THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., July 13, 1916 Postoftice Honrs. Offio open TUX) a. m. toT.OOp. m. «nuday 9.00 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 8.00 p. m J. M. McCRACKEN, Postmaster. ♦ttHtH-h ♦+++++++++++++++ ♦ LOCAL' NEWS. • + TIIIIIIIIIHI> 1 I I I H I | | l it —The "July Fly" songster has arrived. —The past two Jays and nights have been about the warmest so far ' this year. The cool Dights for a week or more before were a subject of rei mark. —The M. P. church was placed on its new site today. The moving had prevented the street cars coming farther down town than the Graded School since the first of the week, but they resumed the'r full run about noon today. —The portrait of Dr. Geo. W. • Long is on exhibition at Green & McOlure Furniture Co.'s store. It is a good likeness of the Dr., true to life and has been viewed by many. It will .be here only a few days longer. —An entertainment was held in the corridors af the court house Tues day night for the benefit of Graham Base Ball Association. Remarks were made by Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., and others. Refreshments were sold and a nice little sum realized. * —Lieut. L. D. Meador and Segt. Lon G. Turner, detailed recruiting officers, have been quite successful in getting recruits. They sent a number new recruits to Camp Glenn this week to tske the places of those who failed to pass the physical ex amination. —John Wright, who slashed Har aison Stevens here about a year ago and haß been in Danville most of the time since, was brought back here last Saturday by Deputy H. J, Stock ard in his autonlobile. Wright con sented to come back without going through the meanderings of a requi sition. —Miss Helen K. Simmons, daugh ter of Mrs. A. M. Simmons of Gra ham, who has just graduated from the Boston School of Domestic Science, has been elected instructor in domestic science and domestic arts in Lowe's Grove school in Orange county.' She will begin her duties when the fall term opens. —A reception given by Mrs. Finley L. Williamson of Burlington last Friday afternoon at which her sister in-law, Mrs. Man ley Baker, a June bride, was honoree, was attended by a number of Graham ladies. It was a very delightful event and Mrs. Williamson added fresh laurels to her fame as atmost charming hostess. Going Camping for a Week. The following expect to leave •Saturday for a week's camping and i fishing on Cane Creek, near Sut phin's Mill, namely, Messrs. J. M. McCracken, Edwin D. Scott, W. H. i Albright, B. B. Holt, J. M. Phil lips, Arthur Ezell and Galea Brad- i sbaw. Music Classes Entertained. Mrs. Will A. Rich entertained her mrisic classes of Burlington and ] Graham Saturday afternoon at her ] home. After a short program they ( were delightfully entertained by Misses, Dorothy and Frances Rike of Richmond, Va., with music and | fancy dancing. The certificate pu- ! pile of these classes will give their j recital later in the summer. i Free Moving Picture Health Enter tainments. Thursday, July 13, 3 p. m. —Haw River School Auditorium. , Thursday, July 13, 8 p. m.—Me bane Moving Picture Theatre. j Friday, July 14, 3 p. m.—Gra- , Lam—The Mexican Theatre. , Friday, July 14, 8 p. m.-j-Glen- , coe Mills. i Saturday, July 15, 8 p. m. —Sax- apabaw School Auditorium. j Saturday, July 15, 8 [>. m —Swep eonville. Among the Sick. i Mr. Grant Estlow is on the sick J list. ( Mr. R. N. Cook's friends will be gratified to learn that he is improv- \ •ng. i Mrs. J. M. Turner left Tuesday ' for the Stokes-Whitehead Sanato- ' rium, Salisbury, for treatment. She ' was accompanied by Dr. J. N. Taylor. ' Long-Vinson m ' Married, Joseph CromwelL Long ' of Charleston, S. G\, and Mis Lenore Vinson of Mnncie, Illinois, Thurs day, June 29th, 1910. Mr. Long is the son of Dr. Daniel Albright Long. Base Ball. I Next Saturday afternoon at 4 ' o'clock at Graham Athletic Park the game will be between Swepsonville and the home team. Last Saturday afternoon the game was between ! liillsboro and Graham and the score was 5 to 4 in favor ot the visitors. They did Bome good playing, but neither appeared to be doing their best. Anti-Typhoid. Everyone—no exception—should take the anti-tyohcid treatment. Dr. Jordan will be iiere again Saturday, at the court house. Be sure to come before 12 o'clock —he may not be here in the afternoon. You will have to begin Saturday to get the full treatment of three weeks. He bad four dates —the firet last Satur day, when a good number took it. Ba*e Ball Saturday JULY 15. HilUboro at Gibsonville. ' Swepsonville at Graham. Mebane at Burlington. I ♦ + : + PERSONAL. + ♦ + Capt. S. H. Webb of Oaks spent v Tuesday evening here. a Rev. W. T. Hurst of Manndale was in town last Friday. Mrs. Jno. A. Forlines spent a day y in Greensboro the first of the week. Mr. J. Fred Homewood, near . Friendship, was in Uwn this morn ing. i Mr. Eugene McCracken went to Mt. Airy Sunday and returned Mon , day." Misses Mattie Watson ftnd Carrie Nicholson spent last Friday in Greensboro.. Mr. Wottf&ck Mcßane, located at Winston-Salem, was here Sunday and Monday. Mr." A. Clay Murray of Pleasant Grove township was a business visi tor here Tuesday. Mrs. Scott Hunter and little son left Wednesday for Camp Scothun, near Weavervjlle. Miss Rebecca Scott has returned from the Summer School at the State N. and I. College, Greensboro. Mr. Wm. I. Ward spent Sunday in Greensboro with Sheriff R. N. Cook at St. Leo's Hospital. Miss Lois Peterson of High Point spent the week-end here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. J. N. H. Clenden'n. Miss Duke McCracken left" Sun day morning for Westminster, S. C., to visit her friend and schoolmate, Miss Carolyn Carter. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Barefoot and Master Jack went to Greensboro yesterday evening, spent the night and returned this morning. Mr. Albert Harden of Greensboro was here the first of the week visit ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Harden. Mr. 0. D. McPherson of High Point was here Tuesday on busi ness. He waß bom and reared in the southern part of this county. Misses Ella Tarpley of Spartan burg, S. C., and Norine Faucette of Norfolk, Va., spent a few days here last week with Miss Frances Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride llolt spent Monday and Tuesday in Winston- Salem, where Mr. Ilolt went as Grand Chancellor K. of P. for the installation of officers. Master's Jack and Charles Causey left Tuesday for their home in An derson, S. C., after spending some time here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Murphy and three children of High Point, accompanied by Miss Nannie Young of the same place, came down Satur day by automobile to visit Mr. Mur phy's mother, two miles southeast of Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John Estlow and children of Danville arrived here the first of the week on a visit to the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Estlow and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. McAdaras, and will remain about two weeks. Mr. Chas. D. Johnston left yes terday afternoon for Kipling, Har nett county, where he delivers an address to-day in behalf of the Christian Orphanage at Elon Col lege._ He expects to return this evening. Prof. Zeno H. Dixon of Elkin passed through Graham today to the Southern part of the county to visit relatives ' tifid friends in the com munity where he was reared. He is just on his return from attending'the National Teachers' convention in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rike and daughters, Misses Dorothy and Frances, of Richmond, Va., are vis iting at Fairview, the beautiful country home of Mrs. J. H. Hawkes, and spent the week-end at the home of their cousins, Mrs J. H. Rich and Mrs. W. A. Rich, in Graham. Mr. Jonathan Thompson Dead. Early yesterday morning Mr. Jonathan Thompson died at St. Leo's in Greensboro, where he went some ten days before for treatment. Ilia body was carried to Haw River yes terday and the funeral was conduct ed there this afternoon and the in terment was in Lin wood Cemetery at Graham. He is survived by six children. He was about 72 years of age. Mr. Thompson was a skill-, ed mechanic and he had made his home at Haw River for a number of years. Recently he and bis sons built a large machine shop and garage in Graham. Debased was a highly esteemed and useful citizen and a good man. 100 Bushels Seed Potatoes. I have 100 bushels Irish potatoes for fall planting, which should be pone from July 10 to 20 for best results. W. J. NICKS, Graham. Ship Us Your Milk. Stop making butter and ship us your cream. If you are still selling butter at the low price that usually prevails at this season of the year, you should investigate our cream buying proposition, as our market •for high class cream is exceptionally good. We handle an unlimited quantity the year round at the very highest market price for the butter fat it contains. We are sure you will find results much more satisfac tory than from any other. Creamery you can ship to. We want a man in every community to start a cream route. Write for particulars. CAROLINA CREAMERY CO., Greensboj-o, N. C. But who can blame those Texas militiamen for refusing to leave t!io State with the watermelon season right in the offing? I MEXICAN PROGRAM ► h The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, ' July 17th: D MONDAY NIGHT. . The Iron Claw 1 Pathe in 2-parts featuring Pearl White and Sheldon I.ewis r Reclamation American in 5-parts TUESDAY NIGHT. j r- - Jealousy's First Wife American in 2-parts : Real Estaters 1 Falstaff in 1-part Shy Thirty Cents Vogue in 1-part WEDNESDAY NIGHT. ' • The Pilgrim' Mustang in 2-parts - Thinin' Stout Beauty in 1-part ' Jerry's Big Lark Cub in 1-part 1 THURSDAY NIGHT. Triangle Keystone Flames of Vengeance Gaumont in 3-parts Reel Life Gaumont in 1-pait , FRIDAY NIGHT. The Window of Dreams Thanhouser in 3-parts His Blowout Vogue in SATURDAY NIGHT. 1 - The Lion's Nemesis Century in 2-parts Brothers Equal Tharhouser in 2-parts Lawrence Swinson, a New Han over county negro, convicted of first degree burglary, was electro cuted in the State prison in llal eigh Friday. Lightning struck the barn of i Thoß. Oldham near Mebane and destroyed the building with its contents —includiug four horses and several head of cattle. Mr. Mallie Gulledgeof Gulledge i township, Anson county, commit ted suicide a few days ago by shooting himself. His mind had been unbalanced for some tiiito. The official returns from the primary in the sixth congressional district show a majority of 1,160 for Congressman Godwin over Mr. J. A. Browu. The total vote cast, 12,482. Asheville is planning a wild flower carnival August 17th. Pa rades in-'decorated floats and an open air carnival ball, the queen of the carnival to be chosen by the populace, are suggested fea tures. Judge R. B. Peebles, Judge of the Superior Court, died on June 28th at a hospital in Norfolk. His home was at Jackson, Northamp ton county. The intertnent was at liillsboro. Hon. Francis D. Winston has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. T. G. Cobb, editor of the Morganton News-llerald and one of the best known editors in the State, died last week. lie was the father of Miss Doniiie Cobb, a teacher in Graham Graded Schools. If they had the courage of their convictions certain congressmen would hold a pork parade. k WORD FOR MOTHERS It 1» a jjrave mistake for mothers to neg lect their achei and pains and suffer in silence—this only leads to chronic sick ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerve* and build strength. Scott's la strengthening thousands of mothers—and will help you. No alcohol. * • Scott ft Bownc, BUxmifldd. (f.j, « ■EFORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Haw River At Hhw HI v»r. In the Mate of North Caro lina, at the close of business, June ao. Ittlft. KKfIOUKCKH Loans and discount* .. • 2H.42J.7tt Overdraft* secured ttt3.l/» Furniture and Fixture*.... 7ci.o» I>ua from National BanK*.._ M>-»2& Cash Items .« i.'A.M (JoJd coin . I (Mil Hllver coin. Including all minor ooln currency .. &/I-3I National bank noten and other V. H. note*- - 00 - Total - • MMM MAIJIUTI&S Capital stock paid In $ UtJMttM Xurplus fund. 2 ffIJJJU I'ndivWlod profits, leu* current ex penses and taxes paid mi.& lIUls payable - 4jfJfi.UO I>eposits subject to cheek 1.28 Time Certificates of f>epo*lt.. .VM*)if) Kevin** Deposits.... 7.4 2.W C. sliler's Check* outstanding Accrued Intersat 'lue depositors 11 UMj Total • *»,434.1® State of North Carolina, County of Alamance, aa: I, H. A. Vest, I'resideut of the above named bank, do «oleninly swear that the above state ment Is true to the b«**t of my knowledge and belief. M. A. VKBT, President. Hubscrlbed and v sworn lo before me, this Ilth dsy of June, Ittir.. J. AItCHIK LOJtO, Notary I'ubllc. Correat—Attest: T. 8. t CHILE, J. A. ALDIUIXJB, 6 J. W. JOHNHTON, Directors, Notice to Ice Cream Dealers. Thn Department of Agriculture r wbosc duty it Is to enforce the • State food laws has spent a good deal of time in effort to cause the Ice Cream dealers of the State to know the requirements of the law, and how to. comply with them. It your-product is not standard ice cream, then you must show to your customers by placard- in your place of business or by tag or la bel on the freezer or package that the product you sell is not ice cream but a compound ice cream or something sola as a suosti tute for ice. cream, provided for by the ice cream regulation. The regulation provides for the sale of products *hat are not stand ard ice cream. If the regulation Is not complied wi'h the officials will take it -to mean that you are sell ing your product as ice cream. ; Ice cream, cannot be made from milk. To make ice cream requires not less thin three or three and one-hulf parts of cream to one part of milk. The proportion of cream and milk that can be used depends upon the richness of them; that is upon the milk fat that they con tain.' - Inspection will %e made soon and places where ice cream is made or sold must be clean and in a sanitary condition. As yet no prosecutions have been made of the ice cream deal ers but they have been given am ple opportunity to comply with the law, and in the future violations will have to be reported to the courts. RULINGS OF THE STATE BOAKD OP AGRICULTURE UNDER THE FOOD LAW IN RHOARD TO THE' MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ICE CREAM. 1. Ice Cream isa( frozen prod uct made from cream and sugar, with or without natural flavoring, and contains not less than 10 per cent of milk fat. 2. Fruit Ice Cream is a frozen product made from cream, sugar and sound, clean, mature* fruits, and contains not less than 8 per cent, of milk fats. 3. Nut Ice Cream is a frozen product made from cream, sugar, and sound, non-rancid nuts, and contains not lens than 8 per cent, of milk fat. • The sale of a product as ice > cream containing gelatine, eggs. ginn tragnean*h or other vegetable ' gum, or tn>- Bale of a product is • ice cream which contains less than the required per cent. T»f milk fat will not be congested, provid d the ' same is labeled and sold as milk ic I cream, comphund ice cream, gela tine ice cream , egg ice cream or 1 gum ice cream as the case may be; I or if a plackard boaring the fol lowing stattmeut— Milk Ice Cream is Served here. Imitation Ice Cream is served here. Compound Ice Cream is Berve'l here.- Egg Ice Cream is Served here. Gelatine Ice Cream is Served here. . Gum Ic Cream is Served here— as t£e case may be, shall be posted in a conspicuous plaeei n the room any and all persons may see the same when purchasing cream; and, Provided further, that the statement on the placard is print ed in plain black letters not less than one inch in size, on a white background. Chanherlslu's Colic, ('holers slid l)lsr> rlioea Htncdy, . Every family without exception should keep this preparation on hand during the hot weather oi the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic,Cholcra and Diarrhoea Reme dy is worth many times its cost when needed, and is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which it was intended* Buy it now. Obtainable every where. adv. ■EPOMT or CONDITION OP The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. AtOraham In th* HUito of North Carolina, at the cloan of bualneaa, June 30, Ittlfl. HBHOUKCRB Loan* and dlacounta fJ3.1rj.28 >\ or. lrafl» we'd, unu'd,sl74.4l, 1T17.78 Furniture and Flxturea 1.& A.OO Demand loans Due from National Iftanka Due from Stale flankn and Hankers 'Sit 15 Cash Items : vijw Gold coin .. t.'j » Hllvcr coin, etc ... 1. j.ll National llarik note# and otber (I. H. note* . I, i72>) Total LIAUILITIKH Capital •t00k....... 10, Surplus funrf I.GAOO Bills payable U Deposits subject to chock . 12, i. >2.28 Time Certificates of Ifc'poslt- IJifBB Savings Deposits 1,720.11 Cashier's Checks outstanding - Wfi Christmas Having* Club 2jMU ) Total m3t1.(2 Htate of North Carolina, Count? of Ala mance, ss: I, T. H. Nlfong, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemuly sw«*r that the al>ove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T.'H.HirONO. Cashier. Hubacrlbed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Jun«, Ittlft. W. K IIAHON, NoUry Public Cor rec t—A t test: J. KI.MKfC UINU, KOIIT. I*. IIOLMK*. J. M. Tlll.NKx. Directors Sale of Real Estate. Hy virtue of U»e power i t sale ronton**! In a rertMln deel lu trust egecutnd U> the Ontral lioan A Trust tiunjany oa the HUi day of November, JVIZ; by r. A. Mitchell and wlte, Annie •. Ml clieil. and daly ngUt.-red lu the oflWt of the llegUU r /rf [>e«?d» for Alamance, 1 county, N. C.. In Hook No 6n of Mortgage tiage«i Nos. Sfl U> SUS, to *«ure the tmy rin-nl or one bond, and default having liwit made In the pMtment of Uie aald bond, the und«*r*lgn«'d tru>uie will eipoee Ut public naUi i to the highest bidder for cash, at U»e court i bonne door of A laniai»c- county on SATURDAY, AUG. 6TH, 1916, J at 12 o'clock M., the (• Mowing land conveyed by tlie aald de d in trust: Two tnw-U of real pronerty, lw»th situate In Uie town of Ornban', Alauianer county, N.C., and MkurKl d and described as foliowa: Klrat Tract A tract or parcel of land front ing 72 ft on W side of North Maple -t. In said town, bounded on tl»e Kaat by said North Maple »tre»-t, on tin- Mouth by the lot »f W. T. Kcx**ll,on Uie West by lite lands of L Hanks If oil, si d on tin- North by aaother lot of the I artl«*s of the flmt \*irl (It being the s« cowl traet herein dearrtl**! and conveyed). L'txni tills lot Is a dwelling formerly occupied by the parties of the flmt part ms a home. second Tract -A hit or barrel of land front ing on Uie W side of N. Maple i*|. and adjoin* lug the first tract fc+rrla describe«l and onri. wyed and boQßdtd on the Kast by aald N. Maple M, oti tin- MeuUi by the lot herein de- M-rila-d aa "First Tract", on Weal by Uie lauds of l«. liauk- Holt, and on the North by tlie lot of J. M McCrackeu. Upon Uils lot Is a dwelling occupied by a tenant of U*e parties of Uie firat part. Tills the »Ui day of June, 1918. CKNTKAL LAfAH A TKCBT Ci)., % - Trustee. Juvenile Protective Association of Alamance Organized—Working in Line with National Big Brother Movement. At a meeting held in the parlor of tip hotel in Graham on Tueaday night, representatives from Burling ton and Graham made a tenative draft of an organisation or the Big Brother Movement for Alamance. At a mass-meeting to be held at some convenient date, representatives from the entire county will be expected to make the organization permanent in its present outlines, or make dbanges which may be considered necessary. The Juvenile Association is not only popular throughout the Nation by the work of Judge Lindsay and hia co-workers, bat by a recent act of tho Legislature it ia a necessary part of our ijtate and county laws. Reverend Mr. Crawford Jackson, General Secretary of the Association, and who was present as the moving and directing agent in the meeting Tueaday night, defines the Juveline work aa proposed for Alamance as follows: "The Juvenile Court and Proba tion system ia such a court as proves, in the person of the presiding judge, a wise father to the wayward child in the adjudication of his case; and, in the person of tho probation offi cer, an intelligent and patient mother (or a man with something of a mother heart) in dealing with the same de linquent and neglected child. Thus combining tho best principles of motherhood and fatherhood as wel I as of jurisprudence, the Juvenile Court is a court after God's own heart." "This system", continues Mr. Jackson, "now beyond the experi mental stage, steps in midway be tween two extremes —that accursed plan and custom in vogue for cen turies of imprisoning youthful of fenders with olderaaacriminalones, thereby criminalizing the child, and the other extreme which is foolish and hurtful alike to the child and to society—to ignore the offense of the young law-breaker because ho is a child." The officers named were : Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., of Graham, President; Mr. E. S. W. Dameron of Burling ton, Vice-President; Rev. H. E. Myers of Graham, Secretary-Treas urer. M r . J. Dolph Long was elect ed Probation Officer, or Big Brother, for Graham; the Mayor, Mr. Heenan Hughes, was present and ratified tho selection (the law requires that the mayor or judge select tlie Probation Officer, or ratify the act of the citi zens in selecting him ) Rev. A, B. Kondall was selected (or Burlington, and Mavor Moore was requested to confirm the selection. From Graham, Mr. Jackson went to Mebane for tlie purpose of having a Probation Officer selected for that place and to enlist the support of the citizens for tho county organi zation . Would Criticize Either Way. Wilmington Star. When you hear a Republican criticising Wilson for aotnothing ho has done, just remember that the same Republican would have criticised him just as read illy if ho hadn't. When you hoar one criticising the President for some thing he has failed td do, put it down that If Wilson had done it, the Itopublican would have criti cised him for doing it. Remem ber, always, a Republcan's only consistent policy toward Wilson is to criticise him—and it matters not an iota what the President does or fails to do. Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patents were just issued to Atlantic C'oast, clients reported by I). Hwift A Co.; Patent Lawyers, Washington, I). C., who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents apiece to our readers. Virginia—A. L. Ewers, Durmid, printing and bronzing mechanism for cigarette machines; R. Kucora, Buchanan, means for feeding sheet-metal blanks; E. B, McNeer, Glen Wilton, check-contrqlled lock. North Carotins —N. L. Ander son, Winston-Salem, type-writer carriage return mechanism ; W. 11. Pridgen, Creek, machine for har vesting clover seeds; J, Raper, Lucama, shock absorber. South Carolina—P. S. llarvin, Sumter, tobacco stringer; W. P. McManns, Taxahaw, wagon brake; J. L. F. Parrott, Scran ton, rail joint; E. E . Roy, Greenville, rock shaft bearing. The information coines from Creedmoor, in the courtly of Gran ville, that W. 8. Lyon, Jr., has been arrested in Baltimore for breaking into a garage at Creed moor and taking a car belonging to Mr. Cfiappcll. Lyon, it is seated, was trying to sell the car when arresUx]. lie is about 21 years old. His family is trying to make good by paying cash .to save this scion of "one of our best families"' from jail. TAXES! Last .Notice to Delinquents. All unpaid taxes are Ion K pnot due. 1 have been Indulgent to the extreme, but the time ha* come when I miwt demand a /I nai set tlement. It you neglect thi* mat ter another day you are inviting the draitie measures provided by law for the collection of taxes by distraint. Kettergfve this your Im mediate attention and save trouble, embarrassment and costs. This June 26, 191 A. Respectfully, H. N. COOK, Sheriff of Alamance County. Wanted. Five energetic yourg men to canvass on an educational propo sition in Central N. -C„ One hun dred dollar* per month. No ex lierience necessary. Address BOX 605, Raleigh, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC! After 25 years, having sold out my buggy, wagon and harness business to the Coving ton Hardware Co., who will continue tne business at the same old stand, I wish to thank all of my friends all over the country j who have patronized me all these years, and ask the same liberal patronage for the Cov ington Hardware Co. Parties owing me note or account will find me in and around Burlington, if not in town, ask that you pay Mr. W. E. Covington, who is authorized to receipt you. N. S. CARDWELL. ' f- w 'fit - TO THE PUBLIC: ' : j ' Having bought stock of buggies, wagons, harness, etc., of N. S. Cardwell, will add a complete line of builders' hardware, carpen ter's tools, etc., and ask a share of your patronage. COVINGTON HARDWARE CO., BURLINGTON. ■ , £ .lip HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY! A .WATCH will run without oil or cleanjng longer than any other piece of machin ery-— iw/ it needs both occasion■* If you will Mniider tfiaf the rim of the balance wheel travel* over fifteen mites a day, you will not grudge youu watch a tjleclc of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase tha Ufe and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. * Land Sale! fly virtue of an order of Alamance Huperl or Court, made In a cauie therein pending to which nit of the children of W. 11. Clapp wore duly constituted partloi, U»e under- j signed will Mill, at the courthouse door In Graham, at public outcry, at 12o'clock, noon, ! on MONDAY, JULY 17, I'Jlfi the following described real property, to *wlt: A certain tra« t or parcel of laud lying and being in the county of Alsinanee North Jar ollna, In Patterson township, adjoining tlM* lands of Andy Clapp's heirs, John Ovcnmm, Now ton Poster an (1, and l>ound«dHii follows: lleglnnlug at a cedar Irwi In edge #»f road leading from I'aleu Weaver's to (lie rock road, thence W. to a roek Houth of Andy Clapp; thence Huuth to a rock; thence Kast to a posfoak on the road loading from Paten Weaver's to the Hock t reek roa ; I bene North lo the beginning,conululn thJrtj fl .•• 1 (95) acres, more or less. The title to (his property hss lieen adjudl* i csted u» t»e In the children ol W. If. 'lupf» l»> M decree of the Muperlor Court, and the pur chaser will get a goon title to thla propcity tree from liens and encumbrance*. Terms of sale: * One third i»f the ixin hnM money Is to be paid in rash and the other two-third* In equal instalment* at sis and twelve month ; the deferred payments to bear Interest from time of confirmation of •ale till payment Is msde, snd title to IN* tie reserved till payment of purchaiie money Is complete. This June I*l. WW. F. H. PA 11K Kit, Jlt , > ■ Corn in I ntlotie r. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small.Books, Pocket, Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., Ac., Ac. ' For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce mywjlf it candidate for Sheriff of Alamance county, subject to the action ot Democratic Contention, anil ask the aupport of all my friend*. J. C. FKKP.MAN, 15-juno-tf. s V v Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Cutler anil by vliluo of the power of ale contained In a certain deed of trim! lato«i December ft, IMI 3, from 17. C.Htnith nml wife, to'tho uuleralirucri triMtw. recorded In tho olHreoft e Kcir'aler of heed* toi Alamance county, N. C., In llook of Morten#- * and Heed* of Truat No iw, page 3fl, default hav- IfiK *H»«n made In the payment of the Iridoht edno H secured thereby, tho under iKned . will on* MONDAY, JULY 3(), 1010. lit 1:J o'clock, noon, at the court houiu door In (frahnni, N C , offer for salon* )Hit»ltn out cry. and m\l for cash to the hltflioitt bidder, all that certain place, place, pun-el or tr*ct of iand h liik In thg county and Hute afore, an Id (iryiaui townaldp. adJninltiK tie laud* of 1111 l Ave.. MarMhall Htreet. A. It Nh-hol. •on and others, iHi.uded as follow*, to-wlt; llejfinuluir at an Iron bar on Ka»t aide of aald Mreet, i*o»ner with said Nicholson, rain n nif hence deg K I.W feet to an iron bolt corner with Mid * reel and Ave ; ilience H deif K 146 ft to an lion liolt on t*ou£h aide of M«ld Ave ; thence H.iuth '£) % iI.-k W I flu ft (o an Iron lio.t In aulil Nlcho nous line; tlienoo N H7! y deu W lift ft to »l»e beglnul.iir, contain ilia 42.11100 of uu iicre, m re or lean. Thin '.dull day of June. 1(110 WAI/NCK m bhakfb. Trustee. ( Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. 0 r \ I'nder mid by virtue of the power of aalo \ eon I allied In a certain lieed of Truat otocutod to the uuderNlKiied oil Heideiuher Itftli 11114, l»y It. U. luirhuin and wife, Duliy Durham, , for (lie puriMiNe of aecurliiK the payment of it 4 certain nolo of even ditto therewith, which deed of trunt la duiy protmtod mid n«-orded In l , the ofllce of the KeKlnh-r of Imhln for Abt- I liimiee county, In Hook of Morlk'iUfea mid • ' IxtMlNof Truat No. lift, at puie 14. default It* v- I 1111 l Ikhjli made 111 the payment of unld iw#« ut I maturity, the uiideralKm-d Aluimt'iice Inaur- I j mice A lt«-al JC»tat«; ( ompmiy, TrtmU-c, will, r on , ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, ljtlO, .it one o'clock pAti.. at .the court bouse door of Alaiiianeo county. In tirabmu. North Caro- J Unit, offer for wile at public auction to the highest bidder, for citali. ii certain I net of Imid lylnu and being "> Mm lli>gl»n tmvnwlup. Ala mane*' county and Htato of North (Juro llna, adjoining !*ln*ef. tfi • laud* of Kl lulia Cotton Mlila, M. Teerand otliern,mid j bounifcd itM follow* ; lt> KluulriK at an lion *>oit on the aouUieaat 1 *lde of i'l, Te« r*»«conn r; lli'-nee with « mild alreef uortbesiMt y» feel to oornet Klmlra i Mllla; flieiies with lliiel of nald Klfiiira Mill* i Kaat l/rfi feet t » a f« h'M co r n ur; 4 b*n ice HOUIIi- I weal fift feel to comer of *atd T«-er, ilience with J Tiit'ii line IW, f»*( tto the b tflnnliiir, Ih-ihk a , t *oi 11 on of laud coiiveyed to W. 11. Ilall by VV K. hteeli), Dec. 31.111, Iww 1 Thla June |7tb, (JIM i AI,AM A Nt'K IN*. A l(KAl« CO., j • * Trustee. Mortgagee's Sale of Real j Estate. j —; • i I nder and by \lrtue of the rower oT s»*le « c'AutalntMl In « cenaln inor'i/aiie di*od dab d October m. Iflft. from 0 Hialth and w|f«. to the uiider»lK»"d iiio- I tirtir'-c. recorded In the ofhc4« of the ll«-|riat« r f II cd* for A n,nianee «!«Miniy. North Carolina. In llook of Mi.rt KHifeii Mild Heedi* of Tru«l o. , page H«, de fault liaMnir been made In tie naymeiitof the iiidcl>telucßi« m-cured thereby,the under- NiKtied alii, on MONDAY, .11 I,Y :u>, I'.IKJ, at 12 o'clock noon, at tie court boum* door In lr haui, S. • Iter for %4'le at public outcry, and neil for cash to the hltrheot bidder, all that tract nr parcel of Und lyimr and t»e|iiir In A larinit" « lounfy N I and ad Joining the land* i f If. ti. Kline, Nancy K. Moore imo|m rt> and Main Mri«t, l«otiiide«l ait fol iowh; Iw Kinniiii/ at h rock, eorinr of llenry Kihle'fl, ruiiuliiir llteiice Hftilde 'U 111 in W si) It to a r«H,-k. t-Atnnr with Nancy K.M«oroor John f 'lapp line w deif #, nun W ft to it rock corner on Wt rth *tie« i; the* ee N fia deg 21 min K 3D't !»■ rn k'. cirot*r with Ileury Kline Mo. B, th>-nc«- with the nab! llenry Klme'a Hue a 1 g-« inln K ft to the »»• fr'tinm*. containliuf one and f urto*n one inndr dfh« (I 4 Vnn of an acre, more or lea*, the ■ me Indus b#f» No. 7 ud i>i i er the Mt>d N fn y K. Moore'w plot, except a lot *oli| oil of tbla land to V rt *ardweil. Thla Wli day o June, IH|a. AI.AMAN* V. INS. A Itr.Al. teIATKCU, Mort* e. Land Sale ! Hv virtue of nn orderiif th superior C*>urt of A lamance count y made in n >|«Tbil pro | ft eding therein pcnilllig. entllle l "Addiv Wnito and ffther* MKiiri«t luroa) White and j others," t*» which all the tenants in common I i>l the land bereiuafl* r de«K.-rll»e«l ar«- duly constituted j»artiea. tie* uud« r*)irne'l coin- J mi»nlotier will offer f r aale, to the blubett . bidder, on J 1 SATI'ItDAY, JI'I.Y |.%, 1010, at 12 o'clock, no u. at thetourt houie div»r ill | - t#ri«ham. tin following descillM*d nal prop- d ertr, Ut wit; ( Three traeta or parcel* f land In Hoop . HtMtlon towimhlp. AlMin iie State of j- North arohni*. situate in the lownoffilti ) t •onvilic. and a*l>"iiiliiK the* laud 4 of Hev. F7. j ■ I*. I'arker and ot tier*, and being all of the i laud of a hull Ihe late I. U-j eh died a-|/, ( e9 ami iMMtacaaed, and arhlvh he devlaed u» Andb- While and her children, and contain* ' . ing ab*ait one and one ball acres of land. ] i Tertn« of »ale: One third of ti.e purchsw i (mof*ey to In- oald in v« h, the other two- , . third# in i ijuai Instalment* at -1* and twelve ' I uioiithM. d« feried paynicrita u» boar Interest t In.m d-.te of confirmation «.f >wlc till paid, \ and the tin. rv«-rv«d until payment of pur- , chaie* money ia c**tnpleto. Tills June 11. Itdrt.. J. IHIM || |,oNO, 1 t'ominisalouer. CASTOR IA r For Infants and Children 1 In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears —y? Signawreof EUREKA :: Spring Water ;j FROM ;| EUREKA SPRING, ]\ Graham, N. C. ,' A valuable mineral spring J [ ;; has been discovered by W. H. ; » | > Auwley on his place ifi Graham. ' ! n It wan noticed that it brought [ | ] J health to the users of the water, 1 ' • and upon being analyzed it was 1 • found to be a water strong in ] , mineral projiertiea and good ] i for (stomach and blood troubles. ' !' I'hysiciann who hare seen the S ; J analysis and what it does, ; i > recommend its use. !! Analysis and testimonials J| will be furnished upon request. ; Why buy expensive mineral . > waters froift a distance, when 1 I! there is a good water recom- ; ;; mended by physicians right at i > home V For further informo- ! 11 tion and or the water, if you J ;; desire if apply to the under- > signed. ! :! W. U. AUSLEY. : '' , Summons by Publication Kurtli ( arnlliia- Alamance County, In tbe Superior Court, Helore tbe Clerk. Emma June ftlabrj-, Executrix, vs. Hannibal I). Dane y and others. Hurinibul IJ.Duncy, or the heirs ut-iuw lit llannibal l). Dancy, whose names and residences are unknown; James Almariue Mabry, Laura Har rison, Charlotte Win, Annie Harris, Lillian Forbs, liattie Anderson, Klizabetii Harnilin, heirs-at-Uw ot Jane Hines and all other heirs nt-law of Jane Hines, whose names and residences are unknown; Al ice Mabry, James K. Mabry, or the hrir»-at-law ol said Jas. K. Mabry, whose names and residences are unknown; Marr Thomas, Mattie Edge, Eliza Bulloch, Nancy Coflield, and all other lu'ri's-ut-law ol Mary Elizabeth Cof tn Id, whose names and residences aru unknown, Joseph J. Mabry, or thu heirs-at-law ot the said Joseph J. Mabry, whose names and resi dences aru unknown, and Ann Eli za Durham, the respondents in the above untitled Special Proceeding, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc- . i d in the Superior Court o( Ala marace county by the petitioner, Emma Jane Alabry as the Execurix ol the last will and testament of Ceorrfe 8. Mabry lor the' purpose of selling the real property of which the said George 8. Mabry died seized and possessed situate in Alamance county, N. C., to cre ate assets to pay the indebtedness ol the estate of said George 8. Ma li ry, the said respondents beio£ the devisees in the last will and testa ment ol the said George S. Ma bry, and as such would be entitled to certain interests in remainder In the said real property v' George S. Mabry, and the said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear nf the of fice of tho Clerk of the Superior I uurt of Alamance County, at tho court house, in Graham, on Satur day, the. '22 nd day of July, 1916, and answer or demur to the peti tion which will be filed in this cause in said office within 10 days fiom tho issuing of summons herein or the petitioner will apply to ihe Court for the relief demanded in s.nd |M-tition. Done this the 15th day ot June, t'llß. J. I). KERNODLE, C. S. C., ol Alamance County. Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southcrp Woman s Magazine is giving away a 5-passenger, Mod el S3 $750.00 Overland Touring Car, complete with all modern equip ment including Electric Starter, Lights, ets. This car is awarded together with '>oo desirable premi ums. The publishers of the South ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one of the most liberal of fers they have yet made. This is no "catch-penny" contest but a fair and legitimate offer. Car will be awarded June lit. Full par ticulars may lie had by addressing Southern Woman's Magazine, Nas hville, Tenn. 13Jantf. |0 o o—o —o o—a | Dixon's Lead Pencils are the | | | are THE BEST. Try them | and be convinced. They ara j I for sale at this office.—fie. j