Colleges, Experl tnant ifcatlona, and all other organ. Uatloni devoted to country life pro- Three Magazines and The Send-Weekly Observer far $1.50, Worth $3.00. caml-Week !y Observer, ooa yaar $1.«0 |B| fafuiaia' Voloe, one year, (twice a> manthy. ftOo TSIM Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer j. A Farm Paper aa Well aa a Newspaper. r |MBMIJ Tha Beml-Weekly Observer was merely Mtasatet af Tha Daily Observer, NOW It la also a MtBH paper, but atlll carries all tha news, oon ■hnsad ta4 made a continued atory of world' eveuta ■MM Bar to day. This news la. gathered from all MXtt Of tha world and paid for by The Dally Ob- JWraft Tha political news Is an Impartial chronic * ft the events of the week without regard to party or faetlon. ' * «JHE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. Cures Biliousness, Sick . ftftf lt fl Cleanses tho system Headache, Sour Stom- II IT I M thoroughly and clear® ach, Torpid Liver and ■■■ ■ sallow complexions of Laxative Fruit Syrup rKJJSS* _tf), SOUTHERN RAILWAY ' Direct line To All Points ; NORTH, SOUTH, EAST. WEST. Very4>ow Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta leave*, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., making close connection for an arriving Montgom ery following day after leaying Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m., New Orleans B:2Qp. m., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. in., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m., making close connec tion with the Caroling Special and arriving Cincinnati 10:00 a. m. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:80 a. m., arrives Greensboro 6:30 s. m., making close connection for all points North, Soneh, East and West. This car is handled on train 111 leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p. m. If yon desire any information, please write or calL We are here to furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, 7. O. JONES, T. P. A., General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St., Washington, D. 0. . p * L "g 1 ' N. 0. SUBSCRIBE FOB The Gleaner-SI.OO a year. ~ The Sanfonl Express says that Leonard Cameron, son of H. D. Camoron, of Rock Branch, Bur nett county, was found dead in the graded school building at Bock Branch Monday of last week. He had committed snicide -by taking carbolic acid. He was' a ne'er do well and a rover and had been mishing for several days when his body was found. Service by Publication Worth Carolina, Alamance Conntv. In the Superior Court. Edward Johnston, Plaintiff VS. Mary J. Johnston, Defendant The defendant above aamed will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Huperler Ooart of Ala mance GOOD ty for abaofnte divorce ror statu- MVrMU? pear at the Term ef the Superior Court of saw oountr to be held on the first Monday In Meptembar. lIU, at the eoort house In said county at Graham, Jt. c„ and answer or de mur to the complaint In aaM action, or the plaintiff will apply to the ooart for the relief demanded in said complaint. — Aug I—tt , Clerk superior Court. o this slgnatnn i • on every • ' the gesatn Laxative iromo-0.. ? rmuts 'he auitd] >h. - nam • »nS*M WHY NOT MAKE $200.'" A MONTH - - Ms WO. M a We>k, almost lo.°° a Day » Selling Victor Safes and llie-proof boxes to merahaata, doctors, lawyers, dentists and well-to-dofarmers, all of whom realize the need ■ Of a aafs t bnt do no t know howyjf iMs to own ■ one. salesman aeoiare our proposition one of the best, dean-out money-making opportune ■ ties ever received. Without previous expert enoe YOU eaa duplicate the sueeess of others. Oar handsomsly Illustrated 100-page catalog will enable yon to pretest the subject to etie tassirs la as Interesting • manner as though rrn were piloting Visa through our factory. Men appointed as ■ W salesmen receive advice and lnstraetiaus for selling safes, giving The 26th anniversary of oar company was by atasflsiliming! iiinilsia law - factory la Ihe world. Wide* , . wsiwiiß : • w special Inducement, ■ rendered It necessary to double ft an «p>fTi«iaw-' ■ many thousands of dollars en. ■ Urging our sales organisation, ■ but to learn all particulars, it ■ Will cost yon only the prloe of ■ • postal card. ■ Ask far Catilogu* til. : THE VICTOR I I SAFE & LOCK GO. , Our New Home. *Oaaaetty 56.000 Safes Annually. \ CIICIIIATI, OHIO Edited by JAMES M. IRVINE, la an llluatrated National Farm Magazine for progressive farmers in all agricultural - communities. It la authority on fruit culture and should ba read by > every farmer and gar dener In America. M you expect to make a success of raising fruit It Is necessary to have the beat ideas of thoae who have aucceeded. These will be found In every Issue of The Fruit drawer. I The Fruit GrowJr, (monthy) ] SI.OO I The Woman's world, (monthly)..,.. 25c ' Net Postpone You* Acceptance. nil It Coupon. CI P oat and Mall with Banlttanoa, Send' The - Semi-Weekly Observer, The Farm n* V6lc«, " 1 Tha Fruit Grower, The Woman'* World. TWELVE MONTHS To .. 1 Postofflce R. F. D. f State * "Amount encl ted ; .'. GRAHAM DRUG CO. Sworn statements tending to show that the annual graft col lected by Ugh police officials in New York city from g^«.Kn rg houses and other illegal ressrts, has amounted within the last year to 1t,400,000, are in the hands of District Attorney Whitman, this being brought oat In connection with the Rosenthal murder. _ .9 MSB**"* ■ w." . •• .•* * • 'tr " ' ' - ' ■ • Mortgage Sale Of Real Property. eontalne3°fn > a day of February, 1911, and recorded In the o&Slfihe KeJUterof OT'i n nd b e^ m W °.»« Mi bidder for cash, at the court house door In. tiraham, at If o'clock, upon, on MONDAY, AUG. 19,1912, being In Alanmi.uo county. State "foresaid. In Haw Klver Township, and described and defined as follows, to wife Bounded on the North by the lanas of Will Cirtw, on lw last by the lands of Nash He liar*, on the Mouth and West by the lands of John Trolln g©r, iiyHP containing two and •6VBD-tontM **Thei* Isa three'room dwelling house upon this lot. It being the same lot that was boujfbt by the mortgagor from John A. Trol '"'fhli sale Is being male In accordance with the terms of said mart*age because of the non payment of a part of the principal and the Interest of a certain bond or note secur ed by said mortgage and bearing even date therewith. This 17th day of July. 1912. AL.BXABDBKMOSBB. Mortgagee. J. Adolph long. Assignee. Chicago, Illinois. >1 S».ted by HERBERT KAUFMAN. * dives more reading matter for tha s money than any monthly magaalna 1 printed. In It you will And history, travel, so'ence. Invention, art, lltera , ture. drama, education, religion and many useful departmenta of mtereat to almost every family, such aa music, f croklng, fashions, needle-work, hair j dressing .home dressmaking, health, t elt: woman's -World is superior to toost magazines aelllng for SI.OO a year. 60 YEARS' |F TIMOC MARKS DESIGN* , COFYRIOHTS AC. («f wftioot It »ri* m tfa^"*" 1 ™ Scientific American. ■«BB. majgestion Dyspepsia "Kodol _^ > * l ! |WOWMh cannot wwli ®T"t food, of itself, U BMditUA MtbUnM—ftpd thU xaicUnoe to Nad- Ujr lupplied bjr KodoL Kodol MKIUUM •f th. ,ton '** h "V Wrt and recuperet*. Our Guarantee, &V* atfg*y. sms KILL «■ COUCH »° CURB TH. LUWCT """Dr. King's New Discovery

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