VOL.JOJV Get Rid of Tan, . Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S MagnoliaJSjC Balm. WQfP vl MTr Acts instantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how food it is until you try it Thous ands of women say it is beft of all beauti/iers and heal* Sunburn quickest. Don't b« without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail diredt. 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO.. 40 So. Btl. St., Brooklyn. N.T. EUREKA Spring Water FROM EUREKA SPRING, Graham, N. C. A valuable mineral spring has been discovered bv W. H. Ausley on bis place in Graham. It was noticed that it brought health to the usere of the water, and upon being analyzed it was ofund to be a water strong in mineral properties ancl good for stomach and blood troubles. Physicians who have seen the analysis and what it does, recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. Why buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when there is a good water recom mend* 1 by physicians right at home { For further informa tion and or the water, if you desire if apply to the under signed. W. H. AUSLEY. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket L Memo M &c„ &c. For, Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N._C. English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv You Can Cure That Backache. Pain Blong the back, dlulneaa, headache •ad gennerai Languor. Oct a package of Mother Oray'a Australia Leaf, the pleaaant root and herb cure (or Kidney, Madder and Urinary trouble*. Whan you leei all run down, tired, weak and without enenjr uae thla remarkable combination ~f nature, her be and ruou. Ai a regulator It baa na qual. Mother Oray'a Auauallan-Leaf la old by DruntaU or aent by mall for 60ct* ample tent free. Addrtaa, The iMoiher ray Co.. LE HOT. N. Y —NURSE WANTED—Fe ma 1 e none or attendant for a Sanitarium for Nervous and Mental diseases. Pay $24.00 a month with board and laundry. Address, S. Lord, Stam ford, Conn. jullßl4t Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few dose* of 666. Wanted! Agent for Graham and vicinity. Good proposition. Previous experi ence unnecessary. Free school of Instructions. Address Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Department, Saginaw, Michigan. Capital sl,- 500,000. 3oct JlOS—Dr. H. Deletion s Anti-Lha retic may be worth mors to you —mors to you than >IOO if you have a child who soils ths bed ding from incontinsnce of wster during sleep. Cures old and youo? slike. It arrests ths troubls st once. 91.00. Bold by tiraham Dreg Company. adv, THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. - v —■ - ATTORNEY GENERAL | GRE6ORT RESIGNS : ANOTHER MEMBER OF WILSON'S OFFICIAL FAMILY FINOS JOB IS TOO POORLY PAID. HIS RETIREMENT NRT HASTY Successor Wilt Probably Be P. L. Polk, Acting Secretary of State or Sen. •tor Jss. H. Lewie of llllnol*. "Washington.—Thomas Watt Greg ory, attorney general of the United State since 1914, has resigned because of "pecuniary responsibilities" and will return to the practice of law.' President Wilson has agreed to his re tirement next March 4. Mr. Gregory's letter of resignation dated January 9, and the President's reply, cabled from Parl,a the next day, were made public at the White House. The attorney gez.eraJ'B letter disclosed that he had long considered retiring from office and had discussed the matter with the President before Mr. Wilson went abroad. Mr. Gregory's successor has not been appointed, and there has been no official intimation aa to who he will he. In speculation the name spf Frank L. Polk, counselor of the state department and acting secretary while Mr. Lansing is In Europe, and Sena tor James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois were mentioned. Mr. Gregory is the second cabinet officer to resign recently on account of personal financial considerations, William G. McAdoo haying retired last month as secretary of the treasury because he could not support his fam ily on the cabinet member's salary of ,$12,000 a year. Mr. Gregory Is the fifth man to leave the cabinet during .the six years of President Wilson's administration. Others were Secre tary of State Bryan, Secretary of War Garrison, Attorney General Mcßey nokJL, Mr. Gregory's predecessor, who jwas appointed to the supreme court, land Mr. McAdoo. 30L8HEVIKI MAY BE ALLOWED j TO BTATE THEIR GRIEVANCES ' London. —The British government .The Sunday Express understands, has proposed that all the different parties ! ln Russia, including th bolshevik!, should present their programs to the peace congress In order to ascertain if 'lt is possible to come to any under standing with any responsible author ',t*y in Russia. The paper adds: "The French government Is not hostile to this suggestion. There ta no difference of opinion between th j British and the French governments land there has been no Idea on the part of the British government to in vited delegates from Russia to attend .the peace conference." BUPREME COUNCIL OF PEACE CONFERENCE HOLDS SEBBION Paris.—The supreme council of the peace congress, consisting of Presi dent Wilson and the premiers and foreign ministers of the four great powers. Great Britain, France, the United States and Itely, met at the French foreign office for the first for mal exchange of views and to make arrangements for the procedure of the conference tomorrow, at which delegations will be present. The meeting was chiefly interesting in its personal aspects—bringing to gether for the first time In contact of the world's best known statesmen, who are now the guiding figures of the ooogress. The scene as they as sembled was one of unusual activity. The meeting was an extended one. It was mainly for the purpose of set tling new terms for prolonging the armistice, which expires January 17 and for determining the number and composition of the delegations of the various countries for the sessions ot the peace congress which is about to open. ASSASSIN ATTEMPTS TO TAKE PADEREWBKCS LIFE London. —Ignace Jan Paderewaki, the polish leader, haj been ajlfhtly wounded by an assassin who entered the room' of hit hotel at Warsaw and tired one shot at him. Several bolshe rlkl Implicated in the plot to kill him hare been arrested. Mr. Paderewski has been in War saw for several days conferring with Pcrtish political leaders in an attempt to form a government representative of all parties. INSURRECTION SEEMS TO BE DECREASING IN POWER Paris —Semi-official advices from Berlin Indicate that the insurrection er seems doubtful that the Ebert la decreasing In power aad it no long er aeems doubtful that the Ebert- Scheidemaun government has been maintained by the lojral troops whose dlsclpliae has been strengthened by the presence fn the city of Field Mar shal VOB Hindenburg. The spart«- cana appear to have transferred tks straggle to the provinces. ALL RESTRICTIONS REMOVED ON IMPORT OF CORN AND RICE Washington—All restrictions on ths importation of corn and rice were re moved by the war trade board. At ths same time the board announced that it would consider fkvombly applications for eiport of rice and for licenses for the shptment of Jnte and Juts pro ducts, except yarns and ntlrats bogs, to alt destinatlona Argentina Is the chief country affected by the removal ef the embargo on Importations «f ton - * • Big 10-Day Removal Sale AT THE Fair Department Store GRAHAM, N. C. READ ! # - 1 Yes, The Fair Department Store is going to move. Where ? To the building for merly occupied by the Graham Loan & Trust Co., next door to the Mexican Theatre. So we are going to put this big stock of men's and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, in fact I everything you need, ready-to-wear at Removal Sale Prices. Remember, this is no fake | sale—as true as the air you breathe these goods will be sold at the prices advertised, at REMOVAL SALE PRICES So mark the date and remember it. Commencing I FRIDAY MORNING | January 17, 1919 At 9:00 A. M„ Sharp » \ And will last just 10 days—no longer—then we will move to our new quarters. Read | below some of our prices : One lot $3 men's pants, all sizes, re- All men's 4.00 black English shoes, AH 5.00 men's shoes, solid leather, I moval price, only 1.48. good sizes, removal sale 3.39. all sizes, removal sale 3.69. All 22.50 men's suits all styles, re- All 20.00 and 25.00 men's overcoats, All 8.00 boys suits, all sizes, good I moval sale price 14.48. all sizes, no two alike, this sale 12.98. wool garments, removal sale 5.39^ All 5.00 men's pants, all sizes, re- All 4.00 men's pants, all sizes, re= A'Ll; 50 pants, all sizes, removal I moval sale 2.98. moval sale 2.48. sale 70c a pair. All 8.50 men's dark tan Shoes, 'all All 3.00 Boys' heavy shoes, all sizes, a l ti!e 4 p°rice°only rem ° V " [ sizes; removal sale 4.98. removal sale 1.79. 1 J ~~~ . ; "T . ~ ; ~. x , . All 4.00 men's heavy shoes, all leath- All 18.50 men s suits, no two alike, All 2.00 men s shirts, beautiful pat- er rcmova sa i c 248 ! all sizes, removal sale 12.98. terns, all sizes, this sale 1.19. t,,Lr d * ' - , All men's 2.50 hats, all samples, all All 4.00 men's hats, all styles, re- 35c men s socks 19c a pair. s j zeg i moval sale 1.98. - - Men's 25c garters only 19c. removal sale 4.98. moval sale 4.24. FREE To the first twenty-five people who enter the store and make a purchase of SIO.OO or more we will give away 1 girl's raincape or boy's rainccat free of charge, worth $4.00 or more. COME. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR NEXT PAGE BERLIN IS MODI 111 I II STATE OF Sill I BLOODY FIGHTING OCCURS IN WHICH MANY PERSONS ARE KILLED AND WOUNDED. REVOLUTIONISTS REPULSED Thouands of Government Troops Are Still Entering Capital; Publle Buildings Occupied. Copenhagen. Berton* Spartaeos riots are going oa at Dresden. Brnne wick, Dosaeldorf. Baaen and Dort- 1 ■and, according to Ike Munich corro-; apondent of The PolJtlken. Several j tovu In the Ruhr diatrclct are In the hands of the Spartaeani. Oorernmeat troop* have occupied all the public buildings In Berlin, and GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1919 - . I Itouwdi of |o«(nißHt troops are •(Ul entortng the capital. The Berlin rorrsep—— * of Tho Berllngske riedmo«4o, wW soadr (his ! Information, >lm'luw that the Sparta j rani hart bean beaten, and that qulst | *aa partly restored Bloodr fighting occmirod at tba An | halt railroad (tattoo when Hpartaran group* triad to occupy the bnlldta*. according to Berlin advices received by way of Frankfort. Tbey ware re pulsed by government troops, who In- I Dieted hoary loaaaa on them. There was lively shooting at many points. Including tba Brandenburg sate, which tbe government forces had captured daring tbe night Sev eral persons were killed or wounded. ROOSEVELT ESTATE AMOUNTS TO NOT MORE THAN *500,000 Oyster Bay. Colonel Theodora Roosevelt's will, made In 1(12, was read to members of tba fatally at Bag ' amore Hill. Althongb the value of tbe former ! President's estate waa n't made known. It waa understood to amount' to not more than $500,000. According | to Attorney George C. Cobble, of Newl Tork, who read the wfll 1 tbe doenmsst' I ir ' ' ' provide* that the entire estate, with the exception of tba family silver and Plata, shall be held In trust for the widow daring her life, and gives her power to dispose of It by will as she sees lit. In the event she leaves no , will, tba aetata Is to be divided In ! equal parts among the children. The silver and family plate, . Mr. Cohbe said, are to he divided among the children, aa Is a $50,000 trust fund left to Colooel Roosevelt by his father. I The will named as trustee Lieut., | Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., and W. Kmlln Roosevelt, a cousin of tba t colonel. AOREEMENT TO TAKE OVER GERMAN PASSINOER TONNAGE London 'The United States. Oreal! Britain and Italy have agreed npon a j ! plan for taking over German passen-1 ger tonnage. The plan will be- laid j before the German and allied armis tice commlaalons nert Monday, Prance Is not Included In the plan, as she got the bulk of ths Austrian ] paasenger tonnage and Is willing that I the other three bid for the Oermaa 1 shipping. I BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS • . TRANSPORTATION OF LIQUOR ..] INTO DRY STATES ILLEGAL I _ ! Washington fliatutes of "dry" j i slate* permitting persons to Import or personally bring In limited amount* of Intoxicants for their own ime were In effect nullified by the so-called Reed "hone dry" amendment enacted by Cn ngress. the supremo court held In sn opinion reversing the federal court for the southern district of West Virginia Justice Mcßeynolds, In a dissent ing oplnkm In which Justice Clarke concurred, held that the Reed arnend- I ment wa* not an Interstate commerce regulatory measure, but a direct med dling with state affair* I SENATOR LODGE TO DELIVER EULOGY ON COL. ROOSEVELT | Was! Ington.— Senator Lodge, of , Massachusetts, will deliver the eulogy at the Joint congressional memorial services for Theodore Roosevelt to be held on February 9. The Republl- j can leader In the senate, who forj many year* was a close personal friend of the former president, was elected by unanimous vote of the senate and house committees appointed to ar- ( range for the services and he will bo J th* onlv *p«*iikor. NEW DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROAD OPERATIONS NAMED ; Wa«hlngton W T Trier wm ap pointful by IHrector General Hlnea an director of the dl»l*lon of operation* of the railroad administration to suc ceed f'arl II Gray. Mr Tyler han been Mr. Gray'* aa*l»t«»t. Mr. Tyler began hi* railroad rareer In I**3. Ilia flr*t executive pontllon was with the St. Ix>nl*. Iron Mountain and Southern In 1917 he wan elected a*«lntant to the first vice pre*ldcnt of the Northern Pacific railway. EXCURSIONS ON RHINE FOR AMERICAN SOLDIERS Coblenx. —Two Oernjan ilrer steam er* to be u*ed for excursion* up and down the Rhine by officer* and men of the third army. The trip* tire to be part of the recreation program for the army of occupation. The excursion* will Include trip* be yond Cologne down the river and be yond Mayence up the atream. Tinder the pc-o»snt arrangement*, the excur alonlsta will not ho allowed to land i during the tripa. NO 49. I GRAUAM CHURCH UIBECTORc l _Graham Baptist Church—Rev. iMk U. Weston, Pastor. * Preaching every first and Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p% f Sunday School every Sunday at-ft 0.45 a. m. W. I. Ward, Supt. Prayer meeting every Tuesday al9 7.3u p. m. Graham Christian Church—N. Street—Rev, P. C. Lester. Preaching services every beo>9 anU tourth Sundays, at ljjf^M Sunday School every Sundai anil 10.00 a. M.-W. R. Harden, intendent. New Providence Christian ChoreuSa —North Main Street, near Deoot~« Rev. F. c. Lester, Pastor. PrfimSH mg every Second and tourth Sun-vf] day nights at 8.00 o'clock. jn Sunday School every SunfUay at -*HB teadeat. m '~ J ' Bay ""' 1 Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- ■ ing every Thursday night at Ht * • o'clock. "Ta ii„ F Q e ? Uß r i lJ' r,h of Graham pub- s lie School, Rev. John M. I'ermar, - Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun- \ days at 11.UU a. m. and 7.Qo'p. m. ' H Sunday School every Stlnday at tende fc' _ ac ' iar y> Superin-' | Prayer meeting every Thursday* Jl evening at 7.30 o'clock. A Methodist Episcopal, Bouth—cor. 1 J*"*" ai) d Maple reets, Rev. J. 1 R. Ed wards, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at lI.OS dfl a. m. and at 7.J0 p. m. 1 Sunday School every Sunday at ifl 8.45 a. m.— W. B. Green, Supt. ■ M. P. Church-N. Main Street, fl Rev. R. s. Troxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Ban- * days at ll a. m. and a p. m. 3| Sunday School every Sunday atll 8.15 a. m.—J. L. Amies:, Supt. Presbyterian-Wat Elm Street— Rev. 1, M. McConneU, pastor. - Sunday School every Sunday at m-Lynn B. Williamson, 8u- J perintendent. § I P w ,b /i t^T Un (Travora Chapel)—J! J. W, Ciegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and % Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. n». |9 Sunday School every Sunday at HH 8.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White. 8a- I perintendent. rROFEBBIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON | Attorney. at-Law ...... -JXS£2t*±.. 1 J", s. cook:,! *tter»ey - at- Law, jRAHAM N. 0. " Offlo* Patterson Building ' OR. WILL S. LONG, JR. | . . . dintut . ; ; Iraham, - - » . Werth CartllM 4, OFFICE mHJMMONS BUILDING 'M ACOB A. LOKO. i. ELMER LOM « A LONG, /Vt tornHjr® »nd ('oanMloni at LAW GRAHAM, N. C. JOHN H. VERNON Attorney and Connselor-at-law IM)M:s-OlHee BSJ Healdence 1» Burlington, N. C. ! &ss*** ' "DICESTONEINE't Nsture'a |j I Rntorative, mill help. °°ly ' 3a I (lives quick, lure relit? from indices* ? | tion'i ilia Heartburn, Dizzineta. Js Sour RiunM, Acid Mouth, Sletpleaa- J ne«», etc., but build* up appetite and y \ • entire syatern. Thou»«nd» KNOW. \ Follow their lead— !ua E ' M { T am !mf,rovln( la health since I fiflTß> !*•«*» taking yoar m-dMo*. ft hrl|«nl m«. ut, ulMb. 1 CMO't Ml r -8 I'll U»w tliitbkful I am. I fo not . i think J fmiiu p-t a lon* without It. 1 '"%■ r«* h u, many sloe* . -IB I it b4* d'Hiu iu« w tutx h gotd, J WILLIS TOWNH. Ma moo, No. Cor. I Dllnlenttnt vmir manqr MACK further convincing FACTS, aaa I HAYKS DHUO COMPANY, GRAHAM, X. C." j u •* n« : .-ll LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS " ■' >*,rCTB i Tliih l>(H)k, entitled as above, foiiuiiis over 200 memoirs of Min ihiere in the C hristiau Church . with historical references. An interesting volume— nicely print ed and bound, i'rice J.er copy: | cloth, $2.00; gi't. top, $2.60. By t mail 'i>c extrs. Orders may b# sent to P. J. Keknodlk, . 1012 E. Marshall St., \ Richmond, Va. I Orders may l>e left at this office. Xeliertn Six lloura ' Oistrcssiofi Kidney and Bladder ' L>is:ase relieved in six hours b/ r i the "NBW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is a ' • i great surprise on account of ila . ! exceeding" Dromotness In relieving . I pain in bladder, EiODeys and back, in male or female. Relieves reten , tion of water almost immediately. ■ I If you want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by Gra jbam Drug Co. ad*,

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