THE GLEANER 188P1D IVKBY THOMDAT! J. P. KEKNOPLE. Editor. gI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. * >J ~^^VvKhTIBINO r ILATia las square (1 In.) 1 time tl-OQ. -r one., sub eq uent insertion M cents. For store speee end lonftr time, rates famished on appUc*. (.a. Local aotlese 10 eta. a Une for Srst naertioa ; subsequent Insertions t ota. a lias transient advertisements must be paid for advaaoa The editor wUI aot be raepoaelble for 'lews expresssd by oosrsspoodsaie. ■ntered at the Poitoffloe at Qrahaa, N. 0., as seoond slats matter. ORAHAM, N. C., Oct. 7 1915. A PROSPERITY STRAW* The big flioe manufacturers, Roberts, Johnson & Rand of St Louis, hsve furnished Mr. John A Hall of this county, who travels for them, some facts whish indicate that prosperity is returning in vigorous form. They tell him that their shipments in September of this year •how a gain of W!7,3M «Q over those of Sept. 1914, whsn they were >1,083,268.80. Nearly a half a mil lion increase for a single month is a growth worthy ol note. That the price of cotton continues to soar augurs well for the South. Southern cotton planters have had it tough enough since the European war knocked the bottom out of the price of cotton more than a year ago. The price has passed the 12-cent mark and in trading circles it is not believed it will stop there. Each day's news adds to the toll of life«nd property loss on sccount of the violent Gulf storm thst struck lowsr Louisiana and Mississippi a week ago. The early reports gave out the loss of life at about 100. Now the number has grown to more than 300. The property loss is esti mated st more than one hundred millions. President Wilson is to be mar ried In December, says a Washing ton dispatch. His engagement was announced last night. Mrs. Nor man Oalt, a strikingly handsome Widow of Washington and thirty eight, is the lady's name. She was born at Wythevllle, Va. and her maiden name was Eulth h-tv ling, and daughter of Wm. H. Bow ling, who was a prominent lawyer. The submaiine as an implement of warfare, according to a late re port. Is falling Into disfavor. The report.says that the British have destroyed about 70 Oerman sub marines and that the danger from the underses craft has been min imised by methods devised by the British. If true, Germany's most dreaded enemy to freight and pas senger ships Is sbout to be ellrn- Insted. 1 Southwest Alamance. Cor ot The Qleaner. Farmers are about thru pulling fodder and curing tobacco; fodder on most farms Is not worth speak ing about. Molasses making Is now on' hsnd, and, the yield Is fairly good. Dr. H. Kemp Foster of Qreena boro snd Dr. J. D. Oregg snd fsm lly and Mrs. Dr. Foster of Liberty spent Sundsy 'with J. R. Foster's family. Carl Spoon and sisters, Vallieano Oppie, and Homer Foster and sis ter Inez, from this community have entered Sylvan High School. We are having an unusual num ber of chills, ana I think from re ports they are common from Maine to Mexico. Most every dsy an auto la put out of businsss on some of our good roads. we are ashamed of our roada but ws pay our taxea and work aoms on ths roads but have no regular road force nor machinery at our command or we ws people in the Southern part of the eouaty would not be cenaureo so much sbout /bad roads. HICKORY CHIPS. Moral of the great war} Peace ia worth maintaining at any price. Autumn, fully endorsed by the ,Wilson adaslnistration now enters. Another good place (or Ameri cans not to goon their vacations la Mexico. Big Bill hats are all right, pro vided they cover a reasonable quantity of brains. Yet some people Inalst thst the best kind of diplomacy is thst used by the old world. Dr. Dutnba may soon regsrd edu cation as a failure If his letters get him into any mors trouble. Oerman armies are now engaged in extensive travela, but not en tirely for their health. If Mr. Bryan la going to Burope he should call on Admiral von Tir pfti with his plana for peace. Bulgaria ia "arming for neutrali ty" which shows that peace haa Ita contraditions as well as war. One may not learn to be a mili tary officer in three weeks, but one may learn how not to be a private. Lokath* common or garden vari riety of hoptaoad, the European ar mies are beginning to prepare to "dig to" for the winter. ' This autumn la aa Improvement over last summer. Perhaps the swimming wffl bo fine when winter Bulgaria has already avenged herself upon her former allies by the loss of sleep It has caused them. Being ths "best baby" in Illinois may prove a considerable handi cap for any little girt t ogrow up Apparently we are going to have • summer ft it takes aJI winter. | Educational Column Conducted ■ X by Supt J. B. Robertson. Playgrounds. Every school house should have a playground and every playground sections graded to the age .ana needs of the older and % younger children. The very young child piles up blocks and makes a house, he runs, Jump*, climbs; but all his achievements are individual. As be grows older he wants companion ship in playing tag, running races. pole vaulting, but still what he does is individualistic. Presently he wants the co-operation games, wants to work with others In the games of basket, base and football. Last of all he wants the match games of ball with other colleges. And this co-operative competition, is the highest development of the playground and of big 'business in the manufacturing and commercial world. There are those who object to playgrounds and to supervision for the reason that "children will j»lay anyway, and work develops the muscles as much as play," and that "supervision eliminates initia tive." True, all children will play, but no child plays a game until he is taught, ana it Is in the game that he finds intellectual and moral training. All children should work; but it is said that the majority of tramps are those who had too much toll and too little rec reation in youth. If you will watch the play of children without grounds, apparatus or supervision, you will see that they play school, scolding or punishing refractory pupils; being sick- ana having the doctor; fighting and stealing, and being arrested and taken »to prison. It is difficult to see the value of in itiative which leads to such games as these. * * The chief beneflta of supervision are that profanity, obscenity, smok ing and bullying are not permitteu; that the grounds and apparatus cannot be monopoll zed by the larger boys; and that games arc played which require fairness, slert ness and initiative. A wisely su pervised playground is the most democratic of institutions. In It the little dude forgets his exquis- Iteness, the laggard his sloth, the surly, his grouciL the tlmii his fear, the reckless lad learns restraint, and the selfish that he must co-op erate with others.—Clara Kern Bay-' llss in School News. Chapel Hid Letter. Cor. of The Qleaner. Chapel Hill, N. C., Oct. 6th. — The query which will be di, cussed this year by the schools having mem bersnip in the High School Debating Union of North Carolina isT "Re solved, That the United States ahouid adopt the policy of greatly enlarging the Navy. ' A bulletin of sixty or seventy pages contsining outlines snd arguments on both sides of this query snd references to sources from which further material can be secured will be sent free of charge to all schools which are mem bers of the Union. This bulletin will reach the schools not later than Nov. 15th. Every secondary and high school in the State is invited to become a tusmber of the Union and partici pate in the contest of 1918. Every school that enters will, aa in the paat, be giouped with two others for a triangular debate, each school put ting out two teams, one on the affimative and the other on the nega tive. The schools winning both de bates will be entitled to send their teama to the University to compete for the State championahip and the Aycoek Memorial Can. The tri angular debates will be held through out the State the latter part of March and the final oon teat at the Uni versity early in ApriL The exact datea for these contests will bs de cided upon later. Since ita inauguration three years ago by the literary aocieties and ths bureau of extension of ths University, the High School Debating Union haa met with splendid auocess Three comprehensive Staus-wide debates have bsen held and schools and com munities aliks have been benefited by them. Laat spring the State wide contest waa participated in by 360 schools and I,fXX) student de baters, and it is a safe eetimate that fully 50,000 people from first to laat heard the dicuaaiooa over the State on the question of subsidies for the merchant marine. The committee ho pea that thia year every achool of secondary nature in the Stats will enroll in the Union for the diacua aion of the enlaraement of the Tnited States Navy. K. R. Rankin, Secre tary of this Union at Chapel Hill, trill be glad to hear from you aa to Aour achool and the debates. .' Winner of Aycock Memorial Cup, 1913—Plssssnt Garden High School. Winnsr of Ayoock Memorial Cup, 1914—Winstoo-Salem High Bohool. Winner of Ayoock Memorial Cup, 1915—Wilson High School. ■aw*a This I Ws oSsr OH HvaSrsS Dollars Howard Mr say sass of catarrh thai oaanot be cured by * CO., Toledo, L Ws. the uudsrsisned, hare known r. J. Ghenej (or the laat It years, aad baiters him Pertertlr hooomble mall buatneaa tiaaaac llone and flaaastellr sMo to osrrr out any oMleattone ansa by hta arm. NtTtn al Sana or Co' nsaoe, Toledo, u. Ha.l b Catarrh Cut* Is taken li.ternallj, aoUacdlrootlr upon the blood sad mneuna surfaces o( the ajratcau IVsUmoalals anal free. Pries TS osala por bottla. Sold by all TaSsHsll'a Family Pills for oossiipstleo. Waks county wUI celebrate next Monday, 11th, ths occaaion being the acceptance and dedication of her new court houae. Ths exrreiaee will be gin at 10:30 a. m. A number of spsaksrs an on the programme, and tus axerciaea will be interspersed with patriotic muafe. At otght at &80 a public reception will be held. A WORD FOR MOTHERS Itls s grave adstsk* lor aotbsra to Stg lsct thaC aches aad pains aad anger Utf sOsscs—tkia ofcly lasda la (knsic sfck asss aad •ftsasbortsas Ms. V If year work is tlrlM: If yoar nsn is are ad table: 11 you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should kaewtU Beott's Banttion owooqmi hut weh conditions. t J ALAMANCE CQUNTY ADOPTS EF FICIENT QUARANTINE LAWS. Mtate Board of Health Contracts with • . Couatj to Control Con tagious Diseases. Alamance county recently enter into contract with the Btate Board of Health wherein the latter pro poses through its own speciii local cgtiii tc handle to handle t ie m of contagious diseases in th'.s county it. • one vear. To .this end the County Board of . Hrai h has adopted special . |uarantins rules ana regulations prepared by the State Board of Health. The Board will see that the laws are enforced. The rules are ver. p!a and sinyple statements setting forth the dtfnes of parents, physicians teachers and the luarantiu* o'fi cer in dealing with whooplr.s cough, scarlet fever and diphthe ria. This contract to control infectious diseases for one year in Alamance county does not presuppose or in fectious this year or for any time to- come. But it does pr» suppose a' partial control to the extent that infection is kept from spreading 20, SO or percent far ther than it would spread without such a system of control. A hall loaf than no loaf. One thing that this contract would eliminate is the superstition which believes that the sooner *a child has whooping cough, 'meas lep and scarlet fever, etc., the better it is for him. The truth of the mat ter is the reverse, as the following figures bear testimony. To chil dren under one year of age whoop-, ing cough is fatal in 25 percent of ail cases, while from S to 15 years it :is fatal in only 4 percent. Meas les is fatal In 10 percent of all the cases from Ito 3 years of age, while its fatality drops to 3 per cent for the ages from 5 to 15. It is distinctly seen thit these dis eases have regard for age. Fur thermore it is clear that If there is a time for all things that baby hood and childhood are not the time for these diseases. _ The longer they are deferred the 'bet ter it will be for all concerned. ■» The aim of this health work is, as ia the aim all true health work, more to prevent than to cure. It la to stay off diseases that are seriously detrimental to child life even when not fatal. It reduce the county's death rate, ana from an economic point of view it is to save needless loss of time and and expenditure. Every home in the county will be more or less benefitted by this work—homes in which there are well children ss well a« home* in which there are sick children. Of the 5,000 or more homes in the county a compara tively few may feel directly the ef fects of the luarantlne rules ana regulations while Indirectly all will be benefitted frojn the protection that is thrown around the few. The many are saved at a slight incon venience to the few. REAL PURPOSE OF NEW QUAR ANTINE LAW. Msans as Methods of Controlling Con tagions Diseases Clearly wet Perth. * The new quarantine regulations and rules . adopted by the Ala mance County Board o( Health that have Just gone into operation arc for the purpose of protectlngthp great majority of citizens oi This county against the exceptionally few who would spread contagiou unless restricted by law. As this law ia drawn in the interest ol nearly all of the citizens of the county, the officers who will see that the law is faithfully carried out Will expect t he sympathetic support of those for whom this law waa enacted, that i*, the vast ma jority of our people. The first essential in the enforce ment of a quarantine law is that, physicians ahall report promptly the cases of the diseases coming under the quarantine; and, the sec ond essential, like the first is that parents or householders who recog nize,one of the Quarantine disesses as measles, whooping cough scar let fever, diphtheria or typhoid fe-| ver in their family or household shall likewise report promptly to the Quarantine Officer. A mo ment's reflection will be sufficient to the average mind to see why the foregoing statement is true. Until the Quarantine Officer knows of the existence of a contagious disease, a center of Infection he can do nothing to restrict its spread A fire must be rsportn.l to the tiro department before the fire department can attempt to put it out. The co-operation of physician* and householders in the reporting of those spreading diseases must be thorough to be effective. The reporting of 95 cases or more out each lot, like a small fire If not. looked after will cause trouble that soon gets beyond control of the civic forces. It is not expected of course, that everybody concern ed will abide by the law. Ifauch could be expected, a column or two of general advice In Ute news paper and a few placards posted through the country would be suf ficient and the law will be unnec eaaary. There will certainly oe a few violations of this law until more than words make It clear that the violations will be prompt ly prosecuted. It is right here wnen the test of the law comes that the Quarantine Officer of the county will expect the aympathy and out epoken support of the majority of the people of the county for whom he Is Ming. . An Old Kentucky Home Since I Began 111 11111LLLI11 Taking Pefuna I I Weigh 120 1 Pounds for the First Time in fl My Life. My ■ VI former weight A was 102 lbs. My I Mother who is 76YearsO!d |||||| ffl ||||!| Had Grown so Weak She Could scarcely walk. SJie also toc& Peruna and is flesh ier and looking well. Tte ibon iplfiW man k Mr*. H.ttM Haantoa, ol HOa Am. UMKb. Here is tb«» -nay those in favor of public * wf contagious dis eaaea may assfsiC the Quarantine Officer very effectually in the en forcement of the law. At the end of every month the Quarantine Of ficer will report thru the newspa pers the names and addresses pf all those reported to him as hav ing measles, whooping cough, scar let fever, diptheri-v and typhoid fever. If any citizen seeing this list knows of a case of one of the above mentioned diseases uot in cluded in this Hat, he may be sure that the person was not reported to the Quarantine Officer and con sequently nothing done by the county to prevent a spread ot the diaease from the unreported caae. Now, if such ~a citizen will mate a conlidential report to the Quaran tine Officer of the name and ad dress of the unreported case the Quarantine Officer will then inves tigate, and if the complaint la ver ified, will bring; the necessary prosecutions. The name of his in formant will not be disclosed, so those that are wlllinzt o co-oper ate with the Quarantine Officer In the enforcement of this law will not be put to any trouble on ac count of their co-operation. Next week this paper will tfell the school's relation to the control of contagious diseases. . » Ugh! Calomel Makes You Deathly Sick Stop tJsing Dangerous Drug Before it Salivates you ! It's Horrible! You're bilious, sluggish, consti pated, and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of lJuuoou Li vet Tone and take a spoonful to-night. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping •or making you sick, I want you to go back to the drug store and get your money. Take calomel to-day and to-mor row you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Dont lose a days work. Take a spoonful of harm less, vegetable Dodson s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly" harmless. Give it to your children any time. It cant salivate, so let them eat anything they want afterwards. ,* American wireless equipment, manned by American operators, is to replace the German-owned wire less apparatus recently removed fronty 22 ships of the Standard Oil Company. All these ships, which formerly sa : led under the German flag, have been admitted to Ameri can registry. English Spavin Llnhnnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bot tle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Grahanl Drug Company. adv ' The American consulate at Stutt gart, Garmany, was struck by a fragment of a bomb during the re cent raid upon that place by French airmen, according to a message from Consul Higgins. He said no one in the consulate was injured, but did not indicate whether the building was greatly damaged. (100—Dr. B. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than SIOO if you have a child who soils the bed-, ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. 91.00. Sold by Graham Drug Company. - adv. Maryland Democratic State con vention, which met in Baltimore a few days ago to ratify nominations made in the primary, warmly com mended President Wilson for his conduct of "our international affairs which has preserved in peace and happiness our people during the present critical state of world strife." ' Herommenda t'hamberlala'a Cough Remedy. Last winter I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv for a bad bronchial cough. I felt Its ben eficial effects immediately and be fore I had finished the bottle I was cured. I never tire of recommend ing thia remedy toVmy friends," writes Mrs. Wm. Bright, Pt. Wayne Ind. Obtainable everwhere. adv. Tbo Iniernatii ual Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Work ers. in session at San Francisco, telegraphed greetings to former offi cers serving prison terms for vio lating the criminal law, from dyna miting bridge* to murder. GARHAM CHURCH DIRFCTORY Baptist—N. Main sJl.—Jas. W. Boie. Pa* tor. Preaching services every first and Third Sundays at ILM a. m. and 1M p. m. ■ Sunday School every Sunday at •.it a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. d rah am Christian Church—N. Main Btreet—J .P. Morgan, Pastor Preaching services every . Sec ond snd fourth Sundays, at 1140 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—E. L. Henderson, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church —North Mam Street, near Depot- Rev. J. P. Morgan, pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at 8.46 a. m.—J. A. Bayliff, Superin tendent. Christian Bndeavor Prsyer Meet ing every Thursday night at 7.16. Friends—North of Graham pub lic School—J .Robert Parker, Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 1M p. m. Sunday School every Bunday at 10.00 a. m.—James Crisco, Superin tendent Methodist Episcopal. South—cor. Main and Maple StH. B. Myers Pastor. Preaching svery Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.J0 p. m. Sunday School every Bunday at 8.45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. Methodist Protestant—Collage St., West of Graham Public School r Rev. O. B. Williams, Pastor. Presching svsry First, Third and Fourth Sundays st 11.00 a. m. and every First, Third, Fourth snd Fifth Sundays at 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 8.46 a. ta.—J. S. Cook, Supt. Presbyterian—Wat Elm Street- Rev. T. M. McConnell, pastor. Bunday School every Sunday at 9.46 a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. W. Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundaya at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. - - -*■ ~u Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—J. V. Pome roy, Superintendent. When Baby Has the Cropp. When a mother ia awakened from sound sleep to find her child who has gone to bed apparently In the best of health struggling for breatn, she is naturally alarmed. Yet if she can keep her presence of mind and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten minutea until vomiting ia produced, quick relief will fol low and thie child will drop to sleep to awaken in the morning aa well as ever. Thia remedy haa been in use many yeara with uniform suc cess. Obtainable everywhere. . adv. "s. The group of German firms which recently offered to buy 1,000,000 bales of American ootton at 15 cents a pound if delivered in Bremen, have cabled Senator Hoke Smith they now are willing to pay 16 cents. The firms have deposited securities with the American consulate in Berlin to cover the purchase price and guar antee that the ootton will not be pnt to military or naval uses. Delivery at Bremen will be impossible, how ever. V* For Indigestion. Never take pepsin and prepara tions containing pepaln or other digeative ferments for indigestion, as the more you take the more you will have to take. What la needea is a tonic like Chamberlain'a Tab lets that will enable the stomach to perform its functions nsturally. Ob tainable everywhere. adv. The Attorney General of Virginia, in response to repeated reports that Thomas F. Ryan's legal representa tives were seeking to compromise with the State for 11,000,000 on omitted taxee amounting to 92,500,- 000 said to have been uncovered by a State examiner of records, gave it ' aa hia opinion that no officer of the State government ia justified in com promising any indebtedness to the . State without the consent of the Gen eral Assembly. Cbrosle Constipation* "About two yeara ago I be- I ran ualng Chamberlain'a Tablets I bad been Buffering some time with , stomach trouble and chronic con stipation. My condition Improved rapidly through ' the uae of these { tablets. Since tsking four or five bottles of them my health hss been fine," writes Mrs. John Newton, I'v- 1 lng, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.. adv. "There will be no course open but , to apply to the United States to fill up toe necessary complements ol medical men if thia country cannot lir James Barr, vice-president of the British Medical Association and a lieutenant oolonel in the royal army medicd corps, in sppealing for doc tors for thft British army. Col. Barr says 2,50$ doctors are wanted and threatens conscription. Here's a chance for American medical men. Gen. Devol, general manager of the Red Cross, with headquarters ia Washington, has received a cable gram from Charles J. O'Connor, in charge of relief work in Mex too (Sty, asking for additional supplies to meet the food shortage existing ia the capital. Gen. Devol said it waa estimated that 800,000 pounda ol corn and 6,000 pounda of flour would be necessary to meet immediate de mands. Gen. Carransa • had aaid the services of the Red Croat ware no longer needed in Mexico, but hia statement doean't tally with that of the Red Croat people. Mexican currency ssesas to bsve reached the "buy s bale stag*." No shortage of eyesfutt hss yet interfered with the Russtsn fast colors. It is to be noticed thst the wild cat crops seldom suffer from too much water. Shrewd as they are crooked gov ernment officials cant graft a vic tory on s war munitions plaaf. ~ \ Thirty-One-piece Dinner Sets For GLEANER Subscribers Pay 52.95 and you get any set you want,* and you get credit on The GLEANER for one year., ■ * . v * Beautiful goods. Will make a nice present, or give excellent service on your own table. This ware is bought and shipped direct from the factory and you get it without paying a cent of profit. Each set is well packed in a box by itself, and will be delivered at • THE GLEANER OFFICE, GRAHAM. EUREKA \\ Spring Water FROM \\ EUREKA SPUING, Graham. N. C. ; | A valuable mineral spring ;; has been discovered by W. H. ! > Ausley on his place in Graham. |' It waa noticed that it brought ; J health to the users of the water, • and upon being analysed it was I found to be a water strong in ; mineral properties and good I for stomach and blood troubles. ; Physicians who have seen the ; analysis and what it doea, ' recommend its use. !! Analysis and testimonials ;; will be furnished npon request. ' Why buy expensive mineral ,1 waters from ii distance, when J; there is a good water recom > mended by physicians right at !! home ? For further informa -11 tion and for the water, if you ;; desire it. apply to the under ! > signed. :; ■ W. H. AUBLEY. FRUIT JARS E-Z SEAL Qt. .75c Doz. " Pt. .60c " MASON 1-2 Gal. .75c " Qt. .55c " Pt. .45c " ECONONY Qt. .75c " " Pt. .60c " JELLY GLASSES .25c Doz. Anything you want that is good to eat—We have it G. W. BLACK, THK PURE POOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. Gen. Rsoul llsdero, of Vil's's stsß, has been Arrested by American sol diers nesr Maris, Tex, sreording to a report to If.ij. Gen. Frederick Fonstoo from Maris. With Madero were sight oompauiona, all aopposed to be Villa officers, who also wm arrested. They were taken inu> custody when they creased to the American aide of the Rio Grande. VosAaswWbst Yaa Ara Taking When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic becsuse the formula is plainly printed oa every bottle showing that It Is Iron and Qui nine la a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. He. adv. Dr. JeSsnoa D. Gibson of Denver, Col., nraadeat of the American As sociation of Clinical Research, de clared in aa address at dm Hahne mann Medical ollege ia Philadel phia. that within taa years medical s-'isnce probably will have aoooeeded ia all bat eliminating death ban tubercnloeis from vital statistics. Informatics! from Amhtaaedor Motgsalhaa at Oiaitsatiaopletoii Aainwii Hoard of Commissinasri lor Forsiga Missions concerning ths plight of Armaaians ia Turksy, ban tahed to isolated towns far alleged hostility to the Turkish will be the basis of a nation-wids appeal to theAmarioan people faraa smlaaea similar to that made far hnmslsas Belgians Fosalbty the gsat thst kisssd the great Commoner wanted to see whether he rsally was for peace at any price. Coble-Bradshaw Compnay BURLINGTON, N. C. Car Load Ontario Grain Drills # 'v, JUST IN * ■? See Us And Get Prices Before You buy—We'll Save You Money OLIVER PLOWS •, • I TYSON & JONES and HIGH POINT Buggies, and Harness—All kinds. Paints and Oils. Shelf Hard ware of all Kinds. Car Cement Just In—Prices Right COBLE-BRADSHAW CO. Faculty of 33s 427 Students, from 20 States. Accredited by Virginia State Board of Educa tion. Hundreds of graduates now teaching. $l3O par year ia Academic Dept.; S2OO par yaar la Collegia Dept, The Lending Training School (or Girls in Virginia iWhere can parepts find a College with aa fine a record, with as experienced - at snch moderate oostf Eoj catalogue address V ' . Mortgage Sale of Real -- Estate. Bralow Mill Properly oa Cm> Creek. Br Til toe of the power of lata contained In eoortala Moeigafa Deed froa Oolumbui B. nilihtand Wife, Beeale Rlnabsw. or ouii £*S otutr. Worth Corolla*, to Joaatbaa Tfcnftlaw—■ ooaaly. Worth Oaro- STt wSSST2JuSEWii •SrtarMiaail sf Iks Matbist hOder aad ISroaahat Ibo aaw' fcoaaa Suorlo Alaauooe gesjr. st Ontss, M. C., at ism o'aloek SATURDAY, OCT. 58,1919, ffitTa-T t *Tri'T r *Pfi by "Bagtaalai at aa aCaatlaa rook, two roda to tbo aonaor two roda oolow tbo ford, ooar a fctokat r, ttcbardaoa oorsor, tfcaaco N 7»S Saa w 1.1 abataa ta a awaa» dogwuoS. tarm nTy a btreb. oa the north haak of tbo MUI taea; tbaoea up tbe north baak of tbo old Bill nkaa to tba soad; tbaaoo la a atnlfbt Una to tba bawtanlna oootatalaa taa amaa uon or Ba. aod known aa tba BaabowßlU Prop sffr.Maated oa Cbaa Oiaab." £■ wilDaaa wharaof tb« aaaaa of tba Mort gasoaand tba bava barasoto baao pSaad thia d^^Ha^MalM^ltU. • S. A. WDUUI^AaaSSh J. Alloa Aaatlo, A try. BUBSCRIBB FOB THB QLBANBB fMI A **** | NEW HOME 77/ J \ NO OTMBM UKB IT. Sft NO OTMM AO 0000. »»■ by* a Ma aMtaa *a xla TM par- Tba ■ Saliatfua re«ak iiaiaai tr wairtaawaah. mmMm smd ass» aaslhr si aaiaial Imms lifo Inag asrrios at coa WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. laabt ea tbe "NEW HOME". lib fcaowathe wartdeeaefanniirlai niiaa quaS- Sea. Nat nU under ear ether aaaM. TIE IEW HOME SEWUM MACUME nnowoi. HASIAONIItITTf* fsliiaiis mm A tew fc-ssdtnrs scross the vstsr ; seem to think Americs's motto Is, "Remember the msla chance. '

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