THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., June 1? 191«. Postollice Hours. Offlo open TJSO a.«. toT.OOp. M. |oul*T S.OO to 11.00 a. m. and Ml to MO p. n> 1. K. MoCKACXKN. Postmaster. ♦ LOCA'L NEWS. ♦ llllltllll'lllllllllllllllt —The wheat harvest la nearly . over. —Wheat la reported not so good as many expected. —The Priacilla Club will meet with Mrs. L. Banks Holt at four o'clock p. m., on Friday June 25. —Bear in mind that the Oxford Orphan Asylum Singing Class will he here on the night of Monday, June 28th, to give a concert. -r-A fine rain fell yesterday al ternoon and last night. At places some miles South 'of here it fell in torrents. It was not so heavy here. —Mr. John F. Murray, spending a few days here from Beaverdam, Va., is having some improvements made on hia residence on N. Maple street. —The cottage prayer meeting be held next Wednesday after noon at 4.30 o'clock with Miss Han nah Turner, South end South Ma ple street. —Drs. C. O. Abernetby and Camp bell of Baletgh, Henry Best of Wil son and Armon Strickler of Zebu lon, spent- Monday night aa the guests of Dr. J. J. Barefoot. They went t& Greensboro Tuesday to at tend the meeting of the North Car olina Medical Society. —Bev. Victor Lightbourne had large congregations to hear him at Graham Christian church Sunday morning and at New Provtdeiice Sunday night. He spoke just as in terestingly ae when in the revival rervices here several ' wdfcce ago, and the people were glad to have an opportunity of hearing him again. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Rives. Mud Fence vs. Old Sox. . These are the names, especially the former, of well known base ball teams here yean ago. Several of the members of the former team in its halcyon days, with some latter day recruits, will con test for honors with the latter at the Graham Athletic Park this afternoon at 6 o'clock. The two teams are composed of prominent business men, lawyers, court house officers, Ac. If it does not rain a large crown is expected to tnrn out to se the "stnntd" "pulled off' by the "gay and festive" "old boys." Mr. Steven Simmons Passes Exami nation and Goes to Philadelphia. Mr. J. Steven Simmons, son of Mrs. A. M. Simmons of Graham, is now a full fledged Doctor. He has ]ust graduated from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, from which he came direct to Greensboro last week to stand examination before the State Board of Medical Exam iners. He completed bis work and graduated with high honor, from the medical college and made the highest average of any candidate before the State Board, his aver age being 93.65. He returned to Philadelphia Monday to enter upon hospital work which he has.accept ed We congratulate him on his high stand. Sixth Birthday. • Little Miss Elisabeth Harden, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Waletr R. Harden, celebrated her sixth anniversary ot her birth last Fri day afternoon. A number of her little friends were present to help make merry and enjoy the games and refreshments provided for the occasion. Masonic. Special communication ot .Thos. ,M. Holt Lodge, No. 49% A. F .& A. M„ Friday night at 8 p. m„ Elec tion of officers and other important matters to be looked after; a full attendance desired. A.' J. "THOMPSON, V- M. J. S. COOK, Secretary. Mr. Thoa. M. Cheek Dead. Mr. Thos, M. Cheek, one of Me bane'* oldest aad bert known citi zen died on the Ctb .inn. kna was buried at Mebane the following day. Mr. Cheek up to a few years ago lived a abort diatance Bast of Mebane and Just across the line In Orange county, He has ever been held la high eeteem and at one time represented Alamance and Orange in the State Senate. He ia survived by his widow, three daugh ters and five sons. "• LvcryDOij 1 durprise-uay service. Mt. Hermon Sunday School will give an "Everybody's Surpriee-Dav Service," beginning at 10 o'clock, June 20,1918, which will timeill of short programs arranged by the dif ferent classes. Ia the afternoon one of the county's most famous speakers—a man who holds a medal sa aa Orator from oaf of the State's most famooa educa tional institutions —will deliver an address. The Township Sunday School work will be organised also. Every body invited to attend. ALVIS A. SHABFB, Supt. Listen. An iee cream supper, Satur* day night, June 19th, on corner at M. R. Rives store for thebeuo fit of Philathea Class of M. K. Church. Notice to Tctcken. The regular examination far Pub lic School teachers. High School teachirs, aad for thoeeinatop to M?n Graham on JuJySthand 9th. / PERSONAL. ' + ♦ ♦ Miss Margaret Clegg is spending today in Mebane. Mr. B. B. Hunter D( Charlotte ■pent Monday here. Mr. W. A. Flick of Greensboro spent Monday here. Mrs. I. W. Menefee spent Mon day in Greensboro. Mr> Clyde Hunter spent Monday in Raleigh on buslneM. v Miss Kate Mebane ol Milton is visiting Mrs. L. Bancs Holt. Mesa. Boy Long and Clyde Hoo ter spent yesterday in Durham. Miss Lyde Palmer of Gulf ia vis iting at Mr. W. L. Cooper'#, near here. 75 *V|i ' . Rev. B .G. L. Edwards 0/ Yancey ville spent Monday and Tuesday here, Mrs. Nannie Berry and daughter, Miss Natalie, are visiting at Lex ington, Va. Or. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and Master Melvln of Mebane spent Monday here. Mr. E. 8. Parker, Jr„ spent the first of the weekat Went worth at court, returning this mofning. Mr. B. D. Scott left Sunday on - a visit to Augusta, Oa«, where Mrs. Scott is visiting at Iter old home. ' Mr. A. K. Hardee spent yesterday in Durham attending the meeting of the State Pharmaceutical Asso ciation. - ■ Masters Chas. and Jack Causey of Anderson, S. C., are here visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lv Scott, JrT Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr.. spent last Wednesday and Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. J. Mel Thompson in Mebane. - t Dr. and Mrs. .T .J. Barefoot spent Tuesday in Greensboro attending the meeting of the North Car lina Medical Society. ' Miss Ruth Mercer, who has been at the house party of Misses Blanch and Rebecca Scott, left last Friday for her home at Tarboro. » Little Miss Bllse Thompson spent the latter part of last week in Me bane, visiting at the home of her uncle, Dr. J. Mel Thompson.' Hess. Heenan Hughes and Thos. O. Coble returned from Baltimore Tuesday morning. They had a very pleasant ana satisfactory trip. Mr. Gary Garrett with his bride of Dry Fork, Va., arrived here'yes terday on a visit to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett. t Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson and children of Spencer spent Sunday here at the home of Mrs. Thomp son's parents, Mr. and Mr* W F. R. Clapp. , , c Rev\ J. V. Morgan returned this m -rning from Raleigh where he has .been engaged for more than a week in revival services. An ex cellent meeting is reported. Mr. Roy Johnston, son of Mr. J. W. Johnston of Haw River, now a teacher in Oak Rldae Institute, was in town the first of the week and all were glad to see him. Mrs. R. L. Holmes returned Tues day from the Stokes-Whitehead Sanatorium, where ebe has. been under care for several weeks on account of a fractured limb. She is nearly well again. Miss Edna Reinhardt of Stanly, Cleveland county, former Super visor ot Rural Schools of this coun ty, was here yesterday on her way to Chape) Hill to attend the summer School. Her numerous friends here deUshtai to see her again. Mr. Geo. W. Long, Jr„ and Mlsa Minnie Long spent from Thursday till Saturday last in Washington and Baltimore. They report Dr. Long, at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, still improving. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nicholson and little daughter of Biscoe arrived here Thursday on a visit to rela tives. Mr. Nicholson is a son of Mr. A. B. Nicholson and Mrs. Nich olson, a daughter of the late P. A. Mitchell, ia visiting at the home o her.uncle, Mr. J. D. Albright Mr. Lovett, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, who formerly lived in Alamance, waa in Graham the Jirst of the week. He was accompanied ay Mr. A. C. Hall of Burlington, now a student of Columoia College, New York City. Notice! Policy-holders of Old Line Fire Insurance will take notice that I have sold my agency to the Graham Lou A Trust Co., who will be pleaaed to renew any policiee written oj nffe. Sale effective Jane 7th, 1916. Thanking all who favored me with their buaineaa and beapaaking for my ancceaaor the liberal patronage accorded me, I am, Ver • truly, 17junclt CHAS. C. THOMFBOB. FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN-2 work horses. Apply to W. 8. LONG, JB, Graham, Jf. C. Wmfi, Agent* few automobile specialties, Man with auto preferred. Addreaa. SalesmanAger, 409 Realty B'ld'g Charlotte, N. O. A STORY OFJUFFERIM Told by * Graham Man. Here'ls a story of severe suffer ing that many people go through day by day without relief. Bat why endure itf Rerad Mr. Garrett's words and yon will realise that much suffering does not have to be endured. Proa* of Merit like tk* following is What you have been looking for. ra St S ' - rant, o. nam ot., Lira nam, aa ya. "About a year ago 1 had a bad a tack Of kidney colic. I suddered a time, tmaole to help myself. My kidneys were weak and caused me a lot of tronole. Doan's Kidney PPills did more for me than any thing I had ever taken. They strengthened my beck and my kid neye acted properly. Whenever 1 notice my kidneys are out of order now a few doses of Doan's Kid- I» r ., PNE! Ne# Providence Memorial Exerdees. (This should have appeared fn "last week's paper, but bysome soitof in adventence it. was left out. — EDITOR.) The annual Memorial Sermon was preached at 11 o'clock by Rev. Dr. MoConnell of Graham Presbyterian chifrch. Text from Hebrews l;l-4; "And by it ho being dead yet speafc eth." ' The Bermon was especially interesting aad helpful, as Dr. Mo- Connell d|d not dwell so much ot(, the sadness of death, but more upon the responsibilities and opportuni ties of life, stressing the idea "That it is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die' 1 . Our influences live after us. The Memorial Association met at 8 p.m. for transaction of busineua. Present officers re-elected: W. H. Holt, President; First Vice-Presi dent, Mcßride Holt; Second Vifce- Preaident, J. N. H. Clendenin ; Third Vice-President, J. W. Harden, Jr.; Secretary, Miss Ella J. Andrews; Treasurer, Mrs. Mcßride Holt. . A committee of two from the As sociation, consisting ef Mcßride Holt and J. N. H. Clendenin, was ap pointed to act with W. H. -Holt, Supt., in regard to cleaning off the cemetery. t % The following resolutions were adopted expressing our appreciation far the timely and eloquent sermon : Wherefte, The Rev. Dr. McConnell of Graham has this day pleached Our annual Memorial Sermon, and, whereas, said sermon was effective and powerful, inspiring ua to live a higher and better life, especially ap pealing to us to use our opportuni ties rightly; be it reeolved, First. That the Association here by tenders its profound thanks to' him as a token of appreciation for his very earnest and eloquenf man ner of presenting the trutij; and that the bleesings of God go with him in his labor for the Master. „ Second. That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the Associa tion ; that a copy be sent to Dr. Mc- Connell, and a copy be furnished for publication. . J. D. KEBNODLE, J.' N. H. CLENDENIN, W. J. Nix, Committee. On motion a program committee vfaa« appointed, 0 insisting of B. A. Sellers, Chairman; W. H. Holt, J. F. Morgan. No further business, on motion the Association adjourned * W. H. HOLT, President. Miss ELLA ANDBIWS, Sec'y. Meeting at Mebane, Saturday Night, June 19th., There will be a free Public Health meeting at the Graded School audi torium Saturday night, June 19, at 8 o'clock. I' will be conducted by the Government experts who have charge of the anti-typhoid campaign in Orange county. It ia understood that the southern manager for this anti-typhoid campaign will be here. He is a Government expert of na tional reputation, and it is fortunate for Mebane for ua to be able to hear auch a speaker on health subjects. Let everybody tell his friends, end not ooly come himself but bring his neighbor along with him. The lec ture will be illustrated and will be of unusual interest to the community at large. People from the country and from the neighboring towns aie invited to attend. Since this is the only meeting to be held in Alamance cAttnty by tncsv sipci U, : per son interested in public health .ia Alamance county ahould come and get all the information they can. (Signed) W. S. CBAWKOBD, Mayor. Prof. L Allen Holt Dead Having been in declining health for months and growing verv much worse recently, Prof. J. Allen Holt paused away at his home at Oak Ridge at 8:15 Tuesday evening, acred 02 years. In connsction with hU brother, the late Prof. Martin H. Holt, who died a few months ago. Oak Ridge Institute was rescued from oblivion and made one of the beet under-oollege schools in the State, and it ranked high with the high echools of the South. The two brothers did a wonderful work for the uplift of humanity during the about 40 yean which they conducted their school. Their students are scattered throughout tha land and the death of Prof. J. Allen Holt will be heard by them with profound so. row and regret. Tha Berlin newspapers can't un-. derstand Mr. Bryan's resignation, Oae of them, voicing what seems to be the sentiment of the others, says "the former Secretary seems to have less confidence than we in the hon est desire of the American govern ment to arrive at a peaceful oom promise with na." E. C. DERBY Civil Emginmer. GRAHAM, N. G. rtstiresi fir* "■ /1111-I* B | IEIJWCTON,N.C^ Art Class ia Borfiagtoa. Persons who deetre to take lessons in Art during the months of June and July may see me at the Old Armory Hall over Rauhut'a Store, Barliagtotf, N. 0., at four o'clock, p. m., Jane 4th, to make arrangements for lessons wanted, or write ma at Elon College, N. C. Mas. A. A. RIDDLK. Brick Machine For Sale. Tho undersigned has a J. C. Steele A Bona Brick Machine for sale. Along with it ara two track* aad other porta necessary ia handling brick. It la boused and in good irrmfitHWi The purchaser will get a bargain For terms apply to J. W. Mis ante, or J. D. Kernodle. laplt. I ; ■t- .... J Opening Games of the Mamnee Baseball Association. The Alamance Base Ball Asso ciation ppenedoq last Saturday with games Itetween Mebane and Swepaonville at Mebane, Saxapa baw and Graham' at Graham Ath lete Park, aud Burlington and Gibdonvilie at Piedmont Park. The gamts throughout the showed that there were soruo very strong teams repreeeut- circuit and that a good class of baseball may be expected in the giffe^Kt 4 towns of the League.. ; The Graham team mowed a lack of team -work and .practice and fell before the better trained team repreeentitsg Saxapahaw. Two games were played and Baxapa haw took both at the score of 18 to 1 and 8 to 3. * Mebane losttwo to Swepaonville and Glbsonville won trom Bur lington. The standing of the Associa tion today is: W. L. P. Swepaonville 2 0 1000 Saxapahaw 2 0 1000 Gibeonvllle 1 .0 1000 Burlington 0 1 000 Uebane 0 2 000 Graham 0 2 000 Schedule of game* for the aeaaon: Satarday, Juaa IS Saxapahaw at Oraham—9 Oibionvllle st Burlington—S Swepaonville at Mebane—3 Saturday, Jaae l» Mebane at Saxapahaw—l Swepaonville at Olbsonvllle—l ' 'Burlington at Oraham—l Saturday, Jane 36 —- Oibionvllle at Swepaonville—J Graham at Mebane—B - Saxapahaw at Burlington—2 Saturday, July 3, A. M. Swepaonville at Oibaonville at Oraham—l Saxapahaw at Mebane—l Saturday, July S, P. M. Oibaonville at Burlington—l Swepaonville at Oraham—l Saxapahaw at Mebane—l Saturday, III; LO Oraham at Saxapahaw—l Mcoane at Oibaonville—l Burlington at Swepaonville—l Saturday, July IT Saxapahaw at Swepaonville—2 Oibaonville at Oraham—2 Mebane at Burlington—2 Satarday, July 94 Swepaonville at Graham—l. Saxapahaw and Oibaonville at Bur lington—l f Burlington at Mebane—l Saturday, Jaly Meoane at Oraham—2 Burlington at Saxapahaw—2 Swepaonville at Oibaonville—2 Satarday, Aafast T Oraham af Burlington—t" — — — SepaonviUe at Saxapahaw—l Oibaonville at Mebane-1 ~ Satarday, Aifiit 14 Burlington at Oioaonvlllf—2 Oraham at Saxapahaw—2 Mebane .at Swepaonville—3 :: Mttor ♦!*» sis) y | date to be acheduled to and including bep tember 2nd. Whereabouts ol Eioo's Professors. Cor. ot The Qieaner. As la uaual )uat after the cloa ing ot the College the various members of the faculty have be gun to scatter to almost as many sections ot the world. Some of them are teaching in the Summer Schools, some are in the mountains or by the seaside "summering" ana at tne aame time laying plana for department work for the new year. Miss Beaasie Urquhart, dean of women, la apending the aummer In Canada. She will do special work in Expression in the University of Toronto. She will not only have charge of the Bxpreaalon and Physical Culture Departmenta : next year, but will also occupy her po sition as dean of women. Prof. R. C. Glenn Is pursuing graduate atudiea in Columbia In Historv and Latin. Dr. B. B. Ban dolhp is teaching scientific branches in the Appalachian Training School, Boone. «, C. Dr. W. C. Wicker Is "covering' North Carolina for the Royal Arch Maaonic Lodge thla summer. He la one of the State .Orand officers for thia fraternity and a 12nd de gree Mason. Dr. T. C Amick is st the Unlver alty of Virginia doing advanced work In Mathematics. Or. J. O. Atkinson is "aeetlvattog' and fishing In Wake County. North Carolina, at the country estate of Mr. J. Beale Johnson. Between times he Is giving the laet touch revision to hia forthcoming book, "A Romance of Bighteouaneae,' , ~or "A Year ln T -a College Pulpit." Dean W. P. Lawrence is recuper ating from his serious illness la the mountains ot North Carolina. Be expects to be at his post in Sep tember. Prof. R. C. Cox is apending the vacation at Hiddenite, If. C. Prof. A. L. Book is to dogradu ate work In the Johna Hopkins Summer School in the department of Physics, which is his specialty. Mr C. C. Johnson, director ot Athletics for next year, la to take special work in the gymnasium and athletic work at Columbia this aummer. Mies Oma Utley, librarian, is to parsue special Bourses in library management and eatalogueing at Columbia, this summer. Miss Jean Demuth. Director of Music Department, is "vacating" at tWiehsvilW, Ohio. Mrs. A. A. Riddle is to spend the summer at Coo per Union doln* afecial wotk In art. She graduat ed Iron t oo|*r Union foar years s *o turt ban I sen at the head of Muss Art Dcpaitment ever sines, frof. X F Brannock and Mia* Pearl Fexternal! are at Mebane. N. C.; Miaa Lois Davidson in la Greensboro, N.C..for the summer; Miaa Mabel Harris 1* st Henderson, On the Hill are the following members of the faculty : Dr. J. U. Newman, Captain H. 4. Jorgenson land President Harper, who la In I and out from time So time direct 'tag office work aad superintending I the internal improvement ot the I College plant > Jane ITTmV Pres. Woodrow f Wilson Says: • "IP YOU BAVB TO BUY ANY THING, BUY IT NOW-THUS YOU WILL BBCOMB SELLER AS WELL AS BUYRR."—Prom the Preaident's recent Indiana polia speech. Why not buy first mortgage real estate bonds? „ Your money will he kept In cir culation, you will bs absolutely safely secured, and your money will earn you aix per cent, trom date of purchase. INVEBTIOATB TO-DAY. GRAHAM LOAN ft TRUST CO., Loans, *—"««* & Real Katifw. GRAHAM, I, C. R. L. Holmes, President R. N. Cook, Vioe-Preaident. E. W. Laeley, Sec'y-Treae. GRAHAM CHURCH DIRFCTORY Baptist—N. Mala dl.—J as. W. Roae, Paator. Preaching services every first and Third Sundaya at U.IM a. m. and 7.M p. as. Sunday School every Sunday at I.U a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. Oraham Christian Church—N. Main blreei—J. p. Morgan, Faator freaching services every Sec ond and Sourth Sundaya. at li.W a. m. Sunday School evary Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—E. L. Henderson, Super intendent. ■ New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Street, near the Depot—J. P. Morgan, Pastor. breaching evary Second and Pourh Sundays at 1.10 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 1M p. m.—Arthur T. Walker. Su perintendent. * Friends—.North ot Oraham Pub lic School—J .Robert Parker, Pae tor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at TJS n. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—James Criseo, Superin tendent Methodist Bplscopsl, South—cor. Main and Maple St., C. M. Orant, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.OS a. m. and at 7.W p. m. Sunday School esrery Sunday at Mi a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. Methodist Protestant—College St, West of Oraham Publle School, Rev. O. B. Williams, Paator. Preaching every First. Third and Fourth Sundaya at 11J0 a. m. and every Pirst, Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundaya at 1M p. m. Sunday School evary Sunday at S.4S a. m.—J. S. Cook, Supt Presbyterian—Wst Elm Street- Rev. T. M. McConnsll, pastor. " Sunday School every Sunday at MS a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent Preabyterian (Travora Chapel)— J- W. Clegg, paator. Preaching every Second aad 7earth Sundaya at 1M p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at LW p. ML—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at I.M p. m.—J. V. Ponae roy, Superintendent Two miles from Fayetteville A. W. Davie turned hia auiomohle aud denly to avoid running on a railroad track in front of a peaaing train. The mm hine struck the tender of the engine sideways and Eugene Bigga, 14 ysars old, standing on the run ning board of the automobile, wss jammed against the train aad fatally injured, dying in a short time The coroner's jury exonera'ed the rail road aad condemned the auto driver. John Led lord, wanted for aeaault, highway robbery, burglary, forgery and larceny, ten cases in all, was shot and the d>«tora say, fatally wounded Friday by Deputy Sheriff Reggie Ray of Yancey county. The shooting occurred two miles south of Psnaaeola, in Yancey. The officer waa trying to arrest Led ford when the latter, who had a Winchester rifle resisted, says a diapeteh to the Charlotte Observer. The store of Pearson Broe., at Le noir, was burned early Thursday morning with its contents aad two adjoining dwslliafs IMS* badly dam aged. The fire originated in some bales of bay in rear of the stors. the third firs to originate in the town in a similar manner in a few weeks. The others were extinguished. The building was not insured. The stock wae insured lor SSOO, asfimsteri value SOOO. The North Wilkeeboro Huetler says Sam Lank ford went into the beeement of the office of the Giaat Lumber Co., where' gaaolia* wee atored, aad struck a match. Heee caped without injury bat the damage to the bailding and contents ie seti mated at •1,000. The State Bankera' Aeeocsatioa will be in session at Wrigh tori lie Beech today, tomorrow ana Satar day. Addresses by W. P. O.Hard ing of the Federal Bsssrrs Board, and William Ingle, isesrvs sgsot, of Richmond, Va. At Wlasboro, S. 0., Mooday a nsoh attacksa officers ia oharos oi a as«px> charged with rape. Sheriff Hood wae probably fatally woaaded aad other officers were wounded. The aegro was killed sad Claieaos Icsa boar, huehand of the alleged victim of the negro, was probably fatally woaaded. Veekaew What VsslnfUdaf Whea you take Grove's Tasteieee nlae In a tasteless form. WO cure, ao peyz-Hc, sdv, fl ' lM Hp . . See m /FJI Ul H Floating Frams, runs on wheels MIKS cutter bar,, has wheel at ea^h ' end, carries bar over uneven HNkfe. ground, no neck weight, saves warn and driver. The Admiral £ ets all the grass; find farmers using Wood Mowers for 25 years; all say light draft, few " repairs. fray Rakes, Spike tooth and Disk Harrows/ Binder Twine, Sections to fit all Mowers. John Deere riding Cultivators, easy on driver and team, farmers say John Deere is best Guilford, Barbour and Virgina Buggies—big stock, prices low, as I must reduce my. Stock, Harness, Saddles, Bridles low. Cow Chains 25c regular 50c size. Good Hoes 25c. Lots of items less than half regu lar prices. We want your trade, we have the goods and prices * right. No rents nor heavy expenses to pay. N. S. CARDWELL, T-£!. e BURLINGTON ( Gentlemen, the Brand of / 'i Cigars that will meet yoifr approval may be found at our Store. You will not find anywhere a choicer line of / aSrfll Cigars, Cigarettes and To © ) bacco. If you are choice in J your smoking youll find whit * if you want—in the condition you want it. Hayes Drug Co. "We Appreciate your patronage" 'Phone 97 Graham " BBgBFnF * TWWy """ gaBB33agB!g I V ... »-J » What is the difference between a **■ 4 m ',"f d * Where are you going my Pretty Maid? Owe ib pretty early, uiu other PhoilG 444 a pritty girlie going! Coble-Bradshaw Company BURLINGTON, N. C. KEEP THE BEST r -" T-X-Z&Z '-TP • .V . . . Milwaukee Binders, Mo wers, Hay Rakes and Mil waukee Binder Twine. TYSON & JONES and HIGI! POINT Buggies, and Harness—All kinds. Paints and Oils. Shelf Hard ware of all Kinds. See us, we are here to serve you and get our bargains. COBLE-BRADSHAW CO. f| We Are Not Blow i 1 ing. But we do say ® t that we have the ' ?f* Best line of PALM . ? A BEACH SUlTSever brought to Ala mance County for $5-7.50 Try One. Now is the time to Dress Up. Get a New Hat or a pair of Slippers. We have the Best Line of Straw Hats and Slippers ever brought to Graham. We have a fine lineof Shirts, Ties, Half Hose and New Suits, to select from. Give us a call, and we will suit you in price, style aiul fit* - - k (3AWR3RD 6M c ADAMSj VV» »ci Graham Scott-Donnel BTd ' LUCKY is the man who owns a Waltham—but only the man who has car ried a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good Waltham is. "Ifs Tim* You Owntd e Waltkmm.' Cms ia sad talk wsteh with as. W« an kadaasrtcrs far Wikka Watctes and csrrr a rnaslm awanawal of all grado. Z. T. HADLEY, JEWELER « OPTICIAN ' GRAHAM. N. C. fßereis.thejftßw^lft «J HEgJOTjMjffIWB liar dsr la rnrtaft aad natka al 'as—,'sa ilwr.lnwt sm. to' ■ aad ssSaai yaa Hfealy aassttaa CM mmm. heat —mm as word. A Mnd asks: Wfeat Bakss BMrtar Tsa asak ttihallMrffwSliafcwra.a—a y, f ESsisSKSs? MMtSWwSh^' trisVair*' | Ikctlon lo owa tb. Mm i (mm fn|P Ilm ■, WakstarlaaSma as UsM IHM} qfulU aaSss coaTtatmt to On.h.ifth. thkAaswaadMffiKttW/Sl of Scalar ■SAimr - BEALTB - sceouuishi p 1 Lsvat MM la a* lawk. Dll.Wal Iraba. Dms >IIK TvMir tvo *|ibo« t K.- «l. CM ml itmtfm dtkHm Cl. in aikl.iln. A a«i.c.WH4 Sommlu vrlwi "OI ill It. C..11-H-I I Sara >UM la nu a iM.'aiilonl r. j Ikhi.lT ot CbilMla. 1(U t. i.ii A lloa 1»S«a» MM M k. Ik. MM fMI'WI CMM'u." —I I .tail Writ, at sac. lot ui hliWlsl. W. A. HARPER. SOT Eloo CoDece. N. C. I' Dixon's Lead Pencila are the i are THB BUST. Try them | and be convinced. They are I j tor sals at this office. —&c. — 'O HALF-CENT COLUMN. AdTsrttssmaata wtU bs laaaltod under Uls asadlac st oos-aair ot a oeot a word (or aack lossrttoo Mosd. iosortad forUsstkanMeta. Oottat your words and sand oaan artth ortß. Sack iDtdal or abbianatlon oouataa word. CARRIAOB AND HARNESS Cor sale—almost new. Will sell at a " bargain. Apply at MOON'S COAL YARD, luneltMt Oraham, N. C. Notice of Dissolution. ■ • Br aautual cooarnt Uj. arm of J. W. *0- D. Jotaaatoo, dolsea uaaaral Merchandise Bu.i aass lo Haw Rirer, N. C.. U itila day dis solved j:. D. Johnston withdrawing from the I arm. The buatooss will be oontinued by J. W. Jokaskon and J. A. Brooks, under tba Sna nama ot Johnston A Brooks. All Re counts due the old Sna will be paid to iha • new Srss. sad tba asw Sna assumes all obli gations oi the old Sna. TblaJun. lUb. ItUL-M SUBSCRIBE FOR THB OLSANSR, & UM A YIUB

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