GRAHAM, N. 0., Jan. 25,1917. Postoffice Hours. Offlo op«n 4to a.«. toT.OO p. m. Bnudtr MO toUXO ». m- »nJ 4.00 to 8.00 p. m J. M. MoCRACKEN. PostmMter. IQlllllt' ++♦+++++++++++++ i LOCAL- KBWB. + + .. + r M-I*++++++++++++++ —The days are lengthening per ceptibly. lan't it abont lime for the com mercial Club to show some activity? Court adjourned sine die at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Col. J. A. Long waa confined to his home the first of the week by an attack of grippe. Some one reports that it has rained for the past 14 Mondays. —Qraham Chapter U. D. C. will meet with Mrs. Lynn 11. Williamson at 3 p. m'-, Thursday, February Ist. —lst Lieut. L. D. Meador of Co. I, 3rd Reg., who has been on the Border, has resigned aDd reached his home in Burlington labt Sunday morning. —The following out-of-the-county attorneys have been here this week attending to business in the Superior Court, viz : Judge Jas. 8. Manning 'of Raleigh, D. E. Henderson, Esq., of New Bern, and Chester D. Turner, Esq., of Hillsboro. Matters Before Legislature. State Senator J. Elmer Long spent the first of the week at home at tending to matters in court. Speak ing of legislative matters, he au thorized us to say that anyone hav ing any matter lor legislative ac tion could send it direct to him and he would give it due attention; that the idea of some that all bills had to originate in thei House was erroneous; that a bill about any matter could start in the Senate as well as in the House. Pastor With Broken Arm Drives Auto to Church. Special to News and Observer. Lumberton, N. (\, Jan. 20.— Rev. W. R. Davis, pastor of East Lum berton Baptist church fractured his right arm while cranking his car this afternoon as he was going to one of his county charges. He drove *his car to church with one hand, preached his sermon ann did not know his arm was broken until he received medical atten tion on his return here. Bev. Mr. Davis is pastor-elect of of the Graham Baptist Church anil is expected to arrive in Graham Tuesday, January 30th. Court Notes. Court convened Monday for the trial of civil cases with Judge John H. Kerr presiding. When Judge Chas. M. Cooke resigned the latter part of last year the. Governor ap pointed Judge Kerr to succeed him. Judge Kerr held his first court in Robeson county, and so well pleas ed was the bar of that county witn him that a meeting was; held ana resolutions highly complimentary to him were passed. Since his first court he has borne himself so well that a repetition of the nice things said of him could be repeated with propriety. While here he is the guest of his cousin, Mr. Jas. K. Mebane. Judgp Kerr is a native of Caswell county, but his home is at 'Warrenton, Warren county. A calendar had been set with cases more than sufficient to oc cupy .the entire week, but owing to sickness of witnesses and things unforeseen a number of cases haa to be continued. Isevertheless con siderable business has been dispos ed of and a good week's work done. Only one divorce was grant ed at this term ; two other divorce cases were .dismissed from the docket, reconciliations having ta ken place. The most important case, one that consumed nearly two days in try ing, was the First National Bank of Graham, Va., vs. R. J. Hall. The latter was endorser on a note to the Bank, and the jury gave a ver dict against the defendant for $1860.07. The case hinged on whether Mr. Hall was a partner in • the firm of Harf, Hall & Co. The defendant gave notice of appealt o the Supreme Court. County Commissioners Meet and Dis cuss Road Maintenance. The Board of County Commis sioners met laßt Saturday and, be sides the routine business disposed of, discussed the building and main tenance of our road system Mr. W £>. Spoon, who built the first macad am roads in the county, and has had an experience of twenty years in road construction, was before the Board and gave his views. Mr. Spoon as road engineer and builder is an expert, but here in bis own ►-eonnty he is vitally interested and is out for the best that can be done with least cost to and the greatest advantage to the taxpayers. We will not attempt to sum up his views here, as the conference was for the purpose of looking over the situation. The county has Bpent large sums of money for roads. The macadam roads were built for permanency. The grading was well enough done, bnt the surfacing is almost gone, and something will have to be done to save what is left. That is the pro blem that will have to be solved and the solution cannot long be delayed. —For Sale—One pair good mules, medium Hize, cash or time. Chas. C. Thompson, Graham, N. 0. Route No. 1, Phone No. 0004. JBjan4t. 4 t • • r- • > ♦ PERSONAL. 4 til tIIItII I|l I I H 1111 I I lit Dr. J. V. Dick of Gibaonville was in Graham this morning. Mr. N. C. Hines of Cary was in Graham Ist Friday on business. Miss Minnie L. Hoover of Ashe boro is here this week in the capac ity of court stenographer. Mrs. Phil. Carleton of Greensboro spent Tuesday and yesterday here with Mrs. J. W. Menefee. Senator J. Elmer Longavaa home from Raleigh from Sunday till yes terday morning attending to busi ness in Court. Mesdames Alice Vanstory of Greensboro and Tucker of Reids ville are here visiting Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mr. John W. Boring of Gibson ville is here attending court." Mrs. G. Wash. Denny of High Point is here visiting Mrs. Mcßride Pllolt. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott White, who were, married in Mor ganton on January 3rd and went on a bridal trip to Cuba and Flor da, arrived here last Friday. Capt. Sam'l H. Webb of Oaks was in town Friday returning from- a business trip to Fayetteville. In passing through Raleigh he stop ped long enough to take a look at the Legislature. Mrs. Jas. P. Smith is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Purse, in Charleston, S. C. Mr. J. P. Smith left yesterday for the Eastern part of the State on a husiness trip. Mrs. J. Harvey White Receives in Honor of Mrs. William Elliott White. Reporied' for The Gleaner. Complimentary to Mrs. William Elliott White, Mrs. J. Harvey received from 4 to 6 Tuesday after noon. The guests were met at the front door-by Mies Mamie Park or l where little Elizabeth Hill Pomeroy received the cards. In addition to the hostess and guests of honor, Mrs. Philip R. Carleton of Greensboro, Mrs. James V. Pomeroy and Mrs. J. VV. Menefee of Graham constituted the receiving party. Mrs. James K. Mebane showed the guests to the dining room, where salads and ices were served by Mrs. A. K. Hardee, Mrs. J. J. Henderson and Misses Blanche and Rebecca Scott. The table was very lovely with its lace cover- over green, and with a great basket of white carnations and lily of the valley forming the center piece. In the sitting room where Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson and Mrs. Edwin D. Scott poured tea, Mrs. E. S I'arksr, Jr., and Miss Ethel Wil liamson assisted in entertaining the gueßts. Mrs. White's beautiful home was made most attractive by its decorations of Hlies of the valley and potted plants. A color scheme of green and white was carried out in fiownrs, ices and candies. About fifty of Mrs. White's friends from Burlington, Haw River and Graham enjoyed her charming hospitality on this occasion. William Elliott White, who was Miss Ade laide Erwin of Morganton, was mar ried the 3rd of January, and only returned last Friday from a delight ful trip to Cuba and other Southern points. The many relatives and frionds of Mr. White were glad to have this opportunity of welcoming his wile into their hearts and lives. Demented Young Man Slashes His Throat. \\ illiam Charles Nelson, aged 18 and a son of Air. S. A. Nelson of. this place, early last Saturday morn ing slashed his throat with a razor He has been partially demented for some weeks past, but had shown no signs of violence to himself or any one else. A doctor was called in to dress the wound and had to take two or three stitches, but the wound is not serious. Application has been made for his admittance to the State Hospital at Raleigh. Mr. W. Giles Mebane Buys Newspa per at Beaufort. Mr. W. Giles Mebane, brother of Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr, was here the latter part of last week. Mr. Mebane, who has had considerable newspaper experience, has purchased the Beau fort Mews, a well established news paper in the town of Beaufort, Carteret county, and takes active charge this week. The Gleaner and the numerous friends here of Mr. Mebane wish him much success. New Advertisements. W. C. Thurston, Burlington, N C.—Automobile tires at wholesale prices. See ad. elsewhere. Citizens Bank of Graham—State ment of condition at close of busi ness Dec. 27, 1916. Southern Railway—Special rates to the Inauguration. See display ad. in another column. Harmon Kreis of Knoxville, Teun., will be tried in Cabarrus Superior Court in April on a charge of manslaughter. It is alleged that Kreis, while he was being taken to jail, kicked in the stom ach L. E. Lipe, who had l>oen deputized to help with the arrest, causing Lipe's death. I>. O. Johnson, rural mail car rier from Ingolds, Sampson coun ty, was overtaken by a forest fire in I'.iM while on his round, iiis automobile was destroyed and he endangered his life trying to save the mail. For this loss Congress- S man Hood has introduced a bill in Congress to pay Johnson $472. Small Store-house For Rent. Well located clo»e to the Dest trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready.„for occupancy now. j J. M. McCRACKBN,, ibuovtt. Graham, N. C. HEAT TOO MUCH. - Best Work Done and Best Health Ma|ptained in Cool, Dry, Moving Air. ■ * The right temperature for the office, living room or work room, that degree of heat that will keep one comfortable, healthful and at the same time will enable him to do the greatest amount of work with the greatest ease is discussed* in today's bulletin from the State Board of Health. It says: "Seventy degrees of heat which most people think they are keep ing when in reality the thermom eter reads anywhere from 72 to 78 is, for all practical purposes, too hot: It is enervating and un healthful. It predisposes to fa tigue, colds, grippe and especially to pneumonia for the reason that too much heat» lowers bodily re sistance. t "Careful study and all experi mentations demonstrate that a moderately cool, dry air iu motion is the best air condition for the body. At no lime is a tempera ture higher than G8 degrees recom mended while a much lower tem perature is needed to work in. In no country in Europe is the indoor temperature allowed to go over 08 degrees while the usual house temperature over there is 00. Huntington states that men do their best mental work wiled the air temperature is 00 and their best physical work when ft is about 40. The best alb-round temperature for work is 50, he says. "Observations have further shown that the minimum amount of work during the year is done during the hot summer months and the middle winter months— January and February—when in door heat is highest. Students at West Pointand Annapolis do their best mental work, mathematics in particular, in the spring and fall and their worst work iu mid winter and inid-summei. Exces sive heat and lack of cool, fresh air is thought to make the dif ference." Morganton is getting ready for city delivery of mails. Martin H Sliuford, ex-sheriff of Gaston county, died Friday at his home in Gastonia. The Stanly County Baptist As sociation is planning lo build somewhere in Stanly county hii association school at a coat of $20,000 to $50,000. P. O. Bangert of Philadelphia has asked the Concord aldermen for a charter to operate a car line in the town and from Concord to Kannapolis. "All I have is my sister's," written on the back of an enve lope was the will of the late R. A Lee of Charlotte, lileil for probate in Charlotte Friday. Homer Peele, cashier of tin- Bank of Pamlico at Bayboro, Pamlico county, has been appoint ed teller of the State Treasury to succeed A. H. Arrington, resigned. Private William B. Swindel, of the Second North Carolina Infan try, from Lake Linden, died at the Fort Bliss hospital, El Paso, Texas, from pneumonia, last we -k. Commissioner of Labor"and Printing M. L. Shipnian reports that the manufacturing establish ments in this Slate classified as miscellaneous number 1,800 and use $138,872,1 oil capital xtoek, the combined value of tho plants be ing $3'2,136,000, with annual p >y rolls aggregating 818,21-I,oO'i. « Wm. Phillips of Massachusetts, third assistant Secretary of State, has been nominated by President Wilson as Assistant Secrotary of State to succeed John K Osborne, resigned. Breckinridge Long, a St. Louis lawyer, succeeds Phil lips. Mr. Phillips is a Republican who has made good in the diplo matic service for I.'! years. Seven prisoners were taken by men of the First New Hampshire Infantry Regiment in their brush with filibustersrs Saturday night near Zapata, I'exas, according to an official report made at Southern department headquarters of tie United States army at San An tonio, Texas. Four of the Mex - cans were killed, according to the official report. Advances in prices of Turkish cigarettes, ranging from• 45 cents to $1 a 1,000, are announced by I'. Lorillard A Co., one of the largest tobacco manufacturers in the country. The the cost of paper anil other expenses was ' given as the reason. The higher wholesale prices are said to foreshadow corresponding ad vances in the retail trade. While pondering the nucceitd of the later moves in the name of peace and, it may Koine day dawn on the Berlin diplomats that in trying ' , * l overclever they fool themwdves first. DO YOU DREAD WINTER? If every man, woman and child in this vicinity would only take one spoonful of sours WIN after meals for one month, it would put vigor m their blood to withstand the rigors of winter weather and fhelp prevent colds, grippe and winter aickness. SCOTT'S is a fortifying medicinal-food of particu lar benefit in changing sersons, and every drop yields direct returns in rcher blood, stronger greater resistive power. No alcohol in SCO li S. mjL « Steil A N. ), GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF 1 RAILROADS. ' 4 Subject For Triangular Debate Treat - ed in Bulletin—Trees of North Carolina is Another Book. Cor. of The Gleaner. Chapel Ilill, N. C , Jan. 10. — Schools taking part this year in the High School Debating Union, conducted by the University of North Carolina, may now secure from the University a copy of the new bulletin which gives abun daut argument on both sides of the question at issue—Govern ment Ownership of Railroads. The volume iu all contains 92 pages, embracing a comprehen sive brief on both sides ot the question and selected articles chosen from « wide field of publi cation, giving due emphasis to both sides of the question. It is already certaiu that the contest this year, which is the lifill since the plan was inaugu rated, will be the biggest yet held. So far 325 schools have signified their desire to take part, as many as the entire number for last year The first year, 1912-'l3, only DO schools were enrolled. The tri angular debates will be held late in March, aud then tlie winners will come to Chapel Hill for the final contest for the Aycock Cup early in April. This year there will bo a High School Week, with athletic cou'ests as well as the debates. The schools will have a Uack meet and also a tennis tournament on the recently con structed varsity courts. The renown of the North Caro lina High School Debating Union hits gone abroad. This year both Alabama and Kentucky will hold similar debates, aud furthermore will use the same question aud the same bulletiu th it will be used in this State. Secretary E. R. Rankin states that these two States have applied to him for a number of copies sufficient for their needs. In Kentucky the work is under the auspices of the University; in Alabama, under the leadership of the agricultural college, a Carolina graduate, W. R. Taylor, being director of the debates, "The Trees of North Carolina" is the title of an in'eresting book which has just been published by Prof. W. C. Coker, of the Uni versity Department of Botany. He was assisted iu this work by Instructor H. R. Totten. The book is dedicated "to the young people of North Carolina, in the hope that as they learn to know their State better, they may come to love her more." The Charlotte Observer says of this book: "Dr. Colter's book on our native trees is one publication that fits into the library not only of the home, but of public institutions and of every city aud rural school in the Slate." The volume treats of the native trees of the State —IHO are treated iu all besides a number of intro duced trees. It shows the abun dance and wealth of varieties iu the State, only Florida and Texas having a larger variety. A glos sary and index with the book en ables one to Hud the description for any particular tree. Among the varieties listed are ten of maples, ten hickories, ten mag nolias aud live poplars. There is abundant information about trees for both the adults and the chil dren. The llalift ot Taking Culd. With maty people taking cold is habit but fortunately one is easily broken, 'l ake a fold sponge bath every morning when you first get out of bed—not ice colli, but a temperature of (If) it *j. jF. Also sleep with your w:ndow up. Do this and you will sel'lo n . take cold. VV'hen take cold take Chamberlain's Coujf h Kennedy and get rid of it as i|uitkly as pos | Bible. Obtainable ewry wi,ere. adv. The Catawba Bounty News nay»: It i* understood that no further efforts will bo maile to run Clan - inont Collide by the Keformed Church. All efforts in tfie future will unite to make Catawba Col lege what it should be. It in im possible for a small denomination to support two schools It will take a strong united effort to put Catawba Col I go on its feet an it should bo—but it is wise to unite on olio school. . The loss of liOO live# by dent ruc tion of an Italian battleship is re ported by the Anzeiger of llasel, Switzerland, according to the Overseas agency. "The An/.eiger of Mattel reports from Home the 4est ruction of the Italian battle ship Hfina Margherita," nays the New* agency. 'lt in conlllined that (die was sunk >IT Avlona, Albania, December 11, by a mine or a torpedo. Six It u nil red out of B'■}>) sailors p rished." To Cure » 4 old 111 Out |)a). Tiki- Laxative Bromo Quinine lablet*. Al. refund the money if il fail* i«> cure K. W. Orove't a'fcnaiuio ii "D each Vox •fh rpnta adv. HICKORY CHIPS. As for the Colonel■, his voice is still for war. •Maybe Russia is trying to en tice the enemy to Moscow again. President Wilson's is the real dove of p6ace, and'-come-to think of it, the United States is some ark! That the esteemed "West" had a nice time Christmas seems to be the fervent hope of the grateful "South." ' Representative Gardner muti nies while the Republican ship is aleak. Despite the high cost of paper Germany is ready aud willin' to 11-so a few scraps iu treaty uiakin' Japan's discovery of local graft gives it a .chance to set a reform pace that should interest the en tire civilized world. Yes, Europe wants peace,- bu it wants a peace that will last. Europe is as jealous of its war as if it were a family quarrel. "Outsiders keep hands off" is her motto. On the Atlantic lanes nowadays icebergs are only a minor con sideration. China's celebrated door is evi dently wide open to the recentiw of American loans. f Lots of men would never be ablij to recognize themselves as fools if they didn't fall in love. President Wilson at 60 says he is in bitter health than he has been at any time within the last ten years. He plays golf every day the weathwr permits, goes to bed seldom later than 11 p. m., and gets up early. Long life to him, ami may God bless him! The latest news from Villa is that he is planning to take Monte rey, now that his "troops" have completed the looting of Torreon. Already the British are begin ning to see President Wilson's Note iu its true light. Accident insurance rates have not been rwised for Kings and Emperors on account of the war. Things might go better if Car ranza Would stop talking long enough to think a little. It sounds funny to hearof Sena tor Penrose urging any sort o probe. Man}' a man can see where his wife would have made a splendid railway section boss but for the accident of birth. Wo felt all along that there was something about lien. Francisco Murguia's name that would enable him to cope with Villa. A happy New Year to Henry Ford means a happy New Year to many other people. The general stir caused among the allies by President Wilson's little note shows that at least, it wasn't ignored. I>uriu& all the excitement the Sultan of Turkey maintains the silence becoming a man who lias not much real say iu thq matter. Carranza has evidently been too busy to t*ake proper interest yj pan-American sentiment. Our exports of American pianos during I'JlO were the largest ever known, the growing fields being Australia, Soutn Africa, and Ar gentine. Titus do we "brighten the corners" of the world. Most everybody who is qualified to guess, believes that, large as the business of 11)1(1 was, tlint of 1!U? will be even larger. Tito Federal Itt'HcrvH Banks last year inereiined their renourceM by ltiti percent. At tliin rate the i»- Mtiimioii in a few yearn will he n worthy rival of the itHiik of Eng land. There were built last year in the United .States ltrfi'i new ships, of which &JO were coiiHtrueted on the Atlantic Coast and on the Gulf, while were built on the Pacific, the rent being in the Ureal Lakes or Mississippi districts. A good HI art toward a larger iner chant marine, but lUI7 should see even greater progress. CASTORIA >'or Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years 48 Pennsylvania Auto mobile Casings 20 Pennsylvania Auto mobile Tubes 16 Pennsylvania Bicy cle Tires All for ale thin wi*-k at wholesale li«t price*. All canngi. have al vance I, and I must do mi after tin* week. W. C. Till'ltSTON. ( The Store Which. S S Docs Not € 1 Advertise # Jj Cannot Grow j| And it wasn't, so very long ago that a modest violet was named for TV *•' T-awson, the mud slinger. * The belligerent nations seem to' be no better prepared for peace than far war. T. R. is again making life a busy experience for the man who boasts that be has read everything the Colonel ever wrote. Arranging a distribution of the expenses of the war will give the expert accountants some enormous figures to handle. . War Is just about the same sort of "tonic" for a nation thit over indulgence in whiskey is for the in dividual. The strike prophets were fortu nately in error in their prediction:, for January! Thomas A. Edison has surprised his admirers by not being at work for the past few days. The fact that he has been successfully work ing out a pneumonia problem ex plains the seeming phenomenon of repose. Would that its seven eelips-s were tlie only kind of hard luck in 1917. Surely the entente allies have a gift approaching genius for blun dering in southeastern Europe. W. Law son has consider ately consented to remain in this country a little while longer, tin limelight being fine Just now. It appears that the people of Her man}' will soon be reduced to the Prussian diet—construe it I'H you like. Decollette ball costumes are .ill right asyar as they go. Marrying a man to reform him is like trying to mike a satisfac tory omelet out of a bad egg. How's Thiol Wo oiler On« Hundred Hollar* Hewanl for any e»*e of Catarrh that cannot bo cured b> Hal I'M Catarrh Cure. F. J, CLL KN E V * CO., Toledo, O. We, tin* underalyncd, have known F. J. Cheney for the IH*i Ift yearn,and (relieve him pcrfoetly honorable in all bualnena truimac tlomi ami financially ablo to carry out any obligation* rniKie l»y hi* firm. NATIO Al HANK OR CO MM MO K, • Toledo. O. Hh.l h Catarrh Cure I* taken Internally, aetltnr directly upon the blood and mucous surface* of the *y*t.-m. Testimonial* aciit free. Price 75 cents |«er bottle. Hold by ml Druirfrtsts. Takc I lull'N Family I'IIIS for constipation. adv A Pennsylvania woman having married a man to »ave hin soul, he very probably will not bo able t«> call it bin own hereafter. Itch relieved in 20 minute! by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Neve, rails. Sold hy (Iridium DrilK Co. The reduction of (ien. Joffre's au thority indicates that France mils: have been pretty well satisfieo with her military position. Break your Cold or LaCrippe with a lew doses of 666. The Lenoir Topic Maya that laal Sunday the iiiiniHterN of the town gave out hlarikH for their pariah ionera to vote oil what are the four greateat evila in Lenoir. Be ginning a week from next Hutiday the miniatera will preach it Merits of four acrinona each on theae Aila an HIIOWII by the votea. The Aine evila will be under dim* na tion at all churchea at the aame ffini-MV-TISM —Antiseptic, lie \ li*v«*B KIH'IIIII>4Y iniii, SpraiiiM, NPU- etc. • ■ HI.POM I OF CONDITION OF . a The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. Al Ornhnrn In llm Hlaln of North ('aroint*. i»t the cio**oftiu»tfi«*«N. iH'c.Ti, mn. ItKMOC U- KM I/ian* iim>l ill«M-»iiril* fZl.h'iT .**■j T)\ iirdraf'* MT'I), ;Ul,N«'d. Furniture and Fixtures t£-Vu»| , iJemiind loan* 'JivfUC \ J>u« from Natl »ual liar km Ihif from Main Hank" niid hanker* .'til "I C.'anh IC«*ri» ?», I Ho Id coin H ",J4i Hilver #w?., .. . i N »11 >i in I I tank noi«*a and ottu«r I'. M. I note* Total 1.1 Amu I I Ki Capital stock .. . .. lO.f**>'*) k rtiir|du« fuii I o*>.tu lIIIU |»U>■»)!'• . '!.» HJ'I • llfpoilla *l|llJ(H!t to ('iN't-ll _ 2|,'.4i 1(1 Tinm Ccrtll>c«t'-a of l»« |»o«lt 14.V'' Ha\ Ingn l)r|K>ilu i.tutfi'i, (RUBIER'* l.'hi'i'k* OIJ'«LITIIDIIITF 212 II Accrued inter* ilue d»|M»«in»r« I- l'» CbrUtrna** I.IUIJ, I WIT .. . \'M 21 T'dal M7.«:1 '/♦' Hint'' iif North Carolina. ouiity of Aln I ma rice, *». I, It. U. F »«t *-t, i'a»Ul«*r of ll.i- rUmw | natned Imiik, do solemnly »»«wr thai iif J atjow atalfUK-ril I* truo t'» tba !/»••' of in) knowlrdtfi* arid l*-.l« f. II i. * tul.lcr H II 1/iM"rli»#fd arid m out (/> »»«-f*#r«' th.n , tfrd day of j m „ . itti; W it. FllhHHWA'f KIC. Notar> Public. I ; Cor r«ct —AI t««t J VI I I Its Kit. w I Mi KH. J >1 )|H KA KKV lllri-tora. j I-.M.( r roic.s \m i ick. llavlri » 4 >j«linvl »* ■»**•.it'.r « f the *% HI »• Oeiln iJ/tig, "d, llic ii 'l»T«lin«d lii-n l.) I iiotiti** «>l |iT"iii« boldlfitf cialoi» n-t n)) oi'iiif lo i r **-t•! M- n4(ii«' a duly aiitli« ri ! , lc«W, on or Ii f»»r« tb« dit> of .iMf>(i«rt, * •IV or tin* n li' i "ili i»- in bur of i ttielr rwovi-r). \»J \* r "tm Irnlri.t' dto MIWI i ; »rv f'lufifl io ii, h A*' iroioivlUti' i tl'-m»nt. J bi» Jan. I". |y|T Joll » A HAI'.NWKI.L, Ki r of l/*-ha |/n*|, do; '!. I N01CIE!! To Tax Payers of CJraham. The 1915 laxcH IIIIIHI be heltled. ! Sec me at once and nave trouble audi coat of advertising. I'heHC Taxea are pant due and tinmt be paid. 'I he I'JlO la\ arc now' ready. ■ ii. K. TKOLIsaKiI, i Tax Collector. I We Wi";Be Closed \ ' • ' • v . ■ Every Sunday Except from 8 to 10 A, M. and 3 to 6 P. M. For Accuracy and Best Results Bring us Your Prescriptions. HAYES DRUG CO. - / Graham, N. C. To Whom II May Concern: Thin in to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no others sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See ine or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C 'PHONE 496 I'll save you money on your groceries. Full line of canned goods. Gardners famous Cake always fresh. Fresh Fish and Oysters every Saturday. Full line of staple dry goods and notions. . J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. Jill INAUGURATION President Woodrow Wilson WASHINGTON, D. C. Monday, March sth, 1917 $10.05 'Round Trip via Southern R'y From Haleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Burlington, and all inter mediate points to Greensboro.. %•!".« '•"» from Uoldsboro; #10.70 from Sol ma; round trip fares in same proportion from intermediate points. Round trip tickets for thin occasion will boon sale March 1, 2, 3, 4, and for trains scheduled to arrive Washington by noon, March sth. tickets will be limited returning to reach ori itial starting point not later than midnight of March loth, 1!)J7, or by depos'ting ticket at Washington and paying a fee of SI.OO filial return limit can be ex tended to April 10th, 1!'17. Special Pullman Weeping ears will be operated from Raleigh and Durham, and from all points for special parties of '25 or more. For sleeping car reservations, and complete information, ask Southern Kail way Ageyj#, or address J. O. JON ICS, T. I". A.. Haleigh, N. C. Trustee's Sale oi Real Estate. Under atul i>.\ virtue of the power of naif contain*''! in a certain deed of Irimt executed »>v Harry Holt and wife to tin* unjiefH gued Ala mance Invilrniieo U ileal ivstalip \( oti)j*uny on Jami-' lft, 1011, for the VurpoM- of Mfenriiirf I hi* payment it maturity of tureo certain oondH of i!vvn date herewith, H.a.d deed of trust hnVTTTj?.' duly proo.ated and rerordyl r iii the Puhlie. UfgiMt ry of AI nuance county, in liook of Mortgig.-n and iJeedf* ol i I rust No. 62, at page 4£ofl, ana de fault having en made in the pa.v lupJtt of naid hondh and the intereat /fieri Kin, when due. the underHigm o '/ Alamaneo |n»untnee A- Heal Kntatc ( oihpany, Tf'tiHt «*•*,"■ ujl, o;i ; TU'.SbAY, Ki;M. 2'>, "at 12 o'clock, M, il the ro li t hOUHe doot ol A limine.- rouiii.v, North ( aiolin i, in ' ,i ,;i il, offer for ' H.ile at puhhe " it o i I» tMe 1 highent bidder, in ni-i, the fol lowing d«'Hr.l'-1 propi*riy, 10-vit " A rt .nn i r jet or par-el nf ! r»o in Alamanr*'\. 1' Tow;ishiti. .i: S; t'-• ■( Sort h .if - ohiM. aujo'iurig ' • lifrls of Ila.v --f) v. ood T* 11 • . f'. N. Ii '» npvi'i, U«>- iij I'ouion Andr -vvh, H I'. Ih.«|»*v .in i jiothei'H, and ho'inded f/ (i liegiim rtg it a r« k.j i p ihlie I ro id to h ii ,, N. eonier ilfuith Hid la;. , 1 »i nj-. »n and I.M. ij'l i.iiiir. running i.« !»•«• North «i ildeg. v\ |fh ii'i .Io i re* i 'tr- II tier u. h Hid I : I i- i S. 1 | deg. »V . 'i J i-l | ) .1 i ,r 1c fjn - i ' fil l u.l n h.i d A ti'ti ei' k ; th. nr • a. r \ I deg. K. I chain** ;i r* - ; eorfii i |V.|to Hiid Ati'lr-'A-i; theneu S. J J deg K. '♦ 3-1 Im''» i j ti • l/.'/tn f' mng, rontaifiing thirt.i -*e ven on - I himdredtha of an were, ftiore nr lefea. | l)at r of Sale, Tui-mI i; , .I'e i»r.iai / 20th. I'd7,'at \1 oVloek,' M. j PI ire of nale. ( ourt Ho iv »loor, 11 firahain, North Carolina, j Terms of sal-, ( *HII | Thin January 17, I'd 7. Ala ma nre In n. 6' lfe:il Kstate Co, I'ru^teeH. I Summons by i l u;>lic.itlon. | I *UU- ol North ( arollna. i A laiuaiirr ( ouut) . Iril hi jpr i lor t "iii i. Iteiorr tlti- ( I r k. M /aft'l M. 'oil I'li/ ItM.'M.J W ftiohop. Mm, «• K Ifrtir.J i, II.M. W A Ili. I J.. , I. I'mt, ) il. |; In-„,M L. I it ! ■«*. i a >. ulf u Noah. iA J.i f»|«j• •. Jar,. l*»el». John .Noah, It utl. Noah hd> llyLgn, I'o! ;y I amplH il. NN'ill I am|»b«-l], innl any j ahart who ma; u- pr'»|M-r pani-« to thin i prot»«flnnc. I Th»- dfJ'-ndani* n)«>rv roi*n«-d an.) any j otii«-f« w» »«/» imrueK wo'! ifnnli-n »'% an- un* ; know n ati) mi itKo to participate In tb«* pro* I «■«*«-•!■ arl«litf f'"in Oi«- »i . ,i ii,e r«»al catate. j »li. trtki* in-nee »lt»ti un aotlcii an atiov*-hat l-fii i"ts irr.«r»«-(M| lu the hup«*rlor i 0.,t tit AI .in >fH » .-ouut), Iwforr the Clork. that oaivl tion r« .an « to tin hi*!.- of certain r«- « Mat- Bid t*-iu4 lu *ald county aijl-.-l.*Jc.and t a * > i«i «l» f' n.Jantu ar«* proper I par li » th r« so; 4. I —trr dr fr mianta trill ' hi' h« r lak«• i.otht 'f:a' thvy are rr|Ulrtd to »i i ear b' for*' tn«* lerk of the superior | Court of «•;•,«! l ouiii) Mil Monilajr the 6th day lof h 1 n.iry, I'il". .o»d «iis*it or Oetnur to I hf petition lu a>>) 1 h tion or the j htln t ill h will apply 10 1h« col 1 ; the telicf deui »nd e I m Mi«l ix iltti*n. j ihuthwKt ay 01 *O.. j 9l?. J 1.. KKItNOiILK. j ]Hntt Cl"rk Court. Gold_ Jewelry... Makes the best and most appreciated Christmas present I ha ve a good stock to select from at REASONABLE PRICES. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. ADMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. iluving qualified us administrator of tnc efttaio ot Charlie Sewiia, de rased, the undersigned hereby no lilies all persons Holding claims ■ gainst said estate to present tue same, duly autuetiticated, on or before tni; day of December, I'm, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to »nd estate are requested to make immediate set tlement. This December 26, 1916. I'.IItSA L. NKVVLI.V, Adm'r 12-27-tit Charlie Newiin, deed. Commissioner's Sale oi Valuable Land. fly * lrti;« of an order of the Superior Our« of Alutnaii"* county iu»'lr in ■ special Pro • •«'liiirf» tlii h hi i vn.iii, K w hereto tb« b*tro .»i law mO'I J. W. |S uxi'»fi t rator, > t. a.. of A4n»u >1 I'd*; tm Ati, late of ulii • umy, wrrr «lul> co:i«Uttxri d partlea for the 1 *n» »«• "f mUiiiik laiei to nuke aaaeta and f r «il\tin- ur.'li r» Kuril (-omiuimioii«r *• til m* 11 at |»a t«lie nimm to tb« bl#be»t bid •l r. at the ri»iiencc of John ti. Ci rkv, in N ••Willi towuahlp, at I'J. 0 o'cajck M.j-uu TUESDAY, JAN. 30, l/ 17, the d©» rlbed real rotate. towit: A |.»rrai of land beginning at * atoua, Min nie .dil'heraon'a corner and runuli.K *ilh iluoyf O. I*. Ucl'iiersun tb pti.u# (ua •take, corner wub Jane Workman, tbeuco !■* IU .1 With her UjM? p.!« ato a fttoii. , curnt-r with I>. F. le*Ku*th.-uc«j W,»i wiih nit liar S. polea to a Btoue, corner witb leaaucin 3 Innle Mi rhorwu'* line; tbciice witn her Hue .North hi polea u> the t«Kiuuliig and cou talntiiK » •>-acre*, more or let*. Term* of »ale—One-half cash, balance in tlx month* with deferred payment* to carry Inter. »t from day of tau- Utl paid and title r-aervt-d till fully paid tor. .-ale auhjeel to I confirmation of Clerk of Couiu This becetuber I*, lVlt). J, c. OUOK, Conimia lgner. -!-+r+++++-t+-H-^+++++++4.++ ++ + I CP-TO-DATE JOB PRICING I [ l DONK AT THIS OFFICE. | I Si 01V E US A TRIAL. |

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