THE GLEANER M . ! .. '' * GRAHAM, N. 0., Aug. 1,1918. Postollice flours. OMoopen TM»• rn. toT.OOp. m. Buudfcr MO toIIJOO ». m. »n! 4.00 to MO p. m J. U. MoCHACKEN. Poitmuter. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. EAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a- m. " l(J& " 9:f7 " " 22 •; " 5:00 p.m. (JOINQ WKBT — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. « 21 " 11:13 " " 139 " 6:15 p in. \ll trains carry mail, and Nos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. +++^+'H"t - +' *+-!••)•+++•(•+•(•++++++ + LOCAL NBWS + ♦ + —First Thursday in August this—time to snw turnip seed. —There wa-t a downpour of rain Sunday, but the one that came Tues day night was more so. —On Satur lay, Aug. 10th, the Republicans of. Ataman -h will hold their County Convention to nomi nate candidates —The Democratic County Con vention meets here Saturday at 2 o'clock p m. to nominate candidates for county ofEcas and a member of the Legislature and t > attend to other business. Hcadin' South Friday. The next Douglas Fairbanks pro duction will be shown at the Mexi- j can Theatre, Friday night. Headin' | South, a jtory of the Mexican border . trouble >vhich is broken up by a' band of Texas rangers. Ritchie-White. Capt. Ray Miller Ritchie, home at J Coucord and Miss Mildred White, i the attractive and accomplished | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. j White of the Hawfields community, will be married this afternoon and J leave at once lot Brownsville, Texas, I where Capt. Ritchie is stationed, j Capt. Ritchie has charge of the famous negro regiment that shot up Brownsville some two years ago. Young Man Drowned. Mr. Zeno W. Williams, aged 23 or 24 years, was drowned while fish ing in Haw river in the Southeastern part of the county Saturday after noon. He fell in with a party who were seining and went in with his heavy clothes on. Undertaking to swim across a deep hole, he gave out and west down. Two others of the party whe went to his help also came near beinjf drowned. It is stated that two others have been drowned in the tr.'achous hole where young Williams lost his life. BIG 10-DAY CLOSING OUT SALE—Beginning I FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1918 Yes, we are going to close out our entire stock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Spring and Summer Ready-to-Wear Goods at less " J than manufacturers' cost. These goods must be sold as we would rather have the cash than to carry these goods over. So don't g forget the date, the time and the pIace—FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, at 9 a.m., sharp, this big closing out sale commences and will last only 10 days. Come, this is the biggest bargain sale of the year, don't miss it—remember the date. | LADIES' DRESSES CHEAP.-Yes, We are going to close out our entire line of spring and summer dresses during this sale at less than manufacturers' cost. We don't want to keep them—they must go. During this sale dresses sold at less than half price. | Come, and come quick. ■ I I l All *1 50 and $2 00 ladies' white skirts to be closed out All $2.00 men's hats, all samples, to close out at 98c. . AH ♦ i.r»o and $2.00 children's washable dresses, all g during this sale-will close out at 98c. All *8.50 and $4.00 men's heavy work shoes, all Hi**, to ,W „,.t at - J All children's white canvas shoes, high cut, $2.50 values., to close out at $2.49. All $8.50 and $4.00 ladies' patent pump, high heel. aH j| to close out only $1.48. All $2.75 and $3.00 ladies' white canvas pum|>s, high h ' x h, to losi out at ! g All $4.00 men's pants, all sizes, closing out price $2 39. ■ ; ciuuiren s uxiorus, unite canvas, in ?-.»» kumi. k> All W2.50 and $3.00 ladies' pauamahats to close out 9»c. close out at 98c. All $4.00 ladies' skirts, black and blue, all sizes, closing ; ■ ~ ; g out price $1.98. All $2.60 and SB.OO men's overalls, all sizes, to close out A " * o r '" n,ul * 7 »' lk » k,rt »' all swes, ——————————at this sale sl.t>9. to dose? out at $4.39. * All $2.00 ladies' voile waists, all sizes, to close out at , * —— only 98c. " . All 50c corset covers to close out at 20c. All $2.00 ladies' corsets, all sizes, to close out at !»Hc. 5 3 All $4.50 men's dress shoes, all samples, to close out All $8.50 ladies' Ox fords, all samples, to close out at All $4.00 boys' suit*, all sizes, to dose out at at only $2.09. „ 11 $4.00 and $5.00 men's Panama hats, all newest ' All boys' 50c caps to close out at 24c each. Ail $3.50 ladies' shoes, all samples, $1.98. styh-s, to close out $2.39- Come to see then,. Don t forget to come to this big 10 days closing out sale where you can buy goods at less than manufacturers' cost. These goods must be closed out. Come while the pick is good and get first choice. Mark the date. FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE I Next to Hayes Drug Co. GRAHAM, N. C. j ++++++++++++ ++++J . J . ++++++++ : + pbrsonal. J ; +++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ + Miss Minnie Long returned Tues day from Montreat. 1 Br. Chas. F. Cate-, neir Mebane, was in town yesterday. . r * late, near Stainback, is in town today on bueiness. r - A. 0. Huffman of Faucette township was in town yesterday. Maj. J. J. Henderson was in Greensboro Tuesday on business. Mr. Julius E. Sellars of Pleasant throve is in town t.)day on business; Mrs. E. I'. McClure left for llal e'gh this morning on a visit to rela tives. Mrs. Jas, I?, Cook and Mister James are visiting relatives at By num. Mr. and Airs. J. W. Menefee leave today for Mt. Airv to spend a few days. | Mrs. I. M. McConnell returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. C. B. Irwin of Fayetteville arrived here the first of the week on a visit to Mrs. E. 8. Parker. Mrs. B. Frank Mebane of Spray spent the latter part of last week here with Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Miss Ada Denny has returned from a visit of several weeks to rela tives in Greensboro and Reidsville. Miss Marce Goley has gone to Jackson Springs to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross. Mess. Flake Pickard and Thomas Bradshaw returned this morning from Lee Hall, Va., where they have been at work. Mr. Dewey Fogleman, on a U. S. Supply ship, left yesterday after spending a few days at his home here. ' Mrs. Robt. L. Holmes and Misses Lucile and Maxine and Master Robert and Mr. Glenn Hoffman re turned yesterday from a week's stay at Wrigbtsville and Burgaw. Mr. and Mrs. Farrior Powell of Whiteville spent from Saturday till Monday here at the home of the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott's Jr., on their return ''from Washington, D. C. * Misses Helen and Nell Simmons, who have been spending a few days here, returned to Durham Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by Misses Blanch Scott and Mattie Long, who returned yesterday even ing. The regular conductor on a passeDger train from Pink Hill to Kiuston failed to show up a few days ago and Mrs. Belle Jones, who had had some experience in a railroad office, volunteered and conducted the train for the trip. MEXICAN PROGRAM .The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, Aug. sth. ' MONDAY NIGHT.' Pox Feature In 5 Parts. Nestor—Comedy—l Part. TUESDAY NIGHT. THE LION'S CLAW Marie Walcarap—2 Parts. L-KO. Comedy—2 parts. Nestor—Comedy—l Parf. WEDNESDAY NIGST. Pace in the Dark v In 5 Parts. 1110 Marsh THURSDAY NIGHT. The Woman and the Web. In 2 parts. Sunshine. Comedy—2 parts. Weekly—l Part. FRIDAY NIGHT. TIGER MAN Paramount—s Parts. William S. Hart SATURDAY NIGHT. The Lie Paramount —5 Parts. Elsie Ferguson BULL'S EYE. Eddie Polo—? Parts Buy Your Coal Now. - I have several ears good domestic lump coal on the road now. If you will place your orders now for your requirements for th 3 winter s:> that I can move this coal when it ar rives, I will not have to'cancel any orders I have • placed, with the rffines. My opinion is, if we take this coal now, we will not have the chance later. I have put forth every effort to secure' this coal for youand if you will co-operate with me by placing your orders at once, I think I can serve you t.i our mutual advantage. Thanking you Hor any ana ail business you may give me. Jesse Carter of Croft was kijleil almost instantly and S. F. Mollis and VV. E. Stikeleather were se verely injured Wednesday a week when they caine in contact with ail electric wire at the foundry of the Cole "Manufacturing Co. in Charlotte. , .» Two Gastonia youths wanted to get the kaiser. They took S3O from the cash drawer of a mer chant and bought rifles and other equipment. Their parents made good the money and they were let go on account of their youth. TO TP*3ITI7,F,NS i)F HUMM WUffl. y - ' lam taking this method of expressing my gratitude and sincere thanks to you for the great honor you have conferred upon me and for the confidence you have placed in me by calling me to serve you as Clerk of the Superior Court of our county in the past. . r If it shall be your wish and desire that I serve you again, come to the Democratic convention in Graham, Saturday, August 3rd, and say whom you will have. Whatever may be your decision I will cheer fully and loyally abide by the same. Very sincerely, J. D. KERNODLE. County Organization of American Red Cross. At the call of Dr. Quy E Suave ly, Director of the Bureau Of Dev. 1- optnent, Southern Division American Red Cross, representees of the American liel Cross Chapters of Burlington, Graham and Mebane, together with the branches f these several Ch ipters, met at the Court House in Graham, on July 29th, and jterfected a Count}- Organiza tion of the Ited Cross for Alamance County. Mr. J. G. Lane, of the Atlanta office of the American Ked Cross, who is Field Secretary, was present at this meeting and made an inspir ing talk on the work of the Red Cross, and explained at length the purpose and detail of the County Organization. The great work which the Ited Cross is called upon to do i on account of the war made it neces sary to decentralize the- National Organization into fourteen great Di visions. All Chapters in a given Division have to report to and make orders, from the Division Head quarters. The County Organiza tions are, in effect, County Divisions, and greatly reduce the number of Chapters with which Division Head quarters have to keep in touch. The County Organization is, in effect, a Red Cross Division, ana is composed of a Board of Direc tors elected ny the several Chap ters, on th'j basis of one director for each 100 members of the Chap ter. This Boaro of Directors elects an Executive Committee and offi cers for the County Organization, and the County Organization has its several committees which cor respond to the Chapter Organiza tions. The Alamance Chapter organized >nd elected Mr. E. 3. Parker. Jr, of Graham, Chairman; Mr. W. E. Sharpe, of Burlington, vice-Chair man ; Mr. J. 3. White, of Mebane, Secretary; Mr. Jas P. Montgom ery of Burlington, Treasurer; Mrs. Lawrence S. Holt, Jr., of Burling ton, Director ol Woman's Work. These officers, together with the Chairmen of the vnrious Commit tees of the County Organisation, constitute the Executive Commit tee. The Executive Committee Will meet once a month for the trans action of business, and the Board of Directors meet annually on the -Ith Wednesday of October, for th? election of officers. There may be call meetings from time to time as may be deemed n'-cess .ry. ThJ several Chapttrj of thi coun ty retain their organization Just Us heretofore, but instead Of reporting direct to the Atlanta of.'iee. report to the County Organisation. All matters of a county-wile nature will be attended to by th? Execu tive Committee of th* County Or ganization. The combined membership of the Graham, Burlington and Mebane Chapters is more than 3,000. ThCBV Chapters stand in the front ranks in all activities of the American Red Cross in the Southern Division. Their co-operation on a county ba sis, with this large membership,ana the great work that his already been done, msans that the work will go forward with even better results in the future. Jly order of Director McAdoo, unification of tlie Southern rail way, Norfolk A Western aud South Hound depots and yards iu Winston-Salem will become effect ive August 1. Luther Bowen, four-yoar-old son of the postmaster of W»t Durham, was hanging over the rail of a pond, when he fell in and drowned before help could reach him. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite and makes work a burden. To regain your strength nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulaion; its blood-enriching proper ties give energy to the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, be suro to get Scott's Emulsion today. BtoeoflcM, w c . J-'.- '.."1 '.»■ MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of REAL " ESTATE. •Under and by vljtue tH the powers contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by John H. Crisp and wife, Minnie Crisp, to L. 11 Parti™, on thv Sri d v j>f September, 1916, and duly recorded i In the office of ths Register of Deeds for Alamance county, to se cure the payment of a cjrtaia bond or note therein described, and default having bean mada in the payment of tne sild not 3 or bond, the undersigned mortgagee will, on SATURDAY, AUGUST It, 1»18, at 12 o'clock nr>n, at the court house door In 'irrfham, N. C., sell at public out cry to the high est bidder, lor cash, the following tract of l»ni in Pleasant Grove Township, to-wit: A tract of l.ind bounded on the East by O. R Ma.vnard, on the North by L. L. Patton, on the West by L. W. Patton, deceased, 011 th? on the South by Henderson Bra i shaw, containing 85 acres more or less, known as the Haywoon Te*r place. This is a good tobacco farm and located in a good community. This July 31, 1918. L. L. PATTOV. Mortgagee j MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND I Under and by virtue of th; pow er of sale contained in it certain mortgage deed executed by Wal ter Ruffin and hW wife, Harriet Ruffin, to the Graham Loan & Trust Company, snld mortgage de«d b-ar ing date od December 2, 1915, and recorded in the offic of thi Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance coun ty In Book of Mortgage Deeds' XT o 65, at page Hi, and default havi 1•; been made in th-; payment there if, the undersigned mort»a,;je will of fer for sale at t*'lbU? auction, to the highest bidder, at t'l"? otirt house door in Graham,. Alammee, 1 county, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. 1918, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Monroe Harden, Sam Brandon, and others, and bounded us follows; Beginning at a cedar stump, earner with Henry Hrannoek, running in a northerly direction 62 fc?t t') a stake; thence S. 62 ft., corner with Henry Brannock ; thence in a west erly direction 66 fe:?t to begin ning, and containing about one eighth of an acre, more or less, on which there is a frame dwelling. This Is the same tract of land con veyed to Hannah Ruffin bv Henrv Brannock by deed dated August 1, 1901,, and recorded In the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance county In Book of Deeds No. 12, at page 303. Terms; CASH. This July 31, 1918 Graham Loan & Trust Co., Mortgagee. ( For Sale! I Two fresh Jersey cows for sale ' or will exchange them for woari. I T. C. MON, 'Phone 260.-J. Graham, N. C. Friends of Peace Institute mot in Raleigh Inst week and agreed to raise >125,000 10 «l 50,000 for the infiiitittion. Of this amount the alumni have agreed to raise •25,000, — —.—. You need it- We .sell it I iis?* I THE"POCKET SELF r ILLING" """■ Fountatod'en V Z. T.HADLEYf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified at Bxecutor of the will of Jsidm VN the underalguetl hereby notifies all pernona holding claims HRaiaat aald estate to present the same, duly authenticated, on 01 before the 6th day of August, 1919, or th s notice will by pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt -Ird to said eatate are requested to make Ira i mediate settlement. This July *J7, 1918. J. K BELLA HS. Tx'r I laugfit of Jamea Wilson, dec'd. Land Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a Special Proceed ing therein pending, wheret > all the helrs-at-Jaw of the latjjOeo. Whitted are duly constituted par ties, the undersigned Commission -1 er will offer for sale at public auc- I tion to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Graham, nt 12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1918, the following described lots of land: i • I# 1 irKt lot: A certain lot or parcel of 1 :tn.l Utuate on the southern site of Ih? North Carolina R. R. track, bounded on the North by the right of way of the North Carolina R. R.; on the East by the lands of Jack Mebane; on the South by the lands of Den Mebane; and on the West by the lands of Kate Graves and Mr. Charles Harris; and con taining about 6ne acre, ano being the home place of George Whittea. colored. , Secono lot: A certain lot or par cel of lanr>. lying North of the North Carolina it. K„ and bounded on the North by the lands of Hooker Holt, on the East by the lands of JotHo!t: on the South by the lands of Newman Precland ; ana on the West by the lands of Phil Tlce; containing about one acre of land, and being that part remain ing of tht 18-aere tracl of linn formerly owned by Geo. Whitt«ii. Terms of Sale : One-h.ilf pur chase price in cash; other half to be paid in sit months. Deferred payments to be evidenced by. bond of purchaser bearing six per cent Interest. Sale ••übject to confirm i tion bv the court. This' July SO, 1918. I. DOLPH LONG, Commissioner J ' I* D Itl' A4iah NORTH CAROLINA % . ALAMANCE COUNTY. -M In the Superior Court— , 8. W. Patton and Wife, Alice Pat- ton, Jas. R. Pat'on and wife Al-||| Margaret Patton, widow, Ava bane, Widow Ed. Patton, Sam J Patton, Flora Patton Ola Patton, j J. S. Albright and wife, Levinia P. Albright, C. A. Albright ana wife, Lessie B. Albright Carrie A; Overman ana husband, Claude Overman, Margaret A. Corbett „ and husband, J. O, Corbett R .B. Albright and wife, M.L.Albright Lula A. Adams and husband, C. A. Adams, Richard P. Albright Delia G. Albright, William H. Al bright, Stella N. Albright Taylor Albright, Bedford Patton J. P. Murray, Dr. Eston Murray ana wife, Mr*. Eston Murray Lizzie McAdams, widow Ed. Wyatt, hus band of Ellen Wyatt, dec'd Geo. Wyatt and wife, Mr». Geo. Wyatt ' John W. Wyatt and wife, Floy Wyatt, Mrs. J. H. Porterfleld and husband, J. H. Porterfleld Mrs. W. R. Poust and husband, W. R. Foust, Mrs. J. M. Hayes and hua band, J. M. Hayes Lottnie Patton and Wife Mary Patton, Edgar Patton and wife, Effle Patton Mrs. Ida L, McAdams and husbana, R. L. McAdams, William D. Patton Joseph C. Patton, James P. Pat ton, M. E. Patton minor, Alfrea Isley, husband oI Isley de ceased, J. S. Isley and Fannie B. Isley, minors under 14 years' of age. All of the respondents above named, and more particularly Ed. Patton, J. F. Murray Dr. Eston Murray and wife, Mrs. Eston Mur ruy, John W. Wyatt and wife Floy Wyatt, Mrs. J. 11. Porterfield ana husband, J. H. Porterfield Lula A. Adams and husband, C. A. Adams, J. S. Albright, William D. Patton, Joseph C. Patton, James D. Patton, will take notice that a Special Pro- s ceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, before the Clerk for the purpose of obtaining an order of sale tor division of that tract of land situate in Alamance ; county, North Carolina that was originally owned by James Patton, ' and which contained about two hundred and eight acres, and which descended upon his heir-at-law and , is now the property of certain of the parties to this action as ten ants in common. And the said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of . the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, at the court house in GrtSham, North Carolina on Saturday, tha 17th day of Au gust, 1918 and answer or demur to the petition filed by the plaintiffs in said special proceeding, or the said petitioners will apply to the court for the relief demandea in said petition, Done this the llth day of July,. 1918. J. D. KERNODLB, )lylß-t Clerk Superior Court. o—o—o—o—o- O-t —o—o o o—o—• I Dixon's Lead Pencils are tha | I are THB BEST. Try them | I and be convinced. Tney are j I for sale at this office.—Sc. I I *1 o—o—o—o—o—o—o —o—d—o—B—l