(THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THUBBDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. •—i—— •1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVKUTISINQ KATBS J*e square (1 In.) 1 tlrna SIXO, cr wc. «üb * »*uent Insertion 50cents. For more spece P an 1 longer time, rates famished on appltca : >.a. . Loral not:oe* 10 ots. * line for Bret I mertion ; subsequent Insertions & ou. a line t : rranslent advertisement* must be paid for ln«dvance The edl not be responsible for flews expreused by correspondents. Spf l Entered «t no Po lodic® at Urabam. N> C., as secon class matter. GRAHAM, N. C., Dec. 0,1917. , President Wilson read his message to Congress Tuesday. Dispatches from Washington say it is one of the strongest State papers in the history of the country. As soon as its read i ing was finished the wires flashed it H to everry corner of the civilized world. It clearly sets forth Araeri- ca'a position as to the world-war. Emphatically ho says "tho United States will not turn aside until tho war is won and Germany is beaten." He recommends war on Aufctro- Hungary, the vassal and hel per of Germany, which it appears Congress will approve. We hope to publish the priucipal part of the papor in next issue. On the West front tho Allies are holding their own against the dogged assaults of the Germans. The lat ter have suffered heavy losses and have somewhat ceasod fighting. The Italians are in fine spirit and have , stopped the Austro-German advance. Russia in the North is figuring on ■ome sort o{ pcaco with Germany, while in South Russia tho Russians are still fighting the common entmy. Christmas Savings. .. The Citizens Hank will turn over - about 16,000.00 to the members of its Christmas Savings Club in i few days, as a result of the systematic laying aaidoof a few pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters each week dur ing the past year. A new club will be started the week beginning Dec. 17th. Inatead of starting at u |ienny for the first week and increasing a penny a week for 50 weeks the de ' posit will be 25 cents a week flat, , which will amount to about the same, Then there will be the M)cts. a week which will ptn out abont the same a« the two-cent deyoait, and the dol lar a week which will be about the asms as tho four cent deposit. Any one joining tho club can take as many shares of each class as ho de sires to so do. It is a fine plan for laying something up for the Christ mas times. Every city and rural mail car rier in the United State#is a sales man for war savings stamps in the campaign which opened Monday, under orders issued by tho Post ofHoo Department.. Y Cold storage holdings of cas« eggs were larger by (597,073 cases on November 10 than they wore a year ago. Total stocks re|>orted by the Department of Agriculture •mounted to 3,«!)3,!i l 0 cases. ' A smart young negro in Scot land county jail, under a sentence of four years on the roads, order ed nine from a Chicago mail order house with the purpose to saw himself out of jail. The ■aws came all right but the post office folks suspected something and the game whs d iscovered. Daniel Page, a merchant doing business near Wilson, shot an>l killed a negro who was trying to force an entrance into his store. Page, It is stated, bad ordered the negro away from his placo for dis orderly conduct. Later, after the ftore had boon closed for the night, the negro returned and tried to force an entrance. Br Coining from Parkersburg, W. V*., to join her husband, Private W. Lloe«, who is at Camp 'tireone, Mrs. Norun lioce, aged Only 26 years, a bride of last June, reached Charlotte Wednesday in •n unconscious condition, suffer froni pneumonia, and died iu a hospital Friday. She did not gain Sjooosclousn ess sufficiently to recog ittee her husband. & The Maryland Casualty Coin npanr has filed suit in Uuncoinbe Jlnperior Court against tho South ern Railway Company and the |]Brovard Tanning Company, ask ing SI,BOO for damages to the au ■Snobile of Louis Carr, which was Bp ashed when an engine backed on it at Pisgah Forest station. The automobile was insured and the Assurance company is trying to Recover from the railroad It The North Carolina Conference the Methodist Episcopal Church, yßouth, which embraces in its ter- Vitory the eastern section of the Kate and is sometimes called the -SBaatern North Carolina Confer ence, met at Greenville yesterday. Hpjop Candler will preside. ' ' RED CROSS SEALS. An Opportunity for Everyone to "Ik> His Bit" Red Cross Christmas Seals are sold to fight tuberculosis. They have a uniform price of one ceut each. Since 1908, when the Ameri can Red Cross first issued seals, the number of its workers selling seals and the number of purchas ers has multiplied each year, nntil last yoar a record sale of 104,000,- 000 seals was reached, or over $1,000,000 for tuberculosis work. For this Fall alone au issue of over 400,000,000 soals has been printed, as many as were sold in the nine previous years. During those years the public was but gradually coming to realize the value of the campaign against tuberculosis. With the entrance of the Unitea States into the war, reports have come from Europe showing tuoer culosis to he u serious obstacle to victory. In France 150,000 soldiers have been invalided b.ick from the trenches with tuberculosis and the number of cases among the civilian populntion has increased immense ly with the war. Tuberculosis has lfkewise fallen heavily on the oth er nations at war. In times of peace "chief among the causes of poverty" and "the disease that kills most," tubercu losis in time of war is doubly dan gerous. The anti-tuberculosis asso ciations in all the states now need increased funds for work both a mong the soldiers and prospective recruits, teach in;* them how to avoid tuberculosis, and among those who remain in the factories, fields, mines, schools and homes. The control of tuberculosis is one of the most important ways to con serve the strength of the nation in the supreme test of this war. Kveryone who is allowed to sell Red Crqss Seals is given an op portunity to "do his bit" in a wa.v that counts. It is a patriotic ser vice. The Red Cross Seal Sale is an ed ucational campaign no less than a means of raising money. Every one who takes part In it helps to teach health as well as to support health work, and success jives double satisfaction. In whatever state Seals are sold, at least 90 percent of the proceeds is used for anti-tuberculosis work there. Not over 10 percent is paiu to the American Red Cross and the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis to meet their expenses in supplying [Seals, advertising matter nncf ser vice for the support of their work. The Selfish View of Conservation. Food conservation, like tho buy ing of .Liberty Bonds, does not necessarily mi tail personal sacri fice. Olio can liolp the cause of tho United States without hard ship. In fact, one can scarcely avoid personal benefit. Almost all of us can eat less with profit to ourselves. Apart from that, most of us will bo obliged to oat less because of tho cost of food. Taking as a basis tho average retail prices for tho Ave years just before the war, the various familiar foods in July, lAI7, showed the following in creases in price in the Uuited States: corn meal more than double, 116 per cent; flour and po tatoes more than double, 110 per cent, each; lard nearly double, 81.8 percent; bacon, ham, round steak, and pork chops, increase two-thirds eaoh; sugar and sirloin steak little more than a half each; rib roast and poultry nearly a half each; and inilk, but tor, and eggs a fourth each. In addition, all too few of us in the United Slates have the habit of thrift so usual in the Old World countries. We are wasteful and extravagant, individually and na tionally, and sooner or later we must learn the lesson of frugality. Now is the accepted time; it means national salvation.—News tatter. Catarrh Casual lie t'arrd VOrSTS ocal HMS«, srrstljf Inflwmvd l.jr ouuetltu uoasl roudli on*, and In order to cam It you ■>°« "AM *° Internal raroadj. Hall's Cs tarrb Mtdlcta* is Isfctn Infernally sod sola U * WoojJ on Mw mucous aurfaeo- of tbe Hal la taiarrh Mad loin* was pi»- aortbad by oita of tho boat phjalclana ID Fbla oountrr for jraars. It I, mJbSSS of aoaa of » louloa known, cambload with sons h*** "J'Ood purine™. Tho porfaol ooro btoallon of lbs logredlenta In IIaII.■ 'jalarrli what produwM auob wondcrlul tosUs»onStl M,,,r •W-ilMasa. Sand for . ..ySckpSgr a CO. Props., Toledo, o. HaU'a Itaiiiy Fiui for oonsUpstlon. Sis. negroes were shot and killed In a crap game at Roes, Ark., a small lumber camp. The negro who did the shooting escaped. About a year ago a negro in the same vicinity killed sevou negroes and then committed suicide. The army calls for the enlist ment of 600 graduate nurses for Immediate service at base hoe-' pitals at National Guai-d and Na tional army cantonments. The pay is 160 per month and main tenance. NO GRAY HAW NOW! You need not have a b it of gray hair now. You can do lust as thousands of our best people have, and bring a natural, uniform, dark ahade to your gray or faded ,rcaaes in a simple and healthful manner by applying Q-ban Hair Color Re storer at once. Have handsome, soft, luxuriant hair. Q-ban; ready to use; guaranteed harmleas —only We a large bottle at Hayes Drug Co.'a and all other good drug stores. Money back if not satis fied. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Soap. Q-ban Liquid Shampoo. ca.fi. HEW ATTACKS BY GERMANS 111 WEST BRITIBH EVERYWHERE ARE RE- PORTED TO BE HOLDING LINE FIRMLY. GREAT FORGES OF INFANTRY Germans Use Muid of Artillery —About Twenty Divisions.—General Bynfl's Forces Make Gains In sral Places. Extremely hard fighting, with th ; Germans using great forces of infant ry In mass formation. Is talcing place along the southwestern and south eastern sections of the Cambral sa lient. / In the region of Qonnelleu, La Vac querle and southward to Vendhuile and northward toward Masnieres, bat tles waged with great fierceness throughout Monday, but with the Ger mans nowhere sucessful in breaking the British front. At U Vacquerle they again succeeded in penetrating the village from which they were ejec ed previously, but a strong counter attack again turned the scales In favor of Genoral Byng's forces, who threw out the enemy, inflicting heavy casual ties on him. As ID their previous attack!, the Germans used great masses of artil lery, but the British forces every where met their onslaughts stoically and at last accounts were flrmly hold ing their line at all points. Although the Germans In their of fensive have been using men reckoned at 20 divisions, the British have been able at several points to regain some of the ground they lost In the Initial attack which was delivered with a suddenness similar to that of Byng's big drive toward Cambral. Sunday night they had gained the eastern edge of the village of Vlllers-Gulslaln and driven out the Germans from La Vacquerie. They held this latter po sition until Monday morning, when they were compelled again to cede it to the enemy, only to take it again later In the day. Southwest of Bour lon village, at the west of Cambral, the British also have recovered lost terrain. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. In u child that is subject to at tacks.of. croup, the first indication of the disease Is hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy bb soon as the child becomes' hoarse and the attack may ,ie wnrded o'f and all danger and anxiety avoided. The "body of Mi*. Mary Mosley was found floating in Tar river, Nash county, and it it* believed the woman was murdered. Iler daughter, recently released from an insane asylum, is suspected. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicine for coughs, colds and croup, but is also pleasant and safe to take, which i» ftnportant when medicine must be given to children. Many moth ers have given it their un-'iualifiea endorsement. . . At Thomasville Thursday Cbas. Leonard was accidentally shot by his 11-year-old son, Herman Leon ard. The wouud Is in the arm and side and fear is entertained that It may prove fatal. CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS. Chamberlain's Tablets are intend ed especially for atomach troubles, biliousness. and constipation, ana have met with much succdbs In the treatement of those diseases. Peo ple who have suffered for years with stomach trouble and have been completely cured by the use of these tanlets. Chamberlain's' Tab lets are also of great value for bil iousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and observ ing the plain printed directions with each bottle. Six men, all inombers of the crews of three Dutch steamships lying at the port of Baltimore, were drowned when a launch car rying them to their ships in the harbor was capsized. Feels Like A New Creature Pearson Remedy Co., Burlington, N. C. Gentlemen This is to certify the faith I luve in y?ur medicine. I was almost past going, my stomach was giving me serious trouble. I had 20 lar/e blood boils on my face and ail rough with large bumps. I have taken nearly six bottles. The ooils end bumps have disnppeirei and I feel like a new girl. MISS CORA McMILLON. Down in Scotland county the negroes have bwn told that green backs— bank notes and Treasury notes —won't be good much longer. Be Rid cf That Ache If you arc a sufferer with lame back, backache, dizziness, nervous ness, and kidney disorders, why dont you try the remedy that your own neighbors recommend? Levi R. Tickle, Elon College, N. C., says: "I aa afflicted with kid ney trouble, the pain* in the (mall of my back being severe. My back ached Intensely at night, was lame lame In the morning, and bothered me greatly when I stooped to lift anything. I tired easily. lelt lan guid and nervous and had dizzy spells. I had to get up three or four times at night to pass Itidney aecretions and a sediment was no ticeable in them. I lost 2} lbs. in weight and had about given up all hope of recovering wheiC Doan s Kidney Pills were brought to my attention. In four or fjve days they relieved me, and I cannot aay too much to their favor. Price 60c at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy— K* Doan's Kldne.v Jills—the same at Mr. Tickle had. Poster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Mortgage Sale ! Seal Property Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed from James Leath and Sallle Lsath, his wife, to the undersigned mortgage, dated the 27th day of April, 181 ft, and reg istered in the office of the Regls ter of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 81, page 31%, default hav ing been made in the payment of ; the indebtedness secured thereby, I f will, on MONDAY, DEC. 24, 1917, I at 1.30 o'clock p. m., at the court house door, in Graham, N. C., sell for cash, at Tjublic auction,, to the highest bidder, a parcel of lana in the county of Alamance, ana State of North Carolina, in Boon Station township, adjoining the lands of Ava and C .A. Tickle, John Williams, Peter MichaeL and oth ers, bounded as follows: Beginning at a crooked white oak tree on the south side of Travis Creek, corner with said Ava Tickle, running thence with the meander of Baid creek, courses ana distances as follows: S. deg. E. 4.15 chains N. deg. E 60 Iks., N. 18 deg. E. 1.80 chains, S. 52. deg. E. 1.80 chains South 75 deg. E. Unchains S. 1% deg. W. 1.06 chains S. 47 2-3 deg E. 2.27 chains S. 57X deg. E. 54 links, S. 69 1-2 deg. E. L 35 chains S. 77 1-2 deg. E. 1.44 chains to an ash tree( on North bank of said creek, thence as fol lows to exclude C .D. Derringer 's still lot, S. 76 1-3 deg. W. 2.79 chains to a rock, the N. E. corner of saia still lot, thence S. 88 deg. W. (8.. S. East) 1.25 chains to a roack cor ner with said still lot, thence S. (B .S. South 1 deg 12 min. B.) 4 chains to a rock corner with saia lOt, thence a right angle from 3. 1 1-2 deg E. N. 88 1-2 deg E. 1M chains, thence a R. A. 'N. 2 deg W. 4 chains to the beginning, con taining In still lot .5 of an acre, more or less; thence N. 76 1-3 tleg. E. 2.79 chains to the above mention ed aSh tree on creek, thence S. 39 1-3 deg. E. 70 links N. 74 deg_ E. 2.06 chains to an iron bar or rock on North bank of said creek, corner .with Sidney Pettigrew, thence S. 7 deg. 3£ min. W. (B, S. 10 deg. 22 min) 34.07 chains to a rock corner with said C. A. Tickle and Pettl ?;rew, thence S. 4 1-3 deg. W. 5 cha. o a rock corner with said Wil liams in public road to Oibsonvilie, N. C., thence N. 87 deg. W. 12.75 chains to a rock corner with saia Michael, thence N. 6 deg E. 43.32 chains to the beginning, containing 56 38-100 acres, less the .5 of an acre in still lot, to-wlt, 55.85 acres, more or less. This November 16, 1917. C. E. HORNADAY, Mortgagee. Sale oi Real Estate Under Deeds ol Trust Under and by virtu* of tbe powara of sale contained la two oertaln dw!s of truat, both executed to tbe underalgned Alamance In aurance and Iloal Batata Company. Truafee, by Oeoiye H Hut ton and hla wife, Luna Sut ton. the Itrat being executed on tbe Brat day of June. ltU, duly probated and reonrded In the offlce of the Ileglater of Deeda for Ala mance oounty, In Uook of Mortragea and Deeda of Truat No. 80. at page 146; and tbe aeoond bring executed on the 17th day of April, 1017, duly probated anil recorded In tho office of tbe Reglater of Deeda for Alamance oounty. In Book of Mortgagee and Deeda of Truat No. 74, at pages 1 to 7, default having been made In the paiment of tbe bonds men tioned and deacrlbed In and aecurcd by aalfl deeda cf trust, tbe undersigned Alamance Inanrsnoe k Heal Batale Company, Trualee, will, on MONDAY, DEC. 17, 1017, at 12 o'olock, M., at the court houae door of A laroaiKM) oounty, In Grab am. North Caro lina, offer for sale At public auction to tbe bin heat bidder, for cash, tbe following de scribed rent estate, to-wlt: First Tract. Beginning at a stone (In pub lie road running northward toward Bethle hem church) 86 deg B 9 rods to a stone in aald road; thence southeastward 0 rods to a stone. Jaa. Ilatemau's corner; thence southwest ward 16 rods and 10 feet to a stone In said road, Mrs. Kiliabeth Mutton a line corner and on Ueor«e W. Button's line; thence north ward I»> 4 deir W. 7 rods to tbe beginning, con taining aero, more or leas. (These dimen sions am taken from plat furnished by 8. L. Mutton*) Mecond Tract. A certain tract or parcel of land In Morton's township, Alamance oounty and mate of Morth Carolina, adjoining the lands of Peter H. Button aod others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a (tone In the old Shallow Ford ruul Just opposite the North end of F. 8. Hullon's loon; thence northward with Hid road seventy yards to a atone In aald road; thence south westward seventy yardi to a atoue; theuoe southeastward seventy yards to a atone; thence northeastward seveoty yards to a atone, the beginning cor ner, containing one acre, be the same more or less. Terms of Bale: Cash. Plaoe of Hale; Court house door, Graham, North Carolina. Time of Hale: Monday, December 17, IM7, at 18 o'clock, M. This November 18th, 1017. ALAMANCE INB. & REAL ESTATE CO. Trustee. REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. A t O raham In the State of North Carolina, at the close of buslneaa, Not.su, HIT. HKHOUHCES Loans and dlaoounta ffS,wrJo Overdrafts aeo'd, ; uoae'd, —, MS#7 All othnrHtocks. Hondsaml Mortgagee OUUX) Furniture and Fixturaa- .... 1,326.(0 All outer real mute owued 1.80a.36 Demand 10aaa...„.« ii.S7-.4fi Due from National Danka 1,80340 Due from State Banks and Bankers. 6.021.13 Cash Itema „ 2JB»A» Oold ooln— _ lOU.OO Mlver coin, etc.......... SO&.«S National llank do lea and other U. 8. notea „... MMO Liberty Loan Hoods _ . 1,330.1*) Total 84MK.M LIABILITIES Capital stock 10.018.00 Surplus fuod 1,000.00 Cndlvlded pronte,4fascurrant eipeneea Ml l: Hills payable.. — —_ »,ouo,ou Deposits subject to check 21.a5.1Q Time certiacates of Dcpoalt MJM Havings Depoalta... „. ■■ ■ V'«M Cashier's Checks outstanding MO.SS Trust Depoatla l.l M.M Accrued interest due depositors «JS Chilstmaa Savings Club. I*l7. MM 00 ' Total N»,oaV«» Slate of North Carolina. County of Ala ma nee. Dec. 1.1*17. I, H. N. Cook, Cashier of the abo*» named bank, do aoieronly awear that the above statement la true to the beat of my knowledge aod ballet K. N. OOOK. Cashier. Sutiscrlbad and sworn to before ce this sth day of Dee., WI7. W. K. BASON, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. B. UKKKN, W. 1. NICKS. J. S. COOK. Directors. Rear Admiral Walter Cleveland Cowlea, retired, died last week at bia home Kedlands, Cal. He waa 04 years old and a native of Connecticut. Wife and a son, Lieut. W. B. Cowlesof the United States navy, survive. To Whom It May Concern: This 1b to notify all users of aatomobile, bicycle and - motor cycle casings and tabes that they ace doing their bank account a fearful injustice in iiot using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no others sold here equal to them. A wriiten guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal- settlement. Ask those usin£ Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods, i See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, • N. C. M - ■ - .. , H! I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. I Want Your Business The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar Will buy as much from me as the other fellows. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. MULES FOR~SALE. Always from 100 to 300 Head of Horses and Mules of all description For Sale at my Stables in YORK, Pa. esp26t j oc Kfndlg, Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because It oontalns no opiates, no lead, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. AH other Pile medicine containing lnjurous' narcotic and other poisons cause constipation and damage all who use them, E-RU-6A cures or SSO paid. Hayes Drag Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N.C. FIRST CALL FOR 1917 TAXES I will be at the following places on the .dates named for the collection of 1917 taxes which are now due. Please prepare yourselves and' meet me on these dates and pay your taxes. The county needs the n\oney to meet its obligations. SATURDAY, DEC. Bth Burlington Township—Freeman Drug Co., 10 to 5 TUESDAY, DEC. 11 Coble Township—Alamance Store,lo to 2 Bellemont Store, 3to 5 . • ' WEDNESDAY, DEC.'I 2 ' Haw River Township—-Anderson-Simpson Store, 10 to 5 Trolinwood Store, 2 to 5 THURSDAY DEC. 13 Melville Township—Melville Drug Co., 10 to 5 I FRIDAY, DEC. 14 1 Thompson Township—Saxapabaw Store, 10 to 1 ; ' ' Swepsonville Store, 2to 6 TUESDAY* DEC. 18 Patterson Township—Rnfus Foster's Store, 10 to 1 i • - John Bolt's Pesidence, 3to 6 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19 Fogleman & Teague Store, 10 to 1 • Snow Camp, 2 to 5 ; THURSDAY, DEC. 20 Newlin Township—Holman's Mill, 9 to 11 Satphin's Mill, 12 to 3 FRIDAY, DEC. 21 Manndale, Mcßann's Store, 9 to 1. Promptness in meeting your obligations to the county will save money for taxpayers. So be on hand with the money when I call. C. D. STORY, Sheriff. Re-sale of Valuable Real Estate in Patterson Township. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in the Snneial Pro ceeding wnereln Robert Clapp and others are plaintiff! and Alfred Crouie and others are defendants, the undersigned commissioner will, OB THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 87, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, N. C. offer for aale at public auction to the highest bidder, A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Alamance county, N. C., In Patterson township, adjoining the lands of Robert Clapp, Henry Patrum, Mike Coble, Alfred Crouse, and others, containing forty acres, more or less; the same being known and designated as the Anderson Clapp (and. Terma of Sale t One-third cash, one-third in nine months from date of aale, and balance in eighteen Tnonths from date of aale; interest at • per cent, to be collected on deferred payments, ana title re served until purebaae price is paia, with option to purchaser to pay all cash upon confirmation of court and receive deed. Bidding will begin at $715.00. Time of sale, Thursday, December 37, 1911: at 12 o'clock M* Plac« of aale. Court House Door, Graham, North Carolina. B. S. W. DAMERON", m Commissioner This December 3, 1917. , ,j More than ICO Italians, moat of them miners and sUipyard em ployes, said to belong to an alleged anarchistic society, have been ar rested in Seattle, Portland, Spo kane, Taooma and other North west cities by Federal agents. Mortgagee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue o» the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made and entered into the 17th day of November, 1918, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages Ana Deeds of Trust No. 71, page 183, wherein the undersigned Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Com pany is Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust the said trustee will, on MQNUAY, DEC. 24. 1911, at 1.30 o'clock p. m., at the court houso rioor in Graham, N. C. of fer lor sale at auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land In the county of Alamance, State of North Carolina, in Burlington township, being part of thfc C. R.Marlett property, solcf by Glendale Real Estate Company} a diagram of which property sp pears in Book of Deeds No. >3, pp. 592-593, and bounded as follows; Lot No. 5 of Block No. 1, begin ning at a stake, the N. B. corner of Tot No. 4, of block No. 9. ana running thence N. T8 deg. B. 30 ft. to a stake; thence N. W. corner of las No. 8 of same block; thence S. 12 deg. E. 147 ft. to a stake on the N. aide of a 18 ft. slley; thence with said alley S. 78 deg. W. 50 ft. to a stake; thence N. 12 deg. E. I*7 ft. to the beginning. Lot No. G of block No. 2, begin ning at a stake on Mebane St., V. B. corner of lot No .5, of same block, and running thence with ssra Mebane St., B. 50 ft. to a stake; thence 8. with Harrison St It" ft. ta a 10 ft. alley; thence with saia alley W. 60 ft. to 'a stake; thence N. 12 deg. W. 147 ft to the begin ning. Tnls 18th day of November, 1817. Alamance las. & Real Estate Co., -Trustee. - • &*. - ; , 4. ' ' •'m vs v.vi": A -20 % v » * . .S \'9 ' ' % ' \ V/'• V '' ■ • i Small Farms At Auction ■i • ■ : .'"V.t i;n» MONDAY DECEMBER 10, 1917 At 10:30 A. M. On Elon-Burlington Road Just West of Olen Raven ' \ About 50 acres of that beautiful tract of land lying along the road from Burlington to Elon, and just West of Glen Raven, formerly the Hughes land, has been sub-divided into small farms of from one to five acres, and will be sold ' to the highest bidder, on the &bove date, or shine. * This land has a long frontage on this fine Macadam road, about half^of it covered with beautiful pines and cedars with shade and fruit trees on some of it, two running brooks through the property and a fine spring of water on one little farm, or "Villa I Site." J - * .—— +— — • •• For the man who wants to live within a reasonable distance of Elon, Glen Raven or Burlington, there is nothing better to be had for the speculator or business man; or the young man who has saved a few dolllars and wants to make a start towards own ing real estate there is nothing better on the market to-day. Farm and suburban property is growing iu price every day. Good roads and automobiles enable the people to live in the coun try and work in town. Many have already taken advantage of this; others are following every day. Why not get your own home siaht before they are all taken. Look around you and you will find that such tracts of land are not to be had easily and especially at a redbonable price. WE BOUGHT THIS LAND RIGHT, AND WILL SELL IT RIGHT. PLACE A BID ON A LOT AND SEE HOW QyiCK YOU WILL OWN IT. IN YOUR bREAMS OF THE FUTURE Have you pfcthned for a home of your own ? Not neces- . sarily a large one nor a fine one, but you want a home, with land sufficient for your garden, for flowers, for fruits—a place where you can bring your family up in contentment s.and happiness. Don't postpone. Attend this sale and make a start toward realizing the dream of the future. • . * BE YOUR OWN BOSS. There is not a happier family on earth than the family who owns a piece of land, whether it be one-acre "Villa Site" or a large farm. All can obtain this happiness where there is a will. Just a few dollars down and the balance to suit you. 15 Big Fat Torkeyc Will Be Given Away.. t : ';j Just to furnish a little fun and amusement we will give away at the sale 15 large fat turkeys. Nothing required whatever except that yoli be on the grounds, put your name in and be the luckyfone. \ The Women and * Children Are All Invited—Good Music By A Brass Band. Sale conducted by Cols. Bodenhamer gj|&j afid Ellsworth, For Graham Loan £ Trust Co. OWNERS E. W. LASLE7, Sec. and GRAHAM, - - - N. C.