, VOL. XLJII r 1 i l '—— Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN*S Magnolia Balm. Acta instantly. Stops the burning. Clean your complexion of Tan and liiemisnes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous nds of women say it is berftof all jeautifiers and heals Sunburn quickest. Don't be without it a cl*y longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direct 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. i.YON MFG. CO.. 40 So. Sth St.. Brooklyn. N.T. EUREKA | ;; Spring Water ] / from \ EUREKA SPRING, j Graham, N. C. , I A valuable mineral spring j ]; has been discovered by W. H. j - > Ausley on his place in Graham. 1 |lt was noticed that it brought j j; health to the users of the water, ] 11 and upon being analyzed it was J , found to be a\water strong in J 1 ; mineral properties and good i» for stomach and blood troubles. « Jt Physicians who have seen the * 11 analysis and what it does, j > recommend its use. 4 J! Analysis and testimonials « | [ will be furnished upon request. * 11 Why buy expensive mineral i !! waters from a distance, when 1 _J | there is a good water recom- J > mended by physicians right at ! i home ? For further informa- J J tion and or the water, if you ; > desire if apply to the under- > signed. 1 I» W. H. AUSLEY. ; BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, ISmall Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Oiflce Graham, N. C. FREE DIARY. We take pleasure in announcing that any of our readers can secure a pretty 1917 pocket diary, free ol charge by sending the postage there/or, two cents in stamps, to D. Swift & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. The diary is a gold mine of useful information contains the popular and electoral vote received by Wilson anu Hughes from each State in 1916, auu also by Wilson, Roosevelt and Tail in 1912; states the amount of the , principal crops produced in eacn State in 1916; gives the census pop ulation of eacn State in 1890, ana 1910; the population of about 600 of the largest cities in the United States, a synopsis of business laws, patent laws, household recipes ano much other useful information. The diary would cost you 25c at a book store. For three cents in stamps we will send a nice wall calendar 10x11 inches. Send five one-cent stamps and get the diary and cal endar. 1 Anything New In f 9 Your Line of f ( Business? 1 B The People Ought ■ 9 to Know J | Itch relieved In 20 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Neva; fails, Sold by Graham Drag Co, 1 THE ALAMANCE GLEANER KAZAN 6YNOPBI3. • | CHAPTER I—Kuan, the wtM iMp flog, one-quarter wolf and three-quarter "husky," distrustful of all men because of their brutal treatment of him, learns to love his master'* wife when she Is kind to him In new and strange surroundings. CHAPTER n—He shows snarling enmi ty to McCready, who Is to accompany Thorpe and hla wife to the Red River camp. CHAPTER in— Kazan knows that Mo- Cready Is a murderer. McCready stealth ily caresses Isobel's hair and Kazan at tacks him. Thorpe whips KazaK Mc "Cready tries to murder Thorpe and at tacks Isobel. Kazan kills him and then, fearing the club In punishment, runs away Into the forest. CHAPTER IV—Torn between love of his mistress, the fear of his master's club and the desires of the wolf nature In him, he at length sends forth the wolf cry. CHAPTER V—Kazan runs with the wolves, lights their leader, becomes mas- Wolf' the I>ack ' 11,1(1 mates w,th °ray CHAPTER Vl—Kazan and the pack at tack Pierre Radlsson, his daughter Joan and her baby, but In the battle Kazan turns dog again and helps drive off the wolves. CHAPTER Vll—Kazan's wounds are dressed and he la tied to the sledge. CHAPTER Vlll—Pierre and Kazan drag the sledge. Qray Wolf follows at a dis tance. Pierre dies, 40 miles away from their home on the Little Beaver. CHAPTB.it IA- out or a blizzard Kazan drags the sledge with Joan and the baby on it to safety and then goes back to Gray Wolf. He spends the long winter hovering between the lure of Joan and the baby and Qray Wolf. CHAPTER X—ln their den on the top of Sun Rock puppies come to Gray Wolf and Kazan In the spring. CHAPTER XI—A lynx kills the puppies and blinds Gray Wolf. Kazan kills the lynx. Joan anil her husband go away to the South. Kazan stays with Gray wolf. CHAPTER Xll—Kazan and Gray Wolf travel. He Is eyes to her and she Js ears and nose to him. • Faithful Gray Wolf was full of fight, and she sprang shoulder to shoulder with Kazan, her fangs bared. With an angry snap, Kazan drove her back, and she stood quivering and whining while he advanced. Light-footed, his pointed ears forward, no menace or threat In his attitude, he advanced. It was the deadly advance of the husky trained In battle, skilled In the art of killing. A man from civilization would have said that the dog was approaching the lynx with friendly Intentions. But the lynx understood. It was the old feud of many generations—made deadlier now by Kazan's memory of that night at the top of the Sun Rock. Instinct told the fisher-cat what was coming, and It crouched low and flat; the porcupines, scolding like little chil dren at the presence of enemies and the thickening clouds of smoke, thrust their quills still more erect. The lynx lay on Its belly, like a cat. Its hind quarters twitching, and gathered for the spring. Kazan's feet seemed scarce ly to touch the sand as he circled light ly around It. The lynx pivoted as he circled, and then It shot In a round snarling ball over the eight feet of space that separated them. Kazan did not leap aside. He made no effort to escape the attack, but met It fairly with the full force of his shoul ders, as sledge-dog meets sledge-dog. He was ten pounds heavier than the lynx, and for a moment the big loose- Jointed cat with Its twenty knifelike claws was thrown on Its side. Like s flash Kazan took advantage of the mo ment, and drove for the back of the cat's neck. In that same moment blind Gray Wolf leaped In with a snarling cry, and fighting under Kazan's belly, she fas tened her Jaws In one of the cat's hind legs. The bone snapped. The lynx, I twice outweighed, leaped backward, dragging both Kazan and Gray Wolf. It fell back down on one of the porcu ' pines, and s hundred quills drove Into Its body. Another leap and It was free —fleeing Into the face of the smoke. Kazan did not pursue. Gray Wolf came to his side and licked his neck, where fresh blood was crimsoning his tawny hide. The fisher-cat lay as If 1 dead, watching them with fierce little | black eyes. The porcupines continued , to chatter, as If begging for mercy. And then a thick black suffocating pall | of smoke drove low over the sand bar and with It came air that was furnace- I hot. j At the uttermost end of the sand bar Kazan and Gray Wolf rolled them selves Into halls and thrust their heads under their bodies. The Are was very near now. The roar of It was like that , of a great cataract, with now and then a louder crash of falling trees. The sir was filled with ash and burning •parks, and twice Kazan drew forth his j head to snap at blazing embers that fell upon and seared him like hot Irons. Close along the edge of the stream grew thick green bush, and when the fire reached this, It burned mere slow ly, and the heat grew less. Still, It was a long time before Kazan and Gray Wolf could draw forth their heads and breathe more freely. Then they found that the finger of sand reaching out In to the rlver had saved them. Every where In that triangle between the two rivers the world had turned black, and was hot underfoot. The smoke cleared away. The wind Char.ged again, and swung down cool and fresh from the west and north. The fisher-cat was the first to move cau tiously back to the forests that had been, but the porcupines were still rolled Into halls when Gray Wolf snd Kazan left the sand bar. They begnn to travel up-stream, and before night came, their feet were sore from hot ssh and burning embers. The moon was strange and forebod ' Ing that night, like a spatter of blood in the sky, and through the long silent hours there was not even the hoot of an owl to give a sign that life still ex ' tgted where yesterday Jaad been n para ■- * - ' ! I dlse of wild Things. "Kazan knew that there was nothing to hunt, and they ! continued to travel all that night. With dawn they struck a narrow swamp along the edge of the stream. Here beavers had built a dam, and they , were able to cross over Into the green country on the opposite side. For an ' | other day and another night they trnv | eled westward, and this brought them I into the thick country of swamp and 1 timber along the Waterfound. ' j And as Kazan and Gray Wolf came ' from the West,-there came from the j Hudson's bay post to the East a sllin dark-faced French half-breed by the name of Henri Lotl, the most famous i lynx hunter id all the Hudson's bay country. I And up from the South, st this same . time, there was slowly working Us way by canoe and trail a young unl ' verslty zoologist who was gathering material for a book on "The Reason ing of the Wild." His name was Paul Weyman, and he made arrangements to spend a part of the winter with Henri Lotl, the half-breed. He brought I with him plenty of paper, a camera and the photograph of a girl. Ills only weapon was a pocketknlfe. And meanwhile Kaznn and Gray Wolf found the home they were seek ing In a thick swamp five or six miles I from the cabin that Henri Lotl had built. CHAPTER XIII. Always Two by TIVO. It was Jinyiary when a guide from the post brought Paul Weyman to Henri Lotl's cabin on the Waterfound. "lt is d—— strange," said Henri. "I have lost seven lynx In the traps, torn to pieces like they were no more than rabbits that the foxes had killed. No thing—not even bear —have ever tackled lynx In a trap before. It Is the first time I ever see It." This aroused Weyman. He was one of that growing number of thoughtful men who believed that man's egoism, | as a race, blinds him to many of the more wonderful facts of creation. "There Is one big wolf an' one smal ler," said Henri. "An' It Is always I the big wolf who goes In an' lights the lynx. I see that by the snow. While he's fighting, the smaller wolf makes many tracks In the snow Just out of reach, an' then when the lynx Is down, or dead, It Jumps In an' helps tear It Into pieces. All that I know by the snow." During the two weeks that followed, Weyman found much to add to the material of his book. Not a day passed that somewhere along Henri's trap-line they did not see the trails of the two wolves, and Weyman observed that — as Henri had told him—the footprints , were always two by two, and never one by one. On the third day they 1 came to a trap that had held a lynx, and at sight of what remained Ilenrl i cursed In both French and English ; until he was purple In the face. The . lynx had been torn until Its pelt was , practically worthless, i Weymap saw where the smaller wolf , had waited on Its haunches, while Its i companion had killed the lynx. He did not tpU Henri all he thought. But the day 6 that followed convinced him i more and more that he had found the most dramatic exemplification of his theory. Back of this mysterious trag edy of the trap-line there wus a rea- , son. Why did the two wolves not destroy | the fisher-cat, the ermine and the mar ten? Why was their feud with the lynx alone? Weyman was strangely thrilled. He wss a lover of wild things, and for that reason he never carried a gun. \ And when he saw Henri placing poison baits for the two marauders, he shud dered, and when, dny after day, he saw that these poison halts were un touched, he rejoiced. Something in his : I own nature went out In sympathy to | | the heroic outlaw of the trap-line who I never failed to give battle to the lynx. Nights In the cabin he wrote down his I thoughts and discoveries of the day. I I One day the big Idea came to Henri. Weyman was with him when they I struck fresh signs of lynx. There was a great windfall ten or fifteen feet high, and In one place the logs had ; formed a sort of cavern, with almost solid walls on three aides. The snow i ' was beaten down by trncka, snd the | fur of rabbit was scattered about, j Henri was Jubilant. | "We got heem —sure!" be snld. ! He built the bait-house, set a trap 1 snd looked about liltn shrewdly. Then I be explained his scheme to Weyman. |lf the lynx was caught, and the two 1 wolves came to destroy It, the fight I would take place In that shelter under the windfall, and the marauders would have to pass through the opening. So i Henri set five smaller traps, conceal- 1 ing them skillfully under leaves snd I moss and snow, snd all were far i enough away from the bolt-house so that the trapped lynx could not spring them In his struggles. "When they fight, wolf Jump this ' way an' that—an' sure get In," said i Henri. "He mlas one, two, t'ree —bat be sure get In trap somen here." That same morning a light snow fell, I making the work more complete, for I It covered up all footprints snd burled i the telltale scent of man. That night i Kazan and Gray Wolf passed within a ' hundred feet of the windfall, and Gray i Wolfs keen scent detected something j I strange and disquieting In the air. She I I Informed Kazan by pressing her shout- | ' der against bis, and they swung off I at right angles, keeping to windward j I of the trap-line. For two days and three cold starlit ' nights nothing happened at the wind-1' Henri understood, and explained I GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1917 to Weyman. The lynx was a Tiunfer, | like himself, and also had Us hunt-line, | which It covered about once a week. On the fifth night the lynx returned, went fx> the windfall, was lured straight to the bait, and the sharp toothed steel trap closed relentlessly over Its right hlndfoot. Kazan and Gray Wolf were traveling a quarter of a mile deeper. In the forest when they heard the clanking of the steel chain as the lynx fought to free Itself. Ten minutes later they stood In the door of the windfall cavern. It was a white clear night, so filled ' with brilliant stars that Ilenrl himself could have hunted by the light of them. The lynx had exhausted Itself, and lny crouched on Its belly as Kazan and Gray Wolf appeared. As usuul, Gruy Wolf held back while Kazan be gnn the battle. In the first or second of these fights on the trap-line, Kazan would probably have been disembow eled or had his Jugular vein cut open, had the fierce cats been free. They were more thpn his match In open fight, though the biggest of them fell ten pounds under his weight. Chance hnd saved him on the Sun llock. Gray Wolf and the porcupine hud both add ed to the defeat of the lynx on the sand-bar. And along Henri's hunting line It wus the trap that was his ally. Even with his enemy thus shuckled he took bigger chances thun ever with the lynx under the windfall. The cat wus an old warrior, six or seven years old. His claws were an inch and a quarter long, and curved like scimitars. His forefeet and his left hlndfoot were free, and as Kazan ad vanced, he drew back, so that the trap chain wus slack under his body. Here Kaznn could not follow his old tactics of circling about his trapped foe, until It had become tangled in the chain, or had so shortened and twisted It that there was no chnnee for a leap. He had to attack face to face, and sud denly he lunged In. They met shoul der to shoulder. Kazan's fangs snapped at the other's throat, and missed. Before he could strike again, the lynx flung out Its free hlndfoot, and even Gray Wolf heard the ripping sound that It" made. With a snarl 1 Kazan wns flung back, his shoulder torn to the bone. Then It wns that one of Henri's hid den trnps saved him from a second at tack—and death. Steel Jaws snapped over one of his forefeet, and when he leaped, the chain stopped hhn. Once or twice before, blind Gray Wolf hud leaped In, when she knew thnt Kazan was In great danger. For an Instant she forgot her caution now, and us she heard Kazun's suurl of puln, she sprung in under the windfall. Five traps Henri hnd hidden lu the spuce In front of the bait-house, nnd Gray Wolf's feet found two of these. She fell on her side, snapping and snorl- Ing. In his struggles Knzun sprung the remnlning two traps. One of them missed. The fifth, und last, caught him by a hlndfoot. Henri and Weyman- were out early. When they struck off the main line toward the windfall, Henri pointed to the tracks of Knzun and Gruy Wolf, and his dark face lighted up with pleasure und excitement. When they reached the shelter under the mass of fallen, timber, both stood speechless for a moment, astounded by what they saw. Even Henri had seen nothing like this before —two wolves and a lynx, all in trnps, und almost within reach of one another's fangs. But sur prise could not long deluy the business of Henri's hunter's instinct. The wolves luy first In his pitth, and he was raising his rifle to put a steel capped !iullet through the bnsu of Kazun's bralu, when Weyman caught him eagerly by the arm. "Walt!" he cried. "It's not a wolf. It's a dog!" , Henri lowered his rifle, staring at the collar. Weyman's eyes shot to Oruy Wolf. She was faring them, snuriing, her white fangs Imred to the foes »he could not see. Her blind eyes were closed. Where there should have been eye* there «*us only hair, and nn exclamation broke from Wey man's lips. "Look!" he commanded of Henri. "What in the name of heaven—" 'One is dog—wild dog that has run to the wolves," said Henri. "And the other Is—wolf." "And blind I" gasped Weyman. "Oul, blind, m'sleur," added Henri, falling partly Into French In his amaze ment. He was raising his rifle again, j Weyman seized it firmly. | "Don't kill them, Henri," he said. "Give them to me —alive. Figure up the value of the lynx they have de stroyed, and add to that the wolf bounty, und I will pay. Alive, they are worth to ine a great deal. Heav ens, a dog—and a blind wolf—mates!" I He still held Henri's rifle, iind Henri was staring at hlrn. as if he did not yet quite understand. Weyman continued speaking, his eyes and face blazing. "A dog—and a blind wolf—mates!" he repeated. "It Is wonderful, Henri. Down there, they will say I have goue beyond reason, when my book comes out. But I shall have proof. I shall take twenty photographs here, before you kill the lynx. I shall keep the dog and the wolf alive. And I shall pay you, Henri, n hundred dollars apiece for the two. May I have them?" Henri nodded. lie held his rifle in readiness, while Weyman unpacked his camera and got fo work. Snarling fangs greeted the click of the ramera shutter—the fangs of wolf and lynx. But Kazan lay cringing, not through fear, but because he still recognized ■ the mastery of man. ' Henri shot the lynx, and when Kazan understood this, he tore at the end of his trpp-chalns and snarled at the writhing body of his forest enemy. By means of s pole snd a bablrhe noose, Kazan was brought out from un der the windfall and taken to Henri's > cabin. The two men then returned i with n thick sack and more hablrtie, j and blind Gray Wolf, still fettered by > the traps, was made prisoner. Ail the ! rest of that day Weyman and Henrt | worked to build a stout cage of aap . lings, and when it was finished, the | two prisoners were placed In 1L | Before the dog was put in with Gray Wolf, Weyman closely examined the worn olid tooth-marked collar about his neck. _ I On the brass plate he found en- ' graved the one word, "Kazan," and with a strange thrill made note of It in his diary. After this Weyman often remained at the cabin when Henri went out on ' the trap-line. After the second duy he j dared to put his hand between the sap- I ling bars and touch Kazan, and the next day Kazan accepted a piece of raw moose meat from his hand. But , at his approach, Gray Wolf would al- I ways hide under the pile of balsam in the corner of their prison. The in stinct of generations und perhaps of centuries had taught her that man was her deadliest enemy. And yet, this man did not hurt her, and Kazan was not afraid of him. She was fright ened at first; then puzzled, and a growing curiosity followed that. Oc casionally, after the third day, she would thrust her blind face out of the balsam and sniff the air when | Weyman was at the cage, making j friends with Kazan. But she would 1 not eat. Weyman noted that, and each j | day he tempted her with the choicest j j morsels of deer and moose fat. Five days—six—seven passed, and she had | not taken a mouthful. Weyman could i count her ribs. "She die," Henri told him on the I seventh night. "She starve before she eat In that cage. £he waut the forest, the wild kill, the fresh blood. She two —t'ree year old —too old to make civilize." Ilenrl went to bed at the ÜBual hour, but Weyman was troubled, and sat up late. Midnight came. He rose, opened the door softly, and ■ went out. Instinctively his eyes turned i westwurd. The sky wus a blaze of > stars. In their light he could see the I cuge, nnd he stood, watching and lis ' tenlng. A sound came to him. It was Gray Wolf gnawing at the sapling bars ' of her prison. A moment luter thore 1 • came a low sobbing whine, and he j • knew that It was Kazan crying for his i freedom. Leaning against the side of the cabin was an nx. Weyman seized it, and his lips smiled silently. He moved to- | ward the cage. A dozen blows, and j two of the sapling burs were knocked 1 out. Then Weyman drew back. Gray Wolf found the opening first, and she slipped out into the starlight like a shadow. But she did not flee. Out In the open space Bhe waited for Kazan, nnd for a moment the two stood there, looking at the cabin. Then they set off into freedom, Gray Wolf's shoulder at Kazun's flank. In tho swamp Kazan and Gray Wolf found a home under n windfall. It wns u small, comfortuble nest, shut In entirely from tho snow nnd wind. Urny Wolf took possession of It immediately. She fluitened herself out on her belly, nnd panted to show Kazan her con tentment und satisfaction. Kuzun kept close at her side. A vision came to him, unrenl and dreamlike, of that wonderful night under the sturs—ages nnd ages ugo, It seemed —when he hod fought tho leuder of tho wolf-pack, und young Oruy Wolf had crept to his side after his victory nnd had given her self to him for mato. The hair hud now begun to grow Over Gruy Wolf's sightless eyes, tfns had censed to grieve, to rub her eyes with her paws, to whine for the sun light, the golden moon and the stars. Slowly she began to forget that she had ever seen those things. She could , not run more swiftly at Kazun's flank. , Scent nnd heurlng hud become won , dcrfully keen. She could wind n carl i bou two miles distnnt, nnd tho pres ence of mun she could pick up at an even greater distance. On a still night she had heard the splash of a trout half a inlle awuy. And us these two things—scent and hearing—became more and more developed In her. those same senses became less active In Ka zan. He began to depend upon Gray Wolf. She would point out the hiding place of a partridge fifty yards from their trail. In their hunts she became the leader —until game wns found. And us Kuznn learned to trust to her In tho hunt, so he begun Just as Instinctively to heed Jier warnings.- If Gray Wolf reasoned. It wns to the effect that without Kaznn she would die. She had tried hard now and then to catch a partridge or n rabbit, but she had al ways failed. Kuznn meant life to her. And—lf she reasoned—lt wus to make herself Indispensable to her mate. It wns her habit, spring, summer and winter, to snuggle close to Kazan and lie with her beautiful head resting on his neek or back. If Kazan snarled at her she did not snap bark, but slunk down ns though struck a blow. With her warm tongue she would lick the loug hair between Kuzan's toes. For daxf nfter he had run a sliver in his paw she nursed his foot. Blindness had irlade Kazan absolutely necessary to her existence —and now, In n differ ent wny. she berame more nnd more neressary to Kuznn. They were happy la their swamp home. Thero was plenty of small game about them. Barely did they go beyond the limits of the swamp to bunt. One dny they struck farther than usual to the west. They left the swamp, crossed a plain over which a fire had i swept the preceding year, climbed a ridge, and descended Into a second plain. At the bottom Gray Wolf stopped and sniffed the air. At the*" times Kazan always watched her, wait- I Ing eagerly nnd nervously If the scent ' was too faint for him to catch. But today he caught the edge of It, and j he knew why Gray Wolfs ears flat tened, and her hindquarters drooped. The scent of game would have made her rigid and alert. But It was not the game smell. It was human, and Oruy Wolf slunk behind Kazan and whined. For several minutes they stood without moving or making a sound, and then Kazan led the way on. Less than three hundred yards away they came to a thick clump of scrub j spruce, and almost ran Into a tepee, j It was abandoned. Life and Ore hnd not been there for a long time. But from the tepee had come the man-smell. With legs rigid and his spine quivering, Kazan approached the opening to the tepee. He looked In. In the middle of the tepee, lying on the charred embers of a fire, lay a ragged blanket —and In' the blanket #as wrapped the body of a little Indian child. Kazan could see the tlpy rooccsjinfdJget, But #o long ! hrfil death been there that fie could scarcely smell the presence of It. They slunk away, their ears flattened and | their tails drooping, and did not stop ' until they reached their swamp home. , Even there Gray Wolf still sniffed the j horror and her muscles twitched and shivered us she lay close at Kazan's , side. CHAPTER XIV. A Shot on th* Sand Bar. July uud August of 1011 were months of great fires In the Northland. The swamp home of Kazun and Gray Wolf, und the green vulley between the two ridges, had escaped the sous of devns tatlng flume; but now, us they set forth on their wundcrlng adventures again, It was not loug before their padded feet came In contact with the seared and blackened desolation. Kuzun led his | blind mute first Into the south. Twenty i miles beyond the ridge they struck tho 1 fire-killed forests. Winds from Hud sou's buy hud driven the flames In an ! unbroken sea Into the west, and they I had left not a vestige of life or a patch of green. Blind Gray Wolf could not ■ see the blackened world, but she sensed j It j All of her wonderful Instincts, sharp ened nnd developed by her blindness, told her that to the north—und not south—luy the hunting-grounds they were seeking. The strain of dog thnt was In Kuzun still pulled hlin south. It wus not because lie sought mun. It was simply dog instinct to travel south ward; in the face of tire It wus wolf Instinct to travel northward. At the end of the third day Gray Wolf won. They recrosscd the little vulley be tween the two ridges, nnd swung north and west Into the Athabasca country, striking u course that would ultimately bring thetn to the headwuters of the , McFurluue river. I Late in the preceding autumn u pros -1 pector hud come up to Fort Smith, on the Slave river, with a pickle bottle filled with gold dust und nuggets. He hud made the find on the McFurlanr. The flrHt mulls hud taken the news to \ the outside world, and by midwinter the eurllest members of it treasure hunting horde were rushing Into the country by snow-shoes and dog-sledge. Other finds came thick and fnst. The McParlune wus rich in free gold, and miners by the score staked out their claims along it und begun work. Lute comers swung to new fields further north und east, and to Fort Smith cmne rumors of "finds" richer thun those of the Yukon. A score of men nt first—& then a hundred, five hundred, a tliou fftnrl —rushed Into the new country. Most of these were from tho prulrla countries to the south, and from the placer beds of the Saskatchewan and the Frazer. From the fnr North, trav eling by wny of the Mackenzie and the Llard, caine a smaller number ol* sea soned prospectors and adventurers from the Yukon—men who knew w lult It meant to starve und freeze nnd die by Inches. One of these lute comers wns Sandy McTrlgger. There were Severn! reasons why Sandy hud left the Yukon. He was "In bad" with the police who pa trolled the country west of DUWSAI, and he was "broke." In spite of these facts Jie was one of the best prospec- Brutallty Wss the Chief Thing Writ ten In His Fscs. torn that bad ever followed the shores of the Klondike He had mnde discov eries running up to u million or two, and had promptly lost them through! gambling and drink. He hnd no con science, and little fear. Brutality was the chief thing written in his face. Ills i undershot Jaw, his wide eyes, low fofPH head und grizzly mop of red hair pro claimed him at once as a tnnti not to be trusted beyond one's own vlslou or j the reach of a bullet. It was suspected flint be hnd killed a couple of men, and i robbed others, but as yet the [Hi] lre bad failed to get anything "on" him. But along with this bad side of him, Sandy ! McTriggef possessed a coolness and a | courage which even his worst enemies | could not but admire, and also certain j | menial depths which his unpleasant > features did nofc proclaim. Inside of six months Ited Gold City had sprung up on the McFarlunc, a hundred and fifty miles from Fort | Smith, and Fort Smith was five hun-1 dred miles from civilization. When j Sandy cmne he looked over the rrude collection of shacks, gambling houses and saloons in the new town, and mnde up his mind that the time was not rlpo! for any of his "Inside" schemes Just yet. He gambled a little, and won suf ficient to buy himself grub and half an outfit. A feature of this outfit wus an old muzzle-loading rifle. Ham)y, who always carried the latest Savage on the market, lopghed at It. But It was the best his finances would allow of. He started south—up the McFarlane. Be yond a certain point on the river pros pectors had found no gold. Sandy poshed confidently beyond this point Not until he was in new country did be begin his search. Slowly he worked uj>_ a small tributary whose ' l headwalerTAvere flf fy or slrfy - failles to the south and east. Here and there he found fairly good placer gold. He might have panned tlx of eight dollars' worth a day. With this much he wai I disgusted. Week after week he con tinued to work hla way up-stream, and the farther he went the poorer hlapana became.*™At last only occasionally dl|, he And colors. After such disgusting weeks as these Sandy was dangerous— when In the company of others. 'Alone he was harmless. One afternoon he ran his canoe ashore on a white strip of sand. This was at a bend, where the stream had wldeued, and gi»ve promise of at least a few colors. He had bent down close to the edge of the water when some thing caught his attention on the wet mind. What he saw were the footprints of animals. Two had come down to drink. They had stood side by side. And the footprints were fresh— made not more than an hour or two before. A gleam of Interest shot Into Sandy's eyes. He looked behind him, and up und down the stream. "Wolvon," he grunted. "Wish I could 'a' shot at 'em with that old minute-gun back there. Gawd—listen to that 1 And In broad daylight, tool" Ho Jumped to his feet, staring off Into thejbush. TO BE CONTINUED. REVISE PLANS FOR TRIM! Mf SIXTEEN CANTONMENTS INSTEAD OF THIRTY-TWO WILL BE LOCATED. PUICE MANY UNDER CANVASS Shortage of Funds, Material, Labor and Transportation Facilities Caus ed the Number of Cantonments to Bi Reduced. Washington.—lmportant revisions In the plan for training the war Army have beon made by the War Depart ment, which announced that the half million men to be called to the colors In September will be concentrated In sixtoon cantonments instead of thirty two, and that many of the forces prob ably will be put Into tents Instead of wooden barracks. Lack of funds, material, labor and transportation facilities, Bocrotary Ba ker said, caused the decision to reduce the number of cantonments. The lar ger number seemed practicable, but that would have made a much greater domaud on the overtaxed resources at the Department's command. Although the change will upset all the tentative plans for camp locations made by department commanders, It Is not expected to dolay beyond Sep tember 1 the mobilization of the great draft Army. Four of the sixteen can tonment sites provldod for under the new plan already have been selected, and choice of the others Is expected soon. Secretary Baker Indicated Unit building would proceed as rapidly as possible. The four sites selected are at American I>ake, Wash.; Atlanta, Ga,; Ayro, Mass., and WrlghtsJown, New Jorsey. A more plentiful supply or canvas than expected mads It possible to put some of the troops under tents. Most of the tents used probably will be placed at Southern camps. In muklng the announcement, Sec retary llaker said also that lorces In excess of those which could be cared for "In the sixteen cantonments would lie placed under canvas. This was taken as referring to National Guard divisions, although the Mllltla Bureau him received no Instructions In tills regard. There Is no Indication of an Inten tion to alter the plan for formation of sixteen divisions of the guard. Ths questions of filling these up to war strength probably will not be settled until selection of men for military service lu ths draft Army begins. Under the law, either the Kegulant or Ouard can be filled up with men from the selected lists If that Is desired. MANY LIVES LOST IN STORMS IN MIDDLE WIST Towns In Kansss, Oklahoma snd Mis souri Are Stricken. Kansas City, Mo. Twenty-one known deaths, more than one hundred i Injured and urieslimated, property clatn- I age resulted from a series of torna I does that swept several towns and sections of south eastern Kansas, north central Oklahoma and southern Mis souri. With 400 houses reported destroy ed at Coalgate, Okie., a town of 3.000 Inhabitanta, and possibly 200 at Cof feyvllle, Kan , It was feared that the death total at ttveae two places would be high. One massage said that 13 [ bodies had ben counted at Coalgate, and that tha business section of tUa ' town was virtually deatroyed. j Three *porsons were killed, several seriously Injured anil much property j was damaged by a tornado which struck Moore, Ave miles southeast of Olathe, Kan. | Unconfirmed reports from Buffalo, , Me., told of considerable damage I there. Another atorm war *cpo,ted to have passed between Spnnfield and Lebanon. All wlrea were dow« both directions. ] Nine persons were Injured two per sons fatally, by the tornado which passed north of the town of Seminole, Okla. Much livestock was killed and cro;is In the path of the storm wers hadly dxunged. You Know What Vi.u Are Taking WheD you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It Is Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, DO pay —soc, adv NO. 11l GRAHAM CHUBCH DIBBCwM Graham Baptiat Church—ltawH R. Davis, Pastor. Preaching every first and taflH Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and m. Sunday School every Sunday 9.46 a. m. A. P. Williams g|ilH Prayer meeting every Tuesday 7.30 p. m. Graham Christian Church—N. MalijH Street—Rev. J. P. Traitt. Preaching services every SaJH und and Jbourth Sundays, at ltjM a. m. Sunday School every Sunday atfl 10.00 a. m.— H. L. Henderson, tntendent. New Providence Christian —North Main Street, near Depot—H Rev. J. G. Truitt, Pastor. Preach-B ing every Second and Fourth Sun-® day nighta at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday a(| 8.45 a. m.—J. A. tiayliff, Superior! tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet-' ■ irjg every Thursday night at Friends—North of Graham Pntkplfl Uc School—Ruv. Fleming tfartijklH Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun-9 day a. Sunday School every Sunday afeS 10.00 s^m.— James Crisca, Superiors Methodist Episcopal, donth—eofclß Main and Maple 8t„ H. E. Myera fl Pastor. Preaching every .Sunday at lljiS «. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at' .45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. M. P. Church—N. Main ttev. R. 8. Troxler, Pastor. ijM Preaching first and third Sun days at 11 a. m. and S p. m. .« Sunday School every Sunday at 8.46 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt. Presbyterian—Wst Elm Street- Rev. T. M. McConneli, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at, 8.46 a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, So* i perintendent Preaching every Second and rourth Sundays at 7.34 D. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 8.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, So perintendent. Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at 3.30 p. m.—J. V. Pome roy, Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N. C. Nstlsasl laksl Alsmssmfe BURLINGTON, N. C, ■MOB IS. lai National Ssak °-fHtn 'Phone 470 JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorneyat-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Olllee over Nstlaasl task oi AlsaaM J", s. c ooiz, Attorney -at- Law, GRAHAM, - . - . ;. -a' - , Offloe Patterson Building Second Floor " lilt. WILL S.LOIMJ.JR. , . . DENTIST . . . jrahaim, - - - - Nerth Carell— 3FKICK IN BJMMONB BUILDING : ACOB A. LONG. ]. KLMBB LOM LONG & LONG, ittornaja und Counselors mi Llff OKA II All, N. C. OH N H. VERNON 1 Attorney and Counselor-at-Law P«» * ■-:* Offlre !.-> J Kesidr ncc 33 T HL'ULINUTON, N. C. ,J Dr. J. J. Bareloot OFFICE OVi.lt UADI.ET'a STOBIS Ixiave Messages at Alamance Phar- 1 tnacy 'J'liouo 07 Residence 'Phone _ 'W2 Office Hours 2-4 p. m. and by Appointment. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician 11. 2* ss4 II Ural Nsllossl Isskk ll«S. BURLINGTON, N C. Stomach and Nervous disessea a Specialty. ' Phones, Office 305,—res idence, 362 J. - - L-uaaa LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min iiU*rs in the Christian Church with historical references. AD interesting^olume —nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi?t top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may b« sent to P. J. KERNODLB, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Vs. Orders may l>e left at this office. The next meeting of the State' Nurses' Association will be held in . Kinston. Miss Eugenia Henderson of Winston-Salem was elected pres ident. Mr. Clint N. Brown, newspaper man, long in active service in Sal isbury, who retired to the farm a few .years ago, died Thursday night, aged 50.~ You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dlulnaaa. beadaoho and genneral languor. (let a package of Mother Oray's AustrallaLeaf. the pleasant root and herb cure for Kidney, IWaildet 8 and Urinary troubles. When yon feel all rundown, tired, wrak and withoutSßSrgy use this remarkable combination f qatuiaa herbs and ruota. As a regulator It has no equal. Mother Orsy'a Australian.Leaf ta Sold by Druggists or sent by mail forte eta sample sent free. address, The Mother Ursy Co., La Boy. H. T.

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