voi,. xun ——————————————————— Get Rid of Tan, ounowrn etna rrecnies by twng HAGAN'S MagnoliaJßP' Balm. Acta inftantly. Stop* die burning, dears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it m until you toy it Thoua and* of women aay it U beft of all beautifiera and heals Sunburn quick eat. Don't be without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail dire sl. 75. cents for either -color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO.. 40 So. S«k St., Brooklyn, nr. EUREKA Spring Water FROM EUREKA SPRING, - Graham, N. C. A valuable mineral spring has been discovered by W. H. Ausley on hie place in Graham. It was noticed that it brought health to the users of the water, and upon being analyzed it was found to be a water strong in mineral properties and good for stomach and blood troubles. Physicians who have seen the analysis and what it does, recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. Why buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when there is a good water recom mended by physicians right at home? For further informa tion and or the water, if you desire if apply to the under signed. W. H. AUSLEY. BLANK BOOKS Jour lints. Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket .Memo., &c«, Ac. For.Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. English Spavin Liniinnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lamps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save f4O by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Care. Sold by Graham Drag Company adv Combined force# of Mexican Fed eral cavalry ambushed a large band of Villa followers in Santa Clara canyon, 16 mIU-s northwest of Chihuahua City, Tuesday, accord ing to a Mexican official state ment a total of 490 were killed and wounded on bbth sides. The Villa forces suffered the heaviest losses. One hopeful thin# aooat Russia is that she seems too e almost an bad at making peace aa at making war. Ts Car* a Co 14 la oa« Usj. r«ke Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cant B. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. M cents. adv. I Keep Your Busi ness and Location Fixed In the Public Mind by Advertising Regularly THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. . ••••••••••••■•••••••••*»«• : Commander of Engineers • I Who Fought at Cambcjtf • S M| ■! W Col. C. H. McKlnstry, who commands the New York engineers In Francs, many of whom participated In the Cambral Imttle, fighting side by side with the advancing British. Soma of the Americans were caught whsn tbe Germans flanked. They escaped by ly ing lu shell holes, snd when the British drove back the enemy they borrowed rifles and fought valiantly. They wars highly commended by the Brltlah com manding general. UCK OF 60NS IN GMHPS **. ADMITS THAT TROOPB HAD BEEN SUPPLIED WITH FRENCH MA CHINE OUNS. Responsibility Resits on Beoretary Ba ker. Training of Naw Army Will Not Be Seriously Retarded on Ac count of Equipment. Washington.—Leadera of the senate military committee subjected Major Oeneral Crozler, chief of ordnance, to three hours of sharp cross-examina tion, seeking explanation of delays in providing the war army with weapons. At the executive session they will press questions which the general ob jected to answering In the open hear ing. Throughout the examinations Oen eral Crozler Insisted that there had been and would be no delay In equip ping soldiers sent abroad. He admit ted that because of a shortage of ma chine guns the American troops In France were supplied with weapons of French make, and that there was a lack of both machine guns and rifles In the training cantonments, but de clared that the training of troops would not be seriously retarded. Responsibility for the machine gun situation was placed by the general squarely upon Secretary Baker, who, he said, had taken a personal interest In the matter and ordered an investi gation which resulted In the adoption In June of a new gun known as the Browning type. This statement came when Chairman Chamberlain said hs was not satisfied with the explanation that the delay had been caused by In vestigation. "Neither am 1 satisfied," -responded the witness, "but I am not personally responsible." Nearly every member of the committee joined In the exam ination and questions were fired across the table as rapidly as the general could answer. Chairman Chamberlain took excep tions to the conclusions drawn from Oeneral Crozier's testimony that con gress, by falling to make prompt ap propriations, and labor troubles, were largely responsible for tha delay. Oen eral Crosier said he had not Intended such an interpretation, and that mil lions of dollars appropriated had not been expended. UNITED BTATEB GUARD IS NAME SELECTED Auxiliary Force of Troops Will Num ber 28,000. Washington.—The United Slat** guard will bs the name ot the 26.000 auxiliary force of troops, authorized by the war department, to supplement state and other forces now guarding war supplies, war Industries and do ing police duty essential to the con duct of the war, inclodlag patrol of water fronts. Forty battalion* will be organised to rellere regular troops, aatisaal gnhrd or other purely military units or this guard duty. President Wilson has signed the or der for organisation of the fore* and further orders were going out from the wsr department. ARE NOT EXPECTED TO RESIBT TAX IMPOSITION Louisville, Ky.—Collection by the Stats of Kentucky, without a contest. 3f approximately $2,000,000 In Inher itance taxes on the estate of tbs lata Mrs. Robert Worth Bingham was In dicated by announcement that an In ventory of the entlte estate would be died with the stste taxing authorities. The announcement was made by offi cers of a Ijoulseville trust company, administrators of the estste with will annexed. WB HAVE THE EARLIEST. BlO gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or rhe ever bearing kinds; bears the best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, Worth Carolina. ITfeMt British troops in th" East are aaid to be impresed with what Turkish kultur has don." for the Holy Land. GRAHAM, N. C M THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1917 U. S. DESTROYER IS SUNK IJM ZONE GERMAN U-BOAT TORPEDOES AND SINKS 810 AMERICAN DESTROYER. MOST OF THE CREW IS LOST David Worth Bagloy Commanding Of floor Is Among Saved—Jacob* Jonea Was One of Largest Vessels of the Destroyer Type. Washington.—Lieutenant Command er David Worth Bagley and Lieutenant Norman Scott were among tne surviv ors rescued after the sinking of the American destroyer, Jacob Jones, by a Oerman submarine In the war zone last Thursday night. The navy de partment was so advised by Vice Ad miral Sims., v^ 1 .. These two officers, two warrant of . fleers, and two enlisted men were | named lp the admiral's (llspatch as I survivors in addition to the 17 pre : vlously reported saved. It Is now es tablished that the five line officers on the destroyer were rescued. Gunner I Harry R. Hood and 63 men ars miss ing. | Admiral Sims' report said that Com mander Bagley and the Ave other man saved with him got away In a motor boat and were picked up and landed ' uninjured at the Scllly Island*. > The other four survivors reported | besides Commander Bagley and Lieu tenant Scott were: Chief Boatswaln'a Mate Clarence Mcßrlde, wife Florence Mcßrlde, Syracuse, N. Y. Coxswain Ben Nunnery, father Fred A. Nunnery, Edgemoor, S. C. Fireman Joseph Kronenlecky, moth er Anna Krozenlecky, Suvlve, Russia. Vice Admiral Sims up to a late hour had been able to supply only meager details In reply to urgent messages from Secretary Daniels, whose broth er-in-law, Lieutenant Commander Da vid W. Bagley, commanded the lost vessel, and was first reported among the missing. Three officers and 34 men were picked up by other vessels from life rafts to which they clung, but the names of only ten of these had been transmitted to Washington. The Jacob Jones, one of the largest and newest American destroyers oper ating in the Atlantic, was the first American warship to fall victim to a Oerman submarine, but was the sec ond American destroyer to be lost in foreign waters. The Chauncey sank with her commander, Lieutenant Com mander Walter - E. Reno, two other officers, and 18 enlisted men, after be ing cut In two by the transport Rose 1 early on the morning of Novem ber 20. NO ATTEMPT TO CHECK UP LIST OF HALIFAX DEAD Morgue Officials Hold to Eatlmats of Four Thousand. Halifax, N. B.—No official attempt waa made here to check up or revise the long list of dead and injured re sulting from Thursday's disaster when a munitions ship's cargo exploded In the harbor. The morgue officials held to their estimate of 4,000 dead, but other ob servers said that estimate was too great by half. A joint appeal by the mayors of Halifax and Dartmouth was made to the Canadian public for money for the relief of the homeless and the recon struction of that part of the city which Is In ruins. It was said that between >20.000,000 and 125,000,000 would be required. 1 A heavy rainstorm interrupted the systematic search for bodies, but by Bight 95 additional bodies had bean placed In the morgue. Several deaths ' occurred among the Injured. The taak confronting the relief com mittees seemed almost hopeless but later In the day the skies cleard and 1 , cheering word came from the physl ! clans In charge of the tents In which ' gOO of the homeless had found shelter. I The tents had withstood the storm and 1 the occupanta were as comfortable as 1 could be expected. GERMAN TROOP# ARE • RU6HED TO CAMtRAI Genera. Friday, Dec. 7.—Both Field Marshal yon Hindenburg and Oen. yon Ludendorff are on the Cambral front, according to a dispatch from Stress burg today. Railway traffic through the Rhine towns ha* been congested from this source, owing to the (low of troops and artillery being rushed through to Oils front. No clrlHans are permitted to trs.vel along the Rhine and the German frontier remains closed. KALEOINEB AND KORNILOFF •TART REVOLT IN RUSSIA London. —A proclamation to the Rus sian nation has been Issued by Russian government announcing that "Kale dine* and Kornlloff, assisted by Impe rialists and constitutional dsmocrats, have raised a revolt and declared war In Don region against the people." The proclamation adds that "the constltu tloaal democrats and bourgeois* are sapplytng the revolting geaerals with scores of million)." free fcaew What Yea Are Takiag When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle •bowing that It la Iron and Qui nine in a tastelesa form. Ho cure, no pay.—BCS. adv. Ladies who shoot while their minds are blank should always use that kind of a cartridge. "MERRY CHRISTMAS Where Did Santa Clatis Come From? TIIERK post-Christ IUIM days iililnr, with a light softer but perhaps mure comfortable than ttiut or the great feast itself. I'artlcu iarly in this true of the It rut dny alter Christinas. especially when Unit clay ls Sunday. lii Eugiuiul, uf course. us Ir. the tlmo of the late Saimtol-Pickwick Esq.. who brought about the renals sauce of Christina*, this Is called box lug day. nut because It 1* the occasion of tlstle encounters. but because It I the time appointed fur the distribution of those more or less spontaneous ex (II'CSHOIIS of Rood will which are called Christmas boxes. Its more orthodox title U fct. Stephen'* day It Is. you know. the day on which the illustrious King Weneo-dnita. with the assistance of his pa;.o. did his noble almonlng. We are not old English king*. so In steail or having uur pace bring flesh and wine ti the poor utnn 011 St. Stephen's day v.c give a dollar to the youth from the still vexed llermutbes who chaperon* I lie elevator lu our apartment bouse, and for weeks be fore Christmas we ullix to the flap* of the eiivelipe cuntaltilnii our letters little slumps hearing so called •>ot traits of St. Nl hol:u of llari. Then reticail.v Hits last pim-ras, provides 11 modicum >f Cliil'tur* cbeer ror eer ial'i Miref'illy selected and organized pour people However Ibis may I.e. the fact re in.".lns Ih.lt ilm' day nfier f'brlrtinns Ik a very 1; >Ol day Indeed. The excite moat of ; Ivliift ami receiving lias pasr etl live' : 'bere remains tbe quieter Jut of subi-r contemplation. And whet, Use day nfter Christmas Is Sunday thli o/.itempliitioii tv Ml not bo disturbed by the arrival of tlie postman, who. a re lentless bill to l-e feared even when bearing gifts And. in suite nf Hie remarks of ever) humorist n lio ever Isirrowed from hit mother-in-law 2 cent* to put on an euvelojie which should carry a Joke about her to till editor, this po*t Christ ma* meditation nearly el way* Is plea* ant. It is insisted by tbe eonsumptloa of wife-bestowed cigars, which (again despite the humorist*) are better than ■ man buy* for himself. It Is a plea*, lut meditation, for It* subject* art thing* given and things received, good deed* done and good things expert •Deed. It also contains, till* day after Christ mas feeling, a «junlily of reconciliation, not of reconciliation with ancient en» mles—tills was all orthodoxly attended "to on Christmas eve— but of reconcilia tion with affairs, of readjustment. Whfra Bay berry Csndl.* Com* From. It wax the women of Illugliam, thai quaint old Massachusetts (own, thai Brut brought ilnv.ii from their attlct their grandmothers' old candle mold* and began making (he sweet smelling green bayberry candles for a few ap preciative people who wanted them to burn In home* furnished In antiques. The women of charming old Deerflald, In the same iitale. shortly followed suit and then the housewives of Cap* Cod •aw their opportunity, all of them us- Inn the mold* that had I wen In tha towns for generations. Queer Christmas Dinner. Roast oat rich was the prime dish at tba Christmas dinner of the Young Men's Christian association of Los An geles, Cal. a few j-enrs ago. Mora than 1-C*) persons were served from sns bint. Belief In Mis Hoars Distressing Kidney and Bladdei Disease relieved In six hours b/ tha "NEW OBEAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It la a great surprise on account of ita exceeding nromDtnesa In relieving pain In bladder. Kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almost Immediately If you want quick relief and cure this la the remedy. Sold by Gra ham Drag Co. adv. Wrapping the Gifts Are you among the fortu nate number, who have com pleted their Christmas pur chases and have them all neatly and daintily wrap ped and labeled and placed In a large box or a drawer to await the propor moment when they arc to bo started on their way by mall, 1 es senger or, perchan.o, person al delivery? If you are not, what are you doing with tbe Ilttlo gift which you pur chase or complete each day and add to the growing pile? Are you carefully wrapping each one after inclosing a protty Christmas greeting card with soft white or gay ly decorated Christmas pu ller? Que cannot help but feel that those little remem brances which arc received, all thoughtfully and artisti cally wrapped with a bit of holly or poinsettla paper and bound with red, green, white or holly ribbon and choicely labeled and sealed with tbo numerous attractive Ilttlo stickers which come for this purpose, nieuu more lu their detail of taste and euro than nil the handsome and won derful gifts which time and money can produce without these flnnl touches. Then make the offering as sim ple and Inexpensive as you choose, but If you would con vey to your friend an atmos phere of thought and remem brance take a little time each day to complete the arrange ment for each friend before laying it aside with tbe other gifts Not only will tbe prep aration of the gifts lake on adillllooal interest to you. but It will make the last days of bnslle and excite ment ICSH arduous, ami then, too. you will not be piling Into the postoflbe or the ex press office nil your various buudles at one time, but will lie prepared to start many of tlietn on heir way lu ad vance of the last rush and thus avoid the often Inevita ble delay which means belat ed greoiiugs and, worse than all, package, which give tbe nppcorarx-o of hasty arrunge uietit and lack of thought. WANTED I Ladles or men witn rigs or auto mobiles to represent a Southern Company. Those with selling ex perience preferred, tho' not neces sary. Past selling proposition. Itrand new article. Excellent pay for huatlers. Address Mr. Greg ory, 160 4th Ave. N. Nashville, Tenn. A resolution designed to permit Ruth Law, the aviator, to be com missioned in the army aviation corps, has been Introduce;! in Con gress by Representative Hulb?it of New York. Incidentally, it would authorize iirmv enlistment ol wo men between IB and 3J in the dis cretion of the President and Sec retary of War. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain tiony tbe hack, dlzslneaa. bwlacht arid fruiter a i languor. Oet a package of Mother Oray's Australia tin? pleasant root and berb cure for Kldney, liladder and Urinary troubles. Whw you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy u«e tills remarkable combination f nature, herbs and roots. A* a regulator It ha« ns •QO*J. Mother Orsy's Australian-Leaf It Hold by lirugglata or aent by mail for SOota "sinpk- sent free. Address, The Mother I Gray Co.. La Bor. N. Y. Sbjiheiiib WHILE iliepherdi watched their flccki by night, AU seated on the graand, The anjel cI the Lord oame dovrn. And glory shone around. "Fear not," said he, (or mighty dread Had seised their troubled mind; "Glad tidings of great jey I bring To you and all mankind. "To you in David's town this day Ii born of David's line The Saviour, who it Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign: "The heavenly Babe yon there shall / And To human view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands And in a manger laid." Thus spake the seraph, aad forth with Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: "All glory be to Qod on high And to the earth be peace, Good will henceforth from htm to men Begin and never cease." —lTehuin Tate. MM WIIIS WHOSE 28210128 GREAT DEMONSTRATION GREET. ED ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE HOUSE VOTE. WEBB WHS LEADER IN FIGHT Resolution Adopted Is Idantlsal With That Passed Last August Ixsept That It Qlvss Sevan Yssrs Instead of Six to Ratify. Washington.—Nation-wide prohibi tion won In the house and only the ad justment of slight difference In reso lution* between the house and senats now stands In the way of submitting to state legislatures an amendment to the federal constitution forbidding the manufacture, sale or Importation of In toxicating liquor for beverage pur poses In the United States or Its terri tories. The rot* In tha houae, laknn after a day of debate before crowded gal lerlea, ill 282 to 128, with the partlea dividing almoat evenly. Tha margin for prohibition waa eight rotea more than the two-thfrda role. Both wet» and drjra had been pre dicting victory all day, and It waa not until tha laat few namea had been called that the anti-prohibition tore** conceded their defeat. When Speaker Clark announced the raault, the rlctora ware Joined hjr the gallertan In aueh a demonat ration aa la rar*ly permitted In the houae. Former Secretary Bry an. an Intereated apactator nearly all day, appeared on the floor and Joined In recalrlng congratulation* with Rep reaentatlve Webb, of North Carolina, who had led the light. The reaolutlon adopted by the houae la Identical with that paaaed by the aenata laat Auguat. except tbut It glrea the atatea aeren yeara Inatead of atx In which to ratify the amendment The F'realdenta' approral la not re quired and the atata leglalaturea may act aa aoon aa thay pleaae after Vice- President Marahall and Speaker Clark bare algned the reaolutlon. Following la the reaolutlon aa adopt ed : "Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives that the following amendment to the constitution be, and hereby Is. proposed to the states, to become valid aa a part of the con atltutlrjn when ratified by the legisla ture* of the several states as pro vided by the constitution: "Article -Section 1. After one yea/ from the ratification of this article the manufactur. sale or transportation of Intoxicating ltquo;H within, the Im portation thereof Into, or the expor tation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the Juris diction thereof for beverage purposes la hereby prohibited. "Section 3. The Congress and the aeveral atates shall have concurrent power to enforce thla article by ap propriate legislation "Section 3. This article ahall be In operative unless it shall have been rat ified as an amendment to the con stitution by the legislatures of the several atates. as provided In the con stitution. within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the atates by the Congress." If the alien enemy restrictions •pemn hard, he knows how to mike them re*t lightly. All he haw to is to respect the laws and attend •trictly to his own business. •••••••••••••••••••••••••a 2 Rises, from Clerkship . J I to Important Position 1 A James L. WUmstk of Tennssass and Arkansas, who has been appelated di rector of the bureau of engraving and printing, Uncle Sam's big money fac tory, is one of the few men who have advanced to an Important government position through the ranks of govern ment decks. Hs entered the govern ment eervlce 20 years ago, aasiiiHag money orders for gk> a month. STRONG OFFENSIVE IN NEST AIDS ITALIANS IN HOLDING POSI TIONS.—REGAIN SOME LOST TERRITORY. Qenersl Allenby Ocouplee Jerusalem. BolshtWkl Forose Reported to Have Attained Hssvy Losses In Plghtng With Cosescks. The Germans, following their heavy artillery preparations of recent days, have attempted to drive a wedfe into the Brlttah line waat of Cambral, but although they uaed numerically supe rlor forcea, their affort brought them only a minor gain. The attack, launched between Bullecourt and Queant, waa atmllar to that adopted by Crown Prlace Rup precht'a troopa when they pierced General Byng'a front aouthweat of Cambral nearly two weeks ago and cauaed a retirement of the Brltlah on the aallent General Byng previously had driven toward Cambral. The British held tenaciously to their ground, except at one point, where the enemy penetrated a front -Una position. Aa In their previous attempt to wrack the Cambral salient, the Ger mans lost heavily, the British mow ing them down with machine gun and ride Are In the fighting, which lasted from dawn until 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Notwithstanding their failure, the Germans are keeping up an Intensive bombardment of British and French positions all along the westerh front and daily arn receiving additional re inforcements in men and guns from the eastern theater. Snow is falling heavily In th« mountains along the northern Italian front, and optimism prevails among the Italians that this will aid them definitely In holding the Austro-Ger mans back from the Itullan plain. Amid the first flurries of the storm on Tuexday the enemy resumed his at tack among the hills and was re warded by the rapture of several po sitions. Later, however, the Itallana In a counter attack regained their loat terrain, after which the artillery duela were resumed, but with less strength Ihan had previously been shown. The Cossacks, under General Kale dlnes, and the Bolshevik! forces are reported to have met In at least two fights, with the counter-revolutionists the victors In bath. The engagements occurred at Mohellv and at Tama novka, and the Bolshevikl losses are declared to have been heavy. General Allenby, commander of the British forcea In Palestine, has en tered Jerusalem and taken over coi> trol of the Holy City. The populace greeted the British commander cor dially. In a proclamation, be ,told the Inhabitants that all sarred build ings and holy places would be protect ed and maintained Meanwhile, the British army continues Its successful operations In Palestine, having rap tured aeveral additional 1 positions from the Turks. CONGRESSMAN FIRED CANNON AT AUSTRIAN*. Italian Army, lveadquarters In Northern Italy - The flrat American ■hot against Auatiia wan fired by Ilejv reaentatlvo Tlnkham, of Boston, on the lower Plave when Mr. Tlnkham pulleed a string firing a large 149 inlll meter gun. sending a nhell hnrtlllng across the Plava to the Austrian posl tlona at Confo. A huge cloud of black smoke marked the place where the shell burst. HOW TO PREVENT CROI'P. In a child that is subject to at tack* of croup, the first indication of the disease is hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may •>& warded 'off and all danger' and anxiety avoided. "Russia , says (len. Smuts "is a woman laboring in childbirth." Ger man autocracy will take special de delight inb eating her up. NO. 46 GRAHAM CHURCH DIBECTORT Graham Baptist Church—Rev. L. U. Weston, Pastor. Preaching every first and thira M Sundays at ILOO a. m. and 7.00 p, Sunday School every Sunday ai' * 9.45 a. m. A. P. Williams Supt, t Prayer meeting every Tuesday at * 7.30 p. m. Graham Christian Church—N. Main Street—Rev. J. P. Truitt • Preaching services overy Beo bsd ana feourth Sundays, at l i.M a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—£. L, Henderson, Supers intendent. Mew Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Depot— Rev. J. G. Truitt, Pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at M6a. m.—J, A. Bayllff, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- , ing every Thursday night at 7.45. s o'clock. ' .1 ''J®;"!*—Worth of Graham Pub lie School, Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and Ird Sun- & day a. ,„'?" nda y School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—Belle Zachury, Superin tendent Methodist: Episcopal, South— cor. 1 Main and Maple Streets, Rev. D. E. Ernhart, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at li.M s. m. and at 7.J0 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at •.46 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt n M * f.' £burch—N. Main Street, Rev. R. S. Troxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Huo days at 11 a. m. and I p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at #.45 a. m.—J. L. Arnica, Supt. Presbyterian—Wst Mw Street— *■wJu—•«- • /.wssMr"* Preaching every Second and fourth Sundays at 7JO p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at MS p. m.—J, Harvey White, So perintendent —» "m Oneida—Sunday School every Sunday at SJO p. txL—J. V. Pom£ roy, Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N. C. MlMllutriMaw.llV, 'Pfcaa* m JOHN J. HENDERSON Altonty-aMaMf J". s. coosJ Attorn ay-Kt- Law, GRAHAM, ... . . a ». 0. 'i omee Patterson Building Seoond Floor. ..... OR. WILL S. lose, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Srahaaa, . - • . M-t* CaMNas OFFICE in HJMMONb BUILDING — "f| A COB A. LOMe. J. LOSS LONG * LONG, Attomoyaand Conn—lowa a> t«w -"j GRAHAM, M. C. JOHN H. VERNON Attorney and CounMlor-at-Law PO*BiM«n tU Keeldnca SIT ' HUKLINOTOK, N. 0. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OPPICB Up Stairs in Goley Building. Leave messages at Hayes Drug : i Co.'a, 'phone VI, residence 'phone ' 2M. Office hourae 2to 4 p. m. 4 and by appointment. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Oatcopalhlc Phyildaa 11. II u 71. First NtUmllaakklMg BURLINGTON, N C. Stomach and Nervoua diaeaaM a Specialty. 'Phones, Office MB, w : idence, 362 J. — ' i i |nu.ii>f LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled aa above, contains over 200 memoirs of Mln- : isu?rs in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume —nioeiy print ed and bound. Pdoe per copy: oiotb, $2.00; gUt top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may bs sent to P. J. Kkbnodijc, I 1012 K. MarshaU St, Richmond, Va. Orders may be leftat thiaoffioe. $10« Dr. E. Detchon'a Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than SIOO if you have a child who aolla the bed ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cure* old and youog alike. It arreita the trouble at once. SI.OO, gold by Graham Drey Company. adr. One scientist's idea of doing his oit, is to announce that there ia enough coal on the moon to fill everybody's bin lor the next 87ti.931.231 years. - 4 >

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