VOL. XXXIX. latt's Pills This popular remedy never fails U eifectunliy cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sicfc f.stidaclie, Biliousness ArA Allb DISEASES arising from : Yorpn? Liver and Bad Digestion Tlie natural result Is good uppclu rnd flesh. Dose small; elegant ly sugar coated and easy to swaiiov. l ake No 1' RO F KSSIONAI7O ARDS t, s. cook:, Attorney-*!- Law, 0 BAH AM, . ... . N. C Office Patterson Building Hocood Floor. . • . • • , DAMEKON & LONG At lorneys-at-La 8. W. DAMEKON, J. ADOLPH LONG 'Phono 200, 'Phone 1008 , Piedmont Building. Holt-Nicholson Bldg. Burlington, N.C. Graham. N. O. DR. WILL S. LOJfi, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham . - - - North Carolina OFFICE IN EMMONS BUILDING ,AOO~B A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselor* atL v GRAHAM, N. *\ JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and Counaelor-at-Law PONES—Office 65J Residence 331 BURLINGTON, N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE OVER HADLEY'B STORE Leave Messages at Alamance Phar macy 'Phone 97 Residence 'Phone 382 Office Hours 2-4 p. M. and by Appointment. ARE YOU UP r TO DATE B i M —i imrr^ Ityonarenot the NEWS AN' OBERVER is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast of the times. Full Associated Press dispatch er *'l the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily Newf and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUR CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sena tor one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. I Bucklen's Arnica Salve THEWORLD-FAMOUS HEALER or Barns, Bolls, Cuts, Plies, Eczema, Skin Eruptions, Ulcers, Fever-Sores, Pimples, Itch, Felons, Wounds, Bruises, Chilblains, Ringworm, Sore Lips and Hands, CoM-Sores, Corns. ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE. MONEV BACK IF IT FAIL9L ago AT ALL PRUCCIBTB. sloo—Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than SIOO if you have a Chile) Who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cure* old and vouojr alike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI.OO. Sold by Oraham Drug Company. - A dispatch from Chattanooga, Tenn., says that Mrs. Fred Krause was drowned, her niece Kosa Wil son, aged 8 waa burned to death, and several others were injured late Sunday when a pleasure launch was burned near the dam at Hale's Bar, on the Tennessee river. Dr. Hobwa's (lintmeat Heals Itcbjr Etuni. I - The constantly itching, burning sensation and other disagreeable forms of eczema, tetter, salt rheum and skin eruptions Prompt ly cured by DB. HOBSON'S EC ZEMA OINTMENT. George W. Fitch of MendoU, 111., says, *1 pur chased a box of Dr. Hobson s Ec zema Ointment. Have had eczema ever since the civil war, have been treated by many doctors, none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson'a Eczema Oint ment has." Every sufferer should try it. We are so positive it will help you we guarantee It or your money refunded. At all druggists or by mail, 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. Go H6me for Christmas CTOP at this busy Christmas season and think for a moment of the folks back home. Consider how much happier they will be if you are with them on this Christ mas day. Perhaps your parents are get ting very old now-perhaps they have only a few more Christmases to spend here. Cei> tainly your presence at the old home place would add greatly to their joy. Think of the days when you were a child~of the. Christmases, now gone forever, when your father and mother did so much to make you happy. A man's mother is the best friend he ever had or ever can have. One owes it to her to spend Christmas at her side and to devote the day to making her happy. But if we have no mother what would be prettier, what sentiment or act could be more beautiful, than to visit, her grave and make it green with wreaths and flowers on Christmas day? MPT LOU'S fFUNNYS QPOSEPC? FREDDIE was very fond of Aunt Lou and huif been saving up his pennies to buy her a Christ mas present. He had five when he climbed into his mother's lap to consult as to how the money should be invested. 1 After the conference it was agreed that Aunt Lou's present -should be a rose. The florist's was only Ave blocks down the street. In front of the little corner grocery store stood Bobbie, Freddie's chum, studying the wonder ful things in the window. > "Hello!" said Freddie. "Have you got a copper?" Bobble displayed two, and Freddie asked what he was going to buy." "Don't know. Come on; let's go In," ■aid Bobbie. On the counter was a box of white clay pipes with funny faces on them. Bobble's bright eyes spied them at once. "How much Is the bubble pipes?" be asked. "Just a cent," said the man behind tho counter. Bobbie bought one, and Freddie lin gered at the box. He asked, "How many would five coppers buy?" "Six." Freddie bought six. Freddie returned home, and mamma looked up from her sewing and asked, "Did ypu get It?" Six, mamma, six beautiful ones!" be cried excitedly. "Why, Freddie, yon couldn't get six for (5 cents," said his mother. "Yes, I did," said the little boy. "Juat look here!" "Why, Freddie, they're pipes, and Aunt Lou_ doesn't want pipes. Where Is the rose?" Freddie stood before her, speechless. He had forgotten the rose—forgotten all about Aunt Lou's Christmas pres ent! He wus u very little boy, but not too little to be ashamed. "Did you spend all of your coppers?" mamma ofcked gently, and Freddie nodded his head and gulped. "I don't think Aunt Lou will like pipes quite as well as a rose, do you?" mamma asked. "Never mind, dear; wrap up the pipes for her." "But Aunt Lou doesn't want pipes," Freddie said chokingly. "Didn't you b>-y them for Aunt Lou. dear?" mamma asked. "They are for *ne." said Freddie in a low voice. "And what have you got for Aunt Lou, who always gives you such a nice Christmas present?" Freddie crept very close and nkM "Will vou please give me 5 cents?" Church Bells Call You How many of us attend church on Christ mas day? And why not? Of all the days in all the year Christmas is the most appropriate for one to go to church and unite with his neighbors and friends in giving thanks and praise unto Him who died that you and I should live. Christ mas is His birthday, and above all things one should hear a short sermon and offer a prayer of. thanks for the fortunes that the past has showered on him and ask for givenessof all sins. One should go to church feeling that it is a pleasure and a privilege and not consider it a duty. It will furnish inspiration that will make one capable of better enjoying the day and at nightfall be a great deal happier. GRAHAM) N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER I "BTTBBT,® PIPES!" 8 HIS CBIED "Tbat would be. mamma's present, dear, and not yours. You saved the coppers for Aunt Lou. and If you have bought pipes with them you must give her the pipes." Christmas day Freddie gave the pipes to Aunt I.ou. Ills pnpn laughed. His mothrt* smiled, and a merry twin kle appeared In Aunt I.nu's eyes. She caught sight of a little red. mortified face with two blue eyes brimming with tears. That WHS too much L»r Aunt Lou. Not for worlds would she add to Freddie's distress. "Bubble plpea!" sht* cried Joyously. "Now. Isn't that splendid? Why. bub ble parties are all the rage now. I'll be able-to give a party myself tomor row afternoon, and you must all be sure to come." A little smile was beginning to dim pie rround Freddie's Ill's, aud he was blinking away the tear* that had gath ered. "One's broke," he said in a little, wavering voice. "Is It? Why. yes! And right close to the bowl! Isn't that fine? Why. lota of girls I know always curl their hair on plpestems and think they're far klcer than curling tongs." After Freddie had gone to bed mam ma told papa and Aunt I«ou all the story about Aunt Lou's present "You're a darling. P»P« aald as be kissed his sister. "I'm really ashamed of myself for laughing." Aunt Lou smiled. "Will you come to any bubble party?" she asked. "I'll do more than that" papa an swered; "I'll buy the prize for It" Actors on Christmas ;; There's lots of work. And there ain't no play, Bo what'a the use Of a Cbriatimia day? THAT little verse, paraphrased front oue familiar tu soldiers. Just about sums up the real Christmas sentiment existing among people connected with the the atrical business. No, that doesn't meun that the actor, the manager and t'le advance agent do not appreciate the giving and receiving of presents from their frleuds. But It does mean that people connected with the stage have come to look upon the Christmas time as a season of Bbort puy and bard work." ' It Isn't generally known, but It Is none the less true, that must actors have a clause In their contracts which calls for hulf pay the week before Christmas. Tills clause was inserted in the days when the week before Christmas really was a "tontfh" one in the theatrical business, ltut nowadays there ure many productions which pack the theaters to the doors the week before Christmas us wo!I us any other week In the year. Nevertheless some of the managers live up to that con tract and deduct the half week's pay. That is one reason why actors aren't particularly uierry at Cbristmus. There are other managers who make a practice of laying off their companies the week T>efore Christmas and some of them ten days or two weeks before, in that case there is no salary at all forthcoming. That, probably. Is another reason why the average actor cannot understand why Christmas is to occasion to be unduly Joyful. It was only last year that some of the managers came to the conclusion that stage people, like other human be ings. might like to spend some part of the Christmas holiday with their friends and relatives. Up to that year it had been the custom of all man agers to give a special matinee on Christmas day. That meant, of course, that about all the actor hud to do on this festive occasion was to rush to the theater almost as soon as be had acquired his regular amount of sleep, give an afternoon performance and then, if fortunate enough to have friends or relatives living In the city, to hurry through Ills Christmas dinner with them or leave before It was half over to go back to the theater to play the evening performance. - But a few of the managers changed that last year by omitting the Christ - mas matinee and giving It on the day following. There were other mnnngers. however. Who not only gave the Christ mas matinee, but acted on the sugges tion of their more cbailtable competi tors and gave tho matinee the day aft er too. However, this omission of the • A ram on artM ncrwuM rsaroaii MM Chrlatmaa tuntloee was confined almost exclusively to a few of the Brat clear theaters In New York city. On the road it la different. The at torn have to work Juat aa bard aa they ever did. and opposition from local managers will probably prevent the eilmtaation of the Chrlatmaa matinee outside of New York. Wltb eome companies Chrlatmaa la not the disagreeable occasion that H la wltb others. One or two owners make It a practice to Instruct the man ager with the comiainy to bare a Cbrlstmss dinner prepared at the ex pense of the Show. Sometimes a cater er Is called In. and the dinner Is served on the stage between tbe matinee and the evening performance. In that event tbe dinner nanslly proves proline of material for tbe bonse prose agent, and tbe affair la duly recorded In tbe dally papers. Sometimes It Is served on tbe stage after tbe evening performance. Other times arrangements are made ai some hotel. It waa one of these after tbe per formance affairs that came pretty near potting a traveling stock company oat of baelnesa In a town out In lows laat Chrlatmaa. This theater, by tbe way, boosts of tbe only dog eritle la exist MM, TMa W from the fact that If tba dog do—n't Uke • (bow be will ■tart to bowl, and be baa to la rt ■DOTad from tba theater before the per formance can be continued. Only a month before a well known concert sin far waa appearing at tba theater. Mia bad%tcM flniebed one Of bar beet eelectlana when tba dog poked bla noae over the railing of an upper bos and began to bowl bin dia approraL That led to tbe temporary baalabment of tba dog critic from tba theater. lint when the atock company came along tba. manager beard (boat the tloiT*"J7 willing to take a chance that the dog's Judgment of hla show ■would be favorable, be suggested that the dog be allowed to alt by a big well, which wna a part of the'scenic effect In one of the acta, Just for the aake of realism. ' Now, tlila same manager had con cluded to give hla company a dinner on the stage after the performance. In the courae of the play the dog was ' brought out and tied to the well. Everything went all right until the dog anlffed the turkey and the other good things at the aide -of the atage, and without waiting for the finish of the act he made for the food, dragging the "heavy rock walled well" behind him. This action ah the part of the dog crlUc-actor dlaturbed things generally. CHBISTMAS TlilK VOIt STAGE CIULIJUKX. for the villain had Just been arranging one of his confederates to rid himself of the hero of the play by toss tng him down the aforesaid Well. Tin villain, after the laughter subsided, ar ranged bis part of the plot by cancel lug the order to have the hero tossed down the well and Instead to have him tied to a railroad track. However, the audience refused to take the play seriously after the well dlyippeared. There Is probably more real Christ-' mas sentiment lb plays that have to carry children as a part of the produc tion than In any of the others. With these shows there Is usually a Christ inas tree between the matinee und the evening perforata we In which every one joins in and makes merry. A hard lot to that of the actor who happen* to be plnylng wlmt In known aa "the ainall time" around the boll dajra. "Hmnll time" contract* call for three ahow* a day. and on Chrl*tm.i* day an extra one la usually*added. A vaudeville actor on "bin time" prob ably haa more time to appreciate Chrlatmaa—lf Chriatmaa really can he appreciated away from home—than any other becnuxe he la uaually In the theater but an hour In the afternoon and an hour In the evening, and the rent of the time la hla own unleaa the house manager haa promised to "aak" him to go over to some club and en tertain the gneata at tbelr Chrlatmaa reception. Of courae the actor doean'l have to do thla, but If the manager la of any atandlng at all In the vaudeville world the uctor uaually finds It expe dlent to grant the request. But the man probnbly who aiienda the lonesoineat Chrlatmaa of them alt la the poor advance agent—recognized on the program aa hnalneaa manager, advance repreaentatlve or mannger In advance. Unleaa the advance agent Is cloae enough to hla home town to "Jump" for Christmas he uaually get* • genuine uttmk of the aimon pure blue* True, the advance man who haa been on the rond for any length of time can uaually lie de|>endcd upon to meet people he know*. but they are people who live In llie town, and be uaually flnda hlmaelf dining alone when the time comea for him to eat hla "Chrlatmaa dinner." A Neat Santa Claua. CLAT'H, I hang for you, ir l l Hv the mantel. ato klft* two. I I One for ms and on> to go L J| To another boy I know. 'Pierf'i m chlmn»y In the town Vm. have n»vsr traveled down. Shoui.l you chance to enter then You would find a room all bar#. Not a stocking could you spy, Matters not how you might try. And the ahoae you'd And ara sueb Aa no boy would cara for much. In a broken M you'd a*« Some one Just about like ma. Dreaming of th« pretty toya I Which you bring to other boya, Jg And to hla a Chrlatmaa aeema . | Merry only l> hla dreama. * . All he dreama, then, llama Claua, Stuff the stocking with, beeauae I When It'a tilled up to the brim * I'll be Santa Claua to him! K —Freak Dempster ■ksri— tea Know What Ye« Are Taking When you take Qrovc'a Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on everr bottle •bowing that it la Iron and Qui nine In a tasteless form. No cure, no pay.— dec, adv. Richard Blythe Abernethy, aged 21 years died Tuesday afternoon of laat week at th« home of hie pa rente, Mr. and Mr*. R. B. Ab ernethy, la Paw Creek section of Mecklenburg county. Deceased Was a Junior at the University, and a popular member of the foot ball team of that inatitutldn. t'eastlpatles Polaoaa Yea. If you are constipated your en tire ayatem la poisoned bv the waate matter kepi in the body—ae rioua resulta often follow. Uae Dr. Klng'a New Life Pilla and rou will soon get rid of constipation, headache and other trouble*. at all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen ft Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv. 8,1913. Share Your Fortune A MID all the happiness and joys of the ** merry Christmas season think of those less fortunate--of those on whom the sun of plenty has failed to shine during the past twelve months. Think of the heart aches that will, be theirs on Christmas morning; think of the tear-stained eyes of the little children weeping 'because Santa Claus could not call at their homes. Half of your pleasure at Christmas will be de rived from making others happy, from sharing youf good fortune and sowing seeds of kindness wherever you happen to be on Christmas day. Give something, be it ever so trifling, to the little child to whom Christmas otherwise would mean nothing. You can keep tears of sorrow from those eyes and brighten the day a hundredfold for yourself. Try it. Keep down the weeds. Whitewash the oow stables. Keep the dairy barn sanitary. Hens need a shaded loafing place. ▲ lltUe salt helps the poultry mash. Overfeeding I* a fruitful source of bowel trouble. Overfat fowls are apt to succumb to sxoeesivs heat March hatched chicks should be ready for the broiler market Good butter can never be made from cream that la not good. Blow speed tn the separator la the cause of much poor skimming. Fever turkeys are Injured' by un derfeeding than by overfeeding. Carrying fowls by-*helr wings Is as cruel as carrying them by the legs. When cream stands too long it is apt to acquire a bitter or disagreeable flavor. A swivel la the tethering rope will keep the rope from getting twisted and kinky. Keep the dust and stuff out of your milk. Tou cannot strain It out Re member that Alfalfa is one of the greatest crops known to modern agriculture for en riching the land. Ifs a good thing for the bull to ex ercise on a tread power and accom plish some work. Uae only a butter-bred aire from a line of dairy Inheritance for next year's crop of calvea. Breeding with Intelligence will pro duce a leas and leas number of "oows that eat their beads off." Oreen food of aoma kind la neces sary to make the hens do tbelr beet In the line of egg production. Stir the cream twice a day, using a long-handled spoon which will reach to the bottom of the cream jar. Some day we are going to lad that aa good a way aa any to use the sur ploa sour milk la to give It to the bens. Have your fowla so tame that you can go amoag them without caoalng fright. To* win get better egg pro duction. If there la no silo on your farm, do not let another winter catch you un prepared. Make your plana right now for one. The para-bred aire and a dam of the eaaie type at as good blood aa It la poeaible to get will uaually bring The Giving of Gifts If one is going to give a Christmas pres -1 ent it should be with a cheerful heart. If you can't give in this spirit do not give at all. We give presents to our friends at Christmas because they are our friends and because we derive pleasure from such giving. In the giving of Christmas pres ents there should be none of that spirit which suggests commercialism. There should never be any expectation of reci procity. The giving of a Christmas present should be from the heart. The present itself counts for little. The spirit and motive which prompt the giving are all important. % deilrfcble xoit. The idea that alfalfa bar ti not ault able for driving horse* la proven er roneous by thousands of farmer*, and many use no other. Don't compel the women folk* to open and close two or three big (ate* through the cattle rardi every time they go out to look up eggs. When hens lay softrshalled eggs, It la often a sign they are too fat Cot down the amount of grain and feed more vegetable* and green food. In pruning the apple trees, plan to form shapely heads that will permit the sunlight to get Into the center of the tree. It will give better fruit. One of the remedies for pip nsed by Portuguese poultry raisers Is raw onions cut up tine and forced down the throat, followed by a little water. For late vegetables plant snap beans. They require a rich, moist eoll, so that the growth will be rapid. As a rule, the dwarf bush types are best Dehorn the calves before they are two weeks old. Cut away the hair around the "button" and moisten. Then rub well with a stick of caua tlo potash. Watch the heifer* carefully about calving time. A little care at the proper time often will be the means of averting the loss of a line calf, Ita mother, or both. It requires feed to make a lamb of any kind, but a sheep or lamb will eome the nearest to making some thing out of nothing of any kind of a domestic animal. If the butter la slow In coming It Is due to one of two causes: Either U>« cream Is too cold, or else the chum Is overloaded and the contents do not get proper oscillation. a The bean Is a plant well suited to the soil and climatic conditions of t{ils country, yields bountifully and Is pro duced at a coat not to exceed that of other cultivated Seld crops. There Is no state In the union where they are not grown successfully. A good fly deterrent Is made of one gallon flsh oil, one pint kerosene, and four tablespoonfuls of crude carbolic acid. Mix well and apply with a cloth, or spray all parta but the udder, Just after milking. About once a week will do. Scrubbing Machine. There has been perfected a scrub bing machine which looks much like the ordinary carpet sweeper. The hooded part Is a small tank which can be tilled with scalding water, and uses automatically the lnatde mop, so that when the device is pushed across the loor It actually scrubs and wlpea up the kitchen. for rough Doors, por ches and cement surfasss, It la said H be excellent. y FORf • „ j • Indigestion I\AND° Dyspepsia "Kodol When jour stomseh cannot properly : digest food, of itself, it needs a litt!| assistance—and thii assistance is rea* ' Ujr supplied by Kodol. Kodol assits ths stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food in tlie stomach, so that th-l stomach may rest and recuperate. Olir Get ft dollar be* vur viuaranice. tieof Kodoi 11 ? F*a are not benefited — the drugrfst will &( + K •noa return your money. Don't hesitate: an* 3 will aril jroa Kod«>l on these term# The dollar bottle contains ?'£ timet as mae% M the 80c bottle. Kodol is prepared at Us laboratories of ifi. 0. DeWiti * Co.. Chios** * Graham Drag Co. The CIIiIRLOTTE DAILY H Subscription Rales Daily --- - $6.00 Daily and Sunday 800 Sunday - - - - 2.00 The Semi-Weekly Observer Tues. and.Friday> 1.00 The Charlotte Daily Observer, is sued Daily and Sunday is the loading newspaper between Washington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ga- It gives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete' Associated Tress Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1 per year gives the reader a full report of the week's news. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Address all orders to Observer COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. LIVES OP CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as abovo, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price jter copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, s2.f>o. Py (nail 20c extra. Orders may b« ; sent to . P. J. Kkuxojile, j| 1012 K. Marshall St.,/ 1 Richmond, Va. 1 Orders may Im left at this office. m —. gal Ara You a Woman? m Cardui Tho Woman's Tonic I FOR SALE AT AIL OfiU66tSTS^ Nearly livery Child Ha. Worms. Paleness. at times a flushed face and unnatural hunger, picking at « the nose, great thirst, etc., are all i indications of worms. Kickapool Worm Killer In pleasant candr ; form, is a reliable and thorougaJ medicine fur the removal of Worms of all kinds from children and adults. Aids digestion, tones and ovecomcs constipation, and in creases the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. '• Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. adv. The Kansas Supreme Court _has A affirmed a Judgment of 95.4*8 dam- i ages in favor of Joseph Stalker, railway laborer, against D. D.| Drake, a loan shark, who had col- * lected 1145 on a loan of (2i in two * years and still claimed |2OO due. M Croap and Coagh Kta«l), Croup Is a terrible disease, iti attacks children so suddenly thy f are very apt to choke unless tha/l are given the proper remedy at J once. There is nothing better IdM the world than Dr. Discovery. Lewis Chamberlain olj Manchester, Ohio, writes his children, Sometimes in severe! attacks we were afraid tlicy wouiw die, but aince we proved what .!■ certain remedy Dr. King's XejjM Discover is we have no tfir. WM rely on it for croup, coughs aqfl colds." So can you.. 50c m|H A bottle should be in every At all druggists. If. E. Uucfcfl | k Co., Philadelphia and St.