X THE GLEANEk GRAHAM, N. C., Feb. 21,1918. Postofliee Hours. Offloopan 7.00 a.m. t07.00p. a. ' Rnuday 9M toll.ooa. m. and 1.00 to(.00p. ta J. M. MoCRACKKN, Portmaster. » RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Hb| ' • GOING EAST — - No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. " 108 " 9:17 •' " 22 " 5:00 p.m. BH . , GOING WEBT — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. S&i " 21 " 11:13 'i \ " 139 " 6:15 p.m. \ll trains carry mail, aud Kos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦♦♦♦■[••n-n- -->->+++++++++•!••!-++ . * + " ♦ LOCAL *fEWS. + ♦ + ♦♦♦+++++++++•:•;*•!•++++++++++ —Graham-Milling Co. his pur chased a delivery truck. —Master Chas. D., Jr., little son of MB. and Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston has oeen quite far several days. —Rev. Dr. C. G. Varilell, Presi dent of Flora McDonald College, Red Springs, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and night. —The reputation of the Ground hog came dangerously near getting a olack eye last Saturday. It hailed and sleeted alon£ with the rain in the forenoon last Saturday an£ then the weather modeiated - forthwith. For the past three days it has oeen colder than at any time for the week oefore. Girls' Knitting Class Gives Entertain ment. Last night Mrs. Edwin D. Scott's knitting class of little girls gave an entertainment at the Mexican Theatre to raise funds to-»u_v wool and other materials. First on the program was a dance Dy Pierrott (Kathleen Harden) and Pierrette (Mary Hunter). Each did his (her) part well and the performance met with generous applause v Next was a play—"Buckwheat Cakes"— by a dozen little girls. This too was well done. The entire perform ance was highly creditable and re flected much credit on Miss Dora Cooke who "trained the little jjirls for the occasion. Two Stills Captured. Revenue Officer Johnson of Greens boro and Deputies H. J. Stockard and E. A. Hensley came in about /noon today from a still hunt. In Patterson township, near Rock Creek, early this morning they located a still and waited for the operator. He came by and by and after a short y chase they caught him. His name is J. T. Ailred. A copper still was taken, and 150 gallons of beer and 8 or 10 gallons of singHngs were poured out. From this place they went over in the mountains in upper Newlin township. Here a galvan ized still was captured and the out fit cut up. In the vicinity of the latter a number of places were found which indicated recent operation of stills. The man Allred was bound over to court in a SSOO bond. Union Services Discontinued. For several weeks union services have been held by turn at the differ ent churches on Sunday nights, that is, there were services at only one church on a Sunday night. The ar rangement served more than one good purpose: It was a means to 6a ve fuel during the bitter cold weather; an opportunity was afforded church goers to attend some other church than their own and to hear some other pastor; it permitted the preach ers to hear preaching instead of preaching themselves —a privilege all of them enjoyed: and best of all, it brought the church people closer together and created a stronger Christian fellowship. At a conference of the ministers last Sunday night it was decided to discontinue the union services for the present. High School Debaters Chosen—All Girls This Time. At the speaking contest Friday af ternoon at the Graded School for places in tbe North Carolina Debat ing Union the representatives chosen for Graham High School were Misses Enita Nicks and Eunice Rich f°r the affirmative and Misses Mildred and Margaret Moore for the negative. The query is, Resolved: "That Cjngress should pass a law provid ing for the arbitration of industrial disputes." Graham's representatives will have to meet representatives from two other schools and if they shall win, both negative and affirmative, will go to Chapel Hill in April and ' contest for places on the final de bate for the Aycc'k Cup. Graham has thrice been represented in th final debates and won the Ay cock Cup once. The debaters chosen last Fridaj are good ones and Graham has i - good chance to again get into th final contest. Malcom-Wharton. i The following announcement re ceived here is of interest to man; Alamance people: Mr*. John Colin Drcwry announces the marriage of liar daughte Miss Mary Catharine Wharton to \ ' Mr. Douglas Mackay Mnlcom on Saturday, the sixteenth of Fibruar one thousand, nine hundred and eightee » at the First Preabytcrian Church in the City of New York. The bride is a daughter of Mn John C. Drewry of Raleigh and native of Graham, and she is a grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L» Dank . Holt of this place. i'ii /.« . Q • : . *f ♦ PERSONAL. + tit II 11 II I 111 mn |ni 11 |t Mr. Will E- White of Mebane was k here yesterday on business. Mr. Walter G. Kernodle, near ' McCray, was in town yesterday. Mr. A. H. Eller of Winston-Salem f is spending (his afternoon here. , T. C. Hoyle, Esq., of Greensboro t is here toddy on legal business. 1 Mr. L. H. Smith, Jr., of Liberty j was in Graham yesterday on busi ness • - Prof. John Wray, Supt. of Gasto- I nia City Schools, spent last Friday e here. 1 Mr. W. B. Sellars of Pleasant ' Grove township was in town last 7 Friday. Mrs. Alf. Mebane of'Mebane spent j Monday here with her sister, Mrs. i W. C. Moore. c Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel. Thompson and Master Melvin of Mebane Bpent ' Monday in town. Mr. and Mr°. Clyde Hnnter of , Winston-Salem were here the latter , part of the week. , Mrs. Dolph Long and Master 1 George left Sunday for a short stay . in Philadelphia. v 1 Rev. Dr. T. M. McConnell is at 1 Red Springs this week conducting a 1 series of meetings. ( Mrs. H. W. and Master Billy i Bpent from Friday until Tuesday -•] with relatives in ' Raleigh. N ' Graham Home Building Co. Holds Annual Meeting—Officers Eleeted Large Number Shares For New ..Series. The annual m°eting of the.share holders of Graham Home Building "Co. was held in the court house Mon day night. It was presided over by Mr. A. P. Williams. Then came* the report of the Secretary-Treasurer ' P. S. Dixon, in which appeared the following itemß of interest, covering the period from the organization of | tha company up to the present time, tu-wit: Total paid in by shareholders ' $04,740; paid back to shareholder s 878,000; profit returned to share holders $13,200 00; earnings $19,- 533.49. During the past year the earnings amounted to $3,540.25. Undivided profits on hand $6,273 46, A number of those present spoke of the working* of the compauy and benefits derived by individuals and the town from the institution. The following were elected direc tors for the ensuing year: W, J. Nick 6, J. M. Turner, Chas. A.Scott, E S. Parker, Jr., A. P Williams, A. D. Tate, It. L. Holmes, E. L. Henderson, J. C. McAdams, C. P. Harden and P. S. Dixon. After the shareholders adjourned the directors met and re-elected Chas A. Scott President, and P. S. Dixon Secretary , Treasurer. It was ordered that a new series of ' stock be opened on the first.of March, the first payment to be made on the 2nd Saturday in March. It was gratifying to those present to hear tkatHheie had already been j subscribed nearly 600 shares for the . new series, which is almost twice as I many as any former series has open ed with. With the payments on the new sei ies and tbose already in force together with interest collections,will give the company about $2,000 per month with which to help buy homes ' and make improvements —a bright " outlook for the coming gear. ) - Washington Birthday Party. 3 A Washington birthday party will ' bo given in the Junior Hall at Haw ' River Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock. ' The program of the evening will | consist of a ' Spelling Bee," Wed -3 ding of George Washington and Martha Washington, a visit from Nellie Custis. There \Wll also be a 5 number of interesting booths Every ' body invited.^ Food Certificate To Be Used in Pur » . chasing Flour. 0 r State Food Administrator Henry A Page writes County Chairman II Lynn B. Williamson the follow ing, which is of interest to pur chasers of flour: r. "The Food Administration hits r not sufficient funds to provide printed forms to the retailers for use in the sale of flour to farmers 8 who have produced and are using e cereal substitutes. We would sug j gest that you have printed or typewritten the number of blanks kt you require, using the form given 1 below for this purpose. j These certificates will have to be used in balancing purchases of it flour fioui jobbers and millers and the sale of flour by itself II under this ruling is limited to 48 j pounds, d e- OK CKRTIFICA^. n I hereby certify that I have f produced and am consuming upon my table wheat; flour substitutes at the rate of not less than one iy pound of such substitutes for a every pound ol flour I use. I 18 further certify that I have on hand or under contract not more than pounds of wheat flour. e- 1 """ " >y For Sale. Stock of general mercbandisefcnd *r fixtures. Inventory over $5,000.00, In town of two thousand population, having weekty pay-roll of over $5,- ry 000.00, with good back country, en purchaser can rent large light cornel brick store building. Sealed bids received until IS rs. o'clock Friday, March 1, 1918. a Privilege reserved tq reject all bids d- For further particulars, apply to ka J. A LONG, Receiver, 21feb2t Haw River, N. C ;.. L- * Alamance Boys at Camp Sev Thankful For Remembrances.. Special to The Gleaner. Camp Sevier, S. C., Feb. 1 1518.—We, the Boys of Aiamam county, who were so fortunate i to share in the nice boxes, coi slsting of jellies, candies, etc want to express onr many thank to you good people at Graham an near-by vicinities for thinking your soldier friends in such nice way. It makes us feel good to kno that our friends and loved ON OH U home are thinking of us. We'i sure that no people any wh> re hav been any nicer to t.lieir soldi* friends than you. You were s nice to us while we were stationei iu our home county, and that i something that we won't forget And now, although we are not ii ,\ our sight or hearing, you ari still so good to us. We boys think of our friendi and loved ones we have left be hind, and, sometimes, whei things are not going so smoothly we almost wish that we were buck with them. But then, something seems to tell us that it is our duty to our country and you to be hero, And by being here we are going to try to hold the reputation that our forefathers won for us years ago.' V We boys may go to Franca, or some other foreign land sometime soon and if we do, you good peo ple who have baen so good to us may rest assured that our thoughts will be of you. And in thinking of you, we will remember the nice boxes that we received while at Camp Sevier. . .Thanking you again for the box just received, and the many kind nesses you have rendered us, THE BOYS OF ALAMANCE COUNTY, ' By Sgt. Sam M. Bason. "Egypt" Coal Mines Being Opened. Sanford Express. The "Egypt" coal region, lying chiefly in Lee and Chatham coun ties, is being developed by two interests at present and it is grati fying to learn that the operators in both instances are getting sat isfactory results. Both nave mined coal of superior quality for steaming, heating and even grate and stovg purposes If this development reaches the scale that the prospects seem to hold out in every respect, it will mean much for Wilmington, for the mines are on the Atlantic & Yadkin railroad (Coast Line and Southern railway) which runs directly to the port of Wilming ton. The coal region is only 130 miles from the Cape Fear ocean gateway. Coal seams which are ' six feet thick are yielding bi tuminous coal that government 1 testa prove to be equal to the fa- 1 mous Pocahontas coal of the Vir- 1 ginia fields. 1 The older, or original develop ment, is the Cumnock mine, once ' known as the Egypt mine, when 1 it was first operated just prior to ' and during the Civil War, and • later operated on a small scale about 20 or 24 years ago, when a ' disastrous mine explosion put the 1 operating company out of coin mi*. } sion. It is now being operated ' by the Norfolk-Southern railroad, the main line of which also runs 1 through this North Carolina coal ' field. 1 The home of Coggie Poeples, , colored, in Hickory Mountain township, Chatham county, WHS J burned and three small children t perished iu the flames Mother away at work, had locked the chil dren in.-. At Bat Cave, Henderson coun ' ty, whore State convicts are em ' ployed in road work, a bailer ex- 1 ploded on the9th and .Jo. Jackson, 1 a prisoner, was killwl. Auother . prisoner was injured, but not seriously, and a guard was slight ly injured. Mrs. Zeb. Brown, about 3!) years , old, died Friday night at her home in Spencer. Friday morning when Mr. Brown returned from the J barn to the house he found his 4 wife lying unconscious on the ■ . floor, her face aud side bruised i from a fall. Convulsions followed , A child born two hours later lived , and the mother died. Capt. J/h . Day, One of the three t > r fouuders of the Blackwell's Dur * hain Tobacco Company, the origi- ' 1 nal owners of Bull Durham smok iug tobaico, died last week at his 1 home near Durham, aged 77. lie f was a native of I'erijon county and 1 his original associate* in the Blaek well coin piny were the late W. T. Blackwell and Gen. J. 8. Carr. A POWERFUL AID 1 When you feel sluggish and s nervous, tired and indifferent, a you have the first symptoms J of declining strength and your * system positively needs the n special nutritive food-tonic in SCOTTS , EMULSION ). to replenish your blood power, i. enliven its circulation and bring >* back the snap and elasticity ©J„ '• good health. Scott's EmuUion ■ T supplies Nature with the correct 2 building-food which is better ' a A than any drugs, pills or H alcoholic mixtures. nt Jforvcgiaa cod U*r oQ ta 11W SMt?> r '' U worn rcSaed ta am iWI S own American labom«orfc» which U| A HtoktrnMlpdikMi. Scott* Son* Maoa*MJIJ. MS r As It b "Over There"-Wonderful, 1 Appalling, Pathetic! From J). W. Whitehair's Addreap in Raleigh. |' "If you have a tendency to criticise, and lot* of us over here 'do, remember that you haven't I been there. You don't know what; > a hell it is. I regard as one of the | I moat Christian acta I ever did was the placing of a cigarette between 1 : 1 the lips of a poor chap with both arins goue, and then lighting it for that man who will nover li«ht another for himself. And his lips as be held it twisted into a smile of gratitude for the act that help ed hiiu to bear his awful pain. "It's a wonderful thing that is being fought out over here. True democracy and a new religious life is emerging from No Man's Land. Protectant and Catholic, Jew and Qentile, are marching side by side and dying for a com mon cause, and they are asking, 'if we can fight together and die together, why can't we live to gether when it's all over'? And from that awful chaos is going to come the conception of the true brotherhood of man and the true Fatherhood of God. "The boy in No Man's Land is the only thing that counts, but we must have the machinery of him. That's why you are beiiu urged to wage this War Savings campaign. Food and clothing aud monitions and ships to carry them must be had, aud the folks back home, who that boy is fighting to protect, mast supply these needed things. No sacrifice that you may be called upon to make is suffi cient to atone for that boy who 'Goes Over the Top'! Tbere is not a man who stays at homo worthy to black his boots." SAVE FOR YOUR COUNTRY. And For Those Who Are Fighting For Us. / University New* Letter. The peaple of North Carolina are , this year called to the hl?h calling of thrift—to the patriotic duty of savin? 50 million dollars and lend ing; it to our government in the purchase of Thrift Stamps and Sav ings Certificates bearing 4 percent Interest. These 50 millions are to be loaned, mind you, and they brinjt a double alessinij. They bles3 both the lend ers and the causa for which they ire loaned. The teachers and the pupils In JUT public schools are otdled into eadership in this great (thrift cam >aign, under the joint direction of 3oL P. H". Fri3B, the State Director >f War Savings, and Dr. J. Y. Foyner, State Supt. of Public In duction. The teachers and the school chll- Iren of North Carolina can put this hing across if they go at it ham mer-and-%ongs In our and country regions. The country schools alone could lo it. Our farmers are 275 mil lion dollars richer this year than they were in the census year—in crop values alone. The farmers, bankers and manu facturers of the State hive made more money ih the last three years than they ever did before in all their lives. We must consecrate our wealth to the cause of freedom in the earth or our wealth will corrupt and corrode our souls iq this year of our destiny. Who saves freedom for humanity saves all things, and all things sav ed shall bless him; who saves for himself alone, loses all things, and all things lost shall curse him. Our boys are fighting our fight in France. It is our glorious privilege to support them as they offer up their lives at the front. If we will not deny ourselves and save for their sake* then we are not worth fighting for. A dime spent In needless self-in dulgence is a traitor dime, and the spender is a slacker. Thrift Stamps cost only 25 cents at th£ postofflce; and when eight or nine of them k have been saved, they can be exchanged for a five dollar certificate bearing 1 percent interest. The poorest man or the smallest child at home can fight for human ity with dimes while our .joys fight with guns ill the .;at.le line. Jim Mcllherron, a negro, who shot and killed two white men at Estill Springs, Tenn., was biirued at the stake lifter A confession had been forced from him by applica tion of hot irons. Calomel Dynamites A Sluggish Liver Crashes into sour bile, mak ing you sick and you loose a day's work. ' Calomel salivates! It's mercury, Calomel acta like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes In contact with sour bile it crashes into it causing griping sod nausea. If you feel bilious, hesdschy, con stipated and sll knocked out. Just go to your druggist and get n not tie of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is'a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel ' Take a spoonful snd if It doesn't atsrt your liver and stralghteo vou up better and quicker than nasty -calomel, and without making you sick, you lust go and get youi money back. ... i If you take calomel today youH ;be sick snd nauseated tomorrow besodes It may salivate you, whil« llf you take Dod son's Liver Tom you will wske up feeling great, ful of ambition and ready for work oi play. It's harmless, pleasant anc safe to give to children; they llk 'it »d*. ■ ■ -Ir , i. | J Allied Governments* Purchases in the United States | T Arrangements were entered into shortly after,the beginning of the war by the secretary of the treasury, with the approval of the president, with the governments of Great Britain, Prance, Russia, Italy, Belgium and ** Serbia, whereby Berpard M. Baruch, Robert Si Lovett and Robert S. Brookings of the war' industries board were designated a commission through whom or with grhose approval or consent all purchases in the United States of materials and supplies by or on behalf of these govern ments shall be made. c Under this arrangement these governments communicate their re- ' quirements for materials and supplies to this commission through their designated purchasing agents in this country, and the commission then uses its best efforts to obtain offers of the materials and supplies required at the best obtainable prices and terms, of delivery and otherwise and submits the same to the purchasing agent concerned, it being no part of , the commission's duty to prepare and sign contracts, or to supervise their execution, or to determine technical details, or to carry out the inspection i of materials, all of which matters are cared for by the governments con- j cerned. The foreign governments have agreed not to make purchases in the ' United States otherwise than through or with the consent of the commis sion. The arrangements provide that nothing expressed or implied, nor ! anything done or omitted by the commission, shall impose any obligation or lfability upon the United States whether to advance moneys, to es tablish credits, or otherwise. The purchasing commission in carrying out the terms of this agreement, says Commerce Reports, is endeavoring to see first that the wants of the governments associated with the United States in the war are supplied as promptly as possible, and without interfering with the requirements of our own government. This necessarily involves the finding of a source of supply from which articles needed by the allies c-an be obtained without prejudice to contracts placed with the United States government for articles of the same kind, and in many cases it has been found necessary to develop new sources of supply—that is, to induce some one who has not been previously making the articles needed to pro- duce them. ■ls■.- . ■ . . - WANTED! Cedar Lumber and Logs : I will continue to buy Cedar Logs delivered on good roads at convenient places to reload on truck, also deliverd on selected mill yards. Will pay more than list price for logs delivered at R. R. Stations. All logs promptly checked up and paid for. For prices and information write or 'phone. H. C. WALKER, 'Phone 541 -W. Graham, N. C. German in Wilmington Post- 1 office. Charges have been ttlod with J the PoHtofllce Department against '' A. K. Hergenrother, a clerk in the I Wilmington postofllce. lie is 8 charged with being disloyal and of having secretly supplied the „ German government with val uable information transmitted through the Wilmington ofllce. A pout office inspector has lieen work iug on the case for some lime, and the department will determ ine the. fate of the postal clerk soon, says the Washington cor respondent, of the News and Ob server. Hergenrother is a dispatching clerk in the office .njd the accjisa- J tions filed against him by Wil mington citW&ns specify that he ■ conveyed to the captains of the Keel and MJcaria, German ships \ interned at Wilmington, inforina- i tion that could be appropriated , i by Germauy as helpful to the ' Kaiser in the prosecution of the i war. Hergenrother is a native of i Bavaria, and cAum to the United j States with his parents lie has been employed .in the Wilmington ' postofllce about ten years. i , ' NOTICE! . To Whom It May Concern: * Almost every Monday morning 1 ' find a number of empty lemon ex tract bottles thrown uround in bath rooms and other places where water is obtainable. Today, Jan. 28th, 1 found twenty-six empty lemon ex tract bottles in one room, and to my knowledge they were placed there 0 wilhin a period of twelve hours. t This is a menace to any town, and 1 parties guilty of getting intoxicated i on such extracts, etc., are notified . thot they will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. W. 11. HQS WELL, Chief of Police. ' John D. Huflinea, a prominent r business man of lteidsville, shot I himself through the right temple, Monday morning of last week, as he sat at his desk in his office. * Death wad instantaneous, busi ness trouble* assigned as the cause. He was 57 years old and is survived by his wife and five children. * Hair Gray? Read This! j This is a me«»age of Importance to all who have gray hair. Science has made a great discovery in j Q-ban. ' Gray or faded hair changes to a , natural, uniform, lustrous, beauti ful dark shade simply by applying . O-baix Works gradually and defies detection. Safe, sure ani guaran teed harmless. All ready io use. ' 50c a large bottle, money back if I not satisfied. Sold by Hayes Orug Company and all good drug stores. (Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Soat>. Ll'tul f j| shampoo, also Q-ban Depilatory. I Qfom «'. / - - Notice of Re-Sale. Under and by virtue of tha power confer, rod upon me by the will of James W. Wyatt* deceaaed. duly admitted to vrotmte the IHtb day of Juofe. 1017. and recorded In the office of the Clerk or the *up*rfor Co irt for Ala mance county In Hook of Wllla No. ft, page HUP, the undersigned Executrix will, on FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1018, at 140 o'clock p. a.. Hi the court house door In Graham. N. C. offer for aale at publlo auc llon to tho .highest bidder Wr cash, a certain tract or paroel of land lying mih! belne In Alamance county, Pleasant orove Township. North Carolina deecrtbed as follows; Adjoining the landa of John Itodgers, Dr. Mc Knight and others and bounded a« follows: Ib'Klniilug at a stake on th« great road run ning North with Henson's line fortv-four chains nnd sixty link* to black jack: thenoe South Mi dog. Wait tlilrty one chains and flitv links to a rock on the North side of the grout road; thence with seld road to the first sta tion. containing M acrea. more or I sa. This the IHtb iiay of February, 1»IH, KM MA WVATi, Kxecutrlx. Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the nower of atle contained In a certain m >rtgage f/om l ion •id aon 11. Webii and wife, H -tilj A. Webb, ami W. 11. Webb, to the undemlgned. mortgagee, dated the tub day of January. Iftlfl. and reg. a» tered In tbe offlue of the register of d x»da far Alamauc* County, in n -o* .it iu> t* *g»»* ai»d deeds of truat No HI. page '3*\ nefauU having been mn'li* In the nuyment of the indeoird n**ss secured thereby, I will, on MONDAY, MARCH' 26, 1918, at 1:80 p. m., at the court house floor In (Jra* ham, N. ('.. sell for cean at public, aic 100 to the hlgh»«t bidder a pared of land In In* count) of Alamance, itorlin/ton Tow nab Ip and nd loin iug the lands or Tim Kne »vn Lewla Miller, CJaiisoo hairs and boundod as follow*: beginning at a aton« on llsrba 11 ittlc'fllne running ftfience north "Z.'M cha. 1i a atone; tnence K, itM cha. to a atone; thenoe H. 'IM übs to a atonr; thence W. :t JHcbs. to the t>« Ing, containing a l« of an acre, mo»e or lea*, upon which land !■ loca'etj a four ro »m house In which Donald* 01 Web ) and his faro ly now live. This Feb. w. l»|a 4 MICS. UZZIK HMI-ru, Mortgagee Summons by Publication North Carolina -Ala m\ lira canty. In the Maparlor Court, Iftefore tbe lerk. Una Albright. Bryant Albright. Itoaa Al bright. Mrs. A. U. W Henri anl hu*bsnd A - 0. Wliaon, Decle Albright. Pearl lloberteon. Walte llobers«n aoi w,f Kiava It iberteou, Thomaa Hobertaon and Lucy Kolar * «. vs. Violet Albright. Jewel Albright, llelea Hon Albrlgtit, (llano Albr glit. Mayo Fowler awl Adelc Fowler. The deffodanta, Helen Fon Albright an I Olaon Albright, above named, will tak* no tice that en action, entll»d »• above, h*a t»e-u commenrwl In The Hunerior tJourt i»f Ala mance Oajnty. Uie t.*lerk. U» aell. for partition, the lend* deviaed to the pe'ltli»ner« gwftsa defwndante ny ttj»- Win and of U«« Ute A. C. Albright: and tbn saM defendanu will further tak»* ie»tice that they ere required to apwear *ald rierk on the .S)fh day of M rcb, iwia aol anawar or demur to the pctlon lu aald actl'»u, or the petitioner* will apply Ut tha Court for th* re lief demanded In "a'n petition. This Feb. H, l»la. 7lfab4t J. 1» KKHNODLK. €!. H. C. Timber and Wood Wanted! If you have any timber, wood, or fimberland to sell, let me hear from you. I want to •uy the same W. C. Tiiuisros. .''.jsn.St Hurlington, N. C. For Sale. One pair Stimson Computing Scales—almost as ({ood as new. These are standard scales, and a great convenience. Will lw» cold at a bargain. I'lione '2OO J, or call on T. C\ Moos, 14feb4t Graham, X. C. An intimation »hit Camp (Jreen would oe abandoned by the Oov ernment as unsuitable sent a delegation of Charlotte citizens to Washington to hold the maUer up. Secretary Baker will personally visit the camp. The Charlotte peo ple feel that they can make a showing that will keep the camp there. Jm. H. Rich W. Enwrt Thompson F Hid I topson Funeral Directors N and Embalmers " Calls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Phone No. 107 b Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 489-J Jas. H. Rich 54«i-W " HI You need it- We .sell it II» Ji THE"POCKET J SELF />■ t BILLING" ■ £ Z!^^pley^ Re-Sale of Real Estate Un- t der Deed ol Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deca . of trust, executed to the under- 1 signed Alamance Insurance & Real 1 Estate Company, Trustee, by Geo. H. Sutton and his wife, Luna Sut- ton on (he 17th day of April, 1017, ] duly probated and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for 1 Alamance county, in Book of Mort- > gages and Deeds of Trust No. 71, ' at pages 1 to 7, default having be.;n made in the payment of the bond mentioned and described in ana secured by said doed of trust, undersigned Alamance Insurance ft Real Estate Company will, on MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1919, at 12 o'clock M„ at the court house door of Alamance courfty, in Gra ham, offer for sale at public auc tion to the hilties'. bidder for cish, the following described reai estate, to-wit: beginning at a stone in public road runnin? northward toward Bethlehem church 35 deg. E. 0 rods to a stone in said roid; thence southeastward 0 rods to a stone, Jas. BatomanV corner; thence southwestward 15 rods and 10 feet to a stone in said road, Mrs. Eliz abeth Sutton's line corner, md o" George W. Sutton's line; thence northward 16 3-1 W. 7 rods to the beginning, and containing one half acre, more or less. Thess di mensions are taken from plat fur nished by S. L. Sutton. Terms of sale: CASH. Place of sale : Court house door, Graham, North Carolina. Time of sale. Monday, March 18th, 1018, at 12 o'clock M. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. February 12, 1918. Re-Sale of Land! Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, , made in a special proceeding there ■ in pendiug, enti.led J. G. Holt ana wife, Minnie E. nolt and others, vs. llettie Kogjti ano others, where to all the* devisees of George M Noah are duly constituted parlies the undersigned commissioners w(" sell to the highest bidder at public ! auction, on SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918,, ' at 12 o'clock noon, at ths. court house dpor In Graham, all of the , following described real property * to-Wit: Three certain tracts or parcels or t land, lying and belli*; in Patter * son township. Alamance county North Carolina. The said three tructs adjoining etch other, and ,• constituting one tract of 269 acres, * more or less, and is known as the ' Jerry Noah place. TERMS OK SALE One-third of * the purchase price to be paid In „ cash, the other two-t'drds to be ■ paid in instalments within six ano * twelve months. Deferred pay mcnts to be evidenced by oonrf* n* of purchaser bearing interest at 6 " percent. Sale subject to confirma tion by tho Court. This i* a re-sale and bidding will start at 1990.00. This February 11. 1918. J. DOLPH LONG, I f. C. MOSBR, Commissioners. EXKCUTOR'S NOTICE i. Having ouallfled M IxwuUM of the iMt 1. Will nn'i Taatasssal »t William J. Wilson, a " il f -a»,"!, I at,- of Alamanre cunly. ft. t., tills ,' la In nmtf y all peranna Bavins claims a»aln«l ' aaltl estate In eihllilt them to the under pinned. or bis attorneys. l/m* k l,onjr. at ~ (Irnhain, N. C., on or before Mia tilth tlsy of ,j h'l L/uury. |9|u. or th a aotlce will by pleaded In bar of their recovery All persona Indebt- I ed In aald estate will make Immediate aeitle ment. ,i TS|a February 4 1«1S. • , CMMSH V. RCMKM* Kxecutor. ir l/mt k Ixtog, Attorneys. ltfebSt « NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF •r JOIIMMTOJI TIIOMPitOK MTOMi: ('«. is All creditor* of the J«»tau«tou-Thompson "tor® (>jmp*iiy. luw ftlv«*r. M will herr by tuke flouts thai th* affair* are brio* wound up, a« by Nw provided for insolvent corporations. by t»n> undermine I. the duly appointed, |ialiflcd and ftfllni IWcelvrrof ir ttio M»id OouipN y. Tb#*y will further take notice Ibat ail clslm» fl a«ain»t lb#* said Johpston-Thompson Ntor*- ('», must be o»ed with the undersltfucd at Haw Hirer, 2i. C. on or before April U, l»l*. or this notice will be pleaded In b»r of their , recovery by order of lite court /• This the Iftb day of February. W* J. A tit II IK LOXO, Slfsbit -iv Receiver. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. X '• Having ijuslined as Admlnistrsbirs of the ii eataU) of J. w. Johnaton, deceased. the . uoderslsm ii beraby notifies all penaiba bold •" irill claims asaloat the aall ii-t«i« t i iireaent the *ame. .lulr auuieotlcaled. on or bsfofs ,r the Sitta day ul Keb . l»l», or this notice will ■ I. pleaded In bar of Umir rscovery; and all persons indebted to aald estate are rvqueat /. Ed t» mske uumediale aetUemeat. Tills Jan. sib, 1917. a U. JOHNSTON, Adm'r n .'lfebst of J. W Jobustoa. deo'd o | I >. | Dixon's Lead Pencils sre the | ly | sre THE BEST. Tr* them | >- | and be convinced. They are i a | tor sale at this office.—Sc. | p I j o—o—o —o —o—-o — ~*o —o —o—o—o —r : -mm NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTfI^H Walter Wood, trading under dim name ol K.D. Wood u: VS. ■'« IS. Van steonbura and Ila D. rfteenburg. The defendants in the above cnti&H Lied action will, take notice me mil day of January, IDIB, lummom in said action was issofflSfl against *aid defendants by J. V. :*i Kernodle, Clerk ol the L'ourt ol Alamance Coanty, Worthijß Carolina, said plaintiff claiming tfjMM turn of *2,600.0!) due him on accmaMgH ol breach of contract upon the safe j| of certain goods, which said BurejjW tnons is returnable to the next c.f the Superior Court of AlamaiM|H County to be held in Uraham, W. C„ A l3 beginning on the first Monday Ural March, I^lß. The saiu defendants will fiUNfS take notice that a Warrant of At- Jl tachment was issued by the said « I lerk of the Superior Court of Ala- aj inance County, on the. 26th day of m January, 1016, against the proper- SB ty of said defendants, which War- wj rant is returnable to the said term j lit the Superior Court of Alamariceja County, at the time and place nam- '1 fd for the return of said Summons, J when and where the are required to appear and answer -q ur demur to the complaint, or the ,gs relief demanded will he Done this the 31st day of Jan- | nary, 1918. J. D. KF.RNODLE, C.S.C , | Alamance County.*® ■ 1 ■ "'Ti Road Tax Notice! AH persons liable for special road 1 tax, or who In event or failure to »" pay, must work on the public road^ill are notified that unless the.y pay 1 this special tax to W. P. SmltlMJa County Treasurer, on or befoMtjil A|(rll Ist, 1918, the law retiring J them to work upon the roads will is lie enforced strictly. You must pay $1.25 or work two J days, and if you prefer paying the -3 cash, you must pay thin sum to [he County Treasurer at Orahamja liefore April Ist. Take notice and a ilo not complain because the coun- J ly authorities enforce the law. f. B. M. ROGERS, to Board County. Com'r*. :;|j Certificate of Dissolutioai To AU to Whom Theae Preaenta May Conw— M Greeting: Whtrui, It appear* to my mtlafaetlon. bjr 'fll Ilulr authenticated record or the prncawHiia 9 mr the voluntary dissolution tlH'reof by to* iT iinanlnioueoon»eotof all tbeatockkoldera.de> Ml |rfMlu«l In rayoineo, that the Snow Camp Mil- fl iuml Telephone Co.. » comoratlon of thla ,M Kta' e,whoae principal office la situated at Mo J —Hired, la tha vlllaueof Snow Camp,rouo- Jj IV of Alamance; Btale of North Carotin* » iKverptiH. Durham, belne the agent therein 9 inu In charge thenar, upon wnom proeeaa "8 may be nerved), Mia compiled with the M [lulraioeuta of Ch4>ter 21, He vleal of 1806, en- I titled "torporaUona," preliminary to the -g laaulngof thla C'ertlflcate of DlaaotutlOjtt(3 Now. therefore, I, J. Bryan UrlmeK, fecra, IB lary ol Hut* or tue state of North Carolina, ilo kereliy certify that the Mid corporation illd. on the 25th day Of Jan., l»l«. die In mr lifllce a duly executed and aiumied conxml M In writing to tne dl.aolutlon of uid corpora lion, executed by all the atoeliholdere there >f. which aald consent and the recur* of tha i.rocecdinga aforeatid are now on Ola In ray aid office aa provided by law. Intaatlmonr whereof. I have hereto aet my J| hand and affixed mr official weal at Ualeigh, 23 Lhla aMb day of January, A. I)., 1«1». (Heal of Htate. 1 j. BRYAN GKIMEB, | ;r*Mt Secretary of State. al I. • • DIGESTONEINE'! Nature'* Re« ton live, vIU Up* Not only (ire* quick, ue relief trom infift»- tion'i ilia Heartburn, Dixzineaa, J Sour Risino, Acid Mouth. Sl«plea nets, etc., but build* up appetite and 3 entire • rat em. Thouunds KNOW. 'jl Follow their lead—- j B IffiUgpcrmiCTiilg' 1 1 am Ittftrtivlnc In haaltli atar* I bar* l««n taking yuur It Am baa ui»- »o inurtt, 1 caa't Ml t»u h"w thaakfu* I am. 1 Sa U"t ll.ink I .t.iilfl g* t alurijf IttvMt It I . g rM-frfiuorratiwl It (Qj, manr It tun duM am au Uiut'h gM. WILLIH TOWNS, Mttiaoa, Ko. Car* "; fl WlV'o—w four am* BACK " I f * Imthm amimkm FACTS, m* .2 HAVKS DRUG COMPANY, OBAIIAM, K. C.* 'S * • * nil NOTICE I NotiM* i» hereby given tliat ai>- pUcation will be made to the Oov ernor for the conditional pardon of Jim White, who was convicted and sentenced at the November 1 Term, 1917, of Alamance Superior Court. This the ltth day of Feb., 1918 llfetit. Sale of Property Under and by virtue o? the power of sale contained in a certain trus ter's deed from Carrie Smith and Daisy Smith, his wife, to the undersigned trustee, dated the ls|t day of February, 1)12, and regi»- tered in the office- of the regWtf of Deeds for Aiamance county, itt~ BJk of Mortgages and Deed* of Trust No. 59, pages 128 to 12U, de fault having been made in.the pay ment of the indebtedness secure# thereby, I will, on PR I DAY, MARCH 22, 1918, At 1.30 o'clock p. m. at the court house door in Orihut : N. C.« sell for cash, at public auc tion to th" highest bidder, a pk»« eel of land lying and being in tMU county and State aforesaid, iMK bounded as follows, to-wit:. '' A certain lot or parcel M- !»»* in Burlington township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands o" Spring St., R. A. Free man, A. F. Barrett, W". A. Irwib and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bar on the Southeast side ol said street, cor ner with said Erwin, running thence N. 53* deg. E: 95 ft 4 in. to a rock, corner with said Freeman on Southeast side uLJjrtd street, thence S. 36# deg. B. ft to a stake, corner with R. X. .Freeman on A. F. Barrett's line; thence with A. F. Barrett'a Une 53* deg E. 95 ft. 4 in. to a stake, corner with A. F. Barrett on colored Methodist. Parsonage Une; thence 36* deg. w. 142 feet to beginning, par lot No, 90, plot of said town. This February 19, 1918. WALTBR B. SHARPE, M