THE GLEANER ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY. J. P. KERNOPLE, Editor. 11.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVEBTISINO RATKB Jnu square (1 111.) 1 lime 11.00, cr eiu:_i NilU •Oucnt Insartlou 60 cents. Fur mora HTWce an 1 longer time, rates furnished on appUca on. Local notice* 10 eta. a line tor Oral naertlon ; subsequent Insertion* 6 eta. a line transient advertisements must be paid for In advance The edl w not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. Entered at tho Po tofflce at Graham. N. 0., as secon olasa matter. GRAHAM, N. C., Nov. 8, 1917. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Last night President Wilson issued his proclamation designat ing Thursday, Nov. 29th, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. It breathes a national—a world— spirit for liberty, security, peace and the comradeship of common justice. It is a document of pro found import. It seems impos sible to have spokon more aptly and appropriately in tho midst of the world-war tragedy, sorrow aud peril through which the peo ples of all nations of the earth are now passing. NEW YORK PRO-OHIO CON. The state* of New York and Ohio on Tuesday expre*«eo themselves at the ballot box on "vote* for wo men." In New York the proposi tion was carried, but in Ohio It wmh lout. These are two of the plvotul state* of the Union—rather the two. -Normally, the former I* Democratic and the latter Republi can. The war situation in Europe is puzzling iu a measure. On the West front tho French, English and Americans are more than holding their own, but Germany and Austria appear to have combined all their strength to crush Italy and the ait nation of that country is serious. Italy needs help to combat the on slaught and the Allies are going,to her relief in as great haste as possi ble. The news that Americans have been kiilod and wounded in battle accentuates the terrible fact that we are in war. 0 Russia is still having internal troubles, but those are no should have been expected in a country that so recently emerged from a despotism and is trying to get its beurings and adjust itself to the demoracy which the unselfish leaders of that country are trying to establish. The Falcon is the name of a new paper published in Burlington. We did not see the'first Issue, but Vnowing those in charge, we speak not amiss when we say its polities will be Republican through and through. The name of Mr. Heenan Hughes appears at' its masthead as business manager. Jacob Yellin, 20 years old, is in jail at Detroit, Mich., charged with being in a plot to extort $lO,- 000 from Kdsell B. Ford, by threat ening to abduct or kill his son, llenry Ford 11. Kdaell Ford is the mm of Henry Ford, the mil lionaire manufacturer. Yellin re ceived the package which Ford sent In reply to the letter making the demaud. The Department of Justico has concluded its investigation of al leged disloyalty of eight instruc tors at the University of Blinois. Federal Agent W. 11. Kerrick, who conducted the investigation, recommended the dismissal of the men and intimated that uiilesa they were dismissed the govern ment would take further action. Conscription of industries to supply the needs of the army hits beeu discussed by the war iiulus tricM board with automobile awl accessories mnnufacturqrs, who pledged their full co-operation to the government in whatever in necessary to win the war. The plan in to divert a part of each ptaut to the production of war material. The milling division of the United States food adininiatration announces that, effective immedi ately, all direct trading by Ameri can millers, exporters and bleud ere of flour with European coun tries ia prohibited. This business will be handled hereafter only by th 9 food administration. Internal revenue bureau offi cials have ruled that the admis sion tax imposed by tho war reve nue bilbapplies to college football games, except where the entire proceeds go to the educational in stitutions. The tax is one cent for each 10 cents or fraction there of charged for admission. . ■ —J TW LaFAYETTE ASSOCIATION. A Phase of University Extension Work. Cor. of The Gleaner. Cbapel Hill, N. C., Nov. 5 —the purposes and plans of the LaFay ette Association, which is to be come an important phase of the University of North Carolina ex tension work of the year, are to be clearly set forth in a small bul letin, to be published by the Bureau of Extension during this week. It is the purpose of this Association to bring together the various community forces in order that they may renew the demo cratic instincts as written in the blood of the founders of this na tion. The idea is expressed in the forthcoming bulletin as follows: "To renew the contact with the well-springs of American liberty, to see in the light of the eternal struggle the history of democracy, its we have written it within these shores in a period long to us but short in the minds of hnmanity; to help to secure for ourselves, by these means, that illumination of the spirit which must not only in form and direct our conduct tin the present crisis but also enable us to correct in our community and national life, whatever is not in accord with the ideals we main tain —all this is as surely a part of our duty as the sending of men and ships to the front. In the discharge of this responsibility many agencies Will assist. But the beginnings of democracy are found In the meetings of the folk, religious, recreative, political. It is to provide a simple means for the reuewal of some of tluse in stincts, written as they are in the Anglo-Sabcon blood, that the LaFayette Association is pro posed." To these principles LaFayette dedicated his life, and therefore the Association adopts his name. "The great Frenchman looked be yond his oountry to a land in which men were battling heroic ally against entrenched aud cruel autocracy. With no thought of self, with no chance of personal gain, oonstraiued by no necessity, he did what ho could to make a safe place iu the world for democ racy.'' The LaFayette Associa tion will havo as its purpose the development of certain new ideals and the inculcating of uew vir tues. The membership of tho LaFay ette Association is to consist of high school pupils, purents and others who are interested. Each local organization, or chapter, is to elect tho usual officers, includ ing an executive committee to direct the work. Meetings may be held iu the evenings or on Fri- afternoon. wTie work to be done will con sist of, in part, reading courses and discussion groups organized for tho study of topics suggested by tho central committee and sup plemented by University exten sion lectures, aud in part of cer tain activities planned and carried out by the local chapters to suit local needs. Current events,] American ideals, the history of democracy in Kugland, France and ltussia, aud the relations of tho United States to South Ameri can nations will be some of the topics for intensive study. Those studies will culminate in certain expressions of the comuiuuity life and spirit. Chief Justice White of the United States Supremo Court cele brated his ?2d birthday Saturday. Klsia Htansbury, aged 10, was killed at Spencer last week by fall-. ing from a ladder a distance of 20 feet. lie was employed at the railroad shops and was finishing his flrst day's work in that ca pacity when the accident occured. After an all-day search off the Beaufort'section of the North Carolina coast for two surfinen of the I'ea island and Oregon inlet station, who drifted to sea iu a gale, no trace of the missing inen was found. «>ll ie Tout, farmer of Bunn, Franklin county, was killed Sun day a week when his autotnobilo turned over, the reeult of a blow out in a front tire. Mrs. Tout was hurt but not seriously. Three other occupants of the car escaped injury. Salisbury municipal officials will secure options on from 500 to 1,- 000 cords of wood in order to guard against possible suffering among those citizens during the winter. Charlotte will also estab lish a municipal woodyard. Calomel Salivates and Makes You Sick Acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver and you lose a day's work. There's DO reason why a per son should take sickening, salivat ing calomel when a few cents liuyn a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone —a perfect substitute for calomel It la a pleasant vegetable liquid which' will start your liver lust as surely as calomel, but It doesn't make you sick, and cannot sali vate. Children and grown folks can take Dod son's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangercfua drug. It is mercury and sttacks your bones. Take a dose odf masty calomel to day and you will feel weak, sick ana nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a days work. Take a spoon ful of Dod son's Liver Tone instead and you will wnke up feeling great No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue, or sour atomach. Your druggist afcys if you don't find Doason's Liver Tone acta better than horrible calomel your money Is waiting for you. Mrs- Helen Winborne Dead. Cor. of The Gleaner. Elolh College, Nov. 5, 1917. — The campaign for the Student Friendship War Fund which was put on here Saturday, is just about concluded at this time. Twelve teams of young men of two each, and the same number of young ladies of two each, under the leadership of the Presidents of the two Christian associations, Mr. W. C. King aud Mies Mamie Pickard, conducted the campaign and did it in a most effective manner. Immediately preceding the so licitation of funds was a platform occurrence at which Secretary Bradshaw of the University Y. M. C. A., Miss Scales, Secretary of the Normal Y. M. C. A., Secretary Bergthold of the Colleges of the two Carolinas spoke. The Secretaries have now gone to ether places, but before they left they saw the top had been passed over, meaning by the top the $750.00 that they asked from Elon student* for this fund. Presi dent King of the Y. M. C. A. says there is no doubt that the fund will surpass the SI,OOO mark. Everybody is happy ou the Hill bccAuse of this good fortune. A long distance message this morning bore the sad news that a former citizen of Elen, Mrs. Helen Winborne of Wake county, N. C., was dead. Mrs. Winborne was an aunt of Dr. J. O. Atkinson and resided here until the death of her husband some years ago. She was universally loved aud honor ed here. By the provision of her will her estate will be divided be tween the College and the Chris tian Orphanage here. After months of waitiug, New Berne is at last assured of a line of boats connecting that port with Baltimore and other Northern sea ports. The first vessel, says a re port from New Berne, is expected to dock at that port on the 10th, making the trip from Baltimore in three days. There is more Catarrab in thl* taction of the country than all other dlseaMea put to- and until the hint few yearn wu sup poaed fa be Ineurabla. For a great many years doctors nronounced It a local disease and preacrlhed local remedies, and by con stantly falllna to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Helence has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by H. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only Con stitutional cure on tbe market. It Is taken Internally In doaes trom 10 dropM to a tea spoonful. H acta directly on tbe blood and mucous aurfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for anv case it rails to cure. Hand for circular* and teatlmonlala. Add rest: H. J.CUKNBY Jc CO,, Toledo* Ohio. Hold by JJrutfKlaln; 75®, Take Hall's Family Pllla for constipa tion. adv An injunction granted by Judge Hand, restricting Postmaster Pat ten of New York from barring Tho Masses a Socialist Publication, from the mails, was vacated by the United States Circuit of Appeals. The higher court held that the magazine had violated thtf select ive service law and the espionage act. The State Board of Health Oj Louisiana ha* adopted an amend ment to the sanitary code of that State, prohibiting after March Ist 1118, the public use of hair es throughout the State. Among the places named in the amend ment were barber shops, hair dress ing establishment* and hotel*. Francis Worcester of Doughty, author of the "Old Kinj Brady* sleuth stories, familiar to thousands of young Americans for over a generation, died last week at Cres kill, N.'J. Mr. Doughty also was a leaturer and writer of some prominence of archaeology and nu miasmntics. He was 67 years ola and was born in Brooklyn. • Mrs. M. B. Lucas and her 18-year old son Fred., suec>mbed to inju ries received jat their home near WhitesburjrrK.v.. when the youth playfully placed a lighted match to a powder can while teasing his mother. Both victims were horri bly burned by the explosion, which almost wrecked the home. Wil liam Lucas, another victim was se riously burned but may recover. Miss Dora Brown, 1!) years old, an employe of the Ewin cotton mill at Durham, was struck in the back by a broken belt of the ma chinery and a buckle on the end of the belt inflicted injuries that caused her death. GIRLS, IT'S YOUR STEP THAT ATTRACTS Is) a women pay too aiirh herd to their fkrc* instead of their corn*. Watch your step! A brisk, lively step is what charms more than a lovely akin, but your high heels have caused corns and vou limp a little. That's bad, girl*, and yo.i know it. Corns destroy beauty and grace", besides corns are very easy to remove. / Rid your feet of every corn oy asking at, any drug store for a quarter of an ounce of freezone. This wilt cost littL* bur it is suffi cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from One's feet. A low drops applied directly on n tender touchy corn relieve* the soreness and noon the entire corn root and all lifts right out with out pain. This freenone ia a gummy su'>- stance which dries inatantlv ami almply ahrivela up the corn with out inflnmlnr or even irritating the surrounding skin. Women must keep in min|r that cornlesii feet create n youthful step which enhances her attract iveness. 1 ! Gov. Whitman of New York was at Spartanburg, S. C., Friday and reviewed the New York troops in catnp there. , About 2,000 Red Cross nurses already have been sent to Europe. Fifteen thousand nurses have been enrolled, a number estimated as sufficient for an artny of a million and a half men. WK HAVE THE KAHLIEST, 810- gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; beara the best fla vored berries Irom Spring until the snow flies, Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. I7feb6t One thing that will have to fce conceded is that Colonel Roosevelt has a solution ready for anv prob lem that arises, even to drawing I the new map of Burope. Huge Buildings for Offices in Wash ington. Washington, D.C., Nov. 5,1917. > —One of the manifold problems i presented by the war is that of j furnishing adequate office accom modations for the thousands of ; additional officials, clerks, and 1 other Federal servants who are pouring into Washington. The Government is exercising its pre rogative in this direction and has commandeered conveniently lo cated office buildings and apart ment houses with a free hand. In addition, it is erecting huge tem porary structures for use as offi ces, and in the building of these contractors are breaking time records for construction work. A building to house the six hundred officials and clerks of the CounciJ of National Defense, containing more than 100,000 square feet of floor space, was erected and fully equipped in fifty-three dayp. Simi lar buildings nearby are for the use of the forces of the Food Ad ministration, Fuel Administra tion, and Army Ordnance. Work is well under way on a mammoth structure which will cover throe city blocks to house the overflow of the War and Navy Depart ments, the contract for which calls for completion in four months. liy these methods the Govern ment keeps l n ad vance of its actual needs. At the present rate of in crease the usual 35,000 Federal employees in Washington will be more than doubled if the war con tinues another year. Workers of all kinds are being appointed, stenographers and typewriters and draftsmen for the service gener ally,- and what are known as schedule clerks, index and cata logue clerks, clerks qualified in statistics or accounting, and clerks qualified iu business administra tion for the Ordnance Department of the Army, being in great de mand. Representatives of the Federal Civil Service Commission at the post offices in all cities are the official recruiting agents for the great civilian army, an army of a had million behind the men be hinlf the guns. CHAPTER 24 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917. Ail Act to Require the Erection of Guide- Pout* at the Forks and Croidggs yf the Public Highway* in the Heverki Coun ties of North Carolina. / The General Assembly of North do enact: Section 1. That the boards of county commissioners of ;he sev eral counties of this State shall, within six months after the rati fication of this act cause to be elected and maintained at the va rious crossings and forks of the public highways of each county guide-posts with proper inscrip tions and devices thereon indi cating the direction to and distance from the most important town or vicinity within ten miles of such guide-posts. Srich post shall be of substantial timber and the let tering thereon. shall be not less than two inches in height and of legible character. Sec. 2. That the cost of the erection of such guide-post* shall k be paid from the county road fund. Sec. 3. That in those counties in wjjiich road commissions have been established by Ikw the duty of,tho erection of such guide-posts shall devolve upon said road com missions iustead of the board of county commissioners. Sec. 4. That any person who shall wilfully deface or destroy any such guide-posts shall, upon conviction therefor, be fined not less than five dollars uor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. h. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act. are hereby repealed. Sec. C. That ttm act shall be in force from and after its ratifi cation. Ratified this the 7th day of Feb ruary, A. D.» 1917. It Builds Up The System Pearson Remedy Co., * Burlington, N. C. Dear Sirs:— » 1 wish to say thnt I have used your Indian Blood Purifier in my home and am pleased with it. It purifies the blood and builds up the system as you claim. Yours very truly, A. A. APPLE. Lakeside C'otton Mills. Burlington, N. C. THB GENUINE INDIAN' BLOOD PURIFIER for Constipation, Ecze ma, Scrofula. Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Rlood trouble an.J espe cially Female Trouble and chunges of life in young girls. It's purely vegetable, contains no ,opiatn nar cotic, iodide of potassium nor oth er minerals. P. C. Marker of Greensboro died in a hospital at Mt. Airy, the result of his skull being fractured when he was thrown from an automo bile. He was 38 years old and unmarried, was an active worker in religious causes and when he received the fatal injury was en route to a sunrise prayenneeting. Krnest Mooring of Oreene coun ty, 28 years old, shot away part of his left jaw and the corner of his mouth iu attempting suicide, and was alive at last account. Mentally off. Had been rejected for army service on account of his mental condition. The minimum age limit for en listments in the United States marine corps has been lowered from 19 to 17yearaof age. Youths under 21 must be in prime physi cal condition and must have the consent of their parents. BRIG. fiilteF. J. KERNAN. n Brig. Gen. Francis J. Kernan ia now asaiatant chief of staff. MEANS-GHHIGED Wim KILLIN6 IN CONNECTION WITH DEATH OF MRS. MAUDE A. KING ON AUGUST 29. Affidavit Filed by Solicitor Asking R» moval Is Countered by Affidavit from Defendant—Attorney General Manning Begina Argument. Concord, N. C. —The Cabarrus coun ty grand jury announced that they had found a true bill for mnr4er against Gaston B. Means in connection With the death of Mrs. Mauds A. King, a wealthy Chicago lady, which occurred near here August 29. After presentment of the bill by the grand Jury, Means was formally arraigned in court and made bis plea of not guilty. Solicitor Hayden Clement then, on behalf of the state, presented to the court an affidavit, asking that the case be moved to an adjoining county in this Judicial district for trial. Counsel (or the defense announced themselves as ready, and E. T. Cans ler presented an affidavit from Gas ton B. Means In reply to that of the solicitor. L. T. Hartsell, counsel for the de fense, then presented affidavits from 15 representative men of Concord, saying that in their opinion a fair trial for the state could be had here. The men signing these affidavits were the postmaster, merchants, manufac turers, salesmen, bank officials, coun ty officers and others. t J. L. Crowell, of defendant's coun sel, read affidavits from several other officers and prominent persons of this place. Solicitor Clement presented affida vits from Detective William Jones and Capt. William T. Jones, from the attorney general, and a certificate from the clerk of superior court, show- Jng that since April, 1914, three bills for murder had been presented In this oounty, in each of which cases the defendants were acquitted. No other bills for murder had been presented during that time. At the conclusion of these, Attor ney General James S. Manning, for Judge E. 8./Cllne M> uave the case the state, began argument before moved to another county. He wae followed by J. L. Crowell, L. T. Hart sell, Frank Armfleld, Frank I. Os borne and E. T. Cansler for the de fendant. NEARLY ONE-HALF KAISER'B U-BOATS HAVE BEEN LOST London.—Between 40 and 50 per cent ot the Qerman submarines oper ating In the North Sea, the Arctic and Atlantic since the beginning ot the war have been sunk, said Sir Eric Geddee, first lord ot the admiralty. In the house ot commons. "We must lay plans for a long war," continued Sir Eric. "I see no signs of Its being a short one." "During the last quarter the Ger mans lost as many submarines as they lost in 1916," said Sir Eric. The output of merchant shipping in the first nine months of this year, ha said, was 123 per cent higher than In the corresponding period last year. The admiralty had decided that four new shipbuilding yards would be nec essary. Sir Eric said he regretted it had not been found possible to arrive at a ba sis for publication of British tonnage losses by submarine action without giving Information to the enemy. The losses ot merchantmen In Octo ber, he said, were slightly worse than In September. Enemy submarines were being sunk to an Increasing ex tent, but the Germans were building them faster than hitherto. DROP IN PRICES ON CANNED VEGETABLES Washington.—An Immediate drop In prices on canned vegetables was pre dicted by the food administration as a result of the operation of the license system for wholesale dealers. Many canned goods. It was said, ware bought by dealers at low prices last spring and can be sold at less than the present market prices. Dealers charging more thap a reasonable profit are liable to fortsitnre of their license to do business. SAVE TROUBLE IN CHURNING Olve Cows One Pound of Cottonseed Meal Each Day and Butter Will Increase In Quality. If fanners who have trouble churn ing will give their cows one pound of cottonseed meal dally with their bran or chop they will have no mere churn ing troubles. The batter will Increase In quantity and quality and color and come so quickly as to surprise one. Arrested at Ft. Benjamin Har rison, Indiana, where he was serv ing in the United States army, Charles A. Crews, Jr., formerly city ticket agent of the Southern railway in Raloigh, was brought back to Raleigh to answer a charge of embeszlihg *321.71 while in the employ of the railroad company. He waa released on S7OO bond. Bernstorff money bought few German-Americans except a few that were high at any price. FARMER TRAVELS 30 MILES TO GET DRECO rOR WIFE. Prominent North Carolinian TelU Why He Came All The Way Prom Yad kiaville to' Wlaaton-Malem Por Medicine. O.'Hanlon's Drug Store in Winston- Salem was crowded with men and womairmrly one morning not many days ago when E. J. Eaton, the prominent and inflaeqtial planter of Yadkinville, R. F. D. No. 2, came in and told an interesting story of how hit wife was relieved from a severe and particularly painful case of stomach trouble of years standing. "1 came 30 miles this morning, all the way from Yadkinville," declared Mr. Eaton in answer to questions from a number of his friends who happened to be present. "The rea son for the trip was that my wife had just finished the first bottle of this wonderful medicine, Dreco, and wafrted a fresh supply in a hurry. If you could see the difference this first bottle of Dreco has made in her you wouldn't wonder I was anxious to get her a fresh supply. "Why, for years she has in declining health. Indigestion, pains in the back and limbs, heart flutter ings and loss of rest seemed to drag her down and down. She is 54 years old and although she has tried many different remedies nothing seemed to help her until just lately when a friend told her about Dreco. She has only taken one bottle of this medicine and already we can see splendid results. If she keeps on improving at the rate she is going she will soon be a well woman." , Both Mr. and Mrs. Eaton are mem bers of the Missionary Baptist church and are most highly thought of in Yadkinville. They also have a host of friends in other sections who will be delighted to hear of the wonder ful results Mrs. Eaton is securing from this wonderful herbal medi cine, Dreco. Dreco is recommended and sold in Grabam by Graham Drng Co. idv. J. H. Kimball of Deposit, Md, was elected president of the Far mers' National Congress, in ses sion at Springfield, Mo, last week. Kimball succeeded Dr. E. H. Stock bridge of Atlanta, who gave Secre tary McAdoo some back, talk about the Liberty loan campaign. A.L. Sugarman, a prominent So cialis of St. Paul, Minn,,, was found guilty on an indictment charging "seditious remarks tending to cause treason." The remarks 'were made in regard to the draft. He was sen tenced to serve three years in Ft. Leavenworth penitentiary. Capt. Francis T. Bryan, United States Army, retired, said to be the oldest alumnus of West Point ana of the University of North Caroli na, died at his home in St. Lpuis- Sunday, aged 94. He graduated at West Point in the class with Gen. Geo. B. McClellan and others who afterward became famous. More than half of the $5,000000 estate of Mrs. Maria Antoinette Ev ans, widow of Robert D. Evans of Boston, Mass, is beaqueathed to charitaole and educational objects. Tuskegee Institute, Ala,, gets SIOO,- 000 and Hampton Institute, Va„ ?;ets $25,000. Both these schools are or the negro race. The crew of the German gunboat Eber, which has been lying at the port of Bahai, Brazil, set the vessel afire Saturday and sunk it. The Brazilian government having de clared a state of war with Ger many, orders had been issued to seize the Eber, but the Germans sunk the vessel before it could be seized. Commissioners' Re-Sale ol Valuable Real Estate at Glbsonvllle, N. C Under and by virtue of, an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a special pro ceeding therein pending wherein all the heirs-at-law of Andrew Gerringer, deceased, were duly con stituted parties, the undersigned commissioner* will, on >. TUESDAY, NOV. 27j 19X7, . at 1 o'clock, p. m. on the premises hereinafter described, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the sub urbs of the town of Gibsonville, Al amance county, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Marion Smith, and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, Marion Smitn's corner, running thence with his line S. 88 deg. K. 6 chs. and 34 links to a stone on said line; thence S. 3 deg. W. 3 chains and 17 links to a stone, thence N. 88 deg. W. 6 chains and 34 links to a stone, thence N. 3 deg. E. 3 chains and 17 links to the beginning, and con taining two acres, more or les%: the same Being the land owned and oc cupied by said Andrew Gerringer up to the time of his death and upon which his widow now resides. On this land is a six-room dwell ing and out houses, and the land lies on both sides of the macfedam road leading to Elon College, North Carolina. Terms of Sale: One-tbird cash, one-third in - aiK months and one third in nine months, subject, to confirmation of court and title re served until purchase price Is paid; deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale till paid. Bidding will begin at 4910.80. E. 8. W. DAMEBON, CLAUD CATES. Commissioners. November 2, 1917. Commissioners' Re-Sale of Valuable Real Estate. CodM sod br virtu© of an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county , msde la ■ Special Proceeding therein penning where in ail Ue the helrs-at-law of Giles Walker, deceased, were dnly constituted pari let, the undersigned commissioners will, on TUESDAY, NOV. 27, 1917, at It o'clock M„ at the court house door of Alamance county, at Oriham, North t*rollna. offer for Ml* at public tuition to the hlgheet bidder, a oertaln tract or parcel of land lying and being In Alamance county. North Carolina, adjoining the landa of C. Hol lars, Martin licOsalajr. B. •>. Benson and others, bounded as follows. Tic Beginning at rook la corner of the two roads; tbeooe West four chains audnfty links with rood to a rook: thence North W deg B I chains and 10 link, io a rock: theneeSouth >0 dag West 4 chains and to link* with the road to the beginning, containing two acres, more or lees. Tanas of ttsle—One-third cash, one-third In six montsh. and one-third In nine months, subject to sooOnnatloo or Court, sod title reeerred until price IS paid; defer s?.fflrSd u 10,nt ** wt from d,rof Bidding will begin st Slioae. This NOT. i, 1»I7. CLACD CATBH. K 8. w. DAMKBUN. Commissioners if To Whom II May Concern; This is to notify Ml users of automobile, bicycle and motor.cycle casings and tabes that they are doing theii bank acconnt a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Bobber Company's goods. .The best —no others sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those nslng Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . N. G I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. I Want Your Business The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar Will buy as much from me as the other fellows. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. MULES FOR SALE. Always from 100 to 300 Head of Horses and Mules of all description For Sale at my Stables in YORK, Pa. 6Sp 26t Joe Kindlg, Sales! Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Core Because It contains no opiates, DO lead, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. AH other Pile medlolne containing lnjnrous narcotic and other poisons cause oonatlpaUon and damage all who nse them, E-RU-SA cures or (50 paid. Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N. C. Notice of Summons And Attachment. North Carolina, Alamance County, lii the Superior Court. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. The Dixie Milling Company vs. Thomas and Company, The defendants above named wili take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was is .sued against the said defendant on the 14th day of August, 1917, by J. D.. Kernodle, Clerk of the Superior Court for Alamance County, which summons was returnable before the Judge of our Superior Court at a court to be held for the County of Alamance, at the Court House in Graham, N. C„ on the first Mtinday in September, 1917, said action be ing' against the defendant for the sum of $213.00 due said plaintiff by reason of breach of contract, to wit: furnishing plaintiff wheat in damaged condition instead 'of souna wheat as agreed. ®The defendant will also take no tice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said J. D. Kernodle, Clerk of the Superior Court, on tne 14th day oi August, 1917, against the property oi said defendant, which warrant was returnable be fore the said Clerk, at the time and place above named for the re turn of the summons, when and where the defendant was required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, but the sheriff hav ing returned the summons endors ed "not to be found in Alamance County," the defendant is now by this notice required to appear be fore the Judge of our Cuperior Court at a Court to be held for the County of Alamance, at the Court House in Graham, on the 12th Monday after the first Monday of September, 1917, and answer or demur to the complaint, or the re lief demanded will be granted. This 29th day of September, 1917. J. D. KERNODLE, Clerk Superior Court. Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of AJamance county, made in the Special Pro ceeding entitled Adolphus Cheek, Executor, and J. C. Staley„ Admin istrator, with the will annexed ot L. P. Shepherd, deceased, vs. H. E. Greeson and others, the same be ing No on the Special Pro ceedings Docket of said Court, the undersigned commissioner wili, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1917 at 1.30 o'clock p. m. at the court house door, in Grahan* N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of parcel of land lying and being in Burling ton township, Alamance county,, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of the same be ings Lots Nos. 1 and 3 in the plai of Adam Huffman and L. F. Shep herd property in' the city of Bur lington, N. C. the said plat being recorded in the Public Registry of Alamance county, in Book of Deeds No. 24, pages 16 and 17, to which reference is hereby made. Thia October2s, 1917. J. C. STALEY, Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Thomas White, de ceased this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said es tate to present the same, duly au thenticated on or before the 20th day of Oct., 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery ; and all persons Indebted to said estate are reqoested to make immediate settlement. This October 12,1917. CHAS P. THOMPSON, Adm'r of Thos. White, dec'a. 18oct66t SwepsonviUe, N.C. The board of Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church. North, in annual session at Atlantic City, H. J., upheld the entrance of the United States into the war and in a measure to the people of Ameri ca appealed for support of Presi dent Wilson and the government. The message said heavy taxation was justified and pleaded for a vigorous prosecution of the war. Land Sale ! Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance count/, made in a special proceeding there in pending, enti.led J. a. Holt ana wife, Minnie E. Holt, and others, vs. Bettie Bok,;b ana others, where to all the devisees of George M. Noah are duly constituted parties, the undersigned commissioners will sell to the highest bidder at public auction, on MONDAY, NOV. 12, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Graham, all of the following described real property, to-wit: Three certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in Patter son township, Alamance county. North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning ai a rock, Amos No ah's corner and" running thence N. 24 deg. E. 36 chains SO links to a stone in W. D. Holt's line, Isaac Noah's corner; thence with Holt's line S. 70K deg. W. 10 chalna to a hickory, Holt's corner; thence N. 88 deg. W. 11 chains to a stake; thence S. 40 chains to a stake; thence E. 11 chains 66 links to a hickory; thence N. 10 chains 30 Iks. to the beginning, and containing 89 acres, more or less. s . Also another tract or parcel of : land in said township, coupty ana > State, on the waters of Varnell's - creek, adjoining the lands of the ' heirs of the late George Noah, Hen - ry Isley, • and others, and boundea [ follows, to-wit: i Beginning at b stake on Hermon > road and running thence S. 3U chs. to a hickory: thence E. 10 chs. to a stake; thence N. 15 chs. to a hickory; thence E. 31 chs. to a hickory } thence N. 30 chains to a white oak; thence W. 7. chs. to a hickory; thence S. 21fc deg W. 11 chains and 20 links to a stone pile; thence N. 85 deg. W. 5 chs. 90 links to a white oak; thence N. 23J4 deg. W. 6 chs. 25 links to David Holt's line; thence S. 68 deg. W. 22 chs. 80 links to the beginning, and containing 100 acres, more or less. Also another tract of land in said township, county and State, on the waters of Kock Creek, adjoining the lands of William Patterson ana others, bounded as follows, to-wFi: Beginning at a post oak, O. Holt's corner, and running thence S. 88 deg. E. 25 chains 80 links to stake; thence V. 40 chains to a stake in J. Noah's line; thence N. 88 deg. W. 21 chains ftO links to a hickory; thence S. 6 deg. W. 15 chs. 40 links to a Spanish oak;thence W. 10 chains to a hickory; thence S. with Patterson's line 7 chs. 80 links to a rock, Patterson's cor ner; thence S. 15 chs. 60 links to the beginning, and containing 100 acres, more or less; and the whole containing 269 acres, more or less. All of the aforesaid several tracts of land go to make up what is known as the Jerry Noah place. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash, the other two-tliirds to 5e paid in instalments within six ana twelve months. Deferred pay ments to be evidenced by oonds of purchaser bearing interest at 6 percent. Sale subject to confirms- I tion by the Court. This the 10th day of Oct 1917. J. DOLPH LONG, 3 I. C. MOSER, 9 Commissioners. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. 3 Having qualified u Administrators of tks •state of Barbara A. Loy, tmutd. tho underalirnrd hereby notifies all peraona bold- i ins clalma atcaloet the an Id male to praaaot the Hiae. duly authenticated, on or before Aay of Oct. IMS, or Ala notloewlll be pleaded In bar of tlielr recovery; and an peraona indebted to aaid estate are request- '■» ed to make immediate aettlameat. Thla Oct. KMh, 1917. #9^l LEWIS H. BOLT, Adm'r M 11 octet of Barbara A. toy- dec**. Army orders state that the resig nation of Seoond Lieut. Royal jl. ttoyster, of the ll7th Engineers, formerly North Caroliiia National Guard, has been accepted by President Wilson. Lieut. Royster is a son of Gen. B. S. Royster of Oxford, formerly adjutant general. The Record says A. P. Sherrill sold a two-horse load of water melons in Hickory Friday. A few Hickory people, says the Record, have strawberries and cream for breakfast and the fall gardens have green stuff aplenty. While it is December weather in the mountain counties Hickory ha« summertime foodstuffs.

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