THE GLEANER . ISSUED EVERY TH UMP A*. * I. P. MEBNOPLE, Editor. H .00 A YO W. IN ADV*NCE . ADVERTISING BATES *me square (1 In.) I time SI.OO, r «»•-neat Insertion 60 cents. For more space «» 1 longer time, rate* furnished on api 11 •*- n. Local not'.cet 10 ct». a line for nrat rucrtton ; subsequent insertions r> ot*. a line transient advertisements must IM- paid for advance The editor will not be responsible tor views expressed by correspondenu. " Entered st the Postoffloe at Orsham. N. C.. as secdnd cl-ss matter GRAHAM, N. C.April 22, 19 5. i " VCOL. A. B. ANDREWS PASSES AWAY. Last Saturday night, after a britf illness of r.nly a few hours from an aciUe attack" of pu>">niona t Col. A. 11. Andrews, First Vit-e-President of the Southern Railway Company, passed away at his home in Raleigh, nearly 74 jears. His death was not only a great shock to the people of Ihe Stale, but a heavy loss to the State and to the various business enterprises with which he was con n;cted. Col. Andrews wos a native of Franklin county. As a young man he was a valiant Confederate soldier. After the war ho went to work, and his achievements would fill a volume That he was loyal to his Slate no one will question. He declined flattering offers that would have taken him from his native State he would accept none of them. i As a manager of big undertakings he was a genius. He had numerous obstacles to overcome, but he over came tbem. To his credit he has untold deeJs of kindness. He did nrft use position foi self-aggrandize- | mept. A., 0. & D. RY. & E. CO. From notices in this paper it will be aeen that elections for the pro motion of the Alamance, Orange & Durham Kail way and Electric Co. There are a few things in this movement thaL stand out nently and which overshadow all minor objects :| it meins that Ala mance will htvve taenia unsur passed by any county in North Car- | olina for getting to and from ni ir ket quickly; it means Ihit more ( than four-fifths of the cotton mill communities of the county will , have rijfht at their doors the fa cilities for carrying freight and | passengers quickly and cheaply; it | means a general awakening and forward movement of the county , along all lines of enterprise anil en- , deayor. These besides many minor matters arc sufficient grounds for j favoring the proposition. The people should not tnrow away their opportunities. ' "For- j tune knocks once at the door of ( every man." ißvd the knock and open the door. I Nelson W. Aldrich, for 30 years I a United Btatcs Senator from Rhode island, and a Republican lender in national politics, died ' from a stroke of apoplexy at his l liomeifn New York City lasi Sat- I urday. "Ho Was in hit 71th year. 1 Four years ngo he was retired from I the Senate after 30 years continu ous service. It may be tßythfully I said that no one man ever ui lded more power in that august body I than he. i HICKORY CHIPS. ! Every time a Dardanelles fort | trembles the teeth of the Wheat Bulls chatter. Unless the Germans recapture 1 Przemysl we can't see why the I town should ever be referred to again. j To be or not to be. is the fash ionable debate to-day. Can Inst Spring's bonnet be worked over or not? Evelyn Nesbit Thaw declares-she Is tired of tslking about her hus bsnd's trial. There are many oth ers In the same boat. One thoussnd dollars a year ia the minimum a man ahould spend on his declares s congress of tailors._ Of course no one needs to Tsi," but siiii, ■Gftivihing iiiUii be saved for the contribution box. In speaking a good word for the newspapers, Billy Sunday isnT above praising the bridge that has helped him put it scross. A Wlnstesd dispatch hsving re ported an egg fried by lightning. It jfoes without saying that the un failing optimiat had it served sun ny siae up. CKlns msy hsve s few diplo matic cards up her sleeve, but |he advantage afforded bv a Japanes Kimono are not overlooked. Hill fighting in the Carpathians could hardly be more deadly It i' were devoted to a feud adtustment in the mountains of West Virginia. . Ai nnx, authority on peace Co!. ROosevelt is a great tighter. Texas would like to hsve the Kio Orande both deeper and wider. One of the Interesting develop ments of the year Is New York s discovery of San Francisco. Another sign of Spring, the life saversJ\ave begun bringing In tha disabled gasoline launches. Atlantic City's social season waa brilliantly opened by that glaaa ot faahlon. Prof. Jess Wtllard. Cuba will permit no wore prixe lighta. It Is supposed thit thev I horify the patrons of bulll fight- In*- ° , Baseball neutrality, according to an ardent fan, consists Hi attending all the games that do not conflict. f' 1 11 " * 1 ' —**—~"' . 'f© _ \\lH^^HH ' ' {Mw * v /J&fajr ML* . if^irW'Wm^^St^. | wH jy Sn»n«hnfl The liasebull Mawm opened April 14; President Wilson started the game between the Washlngtons and Yankees. Spring ac |l6W» anapsnois - (| v ||y waH seen j n Ktiroi>e, an the French ariny mode decided advances. The Germans sent heavy re-enforcements to aid of Of the Week Austrlaiis In the Carpathians. The Kronprlnz Wlllielm, German sea raider, entered Newport News, reporting she sank four teen vessels, fcount von BernatorfT scores our government as belng'anfalr In Its attitude as a neutral. Villa surrounded Car ranzlstas and General Huerta entered United States; these Incidents enlivened Mexican news. The lilggs hank of Washington accused J. 8. Williams, comp troller of currency, and William G. McAdoo, secretary of treasury? of conspiracy to wreck bank. I tear Admiral Flake resigned as adviser to secretary of navy. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board of County Cotnmis jjioners of Alamance county inet on first Monday with tho following members present: Geo. T. W. H. Turrentine, Cbes. H. Roney, Chas. F. Ca.'es, M. C. Mcßane, and transacted business as follows : KELIEVEb OK TAXES. J. Frank Garrison, on SIOO for 1913 and 1911, error in valuation of poperty. C. A. Dillard, on two dogs; on one lot in Mebane valued at $1,1)00, the assessment for 1011 being $1,000; also Graded School tnx in Mebane - Graded School. These were errors in listing. Dr. O J. Paris, on one town lot valued at 11,000, error in listing for 191.1 and IJJI4. Mrs. Bettie Qtiackenbush was re lieved of tax on one dog, same being an error. F. 8. Che k, one poll tax, errone ously listed. C. S. Smith, for Oakdale Graded School, of sl.Ol, not being in dis trict. Ja-i. W. Wyatt, of one poll of $2, same being an error. _John Alvis, on one dog, same be ing an error. Geo. L Phillips, on 40 2 acres of Itnd valued at $ 150, ►amif being an error. R Alex Coble, one dog tax, same being nn error. C. P. Shepard, $1.79 for I'ellmont Graded School, not in the distriW. Sam Wilson, on SIUO Solvent credits, being an error. Mrs. May K Steele, on 81 acres of land valued at #l2l, erroneously listed. W. I. Montgomery, on $315, an error in list'tig ; also on $315 in El dermont Graded School district. Joseph Erwin Gant, one poll tax in Burlington township, error in listing. J. J. Lambeth, on $2,025, error in listing ; also Graded School tax of $0 07. Walter hind ley, on one dog, er.or in listing. G. A. Simpson, on SSOO, error in listing saw mill in Coble township. Capt. W. H. Turrentine, I). F. Williams, D. J. Horner and R. W. Scott, with G. Ab Fogleman, were appointed a committee to investigate the road from Alfred Newlin's store the store at Swepsonville asked for by citizens in that community. J. B. Gerringer, elected Constable for Boon Station township, present ed his official bond in the sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars, and same was received, accepted, ordered recorded, and filed. Wheroupon he took - and subscribed the oath of office and entered upon his duties. W.. H. Turrentine and Q. Ab. Go gleman were Authorized to |»ujr a road cage for convincta. V The road asked for n«ar Elmirn cotton mills bycit'tena was grantid, and said road to be opened as jj>er petition, at tho expense of the peti tioners, and all damages, if any, paid by said petitioners. BKPokTH rILF.I>. The repoit of J. D. Kernodle, Clerk of Court, for fees collected in the Clerk of Court's office for March waa accepted and filed. The report of Chaa. D. Johnston, Regi*tero( Deeds, for fees »llected in the Register of Deed's office for the month of March accepted and filed. The report of Mr. Geo. W. I-ong, Supt. of Health, accepted and filed. The report of G. Ab. Fogleman, Sapt. of R*da, accepted and filed. The leport of A. B. McKeol, Bupt. of County Home, accepted and filed. Tuesday, April 6h. Johnston-Thompson Store Com pany was authorized to furnish Pearl Wooda in provisions to the atnoui.t of #3OO per month for two months. That Ralph Thompson be author ized to furnish Henry C. Bachelor in proviti ns to the amount of $1 60 per in nth for three months and pre sent an itemized sccounl*wuh this order attached. Too manu women struugle under paint and acnes. Theyfare not tick—but weak, nervous, irrUabk. Such women need that blood suength that eoaee by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also awwmhana the Mrres. aids the ap petite and the decline p «*•■"«. scorrs EMULSION witt bmUkmrmp. t mwwmhiuiu ig LIST-TAKERS. Tho following list-lakers and as sessors were appointed to list and I re assess the real and personal prop- ! erty for taxes for the year 1915. Patterson—John M. Coble, Jot. I W. McPherson. '* Cable-J. E. Stroud. B*>n Station—J. B. Gerringer,! Jule B. Sutnmerß. Morton—l). M. Ireland, T. B. 1 Barker. Faucette —A. 0. Huffman, John \ Wilkins. _» | Graham—Ben M. Rogers, V.-M. Euliss. Albright—Chus. C. Thompson, Geo. F. Thompson. Newlin—A. N. Roberson, J. A Winninghatn. Thompson—-Geo. T. Morrow, W. | H Bason. Milville— W. O. Warren, E. P. Cook. • Pleasant Grove —W. B. Sellars, S. i E. Tate. North Miirlinglon —E L. Morgan, Sam. G Moore. South Burlington —J. W. Gates, H C. Stout. Haw River —J. H. Blackmon, Will J. Crutchfield. W. A. Kime was relieved of (axon SSOO solvent credits, error in listing. F. L. Williamson, W. W. Brown and R. W. Scott ivere appointed a Board of Appraisers to appraise all properly belonging to Alamance county, tu-wit: Court house build- ( ing, work house, county home, jail, I steel and wood bridges, live stock, j road tools, etc., etc., in order that j the books of the county may be tna«!e to show the proper value* of the various properties owned l>y Al amance county, and the re|H>h of •his Board of Appraisers is request ed to be made to the Hoard ,of County Commissioners > n or belore the first day of July, 1915. ELECTIONS Oltl)E!&:i>. A petition of tho citizens residing in Sylvan Graded School district, asking for a special election to be held in the present Sylvau Graded School district, the boundariea of said territory to be the same as the present boundaries of Sylvan Graded School district, to vote upon the j question of levying a special tax in said territory for High School pur pose*, the same being endorsed by the County Boaid of Education. The petition wa granted .and said election ordered to be held on the 15th day of May, 1915, at tho pres ent fiylvan Graded School building. A new registratii n was ordered, and all voters who wish to vote in said election will be required to register. The registration bojks will open on the Bth day of April, remain open for 20 days (Sundays excepted), and close on the Ist day of May. 1915. W. P. Stout .was appointed Registrar aud I). H. Las ti ley and Judges for said elec tion. . Petitions from Morton, Faucette and Burlington townships, asking 1 for special elections th be held in said townships to submit to the qualified voters the question of sub scribing to. the capital stock of the Alamance, Durham & Grunge Rail way and Electric Company, and for j other purpose*, li is ordered that i said petition be granted and that I the election for Faucette township! l be held on the first Tueadav in June, it being the first day of June , A. O. Huffman was appointed Regis trar, E. L. Boewell aud Charles A Wilson were appointed Judges and po'li hoidera for said eirviion, and a uew registration wna ordered. The election in Morton township waa ordered to be held the first. Tuesday in June, it being the first] day of June, and C. M. Pritchette; waa appointed Registrar and James W. Summers and Hugh Burch were appointed Judges ana poll holders for said election. The election for Burlington town ship waa ordered to be held on Tuesday af'er the first Monday in June, it being the Bth day of June R. J. Hall was appointed Registrar and tl. W. Trol linger and John II Hoffman were appointed Judges and" poll hoidera for 'North Burlington precinct. Jurora were drawn for May Supe rior !ourt, to be held on May 21th. tu ltnw What *»■ Ar« Taking When you take Orove's Taitftm Chill Tonic because the formula la plahtty —sprinted on every bottle showing that it ia Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay.—sec. ad*. Macrh haa put the Uo'n into co'J storage until another year. In mosi" families there is little na tation over what lather i> go.n;j to wear for Spring. / rwiSiuyll« ffj- ' General Reunion, United Confederate I - Veterans, Richmond, Va., June 13, 1915. I Richmond, Va., Special, April 20. I The announcements of the spon sors and maids Qf honor for the j 1915 reunion of the United Confed erate Veterans, in Richmond, June 1 Ist, 2nd and 3rd, is being made piecemeal, owing to the fact that i the division commanders are re porting their appointments at djf j ferent times. In all, there will be . more than 60 Southern beauties to grace the veteran's functions, and' ! the same number r.-presenting the Sons of Veterans. | To date the following appoint ments have been announced: * j North Carolina Division, General j Julian S. Carr, commamding—Miss ! Bessie liurkheimer of Charlotte, N. C„ sponsor; Miss Miriam Morgan ! Applegate of Lexington, Ky., mail j of honor. Virgiaia Division, General J. j Thompson Brown, commanding - | Mrs. C. W. Sumpter, thrifctiansburg, , Va„ sponsor; Mrs. A. 11. Branch I Newport News, matrori of honor. > ! Department of Tennessee, General George P. Morrison, commanding Miss Carolyn S. Hamilton, Colum bus, Miss., sponsor; Mlas Mary Rice, Atlanta, Ga„ maid of honor, i Kentucky Division, General W. B. Hildeman, commanding—Mi JS Hen rietta White, Lousiville, Ky., spon sor; Miss May Melton, Elizabeth town, and Miss Frances B. Steele, Midway, maids of honor. Trans-Mississippi Dept., General K. M. Van Zandt, commanding, Mrs. Lutie Hailey Walcott, McAllister, Okla.; sponsor; Miss Selma Couch, Magnolia, Ark., maid of honor. Selling Liquor to Indians. Gross violations of the law against selling liquor to Indiins ir taking liquor onto an Indian reservation caused Cato Sells, commissioner of Indian affairs to resort to dyastic measures to stop what he believes has become a practice on the /isage reservation in Oklahoma. ] Commissioner Sella has invoked the law which empowers him to suspend payments to the Indians when he is convinced intoxicating liquors are in convenient reach of of them,, and has directed su perintendent of the Osage reserva tion to suspend the last payment of several thousands oi dollars. This money is due as one of the ordinary periqdical payments on account of tribal lands surrender ed to the Government. T wo la more Cmarrab In thin wot lon of the oountry tluin all other dlteaaea put to gether, fiucl unlit tilt* 11at few yearn win, h u [>- j'Oted te be Incurable. For it great maby yean doctor* pronounced It a local dlaeaae Hnd proaurlbea local reinedlCß, mid by coil, aiantly [allltiK to ouro with loeal treatment,, tttonotiitevd It Insurable. Hcleiice baa proven Catarth to lie a ctinatltutlonal dlaeaae, and tbereb re reijulrea couatltatloi al triatmetit. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Clu-ney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only Cou atltullonal cure pn the market. It la taken Internally In doaea Irom ID drops ID A lea ipoohlul. It acta nlrectly on the blood and in ucoua aurfacea of the a>atem. They offer oi.e hundred dollars for anv cane It fall* to ettre. Ht ml for clrculara and tcatlinonlala. Addrear: F.J.i IIKNKV*CO.,ToIedo.Ohio. Hold by l>i-ugKlttl»; 75c. Take Hall'a Family Pllla for conatlpa tlo.i. aa v •r who spoke in Asheville last week, who spoke in Asheville last week in behalf of national prohibition, vfas introduced by Congressman Britt of Asheville. The Congressman de clared himself in favor of the pro posed amendment to the constitu tion of the t nited States providing that It shall be unlawful to manu facture or sell whiskey at any point in the United States. - Htomach Trouble Cured. Mrs. H. G. Cleveland, Arnold, Pa., Pwritea, "For some time I Buf fered from stomach trouble. I would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating. Nothing ben 'cfited me until 1 took Chamber lain's Tablets. After taking two bottlea of them I was cured?* For aale by all dealers. adv. A great religious meeting to be conducted by Rev. J. Wilbur Chap man D. D., Mr. Chaa, M. Alexander and assistanta began in Charlotte Sunday. Preparation for the meet ! ing has been in progress for weeks. . Special services have been conduct ed by an advance agent of Chap ' man and Alexander and other sp.»- tclal aervicea were held. A special tabernacle in which to hold the meeting was erected. f. T».Care a Cold la One Day. Take Laxativ* Bromo Quinine Tableta. All druggista refund the money if it faila to cure. B. W. Grove'a signature la on each bo*. U centa. ' adv. As Judge Landis wisely realizes, it would Be absurd to see the l nll eed States Government indicted by the State of Illinois for violating a law regulating the stloon busi ness. |10» Dr. B. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than $l9O- if you have a child who soils the bed ding (rom incontinence ol water durinjr sleep. Cures old and roung alike. It arreata the trouble at once. |1.09. Sold by Graham Drug Company. adv. Turkey is said *o Be rich in min ral wealth. If not before the bom bardment of the Dardanelles cer tainly now. N YMJftfTANtW SIOMACH? • "•. j Rural School Letter. William M. Jones, M. ,D, in South ern Medical Journal and in Bul letin of the Bureau of Education, 1915, No. 5. Guilford county contains 672 sq. miles, with more than 100 schools and 200 white teachers. The objects that we have worked for and are wbrking for are two—education and Fducation—by means of lectures and talks to the children, by pam hlets and bulletins, by press articles -and, notices, by illustrated ' lectures with lantewr slides, deal ing in an interesting and instruct ive way with such subjects as ty phoid ie\~er, malaria, the fly, the mosquito, smallpox, ets., etc.; by ' clinics, such as hookworm demon -1 strations.. In every wjty possible • we bring before the schools and 1 community the gospel of goad 1 health. Prevention—We have a large ■ map of the county on which every school is indicated. The doctors of > the county report all dangerous I diseases to the County Board of Health, giving the name and ad ' dress of the parent and the school attended. As soon M the report ' received the teacher TTP that par > ticular school ■is notified that the child has a dangerous disease, and ■ that the other members of the fam ' ily must be kept qut of the school • until further notice. A colored pin ' —different colors representing dif ' ferent diseases—l 3 placed in the map at its proper location and al ' lowed to remain as long as there is danger of the disease beiag com ' i municated. ■ I Then for the school building and I grounds. Upon visiting the school | —and we endeavor to go to each , one during the session—we record on a card the condition of the | grounds, whether well drained or not. 'Next the privies, the number II and condition. The .water is next , j considered—its location, whether on ■ ' the grounds or at a residence, and . ; whether a pump or bucket is used. ; and whether dispensed in a com . j mon or individual cup. The build | ing is considered—the roof and I chimney, heat and ventilation, and, 11 when a structure of two stories, 11 if a fire escape is handy or not. ■ I Of all this a record is kept. On j this record card may also be seen j what recommendations were made | the previous year, and whether these recommendations have been 1 carried out. | We now enter the class room, and , refer to our card, whereon are . I recorded the names of (hose Who I were exam'ned the pre I and found to be defective,, andHq i whom individual cards were given, ■ r naming the special defect, and ad • vising f.arentr or guardians to con ; suit the family physician for treat , ment. The physician is asked to - sign this card and mail it to the ■ County Board of Health. This is a I long journey for a little card to . travel, and many are lost en route, • so on our permanent card, whereon , we have the record above mention ed in re the school, we also have 1 the individual record of all defect i ive children at the school. This is referred to and the children called - up privately and asked if a card , . not last year given them; if so, did they carry out the instructions, and if so, what was done? This is re corded on the card, and we then examine all new pupils, and. all who 1 not been previously examined. This | examination Includes the eyes, ears,' nose, throat, teeth, slcin and ape cial defects. The eyes are to be examined first ■ by the teacher, who keeps a rec ord of all that are found defective, - and when the examiner visits the school he examines only those that the teacher reports. This is to ex pedite the work. The ears are examined yb the teacher, who, if observant, soon no tices any impairment without any set teat. These are more fully ex amined by the examiner. The nose and throat are exam ami tied by means of direct sunlight and wooden tongue depressor. We examine every child in the primary and intermediate departments, and those in the High School who wish it The teeth are examined at the same time with the throat. The akin is examined for' impeti go, contagiosa, BC-abies, etc., etc. Also special defects such as hook worm and anemia, are looked for. These found defective are given a card, and a record la made, con taining the name, address, and the particular defect. Calomel Salivates and Makes You Sick Acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver and you lose a day's work. There's no reason why a per son should take sickening, salivat ing calomel when AO centa buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone 1 —a perfect substitute for calomel It ia a pleasant vegetable liquid ' which will start your liver juat aa surely aa calomel, but It aoeanf make you sick, and cannot tali-, vate. Children and grown folks can ' take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it ia perfectly harmless. Calomel ia a dangerous drug. It ia mercury and attacka your bones. Take a dose odf maaty calomel to-' day and you will feel weak, sick and nauaeated tomorrow. Dont lose a days work. Tike a spoon ful or Dodson'a Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipaUon, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue, or aour stomach. Your druggist says if you dont find GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY Baptist—N. Main St.—Jas. W. Rose. Paator. Preaching service* every lirat and Third Sundays at lt-«w a. m., and 1M p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. Graham Christian Church—N. Main Street—J. F. Morgan, Paator V Preaching aervicea every Sec ond and Fourth Sundays, at 11.90 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. ra.—E. L. Henderson, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Street, near the l>epol—J. P. Morgan, Pastor. breaching every Second and Fourii Sundays at 3.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—Arthur T. Walker. Su perintendent. . Friends—Worth of Graham Pub lic School—J .Robert Parker» Paa tor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—James Crisco, Superin tendent. Methodist Episcopal. South—cor/ Main and Maple St.y C. M. Grant, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.46 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. Methodist Protestant—College St., West of Graham Public School, Rev. O. B. Williams, Pastor. Preaching every First, Third and Fourth Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and every First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Bundaya at 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.4S a. m.—J. S. Cook, Supt Preabyterian—Wst Elm Street- Rev. T. M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. W. Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at S.SO p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—J. V. Pome roy, Superintendent. J. A. iong, confederate veteran and flr&t citizen of Roxboro died of pneu monia a few days ago. It is proposed that a farm life school be built at Rock Springs camp ground In Catawba county. Fire destroyed the entire plant, worth 125,000, of the Barber-Paachal Lumber company at Maxton. An employee on the farm of J. W. Bailey, revenue collector, near Ral eigh was seriously injured by dyna mite recently. A Bion H. Butler of Southern Pfnes addressed citizens of Lincoln county using aa hla subject: "Rise Up Sandy an' Git Yo' Meat." Senator Simmons and Congressman Kltchin will be Invited to attend the laying of the cornerstone of the new Federal building at Klnston. The Corporation Commission has ordered the Atlantic Coast Line and Norfolk Southern Railway companies to build a union station at Klnston. B. D. Weaver has started a campaign among the farmers of Buncombe County looking to the production of tor age crops to feed the production of wrage crops for feed during the Wlntet months. Spsxk's circus nas broken up Win ter quarters at/Salisbury and after two exhibitions started North on the Summer tour. On account of a ruling by the Federal authorities concerning split-hoof animala the circus camels will not be taken along but will be left on a Rowan farm. On Sunday afternoon, April 25, Doc tor Chapman will deliver at his tab ernacle a special sermon to traveling men. This announcement was made In Charlotte following a visit to Ddctor Chapman by committees from Post C. Travelers Protective Association, and Charlotte Council No. 297, UnK ted Commercial Travelers, bearing a request for a special address. , MARKET REPORTS. Cotton, Cotton Seed and Meal PHoee In the Markets of North Carolina f Por the Past Week. A* reported to the Dlvuion or Mar kets, North Carolina Agricultural Ex periment Station and Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. U 111? V I if ft foil! North Kaetern North Carolina FanuvtUe ...(M-t UM MOO .... Murfreeaboro.tff-IM «•-«! M.M .... Now Born U Windsor . ..•*-!% lentil K astern North Carolina JaekaonvMe. .t H-1% Hasten *%-*% MM .... North Control North Carolina Alrtle »*-»* « «■" .... Sattlebore ..lfi-»3 «o 12 00 moo Loulebur* 4* 10.M teOO llttaboro M MOO MOO Raleigh IH » 10.00 .... Scotland Nk..lU-l% 11-16 ISM MM Tarboro •$-• 10-17% 10.00 .... Wilson I ...... South Control North Carolina Chariotier".... t% 27-M MM MOO Cleveland M-17U MOO IMS KDortoe IU-H M-M M.oo IMS Monroe . t-»8 MU-MM M.M .... MoeroovtUe .. »-*% 14-15 M.OO 17M Newtoa (•« M M.M IMS KiSt'vi::. «• PRICES PAID POR GRAIN, BUTTER AND EGOS DURING PAST WEEK VXtuSfrXTri c » Chariot to—-Cotu. M-Mc; oata, «c; eoy beano. 11.71; eew peaa. fl.rt; N. C. cry ■try battor 2fc; ana. 17-Me. Groonoboro—l7H«: eew peaa. M.OO; Wootorn creamery Gutter. He; N. C. creamery batter. M-17c. Louie bur*—Com. Me; eew peaa, 11.71; W ret em creamery butter. Me; ana. lie. M "V»T C IT- U.M; oata. 7Sc; eow peaa. MM; Wootorn rreoup butter, lie: N. C. creemenr batter, tic; 0(11 Me. Now Born Com. ITUc. ooy beano. %!•; Corn. ft; cow poaa. U; egga, SfS -00 ™- * #c *ii eat* Tie; ooy h«aa». II*; cow peaa. IlK "■.creamery butter IfcTS. C. cnumt batter. Me; one. lie. 1 Taitieje-Corn. lie; cow peaa. M.M; kilCT,|imc. W. C creamery butter. • T" * ■ MILLION i v. I Dollar Mystery |K |§ NBBSBg rir'n |&> »H * ' Jones Paused by a Window. . - He Went to the Telephone. Mexican, Every Thursday Mattinee 3 p. m. Night 7 p. m. ADMISSION : : 10 Cents Story is now running in the Gleaner. - Read It. * Farm For Sale 725 Acre Farm. Located 9 miles from City of Greensboro, 1 mile from railroad station of Sum merfield; traversed by main line of Cape Fear Railroad, and by two of the County's principal roads, one now macadamized into Greensboro. It is well watered and fertile; has fine springs for drinking,purposes; about 200 acres in woodland; over 300 acres in fine mgadows and pastures; 40 acres seeded to clover. Welt adapted to stock rais ing, dairying, small grain and tobacco culture. Close to mill, school and -church; station 1 mile, Southern R. R. through property; neighborhood fine, etc. Well located for sub-dividing into small farms. Has 4 tenant houses, 2 barns and 2 small stables. 200 stacks of hay per year. Price S4O per acre. Write Greensboro Real Estate Exchange, Greensboro, N* C. Sale Under Execution. The Citizens Bank of Graham vs. A 1 C. Hornaday and W C. Hornaday. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court or A a mance county in the above entitled action, 1 will, on MONDAY, MAY 3hd, 1915, ■t 12:00 o'clock M., at the coort house door of Mid county. Mil to the highest bidder for cub to aatlafy wld execution, all the right, title and Interest which the aald W. C. Hornaday, tbe defendant, baa In the follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: Adjoining tbe lands of Richmond Hullln. Henry M. Ray, (dec'd), David Long and othera, and bounded as follows, to-wlt: . Beginning at Richmond Huffln's corner, on publTo road leading from Graham to 011- breetb bridge; tbenoe N 20 deg B cba 13 Iks to Julia Tarpley's corner; tbeooe B 4 chs to Jane Banian's corner; tbence S 1 chain 86 Iks to Blchmond Huffln's line (a comer of Jane Harden); thence 1 1* chs to Carolina Cox's corner on Davtd Long's line; thence S with salt* Long's line SO oha M Iks to corner of Jlepry M. Hay (now Kllsabeth Bay); tbeooe N SO deg W 11 oha with kay'sllne to an aah. aald Bay's oorner; thence SU deg W 7 chs to Mary Ann Huffln's corner; tbenoe W 4 cbs 06 Iks to L. C. Crater's oorner. tbenoe with his line B 20 deg W II oha to said public road. Cra ter's oorner, tbenoe with said pnblle road « chs » Iks to the beginning, and containing Forty Acres, but to be tbe aame be there "rErma'cl'Sale—All cash on tbe day of sale. This March list, HIS. B. N. COOK, Hbe riff of Alamance Couuty. Certificate of Dissolution Certificate of Dissolution To All to WkM Theee PreeenU May Come greeting! Whereas, It appears to ay satisfaction, by duly authenticated ivoord of tbe proceedings for the voluntary dlaooinUoo thereof by the an—imoue oonssnt of all the atockholders, deposited la ay ofliee. that the Grahaaa Hardware Company, a corporation of this State, wboee MUrlNe office la si Mated at No. , Mala Street, in the town of Qrabam, County of Alamance, State of Worth Carolina (C. P. Harden bring the agent thereof, upon whom proeaas may be served) baa compiled with the reoulsemente of Chapter tl, Bevlsal of lfot. entitled "Oerporations," pieflminaiy to the Issuing of this Certificate of DUsoiu tion. Mow. Therefore, I. J. Bryan Grissea, Secre tary of the nWe of North Carotin soo here- S certify that the said corporation old, on U day of March. 1914, Sie In my offioe a 1 executed and attested consent la writ ing to the dissolution of said corporation ex ecuted by all the stockholders thereof, which said oonsent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid an sow on Ue In my mid I hare homo set my band and aMxod my offloal aal at Haleiak tola 14 day of March. A. l>. OA T BBYAN QBIMBS, (Seal) lisssstary of Mate. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as Bxeeuto a of thelsat will and teataasaotof John P. Coble, deceased. late of the counly or Alamance and HUH of North Carolina, this la to notify all persons haviag claims a gal net th eetate of mid to ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Wthday of April, MM. or thia notice will bo plead la barof their recovery. All parsons indebted to said eecass will plaaas make Immediate payment. This February IMb. mi 7 * L. M. COBLBI C. B. COBLB, BaVs of John P- Cobto, dee'd. >. Barling too. Bouts no. ML B.«. W. Dameron, AU'y. llapMt SUBSCRIBE FOB THB QUBANEH, SI.OO A YHAR ADVANCE,- _ 4• is . ... . Notice of Re-Sale of Real Estate. Under and by Virtue of an order of tbe 8a- Krlor Court of Alamance county, made In especial Proceeding entitled M. L. cheek. Executor of W. A. Williams vh. Del lie Ann Williams, the undersigned Executor will, on SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1915, at twelve o'olook M., at the court house door In Graham, North ' arollna ollbr for sale to tbe highest bidder, thut certain tract of land lying and being In Newlln township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. A. Patterson. Joe Williams and others, and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a post oak at the Bennett oor ner, running tbence West 10 oha and ]8 ika to a black 0..k In -ylvla Godfrey's line; tbence N 55 oha to a stone near i). P. Jobe's; tbence E 10 chs and 1( Iks to a hickory near a branch; tbence B H cba to ibe beginning, containing M acres, more or lese. Terms of Sale—One-third cash, one-third In three months, and one-third In sis months. Deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale. Bidding will start at llMi.oo. This the Vth day or April, 1015. s* M. JL. CHEEK, Executor. Notice oi Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Under ana oyvirtne of tbe power of sale oontainad in a certain mortgage executed on tbaßlh day of July. 1018, by K M. Pogleman and his wife. Dors Fogleman, to the Alamance Insurance k Heal Estate Company for tbe purpose of securing tbe payment of four b nds of evendato therewith ol One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) eaoh, dne and payable on tbe Mth day of July, I*l4, default having been made In the payment of said bomiaandtbe Interest thereon, sold mortgage being duly probated and recorded in the office of the H agists rof Deeds for Ala man oe county. In Boo* of Mortgagee and Deeds of Tru t No. H, the undersigned mortgagee MONDAY, MAY 10, 1915, at tbe oourt house door of Alimanoe county, ht Grahaaa,M. C,at f o'clock p. ot. i for to-w»: „A certain parcel of land lying nod being In Graham township, countyotAlamanoeand State of North Carolina, and numbered lln Section It, in the plan and plat of the Avenue Land Company and bounded aa follows, to wits Beginning at • oomar on Graham Avenue and Alio) way: tbenoe with aald Alleyway S «deg «omln W I*l ft tos stake; thence N M dag » mln W to ft to a stake, conerof lot Ho. 1: «»noe with said lot No. 1 North «drg » mln ■»! MofttpaatakeonOrmham Avenue: A ni! noe 8 « Nl4 I AJLAMAMCI%S.*{niAL>fITATICa. Mortgagee. Summons by Publication Mortk Carolina—Alaaunce Ceaaty. In the Saperier Court, Before the Clark. Aaron Blchmond and Adeline Blchmond »*>'"• Blchmond, above ni!t?iTT nTT£ ssrssSS SL £f£E " th. S&rS «** **• "npwfer Court for the W Alamance on Saturday tbe (th day a of May. 1916, and answer owdemur to the com-