VOL. xxxvin. HEALTH INBURANCE 11* M who taMfWH»M»I, wise for hi* family. Tha maa who inanre* hi* haaMb l» wise both for Me tmmßj aad Yon may kteare health by guard* In* It. It la worth guarding. At the first attack of dlatain which generally approaches through tho LIVER aadmaal laat* Itself in innamarabla waye ta's Pils And »8v? your health* Nioft ssi' »VAL 'ARDB ■** " f . \.-*m 3' : • ' «. v. -"ysf ' . i rn . " y-.~""7~ — i . ;>,\cj , j I v*'. ' r','- 'V•' . . ivj A; 4\ "f f. w ; i r ii\vh| . ii'.ut lUOli t Holt V 1chol(*OD P]''u j i, • * •tyriST .wpjrv,, , MOv- RIHTiilN' * I on « our. J RLMKH LOBO IJONO a unre, \i tomayaand (jonnaelonatl. « ORAHAM, N - JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and Counaelor-at-Law PONES—O(Bee 66 J Residence SSt BUHLINQTON, N. 0. The Raleigh Daily Times RALEIGH, N. 0. The Great Home Newspaper of the State.' The newa ot the World la gathered by pri vate less*! wires and by the well-trained special correal ooaents of U.e Tlmea and aet before the render* In a oonolae and lnteraat- I og manner each afternoon. As a chronicle of world eventa the Tlmea la Indlapenaabie, while Ita bureaus In Wash ington and New York makea Ita newa from the leglaiaUve and floanclal centers of the country the beat that can be obtained. Aa a woman'a paper the Tlmea haa no su perior, being morally aad Intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes the very beat leeium that can be written on fashion and miscellaneous matters. Toe Tlmea market newa makes H a busl nesa Man'a neoeaalty for tha farmer, mer ohant and the broker can. depend npon com plete and reliable Information npon their * various Unea of trade. Subacriptlon Rstei Daily (mail) 1 mo. 25c; 8 mo. .7Bc; 0 mo. (1.B0; 12 mo. |S.SO Address all order* to The-Baleigh Daily Times J. Y. Simma, Publishers. ARE YOU A UP r TO DATE B ' «aaMaaMMMB If you an not the NEWS AIT OBERVKR is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep yon abreast ot the times. Poll Associated Press dispatch ea the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New*, and Observer. $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 moo. Weekly North Carolinian $i per year, 60c for 6 most NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RAIJOOH, N. C. The North Carolinian ahdTHX AIAMAXCB GUUNBB will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GUAWB office. Graham, N. C. English Spavin liniment re moves all hard, soft Or calloused lumps and blemishes from hoisee, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain* all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save S6O by the use of one Mottle. Warranted the most wonderful , blemish cure know*. Sold by Graham Drug Co. «M>es**ee*e*a*soe»oejMes J DO THIS ! 'ty : Less than (he cost of a two-S cent stamp wiii put a copy of "The Alamance Ckatm".n[ ii year home each week. Scad' i $1 for a year, 50c for 6 mos, | or 25c for 3 BIO*. DO IT NOW,* I ! aad you wll wonder why, you > had not doae it before, Te Can a Cel4 la Oae Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qainine Tablets. All druggist* refund. | the money Uit fails to ewe. >B.| W. Grove's signature is on each THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. WAPPY NEW YEAR Tf) YOU All,l wsj ye/m good ENOUGH FOR, KB- V"ST v llflj | I'' ll /fiff)^ tCopyrWbL UU. br Amertoaa Prm Association 1 /I OME people think th*t~Nsw Yitr'i day I ' m Should come In April «r |n May, iJ Whenhlllsld**atarttoallowinggreen . . An 4 Nature oil* har old machine - For pM mora spin I but/t) tar ma. Wo April d»yla mlna. 1 A Maw Y«»r atartla* out ao lata ' 'Would fat iprlm ftv»r aura a* (Ma And than, with luramir coming on, 'Would be prostrated by tha *un. A yaar require* a robuat frama. Considering tha kind of tame lt'a up against i It atand* aaough To naad a constitution tough- A yaar that ftartad In tha aprlatf Would ha a poor and puny thing, A mollycoddle so effete It couldn't bear tha aumtnar heat) Would gat frostbitten In tha tall And wouldn't atand a chance *t all I Whan winter at ruck It; by which algn 1 chooae tha winter kid for mlna. •Yat even thl* la not tha worat Conaldar how each yaar la euraed By human deads—the woaa of Thne~ ' By fraud and Ilea, by war and crime. I - Tha odium man make it wear . Demande a fiber to upbeaf That I* not brad by April ahowert And doaa not rhyme with buda and Oowara. » - I Tha folk a that want to change tha data Of New Yaar'a have a grudge at Pata. They would complain and ralae a din In haavan If they ahould gat In. II They auaa the weather and aaperaa The working* of the utHvarae. And they agree on bui on* point, .Which la that tblnga are out of joint. The yaar that** born In froat end enow Will haveJfjßf ginger, anap and go; Win jm(ap)irag« and 'he aeet To hear rtujfe&fst fate with the ba*t| jH). _ _ , _ j^x THE NEW CHAMPION anafaaressß™ - ' "jftamseaxr Mm Mi Mow. His (MM ef Touch. "A cantor mw," aaid a lecturer. "*u talking to a throat of c—towon abont the wonderful MOM of to*cb that the blind bare. Here com «M blind Henry Perklna mom; aaid the trocar. -We'll teat hip.' And be took a aeoopfnl of anger and extended ft f» the old man. Tad this. Henry/ ha ■aid, %ad ten ua what it la.' "The Wind man pat his band ia the •coop, paaeed It* contents through bla fingers and aaid to a ins, confident tone,-Sand.'" GBAHAM, N. C., XHUHSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1913. IThKirMOMMMfMNW A And ehaflaaaad Ua eaa alahL 3«t£?asxrs» "awsstr—*—- w>a»yet to mitka eaaaUMatlwlia Hiss's fa Coata Bica the beggars an prlrl -1 leged character* on Tuesday-Oaf la, i they are allowed that day of the weak I ' la which to hag from shop to ahop. i ■ Numbered Heusss. fear bandied years agn the Idea of , numbering houaee orlgtamled la Paris, though It waa oat on til 1789 that the system became general. Tbe first known limtance of a I guidon street to Wbb h houoeH were numbered la l*rea- I cott 'tract, bat the practice did oo* I spread far until 17*1. j SSi HEARD CLARISSA MACKIE U J|>>f a'H. I'Jl-. l>> Anitrlun I'rw* As§». rliitloil | ;ni(it|vil ifwH.v frnin the Wi'hb (but New Veitr'* . ' >1111(1,111 UDJIIOIIH Vi> .••tl tin- «iry aiiow Into «|inrkllii(! iin iii- ii, ni tnid hliiixeir.that . New Vi'iii litiivned ,l»e would "fiMiNi-il hiu>liiiii(l of Milium j lit- liud proved himaelf a •bet . iienliii'MH wil* the cuiiae ot i perpieiltjvihat now uxaiiiied I'be iilitbt liefore he bud naked .II '.Velih to nnirry blm nfter aev i .'lira ot dittiilent iniirtinjt. und ui.»v. twelve hmira afterwnrd. he know. Ilia fate. Miriam bad it warmly and aalil aoinelblnft , Inly, but all the aouud I hut luh caiiKhl wua the tliinl vowel '• mill It wua an eaay matter for bia i '■•» l heart to Interpret It aa "No." had cupped hla baud a twill hla ii mi la»iit bia hnndaome bead to • i-il her Rolden one. "What do you '• i Miriam V r'liun had htuahed more lieautlfnlly II ever and bad laid a aim browned , tie .hmid on hla nrm with a timid feature that thrilled _ bint through, lifted her bead with a quick, bird like movement and apoke clone to bia ear. " -or wua all Jonndnb heard. He had arlaen to hla feet and attim bled toward the door "I'm aorry." he an Id gently. "I've made a mlatake. I Kueaa. Good Dl*ht." Miriam Wetiti find made no reply. Bhe bad merely retained her aent on tbe sofa and attired at blm with fright* ened eyea from which all the timid happlneaa had fled. A long time after Jonadab had waded nwny through the •piling anowdrlfta Miriam aat there un til tier mother poked au Inquiring head through the doorway "What"* tbe matter with you. Miriam Webb? Here yon are alttlng while that *tove I* getting moat red hot! The minute I amelled the hot Iron I knew you'd turned the draft on and forgot to abut 'em off. There -you're auch a featherhead I don't know aa I ahull ever leave you alone with the' Br* Ugaln I ahould think Jonndali might have notleed It." Mr*. Webb opened the door of Hi* cylinder atove ond cloaed tbe draft tightly. Then aba ant down in ber trailing fl.innel wrap|ier and looked In quiringly at ber daughter "naa be naked yon yet. MiriamT" { Miriam bluahed and nodded ber head. "You're engaged, then?" cried her toother, with an air of relief. "I don't know." aniil Miriam alowly. with a queer look in her blu* eyea. i Thnt wan oof the caae wltb Jonndnb Hopkins, for he waa (Irmly convinced thnt tbe girl he Wed had refuaed f 1 to marry blm and it hat be w*a not en \r 1 gaged to anybody. ffL* {A* be approacbeii LrS J hi* borne, lying *ung f and sheltered under the drooping elm*. Cj-" — jhe felt a audden and over| lowering (j - ill deal re to run away I from IJttle River \ a I 'and all the tender memorle* that en |eomp*a*ed It. With *as DBBW OUMBB mt tbe companion' T " "lm •hip of Miriam Webb Utile River w** a barren spot, and lie loathed It J Hl* mother, reading by the light of a targe, green abaded lamp, lifted an In quiring gate to bia. I "Seem* to Be you're home early, 'Jonadab. If* only a llltl* after S lo'clock." I She drew closer to him and placed bar lip* to hla Mr. Jonadab Inclined Ma head, and hla mother** role* wa* jMftod sbrllljr. I "I met Abhy Rmltb today. Sba WM Waking aftor you " [ Jonadab amlled (trimly. **|f yon wet Couxl d Abhy I gneaa ynn hoard aome goaaip," bo aruwlrd j "Said abe'd board yon and Miriam wm engaged la that not" Sir* (Jop bloa drvw bark and watched her ana'a i •m barm Mad fai> eagerly. I "I don't knuw," mid Jonadab alow- I ly. "bat I gneaa It ain't ao." Then aft tr making lb- iif«ii:il preparation for fbe nlgbt be klaaedhla mntber'a wrln 1 bled clu-ek and went to bla room. ' Herera I daya afterward. wbra tiie new year waa yot young. Jonadah'a Tnele ftltnon Hopklna wrote and'offer ed Jonadab a job In the city. I The ronae|uen-e of tbla lett rr w;> tbat lira. Hopklna wont to apend tli winter with bar married daughter Big Hirer, wblla Jonadab aold the e»- •ad cblekena and blred oat hla bond and eloaad tba farm. Aa Ibe montha paaaed by and bt became latarcated In bla aaw work be grew to deteat the thought of f turning to tbe farm. Ho when tba eprlng rame be remained I* New Tart, tolling all tbrongb tbe bot aommer daya until tba aplendld color left bla face and bla brown banda grew qntte pate. "I'm beginning to look like aome of tboae ladylike ity fellowa tbat board ed at Webb a one •ammer." be tbongbt grimly a* be anrreyed bla wbita banda. "I wonder if Miriam would like tba loofca of me any batter now"" | Tbe tboucHt of Miriam Webb turned bin mualngfclu another direction—thol of (be (treat Inflrmlty that provinl a atumbllne block ID bia progreaa at •rery turn. Ill* Uncle Simon bud loop anted a Halt to a noted ear apedallat and now one blatlnß Außuat day Jona dab auddenly reaolred to go Jonndab went to the boapltal In November and came fortb from tbe In atltutlon with a bewildered amlle on bia face and both earn atuffed with cotton to leanen llie terrllic din that aaaailed bia reatored bearing. The whole world took on a new aapect. He felt it greater confidence In blm aelf. more aelf reliance and a higher couruße to overcome the dla»ppoint ment that hud befallen blm In the loaa of Miriam Webb. He remained In the city until the Cbrlatnuis seaaon I; id ended and then haateued back to l.lttle River to take up hla fnrmer'a life once more. As he stood at tbe gate hours after ward. when tbe last night of the old j i i i _ . n». year wa* creeping ij. ffiJl I slowly along tbe Fs'lß I ,nd "* Jnbfney, ,X\\ there came a *ud deD '"Hfl"* to *e* f Miriam Webb and oiKe more bia fate to n An Inatant Inter be wa* I apeedlng over Just sucb a anowy road |\, aa he had tmveraed \ the year before, on ly now he could bear tbe crunching "i£ A ARr T u«"»liD of h M"Otatep* and QUICKLY! TH * CREAK « F branob** breaking from the weight of mow. H* bad grown accustomed to the restoration of hi* bearing, but bad taken nobody In Little Rlvar Into hi* confluence. • Tbe Webb boua* waa Hgbted bright ly, and from tb* *ound* proceeding from within Jonodab aurmlaed that a New Year*a party was In progreaa. H* rang tb* ball, and aa It* *barp clang died away be beard light foot ■teps coming down tb* ball. Altbougb he bad never beard Miriam'* foot at ep*. he wua sure that ah* waa approaching blm, and so b* stood well within the ■haduw of tb* porch. When she open ed tbe door and peered out the light shone on her face, and somehow Jonn. dab knew that abe waa hoping It mlgbt be be. How long had Miriam Webb been watching for blm—ever sine* last year? "Happy New Year!" be aald quickly, holding out hi* hand. Mlrlanf held out ber band and tben withdrew It with audden resentment "I didn't gir* you credit for so-much Impudence, Jonadab Hopkins," she murmured scornfully for ber own ben eflt But Jonadab beard and gave no i alga. "You haven't bad occaelon to change your mind about what I asked you * i y«ar ago?" be aakad Imperturbably. She stared at blm for an Instant, and (hen little spark* of anger flew to ber gentle blue eye*. Bbe cloaed tbe door and atepped out to tbe porch. *o close to Jonadab that her gown bruabed bia ■l**v*. "Ys*, I bar* cb*ng*d my mind," *h* **ld ibarply in hla ear. ao abarply that Jonadab Jumped: tben *be went on In a lower tone, aa If ab* knew be could, not bear ber words, but as If tbe recital of ber wrong* afforded ber great relief: "Who wouldn't change their mlnda. Junadah Hopkins you big goose!" Miriam staui|ied her foot pa**lon*tely. "To come and nak me to marry you-and when i **ld I would-to say you were aorry snd tbnt you'd made a mistake! Yon Mg-Mg —Jonadab Hopkins-why-why"- a* Jonadab took her In hla strong arm* •nd held ber tightly. "Tell me the eiact word* yoi n*ed when you cald you'd have me." order *d Jonadab "1 Mid, i guesa sor" shrieked Mill am In hla ear. "Lordyl I (bought you Mid "Nor" ejaculated Jonixlah Joyfully. drawing ber closer lo hi in. "Ton needn't yell so, Miriam, because I can bear ai wall •a the next fellow, and I've Joel heard TOO Bay yon accepted ma one*. Von can't take It bark. Now, I'm going to fcak you again, all proper, and yoo can Whisper the anawar right close to my Mr. Too lore ma. Mlriainr Miriam's answer coo Id oot be besrd by any one save Jonadab. bat when they entered Ihe bonne and he told Mrs. Webb that ibe New Tear bad brought him s wife It b> erldent that the answer vu not In the negative. -•ells of SlisiMleo." la one of lbs dormitories of the Irish college at Uotne there Is a apace on lbs wall left onpapered sod unpsluted, whatever repair* the rest of the room may aodergo, for there, carilaarty •crawled, is the first rtmght draft of rather front's "Dells of ghandop." Classed Sink Pipes. A tablexpuuuful of washing imda and • cup of rlnegar i»ured down the sink will dean out the most stubborn of clogged pipe*. Dear geeks. The king of Northumberland In 000 gave for a history of the workl 800 acres of land, and a countaaa of Anjou, date not known, once gare 900 abeep and ■ targe parcel of furs for a volume of homilies aod 130 crowns for a sla gis book of Liry. Ante TO get rid of ants saturate rugs with keroeeue. and hang or lay tbece near the places they Infest and they will soon disappear. Resolve to Be Better (e regarded ae the tfme JPp when a man should tahe etoch of hfe - paet and P rc ® c "t and mahe resolutions concerning the future, it (e well to mahe resolutions, and (t Is better to heep them. Ghey serve a good purpose even (f not hept, though they should not be made with the Idea of breaking them. One can be con servative In mahing good resolutions and thereby gain an advantage. Do not resolve to j be perfect—merely mahe a determination to ; be better. Resolve to Improve In everything In I which you are defective. Decide to act more kindly, thlnh -more charitably, speah more pleasantly, worh more diligently, give more cheerfully. Don't try to achieve tbe perfect* which Is Impossible, lust try to Improve, to be and do better, and you will be better for tbe trying. NEW YEAR'S IN OTHER LANDS . . NEW YEAR'S I* the moat univer sally felebriited of holidays. Chriatmua la practically con fined to Chrlatlnn countries nnd In aome of these liaa only • religious observance. '"lie name la true of Eaat i er. Other holldaya are for the moat I part national Iq cbarnctar and are con | lined to tbelr own countries. Bat New Vear'a in soma form la celebrated In ! all latida and in not a few la tho chief holiday of the year. It la not observed alwaya on Jan. I, the Chinese and Jewlah New Tear's being notable ex ceptions and the Rtiaalnn festival be ing hold on wliat to ua la Jan. 12, owing to a difference 1o the cnleudnr. Especially la the beginning of the year a time of festival in the orient Nobody knows Juitt bow old tho custom la, but It probably antedatea history. In most Aalatlc countries New Year's eve ia a time for settling debts, wiping tbo elate clenn for the succeeding twelvoiqoutb. Ten drinking ia natu rally one of tbe chief forma of obaerv saw mil a noaau. •Dee la China and Japan. There It la an art, and tbe ceremonial on New Year*a Is Intended to outrank anything else In tl ■ niok tea Hoe. Tbe Japanese tea room i bidden away In aome aeclud ad part of tbe garden, and enly a few ef tbe elect are admitted. This, of courae, refera to tbe private tea rooma, tbe public once being frequented by Mr. Common People and all bis wife'* relations. * ♦" Tbe Japs oat from a large va riety of d la bee « this.day. piously offering samples of tbe foods to tbelr god*. Tbe day la Nippon la celebrated on Jan. I, as with ua. Tbe Chineae New Year. wMcb la baa ad on the moon and oecnra la January or February, la like a prolonged and glorlfled fourth of July, or rather as the Fourth waa before it became aafa a»d tana. It lasts for eeveral days and la full of oolor, notes and action from atart to Onlah. Firecrackers. Chinese lanterns, tea, feasting and carnival all play their part, and tbe naw year la Initiated la a way to put glagar Into his young life. The pops-' faur greeting Is "Kungbi," which Is to aay, "I humbly 1 wish yon joy," or "tin hi," "May Joy bo yours." From this It will he seen that tbe Chineae have a "hi" old time. Not only do lanteroa abound, but artificial flowera and red mottoes ornament the bouses. Even In tbe Patted States the laundries are ; . .• »" f fr/rjl'. *• ** J .fit/'' ./ . *• jfc abandoned while tbe Oeleirtlala pay ceremonial call* and decorate every thing In sight wltb red paper. Euro pean* *l*o paint tbe town red on New Year**, only they do It In a different w*y. New Year'* I* celebrated for thir teen day* In I'ersla and la tb* mo*t Important featlval of tbe year. It fur nlabei a precloua opportunity for tb* beggar* who camp on a man'* door •tep and blow horn* until b* glva* a present Tbe featlval I* called "No . Root" and- combiner our Cbriatma* and Eaiter. Sweet* are prepared long In advance, and egg* ar* boiled and colored. Tbe observance begin* on March 23, and for thirteen day* there after bualnew I* auspended. Preaent* •re given, among them being * coat of honor for Important person*, for which a price Is often exacted, much In ei ceaa of the value of the garment An other "No Roos" custom 1* for dele gation* of Peralana to visit tb* tomb* of the departed and aend up wall* both loud ami long. New Year's Is a great dny for tbe children in the country town* of Ru*- ■l*. Tha boy* carry peas and wheat showering tboae they Ilk* with wh*at and those tli.\v dislike wltb peas. Varl ou* domestic animals are gayly deco rated ntul led about tbe atrect*. There I* alao a ceremony of changing water Into wine, which la barmle** enough, since It doe* not Incre*** tb* *Wln* supply. Tbe great feature of tbe German New Year's la "Sylve*ter Abend." corre sponding In MOM measure to our-watcb parties, except that more liquid rj freshmen! U absorl/ed. Tbe punch bowl la the center of attraction, but tbe punch la nsually made of a mild Rhine wine and does little If an? barm. 11l fares It wltb tbe mnn wear Ing a hlgb hat on this night' for It I* suinsbed wltb grmt enthualiyim | n Prankfort on (lie Main n pretty custom I* Observed I'roiiiiitly nu the flrat stroke of 12 every abutter In town file* open and n bend ii|i|a»ura with the •boot, "PrnMit Nrujsiir!" It la *a quick ly witlidniwii. ami the shutters lire re. cloaed before tbe clucks bare finished booming 4be hour. • The French give Christmas a relt gioua Observanct. ao Hint New Year's Is the great |i»pulnr holiday.. Uifta are exchanged and cafla are nmde on Jnn 1 and *ll through IIH- month. Tb* Kiigllxb olwerv»ue of New Vear'a U nut lurirely different from our*. except that the old year la awei>t out liy iiwii mid loy« ilreioed aa cblm nty awreppa mill l» rung out with oiur fled bell*. wlili'b i hmiKo to n clear ami joyoiiH not# nt I lie atroke of 12- ll la to till* ru-tom Hint Tennyaon re fere Iti bin "In MeinorlHm." ao often quoted. "Itlng out Hie old. ring ID the Mt." The rowda before 8L I'anl'a In Lon don oil New Yeur'a eve are even greater and more nolay (linn thone be-, fore Trlully. New Vork, though people who bar* only heart! the Uotbam din may deem tbla Impoaxlble. Nat to Caey. That'* at eaay aa rolling off a tog." "Did you ever roll off a log r "No, I can't my I did." "Will, you try It nnd youH And II rtqulraa cunalderable will power."— PUUbtirgb Chronicle-Telegraph. Tha Style. Ob. how I love tha old pluah hat I bought four yeara agol • * I poke It Into kim new ahapa It ne'er before did know. A4d than It la tn vogue again. Wulie «well and up lo data. It la tha beat laveatment that I've chanced to make of lata. Tbla year I Jumped on It a lot Aad beat II up a pile, I let a c*r run over It And, 10, It'a right tn atylel —Chicago JoamaJ. **" H« CiMptdi Mra. Newly wed waafnlriy jubilant over ber flrtt pie. It waa hubby's duty -to aample U. ."Tour mother never baked jroar fa ther a pie like that, did she. darling?" said aba aa poor hubby tried to eat It "No, my dear," be replied. "Fatbet la still alive aud hearty."—Fun Maga* WEBSTEKS Q /INTERNATIONAL! FF DICTIONARY W I THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? 1 ■ mt »*«• » NEW OBXA- 9 H ■ ■' TIOS, covering every ■ 3 I Held of the world'* thcrnK ; J ■ aotion and culture. The only .IS I S2 Y NN * BRID * #D ITNTFCIL *" Y TO ■> I IPfmwe "WmioTw 400,900 H I ——— Worth; more than ever !■ baton appeared between two IM I eorera. 1700 J'xjc*. 600011- ■ ■ lustration*. ■ M ISHSSA-ARS^SAAL paca. A "Stroke of Oeniaa." 19 H Became 11 u an eneydopadirta Of ■I a alntle Tolmna. ■ M Becauc ii U *°aepted by the I II 1 _ Courte, Bohoola and H. — ■ HI Became who know* Wimt I HI Bacccst. Let na tail ■ I Toa about thla new week. H win iwnd—rf— aiiiM up. Be.* C.MMUUAM CO„ Mill ni,lnfaa>iH.MMa 1 North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper THH Charlotte Observer Every Day fa Ike Year CALDWELL & TOMPKINS PUBUDHERS. $8 per Tear THE OBSERVER- Receives* the largest tele graphic news service deliver ed to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and it i special service is the greatost ever handled by a North Carolina paper. Thb Sunday Obskbvkh— Is largely made np of origi nal matter and is up-to-date in all departments andcon tains many special features Send for sample copies. Address Observer CHARLOTTE, N. C. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as rfbove, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volnme—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, #2.00; gilt top, #2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may l>e sent to P. J. KEKNODLE, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. ! WeprompUrobiaia U^and^Siaiis^^!' I • T W ■ l ■ ■ '■ J* m m ■ tree r*port on paten lability. For fire book, ' • TtM vy 111 IT Tf'l! 1" ' M Ma, yJ ! A k ASM I Voa Klaw What Yen Are Taklaf When you take Grove's Taat less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tastless form. No cure, Mo Pay. 60c. A High Grade Bleed ParlSer. Go to Alamance. Pharmacy and bay a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrich your blood and build op your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such aa Rheumatism, Ulcers, Bating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bono Pains. Pimples, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood troubles by killing thit poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, II

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