THE GLEANER OKAHA.II, N. 0., Feb. 11,1015. PwtofliM Hows. onto op«n 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m.' inudar Mt tollJO«.B' and U» toLOOp-a f \ J. M. MoCRACKEN. Pottwattr. —A good number of public school teachers braved the mud last Sat urday and attended the County Teachers' Meeting. —The street builders have, haa very favorable weather this w£ek. They have made good use of it' and have made excellent progress, with their work. —Prof. C. W. Rankin carried his ■ little son to the hospital In Greens-) boro last Saturday, and the little one underwent an operation this i week and stood it all right. J —lt is wonderful to relate, but I neverless, a fact, that Ihe mud has | almost disappeaied from the; streets of Graham. Ten days ago there appeireJ to bj enough of it to la«t a whole year. —The store of Aless. J. M Craw ford & Son was entered l.iat night. 'lhe robbers cut the putty out of a window at the rear of the slore and effected un entrance. Shoes,' Clothing and other tilings .wery ta ken to the amount of tJ50,00, so far as can be estimated. —Dr. Geo. W. Long, who wag car ried to the Sanatorium at Salisbury more than a week ago does not show any decided change for the better, as learned from reports. However, most of the time he in comfortable and reasonably free from pain. No decision his -«et been made as to an operation. —A movement is on foot to open another hardware store here. Mr. T. D. Tinnin of Greens boro, experienced in the hardware business, has been hera several times lately and has interested" oth ers- in the enterprise, Mess. Ernest Thompson and Mr. \V. .T. Nicks be ing among those mentioned in con nection with the business. —Mrs. Walter R. Harden gave her husband a surprise Tues her husband a surprise Tuesdajf nifht for supper. It was his birth day. She hid prepared the sup per and invited the guests, and n.» had no intimation of what was go ing on until he got homo from hisl business and found the supper and guests waiting for him. Box Party at Bethany Saturday Night. On Saturday, Feb'y 1,3, at_7.3o p. m., at Bethany School house there Will be a "Box Party" for the ben _ -fft-otjyie school. The public is in vited. Lallies bring boxeas. Her 85th Birthday. On Sunday, 31st ult., Mr. Green A. Nicholson and family, at his home near Bellemont, gave Miss 'Laura E. Sharpe, a birthday din ner on her 85tn birthday. This la dy and her sister, Miss Tempy E. Sharpe, now nearly 90 years old, have made their home with Mr. Nicholson, their kinsman, for a number of years. The day was one of happiness for these good women and will be remembered with Bleasure the remainder of their ves. Evangelist Lightbourne and Rev. J. V. Knight Coming to Graham. We arr very glad to be able to announce that He v. Victor Light bourne is to conduct an evangel istic meeting In the Graham Chris tian church, beginning on the, night of April 8, IXIS. The meeting will continue at least ten days. We are also glad to announce that Rev. J. V. Knight will assist us in our special revival meetings at New Providence, beginning on the night of June 20th, 1915. Both of these brethren "are great preachers and have had great suc cess in evangelistic work, and we indeed fortunate in being able to have them come to Graham Let Every Christian begin now to pray for the success of these meet ings. The Price of Treachery. Henry, the oldest son in the Wil liams' iamily, takes upon himself a crime committed by his youngest brother, and is driven from lio'ne by bis implacable iachcr. He be comes captain o( the schooner, "Hui land which founders and blows up during a heavy gale, but he and the cook are rescued in a thrilling scene by the keeper of the lighthouse and his daughter. The younger brother, having pre viously met this attractive maiden, tries to abduct her, but the pi in is foiled and he pays the penalty of his fool-hardiness with his life. Robert (alls in love with the girl and eventually marries her. This popular picture drama in Ue acts (reels) can be seen at the "Mexican" Satuidav night, Febru ary 13th. You will miss a treat if you fail to see it. Matinee live and ten cents—at night ten cents to all. Captured About 60 Gallons. Last Thursday evening Deputies Chas D. Story and H. O. Stock ard, armed with a search and seizure procesi went to the home of Wo>. McCoy and Elizabeth Cass in Pleas sit Grove township neartbe Caswell line. They searched the premises in and oat and were on the eve of _tli rowing up their handa when an 'exceedingly fat looking bed attracted ' their attention and they proceeded to inreetigmte. Tbey "struck ile." Here they found fourteen 6-gal lon kegs. They sat up all night with"the booty and hired a team to bring it to Graham tbe next day and put it in jail. The Weather. Since laat Thursday the weather has been fine. It haa been cold and oriap in tbe morninga. Excepting last Friday it haa been almost per fectly dear every day. "Ptef CMy Heart" - A Dramatic Recital by Miss Flor ence C. Davis, at Burlington Graded School, Saturday night, Feb. 13ih, at 8 o'clock ouiuno rasovJt. ' MRS. CHICHESTER. B&^3KUpOU-ber daughter. ALARiC— lter son. CHRSTIAN BRENT-A social JARVIS-The butler THE MAID. SIR OBRALD ADAIR-Familiarly known as "Jerry." PEG—Mrs. Chichester's niece. Tickets for adults 35c.; children under 15 yean, 25c. Mo reserved | p seats Recital Urtsabout twohoora ( ' ♦ ♦ : ♦ PERSONAL. + mttWKII t I Ml ♦♦♦ !♦+♦♦+ _ ■*». -• * * ...r - - • . Uy Mr. Clyde Hunter spent yesterday in Mebane. , Mr. J. M. McCracken spent Tuea i da yin Raleigh. Mr. B.' S. Robertson of Greens boro spent Monday hers, -, Miss Donnie Cobb'spent the last of last - week in Greensboro. Mr. Al. Paris of Msbane spent last Friday and Saturday here. Mr. Grant Estlow went to Rock !' ing ham last week on business. Mr. J. DQlph Long went to Kox , boro yesterday on basinuis. | Mrs. R. L. Holmes visited in ! Chapel Hill Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. J. J. Barefoot spent last Thursday and Friday in Raleigh. I Messrs J. L. Scott, Jr., and J. R a {e| e ll B P ent yestoi-day in Miss Alene Burns of Raleigh spent Monday here with Mrs. T. H. Nifong. Mesdames C. P. Albright and Mary Martin spent Tuesday in ; Greensboro. . Miss Blanche Scott is visiting Bonna arid Ethel William son at Saxapahaw.' Mrs. H. W, Scott was called to Raleigh yesterday on account of the illness of her father. Mr E. D. Scott spent Mnday and Tuesday in the Western part of the State on business.. Mr. W. H. Shoffner of Hartshorn was here to-day and made Tbe Gleaner a pleasant .call. Mrs. W. F. R. Clapp\vent College Sunday to attend the fu neral of Mrs. J. P. Huffman. Dr. JS M, Goley of High Point was here Monday attending the fu neral of Mrs. S W. C. Ifornaday. Mr. J: Rufus Foster of Onkdale community, Patterson township, was here on business yesterday. Mr. J. R. Ponnell of Greensboro is here visiting hjj sisters, Mes dames C. P. Albright and R B. Tate. Mr. S." A. Holleman of Greensboro spent from Saturday afternoon till Sunday evening with Mr. 3. Edgar Long. Mr, Hansford Simmons left Sat urday for Raleigh where he will, resume study at Page's School of Pharmacy. Hon. John H. Vernon of Burling ton, Representative in the tfSnerST Assembly, spent Saturday morning here on business. u-Mr. J.- W. Menefee is at homo for a day or two, having Just return ed from . a busine-ft trip to the Western part of the State. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and Master Melvin of Mebane came up yesterday evening on a visit to the home of Mrs. Thompson's fa ther, Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr. The Dr. returned to Mebane this morning. A Sunday School Feature. A meeting of unusual interest was held at the Presbyterian church last Thursday night. A class was formed there about two months ago with Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., as teacher. We understand it was organized with eight mem bers and has grown to about 50 at this time. The purpose is to get those to attend who dq not at tend other Sunday Schools—men and boys—gather there from the the highways and hedges, it has been named the Brotherhood Class of the Presbyterian' Sunday School. Last Thursday night the class held a reception and invited some guests. Coffee and sandwiches were served. A speaker had been invited, Mr. Norman Schllchter of Charlotte, who made the principal address. His address was pro nounced to be very fine. He had an audience of about 100 men and boys. No doubt this movement will result in the accomplishment of much good. Services at M. E. Church. Services at the If. E. Church, South, on Friday evening, Feb. 12, at 7:30 o'clock by tbe Presiding Elder, and Quarterly Conference-im mediately afterwards. Preaching rth' the following Sunday morning, sub ject: "Dead, yet shaking." 'The worship of the evening hour will be conducted by tbe Presiding Elder. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. C. M. GBAHT, Pastor. When a man falls he never teems, to hit the bottom. -* Store For Rent Oneida Store building. The best store room and the best location town. Possession given at once. For further information call at 1 Oneida Office, Graham, N. C. ■•*••! 1 t .J* 4/ i Wanted! By young married man experi enced in managing labor and in gen eral farming, position aa farm man ager, or to work farm on aharee. Address Box 183, It Haw River, N. 0. A Story Of Suffering Told by a Gra ham Man. Here is a story of severe suffer ing that many people go through every day withou. relief. But why endure ItT Read Mr. Garret's words and you will realize that much suffering does not have to be endured. Proof of merit like the following ie what you are been looking for. W. W. Garrett, Prop'r restaurant, South Main Street, Grshsm, says: "About a year ago I had % baa attack of kidney colic. I suffered severely. I thought my back was broken and I wss laid up for days st a time unsMe to help myself. My kidneys were weak and caused ma a lot of trouble. Doan's Kid- Pney. Pills did more for me thsn anythllg I have ever taken. Thev strengthened my back and kid neys acted properly. Whenever I notice my kidneys are out Of fix now, a few doses of Dosn's Kid ney Pills give me relief. Price Me st sit dealers. Dont simply ssk for a kidney remedy— (get Doan's Kidney Pills—tbe lime 1 tha Mr. Garrett had. Foster- IMilburn Co., Props., Buffalo * V. adv. m , * - ; \ ■ , 3 M i isL-, - ' County Coawmsstouers' Proceedings. . The Board in regular monthly ■ seisibn on February latf, fcith all the members present, transacted the fol r lowing business: The following werd relieved of . taxes : Julia E. Patterson of Graham *ownship $1 80 for* Bellemont Grad ( ed School; J. H. Catee $137 for Faiifcround Graded School, not be • ing in district; W. C. Smith on |2K), error in listing; J. S. Mcßaneon one ; dojp, error in listing. ' G. Ab. Fogleman was authorized to investigate discontinuance of road ■ from Graded School at Haw River to Trolinwojd and re(>ort to next meet ■ iD * Petitions for roads were filed as t follows: Fp>m. Coble township fur macadam road from Homewood pluce to Grover Shoffner place, about two miles; from Newlin township f>>r sand-clay road from Saxapahaw to • Chatham, lipe; for road near Fair Grounds serosa county's land and others, to be heard at nex l meeting; from Albright township forsand-clav ' road from Sidney Thompson i-lace to Dafayelte Holt saw miles, 1 and for public road from John Askew'a by Seymore Coble and Atex Boon places to macadam road. The reports of C. D. Johnston, Register of Deeds, J. D. Kernodle; G. 8.. 0., and Dr. G. W. Long, Supt. ! of Health, were a' cepted and filed. The? report of the engineer on r >ad at J. F. Homewood's was accepted ' and* same ordered opened by pet i t'ons under sup rvision of Road Supt. Bond to be given to savo | county harmless for one half dam age, if any allowed. Jurors were drawn, for Court, | March 22nd. The following 'resolution was intro duced' and its adoption moved and seconded, to-wit; BE IT RESOLVED, That where as, under the presei#law. applicable ■ to the County of Alamance, there , can only, be levied aiid collected for road purposes (including the pay ment of the interest on th? Two 1 Hundred Thousand ($200,000) Dollar Good Road Bond Issue) the sum of • 16 2-3 cts. on .the One Hundred )il00.00( Dollars of property valu ( ation tor road purposes; And whereas, it is absolutely nec | terest on said bond issue, this do?s not leave a sufficient sum to even maintain the macadam roads al , ready constructed without doing any work on any other roads; > And whereas, iis absolutely nec essary for the interests of thi Couftty, that taxes be levied for road purposes to enable the Coun ty to nave sufficient income in ad dition to setting aside the siak ing fund for and paying the inter est on said bond issue to maintai'n said macadam roads and do some • work on other roads; THEREFORE, Be it resolved? that this Board procure the draft ing and submitting to the Legis lature a bill so amending the wks i ent law, as that there may betlev ied a -tax to be called a road , of not more than 12)c on the One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of property valuation, the proceeds of said tax to be used to provide a sinking fund for the retirement of and to pay the interest on the bonds issued by said countv ana known as "Good Roads Bonds." That in addition thereto, that the Board of Commissioners of this j county may be permitted to lew a tax for road purposes in additioir to said 12)fc on the One Hundred dftioo.oo) of property valuation above referred tp in an amount of not mores than 16 2-3 ctS. on the One Hundred ($100) Dollars of property valuation, the proceeds of which to be used by the Boird , of County Commissioners in such manner and at such times ana places as they deem for th? best interest of the county in maintain ing and constructing roads and bridges in the county. After discussion this resolution was unanimously adopted. 1 The following resolution was intro | duced and its adoption moved and seconded: BE IT RESOLVED, That whereas, the Legislature of -North Carolina at its session in 1911 passed an Act placing the officers of Alamance County, mentioned in said Act on salaries Act being Chapter 617 1 of the Public Local Laws of 1911); p and whereas, said act has->been in f force a sufficient time for this Boardl to Mfo its operation and ef , feet on -the offices of the County County Treasurer, Bheriff and Reg ister- of Deeds, and Its effect on i the Clerk's office can be, st This , day, ascertained; and whereas, in the opinion of this Board It was ii tended that salaries provided for ■ the holders of the various offices were to be paid to and received by these officers were to be paid to a lid received by these officers for their personal services; and it was not contemplated or intended that !. they should be called upon to pay any part of said salary to others for necessary work connected with their Office, and which they could not personally perform. And whereas, the book-keeping i problem ss to certain matters con , nected with the Sheriff's office, to t .witas 'to the fees for serving • papers issued and placed in the brands of deputies (particularly dep uties required to he appointed bv special laws concerning certsin mill villages in the county) , Justices of the Peace, Mayors and Officers ' from other counties, is entirely dis proportionate to the fees received, ana It is practically impossible for the Sheriff to keep correct ac counts of these; and wheress, the! tbe work in tbe various offices has i Increased in rqpent years,! articularly the work In the office of the Register of Deeds, in that since the passage of the said salary bfll above referred to thvrc has been* installed a system of , book-keeping and accounting In the office of the Register of Deeds thst requires the continuous service of -n competent book keeper, and all of tjre offices have ■ to Jreep more extensive nnd acu i rate hooka than heretofore In ord"r I h Wli r ** Urn * ' " lUjr * ! by ;| II Sow, therefore b«4t resolved : That this Board employ an At torney arid have drafted a bill amending the Act of the Legisla ture above referred to, placing th« i officers oC Aladuinee countv on sal- I ries, as follows :T Ist. So thit nro , visions may be made lor a Clerk , In the office Clerk of the Si , perior Court, of Alamince countv I at a salary of Six Hundred ci Wrt.ixii Kr year. tod. So- that there shall provided for 'clerk hire for , clerks and book-keepers, In th? of . flee of tIM Krister of D?eds to* [ Alsmnnce countv, »he sum of Elrht .Hundred (YMf-tO) Dollars in addf-i • i" 0 ?, the Kx nnnlrsd (T>*>o.oo), iR , provided, ranking, ! hire in' tim office oftbe Reg|st«r , of Deedii Fourteen (M.tM oo» Do|- . lars. Of this , sftim Six Hundred jfWM.OO) Dollars Is to provHe a. desk to the Register of D«ede, and Bight Hundred (98M.M) Dollars is to provide a book-keeper and audit clerk in said office to pay for making out the tax books of| of the county annually. 3. 80 1 Chat there shall be provided lor clerk - hire, book-keepsrs *nd dep uties, in the office' ot the Sheriff . of Alamance county Five Hundred ■ ('WOO.00! Dollars in addition to the One Thousand (1,000.00) Dollars | already provided by law for clerks, 1 1 and deputies in connection with 11 this office as fixed by law the sum, 1 of Fifteen Hundred (1,500.00) Dol- i 1 Dollars. This extra Five Hundred j 1 tC.000.00) is to pay for an office dep-! i uty or book-keeper in said office 1 1 made necessary by the provisions | of the salary bill. 4th. Bo| that pro-, vision shall be made that the Sheriff i shall not be called upon to account 1 for fees for issuing papers issued by j Justices of the Peace or Mayors 1 within „the county or any officers 1 from Without the county, unless t such papers shill be served by c said Sheriff person illy, but these t not be accounted for shall not be- s long to the Sheriff, but shall go and belong to the deputy serving t such papers. sth. 80 that the ti amount paid by the way of salary t and clerk hlwf to any officer In Al-1 nmance county in any one year 1 . shall under no circumstances ex- 1 ceed the amount of feas and missions collected in and through' said office in any one year, and in 1 the event such salary and clerk hire shall exceed said amount, then the deficiency shall be mad? up by deducting the amount which said fees ana commissions fall short from the salary provided for the officer filling said office. . In j making the calculation concerning the fees and commissions received, the salaries and clerk hire paid, the year pball be deemed to have start ed the first Monday in December, 1914, and shall start on the first Monday of each December thereaf- ' ter. After discussion, this resolution was unanimously adopted. The following resolution was Intro duced, and a motion was made , and duly seconded that it be adopted. BE IT RESOLVED, That whereas, under the present law concerning 1 the working of the Public Roids in Alamance county, it is provided that a person liable to work, upon the Public Roads, shall work for three days or pay in lieu thereof the sum oil One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents (J\t.2s). And, whereas, this is not believed to be just, therefore, bs it resolv ed, that this Board have a bill prepared to amend this law pro viding that a person liable to work on the Public Ho ids shall be required to work two days or that in lieu thereof they may pay the sufn of One Dollar and Twenty-five cents (*>.25). Aftqr discussion this resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Foust Cele brate Golden Wedding. A half century is a lonj} time, ,as mm measures it by tin years 'of his life,. it looks endless —past, it is bit a spin. On Feb. 9, 1865, Mr. Thomas C. Foust and Miss Mary Robbins were htppiiv •married at the home of t ie t,rid 's father, Mr. Ahi Robbins, four miles south of Old Trinity College, Ran dolph coynty, on a bleak, cold day —the earth" covered with sniw. Mr. Robbins was a man of sub stance, influential, honored ana honorable. The date, '65, carries the mind .back to turbulent dtys the civil war th -n. Dress goods were chiefly home-mad \ for little else eotill bs had, so Mrs. Mrs. Foust was married In a homo made dress. They started for Al- . amance on their wedding day, but J next day thev reached their desti-t got only to Trinity, that night. The next day they reached their home a little less than two miles South of Graham, and there they have lived happily all these years, and reared a family of four sons and four daughters, who are an honor and Joy to them in their old age. » Tuesday, the anniversary day, ; was a bright, beautiful day. Mr. Koust, now in his Bird yeir ana Mrs. Foust, in her 77th, are both hale and active. They minglea freely with their gjest* an 1 en tered into the spirit of thf» occa sion. Friends, relatives .and neigh bors from the country around, and from Graham and Burlington, call- 1 ed from 8 to 5 in the afternoon to pay respects and tender con gratulations. A cup of cofiee and a light luncheon were served the callers. A go!Fjieaded cans for the fa ther and a gold handled umbrella for the mother, were the presents from the children nod grandrchll dren. A number of other, hand some, valuable and appropriate gifts came from friends. The children were Dr. J. I. Fount, President of the State N. & I. Col lege Greensboro; Prof. T. R Foust, lege, Greensboro; Prof. J. I. Foust, Supt. Of Education for Guilford county; Prof. Frank L. Fous', Prin cipal of Pleasant Garden School; • Mr. James A. Foust, who lives on an adjoining farm; Mrs. A. L. Hen ley of Greensboro, and Miss Mary Foust, who lives at home. Mrs. W. h. Smith Of Elon College was sink and Mrs. I>. L. White of Winston- Salem were unable to attend. A number of «hc grand-children were present with their parents. Hey. Mr. Williams of Greensboro and Mrs. ftallle Harris of Chanel Hill, a I niece, were present. A list of call ers who went by private convey ance is a lon ; one and embraced the friends all around. It was a Joyous and hartpv oc casion and abounded in goon wishes for a continuation of hap piness and good health to the ven ■ arable an ddistlnguish?d host ana hostess. " j Al Tbe Mexican. | Below is Hie program at the ] "Mexican" for the week h. ginning 1 Friday night, Februarv 19th. FRIDAY NIGHT. The Little Country Mouse. The Hidden Me*>tge, ► , Leading Lizzie Astray. SATURDAY NIGHT. J A Romance of Old Holland. Cupid Ana A Dress Coat. 1 . MONDAY NIGHT. J • The Sisters. Shot Guns that Kick TUESDAY NIGHT. * Mother of the Shadows. Tbe Hud Mistake. WEDNESDAY NIOHT. ' A DenVer Romance. The Hop Smugglers. Getting Acquainted. THURBDAY NIGHT. Another Chance.' I Tbe Strength Ten. ( Mutual Girl No. 4T. Tenth Instalment of Tbe Million ! i lollar Mystery. FRIDAY NIGHT. v j A Question of Courage. i Other People's Hailne**, SATI RDAY NIGHT. \ Tbe City of Dirkncs*. Limping Into Happiness. - . ' | j MOVIES AID TO STUDENTS. Cornell President Haya film Hliows Lessen Beer-tjiiixllng-Partlea. New York Sun. r . That the moving pictures show lhasf '-proved tho most powerful n'gent tor the. upbuilding of sound moral? in college students was one Che assertions of President Jacob Gould Sihurm'in of Cornell l'ni* vcrsity at the annual binquct pi' the Cornell Club ot Western P.-nn svlvani 1 in the u'nion_ Club here last night. " n ithica," he said,, "we have it of tli3 gre itest ben .'fit in mak mnnlv fellows of oar students. It is not like It was a few years ngo. Nowadavs when the boys have a little time hanging on their hands they do not organize "parties" as of old, and go down in to "town' to guzzle beer an.l shoot pool in some ambiguous tynporium. "instead thev spend a nickel or ten cents to see a thrilling 1-reel drama and return home with all the excitenient lh;'y want." Honor Roll For Graham Graded School, January, 1915. FIRST GRADE- Donald Andrews, Barney Clark, Carlisle Mann, Delia Moore, Robert Shoe, Audrey Webster. HIGH FIRST GRADB- Edward Allred. *" Johnnie Allred. Joe Blaylock, Grace Boggs, Swannie Black, William Harden, Don Holt, Elizabeth Montgomery, •• Cletus Owens, Martha Parrish, Theodore Phillips, Walter Rainey, Nellie Reavis, Robert Rich, Joybell Rogers, Louise Robertson, Margaret Walker. SECOND GRADE.- Cornell Ausley, Frances Ausley, John Aldridge, Stanley Craddock, Dela Foust, Leola Foust, Doshia Fogleman, Ercell -Cteanes, Thomas Harden, Beatrice Hancock, Cornelia Hornbuekle, Minnie Johnston, Agnes McPherson, James Nicholson, Edwin Reavis, Ethel Rich, Thomas Turner, Maggie Thomas, Maage Vaughn, 1 Ruth Walker, Ruth Watson, Sybil Williams, THIRD GRADE- Eugene Black, Beulah Cornell, Thelma Clapp, Robert Oeanes, Claudle Holt, Reuben Hornbuekle, William Hadley, Rebecca Johnston, May King, Darrell Moser, Lida Murray, Edith Moore, Flossie Moser, Walter Robertson, Ida Rainey, Madle Suits, Myrtle Teer, Hattie Whitfield, Hattic Welch, Narvie Webster. FO RTH GRADE- Myrtle Andrews, Lessie Ezell, Kathleen Harden, Thomas Hadley, Lois Harden, Aimer Longest, John Nichols, Gladys Suits, Elise Thompson, Lou Thomas. FIFTn GRADE— Lonnie Clajip, Margaret Harden, Margaret Moore, Miltfred Moore, Ava Suits, Alyne Tate, Dora Woodworth. SIXTH TIRADE— Versle Geanes, John' Harden, Claude McCann, Zaccho Black, ~ . Gaynell Webster, Lucile Walker, Mary Whitfield, SEVENTH GRADE. Arthur Ezell, Hal Farrell, Allie Martin, Enifa Nicks, AI vis Rich. EIOHTH GRADE- F.lizabeth Anderson, Lacy Bradshaw, Lola Ezell, Dtfver Fogleman, Lfita Harden, Zelma Hornbuekle, Lovlck Kernodle, Annie lien Long, Mattfe Montgomery, Nina Holt, Lucile Holmes, Louise Moore, Nell Thompson. NINTH GRADE.- Llla Bell, ' Chana' Browning, Gertrude Cook, Boyd Harden. TENTH GHADE.- Conley Albright, Myrtle Gates. Dorr is HoU. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtu* of s power of Ml* contained It. certain raort# ace deed executed to Ihe uiwW •l*ned Moriiravee by Aim. tlnli,and duly worded In (look !*o H «r Mortgage lieoda, |mih W and MM. In tbe o«« of lb* of of Alemanoe county, ortll''«ru llna. tbe undertlfned *lll el tbe eourt boute door In Orshun. at U o'c'oek M , on MONDAY, MARCH i»r, 1915, •el! to the bl(b«e bidder for ea«b. tbet rer- Klo tract or parcel of land lylne end Mln« Albrurbi'a toarneblp. Alamanw ■fiunlr. Wocta Caiolloe. adjoining the land* nt A 11. hk-knlsoD on tbe K>,utbMat.on tbe W. at by fan taeler and ' ley laeler, on tb-. (forth by Mans Ho.t, and un the Baal l>y Mike Kaua', and kM«g aa the Oreen Nlcliolaoo old home place, abd the borne of Alei. Ilolt Said tract eMitalbf at) ,ut thirty »crra. and la U ln« eold to iMiafy ib> l«(.d (eeured by tlie afore said moHnmm deed. Tbla February lat, Itl* H. • . CLAPP, Moriffatcee. W. H.Uarroll, Atfy. Scmce by Publication at ate or Worth Carolina, Count; of Ala ma nee. lathe Superior Coart, March Tri m, f 111,1. Will OHver, Plaintiff. Mary Oliver, Defendant. Tbe defendant alete nanrd wl|l take (miles Umi an action entitlod »• alM>ve ha- l«-> n i MHlno'-nr. ! in lb* uprrlor "iirt ot Ale- 1 manre county l» the pialnltlf an-l uun.t the defeniant for the purjetM of o-cunna an , atnolute dlromi from dele dent; and Iho Mid defendant WIII In ther take noiii-,: that, ab- la n-«|uln«l t» api>ear al tbe neat leria of tb* woneilor (lourt or mI4 f"UIIIy to l« held atUraiiam, N C-. a« UlO eirtirt houx.- on the fltai Monday tn Mon-li afwl artiiwer it demur to Ihe pHumltt Will iu.|>!>,H>ilie vourt for Uie mlkf ieaiaiidid in wdd aetxHi. jlTbtotbi r.ibdaiol Junu iry. IH'i A i. O. C.JJ O. 1 ■j. B.Cook, Alfy. tijantt ti i'.. i. ~ 1 DRUG PURITY (, ' I Very Serious is absolutely nectary if the drugs ..' • ■ bis a vary serious matter to ash I '-k ami prepirations are expected to do '■&■, / Q I tor one medicine and have th* ■ their proper work. We make drug f/ f/fi I w,uu f cam given jrou. For MB purity air motto in all departments '' B rssaon we urg* yoa in I | iij'i4 ! |9 of tliii pharmacy. Whatever you get 10 f* here, proscripiions, toilet prepare- \ THEPPOBW tions o simple! houeehold remedies . X Uw|jtol\ B lIRAUw will be found up to our standard of UftT Mcdldne I Us DtdUoMv constipation, io* I —— ■ digeatlao and liver trouble is lhm> ■ Hayes Drug Co, ROY LONG, Mor. I 'Phone 97 • Graham Thirty-One-piece Dinner Sets | For GLEANER Subscribers Pay $2.95 and you get any set you want, and you get credit on The GLEANER for one year. € \.. v - \ j 'V ■ . Beautiful goods. Will make a nice present, or give excellent service on your own table. This ware is bought and shipped direct from the factory, and you get it without paying a cent of profit. Each set is well packed in a box by itself, and will be delivered at THE GLEANER OFFICE, GRAHAM. GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY Baptist—N. Main St.—Jan. W. Rose, l'aslor. Preaching services every first ai.d Third 3unday» at 11.U0 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday bcliool every Sunday at IMS u. in.— C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. » Qraham christian Church—N.Main Street—J. K. Morgan, Pastor l'reachiug services every Sec ond and Fourth Sundays, at 11.00 a. m. , , Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—E. L. Henderson, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Street, near the Depot—J. F. Morgan, l'astor. Preaching every Second and Fourh Sundays at 3.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p, m.-Arthur T. Walker. Su perintendent. Friends—NortU of Graham Pub lic School—J .Kobert Parker, Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. in. and at 7.30 p.- m. Sunday School'every Bunday at 10.00 a. m.—Miss Belle Zachary, Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal. South—cor. Main and Maple St., C. M. Grant, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at (Mi a. m.— W. B. Green, Supt. Metliouist Protestant—College St., West of Graham Public School, Kev. O. B. Williams, l'astor. Preaching every First, Third and, Fourth Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and every First, Third," Fourth and Fifth Sunday* at T. OO p. DC Sunday School every Sunday at 9.16 a. in.—J. S. Cook, Supt. Presbytefian—Wst Elm Street— Itev. T. M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at ft. I$ a. m. - Chat, C. Thompson, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. E. Lebby, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su ' perintendent. SAVE Money On ; OATS', CORN, : (;i:a.v. ' BREAD Mr.AL, ! flo. i:— 11. sr RADF. HELf,-RISING, REST Git Mu- STRAIGHT, (h!SO- MORSE AND MLUE Fi?KD. MOLABfO SWGKT FEED. CONNO l!«N FRED, A LP.\f,Fa HAY. ' TIMOTHY HAY, Wilt AT SI RAW, 11EK " PI LP, SfiIPSTCJ'F, 17 i PP. CENT, COTTON SEED Ml\L. I |»V CALLING n> GHKB-COBLK FEED STORK BEFORE &• VINO. 1 FARMER, IP YOU HAVE OATS, • CORN OR STRAW FOR SALE, SEE US FOR BEST PRICE. MMJHU FEED STORE (JIUU.IJI, N.C. Notice of Mortgagee's Sale ol Real Estate. Under and bjr virtue of the i oarer of Ml* coniitl hi (1 la a rvrlalii morlgaKe catruieii on i th»- :tlHi ln> l»i wiiiimt, jvl >. liy v alUi i Fuller' hihl lilii wlfr. Km i mil' Fuller, to W. I. ICI wyii fi"t Nfi'ioy E. liwryn, fur tin- |'un o « I of M'cuiinu the raymmit »i • ct rmln bond I lor I ir fit huiMiiad and ninety Ave do I lira 9Mt.V(nij arid In ureal. due and i ayably Janu ary •i, ittlA, said »m*inic «»uly i»ro listed and recorded In the olice or the ll.*'*- lor ol I). cUa for Alamance county, In llook of MoitirHifC* an i Durd* of Tru«t No. U4.11 imw n .'ildefault having lieen tnwdt* in tt.e payni«-tit of a »id bond, ibe uudsrslgned tnori gagce will, on MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1915, at the court bona door of Alamance county at Qraliutn. N. 0.« at laf o'clock M., offer for aale at nubile auction to tbe blvbeat bidder for cath tbe following diacribcd real estate, to-wilt A certal'i tract or parcel of land In Ala mance county. North«rollna, adjoining tbe iHtidaof J. II IIUHOII. Carr laleT and othe'a, and more part cularly bounded a«d deacrib ed as followa: Ikn Innltifr at a rock In centre of public road trorn at Altamabaw >»tiou Mills on aald Carr luley'a line; thence N UJf deg K with aald road 20 « ba and 17 Iks to a red oak tree on North aids of said road; thenoe N 4A\ den W 101 lis 4> ika to a rock and ceuar bush , on Houth aide of aald mad, corner with Aaa laley and aald llason; thrnos N V\ deg W 10 ' cha toe rock; tbeuoe 8 14dsf W 2 cbasndoO Ika to a nick; tbetu-e H 1-1 deg KTt cba and 06 ika to the to*inning, containing AO acres, ' more or less, the asrae being tbe plsnts lon upon wblcb add Walter Fuller now rosldea : This the fttb dsy of January, 181 ft. W. iroWYN and • NANCY K. OWT !i, Mortgawiea. OrO-O —O —O- 'O — O —O —O—O —O—O ' i i I Dixon'* Lead Pencils are the | ■ j are TUB UKBT. Try them + I and be convinced. Tney are j i.j for tale at this office.—Sc. j > • I o—O—o —o—o—o o —o — o— o—o—o '7XHB fascinating story unfolds a baffling » mystery—the disappear ance of a millionaire and one million dollars. It is ■ a notable wodc of fiction. You'll enjoy reading it Story now running and ia pictured every Thursday Bight at the Mex ' lean. Soilid Mahogany Ciiocks, 8-day, with fine Jeweled visible escape ment. fl you need a good, relliable Clock, that will keep correct time and look well for a life time, I HAVE THEM FROM $5 to (15. Z. T. HADLEY, JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. " HALF-CENT COLUMN. Advertisement. will be lutrM under thle aaadlng at ow-ult of a Mot a word (or aaah Insertion Mo ad. lnMrtad (or Ims than lOots. Count your word, sod send oaan with orler. Each Initial or abbreviation ooaaua word. —lf you want or need ■ blank book—journal, ledger, pocket or vest pockot memorandum, record book or other kinda of blank books, call at The Oleabeb Printing Office. KOUBIW and lota for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. POULTRY HAIBKRS—CycIe In cubators and Brooder combined, &0-egg capacity, and oat-sprouter, both in good condition, for sale cheap. Applyto Jas. W. Rose, Uraham,- N. C. Notice of Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Uoder and by virtue of Uh power of aala contained In a certain mortgage expected on the lat day of Nowmber, ISIS, by H. N. Mc- Hroora to tbe Alamance Inwranee Jk Heal K»tate company for tbe purpoec of securing Mir payment of a certain bond for Two Hun dred and fifty Dollar* (WO.OO) and tbe inter ct thereon, do. and payable November Ist, ItU, default having bean made In Ibe pay ment of Mid bond and tbe lute reel tberaou. «.ld mortgage oelng dnly probated and re corded In tbe office of the KqliUr at 1 »«d» for Alamance count). In Book of Mortgage, and Deed, of Triut No. «l. at pa«a 137, {he undersigned mortgagee will, oo MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915, J at tbe court bouae door of Alamance county, at Uraham, M. C., al 2 o'clock P. tt., oflfcr for aale at nubile auction to th? h iirbeat bidder lor caafa the following deacrlbed real estate to* wit: A tract or parcel «r land In tbe county of Alamance and Stale of North, > aroUaa, In Haw Hirer township, adjoining tbe lands of John Baaon, W. V. Heater. (Jreen I.evei Church, Colored I'ubilc Mbool Lot, Frederick Oliver and others, and bounded la follow., to-wit: . I Mglnnlng at a rock in aald Oliver*, line, corner with Mid Bason, running thence ti as-JsassaasssaiifeS!: E nWob.toa rock on North aide of Mid road! comer with Mid Horter. ttie-oe N 11 del k 40 Ika to a rock, oorner with Mid Heater, thence »7tMdeg K lSJiebatoa rook, co.ner with aald Heater and rhnrch lot; tbenoe 8 18 dec 7 3 aba to a ruck, corner with aald oburch and Mbool lota: thence 811-8 dn W SU cbatoa rack In aald Oliver*, line, corner wltb Ml,l school lot; tbeoce N M deg W 15.«2 ch« to a P o. tree, eoner with Mid Oliver, thence N w deg W ao.ttSrbatothn beginning, and contain ing 17 J> acraa, but to bc tbe anme lie there more or leaa. a T A || t V. y Tfj P>la-V a HP r Mnrtngwi '