THKGI^VER, OBAHAM, N. 0., Sept. 28, 1916 PostoHice Hours. Offlo open 7.00 •. m. to 7.00 p. m. Bnudty #.OO to 11.00 ». m. and 4.00 to #.OO p. m J. M. MCCRACKEN, Postmaster. + LOCAL NEWS. * ti in in 1111»i»n n 11111 it —The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session next Monday. —Last Saturday Gibsonville won over Mebane in the ball game by a score of 14 to 4. —Mr. JG. Longest returned last week from St. Leo's Hospital, where he has been under treatment. He is greatly improved. —Graham Chanter of the "Daugh ters of the Confederacy will meet - with Mrs. E. P. McClure at 3 o'clock p. m. on Thursday, Oct. sth. —The Ladies' Aid Society of Gra ham Christian church will meet at 3 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, with Mrs. J. B. Montgjmery. —Dr. W. C. Wicker of Elon Col lege filled the pulpit at Graham Christian! church Sunday morning audjfliev. Mr. Hook preached at night. —Mr. Sam Bason, Deputy Post master, is back at his place in the postoffice. About four weeks ago he underwent an operation for appen dicitis. —Mr. J. C. MoAdams and family went to Danville Sunday by automc bile. They left here at sa. m. and got to Danville at 7:30 for break fast. They returned in the evening. —Dr. E. T. Liddell of Philadelphia, who in the early summer conducted evangelistic services in the M. E. church here, will begin a series oi services at the M. E. church In Bur lington next Sunday. —An interesting series oi meet ings JB in progress at the Christian church. Rev. Robt. F. Brown of Alabama,' who is taking a post graduate course at the University, is preaching some excellent sermons. —Mies Eva B. McCauley of Greensboro, a granddaughter of our townsman, Mr. T. P. Bradshaw, waa married on 13th in Denver, Colorado, to Mr. Samuel Edgar Byrum, Rev. A. N. Evans performing the cere mony. -r-Rev. Jas. W. Rose, whose resig nation as pastor of the Baptist church was noted in a recent issue, left yesterday with his family for High Point. Their household goods were carried by auto truck through the country. —The Woman's Club of Graham will have a reception tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr. The Gleaner of last week gave the date of the recep tion a week earlier on account of a confusion of dates. —The postoffice interior has been fixed up nicely. The walls and ceil ing have been repainted. The box cabinets have been sand-papered and revarnished, and the box fronts nice ly cleaned. It looks all right, Mr. Postmaster McCracken. —M. W. Curl, who formerly lived in the Southern part of this comity and against whom an indict ment for incest was found at August Term, 1915, was arrested in Wilson county last week and bVought here. He gave a bond in the sum of sl,ouo for his appearance at Nov. Term. He then returned to Wilson county. —The sale of the J. W. Menefae River F&lls Farm takes place tomor row on the premises. It contains about 1,400 acres of as line farm lands as can be found in the county. It has been sub-divided. The pur - chaser can get a large or small farm—whichever he wishes. Such another opportunity will not come along again sooii. Portrait ot Dr. Long to be Presented Hall of History, Oct. 13th. The portrait of the late Dr. Geo. W. Long will be presented to the Hall of History in Raleigh, N. C-> on Friday, 13th day of October, 1916, at 3.30 p. m. The State Medi cal Society of North Carolina at its last meeting ki Durham appointeo a committee to have this portrait presented to the Hall of History, and Dr. L. J. Picot was appointed chairman of that committee. He wjll make the presentation address, and the portrait 'Will be accepted by the Historical Commission through its appointee. The friends and admirers of Dr. Long are cor dially invited to be present. Commissioner Mcßane at Rainey Hos pital. Mr. M. C. Mcßane of Manndale, Newlin township, and a member of the Board of County Commissioners, who is suffering from a complication of ailments, was brought up by Dr. Robt. G. McPherson of Saxapahasr Tuesday afternoon and carried out to the Hospital. Mr. Mcßane has not been well lately and was unable to attend the meeting of the Board the last first Monday. His numer ous friends hope that he may be re stored to heallh, though they are ap presensive of the rest It. Gone to The Border. The soldier boys broke camp the first, of the week and left for the Mexican border. Co. I, 3rd Reg., in which the Alamance boys are, came to Raleigh yesterday and left over the S. A. L. Ry. The 2nd Reg. passed Graham in sections Tuesday afternoon. Mare For Sale. I offer for sale one good, gentle mare, guaranteed to work anywhere, 9 years old. Apply to J. J. Riggan« at H. F. Straughan's, Burlington, }f. C, itfaept PBRSONAb/ * ♦ 4 Dr. P. R. Brown of Charlotte ■pent Sunday here. Rev. Dr. W. 8. Long of Chapel Hill spent last Saturday here. Mr. S. J. Had ley, near Snow Camp, was in town yesterday. Dr. J. N. Taylor spent Saturday in Salisbury on professional busi ness. Mr. Chas.„W. Bain, of Greensboro spefit Sunday last here with friends. Miss Lois Poythress spent Sunday in Greensboro with relatives ana friends. Mrs. W. H. Holt is at Whitehead- Stokes Sanitorium, Salisbury for treatment. Capt. Don E. Scott came home from Camp Glenn last night on a 15-day furlough. Mr. Bryan Truitt of Elon College was here Monday with his brother, Rev. J. G. Truitt. Mr. and Mrs John J. Williams, near Gibsonville, spent Sunday here at Mr. J. D. Kernodle's. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Woods and children of Wilmington arrived last week on a visit to relatives. Mr. Allan B. Thompson of Albe marle, Stanley county, spent Sun day here with friends. Messrs Ralph Long and Clyde Hunter of Winston-Salem spent Sunday here at their respective homes. Miss Mamie Turner and little Miss Eugenia tanks of Raleigh spent Sunday here with'-Mrs, H. W. Scott. , + Mrs. Moore of Burlington, mother of Mr. Frank Moore, is spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Mr. M. R. Rives is North buying goods and Mrs. Rives and little Miss Mar> Worsley are visiting relatives in Raleigh. .* Miss Marce Goley left Friday for High Point to resume her work as teacher in the Graded School in that city. Mr. J. Elmer Long is spending the week with Mrs. Long at her mother's, Mrs. Thos. Peays, near Pittsboro. Miss Mabel Frazier of Guilford College who is visiting Mrs. John M. Cook in Burlington, was in Gra ham Monday. .. Dr. Will S. Long spent Sunday in Greensboro at St. Leo's Hospital with his son Herbert, who contin ues to improve. Mr. E. F. Knight of Washington, D. C., spent Sunday here on a visit to Mrs. J. P. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith. Mr. Womack Mcßane of Winston- Salem was here yesterday and vis ited his father, Mr. M. C. Mcßane, at Rainey Hospital. Mr. Dan M. Walker and son Doke have spent nearly two years in Ari zona on account of the former's health. They returned to their home here last week. Mr. Chas. N. Jones of the 3rd Reg. Band at Camp Glenn, spent the week-end at his home here on furlough. He came up Friday evening. Mrs. Mary A. Martin, who has been spending a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. C. P. Al bright, left Monday for her home at Mooreaboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brigham of Augusta, Ga., arrived here Monday on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Edwin D. Scott. Mr. Brigham re turned home Tuesday. Miss Helen Simmons, Domestic Science teacher at Lowe's Grove, Durham county, spent the week end here at the home of her moth er, Mrs. J. C. Simmons. Mrs. Hersey Woodard and Master Jacob, who have been spending the summer here at the home of Mrs. Woodard's parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Long, leave tomorrow morn ing for their home in Suffolk, Va. Miss Amy Bynum of San Francis co, who is spending some time with relatives in North Carolina, has been on a visit to relatives at By num, Chatham county,, and is now with Mrs. J. N. Taylor on her way to Raleigh. Double-Header at Piedmont Park Saturday. Mebane and Qibaonville will play a double-header game of ball at Piedmont Park Saturday afternoon. The first game will be called at 2:30. This in to be the last game of the season. " New Advertisements. Citizens Dank of Graliam —State- ment. Bank of IJaw River—Statement. Jno. H. Wilkins, Ex'r of Jos. P. Ector —Notice to creditors. W. S. Coulter, Com'r —I It-sale of lend near Mebane. Emma J. Mabrey, Ex'r'x—Re-sale of lot in Qraham. E. 8. Parker, Jr., Trustee —Sale of Farm in Melville Township. Sheriff R. N. Cook -Ownership of automobile. Misses Hughes & Snyder—Hats, the newest. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of iftd to sufficiently Boorish both body and brain daring the growing period when nature's demands are greater in mature Ufe. This Is shown ia so many pale facea, lean bodies,-frequent colds, and.lack of ambition. For all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Bmnlaion, and need jt now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it wakes them sturdy and strong. No alcohol. HATS-HATS THE NEWEST In Shapes and Trimmings at Moderate Prices. Inspect Our Stock Before You Buy. Misses Hughes & Snyder GRAHAM, N. C. * % At M. R. Rives's Store. The Jury's Verdict for Smith. Last week when this paper went to press the trial of the case of John W. Wyatt vs. Young E. Smith was on. The hearing begun Wed nesday afternoon. Scores of wit nesses were examined and the tak ing of evidence was concluded until Friday morning. Among the wit nesses was Dr. Ferebee of Raleigh, an alienist who had made the study of mental diseases a specialty for a number of J"ears» He had watch ed the demeanor of Mrs. Floy Wyatt on the witness stand and upo§ examination he was of the opinion that the alleged assault was a mental delusion—a hallucination. The opening speech to the jury in behalf of the plaintiff was made Friday morning by Mr. E. 8. W. Dameron, followed by Messrs. E. 8. 'Parker, Jr., and Jones Fuller of Durham, for the defendant. The concluding speech late Friday af ternoon was by Mr. W. H. Carroll for the plaintiff. It had been a determined bat tle, and every inch of ground was contested. The lawyers had done best—that was much. Saturday morning Judge Dan iels charged the jury ably and fair ly, presenting the contentions of both sides, and gave the following issues to .the Jury to answer for their verdict, to-wit: 01) Did the defendant Young E. Smith wrongly* commit the trespass upon the premises of the plaintiff alleged in the complaint ? (2) What damages, if any, is plaintiff entitled to recover? After twenty-five minutes the jury answered the first issue "No. That ended the case as no answer to the second, issue,was necessary. The defendant and his friends showed real gratification at the result. Notice of appeal to the Supreme Court was given by the plaintiff. Thus ended one of the longgest and most notable trials had in Al amance in many years. To Be Married On Seventh. The marriage of Capt. Don E. Scott of Graham and Miss Margaret Gray of Winston-Salem on the 7th inst. is an event to which their nu merous friends throughout the state have looked forward to with interest. The invitations read as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Early Gray request the honor of your presence at tlie marriage of tlfeir daughter Margaret Norwood Captain Donnell Everett Scott on Saturday evening, the seventh of Oct. at half after eiglit o'clock Bt. Paul's Episcopal Church Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Woman's Club Dime Prty. The invitation is worded as fol lows; The Woman's Club will have Dime Party, September, 29th, 1916. At the school house at three You are invited to be. A part for the mind You wiil certainly And. As the clock strike* four At Mrs. Parker's door You will most welcome be To sandwiches and tea. Come promptly on time And bring us a dime. The small sum of ten cents Will be your only expense. The Heart of a Child A young nobleman interestn himself in a girl of the slunui, to the extent of making her a musi cal comedy Htar. He also furnishes a little flat for her, to which, with out her knowledge, he has a dupli cate key. After her debut, in which she make* it h t, he accom panies her home. He bids her goodnight, and later returns, letting himself in by means the other key. Iler pure child heart, incap able of thinking evil of any one, prevals over his pas*ion, and ho leaves her to return the neit day, when ho begs her to become his wife. This picture will be shown at the Mexican Theatre Friday, Oct. 6th. Automobile For Sale Automobile —in good condition. Will trade for wood. Will sell part on time. Reason for sel'iag, want a Truck. Phone 26UJ, or write Box 03, Graham, N. C. 28sept4t Constipation the father of Many Ilia. Of the numerous ills that affect humanity a lar ie share start with constipation. Keep jour bowels regular and they may be a\jpidert. When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. The/ not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the di gestion. Obtainable everywhere. adv. The contract has been let for the erection of s tourist hotel oh the old Kenilworth Inn site at AsheviUe. The building will coat about $250,000. My Candidates The County Candidate! will ad dress the voters of Alamance coun ty /at the following times' ana places: OCTOBER 5, 1916 Patterson Township—O.'tl. Horn aday's at 1 p. m. and at 'Alamance Mills at night. OCTOBER 6, 1918. Coble Township—Friendship at 1 p. in. and Belleraont Hills at night. OCTOBER T, 1916. Paucette Township—McCra.v, E. Long's store at 1 p. m. and at Olen coe Mill* at niiht. OCTOBER 9, 1916. Boon Station Township—Elon Col lege at 1 p. m. and at the Hub at night. OCTOBER 10,1916. Pleasant drove Township—Daile.v s Store at 1 p. m. and at Mebane, Melville Township, at night. OCTOBER 12, 1916. Albright Township—Eureka School Albright Township—Eureka School House at 1 p. m. ♦ OCTOBER 13, 1916. naw River Township—Haw River at night. OCTOBER 16, 1916. Graham Township—At the Court House in Oraham at night. OCTOBER 17, 1916. Thompson Township—Bwepson ville at night. OCTOBER 18, 1916. ♦ Burlington Township—Burlington at night. OCTOBER 19, 1916. Newlin Township—Sutphin's Mill at 1 p. m. and Saxapahaw Mills at night. The candidates except candidates for the Legislature will simply 'an nounce their candidacy. Candidates for the Legislature will address the voters on the issues of the day and their speeches will be limited to one hour and fifteen minutes each. They will arrange as to how this time shall be utilized and they will alternate as to opening and con cluding. , The foregoing appointments and rules are by agreement. This the 25th day of Sep»., 1916. W. J. NICKS, Ch'm n Rep. Co. Ex Coni. E. S. PARKER, JR, Ch'm'h Dem Co. Ex. Cotn. Demoratic Wilson-Bickett Clubs There will be Democratic Wilson- Bickett Clubs organized in Ala mance county at the following times and' places : Burlington, Tuesday evening, Ocl. 3, 1916. Graham, Tuesday evening, Oct. 3, 1916. Haw River, Monday evening, Oct 2, 1916. Mebane, Monday evening, Oct. 2, 1916. The Hub, Monday evening Oct. 2, 1916. Elon College, Mom/ay evening Oct. 2, 1916. Alamance Mills, Monday evening, Oct. 2, 1916. Saxapahaw Mills, Monday even in/, Oct. 2, 1916. Swepsonville Mills, Monday even ing, Oct. 2, 1916. | Glertcoe Mills, Monday evening, Oct. 2, 1916. Dailey's Store, Pleasant Orove Township, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3, 1916, at 5 p. m. Eureka School House, Thompson Township, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3, 1916, at 5 p. m. Spoon's Store, Patterson Town ship, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3, 1916, at S p. m. Sutphin's Mill, Nr wlin Township, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3, 1916, a' 6 p. m. The meeting* for organizing thew Clubs will be held at tlje re/ular upeakin/ place* at these various appointment*. A Democratic speak er will attend each of «he»e meet ings and talk to the people and as sjut in organizing the club. E. 8. PARKER, JR.,Ch'm-n County I)em, Ex. Com. Dog Tax. Your dog tax will be due on and after Sept. Ist for 1910-'l7. All owners of dogs in Graham aro re quird to pay this tax. BOTD R. TROLIXOER, Aug. 10, 1916. Tax Collector. Good, Gentle Mare For Sale At once—a bargain. Apply to Mrs. I'aul Kimmina at Lafayette Holt's, Burlington, N. C. BANKRUPT SALE? ' ' •• "s*. By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina,. in the matter of the estate of Menefee, bankrupt, I will offer for sale the property described herein, at public auction on the premises, known as the RIVER FALLS FARM OR "ALSTON PLACE" in Thompson township, Alamance county, N. the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter stated. The sale of the lands will be at 11 o'clock a. m. Friday, September 29, 1916 and the personal property on the same day beginning at 10 o'clock. The first tract of land contains about 1,400 acres, and is situated in Thompson township, Alamance county, NortlfCarolina, on the East bank of Haw river, and has upon it a number of tenant houses and out houses. Has a large area of cultivated lands and a large area of original forest and pine timber. It is well watered by springs and wells, and is in a high state of cultivation. A fine farm for all purposes—grows grain, grass, cotton and tobacco —in fact everything that grows in this section of the State. This farm of 1,400 acres has been subdivided into 14 tracts and will be offered according to the plats of said tracts, and then as; a whole, and the best price will be reported to the court for confirmation. > The scond tract consists of about 86 acres, and is situate*} immediately upon the waters of Haw river, on the East bank of the river, and upon it are a number of houses, builtrecently for operatives' houses, and is known as the River Falls Cotton Mill Property The last named tract of land has upon it a mortgage of $4,000 and the first tract has mortgages amounting to about $14,800, but the lands will be sold free and clear of mortgages. TERMS: One-third cash on confirmation of sale, and balance one-third due in six months and one-third in twelve months from date of confirmation, deferred payments to bear inter ' est at 6 per cent, from date of confirmation and title reserved until purchase money is fully paid. On the same day and place I will sell FOR CASH all of the personal property of said J. W. Menefee, consisting of 4 mules, 9 head of cattle, sor more hogs, 14 sheep, 2 boilers and engines, 1 cotton gin, 1 reaper and binder, 1 threshing machine, a lot of plows, cultivators and wagons, a lot of household and kitchen furniture and a lot of lumber on the farm. This will be a fine opportunity to obtain a nice lot of these articles as they are all practically new and in good condition. T C Trntfpp This August 24th, 1916. ' of J. W. Menefee, Bankrupt. To My Creditors And Friends: That you may not hold me responsible for all of the misfortunes attending my failures in business, I will say that my wife and I have lost Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars due to failures on the part of corporations in which we had investments; failure to receive dividends and other losses made by solvent companies, and in neither of which we had any voice in the active management. J- W. MENEFEE. The | Greensboro Daily News [ $2.50 | Cash with order to now subscribers from now until XuvetulM*r 2 30th. Your acceptance of this special price will »IHO entitle S you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a z book that you will find invaluable, containing many iuipor,- 1 tant facta, statistics and figures for which you have frequent 5 nae. 2 Order The Daily News to-day and get the greatest benefit of z this special price. Hemeinber this is campaign year ami we X handle the news impartially. • « Greensboro Dally News GREENSBORO, N. C. Valuable Farm For Sale. Under »nd l«jr ,lrtu»of Ui« p w»r« coiilrr rrA upon ni« b ' s I*l >ln l««f of tru»l «i cu' -d by C ii. Ki whiroi and wlf., S, V. Kllucbum, d> -d locmmt/cr IMb, ml' »ul rrcordtd In Ui olee of tb. K»»l» >f of jX» dn of A lamsno* count/. In li -W or >io j/tr W. toS, UJ »rOUr»«t n IHItMUHIIOIO dr ■k h I, default h« .n«l ii made In Ibc(«r liien iof Id notM »nd 1..WM1 Uwiwjn »ud requwit .•LIF k«n intuit* U'IOII rue \>y LLIE bolder of > till not •lo *i ru . tlio iiower /f Ml« therein, 1 wilt, oo SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 1910, at 12 o'clock M , at the court houae d*or In the town oftirabam. A lama. on county. No. Ui Carolina. oflfcr for ilt, for tub, Ilia following dMcrlbed land: Lying ami being In Alamance arid Ora ige counties (much Uia laig«r porilon being in Alaoaauce couoty, In Melville township;, on the water of Hair crag ail olnlri'f the Wil ton land the land >,t VII. am Alrkpal rick and other*. con ir'ng V nrr-a, morn or le«s, and described a* follow*. Ile?lnnlng at a *.«»• fnulna line of Uia Wilson laud and i ru tin* thence ft 79 d* W 70-balns loan •* pile; thence B » de" N. 13.1 ft chs to a *ostoek; •he. cm H. au ueg A t*7o chs to a w ill **ak; thence ft « deg .; 19 c(is to a hickory, thence down a drain to three wblteoaks; 10erica ft 10 dr» W 7 J/0 rti ■ to a black oak ; thence ft ■ Odeg K Ocbs to pointerr, thence ft '13.7) chs to Uia beginning. Ifelng the Nam*- land conveyed to J. C. Phillip* and wlia by E. a. Parker and wife by dec! dated Auguai 121b, I' 4, and i*- ! cord dD.B. M. M gee o*-#l. Kx«epilog therefrom tlie following deeciib -1 ed tract, of and wblcb was conveyed by J. C. Phil dp* to >fallnda Wbltesell. bee deed * cor le> Deed l ook i, page »7: Beginning at iu> iron (bolt) In road; running tbence » H deg W 29,4 ft cbt la* rock and pointer*; thence « > deg K 17.86 chs to a stake; Ibenoe ft fU deg ~ 19.41 ch% to a spring; thence ft /)deg W l/i6 cba to the beginning,cootalng 13. aerea. more Tbls Ifth day of Sept., 1916. L tf. PA UK Kit. JK„ % , Truatee. 1 SUBSCRIBB FOB TUB GLEANER, 11.00 A YBAR Summons by Publication .North Carolina Alamance Count), In the ftuperlor Court, November Term, Kavlc Mm 1 tli Jotiea VS. J. Cloero Jones. The defendant aUive named will I *kc notice that a summons lu tb* ahove eriut'ed au lion was Issued agulnst lilm ou neotvmljer tih, 1914, by lbs C'icrk of the Hoper.or tXmrt, Iri and for the county and nfait- ufor»-w»id jo an action for dlvo*« a v«ncuio malrlmonl; arid tha said defciidaril»wtll further I ak? notice tliat he Is tu appe«ar at Hie term of the said Huperior Oxirt of A lamanco county, to lie held on the »a«t Monday In ftovemiicr, 1914, at the ourt bouw In irabarn, ftorth C arolina, and answer or deuiti" to the com plaint now ou file in said action, or the plain tiff will appiy to the court for the relief d..- mand'd In mtld comi'iaint. 'ltils September 'Hit, iwift. , J. It, K KLTNOLJLJC, • # Clerk superior x»urt. A l»ng ( At' Tin y* U,r I'lalniUf. Girls' Friendly Lodge RALEIGH, N. C CoiiNfi JONES AND DAWSON STUKBTJ. Under the aimpices of tht> ftirlb' Friendly fv ;iety of Ametica. Nice accommodations and a home atmosphere. ♦3.50 TO M OO PER WEEK. 3augtj t v •» Mortgagee's Sale ol Real Estate. Under anil »,v virtue of the p6 w - or ol Hall; contained in a certain i mortgage deed dated April 1), 1914, from 11. I*. Smith and wife, Alice i J. Hinitli, to the undersigned ri»or*- ' (fugee,"recorded in the office of the j Kfrfister of Deeds lor Alamance county, North Carolina, in jook ol mortgage!) «nd deeds of trust No. 84, lingo 459, default having ueen made in the payment ol the indebt «dneu secured thereby, th; under signed will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER ll>, llilfi, at i 2 o'clock, noon, at the court House door in, North Car- j lolina, offer for Bale al public out- | I cry, to the bent bidder, all in at • certain lot or parcel of land lying ; ! in the city of Burlington, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining I j the land* of 11. U. Kirne, Nancy K. | Moore property, and Main Street, bounded uh follows lleginning at. a rock corner of Kime'it, running thence Houth 51 di g. 21 mill. Went i'l'l feet to a rock corner with Nancy K. Monro on John Clapp's line thence North '&>> dog, 3ij min. West 25U feet to a rock corner on Worth Street, thence ' North W ilog. 24 min. Kant 200 feet to a rock corner with Henry Kirne, i thence with said Kline's hue tkiutli I 36 dog. 3ti min. Hast 250 feet to the beginning, containing 11-100 of an acre, more or less, .the same being lots No. 7 and h a per the said > Nancy K. Moore's plot, except 1 a lot sold off the land to N. H. I Card Well. i This September 13, 1916. Southern Life 4; Trust Co., i Mortgagee. NOTCIfc!! Taxes I)uc|lhelTown of Graham Musf Se Paid At Oncc. I am instructed to collect all taxes due the Town of Graham be ■ | fore October 15. The 4916 books I will be in my hinds about that ' l date, and past due taxes must be I paid now. l'ay yours at once and save cost and trouble of levy. This September 7, 1916. H. R. TROLINOER, Tax Collector. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlO gest, high class Strawberry grown. ' Also the Best ono or the ever bearing kinds: bears the best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. !Tfeb6t e race lets 1 1 CHAINS || f> I N C • Y PRECIOUS /jss STONES [39 SILVERWARE Nf TOILET SETS V ELGIN WATCHES Z. T. HADLEY JEWEXEB & OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. Sale Under Mortgage. Ily vi lav of the \hjwern contained In a cer tain mortgage deed executed oh the 12th dur of January. Hh'A by W. W. Uwcbh and hu wife, faiiie Owen", to A. I*. Pickett, ,nd duly to the undersigned, ttl'l mortgage huviriK txjen made wt'ure the inymencof u bona of even da»e therewith du. and pay able on the 12th day of Jan tary, IVIO, t nd de fault having been made In the nay men tof - iid boii.i, ti>e underidtfued will offer loraie, . tor ca*b, at the court house door In Uraham, at 11 o'clock, M., SATURDAY, SEPT. 30,1916, tbc following described tracts of land, to-wlt: A truCtof land In I'atu-rson township. A la in mice county, adjoining tho Unda of H. 7L I'lke's heirs, A. 11. Way lands, Wm. H»uin ana others, and t»egtufilnif at a fttono, A. H. * ay's corner in the llodgln line; thence N '>• poles to » wmnriiwJ tree; thence M fft\C deg K ll* poles to a stone; thence b den WW ' poles to a |N>fltoak; thence N dog W 2H w»t« • to a *«ake; thence S 7 polea to a stune, way's corner on tide of public n> d; thence ; W k*» pole** with the naid road with it* various coutMk u» tne be* inniug, containing 61 acres, more or le«e, and known as the W. 11. Mo i iheraou land. Lot No. » '.'eirlnnlng at a stone in the 110- Pherson line; thence N 19 i-olea to a stone; j thence K its |H»ies and 18 links to a stone; I thence b Itti poles to a stone; tbeooe W 19 poles and 1» ilukn to a stone in the Mcrber- , win line; thence N fc3 poles to a >tone; thence W 3u polea to tho beginning, containing I*> ; acres, more or less, and known as the M. F» 1 Kornuday land. bald mortgage Is duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Atamanee county ( In hook No. 0U of Mortgage Deeds at page tO et ru. This August il. im. A. L. Pl KBTT, Mortgagee. W. 11. tt Lltti, Asslgntta ' of Mortgagee, Subscribe for THE OLBANER—r 11.00 a year la advance, L ' - : fM