•NHMMMWHNMMUMf 1 | Saved Girl's Life 8 "1 want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re- ! ' ceived from the use>of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes 1 ' Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, 1 r liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught j P saved my little giri's life. When she had the measles, j J they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's 1 | Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no j ' trouble. 1 shall never be without J BLack-DraugHT J In my home." For constipation, Indigestion, headache, dizzl- J E ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar jp 01 ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, a M reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. A • If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- V 0 Draught It Is a medicine of knowll merit Seventy-five j J years of splendid success proves Its valup. Good for j 5 young and old. For sale everywhere. Prior 25 cents. a MilllHftlltHilllliilM SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson I.—First Quarter, For Jan. 2,1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Ysxt of the Lsseon, Aot> I, t-14—Mem ory Verses, 10, 11—Qsidsn Text, Eph. Iv, S—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stesrns. Luke tella us that In hla former treatise, bis gospel, be bad written of •II that Jeaua began to do and taacb, and tbla book, wblcb wa begin today, algbt wall be called the record of that which Jeaua continued to da and teach through Hla apoatlea, notably Peter and John and Paul and the evangel lata Stephen and Pblllp. Note the or der of the wonla "do and teach" and the many plncea where the order la • the same or tba imrallel words "seen and heard." The doings are seen and Iba teaching is (Mark vi, 80; Acta IT, 20; I Job* i. 8). We cannot properly .teach what we bare not drat learned to do. The day in which He waa taken up carries ua back to the taking up of Enoch and Elijah and on ward to the taking up of all true be lievers at His coming to tba earth for Hla people (1 Tbeoa. IT, 10-18). In the fortydaya betweeu Hla reaurrectloaand ascension He (bowed Himself alive at I least ten tlrnea and after hla aacenalon 1 twice to Paul, also to Stephen and | John. The same Holy Spirit Who con-' trolled Him before His death spake i by Him after Hla resurrection and, as always, concerning the kingdom of Ood (verses 2, 8). Note how this book, like the whole Bible, begtna and ends with the king dom of Ood (Acta IXYUI, 28, Si), but observe that the kingdom alwaya meana dominion over all things on the whole earth, given to Christ by the rather and by Christ siuired with His redeemed. It waa at hand and preach ed by John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus and the twelve and the seventy. I but being violently rejected and tho j King crudfled It waa poetponed till He shall come again, according to Lake six, 11, 13: Acts ill, 20, 21. The disci ples understood, and rightly, too (vaise 0), that the center of the kingdom will be a restored Israel, for apart from a righteous Israel and the throne of the Lottf at Jerusalem the long predicted kingdom cannot be. The kingdom be ing rejected and postponed and ths time of ths King's rsturn known only to Ood, He Is gathering from all the world an fleet people who a hall reign with lllm when He shall come again to set up His kingdom. This la the' mystery hidden In the ages paat and revealed specially to Paul (Eph. 111, KB. To thla.end the Holy Spirit has been specially sent to testify of a risen and glorified Christ, who la waiting at the Esther's right band for the S building of His body, the church. His Eve. who shall share with Him thai dominion aa truly as Bebeccs and Both aba red with Isaac and Boas all their wealth. The disciples were to watt for the special power fur this service and. wit neaslng the power of the Holy Spirit, * then bear witness for tba Lord from Jerusalem wnto the uttermost parts of the sarth. The great teettmoay la that Jeans Christ is risen and alive forevennore at ths right hand of tba father and gladly receiving all who come anto Ood hy Him and are willing to Hve in the power of Bis resurrection life and help to gather from all da boos Hla holy, Church. I Mere baman wisdom cannot grasp Hit j purpose, nor can ths bast aeholarahlp 1 understand or be of any uoe to Hla | apart from the only power and the only teacher, the Holy Spirit When Bo had spoken Hla last massagi to them., while they beheld Be was taken op (verse 0). or as it la written in Luke isle, 00, 01. "Whlls Bo blssssd them. Bo waa parted from them and carried up Into heaven." With what otter; amasement they must have seen Him ascend from their midst and how stead fastly they must hsve Itased upon Him until the cloud bid Blm from their yy ■ We do not know that any one said' ho was swept away la a whirlwind Bfifch horses and chariot of flrot This £ waa a quiet, vlsiVta taking ss Ha talked , with them and bleeaed them, sugges ts tire of the fact that Be is still bless- : In* or ready to Mess. j As tbe.v. In wonder end swe. wetch *!ed the clorul that bid Him from their , view two men stood by them and Mid very plainly that ea He had gone O0 Bo would come again In like man- One result of this menage waa that I they worshiped Him and returned to r Jerusalem with great Joy and contln ; tied In prayer and praise (verse 14; Lake xxtv, 62. SSI. Thsre le no more m joyful topic than Oat of the coming r again of the Lord Jesua to the earth to wetcoaae Bis people and then back to Olivet with His people to Set up Bis Kingdom, with the throne oJDtrtlii toaveuly messengers may have bepj^ and Kllirtli But It la the iiie*mit.'e of the liesvenl." envoy* thai should hold "* and l>e car neatly proclaimed. "This name Jeauc aboil HO come In like manner"—not death, nor the destruction of Jeruaa ' lem, nor even the coming of the Holy Spirit aa another Comforter, but tbla tame Jesus Christ /WE\ ; /WISH \ /YOU A\ Drops BOO for Fortune Mrs. Henry Baker ol South Potta 11 town, Ps, Is hunting for two psychlt ' advisers, fortune tellera, who, she al leges, hsve disappeared with |BOO : representing her life's savings. She t says aha "handed the profeasor |Bo i to bring her good luck," but It wa» j I "necessary for him to sleep on thi cash." Three Middies Dismissed President Wilson haa dismissed three cadeta from the Annapolis Na . vol Academy at the request of Seers I tary of the Navy Daniels. 1 1 Ths dismissed cadeta were all Im I plicated In the hating cases lasl 1 spring and had been placed on pro 11 batlon. They were dismissed for ml i nor lnfranctlons of the rales while > on probation. Mill Rajlla Him Flat Monroe Heath, forty-Are yean old, father of seven children, was rolled flat and killed at the cerv tral plant of the American Steel company, at Lebanon, Pa. Keath wa« a roller on the slxtsen-lnch mill and his swsater became entangled In the rolls so tharhla body was drawn In Celluloid Kllla Baby Comber 1 Margaret Koons, three years old, of Pa., was comblni bsr hair with a celluloid comb neai the atove, when tho comb took Are The flames fired her olothing and the waa burned to death.' Serb King Offered Palace In Italy It Is reported from Rome that Kln| Peter of Serbia will take refuge Is Italy. A despatch to tho Matin siyi the king haa accepted Italy's offer ol tho palace at Caaerta, near Naples GENERAL MARKETS I. PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR firm: winter clear, $6.1 BO MO; city mills. "rye®' FLOUR Firm: per barrel, Arm: No. S red new, | No. I yellow, M0I1& OATB steady; No. t white, 4IH ,"®S>bLTRY: Live steady, hdha, 110 140.; old roosters, lOOIIe. Dressed choice fowls, 18c.; old rooe . BETTER Una: Fancy creamery, 1 88c. per lb. EOOS stesdy: Selected 480440.; nearby, 40c.; weetern, 40c. Live Stock Quotations f'AQC.-"— HOG H—Weak. Mixed tchers, IC.lOfftiJO; good heavy, •JO; rough heavy, lt.MOt 88; i itJSet.tr; piss, MOt.lt; balk, , TXX—Steady. Beovse. 84.400 1 oows and heifers, IM&iiftlO; ■a an 1 feeders. II 40pi.0; Tsfc i 81-tOCi *-*t: calves. ft-tOOm it. Traftp-Steady. NUve and west, j am, SS.WO7 lambs, |«.4068.50. I PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR quiet; ! whiter clear, IS.ltOt-40; ally mills, 81.2008.40. BTE # Fl/JITE Firm; per barrel, j wffIDAT Arm: N6. 8 rod now,- IJSOU7. I CORN Arm: No. * yellow, UttO "oATS steady: Na 8 white 41010 c. | POULTRY: Live steady, heos, MO lie.; old rooatera, 11® lie. DrOaeol fowls. 18c.; old rooe "ifi'TTEß Ann: Fancy creamery, ttc* Mr lb* BOOR slesdy: Selected. 410480.; nearby, 88c.; weetern, 8»c. Live Stock Quotations. i CHlCAOO.—Hooß— itftmc. higher. | Mixed and butohera. $».OSO«.70; aood CATTLE—Stesdy. Beeves. 84J0# «?wtfsr6.w«i{}jr k 't | Why Yen Mheald Use Chambsrlala* t'eagfc Wsisdy. Because It haa an established rep won by Its good works. Because it Is most eetermed by those who have used It for many veers, as occsston required, aAd are best sccquain. ted wjtn its --ffootl qualities. Because It fopeens and rellavea a i colil and alda nature In restoring , the system to a healthy condition. , PITTSBURGH BANK FAILSTO OPEN State Department Closes CM Institution. FUNDS OF 41,000 PUPILS i Ths Mposlts Are Nearly »f1,000,000 ' and eh* Stat* Will Llquldste the I Aaeota. Christmas cheer In Pittsburgh re ceived a setback when the Plttaburgh Bank (or Savings, one of the be.it known lnatltutlona In the city, Mle I to open tor business, Tacked to th# Wont door was a noUce which said that It bad been closed by order of the Pennsylvania banking department, and O. H. Oetty, bank examiner, had been appolntel temporary receiver. \ It was known in the financial dis trict that the bank bad been unable to weathar the items It has encount ered since the failure of James 8. Kuhn and W. S. Kuhn, said to have been Identified with the bank In 1913. A run at that time continued several Uys, but strong interests went o Its assistance, and the doors were not closed. Recently, It became known that the banking department waa playing par ticular attention to the bank, arid an .effort waa being made to Interest per foni who hitherto had not been Iden tified with the Institution. Old stock holders surrendered their holdings, and It was a month ago that the situation was much Improved. The announcement came aa a distinct shock. The Pittsburgh Bank for Savings was chartered In 1862 with • capital etock of SBOO,OOO. Ia 1901,-U absorb ed the' Real Estate Savjpgs bink, and In 1908, the capitalisation waa Increaa ' ed to $600,000 by a stock dividend from surplus. Depositors of the bank Inrlu e 1 nutay persons with savings see unts, although the'institution did a general bnslness. Deposits on September It, 1615, were $10,945,713, according to the report made to the banking com mlaaloner. On the same da'e, the surplus was reported at $408,514. |t was stated that the bank had ap proximately 75,000 depositors, of whoirf fully 80,000 i|vad in other parts of the country, as the bank wn' among the Drat, to take aavlngs ao counts by mall. The savings of some 41,000 fohogt children are Included In the bank'a deposits. By this plan, school chil dren would take their money to school on a certain day of each week, an I a collector for the bank would call St U*a various school buildings, giving them eredlt on their books for the amounte deposited. This practice was In effect for years, and many thou sands of dollars had been deposited by tha children, tl waa aald that acores of successful persons In the city, who began aavlng In this way have continued their business re'a tlons wltb the Institution ever since. • ——— Gift-Laden, Dlvea to Death. There waa no flan t a C!aua at tbe home or Mrs. Hattle M. Seaman, of Homeatead, near Pittsburgh, but In stead of a visit from the dispense- of Joy there waa a call from the angel Of death. , Mrs, Seaman, twenty-five years old. was returning home with her hus band on a shopping tour, her arm' laden with Christmas presents ror her two small children, and w'lie 1 rrosslng a bridge a few bund.el feet from her home she lost her b lan e and fell Into a stream, thirty feet be low, and died before medical aid could reach her. In company with her husband, Mrs. Seaman bad Ijeen shopping, and both were carrying numerous packages When crossing tbe bridge a short die tance from their'home Mrs. Seaman allpped and fell across the railing, which collapsed. Before the husband could drop his packages and graap her aba fell over and alighted in tbe rocky bed of the creek. Slays Boy, Weunde Two Men. ■ddle Delbler, aged five.i was ahot and killed and two other persons were wounded when William Altman, aged forty, ran amuck at Youngwood, near Oreansburg Pa. Altman waa abot and perhaps fa tally wounded before be waa Anally overpowered. t Altman went to the home of Mrs. Susan Delbler, a neighbor, declaring he Intended killing the whole family. He opened Are and the boy fell dead George Delbler, aged seventeen, rush ed Into tha room and was wounded. On tha street Altman encountered Ales Barolay. who was ahot twice. Whan he refused to surrender, O. C Caboe opened fire on Altman. The condition of Altman and Delbler I critical. ______ Liberty Bell In Cent. Senator C. A. Snyder, of Potts 1 ▼Hie, Pa, has had roplleaa of the Ub I erty boll made from anthracite an I will aend to friends these unique sou venirs of the bell's trip to Ban Prnn claco. The bells have bean carved out of aolld coal by Jamee Cunningham, of Summit nil, and upon the top la tha Initial letter of the surnnme of the reel pleat, set In sulphur gems, from tha mlaee, which have tha beautiful mellow color of old gold. Nothing baa been omitted to make the souvenir n perfect copy of the boll, the famous crack being repro duced with fidelity. ■l, ,"V Worker Mangled by Wheel. William Kemaierer, thlrty-alx years old, of Bechtelavlfle, Pa, waa killed when he was poIMmI Into the cos wheels of machinery at «ho Btauffer ■our and grlat mills at Pol Is town. Pa. Kemmerer wae alone at the Ume. The man'a Body waa found by James Froaheleter. another employe. How the accident happened la a m- stery, hut it Is known that every nlglt Kem merer oiled tbe big wheeels. It la believed bib right arm wee caught first end the body waa drawn Into the tooth of the whirling eDaL CMM Mutilated; Mother Arrested. Mrs. Helen UebTrled. tweity eight years old. la being hold In iokaatown. Pa., pending an iaveeti-! gaUon Into her sanity, folowln^the The child's throat had been cnt and tjer body mutilated -with a butch* er knife. The authorities believe the woman killed the child while tempore rlly inaane. *. . -X*|g tsvs Eight From Drowning. . Eight' girls were saved from drowning at New Cumberland, near Harrlsburg, I'a , by Clarence Hempt and Victor Dreyor, the latter having to dive five time* under aur.ace of ice. First, four girls skated into an air* I hole on the Susquehanna and Hempt pullgd them out. Twenty mind tea later four more went into the same I place, and but for«Dreyer, probably I would bave been drowned. J • /f --j Three Cirla Hit by Train, j Three girls were Injured, two prob- I ably fatally, when tbey were struck ; by a D. L. & W. passenger train al Forty Fort, near Wilkes-Barre, Pa. | The girls. Rose Callahan, Mar'e ! Jones and Helen Monnlck, each sev enteen years old, were walking al nt ' tbe tracks on their way to work In a mill. They stepped from In front ot a freight y#ln directly In the path ot tbe passenger train. The Hcmnlck flrl wIH recover. Army Secret Bervlce Stolen. A reversible telescopic indirect firing sight, the property of the United States army, the design of which has been carefully guarded by the government, has disappeared from a three-Inch Held gun in the armory of the second field of tbe National Ouard, it was stated. Its intrinsic value is small, The supposed theft has been reported to tbe police. German Ammunition fllows Up Hundreds of persons were killed or injured in tbe explosion of a German ammunition factory at Muenster, Westphalia. Part of the town was deatrcye' and the whTle supply of mu nitions was lrvst. T'-e explosion was believed to have been accidental. Give* Her Life to Save Children Mrs. Apna Edelsch, of Reynolds vllle,' after rescuing her four chil dren from fire by throwing t em out Of Window, was burned to death. Twlrler Haggerty, of the Central Ra e Ball 1 league, caught the children al they were tossed out. Advance for Western Roads RaUroads west of the Mississippi river were given material Increases In freight rates by the interstate com merce commission in a second decis ion In the so-called west-rn advance rata case. Von Papsn Sails for Germany Captain Franz von Papfen, fler many's recalled military attache, left Hew York for Rotterdam on tlit steamship Noordham, bearing a safe conduct to Germany from the entente allies. An explosion Friday a week in the fuse plant of the Bethle hem Steel Company at,lteling ion, Pa , killed one workman and injured 15 others, soveral of them wsrioualy. The accident is said to have resulted from a spark. In the municipal election in Rochester, N. Y., in November John G. Thouias, Republican, was elected on the face of the returns. James D. Smith, Democrat, who ran against Thomas, contested on the ground of errors in ihe count and the courts have decided in his favor. BTAI.B or Omo, OITT or TOLEDO I Lcc • (;BU°TV. I • Prank J. Cheney make* oa'b that he ia •euinr partner ef the tlfm ol V. J. I'beney & • «>„ doing l>u>ini'N> In the city of Toledo, county and Mtate alnroaald.and thaf >Hld linn (Wliri-ay the sum of One Hundred Dollar* for eweh and every ease of Catarrh that can no be cu cd by |he ute of Hail'a » utarrh Cure. KHANK J. ('HENRY. Sworn to before te and »ul.»erfbe.| In my l-ri-K-noe, Ihli Bib day of December, A. D-. IN"! A. W. G LBA«OW, (Seal) Notary Public ■ alt Catarrh Cure Is taken lulernaliyjtnd act directly on tbe blood and mi.oouaaur f-irea of tbe system. Send lor t*attmo#ala K. J.CHENEY* CO., Toledo, O. ball's Pamf!y t J'llis >, for conatlraUoo. John Purser, an employe of the Southern railway shops at Spen cer, was knocked under a tr«.in Friday and received injuries from which he died two hours later. He was walling to board a train to the shops when an engine on another track knocked bim under the train. The victim was 36 years old and leaves a widow and three children. Hub—Or. E. Detchon'a Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than 1100 if you have s child who aoifa thn bed ding from Incontinence ot water during sleep. Cures old and young? alike. It arrests the trouole at once. 91.00. Sold by Graham Drug Company. adv. - «*, The two new battleships au thorized by tbe last Congress will built ID the New York and Mare Island, Cal., navy yards. The decision to build the ships la the Kovernment yards Is due to the fact that all bids submitted by private firms- exceeded the cost , fixed by Congress for th' con struction of the vessels. i Ta Care a Celt laoae Ita). Take Laxative Brorao Quiniue i Tablets. All druggiata refund the money it faila to cure. B. W. Grove's algnature ia on each box. W cents. ad*. Senator Lea of Teao., has peti tioned the Inter-State Commerce Commission to investigate charges : that the Louisville and Nashville, l and Nashville, Chattanooga and and St. Louis railroads furnish . free passage to Teunesse public officials "to seduoe and corrupt" them, in violation of the inter state commerce act _ I WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The aervoau system la thealsns SMtasa ol tIM blunts body. Ia perfect health we hardly realist I we have a network of ucriee, hot when , haahhlaehMag, when streagthia' ( sleep, irritability and unveil'corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. , To correct nervousness, Scott's Bmul sjoo la exactly utuuffi Jj j | ALLIES LEAVING » DARDANELLES ——— _ .it ■ I London Announces Evacuation of Positions. ! EJ!D OF DISMAL CAMPAIGN British Forces'Are 1 Bent "Clsewheae," Probably to Egypt er the Bal kans. / i ' Allied troops are being withdrawn 1 from the (.'alrftpoll peulusu a. T U ! was officially auncunceJ ly the war office In London, lnttie sta emen. It 1 was said that all troops on the Anzac and Suvla bay fronta were being »ent "elsewhere* , The hardest Infantry flghting ( at the { Dardanelles has taken place on the fronts of Anzac and SuVlasbay, on tbe western side of the peninsula. Farther to the southwest, near Kri ttila and Seddul-Bahr, the operations were confined chiefly to artillery duel, ling. It was reported concurrency with the war office announcement that part pf the truaps wltlid awn Irom he pen- Insula would be sent Into the Bal-1 kans and cthe.s Into Egypt. If all ! the alllel f r ej are withdrawn from the penlnsu'a It wiu'relra e a Turk lah army »of a;pr.xlmstely 2|0,000 men for service 1.. some other -field pf acticn. * Sonta of Ihe -IJ tte «-t lig ting of tbe Darilauelie; ' ampa' n has taken place at the n.iw sb ndonel by the British. -a " r g'jn, Which takes I s rr-ms fr til the initla's of the Auttra-lf a-1 ev /eaa;d army corps, known In 'OTscriurnce as the "An-af" f re , i be nt e scene of lurlo is a'tcru.t ol the In vaders to thrust ba k he turka. Here, aa at Suvla bay, the a'lles ave , been able to a>: leve no striking sun jesses, being hc!d"l y the T irl-.s to the tones protects! by tie gun's of the allied fleet. The less of lire at hoth these positions has been ve:y heavy. The official statement says t at "tbe troops, together wilh their -'um and stores, have been aur-ce: t fully transferred, with Insignificant casu alties." ' "Thank God, they are safely out of" there without serlouß loss," la an ex.' pression frequently hearJ In Lond.n in connection with the transfer of the Anzac troops, altbcugh this Is In variably coupfled with regrets that It ( should have been" regarded neceasary to evacuate the hard won footholds on the penlnaula, obtained at auch a heavy cost In casualties, No mention'ls made In the an nouncement of the transfer of army troops from the top of the Peninsula, at Seddul-Bahr and other positions. The war office statement leaves the public to draw lt| own conclusions as to the destination of the Aust-a-1 llan and United Kingdom forces,' which must be well over 100,0091 strong, now withdrawn, but It Is widely conjectured that any south ward sweep of the Teutonic, or Bul garian armies in the Balkans, whether from the north, weat or eaat, will sooner or later ooms In contact with them, and that the transfer ta cdl nected with a determination on tbe part of tbe entente powers not to re> main on the defensive la the*near eastern theatre of war longer than ' is requisite to assure the success of a forward march. Calomel Dynamites A Sluggish Liver Crashes into sour bile, mak ing,you sick and you loose a day's work. Calomel salivates I It's mercury, Calomel acta like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel cornea in contact with sour bile it crashes into it causing griping and nausea. > If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and aU knocked out, Just go to your druggist and get a 80c bottle of Doason's Liver Tone, which it a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesnt start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel, and without making you aick, you lust go and get your money back. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besodes it may salivate you, while if you take godson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it adv. The quantity of foodstuffs ex ported by tbe United States the first ten months of thin year more than doubled that of the Bame pe riod last year. Tbe Department of Commerce statistics show that the value of the product this year Is $670,000,000 against *318,000, 000 last year. Three hundred and ten million bushels of corn and oats were exported. K nlish Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, StUks, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs etc. Save 140 by use of one bot . .tie. A wonderful Blemish Cars. Sold by Graham Drag Company, sdv The news comes via Washing ton that Mr. Geo. A. Bellamy, known aa Lbs "Daks of Brans wick" county, will be a candidate in the Democratic primaries for State Auditor. Owes Her CMS Health te lliiWr ' ' lala'a Tablet*. "I owe my good health to Cham- berjaia's Tablet*," WrtfrsjjtSL R.O. ago 1 was an invalid' due to stom ach trouble. I took three bottles of In the bfit ol health.'' Obtainable j A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE WAS I ■ TUESDAY^ Pleasure by both adverse les Is be | Ing brought to bear upon Greece. The ' allies are reported Jo .have, renewed the blockade of Greek ports. Berlin, on tbe o her hand. Is said to have demanded that Greece disarm the Anglo-French forces which hava sought refuge tnsl le her borders after I retreating from Serbia, or ahe may II expect the Teutonic allies, including 1 Bulgaria, to enter Greek territory and attack their foes. The Relchßtap advocates the ere* Hon ot a central bu-eiu to control •. food supplies and prices In Germany, j The government hes Intimate! that I ipeat cards may be Issued In the em i plre. i! Official reports from Berlin say Austro-German f rccs continue to ad vance In- Montenegro. Prussian casualties In the war now number„2,244,248. I ' II " WEDNESDAY. Although reports, say Te#ton'le forces have entered A-eek territory, ofllclaj statements deny that Bulga -rian troops have crosse J the bor.lei line, and confirmation that Austrian ! or German soldiers are In Greece Is lacking. Residents of Salonika, th« i Anglo-French base, expect an Austro , Germsß-drive toward that port ana | are preparing to flee. The French and British forces arc 1 said to have lost 1700 men in theii retreat from Serbia. Preparations for Italy's expedition for the Balkans la reported well under way. A German submarine is reported destroyed in the Black sea and a Turkish torpedo boat sunk by th« British In the Sea or Marmora. The former German cruiser Greben la said to have been damaged by a i Berlin reports that four a iled aero planes, one of them a battle plane were brought down guns In raids over French territory held by the Ger mans, snd over towns In Baden. , THURSDAY. Relations between the Unite 1 States and Austrta as described as at the breaking point. Vienna, t( news despatches, has evaded the de mands of this country for dlcayiwa' and reparation In the asking of th Ancona, and has asked for a Mil ol' particular in the charges male in ' this connection, together with a fur " ther "exchange of opfni n." It U 1 stated that Washington wIH refuse t( debate the loss or American Ilve3, an that the reply, as reported, Is unac ceptable. , General Sir John French' has beet recalled from demmand of the B.ltlst forces In France, and has been re placed by General Sir DougHs fta'v has landed 121,000 troops It Albania. All Greek trocps sxept 1000 men have been wit'-dr'-wn from Salonika leaving the houses a»j muni elpal affairs of that' port In the handi of the Anglo-French army. I • t — : | FRIDAY. Threat of a new German offenslvi on the front Is said to h.ve helti In abeyance Russia's plan's far i move upon Bulgaria. London military experts expect th Austro-German forces now in sout! Serbia to move socn upon the Anglo French forces In Salonika. This stei 1 may follow the Oreek elections, Sun day. Paris reports activities at man} points along the western front. In eluding bomb fighting, nesr the Qcl glan ccast. patrol encounters sout v ', of Glventhy, and combats In t!l« Champagne dlatrlct. The appointment of Sir Dougln Halg to command the English force In Franee Is received with "immenst Satisfaction" in Paris. SATURDAY. The Teutonic Invaalon of Montene fro has resulted In clearing-a consld erable part of the eastern section ol the country. The war ofßce announc , ed that the territory northeaat of th Tara river, southward from Mojkovac about twenty-five miles from the Ser . blan border, has been occupied. In the fighting which resulted lr J tbe capture of BJelopolje 1950 prison era were taken, among them a smsL number of Montenegrins. In the lasl live days Austro-Hungarlan troopi e bave taken 13,500 prisoners. On the eastern front only small en § gagementa among patrols are report * Sd. Near Nladscol lake two officer! £ and 235 men were captured. On the western front there wer u minor engsgements and sc he srtll lery firing. a . SUNDAY. S Anglo-French warships ani land . batteries shell Turkish positions or • Dardanelles. The Turks report de J structlon of British defenses in Meso t> potamla. Field Marshal French, before relln quisling command of Britlah army lr J France, says allies will win at earflj t data. 1 Berlin reports say Sweden will pro I test to Britain against selxure ol *' malls from the United States fo Sweden. Baron von der Golts assumed e m * Band of Turkish army, reported mo . bilised for drive into Egypt Geneva despatches say Vienna li hopeful of avoiding break with the q United States and that the ATOM I affair will be settled by aa exchanga j, ef notes. t GENERAL HUERTA ILL € Removed From Fort Bliss Prison to | Wife's Residence Under Guard. General Victorlano Huerta. former pro visional president of Mexico, held ' for violation ol neutrality taws of the ( United States, la aerioosly ill, and was , removed from the prison at Fort a Bliss to the residence of Us wife at i El Paso. Tex. His guards remained c with him. The nature ot his illness is sot stat sd. Recently Is araa reported he bad . recovered from a nervous attack. 1 « i Laagfcter Aids Hpsttaa. « Laughter la one of the moat help- 1 ful exertions; It ia of great help I to digestion. A still more effect- i usl help is a dose ol Chamberlain s " Tablets. They only cost a quarter. * Obtainable everywhere. e W. L. Fennell, 39 years old, committed suicide iu Charlotte v Sunday br shootiac himself Had lit :y• ■ " » Children Cry for Fletcher's Akin S 1 iRiKI IIJ |I ill I fc l I IMJ WHRVHRBBBBMR The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and whlclrhas been ' , la DM for over SO yean, has borne the signature at > and has been made under his per -1 sonal supervision since Its Infancy. ' AllOw no one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but I Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more thaa thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles ana ■ Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and' Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought A Big Daily Newspaper a Whole Year for .Only $2.50 Here's Yw fihaacc If 68T flfe Wlßgrort-SakacPally Seaflacl at a Half Regular Subscription Rale - MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY DURING OUR ANNUAL BARGAIN PERIOD-DECEMBER . r After December 51st the Price Will Be $5.00 Per Year mi oat ul mall'the arln a* bottom of this adTertlse atat with roar «k«k or aoaor ordor tor S3JW rlfkt BOW. be fore It slips roar mind. You will receive The Wlnston-Balem Dally lenn.fl the romalnder ot this rear aa all uit roar an tU Janaary t ISIT. Think what you save! Thl« ipleUU offer la auto oaly lariaf December, oar aaaaal Bargain Period, Car tas which aaoath hundred, apoa handrede ot new sabacribers are oaroUed. If yoa waat a daily newspaper, tho hoot dally aewspaper, aad at a savins ot halt the regular subscription price, here's roar opportunity. Moat everyone la familiar with The Dally Seattael, bat aaaaple copies will be seat anyone deslriajt them. This bararaln offer positively closes December ai. 'lt Is open to aaw ana old snbseribers alike, bat fhe snbscriptloas most be In Tho Seattael oSico by the above date. The Spootal December Bargain Hate applies oaly on snb serlptloas apoa which the paper Is to bo delivered by mall. It dees net apply to aay subscripUoa served by either a carrier boy, rente ascat or aatomoblle delivery, either la Wlaatoa- Saiom or aearby towaa. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER . y • VIS THIS ORDER TODAT PUBLISHING CO., MAIL THE PAPER TO I w " . , / ' i now ™ Name .. •« „ .. ». ». .. ~ ,# v. .« v. n Baaowal Addreas v. This Special Rate Applies oa Mall Subscription* Oaly Ordor Mast bo Seat Daria* December | . ■ 10 YEARS BtPOTATIO'I fl Jh Arnold's® A BALSAU | warranted To Cure • MALL SUMMER SICKNESSES BY! I Graham Drag Co. I Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power* contain ed In • certain mortgage deed John A stuartmnd his wire, Julia A. Btuart, on tbe/ttb day of August, 4M4. and duly re corded la the office of the Ret; Inter of Deed* of Alamanoe county. In Hook No. 60 of Mortage Deed a, at pace rt-Bi and. whereas, default box been made In the payment of the note and In terest tbereon, secured by tbe aald mortgage, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, JAN. 24, 1916, at 12 o'clock, noon, aell for caah to tbe highest bidder, tbe following described tract of land altuate In Patteraon townablp, Alamanoe county, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake or atone In D. H. Al bright's line and running Nortb 66 pole* lo atone and pointer*; tbeuoe Weat M poles to Make and pointer*, formerly a spanlah oak, Jaa. Dixon's corner, thenee Houib wltb 41- brlrb t line 66 pole* lo atone pile: thence Baal with bla other Hoe M pole* to the beginning, contain. si acres, mora or lest The above described tract of land Is situate within one and a quarter miles of gyWan High Bch 01. About one-half ofHlslnrul t vatlon.tbe remainder In woouand timber. It I* well watered, add It 1* adapted lo tbe K>wth ut tooaeco. cotton, grain and graaa. I* tract will make a very dealrabla home tor anyone wanting a small Harm. Terms of Sal*_(2ah. This the 28th day of Deeember, 1»16. JOHM R. bTI'AKT, Mortgagee. JOHN G. CI.AKK, w •* assignee of Mortgagee. New York is estimated to have * population of 5,498,982.— 5t. Louis Poet-Dispatch. Bro. Hearst is there too, and a naught added to 5,498,982 makes 5,498,982. Busy Sophie seems to be worth, even more to Germany than "Busy Bertha." _= I I 4 *ea a>ew What Ym AreTOiif When yon take Grove's Taatelem Chill Tonic became tbe formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Qui nine in a taateleaa form. No core, no pay.—Me. adv. There has been utile that C. C. Daniels of North Carolina, gov ernment attorney in Minnesota, would be removed because of in efficiency.' Senator Nelson of Minnesota, Republican, says Mr. Daniels is a victim of land specu lators who pat obstacles in his way to prevent tbe trial of gov ernment snita. Miles P. PegTam, Br, for many years a prominent citizen of Char- ■ trarte marks and copyright* obtained ornol ■ fee. fknd modal, gketche* or photo* and da» H ■ Kri|.Uo.i (or PRCS SEARCH sad /sport ■ I ■ oa patentability. Bank referenoee. ■ I ■ PATENTS BUILD PORTUNKB tor ■ ■ you, Oar free booklets tell bow, what to invert ■ ■ and «ave yoa money. Write today. ■ ID. SWIFT FT col PATBNT LAWYERS, ■ M 303 Seventh St.. Wathlnoton. P. C. ■ ' NOTICE! Morfgage Sale of Real Estate. , > Cs By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by J. J. Martlndale and bis wife, Mary J. Martlndale, OD the 7th day of November, IVI6, which mort gage deed was given to secure Uie payment nf oertaln notes bearing even date therewith, the payments of which notes have been default ed, the undersigned mortgagee will oflter at put" » auction, to the highest bfdder, at Ibe court house do>r In Graham. Alamanoe coun ty, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, coon, on TUESDAY, JAN. 4, 1916, the follawlng mortgttg«d r«>l estate, the same being duly recorded In the offloe 01 the Kegls- Deeds lor tbe county of Alamanoe, In Hook of Mortgage Deeds No. ft) at pwe W \ A oertaln, traSl or paroel of land tying and J® In Mel vllie townahlp, Alamance county, and adjoining the lands of William coot, Jake 8t«el am others and more particularly described and defined as follows, to-wlt: at Point.™ on Utile jtock .reek William Cook's corner, tiienoe with Lfaa n*i«f WJUlam Oook's line n V^l7 7 cUs id TO links to a (take, also tbe corner of Joseph i bompson's land, now owned by Jake 8k»I --,1 Oegßia elis and «S links to a rock pile; thence H ki 1 , !,■ K and » links to a 'red oak .tump awl rock." u»aacc K 71% >,« E « ofcs and 7? links to a «on the said Little eSekTaSd thoo^ - »ywi&tt&srs:."fcass iffiKS&SSSSK! *™"*— This the aid day of Deeenitar. IMS. I UHAUI.ta OBLB, Mortgage*. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. asad.li.i.tr.toi upon tb. Mute of Maine Well*, u«iranvd, tn* uo> laitua ngaloet wtuestace Lopieeuut ibo «ui« uri :, u 'T.,'a "ZT; or SSfSJS * of I».IVM, or tnisu.rie. -ilt oe m !»*• s ,uo. ul ia » —«• «- This iMoeintor aHli, luli. J - L-Public Adm'r. ® , ™ t Adoi rof Matti. Wella, dee d. ; Cotton manufacturers will make a determined effort to defeat tbe Palmer child labor bill which, if P««ed by Congress, would pro hibit the shipment in inter-State commerce of auy product of fac tory that Was iiifiiiufitc'.ured with the aid of > hiid übor. Kx-Gov. Kitehin of North Carolina is at

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