THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. • ' . V' % Si . ' * I =— 1 ■ , : : I. v ■ . «, VOL AN OLD ADAGE gAVO "A light puree la a heavy cnrM** slclcness makes a light purse. The LIVER Is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. Tutt's Pills go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore tha action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and V solid flesh to the body. . l ake Mo Substitute. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1,1 ' i*" X. S., C OOX, Attorney - at- Law, KAHAM. N. C Office Patterson Building Booond Floor. DAMErtON & LONG At loraey »-at I,aw 8. W. DAMBKON. J. ADOLPH LONG 'Phone 290, 'Phone 1008 Piedmont Building, Holt-Nleh9lson Bldg. Burlington, N.C. Graham, N; 0. UK. WILL S. JH. . . . DENTIST . . Graham . - - - North Csnrellaa Btfobiwb ACOB A. LONG J, EI.MKH LONG LONG & LONG, Attorney* and Counselors at JL. w GRAHAM. It. ". JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and Counselor-at-Law PONES—Office 65J-—Residence S3l BURLINGTON, N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE OVER HADLET'S STORE Leave Messages at Alamance Phar macy 'Phone 97 Residence 'Phone 382 Office Hours 2-4 p. m. and by Appointment. ARE YOU fj UP r TO DATE B II you are not the NEWS AN" OBERVER is. Subscribe ior it at once and it. will keep you abreast ot the times. Full Associated Press dispatch er *>l the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and loca all the time. Daily News and Observer $"/ per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $\ per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian andTHB ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sen' for one year ior Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. Bucklen's Arnica Salve THE WORLD-FAMOUS HEALER OF MM, Mls.tes.PilM, Eczema, Skin EraptlSM, Ulcers, Fever-Seres, Pimples, Itch, Felons, Wswrfs, Bruises, VtlleWflllUlf NIMWViMi S#roLiff tad HMifi teM - Seres, Ceres. ONLY GENUtNf ABNICA SALVE. MONEY HACK IF IT FAILS. MoATAUI DRUGGISTS. sloo—Dr. E. Detchon'i Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than $lO4 if you have a child who toil* the bed ding from incontinence of water durinjr sleep. Cure* old and vounjr alike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI.OO. Sold by Oraham Drug Company. r- adv. The State Supreme Court ad journed Saturday for the holiday recess. Or. Hoksoa's Ointment Heals Itchy Kcxeau. i Tha constantly itching:, burning aenaation and other disagreeable forms of eczema, tetter, salt rheum and skin eruptions prompt ly cured by DR. HOBSON'S EC ZEMA OINTMENT. George W. Pitch of MeiJtiota, says, *l par chased M box of Dr. Hobson's Ec vzema Ointment, Have had eczema ever since the civil war, have been treated by many doctors, none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson's Beaenui Oint ment has." Every aufferer should try it. We are so positive it will help you we guarantee it or your money refunded. At all druggists or by mail, 80c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. .. adv. ©MERRYQ CHRISTMAS The First Christmas IT often has been stated tbat tbe birtb of Christ must bare occur red four years before tbe date flxed on for tbe current chronolo gy and tbat it I* probable tbe eveat be fell at some other time in tbe year than a few days after the winter sol stice. Tbe reason for the confident as sertion is tbe ascertaining of tbe fact that Herod died about four years B. C. Tbe basis of this supposition is tbe report that at the time of the birtb of Christ "tbere were shepherds abiding in tbe field, Watching tbeir flocks by night" a circumstance not natural in tbe latitude of Bethlehem near the shortest day. Tbat is tbe height of tbe rainy sen son In Judea, and tin? date does not appear to hare been ob served generally before the fifth cen- Many students of. Biblical history "Sty*, argued tbat the-atory about the star of Bethlehem points to a data for tbe Nativity not later than May 8, p. C. S. On tbat date the planet* Venus and Jtiplter were so cloaely in conjunction as seen from tbe earth tfcat. tbe apparent distance between theiti was equal only to tbe breadth of toe-fall BHMMI. Tbeae planets war* THE STAB Or BBTHIiEHZM. then visible in the east a couple ot hours before sunrise aud must have produced a strikingly beautiful appear ance and bare been spoken of as one object. That was about fifty days less than two years before the death of Herod, a fact which hartnouizes well wltb other conditions of the narrative, for It Is probable that the mandate for the slaughter of all the children two years old and under was Issued some months before his decease, and the limit of two years would leave an ample margin for any uncertainty aa to the time of the appearauce of the (tar, as related by the magi; also there were no paschal fall moons on a Fri day between the years B. O. 0 and A. D. 83 and no other following that till A. O. 00. From this It would seem to follow that Christ was tbirty-elgbt years old | at the time of the crucifixion, and this I would vindicate the sagacity of tbe Jewish doctors wbo affirmed that be was not yet flfty (forty?) yean old. It li remarked, too, that In the spring of the same year there was a triple con junction of planets-Hatum. Jupiter and Mara— and that the first two ■anted were In conjunction aa seen from the earth no less than three time* la the ysar preceding—thst Is. B. 0. 7. Another theory about the star of Bethlehem whlcb has been advanced Is that tbe star seen by the magi is Bplcs, the leading brilliant In tbe con stellation of Virgo, tbe Virgin. For many years before and after tbe Christian era tbe star was changing Its place until It was then literally • "star In tbe east." and Its movement la that direction may have been the very fact noticed by tbe wlae men of some centuries preceding wbo expect ed that tbe prophecy about tbe Virgin would be fulfilled when Its principal •tar reached tbe position noted. If this were so tbe visit of tbe magi from Baetrtn, In tbe far east. Is easily ex plained. and tbe chief difficulty attend ing tbe explanation Ilea In the fact that such sn Important search aa they udertook Is noticed by only one out oi the four evangelists. Tbe uncertainty of tbe centorlss In regard to tbe date at tbe Nativity In year and month may never be cleared op. Its existence hss been unfslriy cited as res nun for disbelieving tbe whole narration. Tbe people of 2MO years ago attached little Imports are to dates, except current OOPS, sod It msy he remembered thst the destruction of Jerusalem occurred between tbe time of the Nativity and (be writing of the gospels, fct leant In tbe shape In Which It has com* down to as. ton Know W hat Ves Are Taking When you take Grove's Tastelem Chill Tonic because the formula i* plainly printed on every botM" showing that it is Iron and Qui nine in s tasteless form. No cure, no piy.-tfc. ad\. Delegates to the State meeting of the Farmers' Union st Shelby on the 17th. 18th snd 19th, can ob tain railroad tickets st one-half regular fare plus SO cents. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25,1918. GROWS OLD. Like the Mud that are sung In the twilight. Like all tales that are tenderly to(d. Like the memories of loved ones that hallow our h4arla. There's a story that never (rows' > old. f • Lo! The angels flrst sing It In chprus, And g) he watchers with wonder behold. They feel the flrst thrill of the beautiful truth In the story that nsvsr grows old. Round the Christ Child of Bethle hem's cradle Are clusters of apples of gold. And .pictures of silver adorn every page Of tbe story that never grows old. ft gladdens the hearts of all chil dren. And millions of manlier mold Are happier, holler, better by far, For the story that never grows old. ' i-fVankttn Trusdell. The Christmas Quest. Whoso shall come any way thla night. By moor ar hill or shore. For him the blessed candles' light, Kot him the open doer. (Oh, Mar; this for thy Son's sake, Thougn .Mine comes in no morel) My hearth Is swept, my Tule logs burn. My board Is decked and spread; War any* who may seem In turn Are warmth and wine and bread. (Oh. Mary, grant my soa thla night Be boused and qpmfortedl) Bid, banned or beggared come for gueet. My heart shall share his woee. And on his head my hand shall rest To bless him ere he goes. (Oh, Mary, grant my soi\ this night That ■bleestng and repoosl) This night, for thy one Ben's dear sake, Walt light and warmth and wine. Oh, Mary, we be mothers both! Take these my tears for sign. And this I do for thy sweet Son. Wilt thou not do for mlneT —Theodosla Garrison. A Song of Christmas TWINE the bittersweet and holly Arched above tha hearthstons's glow. Joy, not melancholy. Come, Indrlftlng with the nnuw. In each face the Croat'* a-tingl.. And afar on flying wing Cornea the sletghbell's rhythmic (Ingle Through December journeying Bet the board and aek the bleailng Tor the bounty amply spread, In the simplest words expressing What a loving Father said— "Peace on earth"—far this la nearest When tha snows with us abide And the winter air la clearest In the hush Of Christ mastlds. mm mmnoMMM arm* tu FUXCIM Bring the aid mualcisa's Addle. Relic of the bygone daya. ■end the fairest down the middle While the ll'tlng music sways Light of fool and quick of laughter. Swing the dancers, too and heel. Aa they pass or follow after la the qaalot Vlrglala ml Make a welcome for the stranger Should his footstep crass the door. By the memory of the mangar And the Christ that was of yore Oat her rhlldrea's faces round yos, Aa he gathered them long syne. If It be .ha years hers crowned yea With their rsdlanr. dlvlaa. Deck the tree and light the randies, Let the stockings an bo hung. For a aalnt with furry aandala O'er the housetopa high baa swans. And hla reindeer stssds are prancing Through tha stsr Ma— MS rlsse. JkMtS tht IIKKW fiti 111 I pt|f la the merry Christmas time. -Bl aial MeOaffey. Rob't Hanner, s white youth, was arrested in Greensboro a few dijri ago for removing and selling stone from a stone wall around an old grave/ard. Hanner claimed that he had bought the stone from one Hughes, but Hughs could not be found. The esse wss continued for *4 days to give the boy a chsnc* to make satisfactory settlement with the trustees. Itch relieved in 20 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Nevei fails. Sold by Graham Drug Co. adv. Ancestry of Santa WHAT h Santa Claus" age? Tbe Jolly. roistering. pot bellied. ever yuuug old fel- low tbtit we know him mnile Ills appearance ou ciirth In no many guises that the secret of his Hint com ing threatens to renitilD forever veiled In Ibe intilst of nntlqutty. No one can nay with any certainty-Jnsl when lie first mode hi* appearum* umong pre historic men, for merry old Sitntn In one forui or uuolber dcllfchtcd illll' dren'a hearts In muny a IHIKIIII louse bold centuries before the commence meut of the Christian era uud prior to any recorded hUtory. The name of Santa Olsus, by which be Is known In America, (a the Dutch pat name for St. Nicholas Tbe name Krlss Krliiifle. by which be Is known In England. la a corruption of Cbrtat Klndlelu or the Chrlat Child. But tbe festivities that distinguish Cbrlatmas existed long before Cbrlstlanlty, and a Jolly god of good cheer appears aa tbe personification of the period from the earlier pagan times. Now tbe Santa Clans of today Is simply that old Jolly god sobered up. wusbed and purified. .Tbe Dlonysla of tbe Greeks. tbe Sat urnalia of tbe Romuns, tbe Twelve Nights of tbe old Norsemen and of the Teutona all celebrated the coming of the winter aolatlce. People then gave themselves up lo all sorts of revelry and excess. In tbe Dlonysla the repre sentative figure wa% Dot tbe young Dionysus or Bacchus, but Ibe aged, cheery sod diareputnble Bllenua. tbe chief of the Satyra and the gud of drunkards In the Saturnalia It was Saturrt: In tbe Oennank- feaata It was Thor, both long liearded and white haired gods like Sllcnus. Now, although tbe central figure of the Cbrlstloo festival la tbe child God, tbe Christ Kludleln. tbe iDdueuce of long pagau custom was too strong within the breasts of tbe early Chris tians to be easily superseded. Tbe tra dition of boary age as the true repre sentative of tbe dying year and Its at tendant Jollifications still remained smoldering under tbe ashes of tbe past It burst into new flame when the paat wna too far back to be looked upon with the fear and antagonism of tbe cburcb and there seemed no longer any danger of a relapae into pagatllam. At first, however, tbe more dignified representative waa chosen at more in keeping with the occasion. Saturn was unconscioualy rcbaptlzed aa St Nicholas, tbe name of tbe saint wboae festival occurs In December and who aa tbe patron of young pedple Is espe cially fitted for tbe patronage of the festival which has come to be looked upon aa enpeciallv that of the young At first St Nicholas did not supersede th* Christ Child, but accompanied him in his Christmas travela. as. indued, be •till does in certain rural neigh bor hoods of Europe where tbe modern spirit has been least felt St. Nicholas, according to the bagl ologist was a blsbof) of Myra. wbo flourished early In tbe fourth century.. Be is tbe patron of children and schoolboy*. It Is strange that everywhere St Nicholas U most honored snd bis feast day moat observed tbe moat ploua and Instructed among tbe common people know little of tbe legend of tbe aalnt He is treated with that mixture of se riousness and frivolity which becomes • dying myth. In southern Oermsny snd Austria a youth garbed as St Nicholas and ac companied by two angels and a whole troop of devils In hMeuas masquerade, with blackened faces and clanking chains, on Dec. ft (St Nicholas' festal day I makes a round .of certain boose* where tbe little one* of tbe village have been collected. To the good chil dren be brings gift* of nut* and ap ple*. while tbe naughty ones are left to tbe device* of tbe satanlc follower* In bl* train. In many place* tbe bugbear over shadows In Importance both tbe Christ Child and St Klcbolaa. He appears under different name* and In dlffereot gutaee. In tower Austria be la tbe frightful Krampna. with bis ctaaklng cbalna and horrible devil'* mask. wbo. notwithstanding bis gilded nil and applea. gingerbread and toys, which be carries In hla basket I* tbe terror of tbe nursery. In Hanover. Holatein and Meckleubarg be la known aa Claa. In Silesia bl* name la Joseph. Sometime* the l>ngbe*r waa a female, la Lower Austria she waa called tbe Bndelfran. In Rnabta It was tbe Berchtel who chastised children, that did not spin diligently, with rods, bat rewarded Hie Industrious with dried pears, applea and auts Tbe female bogy survive* especially In Ruaala and In Italy, la tbe former place she I* known ** tbe Bahooshka. la tbe latter s ** tbe Refana. Refana la a corruption of Rplpbanla or Rplpba ay. for It Is 00 Kpipbany. Jan. 8, that the Italians make presents to their children In commemoration of tbe gift* given by tbe three wlaa men to Cbrtat •a that data. Cesttlpadea Patau Tee. If jroq are constipated your en tire ajrsten I* poisoned h.V - the waste matter kept in tb* lody-ae rlooa resalts otten fallow. ' UN, Dr. Ring'* New Life Pill* and you will soon get rid of constipation, hfadache and other troubles. 2V at all druggists or by mall. H. B. Burklen ft Co, Philadelphia or Bt. Loo Is. I adv. John Cate*, conductor of a Southern freight, who was injured in the wreck of hla train at fleitna Friday a waek died in a hospital in Raleigh last week. .. Waiting For Santa Claus ' E &> f| ■ SMkm . I 1 r L OffTTrnTCf r 1 Viii,l t v W JUiIM ► [ , - =i___ i v - I .1. !•. . 5 ' ®B*r A Feel In the Christmas Air ■ UT.-nr.i.njmii.l-'. .irnnmm-.- . .ir By JANES WHITCOMB RILEY THEY'S a kind o• fed in the air to me When the Chris'mas times sets in That's about as much of a mystery As ever I've run ag'in. Per instunce, now, whilse I gain in weight And gineral health, 1 swear They's a goneness somers I can't quite state A kind o' feel in the air. They's a feel in the Chris'ma# air goes right To the spot where a man lives atl It gives a feller a appetite— They ain't no doubt about that I And yit they's somepln—l don't know what— That follers me here and there And ha'nts and worries and spares me not— A 'kind o' feel in the air. They's a feci, a* 1 say, In the air that's Jest As blanied-on sad as sweet In the same ra*sho as I feel the best And am the spryest on my feet They's alius a kind o' sort of a ache That I can't locate nowhere. But It comes with Chrls'mas, and no mistake— A kind o* feel in the air. -» Is it the racket the children raise? Why, nol'-tiod bless *em, not Is It the eyes the cheeks ablaze. Like my own Wuz long atfo? Is it the bleat o* the whistle and beat O' the little toy drum and blare O' the hornf Hfo. no I It is Jest the sweet— The sad-sweet feel in the air. ; Saving Up For Christmas j • I I I I I I I HI !!■ I I 1 Mill I lib'' A well drea»cd man la a Market •treot car tendered the conductor a one dollar bill In payment for two fare* and, receiving bl* ('hange, care fully ielect->d the ten cent piece* and placed tin-in In a separate |>ocket. "From the lat of fleptember until Chrlatma* I never, apend a dime," he explained to bla companion, "livery time t get one I keep It cepftrato from my other change, and Wb*n 1 get borne I depoalt my dltnea In on* of tho*e oaring* bank* that don't open until they contain 110. I am one of a rery large family addicted to the Chrlatma* prSaent habit, and aome- Umaa I am obliged to give aa many aa thirty or forty glfta. Ily not apendlng my dimea I create a Christina* fond without really feeling It. I have done thl* for aeveral year* and And It an ex cellent plan."—Philadelphia Record. Why She Shape Early. *T» going to atart my Chriatmaa abopplng right now and get It over with," aald Mr*. Jone* at the brenkfaat table. "Ah. to aid the poor, tired ahopglrl and help the movement for early de ll vertee!" bar aeo remarked In tonaa of connDendatloa. "Newer thought of that," waa the dlaconcertlng reply, "I'm going to buy all my preaent* at Kmart k Co.'a, and abopa Ilka their* hare bandaome de livery wagon*. I want all the neigh bora to *ee tbe wagona atop at my door. !aat yaar I bought a lot of tbeae thing* at expen*lve abopa, and not a parcel waa delivered until after dark. Tlx all tbe nelgblior* know tbey might bare come from tboae pay by tbe week •tone In unmarked wagona." ; THE PARMER'S PROBLEM. \ i Acrordtng to Form* Secretary ! J H'llaoa. every «tfny In the crop J ,i i growing aeaeon la worth SAO 000. J 000 to tlie farmer* of the United ! Ktatea Thl* wealth, however. recreant* tlie work of nature I i aa well a* ■>• men. The hlg I [ problem for the farmer I* to no ' arrange bin affaire that he can ♦ ! keep nature working for blm all 2 ; i tbe time. m . ***- SNAPPING THE CRANBERRY. Dinner Oam* Suggested, but Not Rao . emmandad. Thl* la a gamp to lie played at the Cbrlatmn* table. When the cranberry enure U brought on each gtiesl niu*t place a *ninberry on tbe end of a knife, holding the knife IA the left band with Uie rlgbt hand cloee belilnd the- cranberry. At tbe word "*n«p," given by the hoktm*, the cranberry ahould be *nap(M!d with ttie Urnt An ger of tlie right hand at tbe target. Tbe game ahull be routluued until e:ich player baa allot away all of Ilia cran herrlee. The aoorw la counted tbim: Hitting the hoMte** with a cranberry count* one. Hitting grandpa count* two; grand ma, three; oßcle Will, four; I'ntie Tom, Are, ami *o on, de|>endlng on whom the gue*t* nml tbo*e around the tabic are. , A cranlierry that goea on the floor t« out of play, but one that falla In any peraon'a lap or aticka In the hair or on a coat or dre** can l« ptkel up and played-again, Anyliody that bit* anybody el*e aiuarely on tbe none counta flfty to tbe lucky player 1 * acore. Thl* le a highly diverting game and one that all will enjoy, especially tbe boateea,—New York World. Saddening. "What make* little Tommy ao aad on tbla happy Chriatmaa dayT aaked Voedlck. "Ilia preaenta axf> all unbreakable," replied Keedlck.-Town Topic*. A Fin de Siaol* Cataatreph*. Twaa the nlxht preceding Chriatmaa. And Santa far away. Ha lacked enouah of gaaollne To run bla dearlaea a latah. Mr*. Ada Godfrey, 30 .veara old, wife of H. B. Godfrey, Charlotte, committed auicide early Sunda.v morning by alaahing her throat with a rator. Her huiband who waa aaleep in the room waa aroua ed by the crying of their child and found hie wife dead. She left a note aaying the waa going to kill hcraelf. 11l health. DeWitta uittle tutriy RUeri v*. at,.. .■* «*•»- :: Little Jack Horner;; •!; and :His Christmas Pie:; ! I With Variations la the Style i; !; of the Poets * * By CALLY RYLAND LITTLE Jack Horner ul In ■ oorner I Eating hia Chriatmaa pie. Ha put in hia thumb and pullad out a plum And aaid, "What a good boy am |» * H * . If Edgar Allan Poo Had Written It. See Jack Horner In hia corner With hia pie. .Where'* hia ma? Will no ona warn bar? He will die! With a thumblet (hat la doting While he's gloating, gloating, gloating. Ha la flailing for the floating I'lum, oh, my! All hia boast of being good. Careful of hia dally food, f Twlnklee merrily within hia aaucy eye, eye, eye. •I * Robert Browning Might Hava Dona It. Paatry'* all or nothing: It la not meft dough Pounded and pulled and puzzled over, air. For whltenexn or for llghtneaa—and thla pie Wn* of the very atuff o' life, *ir. None of your blundering bita of work, but Infinitely eatable. Wall, Horner aat there Kumlnatitig. Twaa Chriatmaa, ruminat ing time, You aay, and you am right, air. • Lazily alive and open mouthed he aat. Feeling the paatry tickle at hia llpa Yet acercely knowing how to fathom It When of a sudden—oh, the fellow'a keen!— Occurred hia thumb to him, whereupon Straightway he plunged It In the aweet. "Good boy!" quoth ha, and pulled out e I damp plum. •t « Thia Would Be Walt Whitmen'e Style. I alng the Chriatmaa pie. The flour, the lard, the butter that com pose It; The rirhneaa of lla aturnng A divine nlmbua exhniea from It It atlracta with fierce, undeniable attrac tion. 1 am drawn by Ita breath no lean than Jack Horner, who holda It upon hia knee*. I am one with the plum concealed In Ita mam mi I 111 vaatneea. I loosen inyaeif, paaa freely and em at the door of Horner'a llpa. amacklng to taate Ita Ingredient*. Uut ho doc* not know how to get at you, pie. Me *lta, sleepily considering the po«e of hi* head, hi* puffed out tip*, betray ing hie gluttony. Praeently a fine amlle come* on to hi* face. He lunge* Into the pie with Arm thumb, Its cru*t yield*. H4 po*eee*e« himself of It* rlchne**. Oh. young men, I would not tinve you alt # in a corner conalderlng pie stuffings, lie bold. You—whoever you are—aro al lowed the eternal purporta of a pie. (I loved a certain Chrtatma* pie ardently, auid It gave me tndigea'tlon. Yet out of that I have written thla aong > H * In the Great William Shakespeare'* Style. "Sweet paatry. do not *com me. do not gibe And frown at me with crusty aurlineaa. I know lhat In your flaky deptlu I* hid den A mammoth p!um, which, Ods my little life! I'll have It If I mu*i sarins for"t" Thu* Jacques, Who, thereupon, with swashing stab of the thumb. Smote through the crispy lid, which erst held tight. And with triumphant about " 'Ode bodl klna, A good led II" withdrew the sought for plum. « * Algernon Charles Swinburne's |tfle. Here where the world I* quiet. Here upon Chriatmaa day. With plum* and A pie for diet Tn • corner aat Horner. Mo feaat wai ever aweeter. No finger waa ever fleeter To yank a plum with glee U A mouth that gapes alwty. 11l mm mum or flatulency or wind folic tbe life of the horae may be Ml fd by prompt tapping for the removal of ftaa The tromr and canuta oaed for the purpuaa are throat Into lb* aMwt distended part of tba right flank. bl«h tip near to tba rib and at tba tdtn of tbe feather of hair which rtuu tba opposite way of that on tba rlba. la a row tapplnt la dona oo the left aide. There I* Mtle dancer In nalhg tbe In strument. bat It moat be aterlllied be fore u*e. and tbe wound abonld be dl» frfei*ted after re mora I of tba trocar.— Farm Journal. Indigestion j "Kodoll When your stomach cannot properly 3 digest food, of J.Uelf, It needs a lit It '-m assistance—and this assistance ia resiiVsl lljr supplied by Kodol. Kodol aasitt V.tmM stomach, by temporarily dtffeatlnj stj of the food In the atouinah, so that Cat M stomach may rest and recuperate. jj Our Guarantee. £*„? f»u wt sot beneficed the druggist viU hH »oo« return T" r.moner Poo't hesitate: I f 1 £rugriot will ■ u you Itodoj OD these ter. t 9 The dollar botre e jn taln» ( men ae ms,» a Mi the Sfxj b' ■ V K "10l > prepared at t I . laker. t.-i« o/ k. 0. DeWit a To.. Chtiw 4 ?.J Graham Drag Co. CD.IRLOTTE DAILY I OBSERVER I . Subscription Rates 1 Dally .... 56.00 I Daily and Sunday 8 001 Sunday .... 2.00 1 The Semi-Week|y 1 Observer Tucs. and,Friday> 1.00 J The Charlotte Daily Observer, ia--J Bued Daily and Sunday ia the leading fl newspaper between Washington, D. 3 C. and Atlanta, Ga. It gives all the 3 news of North Carolina besides the' 9 complete Associated Press Service. 1 The Semi-Weekly Observer issued a on Tuesday and Friday for f 1 per a year gives the reader a full report atM the week's news. The leading Semi-fi Weekly of the State. Address nil J orders to Observer! COMPANY. -1 CIIARLOTTE, N. C. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS^ This hook, entitled its contains over 200 memoirs of MiuSfl latere in the Christian Chtircifl with historical references. Aa9 interesting volume—nicely pr'u ed and bound. Price jmr coj•y ;9 cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.50. mail 30c extra. Orders may sent to P. J. KEKWOULK, 1012 E. Marshall St., J Hiclnnond, VaJB Orders may l*' left at, this" office. 11 I Are You a Woman? i? Carduf I The Woman's Tonic FCA S.'LE AT 111 DRUGGISTS 1 Neai lv (iter) Child lla« WuriHia Paleness, at times a flushed (M and unnatural hunger, nicking tt the nose, great thirst, etc., are m indications of worms. Kick iHB Worm Killer in pleasauc cajU form, is a i citable and tharouiH medicine for the removal of woffl of alt kinds from children ifl adults. Aids digestion, toues MM constipation, snd iM creases the action of the liveiviW perfectly safe for even the DM delicate children. Kickapoo Word Killer makes children I) ipp-* M healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. XrjjH Drug store's or by mail. KiclUtjjM Indian Medicine 'Co., Phlladetnjfl and St. Louis. - Ned Hudson, for 21 years an tM ploye of the Tarboro plant of tl Southern Oil Mills Company, fl killed Wednesday by his clothfcfl catching in the revolving shaftflfl a Croup ami LooifU i:e«i«lf, ; .a Croup is a terrible dis?aa*lM attacks children so suddenly tjjj are very apt to choke unions M are given the proper reruedjp|B once. There Is nothing better a the world than Dr. King's' Discovery. Lewis Chamli'rWHM Manchester, Ohio, writes his childijen- "Sometimes in attacks we were afraid they die, but since we proved whfj© certain remedy Dr. Discover is we have no IvbgMM rely on it for croup, colds." So can you.. A bottle should be in At all druggists. H. E. BjM & Co, Philadelphia and St^lH

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