voL.;xuii®k Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles y v crag HAGAN'S 9 Balm, Acts instantly. Stop# the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and flemishes. You cannot know how jyood it is until you try it Thous- Inds of women say it is beftof all L cautifiera and heals Sunburn (quickest. Don't be without it a •('my longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direO. 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE, ' J.VON MFC. CO., 40 So. Btb St., Brooklyn. N.T. EUREKA I Spring Water FROM EUREKA SPRING, Graham, N. C. J ; A valuable mineral spring ;; hae been discovered bv W. H. i > Ausley on'his place in Graham. 11 It was noticed that it brought 1 ; health to the users of the water, > and upon being analyzed it was | found to be a water strong in '; mineral properties and good i > for stomach and blood troubles. !' Physicians who have seen the ; I analysis and what it does, • recommend its use. lAnalysis and testimonials J | will be furnished upon request, i > Why buy expensive mineral !! waters from a distance, when j | there is a good water recom > mended by physicians right at ! I home ? For further informa- JI tion and or the water, if you > desire if apply to the under !! signed. J [ W. H. AUSLEY. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, I Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &Ci, &c. For.Sale At I The Gleaner Printing-office Graham,[N.C. English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lamps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bene, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 150 by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Core. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv Could the world hope tor peace from the attachment of the signa ture of the Imperial German Gov ernment to "a scrap of paper?" It never occurs to Carranza to raise a little persoual revenue oy getting out ana securing that oiu $50,000 reward for the capture ot Villa. RUB-MY-TISM- Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. It was an unfortunate hour for the L W. W. when it succeeded in getting the American people to take it seriously. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few dotes of 666. ! An Ad. In This , Paper Reaches i Thousands, A Card In 1 Yotir Window Hundreds THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. FFLE QPLW) mmo GOD" 2$ MARY ROBERTS PINEHART AUTHOR OF X "THE DAM IN LOWER TEICXfC- ~ SB, tu-,£3K2KL2 i '***' BYNOPBIB. Iffa^ni CI J APTER I—Old Hilary Kingston, •tarting with Socialism, drifts into an archy, and gathers round him In the hall above the village of Wofflngham a band accomplished desperados* who rob the rich. Incite seditions and arm The re bellious His motherless daughter, Elinor, » raised to line living and wrong think* Inc. to no law and no Christ. CHAPTER n— la aa attack on the Af- Ki^ n J"i n . k m ®esenger, old Hilary Is lolled but Is not suspected of complicity. Boroday brings the body home to the nail. CHAPTER lll—Ward, assistant rector of Bt Jude's, makes a eau of condolence on Elinor, who consente to have her fath er burled from St Jude's In the odor of sanctity. The chief of polioe recognizes Boroday and is suspicious. CHAPTER IV—After the funeral the nana meet at the hall and agree to go on aa before, Elinor acting In her father's stead. Huff asks Elinor to marry Mm and she consents, though ah# does not love him. Boroday la arrested and threat ened. CHAPTER V—Boroday In J«n, Talbot f flans a raid on the Country club. The riendshlp between Ward and Elinor ripens to something deeper. She envies him his faith. CHAPTER VI-Huff bums 8t Jade's parish house, Elinor offers to Mp re build It and is angry with Huff. CHAPTER Vll—Huff plans to rob Ward of the money collecteA to rebuild the parish house. Elinor objects and Huff la Jealous. CHAPTER Vlll—lira. Bryant, who has lost a valuable near-skaped pearl In the Country club robbery, tries to poison Ward's mind agalnet Elinor: 178.000 Is subscribed toward the rebuilding of the parish house. Elinor drops the Bryant pearl Into the almsbox near the church door. CHAPTER IX—Talbot tells Elinor that the chief of police demands of Boroday the Bryant pearl as the price of his free dom. By anonymoua letter they advise the chief where to And it: Elinor tries to dissuade Huff from robbing Ward of the church money, but only makes Huff more Jealous. CHAPTER X—Elinor calla Ward to her and In despair tells him that she Is head of a band of thieves and warns him of the plot to rob him. As Ward Is on his way home from the hall Huff shoots him down. CHAPTER Xl—The chief of police re covers the Bryant pearl and releases Bor oday. Ward Is taken to the ball. In all her troubles Elinor finds herself alone and turns to a higher power for help. Boroday comes to the hall and advisee Elinor to leave. The chief sees him leav ing the hall and shadows him. Boroday sends Huff to the hall to hide the Jewels. CHAPTER Xll—Huff bids Elinor good by. She leaves her home. A year later Ward meets Boroday in England and learns that Elinor also may be there. He finds her in St Paul's, London, kneeling and In tears. Ward tells her he loves her and she promises to go with him. "And your God shall be my God," shs said. CHAPTER XII. It was only an hour or so before dawn when Huff got to the hall. There were no trains between midnight and morning. And Talbot's car, which he might hare used, had been long de layed by his burst tire. He took a suburban trolley line for perhaps half the distance and walked the rest At four o'clock in the morning he pressed the arbor button, and old Hen rlette, grumbling at this second dis turbance of her rest, roused Elinor again. Time was precious. Huff, having rung the announcing bell, made his way up through the dew to the house. And so It was that Elinor, opening the house door, met him face to face. As she recoiled from him, he closed the door. "I have brought you a message from Boroday," he said swiftly. 'Tve been a fool and scoundrel and—lt's about all up." Elinor hardly realised What he was saying. The light of horror had hardly died out of her eyes. To her, Walter, once her lover, now typified all of suf fering and nearness to death that lay In old Hilary's room upstairs. "The first train leaves the city at six o'clock," be said, trying to keep Ills voice steady. "It la hardly likely they will be out so soon, but tinder some pretext or other they win search the bouse this morning." "How can I leave the bouse now? Upstairs in father's room—" "I know," he pat In hastily. "I know all about It. EUnor, lam sorry, I am wildly sorry. It's no excuse to ssy I was crazy, but I was." "If I go away," Elinor said, with white lips, "how will they manage about him? The nurse needs so many things, and I—l see that sha has thwn." A flame leaped Into the boy's eyes. "If you care for him like that — what are yon going to do about It? Even if he cares for yon, you cannot marry him. If he ever found oat about you—" "He will never marry me. And—ha does know." The fact that Ward knew Ac truth about Elinor and the band brought back to him their common peril. He thrust aside, for the time at least, hla passion and hla despair; and calmly directed his energies towsrd preparing the house for the Inevitable search. So systematic had old Hilary been that there were few papers to destroy. Such of the ledgers as were Incriminat ing he burned In the furnace. Elinor's box of Jewels ha carried upstairs and placed on the library table. Such set tings ss had remained from the coun try club raid, after the gems had been taken oat, be melted together In old Hilary's crucible and placed the gold and platinum nugget In Elinor's box. He had set the safe to a simple com bination and dosed it Except for Its size, and for the protective wiring buried in Its walla, It might have been a family safe, built by a ner >ous 'and elderly gentleman living In the coun try to hold his silver spoons. It was too late by that time to bury the box aa Boroday had suggested. Huff did the next best thing. He buried it carefully In Elinor's garden, under a dump of crimson phlox. Elinor worked hurriedly, bat with hopeless eyes. Her preparations con sisted In little more than putting on Ota elntblas la JTfcicfa ah» —• GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1917 travel. In this* new Hfe on which slie I was entering she wanted little to re- I mind her of the old. A letter to Hen alette contained enough money to pay off the servants and the household ac counts. In another envelope she fold ed the deed to the house and a note | conveying It to Henrlette. "You can sell It," she wrote. "Good- ' by, dear Henrlette. I shall never for get you, and if ever it Is possible, be sure I shall see you again." The time came, Just before dawn, ' when she and Walter stood again face ito face .in the library. ; Huff was going at once. It was not | {Boroday's plan that any of them should further incriminate Elinor by Accompanying her to the train. At a sound of steps on, the stairs. Huff started. j "The nurse going down, probably for Jce," she explained. | "He is getting better. Isn't he?" Tea, but he still suffers at times."' Whin the steps had died away, Eli nor Slowly drew off her engagement ring, and held It out to him across the table. Although he was watching her, he made no move to take It, and she laid It down between them ..on. tfcw ttble. "I don't think we need talk about It,i Walter," she said simply. "There, lsj nothing to say, Is there?" "I suppose not," he returned He added: "If only you will try not] to hafte me, Elinor." "I do not hate you. But if he had died-" • Huff came swiftly around the tablo and taking both her hands in his, held them to hl» throat with a despairing gesture. "If I didn't know that it would make ytm more unhappy," he said slowly, Td Mil myself today." • "Walter!" "I tell yoti now. It won't change' matters any, but perhaps it will i change your memory of me. Ever | since Pre known you I've had one [ dream. Ton were to marry me and I . was going to turn straight. I could bare done it with your help. But now—" He dropped her hands and turned away. Elinor watched him wistfully. The one thing he wanted she could not give. There could be no compromise between them. It must be all or noth ing, and she had given her all t(j> some one else. In the doorway he turned and looked back at her with haggard eyes. It was as tf he were Impressing on his mem ory every light and shadow of her face; every line of her straight young figure. Then he went out Into thut darkest hour of the night that pre cedes the dawn. ' • For the first time since his Injury Ward's mind was quite clear. He had not been able to sleep, and the nurse had been reading to him. Strange read ing, too, for the assistant rector of Saint Jude's. The books old Hilary had kept on his bedside still lay there. Even the nurse, accustomed to many books for many men, was gently outraged. Ward lay in his bed, his eyes half closed, listening Intently. At last the nurse put down the book. "Why, lfs frightful, It's outrageous, IPs blasphemous! Do you really thlok 1 should read you any more of them?" j Ward (Billed feebly. "If yoti are afraid of the effect on you." "Not at all," said the nurse almost sharply, and picked up the book agnln. ! Ward lay back on his pillows and listened to the age-old arguments. So It was on such literature as this that Elinor had been reared! How [fair a plant to have grown thus in the dark! And as the nurse droned on, Ward came to realize how natural and hew Inevitable had been her develop ment Reared In such soil, what might he himself not have become; and more than that, would he have been one-half so sweet, so tender, so—good? Toward dawn the nurse slept In her chair. Her cap had fallen a little crooked, aad the beautifying hand of sleep had touched away the small fur rows between her eyes. Plain she was, but kindly and full of gentleness. Ward, lying awaka, watched her. She was no longer very young. He thought of the children who should have clung to her broad, flat bosom and felt the touch of her tender hand. Then, because, curiously Plough, everything of gentleness and tender ness reminded him of Elinor, his thoughts swung round to her. He closed his eyes, and dreamed the dream that had been with him, sub consciously, all the night. To take her In his arms, and by teaching her love, teach her Infinite love; by showing mercy and forgiveness and great ten derness, to lead her by these. His at tribute, to the Christ—this was his dream. And became It brought hope and healing and great peace, after a time be slept. Elinor, standing alone In the bouse 6utfllde his door, took courage from his even breathing and ventured In. 8o light waa his sleep that she dared not touch him. Khe knelt very qaletly by the bed, and kissed the cor ner ot his pillow. • e e • • • • Ward apent his Sabbatical year In Oxford. He had thought to And peace by exchanging one form of activity for another, but with the less arduous dti tles of AIS work there he had more time to think. He found the old pain even greater; his restlessness grew on him. In the three years since EUnofs flight he had done many things. He had left Woffingham for New York, %nd could feel bis usefulness now only bounded by his strength. But the old «est of life was gone. He was restless, heavier of spirit There had been times when be had thought that he' was forgetting, only to dis cover, through a stray resemblance, while his heart pounded and his blood raced, that his forgetting was only the numbness of suffering. Once, on the Strand In London, he came face to face with Boroday. Ward would never forget that meeting, Its Quick hope which died Into the old ache at Boroday's words. "I have not seen her," he said. "I am always looking. Perhaps she Is wise, to break with us all. Still, we loved her. I have never married, and she was like my own child." He had taken a clerkshtp'ln Lon don, he said. While! of course, he did not say go, Ward read between his words that he was done with the olfl life for good. He held out his hand and the Russian took it. "If X hear anything," Boroday said, "I'll let you know. Once or twice she wrote me; from Liverpool once, after She landed, and again from here. Then the police Closed up the Dago's place, which was the only wny she knew to reach me, I've never lienrd sine*." "Then you ttflnk she may be In Eng land?" Ward asked eagerly. The Russian shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps, If she Is living. She Was not strong. Sometimes I wonder*-" So, after all. Ward took an extra pang away with him from 'the chance meeting. What if, after all, his watch ing and waiting meant nothing? If she were gone, beyond earthly find ing? Death for hlni might bo a begin ning only, a door to eternity, but all the philosophy and hope of his faith did not fill his empty human anus. That tjlght he walked the London streets until dawn. He came b'actt from Oxford at the end of his course there.. Home was «qrfllng, ftnd work, blessed work, that brthgs fOTgetful ness. On the last Sunday before he sailed he attended service In Saint Paul's. He knew the church well. In those earlier days when philosophy had taken his young brain by storm and his faith had rocked, he had gone to Saint Paul's. Something In the very solidity of the old church, In Its antiquity. In the nearness of those dead-and-gone great ones of the earth who had lived and died secure In his teachings, had steadied him. And now, when It was his heart that failed, and not bis soul, he went there. It was there that he found Elinor. She was Just In front of him, In the prim garb of an English army nurse. And It was no resemblance that roused his first Interest What he saw was only a slender girl, kneeling, and evi dently In tears. She was very thin; he saw thnt, and her.ghoulders beuved convulsively. But as the service went on she grew quieter. When she rose from her knees at last, she was quite calm. It was then that he knew hor. Word watched her with an ache In his throat. She looked frail, sad. Al ways In his mind he had pictured her in her summer garden, a flower herself among her flowers, .or as she had looked that u ? -ht In old Hilary's li brary, the night when, to save him, slut had toUT hhu the shameful truth about herself. And now hi' found her here, wearing thp Kffrb otjiervlce, and on her lroees ' So fearful wnd he SMKmg het; that 'ho stayed close as th? congregation moved slowly of the church. She did not Intend to go; he saw thftt. She stepped out of the crowd und waited They Came Face to Pace Again. He thought It probable that ahe wat seeking what he himself had onci sought—a quiet hour under a holy roof And so It was that they came fare t face again. She. put her hand to h-i throat with the familiar gesture, whei she saw him. For a moment nelthei of them spoke. The ordinary greeting! were out of place, and what was ther« to say? It was Ward who spoke at last. "tt doesn't seem quite possible, Ell | nor," he said. She had never been "Elinor" to hlrt I save In his thought*. But neither o!i thein noticed. "I aril sorry you have found me. i | have tried so hard to bury myself." I It was Increasingly hard for him t' speak. All the things that had lain It his heart for three years clamored foi speech. "Yeu are—quite well again?" "Perfectly. But you? You are thin oer." "I have worked hard and, of course [ have suffered. It was not easy—t tear myself awuy from the (ew friend) I had—" And then, at last, he broke lnt speech, rnpid. Incoherent He blanW himself for his hardness that night It j Old Hilary's library, he condemned hln>; self for a thousand things. She lh»: tened, rather bewildered, with the ott wistful ness In her eyes. "Why should you say such things?" i she asked at Inst, when he stopped from sheer panic. "Yon were right I was a criminal. I have been Icarnlnj thing* since then. Yon were alwayi kind to me. I have never forgotten." "Kind I" He almost groaned. > She hdd ont her hand. "I most g«j now. My time is not my own." snt glanced down at her .uniform. "Do yon remember what you said to me one# about the brotherhood of man? I hav« been trying to live up to that" Ward took her hand. It wu varj cold. "Do you remember that?" "I remember almost everything yon told me. Even the things, that night while I wits watching the clock. I re member them all," The church was empty, save for » verger here and there, busy about hit | duties. Quite suddenly Ward lost hl» l composure. | "And I —l remember everything too, 'Tour smile, your eyes that night when 'I was carried into the house—oh, mj dear, my dear, you are written on my :heart" He bent over, shaken and pale, and kissed the palm of tier hand 1 "It Is you who are good," he said huskily. T, who talked smugly of vir tue and tenderness and pity, and who let you go out of my life—l care tot ( yoti more thnn I care for anything in I this world. I want you—l want you." ! Elinor's eyes turned toward the high altnr with its cross. Always, when she looked at It, she had seen the cross at Saint Jude's, and the dawn, and spar rows drinking out of the wet gutter at her feet 'T want you," said Ward, and waited, frightened. But her eyes came back to him, clear and full of promise. "I have always loved you," she said simply, "i will go with you. And your Ood shall be my God." (THE END.) To be continued. [ REAR ADMIRAL CAPPS EL Rear Admiral Washington L. Cappe, for many years chief constructor of ths navy, hae bean sppolntsd to suo oeed General Qosthsls as etilef of the emsrgsney fleet corporation. PRICE OF WHEAT $2.20 00. APPLIES TO PURCHASES MADE BY GOVERNMENT POR AMER ICA AND ALLIES. *" Pood Administration Expects Compro mise Price of 12-20 to Control and Btabillze Markets, Lowering the Coet of Living. Washington.—The price of No. 1 northern spring wheat was fixed at 12.20 a bushel at Chicago for the 1917 crop by the wheat fair price commit tee, headed by H. A. Garfield, whose findings reached after three days' de liberation, were submitted to and ap proved by President Wilson. 1 The announcement was made from the White House. I.alK»r representatives on the com mittee voted first for $1.84 and the fanners $2.60. After long discussions the compromise at $2.20 was approved unanimously. On the base of $2 20 at Chicago the food administration worked out dif ferentials for the various grade* and classes and (or the several terminals. The price fixed is twenty cents high er than that named (or the 1018 crop by congress In the food control bill. The $2 price set by congress was tak en Into consideration by the commit tee In considering a ralr valuation for this year's crop. In a statement accompanying the announcement of the price, President Wilson dnclares It Is the hope of the (ood administration, and his own as well, that the fixing of a price will stabilize the market and keep prices wlthlri moderate bounds (or all trans actions during the current yesr. The price ot flour and bread, too, the president declares, will bo kept down. The fact that the United States is at war, the need o( encouraging the producer, and the necessity ot reduc ing the cost o( living to the consumer. All members agreed In their discus sions that the price fixed will permit of a fourteen-ounce loaf of broad for five cents, allowing a (air profit both to the flour manufacturer and the baker. The price differentials worked out by the (ood administration are: No. 1 dark hard winter, $2.24; hard winter basic, $2.20; red winter basic, $2.20; yellow hard winter, $2.16; soft red winter. s2.ls; dark northern spring. $2.24; red spring, s2.ls; hump back, $2.10; amber durum, $2.24; du rum basic, $2.20; red durum. $2.13; red walla. s2.ls; hard white bade, $2.20; soft white, 12.11; whlta dab, $2.16. * RAPE MAKES EXCELLENT PASTURE FOR HOGS ' AN ACRE OF RAPE AND RYK. Whan Mwn In toptambar, or oarllar, an acre of thla kind of paatura affordi, on tha avoraga, grazing f»r alx 100-pound fattanlng plga from tho mlddla of Ootobar to May, provided a half ration of«raln la uaad aa a aup plomanL - - By C, B. WILLIAMS, Chief, Division of Agronomy, N. C. Experiment Station, West Raleigh. The rape plant closely resembles the ruta-baga during its early stages of growth; In fact, so close is this re semblance that often an experienced grower cannot distinguish between them. Its root system, however, is more like that of the cabbage. It likes cool weather and will grow dur ing any portion of the year after se vere freezing weather la paased. It will endure pretty severe cold weather In tl»e fall and winter without being ma terially injured; In fact, it may be used for pasturage after being frosen, pro- Tided stock are kept off while It is froien. It does not make much growth during the hot, dry months of mid summer. Under ordinary conditions the plants wiN attain a height of 18 Inches to I feet or more. The Dwarf Essex variety of the crop la best suit ed for us under Southern conditions. Possibilities of the Crop. Fanners are becoming more and more intereeted in the production of green crops (or fan, winter and early spring grazing. Especially Is this true of those who are eogagsd in the rais ing of hogs and poultry. For winter paetursge an acre or two of this crop wHI supply many tons of nutritious feed ait the time of the year when green feeds ars scarce. It has bssn fully demonstrated by repeated trials that an acrs of rape properly seed ed on good rich land will produce as much pork when used aa a hog pas ture as the same acre of land culti vated in corn. The rape can be grown much cheaper than the corn, aa it will not require any cultivation, and the preparation of the seed-bed and seeding will be about the same for both. The hogs will harvest the rape crop, while the oom must be harvest ed by the farmer himself. It should be remembered, however, that the acreage of rape that can be profitably utilised for peaturege on the average farm Is limited, K ueaully not being ■tore than two or three acree. In feeding experiments at the Ala bama Statioa running for 147 daya (November 5) with pigs weigh ing approximately 46 pounds each at the beginning of the experiment. K was found that ths two lots of pigs fed on a ration of two parts of corn and one part of wheat shorts and allowed the use of a rape pasture during the period, produced pork on an average of 34.4 per rent leas oost per pound, counting the cost of providing the rape pasture, than did another lot fed on the same ration and confined in dry lots. In other wonls, .the lots fat ten ml on rape paeture, supplemented with the anevssary amount of the ra tion of corn and wheat shorts, msde very satisfactory proftt, while the lot fattened on the ration of com and wheat shorts alone In dry lots afford ed little or no pro At. Soil and Its Preparation. Rape Is best adapted for growth en a deep, rich, mellow, loamy eo4l that ia (airly well stored with humus. It does not do well on the very light aandy or stiff day soils because they are defllclent In organic matter. Any soil that will produce wheat and corn well will be found suited (or the growth o( rape. In preparing (he land it should be well broken, then thoroughly harrowed Into a fine, cleen aeed bed, as Is usually dose (or tar nips or ruta-bagaa. If the land has a liberal application of manure the previous year, so much the better. On average land It will be well to apply broadcast over the taad, just after breaking and before harrowing, about 800 to (00 pouada per acre of a (srtlllxer containing I to 10 per cent available phosphoric add. 4. to ( per oent potash, snd 2 to 4 per cent nitro gen. Seeding. For the Coastal Plata and Piedmont sectloaa, the spring seeding may be made during March or early la April, aad the (all seeding aay time between August 20 and October IS. In ths ■oaatala section the spring assdlng will have to be made In April and the tall Tt-ifrg darlag the latter part o( July or early la Auguat In order to get beat results. The rape seed are WANTED I Ladies or men with rigs or auto mobiles to represent a Southern Company. Those with selling ex perience preferred, tho' not neces sary. Fast selling proposition. Brand new article. Excellent pay for hustlers. Address Mr. Greg ory, 160 4th Ave. N. Nashville, Tenn. ' _» SUBSCRIBE FOR THB GLEANER, if _ fI.H 4 YBAB •own broadcast alone or with other crops like small grains and crimson clover. In lowing with mall grains the rye, oaU, or wheat seed should drat be drilled In or sown broadcast and covered an inch deep and then the rape seed eowa broadcast and lightly covered by means ot a light smoothing harrow or brush. Where the rape is used alone, 4 or i pounds of seed per sere will be sufficient. A good seeding, when sown with oats, would be Ift bushels ot Rod Rust Proof or Appier oats with about J to 3 pounds ot Dwarf Bases rape seed. Rye at the rate of 2 peclu or wheat at the rate ot 4 pecks per acre may be substituted for the oats if found desirable to make the substitution. Another mixture that has been found to give good results in supplying pas turage for hogs consists of a seeding made up of 1 to 3 pecks of rye, 6 to 8 pounds of crimson clover, and I pounds of Dwarf Essex rape seed. This latter mixture has proven particularly vsluable for the mountain section tor elevation less than 2,804 feet abora sea-level. Usually with rape alone or seeded In the mixtures Indicated above the grating may be art&rted usually within thirty to sixty days after seed ing. Frequently during a favorable season the rape may be lightly grased by pigs three to four weeks after seed ing. Precautions In Owing. In pasturing rape the hogs should not be allowed on It until the plants ars at laast 10 to 12 lnchss high, for If pastured before thle time tho young plsnts will be likely to b» pulled up and klHed. Care should be exercised, too, that the number ot hogs on the pasture Is not (to large as to keep the rupe too closely grazed, for such would prove fatal to the plants snd the life of the pasture would thereby be ma terially shortened. After being graxed, the plants should be given an oppor tunity to get well started Into growth before being grazed again. By divid ing the field Into lots theae may be pastured In succession. If sown on good land and properly handled one acre ot rape will provide grazing for ten 01- twelve hogs for something like two or three months or more. PREPARING FOR *URCER CROP OF WHEAT THIS YEAR FLOUR WILL BE HIGH NEXT YEAR AND FARMERS SHOULD IN CREASE THEIR CROP. By C. 11. Williams. Chlat Division ol Agronomy, N. C. Extension Ser vice, West Raleigh, N. C. Indications are that the price el wheat, and benea. of flour. Is ta be high during the asst year. This will naturally cause a plasting of an !» creased acreage of this crop. Under normal conditions this weuld not be « promising situation under which te advise the growing of more wheat; but slaoe Congress will In all probab lllty fix a minimum price for stand' ard grade wheat at primary markets of 12 00 per bushel It certainly seems to be advisable this yesr. In the Piedmont and mountsln sec tions of the State, wheat growers extent st least. Those who hare nol grown this crop previously In thle portion of th« State mlftht do so with ssfety. and In all probability put In a few acres te good advantage te provide for the need's of tbe family On some of the more compact eastern anils, slso wheat might be grown during the present high prices with fairly satisfactory reeults. Or dlnarlly we would not recommend the growing of this crop but very little, If any. In the Coastal Plain Section of the State because this portion ol the Stale Is not nearly so well adapt ed generally to It as the Western half. It la highly Important that seed seed xhall be secured for planting purposes. Of tbe varieties that ars commonly grown Leaps Prolific, Diet* Mediterranean. Pultx, Purple Straw, and Fulcastdr have shown up la our tests to be the leading fielders. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlQ gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Beat one or the ever bearing kinds; beara tbe beat fla vored Berries from Spring until the snow files. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. . UfebSt _ » At present the life of that once favorite target for anarchists, Nich olas Romanoff, ought to oe safe. Ha is doing n oparticular harm. NO. 31 | GRAHAM CHUBCH.DIBECroBY Graham Baptist Church—Rev. W. R. Davis, Pastor. Preaching ©very first and thjra Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p* ! m. ! Sunday School every Sunday at 19.10 a. m. A. P. Williams I Prayer meeting every Tuesday at | 7.4U p. m. 'Graham Christian Church—N.Main Sireel-huv. J. tf. Truitt. *l% | Preaching services every Sec ' ontl ana fc ourth Sundays, at 11.00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—li. L. Henderson, Super* intendent. New Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Dtpot— Rev. J. G. Truitt, Pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.46 a. m.—J. A. Bayiiff, Superio > Undent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet ing every Thursday night at 7.48. j o'clock. I „ Friends—.North of Graham Pub- 1 11c School—Rev. iteming Martin, i Pastor. Preaching Ist, 3nd and Jrd Sun days. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—Belle Zachury, Superin tendent. Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.0* a. m. and at 7.50 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at (.46 a. m,—W. B. Green, Supt. M. P. Church—N. Main Street. Rev. R. 8. Troller, Pastor. Preaching first and third Sun days at 11 a. m. and ( p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at #.46 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt. Presbyterian—Wet Elm Street- Rev. T. M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at ••46 a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 1M p. m. buDdmy School every Sunday at M« p. m—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at SJO p. m.—J. V. Pom*, roy, Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. ■ GRAHAM, N. C. Natloaal Ink al sia»eas« BURLINGTON, N. C, ■MB IS. Ist Nallsaal Bask BalMls*. 'TUmmm «7S JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-al-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Olllcc ever Natloaal tuk si Alme* J"- s. C OOK, Atterney-et-Law, URAHAM, N. 0. Offloa Pattaraoa Building Hooond Flaot. ..... Hit. WILL S. LOK6, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Irehem, . - - - Nerth Csrsllss OFFICE IN BJMMONB BUILDING AOOB A. LOJIO. J, nm« LOM, LONG * LONG, Attorneys and Couassldn at Ue GRAHAM, M. C. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and t'oaaselar-at-Law POKWMHe, 111 RMldeace Mt BUKLINUTON, N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE Up Stairs In Goley Building. Leave messages at Hayea Drug Co.'s, 'phone 97, residence fyhone ZB2. Office hourae 2to 4 p. m. and by appointment. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician SI. tlasa n first Nallsssl Bsskk (Ms BURLINGTON, N C. Stomach and Nervous diseases a Specialty. 'Phones, Office3B&,—res idence, 382 J. »" LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled tut above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gib top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may ba sent to P. J. KBRXODLB, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this oAse. * sloo—Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than SIOO if you have a child who soils the bed ding from Incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and vounir slike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI.OO. Sold by Graham Dreg Company. aav, A peace is demanded that will not create more treaties as mere scraps of paper to add fuel to the flame. 3 „ • *3

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