THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., March 27,1913 Postolfice Hons. JfllMopon 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. •artsy 100 to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to 100 p. m HKBNAN HL OH KB, Postmaster. Local News i! ♦♦+»■»■« I H —Mr. J. C. Simmons haa been confined at hla home by an attack ot lagrippe for several daya. —Showery April weather and mild enough to leave off fires for the past few daya. It is hoped the weather man is not holding back aby surprises. —Graham Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. S. G. Lindsay at 3.30 p. m„ Thursday, April 3rd. —The Ladies Aid Society of Gra ham Christian church will meet at Mrs. J. B. Montgomery's at 3.M p. m. next Wednesday. —Some material is being put on the aground for rebuilding the M. E. church. We understand the new church is to be a brick one. —The mills and factories here shut down Monday and the day generally observed as a hol iday. '--His Cily Bakery* has bt».'n building on West Elm street to the room under the Vestal Hotel formerly used as a drug store. —Lately the farmers in South Alamance have hauled hundreds and hundreds of bags of fertilizer out their way. It looks much like the use of commercial fer tilizer was being overdone. —The Veranl Equinox was ush ered in Friday. Near the hour of mid-day the days and nights be- came of equal length and about „the aame hour, or near thereto, there was thunder and a down pour of rain. —Mr. Joa. W. Noell, editor, and Mr. Pat. Clay, compositor, of the Courier, Roxboro, are (pending the day here watching the antics of The Gleaner's Typograph (type setting machine). The Courier has bought a machine of the same make and is looking for it any day. .They are after learning how to handle the dilemma when 'it comes. Oood idea, and we con gratulate the Courier on its for ward movement—progressiveness is rather the proper word for these times. Moved to Duke. Mr. James M. Thomas, who went to Duke a few weeks ago to ac cept a position, returned the lat ter part of last week for his. fam ily. They have packed and ship ped their household goods, and this morning Mr. Thomas and family left for their new home. They go with the good wishes of many friends here. Starr-Holt Mr. Lacy Starr of Greensboro and Miss JBettie Holt of Saxapa haw were married Sunday after noon at 5.?0 at the Reformed Par sonage, Rev .J. D. Andrew offi ciating. Mr. Starr is the son of a prosperous farmer, being con nected with Mr. J .T. Piatt, a con tractor, who did grading in this county about a year ago. It was at this time that he met Miss Holt, who is the grand-daughter of Mr. Seymour P. Holt and niece of Mr J. Sam Albright of this place. Returning Thanks. Castle Hall, Graham Lodge No. 93 K. of P. Graham, N. C. Mar. 17, 1913. Whereas, our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and sweethevrts so willingly, earnestly and suc cessfully assumed, planned, exe cuted and served the menu at our recent banquet agreeably to the satisfaction and pleasure of all. be It resolved, that we in Lodge as sembled go on record by adopt- Ing this resolution by a rising vote and that a copy of the same be spread upon our minutes and likewise published* in The Ala mance Gleaner. . DEATHS. Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler, relict of the late Oliver Wheeler, died at Bellemont last Sunday morning, aged 67 years. The remalna were Interred at St Paul's. A son Mr. Jaa. W. Wheeler of Oreenaboro, and one brother, Mr. R JL Bain of Trolinwood survive her. Mrs. Hannah Boseman, aged about 75 years died at Haw River Sunday night about o'clock. Her remalna were interred at Haw River. Mr. Wm. Chatman, aged about M years, died at Haw River on Mth. Interment at Haw River. The widow and a son survive him. New Aimflieeeel*. M. R. Rives * Bro. are telling yon about Spring style dress goods, fine shoes, suits and hats. K. 8. Cardwell la ready for you with corn planters, buggies, har rows, grass seed, etc. H. W. Lutterloh vs. Mamie Lut terloh—Summons. Asheville Citizen : Bd. Lane, a young white boy from Newton, aged IS, had his leg cut off at the knee in attempting to )ump a freight train near Marion on Sunday. After the accident he was put In charge of the com pany's surgeon at Marion. It is said that young Lane was "hobo ing" his way to this city. Personal Mention i " Mr. John Scott spent Monday in Raleigh. Capt. 8. H. Webb ol Oak* waa in town Monday. • Mr. W. T. Basil of Saxapahaw waa in town Saturday. Mr. H .W. Scott spent last Fri day in Greensboro. Mr. Geo. R. Stockard near Sax apahaw waa in town Monday. Mr John Q. Turner apent Sun day and Monday at Chapel Hill. Miss Mary Laahley of Durham spent Sunday with frlena Mr. Don B. Scott' spent from Saturday tIU Tuesday in Wilming ton. Mr. J. J. Henderson of Chapel Hill spent Saturday and Sunday here. Rev. W .G. Clements of Morria ville spent Monday and Tuesday here. Mrs. Charles Robbins of High Point is visiting at Mr. J. Edgar Long's. „ Miss Bess Baxter spent Satur day and Sunday at her home in Durham. Mrs. Nellie Ross Jones of Wa verly, N. Y„ is visiting Mrs. J. C. Simmons. Miss Claire Turner spent from Saturday till Monday at her home in Raleigh. Miss Donnie Cobb spent Satur day and Sunday at her home at Morgaiiton. Misses Annie Louise Wills and Florence Blow apent Monday in Greensboro. Mr. Steve Simmona, in school at the University is spending a few days at home. Miss Sallie Warren spent from Saturday till Monday at her home at Cedar Grove. Miss Ellen, Wilson of Greenville, 8. C., arrived here Tuesday on a visit to Miss Blanch Scott. Miss Kathleen Long left yester day afternoon for Chapel Hill to attend the Baster dances. Mrs. Arthur Griffin of Clayton spent the first of the week here with her sister Miss Donie Cobb. Miss Naomi Hocutt, in school at Meredith College, Raleigh, spent Baster holidays at her home here. Mrs. Jesse Keith of Greensboro arrived here yesterday on a -visit to Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mr Xacy Moore of Waahington, D. C., spent Sunday here at the home of his father, Mr. W. C. Moore. Mrs. L. Banks Holtwas called to Atlanta Monday on account of the sickness of her daughter Mrs. P. H. Norcross. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., went to Hew York the latter part of last week on business and returned Monday. Miss Alva Weeden left Tuesday for her home at Blowing Rock af ter spending a few days here visiting Mrs. Mcßrlde Holt. Mr. Armstrong Holt, in school at the A. and M. College, Raleigh, spent from Saturday till Monday at his home here. , Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., and daugh ter Miss Blanch are spending the day in Mebane with Mrs. J. Mel Thompson. Mess. Ralph Long and Clyde Hunter, now at Richmond, Va., spent from Saturday till Monday here at their homes. Mrs. J. Blmer Long, who has been visiting at the home of- her' father, Capt. Thos. L. Peay, near Pittsboro, returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bason of Thomasvllle and Miss Margie Scott of Mebane apent from Sat urday till Monday here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Judge N. L. Bore of Greensboro and "Uncle" Joe Sechrist of High Point are here today to attend the County Meeting of Jr. Order Coupcils. Mrs. Goodman who has been been here on 4 visit to her moth- er, Mrs. J. C. -Hocutt, and her sla ters Mesdames Rob't L. fiolmes and M. O. Tlanlgan, left Tuesday for her home in Augusta, Qa. Thorough Work. How Graham Citizens Can Find Freedom From Kid ney Troubles. If yon luffer from backache— Prom urinary disorders— Any curable dtont of the kid ney*. Dae I " teated kidney remedy. I Does'* Kidney Pill* have been tested by tboaaanda. Orateful people taatlfy. Can yon aak a more convincing proof of meHtf C. B. Bill*, the well known mer chant, Hiring on Pron* Street. Bur lington, H. C« Myt, "Doaa'a Kid ney Pllla hare never failed to help me. I am (lad to confirm the statement that I gave in lMt praising them. I was suffering from a alight attack of kidney complaint whan I got Dona's Kidney Pills. I took than and the pain disappeared. I know that thia medicine is a reliable one." Por sale by all dealers. Price M cento. Poster-Mlllburn Compa ny, Buffalo, N. Y, sole agents tor the United States . Remember thr name-Do an's aad take no other. SCHOOL NEWS The McCray school closed last Friday with appropriate exercls ea. The part riven by the chil dren conaiated of dialogues, songs, recitations and concerts. An ad dress on "Some Bssentials of Sus cess" waa made by the County Superintendent. The exhibit ot school work in drawing, composi tion, etc.. bespoke some aplendid work for the year. The teachers are arranging for an exhibit at the county exhibition. The Highland school closed last week. The years' work has been successful. Sickness in the com munity prevented having closing extrcises. closing exerciaes of «hi» Hawfields High School will be fc« Id on April 3rd and 4tL. The lower grades and department of music will render a program on the night of the 3rd. On Friday, the 4th, a ball game will be given in the morning, dinner on the grounds, lust after dinner Dr. Hill, president of the A. and M. College will deliver the literary address Friday night the senior class ex ercises will be given. • While the County Commence ment will be on Saturday the 28th ment will be on Saturday, the 26th of April, in number of days the time till the Commencement is Just one month, this being the 26th of March. Bvery day will be used in some way in making ready for the occasion. Within the next few days the Superinten dent will issue, in printed form, from his office a complete pro gram and plan for the Commence ment. ■» -1 A ACICoovQ* Dr. L. A. Crawford the Oklaho man, who was imprisoned on the Bth on Arrest and Ball, was re leaaed from cuatody Tuesday. Sulta were filed againat him for damages by Mr. H. P. White and and wife of Burlington on the Bth under the proceeding of Arrest and Bail, and being unable to give furety for his appearance he was imprisoned. A day or two later he filed a schedule of his posses sions preparatory to taking the insolvent debtor's oath.' Subse quent investigations proved the truthfulness of his schedule and upon consent of attorneys pro and con an order was made releasing him from custody a few days be fore the twenty days were up for him to be releaaed under process of law. The trouble came to the Dr. on account of liberties he is alleged to have taken or attempt ed to take, with the wife of Mr. White. The case haa received conaiderable local notoriety. The storm of last Friday did considerable damage in portions of. Cabarrus county. Barns and other out buildings were blown down or unroofed and much tim ber was destroyed. At Rocky River church the storm was se vere and at Bethpage church the wind was severe and many trees in the church grove were blown down. S. M. Beasley, roadmaster on the Atlantic Coast Line, attempt ed to adjufct an electric power wire that had fallen across the track ,fell in a hole and against the wire broke his arm by the fall and at the same time received the full force of the electric current in his body. He is expected to survive. • In Franklin county la*t Wed nesday an automobile driven by I. B. Williams, ran over and kill ed • 8-year-old ion of Kettle Williams. The child was swing ing on a wagon passing the road and left the wagon Just In time to get In front of the automo bile, which was coming from an other direction. BOOS—Buff and White Orping tons. 8. C. White Leghorns and Oolden Seabright Bantams—line M0ck—92.50 per setting of 15. B. N. TURNER, Graham, N. C. You can get anything in Wall Paper at C. V. Seller's Ait Store, Burlington, W. C. t Roaador Stratton. The hackney stallion. Rosador Stratton, formerly belonging to Alamance Stock Improvement Co., will make this season at W. C. Moore's Livery Stable in Graham. The price for the seaeon la re duced from |2O.M to SIS.W. This horse' is well known and la considered one of the best all around horses ever brought to Al amance county. The reduced price all those deeiring to nine a good coit aa opportunity to do so and Improve their stock at a low cost. C. B. MOORE, Manager. Wood's Seeds Tat The Firm and Garden. Oar Now Daacrtpthre Catalog ie fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and MHn/ormarion about the best and most profitable aaada to grow. It tefls all abort Cranes and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Coir Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns - aad all other fans and Garden Seeds. Wnnif't Bard has long been recognised ae a staa dard authority on Saeda. Mailed on request; write Cor It T.W.WOOD* SONS, SIXDSMEM, MCHMOND, VA. —— ■ i GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist—N. Main St.—Jas. W. Rose, Pastor. Preaching services every Second and Third Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at MS fc. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7.00. Graham Christian Cfiurch—N. Main Street—J. F. Morgan, Pastor Preaching services every Sec ond and Fourth Sundays, at 11.00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—C. D. Johnston Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Street, near the Depot—J. F. Morgan, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourh Sundays at 3.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.-Arthur T. Walker, Su perintendent. Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7.30. Friends—North of Graham Pub lic Bchool—J .Robert Parker, Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—Miss Belle Zachary, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting every Friday night at 7.30. » I Methodist Episcopal, South—cor. Main and Maple Sts„—Services at present in Court House—R. O. L. Edwards, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. Cottage Prayer Meeting every Thursday night at 7.30. Methodist Protestant—College St., west of Graham Public School —Geo. L. Curry, Pastor. Preaching every First. Third and Fourth Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and every First, Third, Fourth and Fith Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.15 *. m.—J. 8. Cook, Supt. Prayer Meeting every Tueadsay night at 7.30. Junior Y- P. 8. C. B. every Sun day at 3.00 p .m.—Miss Bessie Tin uin, Supt. Ladles' Aid— Saturday before Second Sunday at 3.00 p. m. Presbyterian—West Blm Street —E. C. Murray, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.30 p. no. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. *m.—Mcßrlde Holt, Supt. Prayer Meeting every Wednes day night at 7.30. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. E. Lebby, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 j>. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 8.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Siv perlntendent. Gov. Jarvls has accepted an invitation to deliver the Memo rial Day address in Wilson. Cleve Weathers, a negro 11 v in Providence township, Mecklen burg county shot and killed his wife laat week and disappeared. M. F. Teeter, • Cabarrui far mer who had mamy bale* of cotton stored on hia farm diacovered last week that five bales had been stolen. R. H. Wright, who owned the Durham atreet car lines, has sold the business to Henry L. Dohertjr of New York. Price not stated but believed to be about |250,- 000. a! m/ fine Watch Repairing Z. T. HADLEY, Jeweler aa4 Optician GRAHAM, N. C NOTICE I All citizen* of Graham, N. C., who are not registered and who dc*ire to vata in the general town election, to be held as by law provided, on Tuesday alter the first Monday in Mar, It being May eth, 1911, for the election of • Mayor ana Board of Commle aloner* for the Mid town of Gra ham, are hereby notified that that the undersigned J C. Simmon* haa been appointed Regiatrar for said election, and that the registra tion book* for aald election will be open at the drug atore of the •aid J. C. Simmon* at the hoora ami for the length of time provid ed by law. beginning with the 94th day of March, lilt. All voter* will *** that their name* are properly registered. J JC. SIMMONS, Regiatrar. By order of the Board of Com mi**ioner* of the town of Gra ham JX. C. This March It, IMS. | ARTHUR P. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Substitutes U Your Own Child THE BKBTT Would Yon to* antlaOed with aome other Child Reoommended as "JUST AS GOOD?" Now, Your Child is Sick—lt bus a Dangerous Gold. You Know GOWANS PREPARATION is the Original and Best Would You aire Your BEST CHILD s Medicine Recommended as "JUST AS GOOD" Think It Over Price 25c. 50c and SI.OO All Druggists ■ 1 A New Remedy for Indigestion Gets County Wide Endorsement Thanawramadytor Indigestion call ed "Digestif hu been found * certain quick relief ud permanent remedy tor stomach dleordera. Letters from thousands who had suffered the tor ture* of Indigestion and got relief from the ue of Dlgeetlt are evidence of Its merit. The enormous Increase in demand from every part of the country la proof of 1U popularity. But yon do not hare to take anybody's "Superior Corn Planters" Are the best, you see the Corn as it drops, do not have to wait for the crop to come up to find out if you have good stand. The Double Disk Furrow opanara will last for years and years, where the old style Sw ji-ds wiil have to be replaced each season. Sold more Corn Planters last season, than all the stores in town. Car load of Wood Co. Spike tooih Harrows in stock, only Harrow with releiving spring, allows the teeth to pass over the stumps etc, all we ask is for you to seethe Harrow-trade growing all the time on these. 100 Syracuse and Lynchburg Chilled Plows, all sizes, full stock repairs. Guilford Light Running Buggies, best weels, best painted finest leather trimmings 3 Car Loads to select from. Clover, Grass Seed, Lawn Grass, Peas, Millett ~ N. S. CARDWELL, The Always Busy Store, 'Phone 1-8-3 BURLINGTON, N. C. r* * « * LADIES! . Havey6u looked at our latest in spring siyles dress goods? If not, you shhuld. They will please you. A big line to choose from. All trimmings to match. • SPLENDID LINE Men's Ladies'and Boys' Fine Shoes CLOTHING AND HATS for men and boys in latest styles and shapes. Quality and price, right. M. R. RIVES & BRO. BIG STORE GRAHAM, - - - N. C. 4 '■'"V". , Shoe Bargains All Ugb lop shoes at Cost We have the laical la low quarter Shoes. Remember hs lor llrst class Groceries. J. T. BLACK * BRO. GRABAM, N.C. word for It—try It yourself on an abeo late guarantee, get a package and If you don't get relief you can got your money back for the asking. Brown's Digeatlt i» a little tablet easy to swal low and absolutely harmleee. It digests all the food, prevents fermentation, stops gas formation, prevents stomach dlatrees after eating, aids aaatmllatlon, aad relieves indigestion Instantly, ALAMANCE PHARMACY. For That Cold and Cong Take NYALS Emulsion Cod Liver Oil NYALS Extract Cod Liver Oil Each Guaranteed Graham Drug Company, JS3S Rexall Store 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. S&Amotitfk /uj&lbkll£h Williamson Menefee 'Phones 99 and 322-L Get • "WHITE CAR" for Hire. m. -x. ■ —'— Garden Seeds :i ' ' r' " ■"'-*. •'"'" V ■ -' - "I ' 4 Landrsth's Seed which Succeed They are vital, true to ~ name and never disapoint" Landreths seed ARE GROWN BY LANDRETHS, and are just as represented. We also carry WOOD'S and FERRY'S and other Seeds. Call and See US. Alamance Pharmacy, The/*flE\ Store J. C. Simmons, Druggists Simmons Building Graham, N. C. ' 1 . SAGE W GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS II FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS - PaldlnCMtal Stock $30,000.00 +%£> tmUmmVwtt!??,rmuiaSiiw'n' '*? 1 ta Vn"*?TT ||"'T'/TV!? mir plants MUM HM4M f>rV* .»«V l # rw-ir£f,fy baek. OrM-MV) tfilnfft!? thl U r ° 9 * 10 *"* * ,u * ** ly «*«•» x* 4 fis «ms HALF-CENT COLTJHH. AdverUaementa will he luerted under thit aaadln« at ooe-aalf of a oent a word for eaob IneerUoa Ho ad. ijMerte/for leM than id eta. Count rour word« and Mad eaao «n trin Back Initial «r abbreviation eounta a word. —lf joa not or need a blank book —journal, ledger, pocket or rest pocket memorandum, record book or other kinds of blank books, cell et The Glkamer Printing Office. HOUSES and lots for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Yon can bay almost any kind of blank book you m»y need at Thc Ouukm Printing Office. SCHOOL BUPPLIEB Tablet* Composition end Examination Books and Dixon's Pencils, tbe bnst, made, at Til Guana Printing Office ADMINISTRATOR'S SOTITE. ■iSaa j9?7ai2b WmSS. 1 ™" CLAUDS B. Hi't'At'Lßy, Adm'r ITai* Knffln Durham. dee'd. -BLANK BOOKS—A good as sortment at Tat Ouuxu office. Ilea "*—*- fnrt B«at Service by Publication Worth Caraliaa—Aluua Coaatjr. la the (Superior Coart. March Tm, IMI. H. W. Lutlerloh Kami* Lulleriob. . _ % ' vffi Maaila Lutterloh, the defendant a bora ■awed, will take notice (hat an action en titled aa above, baa been commenced In the Hu parlor Court of Alamance county for the purpoM of obtaining an abeotttte divorce from tbe boodaof matrimony heretofore ex latlng between rlalntlff and defendant; That the Mid defendant will take further notice that the I* required to appear at (he term of Muperior Court of aid countjr to be bald at the court t.ouae ef aald county. In Graham, oa the twelfth Monday after toe Ural Monday In Merck, and atuwer or lemur to the com plaint Ued la aaid action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief denuded Aiinapi' land and aaal thla the Slat di y of Mareh. lUL J. D. KBKRODLK. C.S.C., ITmchtt A lame pee County. FOIJYSIQPHEYPniS Bucklen's Arnica Salve THE WORLD-FAMOUS HEALER / UlcmJFev«r£erM. Ptoses, Itch, felons, Wounds, Braises, r SSI?uL«S , MiX' I (jilj • BhHI ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE. 1 MONEY BACK IK IT FAILS. I aaoATALLDRUccirrs -I|. f»a 111 f %«J -.ll*

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