THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. >' - J. P. KERNODLE, Editor!" SI .00 * YEAR, IN ADVANCE' ADVERTISING BATES roe square (1 la.) 1 time SI.OO, r rir J sub ■cieat Insertion 60 cents, for more spsoe jnil longer time, rates furnished on applln 'lon. Local mttaaslO ets. a Use tor first abortion ; subsi quont Insertions 5 cU. s line transient advertisements must be paid for advance The editor will not be responsible for .lews expressed by correspondents. Kenteredatthe Postoffloe at Graham, *, N. C., as second cl matter. GRAHAM, N. C., April 17, 1913. Pope Pius X at Rome has been in a precarious condition for a week, and it will be a surprise if the Pontiff is ever well again. The Mississippi flood is moving down the river, all danger is not yet passed, but the authorities are working hard and are hopeful. It seems that President Wilson does not intend that any old sort of an appointment shall be made, Just because a fellow has a "pull" Merit is a good thing to have to send along with an application. Col. A. D. Watts of Statesville is having rather rough sledding to get into the collectorship for the Western District. Senators I Simmons and Overman are stand ing for him. Col. W. H. OslJorne of Qreens boro has been appointed U. S. Commissioner of Internal Reve nue. That is one of the big plums and we are ■ glad to see him land ed in so luxurious a berth. President Wilson Is in earnest about the Democratic party ful filling its pledges made to the people in tne last campaign. The party is in honor bound to do its best to keep its pledges. A white man named W. H. Tuck er was killed In Oreensboro la*t Wednesday night. Another white man named John Fogleman, called the "blind tiger king" 1* held for the murder. A grudge, no doubt. Senator Overman haa called for data in regard to civil service appointees. Many are on by ex ecutive order, and others no doubt got on by some sort of political favor. If the matter is thoroughly probed It will hurl some of those on the pay roll. As yet it would be next to im possible to forecast the result in the tariff legislation now before Congress. Whatever the result may be, It is quite certain that the Democrats will a tariff bill that will not do violence to their campaign promises. It is not believed that anything radical enough to crush any industry will be done, but that a sincere ef fort* will be made to relieve the burdena of high prices. The free augar item haa been defeated and the free wool item sustained in caucus. The cotton Item 1* one of the most Important to the South and is causing some uneaainess, but Congress I* threahing now— the cleaning time will come later. Oovernor Craig has appointed aa membera of the State Board of the State Board of Accountancy, created by the recent Leglalature, O. O. Scott, Charlotte, and M. R. Lynch, High Point, for terma of three yeara, J, D. Hightower for two yeara, and David Stern, Greenaboro, one year. Their du tiea will be to examine applicanta tot license to become public ac countanta and they will receive lit each day for their services. Tha advisory Board of the North Carolina National Ouard has de cided to give each regiment an encampment of ten dya at Camp Morehead City, aa follows: First regiment July Jl-W; second .July T-Ui third, August &-H. The two cavalry troopa at Asheville and Lihcolnton, will participate In the encampment aa unmounted men. They will go to camp with the weatarn regiment. The Coaat Ar tillery corpi will go to Port Caa well, Auguat t-11. For the fourth time In the caae case of B. F. Penny va. Atlantic Coaat Line Railroad Co. from New Banover county, ia remanded by the Bupreme Court for a new trial, the caae having been pend ing in the courta for It yeara. Mr. Penny, at the time a mer chant in Wilmington, waa serious ly wounded as he was stepping from a Coaat Line train near Wil mington by a stray bullet Intend ed for another. In each trial the plaintiff was awarded damages. If that date is acceptable to the officials of the railroad compan iea Intereated, the firat confer ence between the Leglalatlve Freight Rate Commiaalon and the officers of the railroad companies aince the adjournment of the Leg-! Mature will be held In Raleigh. April ltth. The Legialative Com miaalon haa had C. W. Hiilman of Loulevllle, Ky„ engaged for aev eral weeka in gathering data at numbera of the large ahipping points of the State to be need, it la aaid, to force proper cpnceaalona (com the railroad companiea. * Mrs. Geo. Howe, niece of Pres ident Wood row Wllaon made her debut aa a profeaaional actreaa In 'Mew York laet week. She la an ardent believer in auffrage and eugenics and hopes to present these subjects to the public by meana of the drama. She has HEAR SOMETHING, SURE. ' New Idea Far Festal Service. Stateville Landmark. Postmaster General Burleson's ideas as to the postal service— "which are in brief that efficiency must be the first; consideration— afe good but the gentleman from Texas will hear something when he undertakes to transfer a man from one locality and make him postmaster in another locality. There is really nothing wrong with the proposition except it isn't a custom. The idea la to havg efficient and trained men for the postal service. When there Is a vacancy to be filled an available man is sent to fill It. Who he is or where he comes from doesn't count; the only requirement is capacity. The same idea applies to municipal government in Ger many. Men are educated and trained for municipal administra tion and they are employed for that purpose Just as business cor porations employ efficient men, re gardless of where they come from. When we reach that point in this country that we can disassociate the postal service or municipal government, purely business mat ters, from the idea of party re wards and political service, we will realize that the idea is a cor rect one. But it will take time. Here tofore it haa been the custom to appoint a postmdstcr from among the resident* of the town or com munity in which the office ii lo cated. In case of a town, an aspirant who live* in the bound* of the office delivery but outilde the town, 1* hadicapped If not barred. To bring in a ctranger, a non-resident of the community or county or ponibly the State, would start something at firit. When the people became accus tomed to it they would offer lit tle objection, for it is a fact that the only ical interest the masses have in the service i* efficient ser vice. When they get back the personality of the man so long as he is a respectable citizen and behaves himself, is of little con cern, generally speaking. Must Be Identified to Get Your Whakey. Charlotte Obierver, 10th. "What in the thunder doe* all thi* mean T" snapped an irate man yesterday morning when a pack age which had come prepaid via the Southern Express Co. was not turned over, to him on request. "You've got to have somebody to identify you," returned the ex preis clerk, assuming that quick and alert manner usually taken by those who stand at delivery win dows and pi|ss out articles to peo ple. The alert manner consisted in dropping one foot, hanging his face in his hand and flopping down In a dejected manner as if he didn't cart what next. "That'* the new law," continued the clerk, "for whiskey shipments and you will have to get some one indentify you that I know." "Why don't the company hire somebody that knows somebody and something" returned the stranger. "Here I have been liv ing in Charlotte all my life and have got to get somebody to iden tify me before 1 can get my own whiskey." " Mighty sorry," replied the clerk, "but that'* the law, and I can't turn the whiskey over to you until you get *ome friend to iden tify you." In high wrath the "stranger" de pared to look up a friend who would aign hla name as a wit ness and thereby let that friend and all hla friends know that he had "gallon" It works • hard cruel hardship both way* but "it's the law." Mr Archibald Johnaon of Thomasville, editor of Charity and Children, haa been appointed by Oovernor Craig a member of the board of directors of the State School for the Blind and Deaf at Raleigh to aucced the late J. O. Boylln, of Wadesboro. Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter of the President, attended the bien nial of the Young Woman's Chris tian Association in Richmond laat week. Standing room was at a premium. The crowd was large ly attracted by curiosity to hear and see the daughter of the Pree- Ident. Five hundred women auffrageata, repreaenting a Urge part of the congressional diatricts In the coun try) armed with petitions demand ing a constitutional amendment for votes for women marched to Monday of laat week and deliver ed their demands in person to their Congresamen. The march to the capitol was unobstructed and the women were received by members and Senators who are in sympathy with them. Reorganisation of the personnel of the customs service by the Democratic administration waa be gun Wedneeday when Secretory McAdoo of the Treasury Depart ment took steps to displace all the high cuatoma official* at the port of Philadelphia. It was stated that there were no charges against the persons whoee resig nations were aaked, but that new blood is desired and it to deemed essential that these places be fill ed by persons who are In sympa pathy with the purpose* and poli cies of the administration. Secretary McAdoo of the Treaa ury Department will depoait s» f 006,000 in the national benka in Dayton, Ohio, to relieve the mon ey ahortage resulting from the flood, accepting government, State or county bonda aa security. Thia will be the firat time aince lie* that the govrnment haa accepted CHAPEL HILL NEWS. Cor ,pf The (Meaner. Chapel Hill, April 14.—High Point won the greatest number of point* in -the Joint interscholastic and and district field and track meet held in Chapel Hill Friday, regis tering 31 pointa to (ta credit. Friendship, Alamance county, was a close second as a point winner with IT. Horner Military School came third with 16. Raleigh and Oreensboro scored 19 and 12 pointa, respectively. H. V. Oreen of Cary, Wake county, was the in dividual qtar of the meet, winning four first place events and total ing up 23 points for the Cary High Bchool. More than eighty entries were made for the nest meet by High School pupils from scattering sections pf the State. An outlay of M medals and t cups were awarded the victorious teams In the meet. The declamation contest of the central, division of State High Schools waa heijl in conjunction with the athletic con test, the nine declaimers in the contest speaking Friday night. A. C. Reld of Churchland High School, Davidson county, was the successful competitor for the de claimer's medal. His subject was "The New North" The other schools represented In the contest were, Friendship, Hawfields, Bis coe, Bast Durham, Sylvan, James town, Bingham (Mebane) ,Golds boro, Hillsboro, Huntersville, Gra ham, Oreensboro, Raleigh, Horner, Friendship and High Point. Joseph A. Holmes, director of the Mining Bureau at Washington, and for a number of years pro fessor of geology at the Univer sity of North Carolina, will ad dress the student body next Fri day night, April 18, on the subject of the Panama Canal. Southwest Alamance. J Cor. of The Oleaner. A large crowd attended the an nual S. 8. Convention held with Mt. Zion Baptlat church on last Sunday. The apeaker* all did well and everything wa* pleaaant and inatructive. Much "interest wa* •hown in Sunday School work. Prult in our aection ha* been •omewhat hurt by frost and a full crop 1* not expected. If the preient dog law don't protect the fheep more than here tofore aheep raiser* will *oon be out of business. Dogs will sneak in the pasture* and kill up the theep and It I* very seldom any one will own the dog. There are several case* of meas le* and whooping cough in Liberty though It haa not reached our our community yet. Small grain crop* are looking very well, though *ome farmer* s%y the fly ha* started In *ome field*. Then Is mors Catarrh In thlsaectlon of the oountry than all other diseases put toother, and until the last law years, was supposed to belnourable. for a treat many doc torsi propouooad It a local and pre •C'rlbtd looaJ remedies. and by constantly falllnir to ear* with looal treatment, pro nouuoed It Inourable. Mam has proven catarrh to baa constitutional disease and requires constitutional treatment, lull's Catarrh Curs, ssanataetured bjrTf. j. Cheney k 00., Toltdo, Ohio, 1s lbs only con ktitutlonai curs on U>e market. It Is taken latenwUy In 4oass from Hi drupe to a tea spoonful. It acts dlreetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the ays em. Titer offer one hundred dollars for any oass li falls to oura. Hand for elrculars and testimonials A » ot "°- 'lake HairsKalTy Pills for eonstlpatlon. Oov. Foe* of Massachusetts who some year* ago left the Republic can* and became a Democrat, ob ject* to the Democratic tariff bill nd may return to hi* first love. There la no caae on record of a cough, cold or lagrippe devel oping into bronchitis. pneumonia or consumption, after Foley'* Honey ana Tar Compound ha* been taken. The genuine la in a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. For aale by all druggist*. President Wilson haa no Inten tion of facing a race problem aa a result of patromge appoint ment!. He has- decided not to appoint negroea to pajr posts where opposition to their appoint ment la based on racial grounds. There are places, of course, such aa the minlatershlps to Hayti and Liberia, which the President rec ognises can best-be filled by ne groes. For rheuaaatlam you wilt find nothing better than Chamberlain'a Liniment. Try It and aee how quickly It givea relief. For aale by all dealers. A dispatch from Sparta says that during the month of March hun deda of people went frrom Alle gheny county and adjoining coun ties to the lap Western Statee. *tr Btnw, Braiaea aM hm The quickeat and aureat cure for burnt, bruiaei, boila ,aor«a, Inflam mation aad all akin dlaeaaea la Hucklen'a Arnica Halve. In four lara It cored L. H. Haflln, of Ire dell, Te*„ of a aore on hla ankle which pained him ao badly he could hardly walk. Should be In every houae. / Recommended by O rah am Drue Co. Two new baaka were chartered by the State week before laat. The Citiaena' Bank of Wareaw, Duplin county, ha* a aubacrlbed capl capltal of t>MN. The bank of Pletchera, at Fletchera, Hender aon county haa a aubacrlbed cap ital of «MN. You will look a food while be fore yon find a better medicine for coughs and cold* than Cham teriain'a Cough Remedy. It not only glvee relief-it curee. Try U whan you have a couch or cold, and you are certain to be plc.wd with the prompt cure which it will effect. Wot aafe by all drugglata. Waahington goealp la to the ef fect that all Important mattera of the State Department have been handled (rom the White Houae and It la predicted that Mr. Bryan will aooa fall out with the Pree- Ident and quit. The goaalpa have tied make trouble between Wilaoe aad Bryan for a year aad without aucceea BINGHAM SCHOOL ITEMS. Baseball Victories—New Agricultural Course—The Orchestra. Cor. of The Oleaner. 1 Two more baseball victories * have been added to the llat for - the Spring term of 1913. Xt Bur » lington the Bingham team defeat r td Burlington High School in an 1 exceedingly interesting game by a 1 score of five to one. The score 1 waa a tie until the ninth inning 1 when Bingham forged ahead. A ' large crowd aaw the contest. • On the Bingham grounds the team of the Hawftelds High School ' was defeated by Bingham, the ' score being eight to ten in favor 1 of Bingham. Prof. Johnson, Prin -1 cipal of Hawfields High School is ■ an alumnus of Bimgham, who ia 1 doing well. His boys were quiet > and gentlemanly and will be wel -1 come again when they come to ' play ball. > Col. Oray has Just established a course in Agriculture in the school 1 in charge of Capt. Hugh R. Clink . scales, who is a distinguished graduate of Clemson C.ollege, 8. C. 'The course takes up the soil with its composition, moisture, venti lation and temperature; plant life Including the food required by plants, their reproduction, trans planting and improvement; the improvement of soil by drainage, irrigation, tillage and proper crop rotation; as well as by the ap plication of manure; the planting of legume* and the proper use of commercial fertilizer. The course also takes up the proper treatment of field, orchard and garden crops, the weed, insect and bird enemies of crops and their remedy. The different breeds of the various do mestic animals and their uses, to gether with many other practical subjects, such as the care of farm tools, etc., are also treated. The Bingham farm of several hundred acres is used in connec tion with the school. Col. Oray Is very much interested in the best methods of farming, building up of land by proper drainage and fertilization, the planting of le gumes, etc., the raising of the best stock and other improvements. In consequence of this, Capt. Clink scales feels that the class can have practical illustration of what what they learn in their text .books by what is being done on the farm. It is hoped and believed that the addition of the Agricultural course will be of great value to the ca dets. Quite an improvement in the Ciiapel exercises has been the or chestra playing the hymns. This in much appreciated and enjoyed. The appointment of Mr. Walter H. Page, editor of World's Work, to the honorable and important gosition of ambassador to England rings much gratification to the friends of Bingham, because Mr. Page was a cadet at "Bingham School. April 6, 1913. Pain* In the Htomaeh. If you continually complain of pains in your stomach, your liver or your kidneys are out ol order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kid ney trouble, diabetes or Bright's disease. - recommend Blectric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C., who suffered with pain in the stomach and .back writes : "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bit ters were recommended and I- im proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you too. Only 50c and 91.00. Recommended by Graham Drug Co. Sunday, 13th, was the 171 anni versary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson. The day was celebrat ed at .Monticello, the Jefferson home, and was observed at other points. . . ' 1 Keller la Six Hour*. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu bladder, kidneysand back, in male or female. Relieves re tention of water almost immediat ly. If you want qnick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Company. Sophie Berger, the sixteen-year old girl who was Dr. Friedrich Fran* Friedmann's first tubercu losis patient in the United States, danced before Oovernor Pothier of Rhode laland Sunday to show how her tubercular knees have benefit ted from the turtle serum. Sfie had jralked with crutches for three years. She was given the first injection of the serum in March. START NOW Susceptibility to colds, sore throats, toasilitis and such, indi cate impoverished vitality—lack of reserve strength to weather, f A spoonful of SCOTTS KMJL SJON sfter each meal starts healthy body-action like a small match kindles a peat fire—and ■ore: ft m«WrfeA. kumkkf, — 4 iHmrfiln Ma mpp»tU»—M scorrs Sm/LS/Offia the purest cod liver oil, made cream like and palatable without alco hol or drug—the quintessence of purity. twEafias tkm? are *»- |lHm fmr ptmKt. SCOTT ft SOWVB. Slrin.l.M.M.J, Vtr* - .. rrrrrz. t z.' . - ■■■ *>■ i! SCHOOL NEWS | Friendship High School won sec ond place at the athletic contest laat week at Chapel Hill. This was a contest among the High Schools of the State, and Friend ship was a close second with High Point leading. Friendship, however, won first, and sometimes first and second places in leading events; The Oraham School was another of the few achools of the State to make a high record at this athletic event. In the Declaimer's contest that followed the athletic contest at the University last week all three High Schools of Alamance were represented. Friendship by La- Fayette Iseley; Sylvan by D. H. Lashley; Hawfields by Albert Gib son. The three High Schools of the county—Friendship, Sylvan and ! Hawfields, and als othe Oraham Oraded School will furnish the ex hibition in athletics at the County Commencement. Everthing is being made ready, for the County Commencement. The prizes for the contestants in Recitation and Declamation have come. Ehibit screens have been made. School products for the exhibition are coming in. Certif icates both for the graduates and perfect attendants are being fill ed out and made ready.' A num- ber of teachers who live out of the county and have gone home report that they are coming back for the day, and several schools report that they are making i;eady come in their several groups in great numbers. The marshalls for the Cotanty Commencement are as fbllows: . J. Dolph Long, Graham, Chief. Patterson township, J. A. Horn aday, Liberty, No. 3.^ Coble township, D. M. Elder, Burlington, No 1. Boon Station township, J. B. Gerringer, Elon College. Morton township, J. C. McCul loch, Burlington, No. 8. Faucette township, W. J. Gra ham, Burlington, No. 2. Graham township, W. I. Ward Graham. Albright township, George F. Thompson, Graham, No. 1. Newlin township, Charles New lin, Saxapahaw, No. 1. Thompson township, J. P. Brad shaw, SwepsonviUe. Melville township, E. P. Cook, Mebane. „ ' 1 Pleasant Grove township, J. A. Dickey, Burlington, No. 5. Burlington township, J. M. Cook, Burlington. Haw River township, W. T. Brooks, Haw River. Recommended for a Good Reason. C. H._ Orant, 230 Waverly Street, Peoria, 111., says, "Backache and congested kidneys made me Buffer intense pains. Was always tired floating specks bothered me. I took toley s Kidney \Pills and saw big improvement after the second day. 1 kept on until entirely freed of all trouble and suffering. That's why I recommend Foley Kidney Pills. They cured me." For aale by all druggists. tions from his department for the month of March. A total for the year ended April of 9319,389.67 was turned in. This was an increase over the past year of 934,349.1?. Heei the Cough that Hangs On. The seeds of consumption may be the cause, and a cough that hangs on weakens the system. Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound checks the cough, heals the in flamed membranes and strength ens the lungs. K. D. Rountree, of StiUmore, ia.. says, "Lagrippe leeft me a deep seated hacking, painful cough which Foley's Hon ey «nd Tar completely cured." For sale by all druggists. State Insurance Commissioner Young has turned . over to the State Treasurer (7,259.08, collec- No matter how long you suffer ed, or what other remedies fail ed to cure, Foley' Kidney Fills will surely help you. They are genuinely tonic, strengthening and curative, build up the kidneys and restore their healthy action. J no. Velbert Foster, Calif., says, "I suffered many years with kidney trouble and could sever get relief until I tried Foley Kidney Fills which affected a complete cure. For sale by all druggists. Henry C. Breckenridge, of Lex ington, Ky., Is slated for Assist ant Secretary of war, and Wm .H. Osborne of Greensboro, N. ,C. fori Commissioner of Internet Revenue. J This information is passed' 'out from Washington. UM Alca's Foot-Ease. mMwMc »o»4«r to teiktkn lota agrp&r*n ■ekes n#w or Uchl mow. UunaachJo*. *woL iM.kL wMtliij RaliavM sunwt sgHwsw str «■srS addma Aiieu It. Oluiitvd.L* Boj Lieut. He* Chandler, coast ar tillery corps. United States Army, was instantly killed Tuesday a week, and Lieut Lewis H. Bre reton, United States Army, was badly hart in the fall of a hydro aeroplane id the bay of San Pran dseo. Oeaghs aa4 Osasassptiea. Coughs and colds when neglect ed, always laad to serious trouble of the longs. The wisest thing to do when you hay* a cold that troubles you la to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Mus cadine, Ala., writes: "My wife was down in bed with wn obsti nate cough, and I honestly be lieve had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery she would not be living today." Known for Oyaars as the beet remedy for coughs and colds. Price Mc and gL*£ by Graham ■ i.v " v- i - : ; •; : HI I For Infants and Children. I CASroiTbe Kind You Have Always Bought -ALCOHOL 3 PER OEBT' I # % Bears the / , H Signature / All Promotes DigpatlonflraM- « MJf« Iy BM : ness andßratlonlirimnrttrr 01 /iVlll K2o Opium.Marphine norMiaetal #\\ 4 lLr^ Bwai j Not Narcotic. ' (Lu y HH a&tmummßnm tton.SourSte^^ Use . Sekjl I 14^ 1 vJ" For Over TL. * x i#. ■i* Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. T .„ You'll Make A rrjir our lumber, f EVERY TIME W 011 i.r>- Li You Drive A Nail! We Sell, at Right Prices You'll Shake Hands With _ , Yourself When the Job's LiUmber, Lcltn, Complete, Because Every POStS, Shingles, Thing Will Be Sash, Doors, t , XT ~ Blinds. Right- and Neat! When We Sell Lumber To A Customer Once, We Look Forward TO A CONTINUANCE! WALKER BROS. ■ GRAHAM, *. C, I SEE US Before You Buy Your 1 1| * • Screen Doors and Windows We have all sizes in Stock and the Prices are Right. : :i Call us up and we will send them to you any time, i ;i ii i M. B, SMITH, Furniture and House Furnishings Burlington, N. C. ~Wr I, ML Gov. Felder of New Jersey says he will call a special session of the Legislature to meet on May 6, next, to consider a Jury reform I bill thst is sdvocated by Prest. Wilson, end which-failed of pas sage at the regulsr session of the Assembly. Rheumatism as a result of kid ney trouble stiff and aching Joints, backache and sore kidneys will all yield to the use of Foley Kidney Fills. They are tonic in action, quick in results, curative always. W. S. Skelton, Stanley, Ind., says, "1 would not take $104.00 for the relief troop kidney trouble 1 received from one box .of Foley Kidney Pills." A resolution calling on President Wilson to remove all Republicans holding Federal offices in Florida was defeated in the Plorids State Senate by a vote of twenty-one to ten. A CAED. This Is to certify that all drug gists are .Authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar Compound fails to cure your cough or cold. John Burnet,, of Tell, Wis., states, u \ used Foley's Honey ai.d Tar Compound for five years and it always glvee the best of satisfaction and alwaya cures a -cough or cold." Refuse sub stitutes. For sale by all drugglats. R)LEYSH(HfEY"°TAR Service by Publication Intt CtnUu-Aluum Coutjr. Ia the lu|«rior Court, May Tent, 1911. Barbara Perry, Plaintiff, Chailla Sitj, Defendant. The defendant above named will take noUoe that an aetton enU tied aa abort baa been oorameaaodln the Superior Court of aeeka to obtain aa abeolato divorce from the aat, will farther tain notioe that ha la requir ed to appear at tbe Term of Superior noun of Mid countr to be bold on Monday, tbe Mtb day of Mar, Mil, at tbe court houae In sain oounty, In the town of Graham, Worth Caro lina, and anewer or demur to the eomplalnt In aald action, or plalotiff will apply to tht oourt for the relief demanded lu Mid eom Thla the IMb day of April, Kit. l'aprlt J. D. KERkoDLK, C. S. C EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. by aottflee all penona holding daiiu against aald eetau to preaent the aaaw duly authen ticated on or before the M d.y of April, lUt, or thla notlee win be pleaded la bar of tbelr recovery. All earaoas Indebted to eaJd eetata are regulated to aato Immediate aat naprtt of GWeb Ttohle. dee*d. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havlag qualified aa administrator apoe the aetata of N A. Wllllama. dee T d, theunder ataned hereby aottdaa all pareotu boldlnt el time aaalaat aald aetata to preaent the same duly autheatleeted. oa or before the Wh day bar recovery ."""ah to aaW aetata are requeeted to maha Un ■Hllatll Mtllwanl Thla Aprlllfeh. I*ll. tinik i* a 11 mwt ♦HHWWWWtWW 11 EGGS | For Hatching ;i: From Pore Bred i':', BUFF ORPINGTONS: j:: $2.50 Per Setting :: : M. H. KERNODLE, |j| GRAHAM, N. C j[j Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of a power of sale contained In a certain Mortgage Deed, bearing date March 2uth, 1811, and duly recorded In U. D. Book No. 62. pages 840 to St 2ln the office ot the Keglater of Deeds of Alamance County. N. 0., 'executed to the undersign d Mortgagee, by Geo. Hnsllpand wl;e, Bulah I will on . atur day, at 12 o'clock M., on SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1918, at the Pourt HOUR© door at Graham, N. 0., sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow Ing lot or parcel of land. to-wlt: Hituato In Mortons Township, adjoining the lands of Albert Simpson and others, and bounded aa follows: _ Begin ing at a stone in B. A. Chrfstraan'i line, corner with Albert Hlmpson, running thence 8 2 deg \V\ 6 chs and 90 Iks to a Hick ory; thence 87 deg W. 8 chs and 80 Iks to a stone; thence 8 2 deg w, 9 chs and 00 Iks to a stone Chrismrn'i corner; thence 8 82 deg E 22 chains and 84 Iks to a stone. James Brannock's line: thence N 16 deg W, 0 chs to stoue; thence 8 7lk W, six chs »nd,tf7 Iks to a-stone: tbence N IB deg W 8 chs to a stone: thenee N i\}i deg E, 6 chs 67 Ik* to a White Oak; thence N \b)Z deg W 12 chs and 26 Iks to a »tone; thence N 88 deg W, 7 chs and 80 Iks to the beginning, oonttflnto? 22 Acres, more or less. This land Is belpg sold tosatl f the note secuied by the above named mortgage. JOHN HON oaKKIMON, Mortgagee. This March 19,1918. W. H. Carroll, Atty. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, bearing dste, March 80t b. 1911, and duly recorded in M. D. Bo >k 62, at pages 201-fo 240. in tbe fflt-eof the Register of Deeds orXV mancecounty, N.C., executed to the undersigned Mortgagee by Albert Simpson and Annie Hlmpson, bis wife, J will on BATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1913, atlto'o'ock M., 4t the court h iu'o door at Graham, N. 0. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following lot or parcel of land, sit uate In Morton's township, coun ty. N. C„ adjoining the lands of B A. Clirls man and others, bounded as follows, to wit: Banning at a persimmon, oorner with B. A. Cbrlsman; thence North I.° W 10 chains and three links to a stone; tbence N li 4° W 9 chs and 80 links to a .tone, Moore's corner; thence Moore's line 88H° w I> chains to a stone, MfHire'B corner; thence Moore's line N >SS° W It chs to a stone, Moore's corner; thence 988° W s chs and 88 links to a stone. Barber's oorner; thence his line ■ 17° B 12 chs and W links to H stone, Cbrlsman's corner; tbence 8 88° E 12 chs and 84 links to a stone, Uhrlstman's oorner; thence 8 8" W 5 ch- to a stone In Chrisman's 11 n"; thence S 88° E 7 chs and 30 links to a Stone; thence N I 6X Q W links to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less. This land Is being sold to satisfy the note secured by the above named mortgage. This March 19tb, 1813. JOHNbON OABBIBON. Mortgagee. WILLIAM H. OA BOLL. Attorney. Electric Bitters Made A Now Man Of Him* "I waa goffering from pain in my stomach, bead and back," writea H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, "and my liter and kidneya did not work right, but four bottlee of Electric Bitten made me feel like a new man." MICE 80 CTB. AT Alt DHUfI STORED Sale of William Poteat Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Bu. perlor Court of Atamanoe oounty, In a apee al P.ooeedng ln whloh all of tbe belre-at law ofWllllam Poteat ware duly oonaUtuted partlea, tbe oommlaaloaer will. . SATURDAY, MAY Bbd, 1918, at 1 o'clock p-sl. offerfor aale to tbe hlgheat bidder at public auctin al ilie court bnu.e door in (Iraham, Alamance oounty. forth Carolina, upon tbe tarmr Hereinafter aat out. 'he following deacribad property, lying .od Joint la Morton townahlp, Alamance county, -tute of North Carolina, adjoining tbe landa * John Malllnga. George Ujwla end otbara, anda^re^rtlcuUrlybuunded and desert U- Bogl mlng at a atone, aald Htallinaa' corner, aiao corner with aald Lewis, aiid runnlna thence II V St rode to a atone on line of aald "tailing*-. thence Eastward i rod. and 4 ft. to • itotat; tfctnwi southeastward rods to ■ atone on aald Oeo. Lewla' line; thence N * Hd* of *a!d Lewla I roda and 4 fTw> the beginning oorner, containing one acre. •°*a or leas, upon which la tltuated tbe ifuS SSfofbuSSE' - bJr WUUam Termt of Hale—One-third of the (.urebaaa price to be paid la caah on date of sale™onT Ihlrd at the expiration of one rath f££ date of sale, and the remainder at theei plredloaof two months from date oTaato, purchaser to eie ute not* tor deferred f*y meota, bearing lntaraat at the rate of/per ■fc.Hi anaiisi aad title reserved until tee mrotaao price la paid, with option to Ute S^ r fl^«2£ h reo- " d ~ - T&* the (lat day of Shah, IMB. K.O. W. DAMEROJf, fVinil—lonsi. CASTOR IA F« InfmU tad Children. Tla Unl Ym Have Aivays Bmht Bean the

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