f()L. XL Jklh h Advice to the Aged. 1 1 M* brings Infirm Kiel, tackurit* ' euh bowels, weak Udneya and Nm> fcrand TORPID LIVER. i Ms Fills to.tho kidney., bladder and LIVER. . Tbey are adapU4 to old and y»un t . PROFESSIONAL "CARDS • K GRAHAM, - 5 - - - - N. O , r OJBce P«tterao% Building fiecoud Floor. . . ; . . j DAMEKONV& LQNG Atforneys-at-Law I 8. W. DAMKItON, J. ADOLPH LONG | .- - -Pbope »».-• ->- • "Phone XOOB Piedmont Dulldiug, llolt-NluUolsou OMK Hurllnifton. N.C. Qraliam; N. O. 4 k WILL&LO^.JIt.' . . . DENTIST 4 ' Sraham - - - . . North Carolina I OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING ,AOO3 A. LONG 4. ELMER LONG LONG & LONG, Attorney* and Counselom attj "Vi ' GRAHAM, N. * SIOH N H. VERNON ilk Atlo rney and Counaelor-at-Law - PONKB—Office 05 J Residence SSI > V, BURLINGTON, N. O. * Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE OVER HADLEY'E'STORE Leave Message 4 at Alamance Phar macy 'Pbqne 9.7 lieeidepce 'Phone Office Hours 2-4 p.'m. and by Appointment. * a i irb IN —RR Myofa Are Wt the NEWS AN* OBESTBR is. Subscribe (or it at py Full Associated Press.djgpatch ei , \H.tbe *cw iMbfe&n, do mefctic, national, state and locai all the time. - «- Pally Njrwp Observer $1 year, 3.50 for -6 mot. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS & OJBSERVERPUB. CO., RAtwofi, N. C. jj^tipation wPefinaTiy years I*M trim bled, in ssite of all so-called remedies I used. hi' NewLifePills Adolph Scblngeek, Bnffalo, N. T. , 75 ctm pes Bonut w «u DRUOGHW. in Johnston county Friday night Jasper Lee . 10-year-old SOB of FratJk Lee, a farmer, accidentally shot and killed his little sister. Indigestion,! Can't Bat I No Appetite! A teatment of Electric Bitter* In creases your appetite, stops indi gestion, yog can eat everything. A real Spring tonic for Ijver, kid ney and stomach troubles. Cleans es your whole system and you feci r».rsyssss3L"KUS' than any medicine he ever tried. artorossiSj 4ool 0 Bucklen's Arnica' Salve for Ec zema. adv. .. ■.l V » *—i/ • Frank B. Uughlll, who shot by. one Bropks, a merchant. •in Asheville last week is dead. Brooks is in jail. Shooting is .the SSI- When Vou h»WTT Bad cold "you want a remedy that will not only that W p)easant ,to takf a remedy thai contains nothing -dntaripus. Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets ail of these requirement*. It acts,oa nature's plan, relieves the lungW, firfs expectoration, opens the- secretions, and restores the system to a hpalthy condition. This remedy, has a world wide sale and use, and can always be defended' BPPQ. Sold by all deal " n • • ■ . "" At Ivashoe Sampson county, Sat urday, J. J. Kennett, a brakeman op the Coast Line freight train, was hit by a waterspout (of a tank, knocked from the ear and killed. SUBSCRIBE FOR TtiE^QLSAtfBR, -IN fI ADVANCB.- »&«. ALAMANCE. GLEANER. CLEANER CUT ~ UP FLTWOMEN Those of Bettor Class Worst DON'T BLAME UNTIDY MAN. Quito Indifferent to Cnforolng them. By MRS. E. H. HEWItT, t'realrteot of Women's Municipal league. . New Vork city. The women who don't. mett • their own . responsibilities are often' I lie very ones who are oti the loo|0»H for bigger onea. , Its a bore to see tbat our own Ash rails are of the rlfit size, unci lt'B so much more interesting to bustle about hod make the' public conscious of Its responsible? about something. We women of the better class are the worst offenders, because we. know what we ougbf to do. nnd we don't do It. Somehow we -feel outside of ihe law. The pobr are made to feel Its re strictions much more sharplj^ Cleanliness Is an .lusynct with worn - ea tbat baa survived In spite of tiie fact that we are nil fundamentally lazy and many are untidy. It bas survived. I think, because It makes for health. I don't blame the men for being on tl'dy. because it Isn't their fault. We haven't brought them up properly, and ■nature didn't make them so to begin wlthj*. We haven't been stern enough wtttr For one thing, wejddi't make them ashamed to look ns In the £je wH*i they com* (nto tbe houte Jttst a cigar away In toe street before entering. We don't pb ject to tbelr lazy ways so long as they don't, bring the stumps In with ttyefti* there you have the root of the whole matter—we don't, any of us, feel our own responsibility In the little thlnjcs tbat go to make our streets dirty, our city a bad example of municipal santtn- You H I 3 d du llness Into people, but just now we $e mad op tb# subject of makbig lava and quite .Indifferent to enforcing them. We are Dot law abiding citi zens? we are chronic brokers of' the law. We adore the order that we find in European cities and" wonder why we can't bate It here. Tbat order Is Imposed fro^l aritb^ftty'l^bo*e , ; here It must come from within If It comes at ail. If we don't like that kind of self government we may go and live else where, but while we nre here we must abide by our self made rules If we wonld have order and good health. Enforcement of tbe rules of sanitation lies with the woman at the head of the bouae. Tbe Woman's Municipal league Is making .propaganda for a cleaner city by disseminating Information about tbe rules and regulations which we wouid follow If we tried to be law abiding citizens, it Is divided Into sec tions, each of which is .captained and organized like a separate county in a state and through which the work la being done. One of- tbe (host recent actlvlttM of the league waa the meas uring of ash cans, which revealed a very distressing state of affairs—to wit, that tbe greater number were oversized and only imposed upon the city's ash can dumper a harder task than his should be. ; ; SPREADING GOSPEL OP | [ ;; CLEANLINESS. ;j. I I ' > ' ' | The scope of cleanup day In J j ; ; New York city le Being widened. , , > A special hygienio program far i J J achpolbey athletes prominent in J J j, cleaning up the town has boon . . > arranged as follows: J J Go to bed at 8 o'clock after a , , i thorough wasH snd a cold . > « ' ' splash over chest and trunk; » J • Scrub teeth and gums well. , , > Have oloHies and books ready > ' * for the morrow. ' | Open bedroom windowe at top ' i OUQhly.' * ' Breekfaat and ill mealai No ; , coffee, n* tea. Drink milk a ~ > little at a time. Chow all load > :: ji ; '"jUfare school took . yoOr»lf ; i lal Wwßi Do I stand up likejin sthlsts? ; ; !' GIVE TOWN ITf ANNUAL jj 3 » . BHAMPOOi '; Almost »very eKy and town ; ! I In the country Is getting renrfy ■ for Its annual bath, Its grand • ' munlclpaf •hanfpoa and wnd- dipiHihi* Hitup ta tWi town ' land a hand. ' Now,"all together I gat buoy In . ' a tremendous cleanup. ' 'a.aaaaaiiHll f ft ! VWWV -w -ww ▼▼ v * E vary body's Daln» It. everybody clean op; don't let tbe rubbish everybody clean up and ehaee the typbokJ fly. Clean yonr yard with all joor might Everybody clean op, and clean op ii«M. Banal. Basil Bto«l 11 yoa want to elaan op leave no rubbish tbara. Everybody doea It. and mms ana ahoutd Everybody otlr about aad clean op aay* bow. Everybody dUan op naarl ™ j ■•■*.♦ • J■ 'i.-.r. -. '. • -- • New} Snapshots Of the' Week culties. Senor D. Emlllo Rabasa was appointed as a mediator by President liucrtu. "Ilaldy Jack" Hose was the chief witness against Charles Hecker, ex-lieutenant of police, at his second trial for murder In New York. Tho hospital ship Solace arrived in New York from Vera Ous, carrying the bodies of | two marines killed by the Mexicans and a large numbei; of wounds men. I Solitary fly In f | April Nay Cause 1 I An Epidemic | QWAT the fly The torpid, tnajSL lazy moving in »cct« ira begin-. ,-Sj A ning to emerge A from their winter f s!> quarter*. They are to be the progenitor* of trillions of epi demio maker*. The menaea which an nually face* mankind through the ac tivity of the** di*tribut*r* of germ* and dl**a*a may be reduced, but only -through tha etriking of a telling blow at tha in**cta before they have had a chance to develop. The wonderful reproductive capacity of thie breeder of pestilence ie the rea son advanced why houieholdere ahould begin an immediate fly ewatting cam paign. A aolitary fly in April may seem a harmle*e thing, but if left un diaturbed it may cauae an entire com munity to be gripped by peatjlence. Health experte are beginning to real, -ice that if fliea are to be destroyed they muat be attacked when they are leaet able to oombat their natural enemiaa, and thia ie in the early epring, when food ia scarce. The oloee relation of cleanup cam paigna to tha fly exterminating propa ganda ha* begun to b* appreciated, and for thia rea*on many municipalise al ready have commenced or are prepar ing for eanitary oruaadee. It ha* b*en demonatrated that tha more filth that i* removed' from a city the grefter dif ficulty ia placed in the way of the de velopment of the ineect disease sprss«.l. era. 1 Chance For Mighty | Swat. I % f T takes Countless numbers 4 | of *wata to make even the least impression on the bil- ,? X lion* of flie* that infe*t the y country. There"* a better way. T % On* oan annihilate trillions of & flies with one awat if one go** » JP at it rightly. If there ia a fe- £ I X male fly enjoying the epring In 4 I 4> your kitehen or attic or base- £ J? ment ah* is due to hatch out six % or mora hatohoe of *S9e, over 100 4 X *Bga at a time, If ehe livee, and Z 2 all of, her youngetera are the 4 4y moat prolifio creaturee on tha 4 % map. A fly expert ha* figured 2 A it out that from a aingle fe- 4 • male fly trilliona of tha dreaded '? % typhoid fliee may claim descent 7, % in on* eeaeon, provided, of y f course, that all tha young fliea ,| grow up. I t> By awattlng Mrs. Fly now 4 i you eava yoursslf the trouble of kilting her desc*ndanta thia $ £ •ummar. % SIMPLEST WAY TO KILL FLY. THE London Liincef, tbc leading medical Joftmnl of the world, #'• «ny* that the beat and Mmplest fly killer 1 la a weak soldtlon of formal dehyde In water (two teospoonfulii to Um pint). Plnco in plates or saucers throughout the liouae. Tee cent*' worth of thta liquid will laat an ordl- MIT fatally all aonran-r. Jt haa no of fens ire odor, I% fatal to dtaeaaa or ganisms and ia practically Don poison onf except to Insect* . M>«>>»♦♦♦♦♦^ * ;; House Ftf Enjtoe of | Destruction. | i THC house fly costs ths United 1 >■■ 1 State* $350,000,000 a year. 1 \ ; In ether words, ha deprives jj 1 > ths AmsHcan people annually J ' [ of 170,000,000 years of human 2 , life, ar 4.000,000 livee of the 4 > prgeent average length. | !: Swatting Fruitful In May I ! t In One City. I HAY ewatting oampaign in ; , , J*l - one oHy haa prevented 110,700,000,000,000 II •e e ' ! from developing. • Number wt Ineeete if plaoeß tn • lli« would extend around the ■ I earth at tha equator mora than ; 'ti\ Mm U ■ " ■ aUB«CiUBE POE-TH^GI.BAJJFr GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. MAY 21.1914. "The funeral of the seventeen United Ptafes sailors and marines killed in the capture of Vera Cru« was an ipipresslve spec tacle The bodies were taken to New York, and services were held at the Brooklyn navy yard. President Wilson there deliv ered an address praising the dead heroes. Joseph It. Lnmar, I'nlted States supreme court Justice, und Frederick W. Lehnwnn of St. Louis were appointed members of the United States mediation board to endeavor to fettle the present Mexican diffi- OUR COUNTRY. What Is onr country? Not aloue the lunil mid the xea, ttie lakes aud rivers und vqlloyi and mountain*— not alone the peo ple. their customs and laws; not alone the memories of the pant, the hopes of the future—lt In something more than alt these combined. It fa ft dli'ftie 'rib- 4 gtractlori. You cannot tell* what ft Is. but (etlts ftng rustle above your head, you feel Its living presence. lu your, hearts. They , tell uh that our cauutry must die: that the wis mud star* wltl look down upou the great re public uo mure; that already the black eagle* of despotism are gathering In our political sky. That even now • Ulnars and em peror* are fur the garments of onr national glory. It shall not be. Not yet, Nut yvt shall the nations lay the bleeding eriffise of our rountry lu Hie tomb. If they ennlij. an gels would roll the stone front the mouth of the septtlcher. It woulfl buret the cet'cnien's of the grave nud come forth u liv ing presence, "redeemed, regen. ■ erated. disenthralled.'' .Not yet u not yet shall the republic (lie. The heavens are not darkened, the stones are not rent! It shall live! U shall live the Incarna tion of freedom; It shall live the embodiment of the power and majesty of the people. Baprti- anew, It shall stand a thou sand years,to eoine, Colossus of nations; Its feet upou the conti nents; Its scepter over the sens; Its forehead among, the stars.-- Newtop Booth In United States Senate. REVENGE 18 SWEET. I've tolled and tried and wor ried, I've gone the cookbooks through, Till my brain Is tired aud flur ried And my hands and pntlcuce too. I've had the l>est Instruction From the ablest cooks In town, And my pies ure crisp and duinty ' And delicately brown. But apple, mince or pumpkin Of any form or shade. Are nothing to Like the pies bis mother made. So I'll give the struggle over And throw my pride away, But as sure as I'm a mother I'll be'ovenged some day. My boppy lads are growing, And thoy'll not lie afraid To tell ttielr fotuiv *itf>use» What pies their wither made. —U (Jlbson. I"A Word ' To the Wise Is Sufficient" I By MOM. „ i^i'POnTUSl lU#crCv/ " T * |ra " c ' o » oa c e st «vtrjr "»n's door." Op por tun Ity It/ IjFIjI knocks many l|jf IfffJA times st the door 111 rfrm\) " f tl,e r * Mlar " f llirfl |hlf p, p#r W ho oux.-terjtlousiy follows the ad vertisements contained therein. "A penny saved Is a penny earned.* •*' ' t>| n ,~I f ing around loose In this paper 1 waiting to Is) »avai*-Araft't you going to save tben»? , •Honesty ladle best i>oUcy." , Our sdvurUaers l»afe their soc («aa «P »hb» ir'»r«il«, both In ad» t vertWi tt and in -Hlier lines of ■\A stll*b ill time sa»«» nine." VoU filU ««»'«• nulliy StltelMM of ' ' l>r leeplkMC posted ckst#- ' ly ojrwtir.i onr advertiser* have ' to Ui(s |»njN*t. i i*l ITV ill i ■ i -ii ' '•» ■■■■ Subscribe for THB QLEANBR |IOO a year Id advance. ! • - , ; . . Now For One Mighty Swat! 'i ' Af ' 1 I'Tioto by American I'reM A»«oclat(on. I -f..t. I. f.t..f. T..t,.T..».f. t. T t. I.» T t. 1..1..1..1.. >.>.. li I J 1 1.. I I, till, tit I lit lil. > • -I * : The Good Citizen's Decalogue ■ • * fit if • | First.—Remember thy garbage can to keen it covered lest thy J • garbage become a stench in the nostrils of trie people and breed « • oiea. . . } ; Second.—Thou «hnlt cut the weeds in thy vkcant lot lest it be- , « come a lulling place for old-tin Cans, which catch water and breed > i, \ inotMfiiitoos; papers and divers sort of trash*. » * » ! Third —Thou shalt l>car witness against thy neighbor's rub- . 4. • bish heap, likewise bin dirty back yard. ''l, • r | Fourth.—Thou shall clean out the habitation of thy horses and * t|iy cow frequently lest the stable fly flouruheth and spread infan- . • tile paralysis and the housefly breed by tho thousands and million* • j mid" iinuuy tbee and thy bea*t and produce much sickness in thy | • family. ~ , 4,-fi«>. ' ;,Y "... * Fifth.—Thou "halt prevent the breeding of the fly In the spring- • j time that thy children unto the third ana fourth generation need ' . not cwal Itiijv later. d , * . • Sixth.—Remember thy back yard and alley to keep thera cleap. • • Six day* (".halt thou lahoy to keep Premises clean, and if yet " i. the twok' i l Mot accomplished thou couliut do worse than continue > • on the «evl"Tlth _ ' - ' • . Seveottf—Thou nlmlt covet all the air jind sunshine thou.canst i . obtain. " '; • , Eigltrl).— not upon the milk when it Cometh from the un- " ) chin it i}»iry, for I l.e doctor will not bold thee guiltless if thy infant ! • ftirkjHU'Ut therefrom mid >lio. • ; Ninth t Ruimniber thy cleaning up day and keep it wholly. * If t! >u «l«st hearken unto these sayings to do them .. Thou din!t itle long in the land. , I 'I l"f i'TTTTI -I I i 1 I IT I"|"| |||| I »i| |l| |i I I n 1)1 I I in I I I 'l' _ . : a-. I , Members ot (he Cleanup Brigade - M wßkjm i»SSBB 11 J (8 SUNDAY SCHOOL. 4 " Leston Vlll.—Second Quarter, For May 24, 1914. THE -INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Luke xvil, 1-10. Mimory VirNi, 3, 4—Golden Taxt, I Cor. i, 31—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearne. There In no doubt a connection al ways between every part of the Scrip turn and the context, that which goes before or after, but sometimes It Is a little difficult to see It In all our Bible study we must rely wholly upon the author, the Holy Spirit, but we are oft tlinea slow to hear or see. How much we do need anointed t>.vos and ears' The unavoidable conflict between light and darkness will alwuys cause of fenses. so the I'hnrlsecs were often of fended with Christ (Matt, xlll, 67). It bud been prophesied of Christ that lie would be a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel (Isn. vlll, 14), pnd ao he proved to be according to Rbiu. Ix, 83; I C6r. I. 23; I Pet 11, 8. Even John the Baptist seems to have been offended with Christ (I.uke vll. 19-23), and on that last night He told nls dis ciple* that even though He might ullow 'them to be put out of the synagogues and to be killed ttiey must not be of fended (John xvl, l-Bi. Yet be told theui (hut they would be offended be cause of Him that verrf night (Matt rxvi, 81). There was a time when fie said to Peter, "Get thee behind me, Satan'; thou rirt an offense unto me, for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of man" (Matt, xvl. 23). Perhaps we have here the key to at least a part of tbe whole matter of of fifties; the things of Cod are an of fense to men. and the things of men are an offense to Uod, or, as He said In the context of the last lesson, "That which Is highly esteemed among men Is an abomination In the sight of Ood." In the first two verses of our lesson has He n reference to tbe rich man's being ao offense or stumbling block to the poor beggar, and Is tile (ruth the same as when He said of Judas Is carlot, "It had been good for tiiut nun If be had not been born)" iMntt. xvl, 2-1.1 If any of our members should rtiimo us to stumble Into hell tire It would be better for us not to have them (Matt, xvill. 8, 9; Mark Ix. 43-48). We must use nlf care not to be an offeuse to others, even In our eating and drinking (Hum. xlv. 13. 21; 1 Cor. vlll, 13i. If others offend us we must forglre them, when they repent, even so often as seven times in a day (verves 8. 4) When Peter, usked If be should for give as rniitie as seven times our Tx>rd answered until seventy times seven (Matt xvlll. 21, 22i. which I uudentand to mean till the kingdom comes, the complete fulfillment of the seventy sevens of Dan. Ix. 24. We ail need for giveness so often that we ennnot but contluually forgive others. Wecanonly freely and constantly forgive others and tie kept from being an offense to others as we live In tbe power of the reality of the coming kingdom, when ail that offends shall cease to be (Uatt. xlll, 41). A living fallb, for a grain of mustard swd HUggeste life, will accoui pllsh great tilings (Malt, xvll, 20; xxl. 21. 22), but who Is there who can show a fulfillment of the words, "All things whatsoever ye shall ask In prayer, be llevlng, je HIIIIII receive?" What Is our difficulty? Why do wu not know more of the power >f tlod and His kingdom lu our Jtven) Is It because, like tbe elder brother, we are trying to do our duty, but not understanding our Father's love nor the übuudnnre that Is ours, saying to Him, "Tbon naver gavest me a kid that I might make merry with my friends," while He l« saying to us. "Thou art ever with me. and all that I have Is thine?" tl.uke xv, 29. 31.) As the riches tff nla grace and glory control us we shall be less apt to bo offended, even as It Is writ tea, "Great |»en'e have they who love the law, and nothing shall offend them" iPa. cxlx, 106). We sbsll also lu the same |*>wcr lie better able to yield to others, and "yielding pnclfleth great offenses" (Bccl. x, 4i, The love of God, which In Christ and by vlrtne of His great sacrifice mrkes us sure of a welcome sU'lt aa the prodigal received and of btb» be>ond thts life such as the poor beggar entered Into, should con strain us to have nothing but love for all, even for those who luite lis, If aurb . there IKS the love tlin) Is kind, that isuf fers long, that seeketii not her own and Is not provoked (II Cor v, 14, IS; I Cor. till. 4-7) The word duty..wblclils,found Ift the last verse of our lesson. Is not n word for the believer, for wo read that when we have done our duty we are unprotlt able servants, and no believer shvuiil be an unprofitable servant. Vet how often we iu'ur the word In reference to our dully life, because lore Is not known. Imagine s man loving his wife, or a wife her husband, from a sense of duty. What kind of a Itonie would that be?. I once heard a sermon on duly, and It made me so tired that as soon as I went home I took my Con cordance lo see what was really writ ten In (be Bible about It. and the result was tbat I never use the word In ref erence to the Christian life lldy we so live In the love of God that all thai la not love shall be crowd ed ent of our Uvea, tbe life of Jmtts made manifest la us. tbe righteousness and peace and Joy In tbe noly Spirit which are i lmracterlstlca of the king dom ever All us (II Cor. Iv, 10, 11; Rom, ttv, 171 • - - Rmallpox ap].-areHo have been flrst disKTlbed by Jthasea, n> Arabia* |ihy ak'lau Uvliuc about 900 A. D. It WAS Introduced into southern Europe Injkc lime of tbe crusades and slowly spMd Into tbe more northern regions. In 1017 it waa carried from Spain to San to Domingo and tbence to Mexico, where It Is said to bave swept off a.nooxxm of tl»e natives. It spread rapidly ell over tbe new world and whole vitiates, and even tribe* of In dtana were carried off by It- ' NO. 14 Indigestion n anp^ Dyspepsia; "Kodc! When your stotriirh cannot i' } food, of itself, it needg y . « Mslatanoa—*nd this Assistance) to; V Uy supplied bj- EUxWI KudoLaki. i •teciacn, by temporarily digest! r ;1 Bf the food in tl o stumm h, so tha ) ' ttomach may rest, and r emiperna. • ■ Our Gur.reatcj;. * f*« *r© bot —tl 2 * •no« return jr &*•.&«.« .> B'tV trvflsi. will «■•:> ; on t • " t ri« dollar bQt' i- oo ui m i % timet ?.* , u fb© 50* r; i- 'k 1 '* bfecratoriaa of ku. c l »Wn> J» Co . ;bi * Graham Drufl Co. The CHARLOTTE DAL OBluVtR Subscription Ratr Dally ■ - - t ) Daily and Sunday 8 ') Sunday - - - - The Semi-Wee! « Observer Tues. and Frlday - 1..'. The Charlotte Puily. Obserw, med Daily and Sunday ip the loai lewspapcr between Washington 0. 1 and Atlanta, Ga» It givesttK :io lews of North Carolina besides she omplete Associated I'ress Hen-ice, The Serai-Weekly Observer issued ' in Tuesday and Friday for $1 per "ar give* the reader* full report of he week's The leadiiig-Henti iVeekly of the State. Address till irders to Observer COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This, lunik, entitled as above, 'ontains liver 200 memoirs of Miti stors in tho Christian Church vith Historical references. An nterf"-! lug volume—nicely priut ml unci bouuil. Price per '• sloth, 82.00; yill lop, s2.K> Hv nail 206 extra. be lent to " P. J. Rkrwdlr, 1012 E. Marshall £jt-, " Rich tnond:' \ t. >nloin may ho left At this* fi/niV _____ . '■l ,i Are You a Woman ? m cardi The Woman's fe ] ; I n?R SALE AT >,a C^J'cSiSTl The -hivestigiUioju the. 'fcjL incc companies before the 1 ative- committee app.ofntca at C.■ ast session of ,rt»c. legislature, - >e resumed In Kateigh Jt'ipe lm lou Know W fiat \ oil Are l'akl H7' When you take Grove's L V ill 'l'onie boeau:> • the fdrntu*-. , ilalnly printed on every but ♦.- ihowiiig that it is Iron and 11 »tne !«--« te»t-ek«fs- lurm. v ure, no gay.—S#c. at... One man lost his life and two >thers were probably fatally injur ■il in the explosion *,ol the boiler in the government steamer, Mercur, near Wilminton Friday a week. Coughed lor Three Yearn / "I »nu a lover to your :o humanity anil science. \'6i: • nedieine, l)r. King's New Discov ery, cured my cough of three v itanding," says Jeunie FlCHii-ur/ti ' S'ew Dover, Ohio. Have yvj,. t > innoying cough? Is It stu'ib). , ind wont yield to treatra- 1 let j« 50c bottle of Dr. Kind's Jv Discovery to-day. What i. di t f r Jennie Fleming it will do tor ,v« i, tio matter how stubborn or phecj i cough may be. It i ~ou«rh and «toos throat an v i *n ; .i J trouble. Relief or money b« i*c and s*oo at your tlruggjS'. • Bucltlen's'Arnica Salve rur ~ie.: /*■ ' —' '' ' _' - ' - ■ J V jS .r^ A six-year-old son of Pink Qj?- ger, who lives near Hickory, v>o»t to where his older brother was cutting trees, la.' down among t and went "to sleep. A treeTelQf' i and fractured his skull ana bi? j s few hours later. OeWltt a Little rrany Risers ' TW jwm uii*

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