vol, XXXIX. Ms Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the «Wi system, and produce* SICK HEADACHE, — a. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. Then im no bettor remedv for these common diseases than OR. TUTT'3 LIVER PILLS, aa a trial wU fnm Take No Substitute. PRO FESBIONAI. C3ARDS J", s. dooz, Attorney • nl- Law, 'KAHAM. . - N. C Ortlce Patterson Building Second Floor. DAMErtON & LONG Atlorneys-at.Law 8. W. DAMKItON, j. ADOLPH LONG -'Phone a SO, 'Phone 1008 Plod moot Building, Holt-Nloholson Bldg. Burlington. W.C. Ore ham. N. O. i»R. WILL S. LOA«, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham - • « - North Carolina OFFICKIN-OMMONH BUILDING ACOB A. LOHQ J. ELMKR LONG LONG A LONG, Attom«]n and Counwlon at L « GKAHAM, N. \ JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and Counxelor-at-Law ~J PONES—Office 6sJ Residence 3a* BURLINGTON, N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE OVER HADLKT'S STOBE Leave Messages at Alamanoe Phar macy 'Phone 97 Residence 'Phone 382 Office Hours 2-4 p. m. and by Appointment. ARE YOU UP r TO DATE " 11 you are not the NEWS AN* OBERVKR is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast ol the times. V Full Assbeiated Press dispatch e; the ncws—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New* and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sen* for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. Bucklen's Arnica Salve THEWORLD-FAMOUS HEALER aSt Dolls, Cuts, Piles, Eczema, Skin EmptiMS, Ulcers, F cver-Sores. Pimplss, Itch. Felons, Wounds, Braises, Chilblains, Rioowena, Sere Lips inrf Heads. CoM • Sores, Corns. ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE. MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS. ago AT ALL DRUGGISTS. Blocking of Fire Escapes. Without "warning", Fire Marshal Wead went on a quiet tour of impaction in Houston, Tezaa, last week, and found nine fire escapes blocked with trunks, lumber, and various kinds of "things." These were in hotels, apartment houses, and business placea. The penalty for blocking fire eacapes ia a fine of from to |IOO. Marshal Wead says that in the future inspections .he will not notifjL-owne'rs or occu pants, but in case of an offense he will file complaints and take the matter in court. ■la Bteaueh Treublee Cared. Mr. Dyapeptic, would you like to feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired without injury. That may seem so unlike ly to you that you do not even hope for an ending of your trou ble, but permit us to assure you that la not altogether impossible. If others can be cured permanent ly, and thou sand* have been, why not you John B. Barker of Battle Creek, Mich., is one of them. He saye, Xras troubled with heart burn, iadigeation, and Uver com plaint until I used Chamberlain's Tablets, then my trouble was over. Sold by all dealere. adv. The acquiring of property is commendable. To permit it to be destroyed - by fire brings reproach on your Judgment. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER 01[\lkPPSI& NEWHEAR The Old Year And Ihe New I WATCHED the old year fad*. And with Its dying light The gloom, at first a shade, fumed Into darkest night. And then 1 said: " "l'ls gone The old year la no more. And memories now alone Linger along the Rhore " I watched the old year die. And with Its fading day There cama the thought that by its death a brighter way Opeß up. and. all thin*" bright. We'll have surcease at laat Prom apecters dark aa night They'll live, but la the paat THE OLD YVAR'B FLIGHT. 1 watched the old year'e flight And then aald. with a smile, "Ah, now the new year bright Will bide with us awhile!" But ere my hopeful dreama Have realized one day ,IR dead and passed; It seems It Rtartß but to decay. Thue all along the way Oraveatonee must mark the miles, An epitaph each day, A tomb of teara and emlles. Bo we begin the new ('Tie old ere we've begun) To And It's aging, too. With the first setting sun. But 'twill not alwaya be. There'll come a living day. And all things new, and we Shall live In endlesa May. No gravestones then will msrk The tombs where dead hopes He, No nights of sorrow dark Creep o'er our changeleaa sky. —James Daniel Cleat m. NEW YEAR'B DAY. j; THE dawn Is gray and chilly * » with the frost. 41 The old year's pulse now \ j > flutters, now la still, «, » And all our twelvemonth's deeds, • • for good or 111, 1 » \ Pass Into shadow, silent, one by 4 ' one. > While from the night wherein ws ~ wander, lost, • The new year rises with the rising 4 > sun * j A new yearT Nay; 'tis but the \ * af WP p,d y** r > The aame remorseless round of * 1 aun and rain. Of aeasona in tbelr order, joy and \ \ pain- * The old emotlona playing upon « • strings * 1 That wax a little older, drawing ] [ near , , The final end of all remembered * > things • * * * Earth ages, aqd the very moun tains nod With yeara. and we who crawl 4 , upon their breaat « > Pass at the sliding sands' benign * behest. J | Hate fedee. greed fella, lust crum bles into clay, > And there are left but love and faith * > and God. * * To whom a thousand years are as j ' a day Reginald Wright Kauffman. A Nsw Yssr Prepessl. "What resolutions have I vowed to keep the coming yesr? Come, sit beelde me. maiden fair, 'and straightway you shsll bear. - ' I've pledged myaelf to choose one girl from out the throng ao gsy And love her with sn honest love forever snd for sye. ."I'll work for her with brain and brawn. with all my might and main. Until I'vs won her everything that hon esty can gain. I*ll All her life wltb sll Ihst's good till Nfe Itself Is done. And while we train our minds snd bsarts we'll not neglect the fun. "Mew. tell me. won't you. msldsa felr. what you have vowed to do? Far I'vs laid bare my Ismost soul to no one but lo ynu." -I've made no pb-dgss." shs replied ti se demure s tone. "But If you don'l object I*ll try to half yon keep your own." -Wallace Duaber VlarsnL v Aa Ideal Beau's LaxaUv*. Who wants to take ealts or cas tor oil, when there is nothing bet ter than Dr. King's Xew Life Pills for all bowel trouble. They act gently and naturally on the stom ach and liver, stlmulste snd ref late your bowels and tone up the entire svstem. Price 35 cents. All Druggists. adv. Saturday night night a week yeggmen robbed the postoffice at Mt. Gllead, Montgomery county, of several hundred dollars in cash and ■tamps. GRAHAM, N. C., THUBSDAY, JANUARY 1. Dicky's New Year How He Caae to Attend the tirowi Folks' Party. DICKY sprawled ungracefully on the floor, and at times be be stowed a sly and naughty kick upon the unresisting legs of a chair that stood near blm. Ula first Impulse was to feel sorry for doing tbls, his second to look around and see if any one had noticed this little out burst of temper. It may be that the Christmas festivi ties of a few days before bsd been too mucb for him; but, whatever it waa, Dicky was certainly cross and Inclined to weep easily. However, neither bla mother nor his Aunt Gertrude noticed bow be kicked tbe chair nor the way be scowled upon the world In general from under bis tawny curls. They were absorbed In tbelr preparations for entertaining tbe guests of tbnt evening, and for once Dicky was forgotten. "If 1 was going to have a party and 4nvlte all tbe people In tbe world I'd invite my own little boy, Dicky, too. I wouldn't leave blm out," quotb Dicky out of tbe silence. "What's that?" asked bis mother carelessly, absorbed In her own thoughts. "No. no. Dicky; this la a par ty for mother's and father's friends. You wouldn't enjoy It" "Ob, but I do want to come." persist ed Dicky. "I've beard you all talking about it, and I want to see tbe new yesr come In the window." "What Is tbe cblld talking abootf asked his aunt "Tbe new year, it's coming In tbe window, and 1 beard mother tell bow you were all going to open It to wel come It In." replied Dicky, eomewbat Impatient at his aunt for not under standing so obvious a meaning. "Nothing will come In at the win dow, dear," said bis mother gently. "It's Just s pretty custom. There will not be anything for you to see. and you will be mucb happier npstalrs in your nice warm bed." Dicky wept a little at tbe time, and when tbe hour came for bed under tbe stern eye of bis father be rebelllously consented to be tucked In by bis nurse, although not without further remon strances. rinding them of no avail, be sobbed bis woes Into his pillow, while his father and mother went below to receive tbelr guests. By making a brave resistance to the drowsiness tbnt was steeling upon blm Dicky managed to keep awake until the party bad assembled in the parlor below. Then be crept out of bed and bung over tbe banisters, eagerly trying to catch sight of tbe brilliant people In j tbe gathering. A man passed along tbe hall. Dicky thought It might be bis father and scampered back to lied again as fast as bis little bare feet would carry blm. And then without more ado he soon fell asleep, "tbe world forgetting, by (be world forgot." Downstairs tbe hours passed merrily, and tbe old year drew to a happy close. First there were only fifteen mlnntes of It left; then there were only ten. Finally tbe old year bad but Ave short periods, counting sixty seconds each, to live. Tbe men sad women gathered together showed nothing of the solemnity that underlies tbe mer riment of all sncb gatherings. Four minutes, three minutes, two minutes— ab! They turned from tbe windows In surprise to see Dicky standing In tbe doorwey. He was not dreesed for tbe party, and bis little nightgown sfforded scant protection against the drafts of tbe lower room. He was not expected at tbe party, either, and tbe expression on bis father's face suggested that be was not even welcome there. These considerations might have disturbed an adult guest, but tbey mattered little to Dk-ky. He did not look or speek to any one Ordinarily bis fstber*s sternness woald hare sent blm wltb s headlong rush to tbe protection of bis mother's arms. Turning neither to tbe rigbt nor to tbe left, be went to tbe window, end. si- | (bough bis eyes were closed, bis little i hands unlocked tbe cstcb tbst fsstened I It end opened the great casements I without s mistake or hesitation. His mother, choking beck s cry. took ! a furred wrap and wenl to cover blm. ( His father looked, half In fright, st his brother, who was standing near. "Be careful not to wake him sudden ly." ssid Dr. Tom. "lie's walking In bis sleep T He raised the child gently in bis ansa and held blm In tbe full blase of tbe greet 'hnn!ellrr. hot Dicky's closed eyelids never quivered ss tbe llgbt struck sgainst I lu-m. When IM* opened his eyas be was amased to find himself at tbe party after all. surrounded hy men slid wo men. wis, all ssid clieerfully. "A hap py New Year to you, Dicky, dear!" He was too drowsy to lie frightened, but ss bis fstber carried bin back to bed the child heard tbe great bells of tbe city 'ailing out to blm: "A hsppy New Tear, Dicky, dear, sad many of them!" Chreale CensU patten Cared. "Five years ago I hsd the worst case of chronic constipation I ever knew of, and Chamberlain'a Tablets cured me, writes S. P. Pish, Brooklyn, Mien., For sale by all dealers. adv. The fr-yesr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Powell of Clsrkton, Bladen county, was burned to death week before last. Dress caught while she stood be ford the fire. ... On the Track of the New Year NEW YEAK°B Was a loug time lu settling upon Jan. 1 oa the proper tliuc lor Its celebration. Uveu uo.v, lu Ureece uutl Itus ala, where the Juliuu caleudar la la force. New Year's dues uot arrive until twelve days after the year la well oa Ita wuy in the real of tbe civilised world. Tbe ancieut Egyptians ami Persians began tbe u«w year at the autuiuual equinox, and tbe Ureeks of Boiou's time ut the winter aolMtlce, Dec. 21. but lu tbe time of I'ertcles tbe dote wua chauged lo the summer sol stice. June 21. The ltoiuens beguu tbe year from (be winter solstice until Caesar changed It to Jan. I. With tbe Jews the new year liegan In Heptetuber la civil ufTnlrs. but lu their ecclesiasti cal reckoning the beginning uf tbe year dates from the vernal equinox, Marcb mi. And. aa Ibis la astronomi cally tbe beginning or spring, tbe date la a logical one, and that of the 2f>tb of March (25 being a more fully rouuded numberi was accepted generally by Christian nations lit medieval times aa New YeaKa. In England Dec. 211 waa New Year's until the time of William tbe Conquer, or. Ilia coronation happened to fall on Jan. I. and accordingly tbe year was ordered to commence on that day. But tbe English gradually fell Into union wltb Ibe rest of Christendom and began tbe year on March 25. Wben In 1582 tbe Cregorlan calendar was promulgated and definitely located New Year'a on 'Jan. I most Catholic countries sdopted It at once, but Eng land did not acquiesce until 1752. In ancient Rome New Year's day waa given up to feaatlng and frolick ing. Hiicriflcial tire* burned continual ly on the alt.-trs of the twelve gods. All lltlgnllon snd strife were suspended. Alt NATIONS DRINK A NSW TgAgl ■ HALTS. reconciliations took place. New Tear's calls were made and New Yeer*s gifts bestowed. There also originated tbe New Yeer's resolution for every Ro man resolved on New Year's dsy to so regulsto bis conduct that every word and act abould be a hsppy augury for all tbe days of Ibe ensuing yesr. On account of the orgiss which Burk ed the New Year's arrival not ooly among the Romans, but among the Teutonic races, tbe early Christians looked with scant favor upon tbe whole seaeon. By tbe flftb century, however. Dor, 2b became Ihe fixed feo j tlval of tbe Nativity whereupon Jan. 1 assumed s aiieclsi sacred cbersctsr aa tbe octave of Christmaa dsy. I The (firing of gifts on New teel's j day bss been superseded largely In An* gto-Saxon countries by tbe giving of Christmas gifts, but tbe custom still la I retained In Kranee. Tbls custom was one of tbe luoet encleul sad uaiversdW I ly observed of Xew Year's day. I Tbe dm Ida distributed branches of the sacred mistletoe. Tbe Roman em | perors exacted gifts, and so did tbe I English rulers down to tbe time of Cromwell. | The world over on New Tear's It la • custom to drink to the health of eoe's friends. | The custom of msklng New Tsar reooiutloos and "taming over a new leaf" is aalversel and. like political platforma. to ss mrn-b honored to Ibe breach aa to tbe observance. But tbe temptation which surrounds frail bu sies belaga to tbls wb-ked world are Bssy end tanldioas. What a menace lo our oornfort. What reproof to htm that boasts, Tfcses ha sua that, glare rdsd. He sat aor presence still like ghnetef Kaaaas city Star Best Ceagh Medtctae far Childrse. "I am rery glad to say a few words in faror of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy", writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, wto., "I have have use it for years both -for my children snd njyself, and it never fsils to relieve sod cure s cough or cold. No family with children ahold be without it. as it gives al moet immediate relief in cases of croup. " Chamberlain's Courh Remedy to pleaaant and safe to Itake, which is of great importance when a medicine must be given to children. For ssle by sll 1913 WJRIEF Chief Events of the Past Jwelve Months. SHORT DAILY RECORD. History of the World Told In Paragraphs. . THE YEAR'S OBITUARY ROLL Political Affaire, Bporting, Pereoaal and Miscellaneous I Urns—Loss of Life and Property by Accidents, Shipwrecks, Storsas aad Coafla. grettoas— A Chronological Review. JANUARY. L Parcel Posti Parssl poet eervloe began. Sporting: A 1 Falser waa detested In ths slghtsentb round In 'a eon teet tor tbe - white heavy weight belt wMb Luther McCarty at Loe Angelaa. CaL S Obituary: Oao. E. M. Lee. clvfl war veteran and ss-govsrnor of Wyoming territory; aged 77. A Storm: Violent wind snd rain storm worksd destruction In suctions of the United Slstsa. Obituary: Jsmes R. Ksene. noted finan cier and turfman. In New York; aged A Jeff Davie, Unltsd Slatea senator from Arkanaaa and former governor, at Little I lock; sged U. A Obltuaryi Lewis Swift, no tod astrono mer, st Marathon. N Y.; aged a t Shipwreck: The steamer Hoascrans was wrecked on Psacock Spit. Or, j U seaman drowned. A Sporting: Alfredo Do Oro. champion poekst billiard playsr of the world, savsd his Utle by defeating Jamas Ma ture In Nsw York. IA Firs: Loss of U. 000.000 by burning of a cold storage plant st Calgary, Alberta. It Political: The British houss of com mons paassd the Irish boms rule bill by s majority of 110. Raymond Poln oara, prime mlnletsr of Franos, was sleeted presldsnt of the republic. Obituary: Dr. Thaddeua B C Lowe, aero naut and inventor, at Pasadsna, CaLl sgsd XL B Prentlas Bsllsy, sdltor, connsotsd with ths Utloa Obaervsr for • yeara at Utlea; aged 71 a Obituary: Mrs, Julia C. R Dorr, post snd suthor, st Rutlsnd, VL; aged (I. Shipwreck: U lives lost In ths wreaking of the pssssngsr liner Vsronsss off rortugal. a Personal: Helsn Oould. tbe philanthro pist, married to Flnley J tfhepard la New Tork. Nsvsl: Ths Brsslllsa super-Dreadnought, largest and most powerful battleship sfloat, was Isunobed st Nswssstle-oo- Tyna, England, a Political: Naalm Pashs. commander of the Turkish army, klllsd la a political uprising which ovsrthrsw ths govsra menL a Bslksn Wart Turklah batlsrlss de fending Conslantlnbpls opened Bra upon ths Uulgsrtsne a Shipwreck: The Oerman bark Panganl sunk In a collision In ths English ohan nel and II of her crew drowned a Political: The Brltlah house of lords rejected ths Irish boms nils bill by a vote of XM to (S FEBRUARY. L Obituary: Dr. Thsodor von Holleben. noted Oermsn diplomat, la Martin: aged IV Balkan Wari The Bulgarian artillery re sumed bomberdm.nl of Adrianople oa expiration of the peace truce A Constitutions! Amendment; Tbe IMb amendment to Ihe United Statsa con sltutlon authorising sn Income tag wss spprovsd by Delsware. Wyoming snd Nsw Maxloo: three-fourths of the statss having indorsed It, the amendment be came law. A Sporting: Willie Hoppe retained bM Ut balk line bllllsrd championship by defeating Oeorge Sutton In a tills match In New York; final eount 100 lo ML Balkan Wan Bulgarians attacked Turk ish ferta at Oalllpoll, oa tbe Darda nelles. A Sporting: nsnnss Kolehmstnen mads a nsw world's Indoor record by running ( miles In M minutes a seconds In Nsw York. A Obltuaryi John Oeorge Brow*, noted painter of street boys, dlsd la New York city; sgsd XL A Mexico: Revolution to Mexico, beaded by CoL Felix Dl«i. bsslsged Prssldsat Msdsro In bis palace The revolution ist Isader den. tlernsrdo Reyss killed In battle M South Pelei Newe of the disaster to CapC R P. Scott's antarctic expedi tion was cabled from New Zealand! the sooth pete wee reached March a IBJL aad subsequently Soott snd four of his eompanlons perished la a Mis sard. Msfleoi A truee reigned between Ma dero's government aad tbe MsXlsas revolutlonlsta Strlks Blot: In a osal strike riot Bear Musk low, W. Va., II etnksrs aad 4 mine polios wsrs killed snd B persona MsfM a Mexico: The Me Sloan revolutionists and government roroee bombertrd Mb ether's poet!lone with heavy artillery. IA Sport|ag: llanaee Kolehmalnen, the Finnish runner, msds a new world's I mils record by goSna the dletanee la M mlaulee 814 esoonds In Nsw York. Mexico: Msxlean force/ continued ertß lery Sling la the etreets ef tbe City of Ms»lso Ths revolution gamed freak adherents M OMtuery: Charles Major, author ef many popular novate of sM English life. Including "When Knighthood Was In Flowsr." st Shdlbyvllls. Ind ; sgsd 11. 14 Msxloo: Fighting oontlnued ip lbs City of Msalea Oovernm.ni treipe revell ed Mad ere sgrssi to resign Ibe pree4 dene jr. OMioery: Oea Stewart L Woodford, soldier aad llelsmst. la Nsw Ysrk sllyi aged H. a Sporting: A. R Ktvlat mads a nsw mils rosatag reeerd la New Terht Urns 4 mlnutss IX 14 seconds M Balkan War: Fierce attack of Moale sagile troops ae the Turka st Ssulsn wss eooceesfai. with leee to UM esssS sals ef AIM a Obituary: Joaquin Millar, the -pool et tbe Sierras." In ths llsdmsni niila Cellferaia: sgsd & M Obituary: Oen Oeorge WaeMngteo CuetM Lea sldsat son ef Ihe leu Oen Robert a Lea el Bsvsaswerth. Vat sgsd M * Msxloo: President Msdero resigned bis eSMo aftr srrsst by Won Mlsnsust. sns ef bis officers Oen Vlstortsas Hoerta, commander of the nstlsnsl srmy. sasunssd the preeldeery. PMttleaJ: Rsymond Polncsrs wee ks gogaralod prssldsat er Prsaee M Msilssi Oestave brother ef tIM depoeed Mgtfm presidaat, waa kMlf by the revolotlonleta. Fire: Over UM buildings were horned la IMyot lens XUM.MX a Obituary: Ye Ho He La, tltslsr sa prees dowager ef Cblaa. at Peking; aged a Mexico: Tlm deposed presidest asd vtot president ef Meamo, Msdsro aad Soa rs* wsrs klllsd In s mystsrious man ner while eader guard by rovoluUco- Ista il Sporting: Alfredo De Ore, the post champion, defeeted Thomas Ha salon, ehsllsnaar for ths world's xhsmplsn ship, by s score of 3M lo 147 , a Fire: Tbe burn.ns ef ths Dewey hotel, Osibx. eaussd a heavy lass ef Ufa MARCH. L Shipwreck: BrlUah etramer Galvadoa found.r«d la UM ass of Marmora, NO llvee lost Firs: Loss of Buutm si Argenta. Kan., by Ihs burn ina of 111. uuir Compress company', plant A Disaster at a»a Herman torpedo boat destroys* H-ITk sun* In collision' oft Helgoland and II ul the eraw perished. Political: Woodroa VVllaon Inaugurated aa th. nth pienidant of lli. United Stale, A Historical The ship Niagara, which Commodore Perry uaed In Bis victo rious battle on I-an, Erie In IXl*. was raised from the bottom of UM lake near Brie, Pa Balkan War; Tbe Ureeks raptured Ja ulna from tbe Turk* eecuring MM prisoners Political: The aenata confirmed Presi dent WUeon'e cabinet nominations aa follow.: State, William J Hryan of Nebraaka. treasury. William Ulbbs McAduo of New York. war. Undley Murray Uantaoa of Ne» Jersey; at torney general, Jamee Clark Mcltayn olda of Tennessee; postmaatar general, Albert Sidney Hurtaeon of T.sas: nsvy, Josepkus Daniels of North Carolina; Interior, Franklin Knight Lane *f Cal ifornia. agriculture, David Franklin Houston of Missouri; commeroa, Wil liam Com Redfleld of New fork; labor, William Uauchop Wilson of Penneyl vanla. Sporting: McDonald scored a new world's record by hurling Ihe 14 pound shot a feel snd t% Inchss In New York Klvtst made e new world'a record by running I.QUO yards In i mlnulae U U seconds la New York t Explosion: About a> m.n killed snd t» Injured by expioelon of dynamite In transit on the steamship Alum Chine In Baltimore haiboi A Fir.. At Yokohama; loas ol ITMO.OOO U. Obituary: Dr J S BUllnga. Federal war rsteran, author and librarian. In New York city; aged 71 IA Storm: Klectrlcal tornado swept over the lower southern snd southwestern states: 100 deatha It Fire: Plant of the Klmlra Telegram de stroyed . loee IXO.OOOi IA Storm: A billiard raged from Illinois to tbe Dakolaa. IA Greece: Kins Oeorge asaasalnsted at Saloolkl a. Storm: Ulluard and eyelonle storm ravaged the eenlral and aouthweetern states, destroying over 100 lives and property valued at several million dol lars, Oreeosi King Conatantlne aaeanded the throne. M OMtusryt Frank a Black, ex-goveraoe of New York and noted lawyer. In Troy: aged 10 M Storm: Cyclone killed tt outright at Terr. Ilaute and Injured over 80, many mortally. Over IM killed In Omaha, where 1.100 house, were burned or wreaked Many Nebraska towns smit ten. a. Obituary: Field Marshal Vlsoount Gar net Joseph Wolseley. famous Brlllab soldier, st Msntone. France; egad M M Flood: Waters reached their height la Obloi M 0 Uvea lost, and eetlmated prop erty loee above M 00.000.000 B. Balkan Wari Turks surrsndsrsd Adrt snopl. lo th. Bulgsrtans and Servians with 61,000 prisoners. Allied troope at* tasked tbe Turkleh lines si ths Cbatal* Ja def.nass of Constsntlnopla SL Obltuaryi John Plsrpont Morgsn. cap italist, In ROOM: aged 7« APRIL. I Pereonalt Ex-Presldsnt W. H Taft took Up bla dullaa aa profeeeor at Yale university. A Convention: lntamstlonsl nnngrsss of historical studlse convened In London. Buffrsgetteei Emmellne Pankhurst ssn tsnosd to I years' Imprtsonmsnt la London for suffragslts out rag sa A Political: Preeldeol Wilson read a mes sage befors congress In Joint seeslon, reviving a custom sbandonad In 1401. M Sporting: Major baseball leagues open ed the season of l»U IA Obllusry: John U Hsndsrson. former United Statss ssnslor snd suthor of ths 11th amendment to the constitution. In Wssblngon; sgsd M. a Railroad Accident: 1 killed In a oolll alon on Ihe Vermont Central near Ml Lambert, Canada. 14 Strike: 100.000 Belgian workmen wenl on a strike for equal euffrage Personal: lllneee of Pope llus changed for the woraa. Obituary: Carl Hagenbeck, noted animal eolleolor end showman, near Hamburg. Oermany; aged SO Convention: Congress of the Daughters of ths Amsrtosn Hsvolutlon opsnsd In Washington IA Fersonsl. Funeral of John Plerpont Morgan held In New York city. Convention: National Council of Women met In Waahlngton ft Aviation Dlaeslsr. Ths Frsncb mili tary bslloon /.odlso burst st a height of B0 fset st Notsy-ie-Orsnd, France; 0 orders and a pilot killed Personal: Crisis In the lllnsss of Pope Plus; death ssenw-d Imminent a Pereonei Mrs WUIIam Cummlng Sto ry elected president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution a Balkan War The Turkish forlr.ee of Scutari ssplured by Montsnsgrina a Mining Dlssstsr: ISI sosl miners klllsd by explosion la Ihs Ctndnnstl rains el Courtney. Pa Dieksns Rsminder: Mrs Msry Ann Coop s'. original si Dlcksns "Utile Dor fit," died In London In hei lOuih yesr a Strike. The Industrlsl sinks In Bet glum for squsl suffrsg. .ndsd, oes esused by ths strike eetlmated et tJOL OOAOOO MAY. & Ship wrack: Tha ilmdw Concordia col Udad wltb a brMn ptor >1 in* moulh of Taaaaa rlr•». La., drowning t pro »•« China: J*i»allani Wliaua raoogniaad l«> CMnaaa rapubllc 4 •porting. WUUa Kolatimalnrn won in* profaaalotial H mU« rat* In Now York, tlma I hour M mlnuiaa 14 aaoonda k Plra: Loaa of DJHM » tba plant o* tba Amartcan fart 11 llaa aorn|iany al Buffalo Onmatloa: Cangraaa of Anurtam aur ~ gaana and ptiyalctana in Waahtnrton t OtataMlM: Cangraaa a* lha lalrallM Army mat In Pbliadaipbla. 1 Canraatloa National Aaaoclallon Poi tba Mudy and Pravantloa of Tubarru loata mat la Waablngtnn PalIIleal: Tha Undarwood larlfl Mil paaa ad tba houaa of rapraaanlatlvaa by a rota of Ml to l» U Storm: M klliad and ■ InMrod bf a lor nolo al Oman*. Obituary: "IHIIy" Arlington, tba oil ttaaa aagro mlnatral. dM al Ixia An It. Mining Maaatar. Plrwtamp nptoaion klliad II minora al IMIr ValUr O AfWlaai PimlMi Hoalllok Cabaa avi ator, Saw (ram Kay Waat to Havana, wtnalog a MJW prtaa. • Panama Canal: Tba watara of tba Pa atSa aaana wara admltiad to tba aanal tar it)l«g»a la • ratalalng dlba nan* Mlrafloroa. Ml Political: Oaoarnor lllram Johnaaa atgnad tba California alias land bill A Obituary: It IL Klagiar. eapliallai and railway magna la. at Waal Palm Pla.i agad ■ Cuba: Oaa Mario a Manoaal waa aaguraiad praaldant of Un Cabaa iw A Caalawary: Tba MMh annlraraary of tba Mrtb of Rlahard Wagnor, tba maa tar lompoaar. art at rand throughout Oarauy H A acta ant: M paopta kilted and many lajmd'b; tba aollapaa of a P*ar at La«S Baa eh. Cai. Bp or ling: Jaani D. Trarara waa lha ■MUVPOIIIMI amalatif gOit •hip la Maw Tar*, dofanting A. *. Kammtr. * Paraonal: Pnaaaaa Vlatorta Lalaa at , Pi aaala and Prtoaa Karnaat Auguatua of Cumbariand marrlad In Barlln. m Ship Olaaatar: « paraona k Iliad by tba daatruetlon of tha ataamar Narada by Turk lab mlnaa la tba gulf of Smyrna. Obituary: Oaa. Jamaa Haaton Dakar, atra war aoldlar, adltor and hMtartaa, §1 Eftn'ff If Inn.; tijtl 94 K Conraotloa: Unltad ConfadaraU Vat arm na mot at Chattanooga. A .Paraonal; Itaanatt H. Young alaotad aaoinaaadar tq ahtaf of tha UalladCw Obituary: l-ord Avebury (Sir John Lub bock). distinguished British scholar and author. In London, uged II Balkan War: Treaty or pwot between Turkey and the Balkan allies signed at London To the Maine Heroes: National monu ment to oommemorste the martyrdom of the ere* of the battleship - Maine unveiled In New York. SL Sporting: Whisk Droom IL won the Metropolitan at Belmont Park. N. I. where racing waa resumed after three years' suspension JUNE. 1 Obituary: F. A. Ober. ornithologist and author, at Hackcneack. N J ; aged ok. Alfred Austin, poet laureate of Eng land. at Aabford, England; aged 71 Pedestrtanlsm: E P Wee ton started from New Tork city on a walking match to Mlnneapolla, expecting to cover L4M mllea In 10 days 4 Sporting: Aboyer woo the English Darby. 4 Railroad Accident: I killed, many In jured In a railway oolllalon at Stam ford. Conn. ■porting: Hock view won the Brooklya Derby Obituary: C R Cramp, noted ehlpbulld er, In Phllsdslphla; aged n. 1 Sporting: Jerome D Travers won the New Jersey golf championship, dsfsat- Ing Oswald Klrkby I up and a to play 4 Obituary: Dr. C. A Brtggs, noted theo loglsn one* tried for heresy. In New Tprk city; aged 71 Dr U Forbes Wlnslow, noted English alienist. In London; aged Ml 4 Fire: Fire In a bualneae block In Springfield. Mo., caused a lose of otter 1700.0001 Ml Sporting: Americans won the Oral game of the International polo cbam , plonahlp match at Meadowbrook. N . by ttt goals to I for the English team Aviation: Count Zeppelln'a dirigible bal loon flaw from Baden-Baden to Vienna, UO mllea, about. In • hours, beating ex press train time, which Is t«M hours, by over 8 hours Political: The British house of commons paased to a second reading the borne rule for Ireland bill In the face of fiery opposition. UL Turkey: Bchefket Pasha, grand rlslcr of Turkey, sssasslnsted In the streets of Constantinople 14 Philippines: I American soldiers killed and IS wounded In a battle between troops and Moroa. 14 Sporting: American I earn won the de ciding game In International polo match at Meadowbrook. N. f, defeat ing the Engliab team by lit to i\ goala 14 Annlveraaryi »th anniversary df the reign of Emperor William or Germany celebrated by ceremonlea In Berlin Obltnaryi Delia Fox. popular light opera ectreee, In New Tc-k: agad IL 14 Convention: A merit - Medical assocl stlon mat In Mlnneapolla It Sporting: New world's record ror a four mile relay race made by the team of tba Boeton Aihletlc association at East on j time IT mlnulee SI 1-6 seconds u> Obituary: Thomas A. Janvier, loumal -Ist and author. In New York city, aged M. Sporting: Ollltwlnkle won the Aecot Der by at Ascot Heath, England 14 Railroad Accident: U killed, M Injured in a haad-on collision or electric train* at Vailejo, Cal tL Bportlng. Syracuse won the varsity eight oared race, defeating Cornell; time 19 mlnutee 28 8-& seconds- Whisk Broom It. won the Brooklyn ifsndlcap Harvard Hun the deciding gams In the championship baseball aarlee with Tale In Brooklyn; score • to 4 H Explosion: 10 klllsd snd many Injured by exploelon of mill duat In the Hustad Milling plant, Buffalo A Cold Wave: Bnow In Maeaachusetta, Obituary: Oeorge Thatcher, old time minstrel, ai East Orange, N J.i egad Balken War: Bulgarian troope dereated In battle with Servlana at Zletovcx Macedonia 84 Sporting: Whisk Broom IL won ths Suburban lisndlcep, beating e 0 year world'a record by running a mile and a quarter In ftoilnulee tint Accident: 10 persons drowned by the sinking or e ran lurry near Leech burg, Pa. 14 Accident: II persons drowned by the collapse or a bathhouse gangway on Marrlmac river at Lawrence. Mass. Hot Wave: Record breeklng heat day In Chicago: thermometer lui on street level; « deaths JULY, L Veteran Reunion: Opening or the Blue and Oray reunion at Oettysburg to eel abrate ths Kith anniversary or the bat tle. ... Obituary: llsnrl Hucherort. noted French politician and duelist. In Paris, aged II t Oattyaburg Annlveraary: Military day at the Oettyeburg reunion, annlveraary or the battle of Llltle Round Top 4 Oettysburg Anniversary: Anniversary or Pickett's charge, ths climax ot the battle or tlettyaburg, celebrated on the Be Id. 4 Oettysburg Anniversary: President Wtl eon sddrsssed the veterans st t!e*tys burg; close ot the Mill snnlvsrsary re union 4 Convention: National Educational as eoclstlon met ai Ball l.ake City. 4 Convention: International Inetltule ol Agriculture opened In Itome Ferry Memorial: Specls! church aervlces ! and other ceremonlea st Erie. Pa, to | commemorsto Perry's naval victory on Lakg Erie In lUJ t. Oblfliery: Clan. K Iturd tirubb. ctvtl .war veteran and diplomat, al Kearny, N J.; aged TL rinancial: First-Second National trnnk ot Pittsburgh cloaed Its- doors tying up about 180.000,000 In depo-iita 4 Balkan War: Turkey sent nn ultima tum to Bulgaria lo evacuaia rurklah territory. Convention: National Dental eeaorlatlon met at Kanaae City 14 Obituary: Dr. Horses Jayna. noted 01 ologlst. at Walllngford. i'a . aged M Max loot United Btstsa Ambaaaador to Mexico Henry Lane Wllaon summoned from bis poet to Waahlngton IL Balkan War: Roumanian troope In vaded Bulgarian territory following a declaration of war by King Charlee of Roumanla. 14 Fire: Fire In the plant of the Haakelt A Beaker Car company al Michigan City, lad., caused a loee of II.WHWI 14 Aviation: Leon Letort. French aviator. Bew from I'arle to Berlin. MO mllea air line. In t hours without stop 14 Accident: 11 persona killed and IM la lured In • collision ot electric trains at Los Angelea, Cel. * Obituary: Daniel Dowllng. survivor ot the famous charge of the Light orlgade In UK at Utlca. N T.; aged tL 14 Personal: Robert Bridges eppointed poet laureate of England B. Balkan War: Turklan troope re-entered Adrtenople after expelling the Bulga rian garrison. China: Rebellion against the republic broke out la China. 8 provinces declar ing their Independence B Fire Disaster. Fire la a clothing fso lo ry at Blnghamton. N. T.. raaulted la a heavy loee of life a. China: Chlneae government troope re elated an as tack of rebels ai Shanghai. 81 Sporting: The world'a tennta champion ahlp won by Maurice E. McLoughiln of the United Stalaa, who defected the English champion, Charlee p. Dixon, al Wimbledon 14 Balkan Wart Balkan peace conference met el BukharaeL Storm: A windstorm caused a loea ot m Washington. D C. & Fire. The Flory Manufacturing plant at Bangor, Ps, burned: loaa upward er ti.ooe.9oa AUGUST. • 'ft Pedeatrtanlam: Edward Payeon Wes ton. the pedestrian, arrived at Mliwau - bee. ending bis walk of MM mllea from New York city, whence be started June 4 Mining Accident: M minora Killed in a colliery accident al Tower City, Pa. 4 War Oune: War game between battie st) I pa. torpedo boats and aubmarinee of the north Atlantic Beet and forta al . the ••stern and of Long laland Hound | Continued on page 4 '