Hr jß| jBF jßj jß| |B| jHT |l|r H It Always Helps N says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Qifton Mills, Ky., in K writing of her experiehce with Cardui, the woman's tonic. . She says further: "Before I began to use ftQfl r-l Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I * thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles IQI r~l of CarduL I began to feel like a new woman. I soon ■HI - gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, IMB as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give 1 CARDUI g U The Woman's Tonic Lj a trial. I still use Cafdui when I feel a little bad, |CSm and it always does me good." Hfcadache, bacl&che, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's 181 I lonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui ,KM for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing BMW r-l women for more than fifty years. r tgiri! ¥lq The Curse of Mexico. Leslie's. Mexico has few patrioti, but man.y politicians. Thf- struggle that is turning this rich and fruit ful land into a waste is political in its inception- and prosecution. In the United States self-seeking .demagogues appeal to, the people with false arguments and specious plea, and get themselves voted in to power. Here the corresponding element organize a revolution to gain power by force of arms. The Mexicnn way is the more practical. The agitator gets a certain amount of power and a lot of loot while he is fighting, and In addition a chance at the public crib if he wins. Dillons of good people in the United States doubtless believe that questions of liberty and hu man rights are involved in the present struggle. Nothing could ne farther from the truth. It can be stated without possibility of de nial that there is but one imme diate problem in Mexico, and that is tho restoration of peace. Peace means the protection of property, the protection of life, the rosum tion of industry and commerce, the ependiture of public revenues in useful Improvements rather thnn in military destruction and waste. After peace is restored the ques tion of the social and moral uplift of the people will be up for con sideration, and If must be met squarely if Mexico is to take her rightful place among the naions of «*, CHANGE The Popular Magazine. Nothing changes more than the mind of man. What is moral in one ago is immoral in the next. No one but a fool would advo cate a lottery to-day, yet the his tory of some of our greatest in stitutions is connected with the the lottery. The Boston Post Boy of November Istt, 1762, conttalns the announcement, and the lottery ticket bore tthe signature of Hancock. Harvard College con ducted a lottery at various times,' the President and fellows ot tthe college aelling tickets. Itt was by tthis means that Holworthy Hall, Btoughton Hull, Massachusetts Hall and some others of Harvard's structures wero built. One or Male's beautiful old buildings was tthe result of a lottery. Brown University conducted a lottery as late aa 1811. The flrat cotton fac* ttory in America, at Beverly, Mass., was permitted to run a lottery on the ground that it would "foster an Infant Induattry". Tho City Hull, New York, was enlarged thru money obtained by a lottery for which special legislation was granted. All this is set down by the pres ident of one of the biggest Na tional banks in the East tto Illus trate how alttered is the view point of man within the life of the republic. To-day horse racing la under the ban, stock exchanges are in disfavor, and even the church fair grab-bag comes In for critleiam. Unquestionably it is better no, far better than lb the day when there was a "wheel of fortune' in the market plat* of town Urge enogh to baoast a court or a jail, even if the Father of His Courftry was addicted to the Na tional vice, aa would seem froso the entry in his diary under date December, 1769. "Dined at the attorney's and went in the evening to draw Col. Moore's lottery." NUT QKAB9. W. F. Massey in ProfrtMlve Par mer. Many (arms in this section are infected with nut gra«*. What is U the best way to get rid of Itt I banished it from my garden by simply chopping it orf every day. That cannot be done on a largo acale. The beat way will be to another It out. Sow Canada pea* In February: turn them under in June and sow cowpeaa thickly; torn theae under in September and ♦lbl|uu4 jn(| £MU! jwtmann wlnj ver. Turn thin for corn or cotton and work dean and there will be Uttla left. Sow peaa in the corn of course. . Car* for ataaiach UluNcn. Disorders of the stomach may be -avoided by the use of niunber laln's Tablets. Many very remark able cores have been affected by these tablets. Sold by all dealers, adv. *•/ v Fertilizing Clover, \V. F. Masaey in The Progressive Parmer." This is from Macon, North Caro lina. "I notice that some of my neighbors are applying 100 pounds of acid phosphate and 25 pounds of muriate of potash an acre on the crimson clover they intend to* plow under for corn, claiming that it will improve the clover and will do the corn as much good as tho' applied directly to that crop, and they have more time to apply it now than at corn planting time. What do you think of this?" I hink that your neighbors are right, except that on red land they are wasting money 'in using pot ash, as the turning under of the clover will help release the abund ant supply that all our red clay soils have. The more clover you get to turn under the better, and you get the phosphate all back in better shape for the corn. The siiil always holds on to the phos phoric acid and potash and does not lose it as it does the nitrogen. MILK VALUES—WHY EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE » PLENTY OF COWS. Progressive Farmer. If you do not appreciate al ready the value of milk in the diet and the importance of having plenty of it at all seasons, just consider how much it takes of oth erf oods to equal one quart of milk in nourishment. A standard quart of milk contains 3.3 per cenf. of 4protein, 4 per cent, of fat, !> per cent, carbohydrates, and 7 per tent, mineral matter; or a total of 13 per cent, nourishment. Here is what it takes of each of certain other foods to equal a single quart of milk n food values. 13.9 ounces of beef, or 38.2 ounces • oysters, or— -10.2 ounces boneless codfish,; or 19.1 ounces eggs; or— (1,1 ounces cheese, or— l.t ounce* wheiit flour; or - 4 0 ounces macaroni,, or 5.1 ounces corn meal; or— -2JV.7 ounces potatoes; or— -5.1 ounce* dried beans; or— -61.2 ounces cabbage; or— -39.2 ounces apples; or— -27,7 ounces bananas; or— b.s ourtccs prunes; or— English Spavin Linlinuet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused LU HI | M ami Hlemialiea from horaea; itlao Wood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweenoy, Ring Bone, StifUa, Sprains, Swollen Throat a, Coughs, etc. Have SM) by use of one bot >tl«. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Bohl by tiraham Drug Company. ailv liRHMUDA GRASS, 'Where can I get Be&iuda grass ? Is It th* same as wire grass Yes, it Is he same that is known in your section as wire gran*, and you can grow grass that ia better suited to your section than Ber muda. The Bermuda ia all right in the warmer sandy aolls of the coast region and southward, but in j our section orchard grass, red top and ble grass, with some l#»- pedeeaa in summer, will make a better pasture than Bermuda. RbeaaatUai Uulrkly Care*. "My sister's husband had an at tack of iheumatism In hia arm," writes a well known resident of Newton, lowa. "I gave him a bot tle of Chamberlain's Liniment which he applied to his arm and on the nest morning the rheuma tism was gone. "For chronic mus cular, rheumatiam, you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. . Adv. „; i. Rewards aggregating HSO are of fered fo¥ the arrest of Co*, the State convict guard who Is charg ed with the murder of Deputy Sheriff Tolbert in St inly count jr. The State offers |IM, the con struction company which has the convicts employed |IM and the commissioners and citisens of Stan ly county 9350. Cole another guard who is charged with partie- ijsiisg is fT" rrif and who was arrested at the time is held under 910,000 bond for trial. sloo Dr. B. Detchon's Antl-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than 9100 If you have a child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Curea old and voung alike. It arrests tha trouble at once. 91.00. Sold by Oraham Drug Company. adv. Young Corn and Cotton Should be Harrotoed. U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Washington, I) The beneficial effect ofp well pre pared seed bed and ihe use of good seed be wholly or partialiy fl net by improper or insufficient ctilii vation, is the advice of crop sjiceial ists of the Department of Agriculture Proper cultivation is au iui|u>r(uii factor in crjp production. (.'ultns tion should begin immediately iilu-. planting hy running once or twice across the rows with a weeder or section harrow. After the plums come up at least two additions! cul tivations should be given « ith eiiber the weedcr or harrow in the ease of either corn or cotton before the regu lar cultivators are used. Run di agonally across the rows with either of these implements, using the sec tion harrow with the teeth slanted backward with an angle of 45 degrees and repeat a week later at right angles with the first cultivation. The use of the weeder or section harrow is strongly advised for the early cultivation of corn, cotton and many other 'crops. It is )>est to use ! the weeder on very loose or sandy soils while the section harrow is preferable on clay or buck-shot soils, l'hisearly cultivation with the weeder or harrow destroys all young grass and weeds and leaves the soil in fine condition and the cotton ready for chopping or thinning. The use of tho section harrow for the early cul tivation of corn and cotton in the South is comparatively recent but is rapidly becoming general. One of the great advantages in its use, in addition to the excellent work done, is the extra amount of land that can be cultivated in a given time. ELONS TWENTY-FOURTH COMMENCEMENT. Cor. of The Oleaner. Elon's. 24th Commencement be gins on Saturday evening of this week at 8.00 o'clock, with the Class Da.v Exercises by the Senior Class. Next Saturday morning the bac calaureate sermon will be preached by Dr. P. T. Tagg, Baltimore, Md. Dr. Tagg is one of the most distin guished ministers in the Methodist Protestant church, and the editor of the national organ of that church, published in Baltimore, and known as The Methodist Protest ant. The sermon wUI not begin until after the eleven o'clock train has passed Elon, so that Oraham lartd Burlinton people can arrive on that train in ample time. Sunday evening President Har per of the College will make his usual baccalaureate address to the members of the graduating class, using as his theme "The Contribu tion of College Life." Monday the society "representa tives will give their entertainment. Tuesday eveningthe annual con cert of the Musical Deparment will occur, and Wednesday evening? June 3rd, Rev, H. E. Rountree of Urcensboro, N. C., will deliver the Alumni Oration. All of these ser vice* will begin at 8.00 o'clock in the evening. Om Tuesday motping at 11.30 o'clock, immediately after the ar rival of thle 10 o'clock train, literary address is to be deliver ed by a distinguished native of Alamance county, Dr. W. W. Bta ley, of Suffolk, Va., l)r. Staley worked his way through Graham Normal College, Trinity College, and the Uiversity of Virginia, and continued to work his way up until hfc ia to-day one of the most distinguished ministers of the Southern States. The citizens of his native county will be glad to hear him on this occasion, and es pecially siuce he is to discuss such a momentous question as "The Conquest of Truth." graduating exercises will oc cur on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, at which time diplomas and degrees to the number of 44 will be conferred, and six repre sentatives of th egraduatlng class will deliver orations and present essays. Keep llowel Movement Kegalsr. Dr. King's New Life Pills keep stomach, liver, and kldneya in a healthy condition. Rid the body of poison* and waste. Improve your complexion by flushing the liver and kidneys. J I got more re lief from one box of Dr. King's New Life Pills than from any med icine I ever tried," says Mr. C. K. Hatfield, Chicago, 111. 25 c*s. your druggist. adv. | A contract has b>en closed be tween the Btate Board of Educa tion and the Tidewater Power Co., of Wilmington, conveying to the Tidewater Company the State'* title to UM acre* of marsh and overflow lands about Wrightsville snd Greenville siunds, the deal be ing preliminary to extensive de velopments on foot by the com pany. The State geta $1.50 an acre and a jferfeentage of profit* on development. GRAY HAIR MADE ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. If your hair la gray, streaked with gray, white, brittle, falling out, Itching acalp or dandraff, ap ply Q-Ban hair color restorer to gray hair and acalp. Not a dye, ilt brings to the hair surface the [original color nature gave your I hair. Makes gray hair brown, I black, auburn or Ita original color at IT or U years of aga. Never | falls. Perfectly harmless, delight fa! to use. Q-Ban makes hair soft, full of Ufa beautiful. Stopa dand ruff, itching acalp and falling hair. Complete directions for home treatment of the hair with each bottle. Mc for a 77 o*. bottle. Sold by Alamance Pharmacy, Qra ham, N. C. Out of town people aupplled by mail, ISnovly. adv. BDBSCBIBB FOB THB GLEANER tI.M A TBAR -IN ADVANCE.— ■ i No Difcomforts From Dodson's Liver Tone Violent Purgatives Need No Longer He lined for Constipation, io Why Run Rlaka of Their Disa greeable After-BC- . iccta. To overcome constipation and iluggish' liver pleasantly, easily «nd safely Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed by Graham Drug Com pany, who will cheerfully refund ihe purchase price (50c) at once if you are not entirely satisfied with it. Dodson's Liver Tone is made to take the place of calomel and oth • r strong purgatives. It has none of the disagreeable and often dan gerous after effects of calomel, which is in fact a poison, a min eral, . a form of deadly mercury. Dodson's iLvet- "Tone is a strict ly vegetable liquid, containing nothing harmful. It not only leaves no bud after effecta, but works easily without inter.ering at all with your regular occupat'on. A trial may beneiit you greatly, why not s«e about it to-day. J. H.t Pastorfield, a blacksmith of Elizabeth City ord&red a friend out of his shop, declaring that he was going to kill 'himself and shot himself in the head be fore his friend could summon help to restrain him. He had been drinking and had threatened sui cide. Wife and five children sur \ ive. Health a factor In Hucceu. The largest factor contributing to a man a success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular. He is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite so good as Chamber lain's 'tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appe tite and strengthen the digestion. They are sold by all dealers, adv. Senator Overman last week se cured the passage of the bills to give a pension of S2O a month to Henry C. Miller of Salisbury, and S3O a month to Robert H. Cowan of Wilmington. Both men were disabled during the Spanish-Amer ican war. Moot Prompt and Effectual Cure lor Bad Coldi. When you have a bad 'cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide Sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by all deal ers. adv. Thomas E«dCooper of Wilming ton, was elected President of the State Bankers' Association, which concluded its session in Raleigh Thursday. The vice-presidents are J. L. Armfield of Thomasville, W. S. Blakely of Monroe, W. B. Drake of Raleigh. •• * .tt » emir fc-anj Risers, -%• Mtto* 4 |U Che SECRET or v Au Hopkins Adaxnr Chester Kent Solved It Can You ? Who Was the Dead Woman on the Beach? Why Was She Handcuffed ? Who Lost the Silver Star ? ::: Read Our New Serial and You Will Learn 1 Watch For The Story! r ■ ■ I ... . **. LANDLORDS TENANTS. '' ~ v Arkansan fti The Progressive Far mer. Since becoming a reader of .your valuable paper ,1 have read all the discusfftons with interest. Duty of tenant, duty of landlord, and their relations. Having had some ex perience along these lines I feel in clined -to join the discussion. I own 110 acres of land with 50 acres in -cultivation. I work all this myself in corn, oats, cowpeas and I have .no tenants. My neighbors on each side have tenants, and while I "saw wood and say nothing," I hear both complaints, and my impartial de cision is is that it is ths same old story that generally exists with all the farmers, lack of co-opera tion. We are all so afraid of doing something that will benefit our neighbor that we actually fail in our own behalf. This winter while breaking my land with a 10-inch plow as deep as three horses could pull it a tenant neighbor came in the field and strongly emphasized the work as being "the thing". As this tenant worked the same land last year and laid his crop by so that at gathering time there appeared to be at least a. ton of crab grass to the acre,' I told him I thought he would at least make the rent over and above by turn under all the grass during the win ter. This he said he not af ford, being a renter;-that he had rather burn off and break in the spring and thus save t two break ings'. To this I replied' that it Would only ba necessary to disk instead lof break twice (owner fur nishes him disk). This he aJso claimed he could not afford, as he would be improving the land for the owner. This man wi,th num bers of others, has not done a day's work this winter. This is very much the policy of all the tenants I have ever known. If they break a pane from the window they call for the owner to put in another. Allow o the ditch that drains the lot to fill up and notify the owner that they can hardly get in their lot on account* of the mud? Is it any wonder such people are renters ? This same lack of co-operation, and same stupidity is characteristic of a vast majority of land owners and the most damaging example and greatest obstruction to prog ress in our Dixie Land. Is it any wonder the tenant is so trifling? In the general summing up of the subject one is about the equal of the. other, and all affected with the same old disease, growl, growl, and do nothing. Kellefln Hlx Hours ' Distressing Kidney aud Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by the "NEW GKKAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving f»ain in bladder, kidneys and back, n male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remejiy. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. adv. To Care a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qulniue Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fail* to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on eaoh box. 25 cents. adv. The' Carolina Municipal Associa-| tion, compseod of mayors and mu nicipal offcers( re-elected Mayor Bland of Chnrlott - *, president at its meeting in 'Charlotte last week, 1 and decided to hold its next meet ing in Asheville. \ ] £_ Child Cross t Feverish t Hick t A cross, peevish, listless child, with coajjed tongue; pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very, little,-, again ravenously hungry; stom ach sour, breath fetid, pains in the stomach; with diarrhoea; grinds teeth while asleep, starts up with terror—all suggests a worm kill er—something that expels worms, and almost every child has them, Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box to-day. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Kicka poo Worm Killer is a candy con fection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. 25c, at your druggist. adv. Jesse Sprinkles, caught beneath a log and internally injured while at work in the forests of Haywood cfruhty, two waeks agk, died last week in an Asheville hos pital. Coughed for Three Years. "I am a lovei 1 to your godsend to humanity and science. Your medicine, Dr. King's New Discov ery, cured my cough of three years standing," says Jennie Fleming, of New-Dover, Ohio. Have . /ou an annoying cough? Is it stubborn and wont yield to treatment ? Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery to-day. 'What it did for Jeilnie Fleming it will do for you, no matter how stubborn or chronic a cough may , be. It stops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money Back. 50c and SI.OO at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for pim ples. ~ adv. At the home»ot J. W. Cox in Pitt county, two boys, six and three years old, played with a re volver. The 3-year old is dead. Indigestion 1 Can't Est I No Appetite! A teatment of Electric Bitters in creases your appetite, stops indi gestion, you can eat everything. A real Spring tonic for liver, kid ney and stomach troubles. Cleans es your whole system and you feel fine. Electric Bitters did more for Mr. P. D. Peeble's stomach troubles than any. medicine he ever tried. Get a bottle to-day. 60c and' SI.OO at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Ec zema. _ adv. EGGS—Buff and White Orping tons, S. C. White Leghorns and Goldep Seabright Bantams—fine stock— per SPtting of 15. B. N. TURNER, , , Graham, N. C. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y/VJTjT Signature of SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, SI.OO A YEAR -IN ADVANCE.- ffSCASTORIA |,yg| | Vnr Tnfantm and Children. II PASTOIBI The K ' nd You Havc || f Always Bought H I Hi SSS£22SSSS| Beara the /(/^« P«li»n«BWiwM Signature /Aft Promotes DigpstionileHM- « X X • l» ■P nessandßratContalmnetfrr 01 /|\ \JJ EGos Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral. # \\. IT pgt> ! : ! |i; Not Narcotic. j tA ir I£{ !ft $ In 121 ' !U J* 11-p s .ttsassffi ( \ (r u5 e KS'M 1 Wonnsfonvulsionsfevom I 11/ _ « jEil nessandLosSOFSLEEP- IJM LnK llypr lg||t iteas"si#-n««f I W IUI UIUI I- Thirty Years SgSCASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. . T)(1 «tirr»ini aoana". *«w vo»« errr. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Direct Line To All Points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts Through Pullman to Atlanta leaves, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., making close connection for an arriving Montgom ery following day after leaying Raleigh, 11:00 a. w., Mobile 4:12 p. m., New Orleans 8:20 p. m., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. Through Parlor Car fJr Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m., making close connec- , tion with the Carolina, Special and arriving Cincinnati 10:00 a. m. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem-leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Greensboro 6:30 a. m., making close connection for all points North, Soneh, East and West. This car is handled on train 111 leaving Goldsboro at 10:15 p. m. If you desire any information, please write or call. We are here to furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. 0. JONES, T. P. A., General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St., Washington, D. 0. Raleigh, N. C. DO O VER |^i| a piece of AT OUR H| EXPENSE WW Come in and gctafreecan HN of Kyanizc, 4>ig enough ■ to do a chair G a border around a I •mall room. Wewillgive jou one of 9 our regular 15c cans, absolutely without charge, if you buy a 10c Kyanize brush to do the finishing with. For Floor, and all Woodwork will make anything made of wood about your house look like new. It easily applied and driea quick and hard. You can put it on with the moat pleating results. Kyanix4 won't chip, peel or turn white. It ia a sanitary finish which can be easily kept clean by wiping It with a damp cloth. Com* in today and got a from eon We hart the color you want.- The 10 centa vou pay for the brush will be refunded if you are not immensely pleaaad with the Kraniae. COBLE-BRADSHAW HARDWARE COMPANY, BURLINOTON. - - - N. C. n CO VEAOS rr- -tat w.j. a • " V ft t. v , j I" ■ ' —• 4 Graham Drag Co. i Bucklen's Arnica Salve THE WORLD-FAMOUS HEALER Bm !k»i!«. Gals, Piles, Eczema. SUa Eraptieas, Ulcers. F ever-Sores, Pimples, Itch, Felons, Weaats, Braises, Chilblain* Dlam/ara vsiiiwiosDSf RMlwviHf Sere Lies aadllaais, . field - Seres, ONLY GENUINE'ARNICA SALVE. MONEY BACK IK IT FAILSL aOcATALLDRUCCIBT». Subscribe for THE QLEANER— SI.OO { year in advance. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books* Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c„ &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Olflce Graham, N. C. I Very Serious It la a very aerioua matte* to aak I Cor one medicine and have the wrong one given jtool " For thia reaaon we urge you in buying to ba careful to (at the genuine— BLACT-MGHT Uver Medicine 1 The reputation of thia oUL relia ble madicine, for conation, itv * nd . U * er trouble, ic firm- * lyaatabtiehed. It doe* not imhata other ott«, or it would not be the fo> powder, with a larger ®®la 'hair alt others combined. sou> w TOWM N Electric" Bitters *»• *."?* Wan Of Him. bat four bottles at Electric Biuera ! made me feel like e new man." T ggijOCT&ftT.lU. DIL'6 STORES- El Subscribe for THE GLEANER— JUS a year to advance, ■ „ .faQss. C." . :***■. * t •