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The Great Home Newspaper of tbe State. » The news of the World Is gathered by pri vate leased wires and by tbe well-trained special correspondents of tLe Times and set before tbe readers lu a concise and interest- Dg msnner each afternoon As a chronicle ot world events the Times is Indispensable, wblie Its bureaus In Wash ington and Mew York- makes Its news from the legislative and financial centers of the Country tbe best that can be obtained. As a woman's paper tbe Times has no su perior, being morally and Intellectually a paper of tbe highest type. It pubises tbe very best teaiures that can be written on fashion and miscellaneous n-alters. The rimea market news makes It a busi ness Man's necessity for the farmer, mer chant ana tbe bruker can depend upon com plete and reliable Information upon their various lines ot trade. Subscription Rstel Daily (mail) 1 mo. 25c; 8 mo. 76c; 6 mo. $1.50; 12 mo. $2.50 Address all orders to The Raleigh Daily Times J. V. bimrna, Publishers. ARE YOU UP f TO DATE " Ii you are not the NEWS AIT OBERVER is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast ot tbe times. Pull Associated Press dispatch er the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 moi. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO.. RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THB ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sen* tot one year ior Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THB GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lamps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, enrbs, splints, Sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save S6O by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known. Sold by Graham Drug Co. DO THIS ,fi | Lest than the cost of atmo- ' | CM t stamp w3l pot a copy of !' I "The Alamance Gleaner" in :i • your home each week, tod , $1 for a year, 50c far 6 mos., ! ' or 25c for 3 mds. DO IT NOW, j tod yon will WMfa why yon > harl iial rlnna I# LOIIMM I ■■■§ WW WW. U MwWv T» Oars a Old la Oaa Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qninlne Tablets. All druggists refund die money If-it falls to cure. E. W. Qrore'. dfiutnn i. on each -' I '■ '' ' ■ , • '* ■ '* V' '.>• ■••IzJL- '• ''■ 1 '' '•. * ' ' - , ' \ . • % THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. The Siege of the Seven Suitors By McREDITH NICHOLSON Copyright, IMA hy Meredith Nkbetasn r CHAPTER VII. I Meet Heaekleh. WIGGINS asked me to lunch eon, and on tbe way back to tbe inn, after Inquiring my plana for retaralag to town, be proposed that I delay my departure until tbe following day. _What be wanted, and be pot It bluntly, waa Sj friend at court, and aa I had seeming ly satisfied blm or my entire good faith and of my devotion to hla interests he begged that i prolong my stay In Miss Holllater's bouse, giving as my excuse tbe condition of the chimneys of Hope- Held Manor. He brushed aside my plea of other engagements and appeal ed to our old friendship. He waa tak ing bia troubles bard, and I felt that be really needed counael and aupport in the Involved atate of bia affairs. I did not see how my continued pres ence under Miss Holllater's roof could materially assist blm, and tbe tbougbt of Remaining there when there waa no work to be done was repugnant to my aense of profeeaional honor, but be was so persistent that I Anally yielded. While we ate luncheon 1 Bought by every means to divert bis thoughts to other cbauhels. After we were seated in tbe dining room four other men fol lowed. exercising considerable care In placing themselves as far from one an other as possible. A few moments lat er a motor bummed Into the driveway, and we heard its owner ordering his chauffeur to return to town and hold blmaelf subject to telephone call. This latest arrival appeared shortly In tbe dining room and, surveying tbe rest of us with a disdainful air, sought a ta ble In tbe remotest corner of tbe room. Others appeared, until eight in all bad entered. Tbe presence of tbeae men at tbla hour, their air of aloofness and the care tbey exercised in Isolating themselves Interested me. Tbey ap peared to be gentlemen. They were, Indeed, suggestive .of tbe ampler met ropolitan world, and one of tbem waa unmistakably a foreigner. While Wiggins appeared to Ignore them, I was conscious that be reviewed the successive arrivals with every manifestation of contempt One of these glum gentlemen seemed familiar. I. could not at once recall him, but something in his manner teased my memory for a moment before I placed him. Then It dawned upon me that he was the third man I bad met In tbe field overhanging the garden after my eavesdropping experience the day before. 1 tbougbt It as well, however, not to mention this fact, or to speak of the man 1 bad seen so grimly posted In the midst of the cornfield. I was an observer, a looker on, at Hopefield, and my Immediate business was ths col lecting ot information. "Will you kindly tell me, Wlggy, who these strange gentlemen are and Jnst what has brought tbem her* at "this hour?", "I know them—they are guests of the inn. Moet of tbem were more or less companions In our procession across Europe last summer. Tbe one in tbe tao salt Is Henderson—yoo most have heard of him. The abort dark chap of atrablllons countenance is John Stew art Dick, who pretends to be a phlloeo per. As for tbe others"— He dismissed tbem with a Jerk of tbe bead. My wits straggled with his ex planation. It Is my wish to reduce in formation to plain terms. "Are these gentlemen, then, yonr ri val* for tbe band of 'Mlee Cecilia Hoi llster? If so. they are a solemn baad of suitors, I must confess." *"You bare bit It Ames Tbey are suitors, assembled from all part* of the world." "Nice looking fellows, except the chap with tbe monocle, who baa Just ordered ratber more liquor than a gen tleman ahould at this boor.'* "That Is Lord Arrowood. I have feared at time* that Mlaa Octavla fa vored him." "Poeaibly. but not likely. Bnt bow long Is tbla tbiag going to last? If yoo fellows are going to bang on ber* nntll Miss Cecilia Holllster baa cbosm one ef you for ber hus baad 1 shud der for your nerves. I imagine that any one of tbase gentlemen Is likely to begin shooting acroaa his plat* at aay mluute. Such a situation would be come Intolerable very quickly If I were In tbe game aixLforced to lodge bare." "I hope." replied Wiggins with beat, "that yoa don't Imagine tbeae fellow* eaa crowd m* out I've paid for a month'* lodging In advance, and If jroo will atand by m* I'm going to win." "Spoken like a man. my dear Wlg gtnal Yon may couat oa me to tbe sweet or bitter eod, even if I pail down all tba superb chimneys with which Pappartoa adorned that booae op yon der." Ha silently clasped my bead. A lit tle later 1 telephoned from tbe Inn to my odea explaining my sba*nri aad Instructing my assistant to visit sev eral pressing clients, aad 1 Instructed tbe valet at tbe Hare aad Tui total to aeod me a week's supply of linen and aa odd salt or twa At about 8 o'clock I left Wlggla* la firat rate spirits and set oat on my re turn to Hopefield Manor. I made a wrong torn on leaving tba l'reecott Anna, and 1 came eat pres ently near Katonab village. I got my bearings of a shopkeeper and *artad again for Hopefield Manor, bat tbe mldafternoon waa warm, aad tbe hills were steep, end as Mlse Holllater's ad cob showed signs of wesrin*-. I drove Into a teste corner mm ioowii ed the mare's check. Oa a sunny slope several hundred yards a bore the high way lay an orchard, advertised 40 th> larcenous eye by the ruddiest of r»l apple*. Not In many years bad I rob bed an orchard, and 1 felt Irresistibly drawn toward the gnarled trees, which were attll. In their old age. abundantly fruitful. I drew down a bough and plucked my Brat apple, tasted and found it food. At my palate'a first responsive tltillatlon something wblxzed past my ear, and, following the flight of the missile, I aaw an apple of goodly a lie fall and roll away into the grass. I had Imagined myaelf utterly alone, and even now as 1 looked guiltily around no one was in sight The ap ple had paased my ear syvlftly and at an angle quite un-Newtonlan. It had been fairly aimed at my bead, and the law of gravitation did not account for it Aa I continued my scrutiny of the landscape I was addressed by t voice' whose accents were not objurgatory. Bather, the tone waa good natured and Indulgent If not Indeed a trifle patronizing. The words were these: Soup of the evening, beautiful aoupl It waa then that, lifting my eyes, I beheld, sitting lengtßwlse of the wall, with her feet drawn comfortably un der her, a girl In a -white sweater, bareheaded, munching an apple. There was no question of Identity. It waa the girl whoae head behind the cash ier's grill of the Asolando bad Inter ested me on the occasion of my sec ond visit to the tea room. In soliciting my attention by reciting a line of verse she bad merely followed the rule of the tea room In like circum stances. The casting of the apple at my head possessed the virtue of nov elty. While I tried to think of some thing to say I -pecked at my owu ap ple, but kept an eye op her. She con cluded her repast calmly and dung away the core. "I mentioned soup," she remarked. "The courses are mixed. We have partaken of fruit. Are you Ash. flesh, fowl or good red herring?" "Daughter of Eve, I will be any thing you like l rin for the ap pie, and I apologize having enter ed Eden uninvited." ! "It's not my Eden. Nobody Invited me. But It's not too much to say that these applea are grand." "I'm glad we're both In the same boat I'm a trespasser myself. I don't even know the name of the owner. But if you have bad -only one apple two more are coming to you If you fol low Atalanta's precedent" "I don't follow precedcnta. and I've forgotten the name of the boy who threw the applea In the race. U doesn't matter, though. Nothing mat ter* very much." Her bands clasped ber knees. Her skirt waa short, and I waa conaclpus that she wore tan shoes. She con tinued to regard me with lazy curi osity. Bhe seemed younger than at the Asolando. Not more than eight een times bad apples reddened on the bough In ber lifetime. She waa even alenderer and more youthful in her sweater than In the snowy vestments of the Asolando. Her hair, which in the glow of the lamp at Asolaudo cash desk bad been golden, waa today bur nished copper and was brushed straight back from ber forehead and tied with a black ribbon. "I quite agree with your philosophy. Nothing la of great Importance." "So it'a riot your orchard?" she asked "The thought flatten me. I own 110 lands nor ships at sea. I'm p chim ney doctor, and if necessary I'll apolo gize for it" "You needn't submit testimonials. I take' the swallows out of my own chimneys." "That requires a deft band, and I'm sure you're considerate of the swal lows." "You may come up here and sit on the wall If you care to. I saw you driving in a -trap. I hope your horse Isn't afraid of motors. Motors speed scandalously on that road.", "I am not In the least-worried about my horse. Ifs borrowed. .As you re marked, this Is a nice orchard. I like It here." "If yon are going to be silly you will And me little Inclined to nonsense." rSbatl we talk oLtbe Asolando? I haven't been back since I saw you there, and yet—let me see, isn't this your day there 7" She seemed greatly . amused, and ber tanghter rose with a fountain like spontaneity and fell, a splash of musical sound, on the mellow sir of the orchard. She bad changed her po sition as I Joined ber. sitting erect and klektog her heels lazily agalnat Ha waii. "Mr. Chimney Man, something terri ble happened Just after you left that afternoon. I was bounced, fired—l lost my Job." "Incredible! I'm sure It was oot for any good cause. I can testify that you were a model of attention-yon were snrpaaelngly discreet Too repelled me In the most delicate manner when I Intimated that I should come often on the days that yon mad* the change." "The aad part of It was- that that was not only my last dsy, but my first: I had never been there before. ezepl> for a nibble now and then when I was In town. Bnt I couldn't stand It. It was like being lo Jail -In fact. I think Jail would be preferable But I'm gin.l 1 spent that one day there. Tbey dis pensed with my company tiecauw I n* marked to one of the silly girls who are making the Asolando their llfework that 1 thought the English pre Its phaelltes bad carried tbe dish fact ratber too far. Tbe girl to whom I nt tered this heresy was so shocked sb- dropped a know bow brli tla everything la In tberw-aud I Mine home. Too were really tbe ooly ad natm I got out of my day there Aad I didn't find yoo entirely aatlsfsr tory." "Thank you. Franceses, tor these confidences. Aad having kst your po sitlon yon are now free to roam tbe fcffla aad dream on orchard wells. Yonr scheme of life Is to my liking. I can see with half an eye that yon were horn for tbe open and that the walla ef no prison bouse can ever bold yoo agala." MM nodded a dreamy arqotaaene*. R* ' '' '.l" JW-% GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1913 Then ahe turned two very brows eye* full upon me and demanded: "What Is your uuuie, please?" I mentioned It. "And you doctor chimneys? That sounds very amusing." "I'm glad you like It Most people think It absurd." "What are you doing here? There's not a chimney in sight." "Oh. I have a commission. In the neighborhood. Hopefleld Manor. You muy have heard of. Miss Holtlster's place." "Of course, every one knows of her." "Aud now that I think of It It wi* ■he übout whom you asked In.tbe Aso lando tbat afternoon. You wanted to know wbat she said tbe tea room." ' —. "I remember perfectly." She wus quiet for-a moment, then she threw buck her bead and laughed that rare laugh of hers. "You might let me Into tbe Joke." "It wouldu't mean anything to you. I have a lot of private jokea tbat are for my.own consumption." "Your wuy.bf laughing Is adorable. 1 hope to hear more of It. In the Aso lando you repulsed me In a manner that won my admlrutlon, but I venture to say now tbAt, If you roam tbese pastures, I am the grass beneath your feet, and If yonder tuneful water be fucred to you I sit beside tbe brook to team Its song." "You talk well, sir, but from your I tone 1 feur you can't forget that we met first In the Asolando. That day of my life Is past, aud I am by no means what you might coil an Aaolan ded. I don't seem to Impress you wltb that fact. I'm a human being, not to be picked like a red apple, or trampled upon like grass, or listened to as though I were a foolish little brook. I'm great ly given to the highway, and I prefer macadam.* I like asphalt pavements, too, for the matter of that. I should j love a motor, but lucking the coin I pedal a bicycle My wheel Ilea down there In the bushes. You see. Mr. Chimney Man. I am a plain spoken person und hare no Intention of deceiv ing you. My uame was Francesco for one day only. It muy interest you ft> know thnt my reul name Is Ilezekluh." "Hezeklnh! Then you are Cecilia's sister and Miss Holllster's niece?" "Guilty." "And you.live"— "Over there somewhere beyond that ridge." And she wnved her band vaguely toward the village and laugh ed again. "Prny tell me what this particular joke Is. It must be Immensely fun ny." I urged, struggling with these new facts. "Oh. It's Aunt Octavla! She will be the death of me yet. You know the girl who waited on Aunt Octavla that afternoon took all that artistic non sense ns seriously us a funeral, and she told me after you left, wltb tbe great est horror, that Auot Ocldvla bud asked for u eocktnll." Thnt laugh rip pled off again to carry Joy along the planet trulls above us. "Hut yon know." she resumed, "that Aunt Oc tavln never drank a cocktail In her life and wouldn't She doesn't know a cocktail from soothing sirup She pines for adventures She is Just like a boarding school girl who has read her first romance of the young American engineer ln*a South A merman repub lic shooting Ibe, Insurgents full or tortillas and marrying the president's dark eyed daughter. She rends pirate books and is crazy about buried chests and pieces «r eight. And they suy I'm Just like ber. She Is the most iierfect ly killing person In the world." Hezc kinh laughed again. — : %, - CHAPTER VIII. Nine Silk Hats Cross a Stile. SO this was the child wbime devo tion bad rendered Wiggins »o miserable nnd tlie sisler Of whom Cecilia Holllster aud her annt bad sisikeu so strangely. I had not suspected it She was as unlike Ceclliu os isisslble. and tlie difference lay lu ber Independent spirit and bub bling bumor. She Jumped dowu from the wall, shook three apple* froiu-a tree nud sustained them In tbe air wltb the deftness and certainty of practiced Jugglety Her absorption wit* complete, and when ■he weuried of this »port she flung tbe apple* away, one after the other, with a hoy's free swing of the arm ller rlck would have delighted In ber. Dob sou would have spun ber bright balr Into a rondeuu. hut only Aidrlcb. with a twinkle In bis eye. could have brought ber up to date lu a dozen chiming coup lets. She bail gone on up to Ihe cres of the orchard and stood clearly limned against the sky. her hnuds thrust luto tbe pockets of her sweater. She ap peared to lie Intent upon something that lay beyonil and .half turned her bend and summoned me l>y whistling I like/1 thl» lietter thau the quotation method »f addrew* It was a clear, shrill pi|ie. tbat whl-tle. and she em phasized It lurlher by a peremptory wave of ber arm When I stood beside ber I was surprised to And tluit the alt* commanded a wide area. Including tbe unmistakable roofs and chimneys of Ho|ielle!d Manor, half a mile distant. "You will mt xomelhltig funny down there in a minute They are out of tight now. but ihere's a sille v tbe kind With *te|M. Jut tieyoud those trw« It'* In a isifh that lead* from tbe Prescott Aruis to Aant Octavla's. l.ook"° My eyes discovered thestll*. It was «et In s wall that was. she told me, tbe boundary dividing " ll»p*tleld Manor from another estate nearer our poet- Hon Suddenly n silk hal bobtied In the path beyond the stile. II roe* aa Ita owner moimled tlie step*, it paused an InstaM when the top of (be stile was reached, then quickly descendsd and cam* toward us, a black blot *bov* a black coat I waa about to *sk ber tbe meaning of this apparition whan a aecond silk bat bobbed In tbe patb and Chan rose Ilk* Ita predecessor, descend ing and beeping on Ita way nnUi bid dan from our sight by shrubbery. A third, fourth, fifth, six lb. seventh, eighth and nlntb followed. Nine gen tlemen In silk hats •crossing a stile la a lonely (mature between woodlands; •o mucb was plain lo (lie eye from our vantage ground, Kul I gro|>ed blindly f'»r -.11 cm 'I lin- »|iectacie. ge'sted wanderer* from some aartc Plu tonian cave, lieut upon mischief to tbe upper world. Their step was Jaunty— they moved as though drilled to the same cudence. We waited a moment, expecting that another figure might Join the strange procession, but nine waa tbe correct couut. I looked down to flud Heze klab checking them off on the finger* of ber slim brown hand. , "Has there been a funeral, and are tbey the returning pull bearers?" 1 in quired. "Not yet" she replied. Her fuce showed amusement The twitching of her lips encouraged hope that another of those delightful laughs was Imminent. Hhe an Id: "Those are Cecilia's suitors. They have been to Aunt Octavla's to tea. They're staying at the Prescott Arms probably." "They're terribly formal. I can't get rid of the Impression of aomberness created by those fellows. You'd hard ly expect them to tramp cross country In those duds. Such grandeur should go on wheels." "Ob. they are afraid of Aant Octa vla. She won't allow a motor on ber grounds, and I suppose they're afraid they might break aome other rule If they went on any kind of wheels. She's rather exacting, you know, my Aunt Octavla." "1 was at the I'rescott for luncheon today, and I must have seen these gentlemen there." "Ob. you were at the Preacott?" Almost for the first time her mnnner betrayed surprise, tjnt mischief dnnced in tbe brown eyes. With Wiggins' confession. as to the havoc be bad played with llezekluh'* confiding heart fresh In my memory. I felt a delicacy about telling her that It was to see Wiggins that I bad visited the Inn. But to my surprise she Introduced tbe subject of Wiggins Immediately and with laughter struggling for one of those fountain-like splashes that were *o beguiling. ' "Oh. Wlggy Is staying there! Do you know Wlggy?" "Know Wlggy, Hezeklab? I know no man better." "Wlggy Is no end of fun, Isn't he? I've beard him speak of you. Yon are bis friend the chimney man. He was the last man over the stile. Did you notice that he lingered a moment long er at the top than the others? From bis being tbe ninth man I Imagine that be was the last lo leave the bouse, and he probably felt that this set him apart from the others. Wlggy is nothing I? not shy and retiring." A heartbroken, lovelorn girl did not apeak "here. She whistled softly to Nine Gentlemen In Silk Hats Crossing s Stile. herself as we descended. Tlie tlr was cooling rapidly, and tbe west wus hung In scarlet und purple und gold The horse neighed In the rosd below, sud I knew that I must lie on my way to the manor. "ilerekluh." I said when I had drawn her bicycle from Ha hldlug plaee. "you'd iietter leave your wheel here nud let me drive you home. It's late, and there's frtmt In the air. I Im agine it'* some d Ist sue* lo your house." . -' "Thank you. Mr. Cblipney Man: It Is siurh farther to Aunt Octavla's. Hut •ell me this: What do you think ol Wlggy's chalices 7" "Of winning your sister? " I should say* froui ni> knowledge of Wiggins that he Is a insn much given lo stny Ing In a game ou.-e lbe tenia are sbuf fled " "Then you tlilnk he knows the game?'* There seemed to be something be neatb the surface meaning of bei word*. but I answered: "Wlggy's affairs,have been feV. and while be mny not know the game In sli Its Intricacies, lie has a shrewd If ralber slow mind, and. liesldea. he has asked my help in flie matter." "One of tln-se s|iesk for yonraelf- John altuatlon*. Iben? Well, I should aay, Mr. Chimney Man, I should say"- Bbe made ready for flight, looking ahead to be mire of a clear thorough fare. "I should say." she concluded, set tling ber skirts, "tbat tbat indicates cona(durable intelligence on Wlggy's part" The tires rolled smoothly away, th* gravel crunching, the pebble* popping. Tbe while aweeter clasped a straight back anugly: then suddenly, aa tbe wbecla gained momentum, aba beat low for * spurt, and ber rapidly raced- In? figure became a gf*y blur hi tbe purple dusk, e • • e e • • Miss Octavla was In tbe gayeat spir ita at dinner that night, and struck afield at once with one of ber amusing dicta. „ "Unman beings." abe Mid. "may be divided into two group*—lnteresting and uninteresting, bat Idiots abound la both classes." Cecilia and I discussed this wllb more or lea* gravity, until we bad ex haueted tbe poeeibilttlea, Mlae Octavla fallowing wltb apparent Interest and setting os off at a ttmw tangent when our »n«hn«lssm '..Mrt She referred In bo way whutever to her chimney*, nor did she oik me how 1 bad «pen*the day. I felt the pleading of Cecilia'* •jea that I should accept the situation •a It stood, and liavlng already agreed to Wiggins' suggestion that I abide In Ulna Holllater'a house aa a *py—for this wna the Ignoble fact—l felt th* threads of conspiracy binding me fust So far as my hostess was concerned, I was now less a guest than a member of the household. The variety of subjects that Mlas .Octavln' suggested wus unitizing. From aeronautics to tho negro question, from polnr exploration to the ftolltleal conditions In Rulgtirln, she passed with the Jauntiest InsoucMßkce and apparent ly with a considerable fund of infor mation to support her |msltlons. She knew many |ieo|de In all walks of life. As we rose from the table Miss Oc tovla declared tlmt she must show me the pic |inntry. I wus now so accus tomed to tier ways that 1 should not have been In tbe least surprised if she had pro|iosed opening a steel vault filled with a uiuuunl(ted Egyptian dy nasty. "The gentleman who built this touso," she explained, "hud already growu rich In the manufacture of the famous rlbless umbrella liefore be ac quired u second fortune from a nos trum warranted to cure dys|iepslu. He was Inordinately fond of pjes. and In order that this form of imstry might never Iw absent from his home, he had a special puntry built to which be might adjourn st Ills pleasure without any fear of finding the cupboard Imre." She led the way through the butler's pantry und Into a small cupboarded room adjoining the table linen closet At her command the butler threw open the doors ami disclosed lines of shelves so arranged as t» accommodate in tbe most compact and orderly form imag inable several dozens of pies. These pastries. In the pans as tticy Imd come from the oven, peeped out invitingly. Mis* Octnvla explained their presence in her ttMiiiil Impressive manner. "It was one of the conditions of the sale of this house to me by tbe origi nal owner's executors that tbe pie vault should lie kept tilled ut all times, whether I iiiii In residence here or not. He felt greatly Indebted to pie for the success of the dyspepsia cure. It bad widened and steadily increased the market Tor the cure, and pie was to him a consecrated and sacred food. It was bis habit to eat a pie every night before retiring, and on the nightmares thus Inspired lie linil planned the strat egy of all his campaigns against dys pepsin. The man had elements of greatness, and these shelves are a monument to his genius In order to keep perfect my title to this propcrtv It Is necessary for me to maintain a pastry cook, und as I do not myself care grently for pie the total output la distributed among the people of the nelghlsirhood every second day. The stntldb agent at Bedford, is a heavy consumer, and a retired physician at Mount Klsco has a standing order for a dozen a week. My niece Hezoklah. of whom you have heard me speak. Is partial to a particular type of pie, and one ouly. It Is the gooseberry that de lights llezckluh's palate, and under U In file 3. In tho corner behind you. there Is well now n gooseberry pie that I shall send to Hi-zeklnb. who. for reasons I need not explain, does (lot now visit Ijers." % "But tbe d.vs|wpsia man—you apeak of hint as though he were dead," "Your assumption Is correct, Mr. Ames. The builder of Hopefleld died only a few weeks ofter he bad estab lished himself lu this bouse. Having entered upon the enjoyment of Ills well earned leisure and made It un necessary that he should ever go ple leaa to lied, be gave himself up for a fortnight to a mad Indulgence In me ringues and died after great sufferl/ig. steadily refusing his own medicine to tbe end," We still lingered In tbe file crypt after this dlverllfig recital, while Miss Octavla entertained rue with ber views on pies. "Tbe soul color of pies varies great ly, Mr. Ames. It has always seemed to me that apple pie stands for the homelier virtues of our civilisation. It Is substantial, nutritions and filling Tbe custard und lemon varieties -are feminine and do not. perhaps for thst reason, appeal lo me. Cherry pie at it* best Is tlie last sad final expression of-Tbe pi* genus, and where cooks 'bate been careful In eliminating the seed* and the juice hnsn't made and den dougb of the crust a cherry pie meets tbe soul's highest demands. In tbe gooseberry I find a certain rael neas or. If I may use the expression dp, that la highly stimulating. Both qualities you will observe In ii«xeklab If yen come to know ber well." "I have already formed a high opin ion of Mlas Hezeklab. and I should deal harshly with any one who ven tured to criticise ber lo any particu lar," I replied "Will you kludly Inform me joat when you made tbe acquaintance of my younger niece? I should greatly dislike to believe yon guilty of dia simulation, but when Heaeklab was mentioned In the gun room last night your alienee led me to assume thai she waa wholly unknown to yon." **Bbe waa, I assure you. at tbe din Ber hour last nlgbt. Hut I met ber quit* by chance thle afternoon In an orchard at no great distance from ffi|a |)OUM.'' Miss Octavla paused In tbe ball and bent ber bead In thought for a mo ment. "May I inquire whether she referred la any way to Mr. Wiggins In this in terview?" "She did. Mlae Holllster." I replied. And I could not help amlilng aa I re membered iieaeklab s laugncer at nw mention of my fr)end. My smile did not escape Mlas Octavla. "Just bow, may I ask, did she refer to Mr. Wiggins?" "Aa though abe thought him tbe fun niest of human being*. Bbe laughed deUdonaly at tbe bare mention of fall name." "It waa not your Impression, then, that abe waa deeply enamored of blur,- that abe waa eating ber heart out for Mm?" "Decidedly not Miss flolllator. She gave me quite a different Idea." "Tou relieve me greatly. Mr. Wig gins' eenae of humor la tbe slightest, and I should not In tbe least fancy him for Hezeklab. And besides, lam ■ot yet «wdy to arrange a marriage I / \ Tha soul color of plea variea greatly, Mr. Amaa." for fier.' She laid (lie allghtvat at re** on the floal pronoun. It wan a fair Inference, then, (hut Mlxn Cecllla'a nlTiilrw were being • arrniiKwl;" when tliejr bad been determined a buahnnd would be found for Ilezeklnh. I did not doubt that Mini Holllater'a Intention* townrd her nlecea were the friendliest, no matter what atraiiKO derleea title might employ to bend tboae young women to ber pur pocea. (TO BE COKTtirtTKD.) ( TO BE OR NOT TO BEI" Tbe hen atood on the louey neat. Where mttea had on her fed. And, gaalng round the bughouae cook She ahook her tiead and aald: "With Ilea Joy riding down my back, Mltea chewing ma at night And mlcrobca waiting for a chance To make of jpa a bite, "And bad amella floating all around. Rota gobbling all my feed, It aurely la dlacouraglng And makea my pour heart bleed. "With cholera In tho air I breathe, Droad roup gttrma drawing near And naught to feed my egg machine How can I lay In horeT " To be or not to bo!' Ilka me, Cried Hnmlet In hla lay. Perhaps t tie boat thing 1 can do ia to put myaelf away. "Oh, no; I'll not take rough on rata Nor shoot ma with a gun. I'U almply croaa tha public road Whore automobllea run. "And BO goodbyl The die la caat. The car Aemla never mlaa. A apeedlng car, a little Jar— Proato—l'm put of thla!" C. M BARNITZ. mini nil M ■W"M-i"i-i"i"i"i"i4'> ; PLAYGROUND PARAGRAPHS. ;; Play oeunta for merala, for It ' . la In eur play that we ohooae • ■ ' thinga aooerding to our ehar ) actar, and by sheealng wi make \ • our character^—Elmer Ellawerth ■ ■ ; Brown, United Stataa Commla- ' ! aionar of Education. !, | Happy hearta and happy facea, ! Happy play in graaay placaa— -1 ■ That waa how In ancient agee ' Children grew te kinga and-eagee. ' —Robert Louia Stavenaon. ~ Of all methode of aerving | i • thoae the oonditiona of whoee ■ • ; live* are narrow and hard I ] ! know ef none mora important , ' • than the ereation, in great ag- • • gregationa of population, of \ breathing epaoea.—Biahop Pot ■ tar ' ' [ He who helpa a child helpa \ • . Humanity with a diatinctneaa, • > ■' with an immadiataneaa, which no ] ) other help given to human crea- \ ■ ■ turea In any other atage of their f > 1 human life can ever give again. ' ! ! —Phillipe Brooka. • • Tha modern city child haa loot • • ) hie moat precioue birthright, j; ! the baok yard. Or. Woodo .. ' ■ Hutchinson. . ; | ' l-H-HHI IIIIIIIIIIIHH+ 1 ma parmla, oct wue, adver TIM. Seventy-Ore per cent of the adver fleer* In tbe London (O.) Democrat arc larmen. They are wlao to tbe quickest, allclt let, eaalmt way to get bon ton tra.de, to keep gooda moving out and tbe caab coming In. No, Mr. Farmer, advertlalng wasn't invented for the exclusive uae of tbe town merchant to boom bualneaa any more tban you were born to stand In a cn rim tone market and freeze off youi noae and toea waiting for cuatomera to tneandpr along to buy your butter and •gga at any old price. Til* proaperou* merchant amllea ♦ben aome fellow with cobweba on hla cerebellum aaka, "Does advertla lng payT With blm It'a the atne qua ■on. Mm who fall in bualneaa are often Mamed for lack of bus In ess capacity Vbn It Is almply tack of advertising Mgarlty. The fanner wbo advertises In n good medium and backs hla ad.' with a •quota deal has a cinch. People do not buy calico, aboaa. etove* and paint ever}' day, but every day tbey must have eats. Tbe farmer feeds tbe nation. Tbe people depend on blm for bread, and there are always empty stomachs and empty pantry abelvea for hint to •11. With such contlnnooa demand for bia product wby should the fanner travel in that aaroe old rat to market •r trade hla products at tbe cross roads store or get gold bricked by tbe City middleman when an advertise ment will bring blm into qnick com munication with hla cuatomer, build u|i a bon ton private trade, give him hlgb ar prlcaa and aave blm ao much time, wear and tear? Tbe modern newspaper la a business miracle worker, and it not only ivA-ks Madam. Read McCall'g The Fashion Anftorlty •SPi-SEIl! of loo*. Huier wort. Internnlng iliort atorlcs. auil Korea "#1 ""oner-saving idos jgSg tor women. Them are mom than Mof . d««l(nis of the oriebratod McOAIX PATTERNS In each last*. McCALL PATTERNS are famous fbr "'.iSd li SISffSS, ecoaom '- OBir -SSHPSftSSf W-CAtX'S will epeTKl ■ SSSKH «*""•*« In thrt coming 23Pi° k ** p MeOAU/S hraa •nd shoulders above all oUit women's SSff&aff M , y However, jgg worth |l oo * rar; potlUv#l^ fc ia Silti to 2s *£js la """J*" *>» | THE IcCAU COIPAHT, 235 Vat 376 St, Haw Tai MOTB—Ash lor afw copy of McCALL'Sweeder pmotiiw uulofgi Sample ceuy u« CAlAJotu# alac lr«T«. C9Vrm ***- L_ ... The CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER Subscription Rates Daily ... - $6.00 Dally and Sunday 800 Sunday - - - - 2.00 The Semi-Weekly Observer Tues. and Friday - 1.00 Tho Charlotte Daily Observer, ia auctl Daily and Sunday ia the leading bewspapor between Washington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ca. It givesall the iiqwb of North Carolina beaidea the complete Associated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1 per ypar gives the reader a full report of the week's news. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Address all orders to ~ Observer • ' COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled m above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters In the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed ami bound. Trice per copy: cloth, 12.00; gilt top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to P. J. Kernodlb, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at thla office. tesssfe BEAUTY - HEALTH - SCBOIAIHI ' Lnnt nba la tk* Soatk. OtllkktM lacatir >. Dnp »tll »ii»,. Tiniftn itm vltkaat a'il»- «lt rue ol Inawi licking Ct.jo iiUatla. A hotiooiu •ilirn ot atl ike eelt*i i I kwe II.M la 111 rem ea leun,atlaa( fl« t tarmair et Ckilitlu Ihmiw. tbe ~iiit at El . Celleie *tm, take Ike aca t—mnuti CkilitlM " —KiH Lekua. Wilw u aaca kx mil mi ut fieri Preeldeot, W. A. HARPER. 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