VOL. XL HEALTH INBURANCE The nan who Insures hU Ule I* wise (or his family. The man who Insures his health l> wise both for his family and himself. Yon may Insure health fcy guard* lot It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, Which generally approaches through the UVER and mani fests Itself In Innumerable ways Tiff's Pills L And savo your health. _j PROFESSION AITcARDS J", S. C OOK, Attorney -at- Lew, GRAHAM, f, - - - N. C Office Patterson Building Sououd Floor. . . , , . DAMERON & LONG Attorney s-at-Law 8. W. DAMEUON, J. ADOLPH LONG Pbone 250, 'Phone 1008 Piedmont Building, Holt-Nloholson Bldg. Burlington, N.C. Graham, N. 0. DR. WILI.S.IM.JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham - - - - Nerth Caroline OFFICE IN 3JMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG .LONG & LONG, Attorney! and Counaelor* at JL, v. GRAHAM, N. *\ JOH N H, VERNON Attorney and Counselor-at-Law PONES—Office 05J Residence 331 BURLINGTON, N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot V.. OFFICE OVER HADLEY'B STORE Leave Messages at Alamance Phar macy 'Phone 97 Residence 'Phone 382 Office Hours 2-4 p. m. and by Appointment. ARE YOU fy -UP f TO DATE B —— 1 Ii you are not the NEWS AN* OBESYER is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian #1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sen' for one year for Two Dollars. Casli in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office.* Graham, N. C. 2 Plus 2=3 No? Well, Read By MOBB. CO PHISTBY ■ u wasn't wiped " 1 off the map of roa |J soning over 2,000 years ago, al though It certainly JjSrMf deserved to be. ( J The Sophists In ancient Greece, yotl remember, taught a false phlloeophy of life and things, their premises being based on fallacy. They tried to make two plus two equal three. * Tbe Sophists are not all dead. A few thrive today. Tbey argue of newspaper advertising: "Oh, I never buy anything widely advertised or patronize merchants wbo make a splash in tbe newspapers. Their articles are either Inferior or more cost ly because tbey have to Include the coet of advertising." BOSH! As a matter of fact, advertis ing enable* you to buy BETTER thlnga at CHEAPER prices. Through advertising tbe Bales •re INCREASED ten, twenty, fifty fold. Tbe manufacturer or merchant la thus able to aell BETTER and CHEAPER goods and atill pay for his advertising. This recognized BUSINESS FACT to backed up by tbe ex perience of successful business men of this community and by wise home providers who close ly watch tbe ads. In this pjpft. A Striking Misapprehension. Officer Excuse me, madam; there goes eight bells. It's my watch on deck. Mrs. Lansnan Well. I don't blame yon for keeping year watch on deck If It stapes as krodly as Exchange. - '. - - •• ' - A \ TEE ALAMANCE GLEANER. HOW HAMBURG IS KEPT GLEAN Children In German City Show Deep Interest. OHIO MAYOR IMPRESSED. Most off City's Refute Carted Away While Town Is Asleep—Specially Trained Men Look After Asphalt. Regular Force of Nearly a Thousand Cleaners. With almost every city and town in tile United Stutes preparing for Its spring cleaning, attention lias been at tracted to the methods of cleaning house adopted by the Important cities of Europe. ID no European town perhaps are tbe methods more Interesting than In the thriving German city of Hamburg, where carefully trained children help, to keep the city beautiful. Writing from that place. United States Consul Robert P. Skinner says that the mayor of one of the large cities of Ohio who visited Hamburg was much impressed with the Important part performed by tbe children In keeping tbe city clean. He departed from tbe city, Mr. Skin ner says, convinced tbat tbe cleaning of "streets and sidewalks la Germany Is a much lighter tusk than in cities of tbe same size In tbe United States because of the orderly habits of the people themselves. "Suction street sweeping devices," continues Mr. Skinner, "are practical ly unknown in Germany. Hamburg Itself owus horse drawn sweepers only, although for about nine months two electric motor sweepers have been In use. These, however, do not yet be long to the city and are being employ ed experimentally. They have not giv en satisfaction anil have been.under repair more than three months. Tbeste motor driven sweepers fall to work well In this city because tbe pave ments, as a rule, are not very Smooth, and the mechanism of tbe sweepers Is deranged by''the shaking It receives. Recently the front wjieels of these sweepers have been provided with rub ber tires, and they have worked more satisfactorily. . . Cleans 1,290 Btr*ets. "The Hamburg street cleaning de partment cleans and when necessary sprinkles ail city streets, makes re pairs, maintains relief stations, re moves dust, garbage and waste mat ter generally from streets, bouses, wharves, ships and markets and op erates also a garbage burning plant. At present the department cleans 1,200 streets, with their adjacent sidewalks, having a length of 291.4 miles. The roadways cleaned cover fully 5.C50.070 square yards and tbe sidewalks about 4,177,990 square yards.. The work Is carried on under the supervision of twelve superintending establishments:' Thirty main thoroughfares are cleaned six times weekly at nigbt by means of rotary brooms and fill other streets, with few exceptions, twice weekly. In the center of the city the streets are also cleaned six times weekly during the day and in other parts of the city four times weekly during tbe day. \ "Asphalt street surfaces require more attention than others, as they be come slippery and are looked after by specially trained men. They are swept and drenched with water and In Icy weather are sprinkled with pebbles. Of late complaints bare been made by the ownecs of motorcars that these peb bles damage tbe tires of their vehicle*, so tbat now this material Is strewn only when strictly uecessary. The peb bles used are mud free and from one fifth to two-fifths Inch In diameter. In 1910 8(55.85 cubic yards of these peb bles were utilized The Hamburg street cleaning department owns 80 clean ing machines, 54 snowplows, 101 wa ter wagons, 100 garbage carts for' waste from private bouses, CO garbage carts for waste from ships, quays, etc., 850 snow wheelbarrows and 321 garbage wheelbarrows. "Nlgbt work begins at midnight and ends when tbe streets are In order. Twelve squads work under the direc tion of twelve different posts. These post* are In charge of an inspector for day work and a sublnspector for nigbt work. Tbe Jurisdiction of each post Is divided Into ten subdivisions, so tbat In the event of emergency work can be taken up simultaneously at a moment's notice at 120 different points. First the broom- machines, of which there are twenty-air, sweep tbe roadways, while tbe aidewalka are cleaned at tbe same time by special men. Another squad follow* tbe sweeper* to heap op the dirt awept to tbe roadside, and finally cart* and garbage wagonayfol low. The nlgbt work never lasts mora 1 tbsn eight boor*. Householders are | required to born up all garbage possl- j ble and to store tbe rest In sheet Iron cana with covers, wblcb are deposited at the edge of the sidewalk twice a week, not before 9p. m. Tbe cana are emptied by tbe garbage gatherers and must be taken In from tbe aldewalk by tbe bouaebolders before 8 a. m. Roadways Are Scoured. "Day work begins at • a. m. and con tinues until 0 p. m., except with tbe men wbo work on tbe asphalt street*, who remain on doty until 7 p. m. A two boor Intermission ia allowed at noon. Recently ten email Iron boxes and ten wire netting paper boxes bar* been placed on trial In different parts of tbe city to facilitate tbe work of the street cleaning department If they answer tbe purpoee satisfactorily a large number will be provided here after. "On some streets It Is also tbe prac tice. where there Is a sufficient grade to enable tbe water to carry off tbe waste matter through tbe gutter*, aim ply to scoor tbe roadway with a strong stream of water. "At tbe garbage burning plant of tbe city in 1910 tbe following qoaotitlee of material were burned: House garbage, 73,1*1 ton*; wharf garbage. 4.218 tons; ship garbage, 3,300 ton*; market waste, 680 tons;, waste delivered by private 1 (SOLDIERS [flO W N*ur« SflAn«Hnts '^' ,e nrrtvnl ,n tho United States of more refugees from Mexico In destitute condition revealed anew the pitiful plight of many nCW3 onapsiiois foreign residents in the southern republic. The mediators began their sessions at Niagara Falls. Minister Naon of the Argen- Of the Week tine Republic and Minister Buarez of Chile took a leading part in the peace negotiations. August In Rodriguez, n representative of President Huerta of Mexico, pleaded In the Interests of the dictator. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt arrived home from South America and asserted that be could prove that he had discovered a river.' The United States soldiers at Vera Cruz have dug tunnels as approaches to the trenches and can go to and from the trenches without any danger of befng lilt by Mexican bulletw persons" uhti public fnstifutlons, 1.5-11 tons: total. 82.073 tons. From these quantities of waste matter the city oh tained 44,987 tons of cinders and 075 tons of old metal, all of which had a substantial commercial value. » "The regular Hamburg street clean Ing force consists of 800 to 000 men. but It is often necessary to Increase the force to as many as 8.500 ineu with the utmost celerity. A situation of this kind Is met In the following manner: Not later than the month of October tbe street cleaning department dls tributes to all laborers applying for them at the proper registry office cards stating where tbe applicants are to report for work in the event of a heavy snowfall. When the need presents itself men holding 'cards of this kind obtain employment first. They are paid as much as (2.50 per day. tbe stand-' ard rate being 2.4 cents per barrow load of snow removed. However, those who fill the barrows arc paid at the rate of 8 cents per hour. Barrows are used If snow has to be transported not more than 820 feet. In other coses carts of 2.61 cubic yards capacity are employed." Awaken to Enormity Of Crimes Of the House Fly TF ten terrible X mon,,r * cams IflH every epring to -N, thla country and |jw|L all aummer long Ej devoured the peo- P '®' chevwn 9 /iWE l' biee a a wa aat |tra| blackberriaa bit- Vy \| ing off the haada of young man, goring the aged to death and etalking about among u* aa a lion among the m arty re oftha Colieeum, wa ahould ba j up and doing, militia would march I forth to give them battle, colonele would wava sworda, gune would belch i and no enthuaiaam would ba lacking. But whan the monatar ia email and playful and common wa let him rav age. Ha doean't acmehow appeal to our imagination. Yat ha doee. more harm, being 10,- 000,000,000 or ao, than any tan mino taura, polyphamuaea or dragona that avar poeed in the pagee of tradition. Ha it the common houaa fly. Although muoh haa been aald about him and hie deadlineea, the people ara not yat aliva to the enormity of hia crimee. Thera ara thoueands of kitch ana where fliee atill awarm .end infect tha food, thouaanda of babiaa over whoee facaa and upon whoaa lipe fliee apraad their poiaon, thouaanda of raa tauranta and lunch couhtere- where fliee ara buay at tha work of thinning •ut tha human raoa. I FLY WISDOM. * FLIES T?EVER OLLOW FOLLOWS ILTH JL LIES HERB are some fly proverbs that read like the wise bits in Ben Franklin's "Poor Richard* Al manac:" It is better to screen tbe cradle and wear n smile than scoff at Ihe precau tion and wear mourning. Flies in the dining room usually pre cede nurse* in tbe sickroom. Screens In tbe windows prevent crape on tbe door. I Flies as well as bad water spread ty i Phold. ' A fly in tbe milk may mean a mem ber of a family in tbe grave. A fly has natural enemies. Tbe most persistent and most effective should be man. ■ It costs less to buy a screen door than to get sick and lay off for n mpnth. It's a short banl from tbe garbage can to tbe dining table via tbe fly route. If at first you don't succeed, swat, swat, swat again. Prevent the Fly—NOW. PREVENT the fly and you won't have »• swat him Jatar. Tfsf t>m« to fight him is before he beeemes a fly. It if a praUns ef the slimins tion of filth where fiiss play, eat and breed. Do awey with the breeding places end there will be no fliee. Especial atten tion should be paid to stable and kitchen wsstee. Clean up thor oughly around the etablss and under the atable floors with the liberal use ef ehloride ef lime. SUBSCRIBE FOfc THE GLEANER, $tM A YEAR GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1914. HAVE YOUR SWATTER READYI & LEAN up, beep clean and X j> sea that your neighbors do •> T likewise and you will have £ A few, if any, flies to contend $ J with. Of courts, have your f> X swatter ready for the firet ar- J X rivals. Bwat the early fliee and •' save yourself much swatting J, later. If at first you dort't euc- J, •> ceed, swat, swat againl A Swat the Fly Tlic fly H:IH in* day i|f rent. I busy nit tile time, unit til-* mission in life In to Hpfi'iirt dlKiMiHe germs: One comes In the window urn! st»|ij for u moment on tlie■ xttjriir IMIWI, cream pitcher or tlie luihy's nursing bottle. Do you know where his silky feet Inst restedV r Think It over mid you will HIIOU imike up yuiir iiili.il in be come tin active worker In ill.' unfitly crusade. Tlie "willtiler Is getting warmer; flies lire breeding faster: trouble Is ulieud If you don't Swat the Fly I rlies Kill More Than Wars. % & s> ► ;; ft IBEABEB that have been $ > aJ traced to the fly, with total 7 J J (lumbar of daatha from x 1 1 aaoh In the eity of New York • for flva year*, are aa followsi V Typhoid fever 060 x , I Tuberculosis (all kinds) 10.232 |> • > Cholera Infantum 0,398 Z « ► Cerebro-aplnal meningitis j> J | Diphtheria 1,829 % , i Scarlet fever 1.028 ,i, Z Bronchitis 1,408 Z > Smallpox 3 f " v CLEAN THE GARBAGE CANS. GARBAGE can# should receive your uttontlou now. Heo tbnt the next cleaning tbnt all mat ter In removed from tllo corners and that none 1* permitted to remain oil the grouud. A good flushing of tlit can with & carbolic acid solution—three tablespoon fula of 05 per cent carbolic acid to each quart of water, permit tins tbe excess to remain in the can— will not only destroy any remaining fly life, In egg or maggot form, but will also serve to act as a fly repellent un til tbe next cleaning, wblcb should l>- wltbin a few day*. Smaller-garbage cans In use at your back door should receive dally attention with carbolic acid solution. / TREAT HOUSE FLY LIKE DEVIL SCIIEE.N your window*.' If you cannot get wire screening use mosquito bar. Screen your doors! Keep out tbe My as you would keep out Ibe devil, for lie Is a devil. Swat those flies that are not elimi nated by tbe starvation process. Keep a fly ktvuiter for every room In tliu -house. Cense your ganiu to kill tbe fly. Stop conversation with your com pany and flume that fly. Swat! Nevef mind kuocklng over tbe vase or upset ting the lamp. Bwat! This Is no time for mercy or gentle ness. Tbe land Is Invaded. Our ene mies are upon us. Tbe black typhoid fever brigade advances. Kill, entrap, born, starve. Spare not YOU CAN KILL MILLIONS TODAY. BY giving tbe fly a swat before be is a fly trillions of tb* Insects will lie In the might have been class Erery one should remove all dirt waste paper, manure, old straw and similar refuse, sprinkle gartsige cans and vaults with chloride of lima or kerunene and do anything else that will help to pdll tbe fly's teeth before be begins bis active propagation. Flics Greatest Germ Carriers. | Ttw nKHMiuil" Implanta the germ of J DM Is riii. ii nd fll* carrjr I lie germa of I tobmulwil* M well aa other dIMUM. | aucb a*t*pbo!d and dliibtherU. ! Don't nail until the warm weather to kill tlieftt ~ —a Bwat IIIDI now before the holdoren beftn t» |>rop»*iit«. Itch relieved In 20 nrintM>* b» Woodford'* fianltarv Lotion. Npv-er /ail*: Sold by Graham Drug Co, Your Baby ShQuld Not Eat This Cake Above Are Shown Death Dealing Flies Feasting on a Cake In a Bakeshop Glean Up! Destroy All Rubbish Piles * Photo by American I'rcM AIW tat lon. 5 is v —- SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson IX.—Second Quarter, For May 31, 1914. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Taut ef the Lesson, Luke xvli, 11-19. Memory Verses, 17-19—Oelden Teat, Luke xvll, 11—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearne. Before we consider tba grateful Samaritan it will ba-helpful to look at tba Wbltauotlde leaaon on the reveal lug spirit la 1 Cor. 11, 1-10. Whether It be Ibe Old Teatameut or tbe New. the great trutb standa tbat "tba things of God knowetb no man, bat tbe Spirit of God," bat wbat a comfort It Is tbat tbe believer baa received tba Spirit of God tbat ba may know tbe thinga tbat are freely given of God. To tbe natural man wbo baa not been born again tbeae tblnga of God an all foollsbnesa, for only tba spiritual man can dlacern tba tblnga of tbe Spirit (1 Cor. 11, 11-141. The whole Bible baa been written by tba Spirit of God and la forever aettled In heaven (II Tim. 111, 10; P*. cxl(. 80). ao tbat It may truly be anld to b« tbe Splrit'a Bible copyrighted In heaven. He therein tella ua of the living and true God, III* love for tbe lost, Ula great salvation. His coming kingdom and glory. He alto tella us of the devil aa tba great enemy of God and man, tba father of Ilea, tbe murderer, tba god of tbla world, wbo will to tba laat make war wltb tba Lord and tba saints, bat wbo will finally be sent to tba hike of Bra forever. , S ;i As to tbe Inability of the wisdom of tbls world lo grasp thing* spiritual, consider tbe revelations of Uod given to tbe kings of Egypt mid Babylon, the utter helpleasness of sll tbe wise men of those land* to grapple wltb them, and the euiie wltb wblcb Joeepb and Daniel, men of God filled wltb tbe Spirit of Ood. solved every difficulty. Tbe Spirit la ever ready to convince of aln and lead the sinner to Jesus ChrUt ttie Saviour. Then by tils word He gives uasursuce of salvation, then wakes the body of the believer Ilia temple, revealing Cbrlat to blm uud through him uud working In blm sll the good pleasure of the I.urd unless hindered by pride; unbelief or aelf la | aome form of working, . No one wu* ever so Oiled wltb and controlled by the Holy Spirit aa tbe Lord Jesus Cbrlxt and. In Him tbe Spirit wrought perfectly and unhinder ed (Acts x, 88i. It wss so In some meaiure wltb prophets snd apostles (11 Tet I. 21; Acts I, 8; U. 4; Iv, 81; v, 82; vl, 8; vll, °SS; sill, 21. snd there Is nothing we should so earnestly snd constantly de»lre ss to be filled wltb and controlled by tbe Holy Spirit, re membering thst nothing csn svsr be accomplished for Uod by tbe mlgbt or power or wledom of man. but only by the Spirit of Uod tZecb. Iv, o|. Turning to Ibe regular lesson, we ses our Lord on His wsy to Jerusalem, wblther His face wss steadfastly set. for the time wus drawing nesr for Him to bo received up. or, in otber words, to lie alaln and be raised tbe third day (I>uke I*. ,22. 611. Although Ho and Ills messengers were sent primarily lo the lost sheep of tbe bouse of Israel and uot to gentiles or 8s marl tan* (Matt s. 5. 0; iv, 24), for tbe kingdom was for Israel, snd Ue wss Israel's M pasta li. yet He wss ever resdy to lileiw all. and tbs time wss drawing near when He would bo re jected snd crucified by tbe Jews, then the kingdom would lie postppned snd the gos|K?l given to sll tbe world to gstber from thence In this age of "tbe mystery" his body, tbe rhurcb, to shsre with Him His kingdom snd glory. As tbess ten lepers stood afar off snd cried, "Jesus, Msster. bsvs mercy on us," His besrt of coropss slon went out to them, snd He sent them to Ilia priests, which Implied tbst tbelr request was granted snd tbe work was done (take v, 1-4: Matt vlll. 4). They evidently so understood It snd stsried on their wsy. snd ss they went they wrre clesnsed. Ons of tho ten WAS so full of Joy snd gratitude tbst be st once turned back to thsnk bis healer, and glorifying Uod wltb e loud voice fell on Ills face st Jesus' feet snd care Him thanks. Hs wss a Samaritan. which seems to Imply that the rest were Jews. How pathetic seems our I/>rd's question, "Ware there not ten,, rlesnsed. but where srs the nine 7" None to give glory to Ood ssv* this strangsr. Is It ao still tbst He finds grstltnde only In one out of ten? How Is It wltb yooT Leproay waa one of tbs emblems of Israel's nstlonsi condition before God. ss when Moses' hand wss mads lep rous snd then liesied (Be. Iv. 0. 7) God would tescb Moves snd Pharaoh tbst. though Israel wss In the sight of Egypt ss unclean as a nation of lepers. He could easily cleanse snd deliver them. The serpent sign wss to teach Moses not to fsar to spproscb tbs king of Egypt, snd tbe water of tbs Nile turned to li!ood Hist Ood would bum ble tbe pride of Egypt now hsppy tbls grateful leper must bsve been to bear tbe I»rd Jeans ssy to him, "Arise; go tby way: tby faith bstb made lbe« whole." We think of His word to it* penitent woman In the bouse of Simon, tbe Pbsrisee. "Thy sins srs forgiven; e e e Tby fsitb hsth saved tbea; go In peace." Also to tbe womsn who bad bean twelve years sick snd growing worse. "Daughter, be of good comfort; tby faitb bath madf tbea whole; go In peaca" (Lake vU. 4& 10; vlll, 48>. Fly Don'ts D Allow tUea In your botaae. Allow flies on your premlaea. Allow garbage or rubbtah to seen* 0 mutate. Allow dirt In tbe boose; look Into every nook and corner. Allow Mea la food ly Buy foodstuff* where fllee are al- Ml lowed, especially mils that Is la cans or bottlee covered wltb IT* fllee. I Forget to notify the health eOcs * of dirty place*. NO. 15 Indigestion n ANP" Dyspepsia Kodol _Whan your stomach cannot pupwh dlfeat food, of Uwlf, It naada » UttU asalatanoa—and thU assistance la raft* lly supplied b> Kodol. Kodol Malta the Momach, by temporarily digesting all of (ht food In (he stomach, so that thi stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. £SK.*B f a ere set benefited—u>e dracdM «B M WMMMraronrmoMT. Don't herttetet e 1 frucslat WUL aril TOO Kodol en thaw tail ™ dollar bottle eontatna sii timee aa Mot MUMHe bottle. Kodol la prepared at MM Mwalum el B. C. DeWltt * Co- CMeaaa. Graham Drag Co. The CnARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER Subscription Rates Dally .... $640 Dally and Sunday 8 M Sunday • • ■» • 2JM - The Semi-Weekly Observer Toes. and Friday - 1.00 The Charlotte Daily Observer, le aned Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ga. It gives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete Associated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1 per year gives the reader a full report oi the week's newa. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Addreaa all orders to Observer COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, *2.00; gilt top, $2.60. By mail 20e extra. Orders may be sent to * P. J. KKBKODLX, 1012 E. Marshall St., . Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. I Are You a Woman? | m Cardui Tin Woman's Tonic I mm AT ALL DMJMBTS I I~ trmdt awto mi npyrtgfrN nntiiHr- B (•a fcM ihM Huhiu or pMai■ far nil MARCH Mi np«t ■ mpmUmUMtoj. luknfMWMa Mrcmrs BUILD FORTUNIS far ■ fmm. Omrtrm laaHrti tol bow. wfaatrfai ■ D. SWIFT & CO. I PATgMT LAWVKM, 303 Seventh Bt., Wsshlsgtos, P. C.J any NHOO 'HHAOIO NOSWIM.J OATS. Progrcsalve Parmer. I have a field in crimson clover. Can I cut thla (or hay an dpalnt corn and reaeed with th eclover in the corn? What variety ot oata should I oww (or spring oatat Yea, you can make hay ot the crlmaon clover i( you can aucceed In curing it. But it ia a hard crop to cure properly, and it made into hay It ahould be cut aa aoon aa ip bloom, (or if the heada elongate and get brown the hay will be dangeroua (or horaea. The beat thing to do will be to turn it un der for corn and aow paea in the corn, cut th ecorn and either diak down the peaa or cut them, and aow oata and follow this with pias ter hay ,and then aow clover on the pea atubble and back to corn. For Spring oata sow the regular winter turf oata. They will do . better than Spring Oata in the 'South. IN Kaaw What YM Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula ia ■ plainly printed on every bottle . ahowing that it ia Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No • cure, no pay.—soc. adv.