THE GLEANER lOBUED KVEBY THURSDAY. " J. P. KERNOPLE, Edltcfc" *I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE' ADVERTISING KATES .me aqua re (1 In.) 1 time »1.C0( r eaeo sub 'eauent Insertion 60 cents. For more apace and loafer time, rates furnlabel on applica tion. Looal notices 10 ots. a line tos flrst insertion; subsequent Insertlona 6 eta. a line transient advertisements must be paid for advance Tbe editor will not be responsible for views expressed by correspondents. ■entered at the Postoffloe at Graham, -• N. C., as second cl matter. N. C., Oct. fO, 1912. Hie Clapp committee in Wash ington is probing tho campaign fund business to the' point where the big interests flinch. Some of the contri butors and those who distributed the contributions have conveniently forgot ton much that the committee wanv io know. It takes a cork screw to pnll out the information, but It is coming slowly. J The Pittsboro Record calls atten tion to a statute in our State laws defining what shall constitute apoli tical party, to-wit, one "whose'can- didate for governor received as many as fifty thousand votes in the elec tion held August 2nd, 19(H)." How are the Bull Moosers going to get by this? Orange county is to have good roads. Some time ago tbe county voted $250,000 and it was attempt ed to defeat the issue of bonds. The matter was carried to the Supreme Court which has ruled in favor of the bond issue. Gov. Kitchin's manager charges that a "packed convention" run the State Democratic Convention at Ral eigh. That is a serious charge, un less he ia thoroughly prepared to prove it. And the chances are 10 to 1 that he can't. The news of the impression made by Gov. Wilson in this tour through tho is exceedingly comforting. If he is not the next president, the signs are Wrong. The Danville (Vs.) Register favors the re-election of Senator Sifflmons and says that he voted the same way as did Senator Daniel. Such a record should eatisfy the most exacting partisan. The polls being taken by the lead ing papers in the Unitod States point unoiringly to the election of Gov. Wood row Wilson. Robt. T. Gray, for many years a prominent member of the Ral eigh bar, died Wednesday a week at bin home in Raleigh an a result "of a stroke of paralysis, aged 05. Mm. Dora Smith brought suit Jn Durham Superior Court to ro- JPgJp* SSOO from D. P."firoadwell for asking her on the head with aboard. The jury awarded the fl. The Democrats of the senatorial district composed of McDowell, burke, Caldwell and Alexander counties met at Morganton Tues day a week and nominated Law* rence Wakefield, of Caldwell, and A. C. Payne, of Alexander, for the State Senate. Two Pullman sleeping cars, four day coaches and two express cars broke away from a rapidly mov ing Louisville & Nashville train near Elkmount, Ala., Tuesday, last week, plunged down an em bankment, caught fire and burned. Ivery passenger escaped death and less than a score received minor injuries. An express mes senger, caught in the wreckage of his ear, was cremated. Passen gers from the burned sleepers were supplied with clothes at Birmingham. A dispatch from Newport, R. 1., says- an explosion on the torpedo boat destroyer Walke, last week, resulted in the death of Lieut. Donald P. Morrison, and the wounding of several members of the erew, two of whom died later. { The day Morrison was killed a let . ter was mailed to him from the acting Secretary of the Navy eom mending him for jumping over board September 22 and saving a member of the crew from drown Scad Tea Ceuti to The News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. And you will receive The Weekly Itows and Observer and The Weekly Farmer and Mechan ic (a large eight page and sixteen page paper) every week until the close of the national campaign, We will also send you a good picture of Wood row Wilson, the of the United one of Locke Craig, Governor of North Caro ttoa, with their autographs. Do Send money or stamps V IL,IJ News and Observer, COUNTY SCHOOLS. Record of Past Year—Plan* for The Opening Year. It 1h an annual practice of. al- i most every goad business uinti at the end of the year to take inveu-! Tory of his stock on hand, of his assets and liabilities, and from this information together with conditions that confront him, to outline his policies and make his plans for the year before him. In conformity to this same sane prac tice, some salient facts and figures from the County Superintendent of Schools, report are Hereby given and some policies are set forth for the opening scholastic There are now 80 rural schools in Alamance county—s4 white and 26 colored, employing 132 teachers, 84 white and 28 colored. Of the white schools just 27 em ploy one teacher and 27 two or more. There are 23 one teacher colored scools and 3 two teacher schools. There is not a log school house in the county for white children. The last one was re placed tho past year by an excel lent frame building, modern in every particular. Of the 20 houses for the colored race there remain only 3 log houses. There are now in process of erection and nearing completion 2 two-story brick buildings that are under rural supervision, one at Elon and one at Snow Camp. During the schol astic year that has just closed there were built in the county 4 new school houses. There are now 37 rural libraries for tho whites and 2 for the col ored, containing in all 4,278 vol umes. There were established the past year two original libraries and 3 supplements. There are 25 local tax districts. Three were established the past year. There is a census of 4,191 white children in tiio rural schools nnd 1,717 colored children. The en rollment for the year, 3,005 white and 1,336 colored. The averftge attendance, white 2,00(5; colored, li'.if). These figures'show that the wliito schools made an a( tendance of only (18 .per cent, of the en rollment. There were enrolle i in the first grade of the white schools BGO and in the 7th grade 255. The average length of term for the colored is days; the average length of term for tho whites 94 days. This difference is due to local tax voted and levied by the whites. Tho average term iu local tax districts is 110 days. At,the opening of tho past year a county commencement was an nounced aud certificate of attend ance offered to Such student in the comity that did not miss a day and was not tardy. There was awarded 152 of these certilieates. Also two collective prizes for at tendance were offered by the chairman of the Board of Educa tion, Mr. J. L. Scott, of Burling ton, and the Supt. These prises were 15.00 each and were to go to those two schools making the best average attendance. They were won by Center gf Newlin town ship and St. Paul of Coble town ship. Their attendance WM 90 and 88 per cent, respectively, of enrollment. Graduation from the Public School was made possible for the first time the past year. There were 21 certificates of grfd uation awarded at tho county commencement. The county com mencement is now a permanent part of our educational system. Next spring the county com mencement will be held about the same tiipe in the season and will not only carry the same features of the past year but will be en larged aud developed along sev eral lines. * The same prises will be offered aud the same certifi cates will be awarded. There will be next spring a real exhibition In the Treatment of COLDS COUGHS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS TONSILITIS LARYNGITIS Sco{t 's Emulsion is nature's nourishing, curative-food; prompt, sure and permanent. Roly on SCO I T'S ami insist on SCOTT'S. Wilson Stands For a Principle— Will You Stand By Him? Wood row Wilson Us vurly different order of mifi than you find among the ranks of many good men la practical political Woodrow Wilson is not among the great majority of. politicians and business men, otherwise estimable characters, who believe that the end fcstifiei the means, who are honest in a commercial or political sense. s The candidate of the progressive voters of the country not only does not believe in the doctrine of ! ."anything to win," but he insists on plain old fashioned honesty in every detail of his campaign: Woodrow Wilson proposes to win on the merits of his candidacy and platform or not at aIL "Ckan hands or no fight" is Wilson's ultimatum to his supporters throughout The Country. \ No Tainted Money For Wilson I Not a dollar of questionable money will Re spent to elect Woodrow Wilson. The Democratic National Committee is heart and soul in accord with the candidate'rviews. And the corrupting influences, with no pblitical faith, casting about to win a foothold iq the new govern ment with bribes of ill-gotten jhpl", have despaired of reaching Wilson or his campaigners. * liiey have gone to the 'enemy, whoever that enemy may be. It is a matter of common knowledge that the "interests" are using all their political funds to defeat Wilson. This makes it your fight. What the American People Need to Know The people have constantly made the mistake of believing that this is a money-ridden nation. Such is only the case insofar as the People fail to get together and so permit the few to control the dishonest representatives they, by mistake, elect to office. The actual money power of the People is still greater than that of the Interests. The Progressive People of the country, if they get together, can buy and sell the Corrupting Influences •nd destroy their financial power. So Woodrow Wilson and his managers believe that not only is it the only clean method but the most, practical method for the Progressive People of the country to supply the Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund. The People to Fight With THEIR Dollars This year a popular president is to be elected with the People's money. The Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund is to be collected from the rank and file of the Progressive Voters of the country. . The bills of the Democratic National Committee are to be paid, not with the thousands of the Interests, but with the individual dollars of the earnest, eager voters who desire clean, efficient government and who arc willing to help Wilson as he wants to be helped. Money thus needed is not spent in improper ways or In any manner similar to the way in which the funds of ths Interests are disbursed - V But we have to tell the voters of the country about Woodrow Wilson. We have to tell them what he has done. We have to tell tli'-m what lie stands for. We have to point out to important planks in his platform. All this means that to hold up our end we will be obliged to spend as much money as those who oppose us. This means that every nnn or woman who believes In Wilson should be witling to contribute to his cause. Let the supporters n( Wilson help us to spread the Wilson gospeUto the four winds. Let the Progressive Voters battle this year with their pocketbooks as well as their ballots. We Bolicit Popular You Qive From $1 to S2O? Of course, you can—and you are glad to support the cause In this way. -I Practically every voter can afford to give $1 to aid the Wilson Campaign. A great many can give 82. A great many can give K>. And there are lots and lots of progressive voters who will be eager to donate from CIO to S2O. These are the kind of contributions we want. / And we will be proud tn receive from thousands, who can only afford 11, their $1 contributions. We want to heaf j from every man who has a dollar to give. This year the tnan with the dollar must defeat the government tradticer who spends his thousands. I Get Club Subscriptions If yon know many Wilson men, If you work among many Wilson men, head a list with your name and money and get the others to join you with their subscriptions. M Then send your list with the money to C. R. Crane, Vice Chairman, Finance Committee, Democratic National Committee, 900 Michigan AVenue, Chicago, Illinois. - No loyal Wilson man can do more than this to assure Wilson's -ictory at the polls in November. How to Contribute to the Wilson Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund Campaign Fund LOYALTY COUPON Bin Iks OouVm opposite end All In the amount 70a five. I?A "• - M ° W,POn " d t ° l " t ° ol * tta «. „ . K dldacy of Woodrow Wilson for President of ths United Btatss,and to tbs sad that WC.R. Cr«««. yi€« CWlr-.., W^Mea' T ~ "»'OWMT. I »»* «• con.rlbat. tbrou.h joa tb.Kimof • Iteaeeel Ce**l«ee, SOO aiwweee Areeee, vaiceee. toward thcazpaoaaaoC Sot. wilaon'a canpalrn. Then write a letter »o this paper firing Tour nameaa aeon frltmtor and statin* your reaeons why you b«lleees.Woodrow Name Wilson • be«ld be sleeted Pfrqeldimt of tbe United Statea. In thla weyyon will be listed aa a Wllaon contributor. A Sourenlr Be- Address..,. eel pLhaDdooaelyHthorrephed. wall worth Iran Inn. will be aent to yon. Your letter will fcdpln tbe Hibt by enoourailng your Ir.endc. RF D State .> Do everytbinarouoen to bold op Wllnna'ahandilnhiaoleaa gsspatom wora ard nahtiM Of o» Endorsed by feature. products of dif ferent kinds will be produced the : coming session and put on exliibi-1. tion at the county commencement next spring. The outlines to govern iu tho making of these school exhibits are now ready to go into tho hands of every teacher. ( In addition to these things there; will be contests in athletics and 1 in recitation and declimation to I be more fully announced later. Two new things will be intro duced into the schools this year that, no doubt, will go far in de veloping the internal work in the schools. Oqe Is an outlined scheme setting forth the course of study by grades in such a form as to suit Our rural schools with their short terms. The course of study aud the graduation heretofore has been based on the long term of the city and when applied to tho short rural school it failed to tit, aud hence was impractical. Another thing, there will be a report card for each stndent that will show each month to the parent just the attendance made and the work done in each subject by the stu dent. Th«» oue other thing above nil otheis that needs tho serious con- sideration of pupils, patrons, com mitteemen and teachers is the question of attendance. All our efforts, however strong and com plete, fall and fajl utterly, with out attendance. A people can't be trained that are not in train ing. And when attendance is only 49 per cent, of the pupib, and G8 per cent, of the enrollment, a large per cent, of tho pupils pre not in training. Let each nnd every one see to it that attend ance is increased and that right early, this year. J. B. ROBERTSON, Supt. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach. Take Cham berlain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by all dealers. The Albemarle Telephone Com pany increaaed ita rates and re fused the demand of patrons to give free service in the county. As a result abont three-foqrtHs of the patrons cut out the service. At Wake Porest Sunday morn ing a week Frank \Vych«,a young negro who was wanted for larceny, resisted J as. Hockaday, colored, a special officer sent to arrest blm. It is said Wyche dap a (an. The office? shot and killed him. R. W. Herring, of Cumberland county has boen named as the Republican candidate for elector and Dr. T. A. Norment, of Lum berton, waa named as the candi date for Congress. The State election in Georgia Wednesday a week resulted in the election of the Democratic ticket beaded by John M. Statoh for An Estimate of the Strength of Sim mons and Kitchin. Newton Enterprise, [ Gov. Kitchin takes exceptions to the estimate of Rutherford county Democrats that Simmons will get 95 per cent, of the vote of that county. He is telling down East, where the tide is running i strong against him, that he will got five or six times as many votes as he did four years ago in the counties west of Salisbury, and that the sth district will give a majority bigger tjian Simmons will get in all his districts. This clai n shovs the hopelessness of his case. Except in: Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln and Rowan he got only about 1 per cent, of the vote four years ago. llis claim that he will get five times as much this year is about right in the coun ties west of Catawba, which will" give him 5 per cen£. of the Demo cratic vote. Catawba, Lincoln, Iredell and Rowan gave him about 25 per cent. tVro years ago, but will not do that well for him this year. As to his majority in the -sth district overcoming the Siin inotis majorities in tbe other dis tricts, it would be a safe bet that Simmons' majority in any one of four districts, 3rd, 6th, Oth and 10th, will be larger than Kitchin's' in the sth. Either the Oth or 10th will overcome it with 3,tWO votes to spare.' Two counties, Mecklen burg and Buncombe, will unas- sisted, wipe out Kitchin's ma jority in the 6th district. Frank Wigfall, a negro who had assaulted Mrs. Esther Ilig gins, known as "the prisoner's friend," was hanged by the con victs in the State prison at Raw lings, Wyo. To save the negro from lynching the sherlff rescued him from a jail besieged by a mob and carried him to the State prison for safety. Many of the State prison convicts remembered acts Of kindness of "Granny" Iliggios, and they soon made an oppor tunity to soize the negro and hang him after they had locked his guard in a cell. The recent decision of I "resi dent Taft that Catholic teachers employed in Indian public schools may continue to wear their re* ligious garb or insignia while en gaged in the work applies only to teachers now employed. The privilege is denied to those who may hereafter enter the service. This ruling will enable the gov ernment to fnlfill its obligations, tire President says, to the teach ers who were taken into Ihe gov ernment service when religious schools were taken over bodily as government institutions. Only 61 teachers are involved. WUEYSKnffITYPniS fop BMHAMC KIVNIH AN9 The Wake county graud jury has returned three true bills ' against Wake county road officers for alleged failure to keep a con vict camp in proper sanitary con dition, for failufe to provide suit able clothing and bedding and for neglect of convicts. Two guards I are charged with whipping a con vict on the day he died. How's Till.? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of Catarrh titit t cannot be cured by Hall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, 0. We. tlio undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe htm perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALBINO, KINNAN & MABVIM, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, setlngdiroctly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of tJ>o,-»Y*tvni. Testimonials sont free. I'r(cc ftcents per bottle. Sold by all Duggist- Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. The Stony Point correspondent of the Taylorville Scout says Mr. J. J. Alexander's horse took fright at an automobile Sunday after noon a week and ran into a wire fence and threw Mr. Alexander, whose shoulder was dislocated. 6REATEST MEDICINE ON EARTH A prominent citizen ot Evansvtlle, Ind., writes:—"l was 111 tor live months with a pulmonary trouble, and had the best of doctors. I had hemor rhages and was In a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vlnol, and I feel that It saved my life. It Is all you recommend it to be. I believe it Is the greatest medicine on earth. I have advised others to try Vlnol, and they have had the same results." (Name furnished on r» quest.) We want every one in this vicinity who la troubled with chronic colds, coughs, or pulmonary troubles,to come and get a bottle of Vlnol. If It ddes not go to the seat of trou ble, heal the Inflammation and atop the cough, we will cheerfully return every cent .paid us for It. This shows our faith, aW proves that yon take oo chanoes. Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. B. S. Hensley was shot by his nephew, Will Black Hedsley, in Yancey county a few days ago. Extent of injury unknown. Inez MeDade, a 15-year-old girl of Raleigh, drank a quantity of wood alcohol but the doctors saved her from death. Love affair. Land Sale ! By virtue of tlx powrm reeled la under a deed at trim axrruled by T. K. Meat and hla wHr.K. K. dated the 16th day of Pebru ary.lWH. and iHlmnxl In the office of the Hauler of IJ*«ta for Alauianrr county, In Uorlpfe Book No. A, pp. MS-tSS, 1 win, on MONDAY, NOV. 11, 1912, ft! U o'cltwk, nooo.Kl U)« ooart boiurdoor in Umtmm, om-r for "air at public outcry to tbe beet bidder for cash. Un> following described i*al property, to-wlt: A tract or parrel of land In Alamance coun IT,North t arollna. adjoining UM laniU of C. 1. Albright and other*, and bounded a* fol low*: Beginning at an Iron bolt In road to Haw Blrer, N. t~. in C. I\ Albright'* line: running theocp HORi c KMfbettoan Iron bolt In aald Albright and Slmpaon'a llna, from aald At brtabt'aand Stmpaoa'a corner; theuoc S Wf i Kl.TOch* to an Iron bolt; thenee H 8';" W it loan Iran bolt In am 11%. Co.'* line; K B**%* V 3 oba to the beginning, con taining .It acre*, more or tea*. Upon thlalnml are raluaUe Improvement*, and It U a valuable property. K. 8. I'ARKBR, JR.. •• . Truetee. Riding in Comfort and Style tf][ Means riding in a High Point Buggy—the buggy that JJ runs light and eosts least for up-keep—the buggy that makes it easy on your horse as well as on yourself. We have them in all styles, rubber or steel tires. Gome to see them or you will regret it. :::::: Milwaukee Mowers, Binders, Rakes—None Better. Wagons, Harness, Plows, Hoes, Shovels, Rakes—every thing for the farmer. Our goods are bought right and we can and will save you money. Come, and let us prove it. Also a full stock of general hardware, paints, oils, etc., etc. COBLE-BRADSHAW CO. BURLINGTON, ------- N. C. . I I ■'' I . 1 » ■ FOLEY KIDNHT PIUS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in aotion, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. For Sale by all Druggists Saved By Hla Wife. She's a wise woman who knows just what to do when her lias band's life is in danger, hut Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintree, Vt., is of that kind. "She insisted on my using Dr. King's New Discovery," writes Mr. F. "for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it complete ly cured me." A quick cure tor coughs and colds, it's the most snfo and reliable medicine for many throat' and lung troubles grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, gtiinsy, tonsilitis, hemor rhages. A trial'will convince you. 50 cts. and 81.00. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. John Suther, a cotton mill op- erai ive at Monroe, was shpt Satur day night a wr«ek while at the home of J. M. Gray near that town and died Sunday. Gray is charged with the shooting and is in jail. Gray's house bean a bad reputation and Gray claimsßather WHS trying to force hiß way into the house when he s{iot him. The dead man leaves a wife and chil dren. A Log On Tbe Track of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so does 'oss of appetite. It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appetite fails, tako Electric Bitters quick ly to overcome the cause by ton ing up the stomach and curing the indigestion. Michael Iless heiuior of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick oVer three years, but six bot tles of E ectric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good diges tion. Only 50 cents at Graham Drug Co. [ • Fire at Mocksville early Mon day morning, last week, destroyed tbe two-story frame building on Main street owned by W. A. Weant, entailing a loss of perhaps $4,000. The origin is not known. On the first floor of the building was Sinoot's restaurant. His loss is estimated ats3oo j Ilolton Bro.'s harness shop, loss #1,500. The Woodmen of the World, who had their lodge room on the second floor, loss S2OO. Ilere is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz., Mrs. P. 11. Bro gan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from experience that Cham barlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by all dealers. The Republican campaign com mittee, with which was left the power to name candidates for the two places on the Supreme Court bench, has united upon the Pro gressive nominees. Judge W. S. O'B. Robiqson of Wayne, and T. T. Hicks of Henderson. It is stated that this 1b but the begin ning of a general agreement of tbe Republicans and Progressives to unite on a State ticket, although the Progressives emphatically deny that they will enter into such an agreement. Use Allen's Foot-Ease. T be an t Irotlc powder to be shaken Into make* Dew or tl*bt *hoe>. Ouraeaehllut. SWOI. lea, bt. •woetlnj fr«t MM. Relieves oomsl end bolDOBi alTof pain aad ilvee rest end comfui. Alwada nee It to Break in New sbaeaorTry It today. Sold everywhere, M eta. Don't aooept any (übetltnte. for Free trta gKkaae addreee AUen 8. Olmated.Le Boy __________ Pickpockets traveling in the waka of Colonel Roosevelt secured nearly $l5O in money and a gold watch in Raleigh Tuesday night, last week, according to the report of the police. Judge Robinson, of Goldsboro, lost and J. J. Wilson, a real eetate man of Ral eigh, lost sllO. LOOK Suits ter models we have i// mwm/MI MOTOR CARS White, Mitchel, Hupmobile Automobile For Hire 'Phones 99 and 322-L Williamson Menefee TAXES—CANDIDATES I will attend the following appointments for the purpose of rtoeiving Taxes. The Legislative and County Candidates will attend these ap pointments and address the people. Patterson Township, 0. N. Hornaday's, Thursday, Oct. 17th, Noon Speaking at Alamance Mills at Night Coble Townahip, John F. Coble's, Friday, Oct., 18th, Noon Speaking at Bellemont Kill* at Night Morton Township, Morton's Store, Saturday, Oct. 19th, Noon Speaking at the Hub at Night FaiMette Township, MeOiav'a, E Long's Store,, Monday, Oct 21st, Noon Speaking at Glencoe at Night . Pleasant Grove Township, Dsiley's€tore, Tuesday, Oct., 22hd, Noon MelvilleTp, Mebane, Murray's Store, Wed., Oct, 23rd, Speaking at Night Newlin Township, Butphin'« Mill, Thursday, Oct. 24th, Noon Speaking at Saxapahaw at Night o Thompson Township, Lafayette Biadahaw's, Friday, Oct. 25th, Noon . Speaking at Swepsoayille at Night Boon Station Townahip, Elon College, Saturday, Oct 26th, Noon Speaking at Olen Raven at Night Albright Townahip, Earaka School House, Monday, Oct. 28th, Noon Onfcaa, Speaking at the Court House, Tuesday, Oct 29th at Night Haw River, Bpeaking at Night, Wednesday, Oct 80th Burlington, Speaking at Night, Thursday, Oct. 31at Please attend at these 'appointments prepared to settle your taxes. R. N. COOK, Sheriff. ' ~V '• -v vTv-** . . '■

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