THE GLEANER IBBUKD EVERY THPBBDAT. • J. P. KEBNOPLE, Editor. »1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. . ADVBhTISING KATBB me square (1 In.) 1 time Sim, ~r eac j sub >;ut>n« Insertion 60 cents. For more space ■it,! longer time, rates tarnished on applies, in. Local not locs 10 cts. a line (or Sret n.ortlon ; subsequent Insertions line transient advertisements must Be paid for advance The editor will not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. Knteredatthe Postoffloe at Graham. N. 0., as second clues matter. GRAHAM, N. - C., June 17 1915. Had Mr. Bryan resigned his posi tion as Secretary of State, as we staled last week,. and kept his \iews to himself until all differ ences and contentions were set tled between Germany and the United States, there would haVe little ground for criticism of his course. But he goes on talking. In truth he has already made several final statements. He is still giving voice to his opinions. He appears to be endeavoring to set himself right—he needs *to set himself right, for his course has been very embarrassing to the President, no doubt. • In complete contrast to Mr. Bry an's course, it will be observed that both ex-Presidents, Taft ana Roosevelt have approved the Pres ident's course. The comment of the Berlin papers on the, American note shows a gen eral disposition to recognitfe the friendly tone of the note, afld the fact that it makes further nego tiations possible, the .press is di vided, roughly,, into two. psrties, one disposed to enter into nego tiations looking to a compromise on a new basis, while the other,, by implication or expressly, rejects any departure from the course heretofore followed. Some feared that Mr. Bryan s res ignation would cause a split in the Democratic ranks, but on the contrary, the party seems to have been more firmly cemented and no prospect of a disruption is appa rent. Gon. J. S. Carr has published a card announcing that he will not l>e n candidate for Governor. He has lots of friends throughout the State who will regret to hear it, for many of them wanted to vote for him. Several weeks probacy will be allowed to pass before the United .Stales takes any further steps in tlie development of its policy towsrd Mexico as announcod by President Wilson in his rocentslstemout warn ing the factional loaders to "accora modate their differences" and restors peace. In the meantime replies from Vills snd Csrranzs will be awaited. Villa, it is reported, lias agreed to retire from Mexico if Carranza will ■ajne. jjrhinh is not provable, About 14,000 street car employes in Chicsgo are on strike and no street cam wore operated Monday. An automobile line has been es tsblished between lttleigh snd Dur hsm. Car each way every two hours. The State Pharmaceutical Associs tion met in session in Durhsm Tues day and closes today. Mr. Geo, 0. Goodman of Mooresrills is president. Gen. J. S. Carr, whoee name has bsen frequently mentioned in con nection with the Democratic nomina tion for Governor, announces that he is not snd will not be a candidate. - G. L. Kidd, sn insurance man of Greensboro, snd Milton Silver, s High Point clothing merchant, dis puted about the Frank case snd fought. State Senator F. P. Hobgood, Jr., has been sppointed a special attor ney of the Department of Juetice at a salary of 17,600 a year. Be will be located st Cheyenne, Wyo. Mr. iiobgood lives at Qrtensboro. Henry Lemmone, 20 years old, committed suicide st his home iu Concord Saturday by drinking car bolic acid. Domestic trouble. Bis wife had sworn tat s warrant for him for abandonment but ths rasgis trste discharged him. Mies Elisabeth daughter of Mrs. Sudie Avery McUee of Char lotte, and granddaughter of the late Judge Avery of Morgan ton, and Mr. C. M. Way nick, ciW editor of the Greensboro Recordiwill be married in Charlotte Saturday, 19th. The United SSlfes Supreme Court, passing on the oonetitution ality of the Webb-Kenyon law, hss affirmed the decision of the Kentucky court that the law is not applicable to cases from that State, where liquor wa shipped into "dry territory' for personal use. Bail, wind aad rain badly dam aged crops in Cleveland county, north and northwest oi Shelby. Some farmers will plow up what re mains of their ootton and plant corn. Other crops and orchards were badly damaged and then waa some damage There is talk of an aviation corps for the State troops and Adjutant General Young says if a machine can be secured, which is improbable, it will bo used at ftprtirppniffit thi« Washington News. Cot. of The Gleaner. . BRYAN THE TRAITOR. If Mr. Bryan think* that In re signing his post aa Secretary of State and "taking the, stump", in opposition to President Wilson s statesmanlike foreign policy, that he will find a willing audience in the American people, he ,wlll be badly mistaken. The people of this country have always had the utmost contempt fOr ap peace at any price Mnan. That is what William Jennings Bryan ia. The American people are through with this cotloasal faker and coward once and for all. If Mr. Bryan conscientiously dif fered from President Wilson who had the other nine members of his cabinet solidly at his back together, with the ninety-five million Ameri can people, he should have remain ed silent and followed, the instruc tions of hid chief. That wA the manly thing to do. This is no time quibble over (natters of foreigh policy, when the country Is unani mous in the support of Its Great President of Whom it is particu larly proud and delights to honor. What Bryan wsints, is for Ger many to go on with her assassina tions of American people while he keens up the diplomatic argument until the war is over. In other words, Bryan wants to arbitrate with a murderer, while he Is plunging the dagger in his vitals. Germany has the right to sink an enemy Merchant ship, but she has no right to sink It, until he enter* that ship, takes off the valuable papers, and gives the paassengers and crew time to disembark in the life boats. Germany did not do this in sinking the Lusitania, and she there.ore violates the laws of ehlllzed nations, laws to which she has consented, and therefore Ger many stands to-day as a lawless and barbarous nation., wd Mr. Bry an proposes to at|iiiesce in these barbarities und make the United States Government the laughing stock o' the world. The kingdom o' ancient Poland believed In peace at any price, and when Rtiscia, Aus tria and Prussia proposed to carve it up and divide it among them selves in 1773 there was nothing left for poor Poland to do but sub mit. That is evidently the kind of country Mr. Bryan thinks he is liv ing in. He is mistaken; he is liv ing in the country of Washington, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Jackson, byt we regret to say he is an disgrace to it. Washington, June YVJ.M9. At Kinston a tobacco warehouse is being rigged up that will have 5 000 .eet of floor spare s id to be the largest in the State. The eighth annual Joint Sunday School Normal of the Tennessee Lutheran church will be' held at Lenoir College, Hickory, July 12-18. A colored nurse to work among the colored people of Durham haa been provided Jointly by the com missioners of Durham and Durham countv. Beecher Williams, 13 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams of Yadkin county was drowned in a mill pond, Sunday'a week, live miles north of Yadkinville. lie and others were in swimming. A white man in Greensboro gave a negro money to buy him some liouor. Instead of returning with whiskey the negro brought water which he sold to him. When the white man found that he had been duped he Indicted the negro for false pretence and he wasVonvict ed. Haw's This t We off«r One Hundred Dollars (toward for •njr MM of Catarrh that oanaot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, P. J, CHKttIY * CO., Toledo, O. jr*. th« aoOeraiKoed. bare known Y. i. Cheney Mf tae law u mn. sour njiniiw perfectly honorable in all buatoeee transac tion! and AaaaetaUr able to carry oat any obllcatloni maae by bin arm. Natio al bars or Cos nana*, 11*.11 Ostarrh Cure Is taken Internally! acting directly upon tht blood and tnuooua •urfaoM of tha system. TeeUwonlels Mat t roe. Price 71 cents per bottle. Sold by ail Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. adv Item of Newt. St, Augustine, Fla, has adopted the commission form of government Dr. Lee Whitfield Staton, a wide ly known physician of Richmond, Vs., was driving along the streets when a wheel of hie carriage came off. - Dr. Staton was thrown on his head and almost instantly killed. Missee Alice Wrigley and Mary l'earaon, prominent young women or Macon, us., were killed Monday s week when sn sutomobile driven by Miss Pearson was struck by s Cen tral of Georgia Railroad passsnger train st a grade crossing 10 mflee weit of Macon. The old sloop of wsr Portamouth, which took possession of San Fran cisco Bsy for the United States in 1840, destroyed the Chinese fortifica tions at Csnton in 1860 and later fought with Admiral Faragut, was sola Mondsy a week for 18,063 to John HL Gregory of Perth Amboy, N. J, The National American Woman Suffrage Association Conference at Chicago went on record as opposed to attacks by the Congreesional Un ion on the Democratic party. A resolution sdopted unanimously also dec Is red thst the Congreesional Un ion had failed of benefit in suffrage Slates snd worked harm in States where women still wen seeking the bsllot. The will of the Isle £lbert Hub bard and wife, who lost their lives on the Lusitania, haa bsen filed for probate. Alt their .property is left to Elbert Habbard, their son, and Miriam Hnbbard, a daughter. Chll* dren by Hnbbard's first marrisn are not mentioned in tbewill. He had insurance policies amounting to more than SIOO,OOO and oonaidsrabls real wtilii A WORD FOR MOTHERS iaSSSSKSSKE sms and often shortens life, dtpsmfr. yosshoSdknSrlLt ftaetrs strengths the tlmci, nourish the nerves I aad boild strength. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session oh Jnne 7th, with the following mem bers present: Geo. T. Williamson, chairmen, W. H. Turrentine, Ches. H. Roney, Ches. P. Cstes and M. C. Mcßiive. '. Business was transacted as fol lows# Mrs. J. J. Foster was relieved of tax on slßo—overcharge on lot in Burlington township. W. M. Matthews was relieved oi, one dor tax—erroneously listed. Mr. Bean was relieved of one poll tax of $2.00 and Ghraded School tax In Glennhope District—errone • ously listed In the mstter Of the petition for s road across the Isnds of W. A. Kime, et sj, action was deferred until next meeting. ®YLVAN DIBXRICT ELECTION. WhereJf the Board ordered a special election to be held In cer rltory, known as Sylvan District, on the inh of May, 1915, to vote upon /tjft question of levying a special tax In said territory for Hign School purposes, and, where as, the returns from said election show that there were 101 legal reg istered voters, and that 71 votea were cast for Special Tax and 20 votes were cast -sgainst Special Tax, and 13 qualified voters not voting, making a majority of 38 votes for Bpeclal Tax, therefore, It is ordered that said election be an'i Is hereby declared carried in favor of Special Tax. Motion put and carried. RAILWAY BOND ELECTIONS. Whereas, at" a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance county, held in Gra ham, North Carolina, held on the 7th day of June, 1915, to canvass the returns and tjeclare the re sult of the election heretofore or dered to be held on the Ist day of June, 1915, in the following townships in Alamance county, N. upon the question of subcrib ing to the preferred eapltsl Stock of the Alamance, Durham & Or ange Railway ft Electric Co.„ under the laws of North Carolina as con tained in Act of the General As sembly known as House BiH No. 1274 and Senate Bill No. 1387, which said bill is the Charter for the said Railway & Electric Com pany, the following is declared to be the result of th eclection in the following townships: Morton township—slo,ooo prefer red stock. Number of registered voters, 180. Number voting for subscription, 87 Nnmber voting against Sub. .. 31 Number not voting ■ 62. Majority against subscription, 6 Faucette township SIO,OO pre/er red stock. Number of registered voters, 147. Number voting for subscription, 66. Number voting against sub. ... 14 Number not voting 87 Msjority against sub 15 Bud Hsith, Boon Motion town ship was relieved pf 'Toad dutv in said township on account of disa bilities. The petition asking for a public road from W. A. Smith's to the Jas Home place was filed to be hearu to the next meeting. The matter of cartway across the lands of Mrs, Pattie O. V. White was laid over for further consider ation. BRICK IN OLD JAIL DONATED. That whereaa, we have been so licited by the hospltsl committee, soliciting donations, to s fund to aid in the (erection of a $30,000 hoipltsl to be erected in Alamance county, between the towns of Bur lington and Graham, that we here by donate to said .hospital fund the brick of the Old Alamance county tail building as a free donation to said hospital committee, said do nation to be valued st $300.00. Motion put snd carried. . P. M. Elder and other cititrns Were" snowed utrtiu slong the rosd from Burlington to Alamance Cotton Mills, with the understsnding that the petitioners pay all damages snd place the' poles outside the rovi orditches. Mrs. Sallle Perry was relieved of tax on 133 acres o, Und l.i New - Hn townahlp, valued at $250. for I*l2 and 1913, same listed twice. ■O. Ab. Fogleman and W. H. Turrentine were appointed a com mittee to Investigate the proposed cartway oysr the Qands of Mrs. Pattie O. vT White, near J. F. Gar rison's snd report st next meeting. iClndy Terrell was admitted to the County Home. JAIL BILbING COUMMITEE REPORT. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Alamance coun ty: Your committee ordered to buid s Jail for Alamance county, beg to report that they hsve completed ssld Jail, according to plans and specifications furnished by your Honorable Board, eonalstlng of one 5-room dwelling with basement ami two story Jail building with one bath room cell, one cell tor white women, one cell for colored women snd hospital cell In one room, two Insans cells snd two Juvenile cells, both cells in one room. On seconrf floor we hsvs one 3- bunk esge for white people with showsr .bsthj in the other room we have «ss 1»- bunk cage for colored,.4Matss spa one special csll with bath rtrt>m room for witnesses; also.oS"Jury dormitory to accommodate twelve Jurors; equipped with sfeism heat and ssctric lights; and two-run laundry room with boiler sad cost bunk. Yoor committee asks your Hon orable Board to Inspect snd. If found satisfactory, to accept the sssss snd discharge your commit tooe Respectfully, W. H. WRRBNTINE. R. N. COOK, GEO. T. WILLIAMSON. Committee. The Board visited the new Jail snd investigated it ia a body, and the report of the committee Wss accepted and fled and the com mittee discharged. The outside poor listwas revis ed snd the ususl orders msds. BOND ELECTIONS CALLED. Bond elections were celled tor Graham snd Thompson townships to yote upon the question of issu ing bonds In said townships for "the Alamance, Durham * Orange Rail sjSrsTru.csrs:'.»r TAX LBVY FOB l«J. . It wss ordered that the follow ing taxes be levied for the veer Taxes SCHOOL. A tax of 20 cents on the SIOO val uation for. State Bch#ol T*x. jprt GENERAL COONTY. ... 1 A tax of 10 1-6 cent* on the >IOO valuation for General County Tax. , COUNTY. KOAD. A tax of 16 3-3 cent* on the SIOO valuation for County Road Tax. CotjNTY DEBT. A tax of 4 cent* on the SIOO for a County Debt Tax. i ROAD BOND. A tax of 13 Ut cent* on the $l6O for a Road Bond Tax. POLL TAX. A tax of $2.00 on each taxable poll. $1.48 of which is levied by State and 47 cent* of which ia to be devoted to the education of and the support of the poor, and the name to be divided a* follows: Pensions, 12 eta.: School*. $1.50; Geuersl County Fund, 38 cts. GRADED SCHOOLS. The tax Ifvy for the' several Graded Schools on the SIOO valua tion is as follows: Sylvan, 60c on property. $1.60 on poll. Friendship, 80c ou property, SOc on poll. Hawfields, 33 1-3 cts. on proper ty, SI,OO on poll. Ay cock,' 20c on property, 60c on Hiring. 26c on property, 76c on Green, 20c on property,. 60c on poll. Meiiane, 30c on property. 90c on p»y. Oaldale, 20c on property, 60c on poll. Oibsonville, 30c on peoperty, 90c on po|!. f Maywood, 10c on property, 30c on poll. Elon College, 30c on property, 90c on poll. Saxapahaw, 15c on property. 45c o«l poll Shallowford, 15c on property, 45c on poll. Eldermont, 20c on propertv. 30c on poll. Fair Ground, 30c, on property,. 90c on poll. McCray, SOc on property, 90c on polL Glennhope, 26c on property, 75c on Elmira, SOc on property, 60c on poll. v Ossipee, 10c on property, 30c on poll. Altamahaw, 10c on property, 80c on poll. Bellemont, 20c on property,, 60c on poll. Woodlawn, 30c on property. 90c on polL . Glennwood, 20c on property, 75c on poll. Sidney, 20c on property, 6600 on poll.' Stony Creek, 20c on property. 60c on poll. . board adjourned to meet Monday, June 28, 1915. Ever Salivated by Calomel? Horrible! Calomel is Quicksilver and , Acts like Dynamite on Calomel* loses you a day I You ■know what calomel is. It's mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dan- Serous. It crashes into your bile ynsmite. cramping ana sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put ln*o your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out. and feel that you need, a dose of dangerous calomel, Just remember that your druggist sells tor 60c a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a per fect substitute lor calomel.* Ais guaranteed to start your liver without stirring ydu' up inside, and cannot salivate. Don't take Calomel 1 It makes you sick next dayj ft loses you a day's work. Dodson's LHrer Tone straightens you right up and you feel great Olve it to the children because it la perfectly harmless ana doesnt gripe. adv. In Crsen Superior Court last week Judge Geo. W.Connor, on motion o counsel for Solicitor Abemethy, or dered expunged from the records of the court certain entries made by order of Judge Carter and which were considered a reflection on Aberaf'.fcv's official conduct, these being made during the Carter being made during the Carter- Abernethy war. Var an I»pelre4 Appetite. To Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few dosfes of Chamberlain's Tablet*. Mr. JJ/IL'Seitz, of Detroit, Mich* write, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the how eta." For eala by all dealers, adv. Two respectable looking men tanked up In Charleston, S. C., crawled into a box car to sleep and woke nut day in Raleigh feeling ysrjr much the worse for the ride. They were discharged on payment of coats. Get 114 sf Year Bheusaatissa. Now is the time to get rid of Sour rheumatism. You can do it : you apply Chamberlain* lini ment. W; A. Lockhart, Homer Cltjr, N. Y„ writes, "Last spriag I suf fered from rheumatism with ter rible pains in my arms and shoul ders. I got a bottle of Chamber lain's Liniment anil the first appli cation relieved me. By using one )>ottle of It I was entirely cured. For sale by all dealers. adv. Dr. Berfthard Dernberg, former colonial secretary of the German .empire, who has been termed Bm- HICKORY cmw. Bryan thinks we have no rights In Germany's ocean any way. . He that does not fight but runs swsy, may live to fight another day—Bryan. i- ' Now is the time for all America to pull for a great Pan-American Steamship Line. t* As diplomats the Berlin authori ties are great military men. It may be necessary for some be nevolent outsider to help the- Mex icans take Mexico. Liberty Bell to America "I've had a nice trip Hi good company, but Where's your gun." Our idea of an enterprising sales; agent is the man who posts safety rasor ads. in the vicinity of the trenches. \ " Memorial dhy services to direct attention to circumstances under which flowers make better decora tions than a car loid Ok iron crosses. Speaking of death as a "beauti ful adventure," E. Phillips Oppen heim still. appears willing to give all the advantages to his unfortu nate heroes. Austria continues to Insist thst she was "surprised" at Italy. N body at home but the soldiers. One New York Sleuth who inves togated the "white way" cabarettes ultima to have found something to eat. He should promptlv oe re moved to Matte wan. Japan finds that it haa focused upon itself the resentments toward the Government that are necessa rily numerous in so large a coun try as Chins. It is feared that some of the di plomatic communication was not in harmony with the generous spirit that now characterises Memorial Day. It is also important that those new seagoing submarines shall be able to "come back." . Another industry that the' auto mobile has killed is that of the old fashioned .horse thief. Jtvidently the aeroplane woufo have helped Hannibal tout little in his military crossing the Alps. Free lunches are to coqtine In Chicago saloons. Muzxles are not the only menace of the canine race. The Pan-American Cyiference has established sn acquaintanceship with good feeling which should represent an important step to ward close trade relations. China's enormous population may require sometime to enable itJto, come unanlmoua in ftpproving'of the supervision Jspsn has underts ker - The submarine .challenges the safety of everything In sight, even while Its own right to exist is in question. None of the Mexican generals ap prove of charity from this country. They are not among those who The air raid, through terror to to civilians, has not.gone far to ward incapacitating armies. The straw hat came in and went out with unprecedented rapidity, Switzerland has become a place of refuge Instead of a summer re sort. It must be admitted that the German government is more tactful , in outlining its position than Dr. . Dernberg was. ( Arbitration always pleases the | the public which eventually has to , pay the cost of all strikes. Now that the Mexican situation has again become critical Huerta may decide to let bygones 1M by end give the Washington sdminis tration the benefit of his advice. Those of us who dil not get la on the a|& sent to Belgium can participate in the feeding of Mexi co, which will be one of the good deeds which Illuminate a naughty world. sl60 —Dr. B. Detchoa'a Anti-Diu retic may be worth morn to you —more to you than slo* if you have n child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water ooce. SLN. Bold by Graham Dreg Company. air. Ten sections «i California od lands near the o. MitKtHek,. Kara county, valuort at have fc«*n deriared fraudulently |-at*-et • ed ty the out hern Pacific Rail road Company In a decision by Judge Bean, of theV nlted States District Court of Oregon. Thir means the lands revert to the Gov ernment, If the decision is snstaia ed. ladlgsUsa «uU OasMpattsa. "About fivs years ago I began taking Chsmhartaials Whists after suffering from constipation and in kM «• It OtMM and by wing thaaa for several weeks I was cored of the coss piaint," thus writes Mrs. Mary B. McMullen, Phelps, N. Y. Far sale by all dealers. adv. The hosiery mills of the State are stitute for the Oerman dyes. The MuT" have e a tT lf mo'nths The Sofl Match. J. K. Plummer, Soil Chemist. ' The average annual rainfall in North Caroliina is amply sufficient for the production of a maximum crop. Yet in many sections of the State thf> distribution of this rainfall lis such as to cause severe drouths [at some time during the growing ceason—the time when water is most needed. It is then extremely {necessary for our farmers to adopt 'methods of soil management which will conserve their waSsr in time of plenty snd give it to the plant When the supply becomes limited. I One of the greatest losses of wa ter from the soil is from surface evaporation. Water is constantly being pumped to the surface by the forces of capillary attraction and is thus passed to the atmos phere. The most effective way of etoriog soil Water is ay uae of the soil mulch. Many people have a vague idea as to what a mulch really is. Any protective covering which pre vents surface evaporation is a mulch, ' Leaves, straw, oarnyard manure, etc., may be used to form the mulch, but their spplication Is limited, due to the lack of material-and the ex pense involved. The soil mulch is slmost universal in its application. Practically any soil may be con- Pverted into an efficient mulch toy proper treatment. It is simply an air dry layer of the natural soil covering the moist soil below, sod should be as loose and friable as possible. The thickness of this superficial layer of soil should be from 2to 3 inches even a 1 Inch mulch has proven efficient in preventing ex cessive evaporation in some sandy soils. The depth should never 6e greater than is necessary to per form its functions, for the top lay er is ususlly richest In plant food from which the roota are excluded by tillage. Its depth should be deeper for clay soils than for sands, due to the difference s Tn the physi cal properties of the two soils. The mulch should be formed quickly af ter each rain, and in the of days oft- II impair its efficiency cr. completely destroy its effect. The implements used in forming the soil mulch are the disk harrow, straight tooth harrow or AJiV sur face ullage implement. The use of this soil blanket is not confined to intertilled crops like cotton, corn, tec.,'tout may under certain condi tion* be applied to grain crops with god remits. In some sections of the country it is not nnc -inmon, to drag i.a n fields with a sharp tooth haivow tne" tseth pointing slightly backwa d. Tl,«« i« hug .in when th»- pl.iptsArc- *mill and may to kept >i|4 until th* plan's i*e large enough to shade tne grounn sufficiently to cut down surface evaporation. It should'be borue In mlrid that the efficiency Of the mulch depends upon its fineness snd dryness. San dy soils are more easily maintain ed as mulches than clays. From 2 to 3 Inches is usually most ef fective, and sfter each .. raii> the mulch must be renewed by tillage pa quickly as it Is possible to per form. While the apple crop In Western North Carolina was damaged to the amount of $1,000,000 by the outbreak of the blight which was recently discovered among the trees, an in vestigation of the peach trees of Buncombe county,, which has Just been conducted by demonstrator E. D. Weaver, shows that the fruit will not be hurt. The stream of automobile license requests continue to g ointo The office of Ithe Secretary. of State. Secretary Grimes haa found it nec essary to increase the force of the office msterislly during the renew sl period. It is estimated by Chief Sawyer that the total number of li censes issued this year will be 30,- 000 or more. In three days 2,000 were received. John Strando arrested in ' John ston City, 111., in connection with the murder of Edward Chapman, a *»U by. « mob and hanged. Several persons were Injured in a fight' that re sulted when Strando's countrymen, members of a foreign colony tried to rescue him sfter he had been suspended several minutes. Two men arrested with Strando and the leader of a rescue party, were tak en to Jail in another county for safe keeping. It is charged that the foreigners at Johnston City are guilty of a series of murders snd thst Strando confessed. It is reported from Alleghany that John U. Wagner, an attorney of that county, chairman of the Republican executive committee and a former State Senator, hss disappeared leav ing a large amount of indebtedness. The North Wilkeaboro Hustler hears that the amount is SIO,OOO and that forgery is also alleged. Theft's a Right Way Ta Do Everytfciig. Napoleon Knew This »r mo—. • MB. BUBINBM J9% MAN, don't Va* ditch this. BEAD f Advertising con \ _J>dslsts of HAM JL kt MBEING AWAX rnt. |L_ st the ssme point mm until tks inert cov ering of the public mind Is psa "ZtrertMsg Ii the BTfcraM ATIO sowing ot sssd, net the scattering of salt oa the desert Advertising is the STEADY Plying ot the sx of publicity apea the tree of obscurity until the tree Is cat leva. Perhaps you ars the kind ot ■ swims I or maasfhcturar who hss hsrstofore bougM spaes for oas Insertion of sa sdl sad then resisted all sflsrts sC ear soiici tar. to gst you ts tsiiow It a*, or you hare followed it ap whsa toe Is to Oas tap at ths hammsr. one Wow o ths ax. Is net saoaah. Scatter! n« s hsadful ot seeds aevsr raisss a crop te rows. Too cast CONVINCE peopls thst year goods SN luUsbie if year advertising Is DNkEUA BLH. Napoleon iierpr votild have bssa Nspoissa if he hsd set |j pslgusr st the sgs. >;. ,L;. v \ ,•• ; . SUBBCBIBB VOR THB GLRANBK, -IH I 7D a VIV?..- ————T— ' V • .» jaßf 'jjH _t^H ' Qtcvv^^ sc. the packet or two "Bobs** for a cent at alLthe better stands and stores. "DOBS"are the D candy gum all right— You're on! —heart shaped bits of chewing gum all coated over with peppermint candy; Some flavor—and some pep. Youll llke the "Bobs'* ■ " " —* ' 1 1 ■ _ St. John's Day, Masonic Celebration, OXFORD, N. C., Thursday, June 24th, 1915. USUAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES via Southern Railway, Premier Carrier of the. South. TWO SPECIAL TRAINS FROM RALEIGH AND DURHAM. Schedule and round trip fares aa follows: * Leava Raleigh 7:30 a.m. fi.oo i " Durham 8:25 a. m. 1.00 Arrive Oxford 9 50 a. m. Leave Oxford, returning 5:30 p. m. Passengers from Goldeboro and intermediate points to Durhnm uae rsgtua* wain ap. 2i, auu awn - SmUiUiv p~~is.ii;-- ' eluding Chapel Hill will use regular train No. 100, connecting at Durham with apeoial train leaving Durham at 10: a. m., arrive Oxford 11-.00 a. m., returning this train will leave Oxford 4:45 p. m. t connecting at Durham with regular trains East and West for all points. Round trip fares aa follows: " Goldsboro 41.50 Greensboro $1.75 Selma 1.25 Burlington 1.25 Clayton 1.25 Chapel Hill 1.00 a Fares froln all other intermediate points on same basis. This is a great opportunity to visit the Orphanage and enjoy the Cele bration Exercises. For full and complete information aak nearest Agent and secure large flyera, ox write - O. F. YORY, T. P. A. r Raleigh, N. C. Notice ol Special Bond Election In Thomp son's Township. Notice I* hereby given, that the-Board of Pniii—l**lnim i or flamanaa county, purau aat to the power la them veetod by ail Act of yjFSte 7 '^^ aaaPh Ibwaahip on tha BNb day of July, 1814, for tha punioaa of submlUlngto the qual lAaa voter*of theeUd townabipUiequestion of voting the sum of Twenty Thousand bollars ihouaand Dollar* oi the «va paroeot. ymtn I red«to*hot *ndln the Alamanre.Durham and Orange Ball way and Kleoulo CompanyT That aald eleettoa will ha held fa aald township at thaaa«M^^i^«a^ B* wJD be MfWrnftaffriiliiSSi*Slid lowaaSp for a parted of not Ma* thaa twenty day*, Sunday* Oaly OM Katlrely Satlsfkelorj-. 1 hm tried various coUc ana diarrhoea WIIMII, bat the only MM that haa fives entire aatiafac- wiawwto I my frfend* lit aU'times!" writes 8. H. Galloway. Stewart, 8. C. *or Mia by all dealera. adv. A number of cittaras of China' Grove township, Rowan county, have aaked to be relieved ol their ltU tmxea becauae a atorm damag ed their oat aad wheat crops, ▲hoot one-fourth of the townahip vaa devastated by the atorm. The WMIWIMMI have defert* (taction on the Hatter. bOwiOU taoae Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMeta. AO druggiata refund the JBOMjr if It fails to core. B. ,W. Grove's signature is on each box. .. •«*. Notice ot Special Bond Election In Graham Township. * Hollo# 1« hereby given, that Ibo Board of Commlaaloners of Alamanoe county, pur suant to the power, In them.veated bran Act of tbe General Aiaembty of North Carolina at Ita id—lon, I#l6, aame being House Bill No. 1 *74 and Bill No. 1,387, baa oTdeied an election to be beld In Gra ham Township on tbe 20tb day of July, Hit, far tbe purpose of submitting to the quali fied voter* ot the Mid tow nihil tbe question of Totfaff M» mm of Thirty-live Thouaand Dollar* of Ave per eant. (5 per oent) thirty war toad* of the aald townahip,' to fire in exehaan for Thirty-live Thou*- U»^ihuwo?i'* leet lotT an 'm- Mrely new registration of voter# of aald tabr and V. M. Eullss an the duly ape# nted roU bolder* and )M(M (or saM oaea the resMnuiua booh* for the raglatm tha seoood Haturdayb- Clark to Board Oounty Offlaialo—n. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. «SsTsfastisv* signed hereby notttaa ail peraoo* holding claim, again* (aid eetale to present tha ant duly authenticated, oa or before the Kth day afMay.lMa, or this aodoc wlll be nleadatf la bar of OMtr reoovery. Ail parao .1 Indebted tojiu Mtat* an rsqmtad to BakaUk- WaAa*-M.MM. J. H. Tarson, Att'y, Borllngton, N. 0. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. jagyra's^sirs.-'aa efaata *galaj aald aetata tt> craatat tha mmm Store For Rot Oneida Store building. Tha beat •tore room and the beat location town. Poraeeaion given at once. i For further information cadi at One** Office, Graham, N. C,

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