THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., July 8 1815. Postottice BAITS. Offlo op*a 1M a. m. to 1.80 p. m. BoudayMO toll.00». m. and 100 to LOO p. m J. M- MoCRACKBN, FntuMr. ♦ MM » H • I + ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ —Register to vote for A. D. O. Railway#. Saturday is the last day. —The fronts of the Oneida and J. T. Black & Bros.'s store are be ing repainted. *—Capt. S. H. Webb, County Assessor, is here this week look ing over the tax returns. / —Next Monday is the big sale day of the Cad Albright farm. See what they say in their half page ad. —A pice shower fell U're shortly after noon Saturday, aud on Monday there was a good sea son. It was needed. —The Board of Equalization meets next Monday to hear com. plaints as to valuations, and we hear it is likely there will be some. —Rev. Dr. T. M. McCoonell left yesterday for Asheville, where Mrs. McCounell went a few days ago and has since become sick. ' —Motorcycle, bicycle and horse races at the Fair Grounds Friday and Saturday, beginning at 3 o'clock. There will be two motor cyple races ot 10 and 30 miles each. —Master David Long, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Long, Jr.. celebrated his 10th birthday yes terday from 4to 6 f>. m. Lots of his little friends helped him enjoy the festivities of the occasion. —Married, Monday night, at the home of the officiating minis ter, Rev. Jas. W. Rose', Mr. W ill A. Lewis and J£INS MQIHO Goins, both of Burlfhgton. Congratula tions. —Mr. J. Archie Long, cashier of the Bank of Haw River, loft a' few days ago for San Francisco to j see the Paiiama Exposition. He | expects to be away about -five' weeks. —Mrs. Rebecca Koust, now quite aged, who makes her home I with her daughter, Mrs. W. F. R. j Clapp, had a fall yesterday and , -painfully injured an arm. No bones was broken. ( I —Regular preaching services | will be held at New Providence i at 3:30 D. m. Sunday instead of, at night. The pastor, Rev. J. F. | Morgan, will begin his revival | meeting at Haw River Sunday; night. The change will be borne in mind and all are cordially in- 1 vited to attend the 3:80 service.' 1G FARMS AT AUCTION MONDAY, JULY 12,10 a. m. 1 Sub-division of the Cad Albright Farm Free transportation to sale from all near-by points in automobile and street cars. $35 in Gold for six best guesses amount farm sells for. A Pot of GOLD on one farm and goes to the purchaser of that farm. ,/ > * ' Come, Buy A Farm. 8 Good Reasons. Buy One and Show Foresight. Buy A Farm Ana Be A Farm Owner. Buy One And Be A Good Citizen. Buy One For Future Increase I n Value. Buy A Farm For Your Family's Sake. Buy ATarm For A Deposit. Buy One For A Life Insurance Policy. . Buy One Or More Farms To Make Money on. r . *f \ • V 7 -- ' y- K. 4 ' ' '" •. , l "'f * ' " . '/ ' 1 " V * " ~ * I Y " Write us for a map of the property then go down and look the Farms over. GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO. Sale Agent, GRAHAM, N. C —The Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. S. Parker en Wednesday af ternoon, July 14fn, at 5 o'clock and will be lead hy Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. —Mr. W.J.Micks, merchant on corner southeast of court house, does some farming as a side-line and for past-time. He has just threshed his wheat on his farm east of town. The total yield was 460 bushels. He raised 820 on about 20 acres and the re mainder was raised by tenants. That's good foe a side-line. At Guilford Battle Ground Saturday. . The following from here attend ed the celebration exeroiaes at Guilford Battle Ground last Sat urday: Members'of 3rd Reg. N. C. National Guards, Capt.-Adjt. Don. E. Scott, Co. I, Sergt L. G. Turner, privates Chas.- Linnens, Edwin Geaneß, Jennings Coley, Earl Hall. Ollie Martin, —»— Brencefield, and Mess. J. V. Pomeroy and J. Harvey White. -■> i n \ At Presbyterian Church. Rev. James Murray, who re turned from Scotland last week, will pretush at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at Ik o'clock. He is by tho people of this community* and all who know him will be glad to hear him. Among the Sick.* Postmaster J. M. McCracken is confined to his home by sickness. Mr. B. N. Turner of "The Gleaner" force has been Bick for the past week, but is improving. Mrs, Sallie F. Turner is still very sick. Mrs. J. B. Farrell slightly impreved^ wo*mlvoES Graham Women Are Finding Relief at Last It does se4m that women have more than a fair share ot the aches and pains , that afflict humanity; they must "keep up", must attend to duties in ipite of constantly ach ing backs or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing down pains, they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk, and bend and work with racking Sains and many ache sfrom kidney 11 Keeping the kidneys well has spared thousands of women much misery. Read of a remedy for kidneys only, that is endorsed by people you know. Mrs. A. Bradshaw, Mill Street, Qrahsftn, says: "I had pains in my back and. sides that hurt me all the time. My kidneys were irreg ular in action and I was nervous and unable to sleep well at'night. Doan's Kidney Pills made me feel Pbetter than I had in years. 1 have given Doan's Kidney Pills to the children and know they are a snfe medicine." Price 50c at all dealers. Don* simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster-Mil burn, Co" Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. ♦V ♦ ' + * PERSONAL. + ♦ ♦ Mr. J. Elmer Long ia attending court at Pitt*boro. Capt R. Q. Foster has gone to Wilmington to spend a week. Miss Leaoir of Greenville is visiting at Dr. J. N. Taylor's. Miss Mary Crawford of Golds bord is visiting Mrs. A. K. Hardee. Mr. H. W. Scott left Monday on a business trip through the went. Mr. John W. Harden and John, Jr., of Raleigh spent Saturday here. Mess. 0. P. Albright aitd Frank Moorl spent yesterday in Greeus boro. Mrs. Mcßride Holt left for Reidsville .Saturday to visit friends. Mr. Lynn B. Williamson spent from Friday till Tuesday at Wrlghtsvillo. Miss Lucile Holmes' left for Greenvillej Tuesday to attend a house-party. Mr. Chas. Menefee was at home the latter part of last aud the first of this week. Misses Blanch and Rebecca Scott are visiting the Misses Williamson at Saxapahaw. Mr. and Mrs. Engene Knight of Washington arrived here Monl day on a visit to relatives. Miss Minnie Long is visiting at the home of her grandfather, Rev. Dr. W. S. Long, Chap-1 Hill. Mr. Eugene McCrackeu came down from Gibsonville and spent the latter part of last week here. Mr. Ralpih Long, traveling salesman, spent from Saturday till Monday at hiß home here. Mr. Ernest Thompson left Mon day: and will visit Washington, Baltimore and Norfolk while away.* Mrs. Nantoie Berty aud daugh ter, Miss Natalie returned Sunday from a visit to Harrisonburg, Va. Miss Mary Denny of Greens boro arrived here yesterday on a visit to her aunt, Miss Ada Denny. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel. Thnmpso i and Master Melvin of Mebane spent the latter part ot last week here. Miss Gena Robertson of Gieens horo arrived here yesterday on a visit to the home of. Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr. » Miss Marie Moore of Greens boro is visiting here at the home of her grandfather, Mr. W. C. Moore. • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Thomas and children of Duke arrived here last Thursday for a visit of several days to Mts. Tbemas' mother, Mrs. K. W. Shields. They came through the country by auto. I Mrs. Cjpis. A. Thompson and j little Miss Elise spent the latter part of last Week at Chapel Hill, on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Woods of Wilmington arrived' the latter part of last Week on e visit to relatives. Mesa. Geo. C. I'ornegay and W. G. Britt, two of Goldsboro's prom inent eitisens, were here Monday on business. Mrs. J. C. Ilocntt went to Dur ham Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sam Suitts- Mrh. Walter R. Harden and lit tle Misses Elizabeth and Annie Bath Ipent last week in Salisbury visiting relatives* Mr. John W. Fllntora of Dur ham spent from Saturday till Tuesday here at the home of his father, Mr. A. R. Flintom. Mr. liort Keuyon of Chanel Ilill spent Sunday here with Mrs. Kenyon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sallie F. Turner. Mrs. H. W. Scott and her sister, Mitts Lillian Turner of Raleigh, who has been visiting here for a few days, left Tuesday for the lat ter's home. Mr. R. A. Smith and nephew, Robert Smith, Jr., both ot Lib erty, were visiting here Monday at the home of the former's brother, Mr. J. P. t-mith. Misses Lillian and .Frances Everett of Suffolk who have been visiting at the home of their grandfather, Col J. A. Long, have gone to Greensboro to visit their aunt, Mrs. R. Jess Mebane. Death of Little Margaret Holt Little Margaret Holt, about five years and 11 mos. old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will I. Holt, died Sunday night at 3 o'clock, at Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith's where Mr. and Mrs. Holt and children were viaiting. Mrs. Smith had been Spending Some time with her daughter, Mrs. Holt, at Wilmington, and they came up last week. The little giri had been frail all her life. She had been quite sick alnce Wed nesday wi'h malaria, and had grown worse until the end came. Tne bu rial was in Linwood Cemetery aboyt 6 o'clock Monday afternoon, services conducted by Dr. T. M. BfcConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Holt have the deep est sympathy of their many friends and relatives in the sad dispensa tion that has bereft their hearts and homd" of one of their chiefest Joys and pleasures. Notice of Meeting Board Equalization. Nnti«e is horehv given that the Board of Kqualizaiion t» equalize the valuation of property and to hear any compiainta th»t any citizen has to make in regard to the assessment of his property for the yesr 1915, will meet on the second Monday in July, it being the 12th dsy of July, and will rentsin in session from day to dijtTfoitil all complaints are heard and t her property values eqalized as near as may he. This June 21s\ 1915. (DHAS. D JOHNSTON, v Clerk to Board County 24june4t Commissioners. Card of Thanks. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will L Holt Wlah to return their {heartfelt thank* for all kindnesses and sympathy shown them during the aickneai and death of their child. There never was an excuse aa In teresting as a'duty wall done. LUCKY ia the man who owns a Waltham—but only the man y/hd has car ried I Waltham Watch I tor thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good [Waltham is. -Itt Timi You Omni a Wollhtm.' ssswtmnl ot sSgradM. Z. T. HADLEY, JEWELER * OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N.C. i! i%; 1 r\ We Are Not Blow ? JyS»S§[ I • ing. But we do say ® f that we have the Wbß&y f ? * ' Best line of PALM .fJgJP; BEACH SUlTSever brought to Ala mance County for $5-7.50 Try One. Now is the time to Dress Up. Get a New Hat or a pair of Slippers. We have the Best Line of Straw Hats and Slippers ever brought to Graham. We have a fine line of Shirts, Ties, Half Hose and New Suits, to select from. Give us a call, and we will suit you in price, style and fit. tpaa«. Graham Scott-Dojinel BTd -J ■. I I m - - - 1 You Can Cure Hut Backache. Now Till July I'db Pain along the back, duilnMn, headache . , .... and jrennerai languor. (J«t a piflfclif of la the time to plant Fall Irish Mother Uray'* • the p aa*ant potatoes. I have 100 bushels of root am) herb our* for KWnay, Bladder ' j a- d Urinary trouble*. Wain you I*l all seea. wrr-vo run down, tired, weak and without energy W. J. NICKB, Ufa this remarkable combination of nature* 24ielt ' Graham, N. C. herb* and root*. A* a regulator It fca* no ' , equal. Mother Gry'« Auatrallan-Uaf U Lmpll ZiffiS. 0 ' SSiii, "ni°Sloii« SUBSCRIBB FOB THB GLEANER, Gray Co., Lt Boy. N. T. 11,00 ▲ YBAB "Harvest Is Now Over" Now's the time to begin for big crops fall, breaking, harrowing, sowing Beans, Peas, Millet, make all the hay you can, keep the land at work, " -Jit Use the John Deere Stag Sulky, light draft, ride / acd Plow and do better work than with the walking Plows, ask the man using the Stag Sulky. »- ——————* ——i i ——————■—" - - about the Stag Sulky, John Deere' ee ~ie ohn Deere dealer and get the best, even if thecost tea little •fnflj \! W 4 l\ yKAm/ti/ / ( fJ tMji more. Walter A. Wood Admiral iffl B|B St CJ Ep Mowers saves team and driver, J * ' *''Lin Mr. Whiteseli, lie has 3 of the j oue day past week. Cost less fot ' t •J U - repairs than other makes, light Big cut in prices, Carriages, too many in stock, must have room for fall stock already bought, will save you from $lO to sls on Carriages and Harness. Big .stock to select from. Harness, Saddles, Bridles low down. N. S. CARDWELL, BURLINGTON ( ft/ )ft Gentlemen, the Brand of / /ir TEiL| Cigars tjtiat will meet your approval may be found at our Store. You will not find * an y where a choicer line of /' \ Cigars, Cigarettes and To- JJteV ) bacco. If you are choice in / y° ur smoking you'll find what « VJtljP 7 you want—in the condition you want it Hayes Drug Co. "We Appreciate your patronage" 'Phone 97 - Graham A popular iryrtlng pUcct MEATS range with you for the best This is a rendezous for Meat •£ZL>., W.H ALRIGHT rtnge for their meej« here! PhOTIC 444