HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE Affep Fov Tears ef Discouraging 1 K° tten *° weak I could not sttnd, p-h- , ■!_ « ■ t P _ and 1 e* ve "P'» de*P»ir oiu, mre. BnOock Gare At tut, my husband got ms a bottle of Up ia Despair. Basbasd Cardul, (be woman's tonic, and.! com- Caaa to PtH'r menced taking it From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can no# walk two miles without its Catron, Ky.-in an Interesting letter tiring me, and am doing an my wort." from, this place, Mrs. Be We Bullock H you are all run down from womanly writes as follows: "I suffered for tour troubles, doal give up in despair. Try feats, with womanly troubles, and during Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped this time, I could only sit up lor a little "»*« than a million women. In its 50 while, and could not walk anywhere at y«w of continuous success, and should SO. At times, I would have severe pains *"*'7 help you, too. Your druggist has In my left sold Cardul lor years. He knows what The drtor was called In, and his treat- It will do. Ask him. He win reaxn ment relieved me for a whfle, but I was meol t. Begin taking Cardul today, soon confined to my bed again. After &.. C £'£33 that, nothing seemed to do me any good. "jS.' IMPROVEMENT IN BUSINESS GENERAL EVERY STATE IN UNION TELLS OF INCREASED ACTIVITY EX CEPT MAINE. MANUFACTURING INCREASES 1 Report* From Eight of tho Ninety Bank Examlnero Show ■ Marked Improvement. . Waattnftoo,—•oelneee condltloß* threughoet tho oountry are showing parked Improvement la alnMet all tlaea, aocordlag to reports from Na tional baak examiaers mad* public by l*o Treasury Department. Blghty of tho N examiners la tho UaKod Slates reported a permaaeot Improvement aad Maine to eald to bo tho only otato whoro roal depreeeiea extota "Pronoonoed hopefulnees U pre ralont la. aoarly orory district," aay» tho anoqnooment. "Agricultural con dition* aro foaorally oxoolant and commercial llnaa, wtth oompartlroly fow exceptions. aro enlarging tholr activities. mainly through an Increae- Od damand, but la ootna eaaoa proper atlona tor activity la expected to de velop with tho coming of good weath er. Manufacturing to oo tho Increase and thooo Industries having ordara for suppliee from foreign couatrloa /ooadnue oapoolally active. > "Further ordora hara boon plaood F* MM aad ralla by tho railroads and aoma largo ooatraota hara boon mado for gtraotaral lroa for largo bnlldlnga J* dlfforoat porttoaa of tho oountry." Tho atatamaot attrlbuteo doproaaloa to aanaaal conditions abroad, bat •ay* bualaaa hora haa boon stabilised through tbe applloatlcm of ooooomy. , The •oath." It ooatlaaao, la sl»»w --lag markod lmproramoat Tho aalo of cotton to active at edvaaolag prtoee, .wtth tho roaalt that all buelaess la la pro ring Parmora, howaror, gen erally pronounced improvement. Tho prospects for largo crop* gon orally aro Moalloat aad thoro will bo groator 1 "Tho Woatora Btatoo aad tha Pa. icMe Btatoo aro aho wing a. goaoral im provement. , "Beaton—Strong fooling of opttos torn aad bualaaa generally regarded aa Improved. , "Phlladolphla—Pressnt aad lmme dlalo outlook business coadltiona aro onooti raging aad aho wing gradual Im provement. . . "Pittaburg l*yoaaat coadlUoaa ahow lacroaaod activity. "Richmond—General bnolaooa 00a• dltlooa aro slightly Improved. "Atlanta—Proaont and Immediate putlopk rogardod aa Improved. "Louisville—Proaont aad Immediate outlook to good. ' *— y ■ GERMANY WILLINQ TO PfcY. Csmpisoli Par (hip an* Cargo Under Treaty With AmoOea Only.' Washington—Oermaay'a tataatioa to wiaaale tho ewnen of ty Amort oaa ahlp Willlaaa p. Frye, a oak oa tho high aoaa with her *rto of wheat PV tho commerce raider /Prinx F.ltel Frtodrich, waa oommunlcated fo-mally to tho Called Btatae Oorerument Amhssaador Oorard cabled a aoto haa dad him by tha Berlla Foreign XMBoe la reply to the recent Amerlcaa oommunicatloa aabtolttiag aa ladem nlty claim for fItIOM.M oa behalf of tho Fryo*o owner*. The Forelga OSoo upholda tha logalHv under la trenatlonal tow of the raider** aotloa la atakiag tho Frye aad baaea tho liab ility of the Oermaa Ooveramoat to • pay tademalty eotoly oa the old Proa aiaa.dmertnaa (rcattoa of 1T» aad lttt, which provide that ooatrabaad belonging to MM aabjoota or cttiacna of either party oaaaot be roHscated Mr tho other aad may ho detained or •aad only la oooalderatioo of pay in oat fit the full value la view of thto attaatlon, tho note aayo, the Amarloaa owner*, muat B4 compooaated tor their loaa. It to pointed oat however, that tha case Matt co tato a prtoe court that qoee ■Mons of ownership, cargo sad-das"as lioa may ha eaUbltohod formally. Wilson Speaks to Mothedleta. Waahlngtoa—ln a apeech before tha iMarytoad Annual Conference of the BkO Methodist Proteataat church la motto* WlftOfl j it waa hto bettof that ao man waa wtoe mmtrngh to praaooaee Judgment oa tho Saropoaa war at thto time. "But." fee added, "we oaa an hold oar iplrto in reedtaeee to aooept tho truth who. It to revealed to aa on tha ootooma reminded tho delegatee that In trane acting baelneea they were la reality feaaOac "«>• PBaaaa of the day." » RUSSIANS SUCCESS MAKES PEACE TALK INOREASINO INDICATIONS THAT HUNGARY, ESPECIALLY, IS TIRED OP PIQHT. ITALY ANXIOUSLY WAITING Talk ef Peaoe With Hungary Rringa Inoreaalng Talk ef War In Italy- Ploroo Fighting. Loadoa.—KuaeUa successes In tho | Oarpathtona, where the Muacovltaa ' are now eald to control virtually all tho important paaaea and are prepar ' lag for a deacent on to the plalne of \ Hungary, have revived unofficial talk ' Pf eeparate peaoe for Auatro-Huagary. | and seemingly Increasing aazlety on ' the part of Interventions In Italy for 1 their country to take up arme on the side of the Alllee aad cfctaln territory .with Anstrto. Russian newapapers ' seem convinced that Hungary, If not ' the whole of the Dual Monarchy, la J ready to seek peace, aad It Is said _ that Emperor Precis Joaeph haa re quested Pope Dendlct to Intervene In their behalf. Except la Italy, the neutral country [ most dlreetly Intereetd In this ques tion, little credence Is given thle re ' port, although tha opinion le express ed In military circles here that if Russia breaka down tha joint reelat anco,# (be Aostro-Oerman troops In the Carpathians as she apparently bae ' thai of the A astro-Hungarian armies. 1 Huagary at leaat will be ready to 1 bring the war to an end as far as she Is conoernsd. 1 However, the Russians have some [ way to go yet before they reach the I plains of Hungary and the Austro- German forces are placing every ob ' ftaole In tholr way. The wbola south » ern elopes of the mountains hsve boon > strongly fortMed and troops are be -1 lag poured Into tho region." It to said ' there aro aow >4 Austrian and alx 1 Oermaa* army oorpe facing tho Rue -1 alana, aad that more are on the way. p .The Russians are bringing up ro fervea, and, according to the Austrian ■ report, they are attacking without - aay regard for the loos of life. British military crltlca asprees the ■ greatest admiration for the Russians' I handling of ths Carpathian campaign. The advaace between Pollaaka aad - Bartfeld, they say, aqnoose* the Auo -1 trtoas out of tha Dukla Pass, -that ■ from Dukla aqoooaed them out of Masolabroos aad from weet to east 1 this prooeoe haa eoatlnued until all the. paases are la tha heads of Rus • slaa troopa. The crttlcs contend that tha AtstroOermaas must return 1 from Bast Oallcla aad Bukowlna 01 ] they will Had themselves cut off. ' / 1 HIGHWAY MUST BB BUILT. Governor* Movement For Dixie High way Muat Net Fall. Indlanapolla, Ind. "Governors" ' movement for Dixie highway muat net fall," was the message Oovernor Ratotoo sent to Oovernor Rye, of The Teaaossee executive telegraph ed Oov. Ratotoo queetloalag the ad vtoablllty of proceed lag under the highway plaa adopted at. the receat governor*' conference at Chattanooga, la "view of the action token by C. B. flamaa. aa prealdaat of the Dixie Highway Association. Ignoring ap polateeo of governors and andartak lag to ftx the route." . Oovernor Ratotoa'* reply follow*: "Ooveraora* movement for Dixie Highway maat not fall. Taggart aad Ftoher; Howell aad Andrrnon with their aaeoctole commlaalonore will bring harmoay oat of eoafualoo. Pa .tleace aad a conciliatory aplrtt are eeaentlal." Saye the F-4 Woe Defective. Loe Angeles. Calif.—Allison D. Bde. brother of Llentonant Alfred U Bde, oommandar of the submarine F-4 loot .off Honolulu harbor March M. aald he had received a letter from the na val officer la which he declared the submersible wita defective. Lieuten ant Bde. his brother stated, wrote that tha veaael was, leaky aad other wise la poor eoadltlop. Recovers for Oreenhut Com pony. Hew York.—Tho J. B. Orsonhnt Company, a New York corporation with 11*000.000 outataadlng aecort- I Ilea, operating two department stores on Sixth Avenue, this elty, waat Into receivership throagh friendly pro ,, eeedlngs. A few momeots later aa la voluntary petition la bankruptcy | waa a led la eeparate proceeding* by I three creditor* with claims totalllag ! M.OOO. The Arm's UabHlUss. accord ing to Its cnaael. aggrograte f1.511,- ; 0«0 and Ita aaaete »T,4d(.411. Thoee flgurea do not laclude two mortgagee. Stubborn Mulee Cause Strike. Wtlkeebarre. Pa.—Stubborn aad ua "trtk "of*! too" STS th° f GLORIOUS INAUGURATION OF WORLD'S GREATEST INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION ASSORES CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH aa attendance for the first week greater than the combined attendance for the same period of the world's exposltlent at Chicago and St Louts, the Panama-Pacific International exposition at Ban Fran- | claco haa started on a career that the moist conservative Judgments piWlct will break all records for exposition success. The exposition opened on February 20, 100 per cent complete structurally, and opened to an at tendance-Of one of a million people. From every state of the United' Statee and from the nations of the world cads to pass on the merits of the celebration that had been ae widely heralded. | ♦ They found nothing to criticize. Every claim made by Ban Francisco and the exposition was fulfilled. It la aafe I to say that not a single visitor went away disappointed. The result has been that the advertisement by word of mouth, and by letters home and to friends—the most powerful form of advertleement —haa been given the exposi tion. In consequence the transportation companies report a constantly Increasing booking for travel to Ban lris> , cisco both by land and water. 1 Exceptionally low rates have been given by the transportation companies from all points within the United States to San Francisco, offering many people an opportunity that- could not otherwise be taken, of combining • pleasure journey to the exposition with a. sightseeing tour through California and the West. , a feature of the exposition that has called, for universal la the "action" that marka exhibits, evefV exhibit capable of operation by ateam or electricity being shown In motion. A flood of Inquiries concerning rates and hotel accommodatlona has been received by the Information bureau of the exposition since the news of Its successful opening was flashed around the world, all such Inquiries being given prompt attention. San Francisco and California are fulfllllng their host duties aad living up to the reputation the Weet has always had for hospitable treatment tor the stranger. - - - —- I HANDSOME SIXTY-PAGE. BOOK ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SENT FREE OF CHARGE TO ANY ADDRESS. 1 Those who ere interested In this great ex)>osltloa may obtain tree of charge a handsomely illustrated book of sixty pages, reproducing the exhibit palaces in their natural colors and giving essential data about the exposition, San Francisco, California and the Panama canal. To obtain thla book send a letter to the Manager, Bureau of Publication, Panama-Pacific International Exposition Grounds, San Francisco, Calif. THi~MIGHn COim^Hri»EWTHE HUTQF THE ARCHITECTURAL All visitors to the Panama-PsOUJS 'atsrnatfonal exposition at San Franclaco«at some time during their stay at the exposition mske their pilgrimage through the Court of the Universe. This Is the largest court on the ground* and la the central radiating unit of the architectural and ground plans. Noble sculptured groups embellish It, the two Homeric groups—the Natlona of the East and the Nations of the West—surmounting the giant arches at the j eaat and west portals. By night the beauty of the court la enhanced by the flood lighting effects. I WHEN A QUARTER OF A MILUON OF PEOPLE INAUGURATED THE EXPOSITION AT SAN I^^^CC ££S Brr • in IKI I WlMflM 1 I JflL f »•. I } BBSofl Mmmm I Transportation reports ahow that every state In the United States and most of the nations of the world wers represented la the great throng of 250.000 people who Inaugurate the Panama-Paclfis International exposition at | Ban Francisco on February 20. This picture, showing the mighty South gardens, glvff a gllmpss of a small Snu> tldn of the opening day throng. In the first flve daya of ita progress the exposition had an attendance larger than the combined totaia of the Chlcaro and St. Louis expositions and the ratio, continues In a degree to Justify predlo Hon* most spectacular success for the exposition. THE "ZONE," THE PLAYGROUND OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD | -^^^INTM^^I^^^ITION IH ill r ' -9 t ■ r t » L I Through the center of the Zone, the amusement section at the Panama-Pacific International exposition at Baa Francisco, runs a broad avssiue three thousand feet In length. It is not unusual for thla entire avenue to be Jammed » with entertainment seekers who are busy patronising the one hundred concessions on the lose. Aa exact repro- I ductlon of the Panama la one of the popular and Instructive features, there being a constant line both day 1 end alght of people eager to eee the workings of the miniature canal. The premier showman o€ tmsrics have I assembled hers their finest offerings of amusement, edification aad instruction. > VBMB oompletely tied up operation*. The compuf linid u order direct lag the men to nriu and IMT« on* of tbo rein* through tfc* main gang ' war* hetead of by eroaa cuti. The • Blntra declaring they war* compelled to carry dynamite Into the preaen "e of "atnbbora and unruly mulct In the i gangway*, our Urea are endangered." , Fie roe Fighting Continue!. Londo* —There war* peralatent ra mora In London that Germany either had declared war on Holland or that her troop* had occupied the atrip ot l Dutch territory erteodlng from the , Belgian frontier en the coaet to the . Belgian Scheldt The report* lack , coaflrmatloo and were not credited fcy , official!. . It la poMlble that the report aroee , from the newa from Dutch aourcee r that the German* were ttrengthenlng f their position* around tha Dutch fron- I tier and that nnaaalneaa prevailed. I- A land reclamation project ha* J«*t • bees begun at Cere City, near New • bent, and when completed will reanlt '• In 10,000 aeree ot fertUe land betas throws open to coloalgt*. Ir The Cannon Manufacturing Compa k ay of Kannapoll* baa awarded the bo nee* and a lam addition to |b£ Y. M. C. A. building at Kannai ■ will (tegln at onoe. • , J. H. Chandler, night operator (or » the WMtirn Union at the Southern I station at Burlington, hie wife and > child were bitten by a eat which waa ' puttering with hydrophobia and were ' ,taken to Raleigh (or the Pasteur treat ment. The Aaherllle Motor Club la placing ; • danger signal* orer the mountain [; highways of Buncombe county for the i: benefit of visiting motorists who are »j not familiar with the sharp curves, i j the steop gradea and the railroad t croestngs of the rounds surrounding f Ashsvllle. i Dr. L. L Lumsden and Assistant i Surgeons J. B. Laughlln. K. Wynne I and P. E. Harrington of the Public ■ Health Service will leave Washington within WfSw days for Orange County t where they win take up the work of . making sanitation surveys of the t stream* In the county. The surgeons . .will work In ooajuaetion with the state authorltlee. f . J. B. Faulkner of Richmond, la a i letter to Ms brother. Dr. T. H. Faulk , per of Kinstoa, states that it wUI take *ll mummer La nut tfc« tOlasnsJk Jlnes In Central Carrollna back Into permanent shape. Mr. Paulkner Is plant superintendent for the Western ,Untoa Company, and la la chart* of some SO gangs now working In the .vicinity of Raleigh, Cary and othsr places. , Farmers of Union county are ray- Idly learning that farming la a busi ness that offers many opportunities and what should prove a body blow to the one-crop idea waa given when (the Cutheberteon brothers, farmers who study (arming, shipped the first carload of baled hay ever eeot out of Wilfltaw. The conalgnment was Id tons of good meadow hay billed to Chester. 8. C. A Care hr Sear Btesaach. Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson of Bat tle Creek, Michigan, writes, M have been troubled with indigestion, sour stomach and bad breath. Af ter taking two bottles of Chamber lain's Tablets I am well. Theee tablets are splendid—none better." For sale bjr all dealers. adv. A term of the Federal Court Is be bald at Laurinburg. The court Judge Henry Q,' Con not. met there last week an dorganlaed. SUNDAY SCHOOL ■ — l ' 1 Lesson lll.—Second Quarter, For j April 18, 1915. " THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Twct of th# LMMn, P«. xxlli—Memory VKM, P». Kxili—Q*id*n T.XT, PI. xjciii, Prepared by •] R»v. D. M. Steam*. Thla must familiar of all the psalm* to many people la a* farreaehing a« any and will hare Its complete fulflll ment only In the kingdom when laa. *l, 10, 11; Jer. rxill, B, «; Bzek. xxxvil, 21-28, aball be fulfilled In the eye* of all natlona, with every other prediction concerning larael'i future glory. All the true shepherda and ahepherdewe* of the Bible are auggeetlve of Christ and Israel, with some reference alao to Christ and Hia church. He is pri marily the Shepherd of Israel, leading Joaepb Uke a dock, dwelling between the cherubim (Pa. Ixxx, 1). He I* also the Good Shepherd gl.ring Hia life for • the aheep and giving eternal life to His aheep, the sheep of His pasture (John 11. 27, 28; P*. c, 3). He is the Great Shepherd risen from the dead, by whom God work* in His people that which is well pleasing in Hia sight (Heb. rill, 20, 21). He is also the chief Shepherd, who, at the resurrection of the Just, will give the crowns to those who have won them and among other* thrft crown of glory to those who have fflUhfully fe* the flock (I Pet v, 1-4). -' Ail the shepherds, inch a* Abel, Ja - JMb, Joseph, Moses and David, were . wondrously typical of the Good Shep herd, and the women also, such as Rachel and Ztpporab, who kept sheep, give ns much to meditate upon, but all centers upon Ulm who is altogether lovely and of whom our sonls say, "My meditation of Him shall be sweet; I will be glad tn the Lord" (Song v, 10; Pa. civ. 84). The sequences of Scrip ture are most interesting and helpful studies, and In Psalm xxii, xxili, zziv, we have one of the most wonder ful Pa. xxii tell* very fally of Hl* sufferings, as if written by an eye witness; speaks of His hand* and feet pierced. His garments divided and lot* cast upon Hi* vesture, and quote* some of the very words flung at Him as Hd bung upon the cross, but it also tells of the resurrection and the kingdom. Pa. xxlli suggests Israel's glory In thf millennial kingdom, and Pa. xxlv tells of the King of glory ruling the whole world in righteousness, j No one can truly say "The Lord Is ' my Shepherd" who ha* not *een Him dying in their stead, bearing their *ln* in His own body and received Him a* their own Saviour (Gal. li, 20; I Pet. 11, 24; John i, 12; Eph. i, 6, 7). Then only can we be sure that we shall never want any good, thing, for He wbo spared not His own Son will with Ulm also freely give ns all things (Ps. xxxlv, j), 10; Ixxxlv, 11; Rom. viii, 82). It Is impossible that snch a Shep herd could withhold from any of Hi* •beep anything really good for them. Pastures of tender grass and waters of quietness (Ps. 11, margin), inch would He have us enjoy always if we would only keep cloae to Him and not - stray away like a lost sheep, choosing our own pasture and causing Him to grieve over us, saying, "Oh. that my people bad hearkened unto me and Israel bud walked in my way*" (Ps. txxxl. 11-16). Although none of Hi* sheep can ever perish, they may wan der and need restoration, a* when Da vid said, "I have gone astray (Ike a lost *beep; aeek thy servant," or, again, "JRestore unto me the Joy of Thy salva tion" (Ts. cxix, 176; 11, 12). He will be glad to lead us In the paths of right eousness If we are only willing to be thus led. Thus only can we foretaste I the kingdom and know something of I It* peace fcnd quletne** and assurance. The expression "the shadow of i death" I* Just one word and I* found , ten time* in Job, four time* in the Psalm* and four time* in the prophet*. It nay refer to the whole time of our sojourn here for we may be said to be always in the shadow of death, but th* believer can always aay, "I will fear no evil," for to the child of God death is always gain and very far better (Phil. I, 21. 23). Death is never spoken of as the coming of Christ, for, although death brings gain to the be liever, It Is always an enemy, the laat enemy to be destroyed (I Cor. xv, 26). In lift or death. If we are Hia, He I* alwaya with us to guide, comfort sus tain, protect us and assures us that He will never leave us or fail ds (Deut xxx 1, 8; Isa. xll, 10, 18; Heb. xlii, 6). The table In the presence of enemies ' will have a great fulfillment at the be- the next age, when He will come lu glory for Israel's deliverance. It will then be a feast of fat thing*, when He will take away tbe rebuke of Hia people from off all the earth (laa. xxv. 0-0). For tbe believer there I* alwaya a feaat and we may be day by day eatisfled with the fatnes* of Hi* house and drink of tbe river of Hl* pleasure* tP*. xxxvt 9). It I* • re proach to tbe Lord when Hi* people «r» seen seeking satisfaction at the world'a table. When truly anointed with tbe Holy Spirit we shall so enjoy the Lord and His fullness that then ; ihill be an overflow for others, bat ! bow few seen) to overflow! Some one haa aald that with the Lord going be fore (John x. 4) and with goodnea* and mercy following (verse 0) we are cared for as only heaven can ewe for a*. Then to think of our forever bone. 1 from which we *hall go no more out (John xlv, 1-8); only unbelief can make m sad. May oar hearts ever mpond to "L*t a* be glad aad rejoice aad give honor to Btm" (Bar. xlx, 7). The broken —and a young girl is tnadi fabulously rich— J«t U The Million ; Dollar : Mystery ? , - • > Story now running and is pictured awy Thursday night at tbe Max- Children Cry for Fletcher'* mm H I ' mk The Kind Ton*H»ve Always Bought, and which has been la bm for orer 80 years, has borne the signature of and has been made nnder his per -1/V sonal supervision since Its infancy. All Counterfeit*, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syraps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its-age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it IIM been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of •f *• .'. - .' ■ ,' . * . ■ . , T . The Kind You Dare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years | UP-TOtDATH JOB PRIKINO I | DONB AT THIS OFFICE. | | ,Y» I ■ to YEARS DEPUTATION m M ATOIM ■ALL SUMMERSICKNESSES BY| I Graham Drag Co. I BEAUTY - HEALTH - SCHOLARSHIP . Lowest rata* la tfca Sooth. Delightful location. DNI well vittfc Twenty-two jean without A sin gle case of dangerona sickness. Clean atbleilcs. A dletletalabed Bostoelan write* t *Of all the collete* I have visited la atx year* aa International Field Secretary of Christian Endeavor, the spirit of Elon College leiai to be the most gtmmhulf Christian.'* —Karl Lehman. Write at once for catalogue and rlewa. President, W. A. HARPER, Box * Elon College. N. a VanfIHRMMMaaaHMMHHad trada marks and eopyrlcfata obtained or no ■ fee. Bend model, sketches or pbotoe and do- ■ ecrlption for FREE BKAKCH and report ■ on patentability. Bank reference* PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for I yoo. Oar free booklets tell bow, whet to Invent ■ and eave you money. Write today. D. SWIFT & CO. I PATENT LAWYERS, The CHARLOTTE DIIIA OBSERVER Subscription Rates Dally - - - » $6.00 Dally and Sunday 800 Sunday - - - - 2.00 The Semi-Weekly Observer Tues. and Friday - 1.00 The Charlotte Daily Observer, is sued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washington, D. 0. and Atlanta, Ga. It gives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete Associated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued an Tuesday and Friday for $1 per year gives the reader a fall report of the week's news. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Address all orders to Observer COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Certificate of Dissolution. Certificate of r>|—nliillim To All to Wham Ttaeee Preeenta May Com* O— Mas; Wbereaa, it tppwn to my atUactton, bj duly authenticated record of the proceeding* fertile voluntary dlmolutlon thenar by the unulmoue nee lot tf til the etockholdere depeeited U myoflloe, that the Wlllluoaoe Maaafacterlua Ootapeßy, e corporation ef thU State, wboee principal offloe leeltueted at *o^—. Derle Street, la the City of Burlington, county of Akuaanee, "tate of North Carolina, (F. L. WiWameon bain* the ayeot thereto and to sharp thereof, a poo whoa prooeaa may be eereed). hat compiled with the requirement* of Chapters. Kerleal of IM. entitled -Corporation,", preliminary to thu leaulnr of this Certificate of Dteeotetton: Mow. therefore, I, J. Bryan Urtmee. Secre tary at State of the State of Worth Carolina do hareby certify that the aatd oorpotatton did, OB the tothday of January, ltlt, file 'a my oMcm a duly executed end atteeted aoa eeot la writing to the dleaoluUoa of aald eor poratlon, executed by all the etockhoMer. Itwof. whtohaald rooaemanil thereeerd of the prooeeHna* tftiraaal I are no* aa Sla la my aald office aa provided by law. Ia toattoaooy whereof, 1 hare hereto aet mi head and (Hzed my official rnal, at laMch. MdaSKh day of Jaanary, A. n. MHw j. BETAM earns, pssn secretary of State. I Are You a Woman? Cardui The Woman's Tonic I IS % FQB SALE AT ALL DRU66ISTS Ft BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., ; &c., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner ) Printing Office ) Graham, N. C ) ——ssa—■■ ARE YUU UP f 1 TO DATE ( ll yon are not tht NEWS AW OBEHVER is. Subscribe ior it at * once and it will keep you abreast * >t the times. B b Full Associated Press dispatch t ei the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local j ill the time. r Daily New* and Observer $7 I per year, 8.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian j per year, 60c for 6 mos. *EWS & OBSERVER PUBCO., RALMOH. N. C The North Carolinian and THB ALAMANCE GLBANBB will be sen : for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THB ~ GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. , LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS | This book, entitled as above, * contains over 300 memoirs of Min ■ isters in the Christian Church f with historical references. An * interesting volume—nicely print ■ ed and bound. Price per oopy I doth, $2.00; gilt tap, #2.60. By * mail 20c extra. Orders may be f sent to P. J. KBKWODLJC, 5 1012 K. Marshall St., ■ Richmond, Va » Orders may be left at this office. Vy f , I Dixon'* Lead Pencils are the ! „ sre, THE BBST Try them >f I and be convinced. They are | j for sale at this office.—6c. |

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