THE GLEANER KttttAITAU W. n , April 10, 1019. f PostofHee Hours. 000 open TJOO a. tLtoT.OOp. M. ■KsaaytJOrtDtljOes. a. and 4.00 to too p. a B. N. COOK, Portmasttr. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. 1 GOING XAST — | No. 112 (mixed) due 1:46 a- m. K " 108 7 " 9:17 " " 22- " 5:00 p.m. GOING WBI — • No. 11l (mixed) doe 5:23 a. m. r " 21 " 11:13 " " 139 6:15 p.m. All trains carry mail, and Nos. SI 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. + LOCAL NEWS. + —Mr. J. Calvin Walker, a lead r ing citizen from the northeastern k part of the county, is at Rainey Hos l pital for treatment. —A number of Graham ladies are attending the Presbyterial at Bur t lington this week, among them Mrs. i? Lynn B. Williamson, who is the 11; Secretary. K ; —The protracted services at the v M. E. Church are being attended by good congregations. Services every afternoon and night. Rev. Euclid »McWhorter is conducting the r services. —A week ago it looked as if the I fruit crop was doomed. For three mornings in succession . there was ice and frost, but so far as learned plenty has escaped to make a reason *' ably plentiful crop. Is* —"The Eighty Doris Shows" are t " here—came Monday for a week. It, or they, ia a carnival. The equip ment looks to be brand-new. It's a big aggregation and is attracting ' large crowds every evening, jp —Bethany school district, south of Graham in Graham township, voted on special school tax on Ist ' inst. Not a vote was cast against it. The school building will be remod eled and the school will have an ad p ditional teacher the next school year. At Rainey Hospital. Mr. J. D. Albright was carried to Rainey Hospital Tuesday afternoon for an operation. He is reported to have stood the operation well and getting along nicely. Couuty To' Buy Tractor. The County Commissioners at ■ . their meeting Monday authorized the purchase of a tractor for work ing the roads. And if it «hall prove satisfactory the committee appointed was authorized to buy another trac tor. That's business. Mass-Meeting, April 17th. All Democrats, aud those who in tend affiliating with them in the J ' coming town election, are called to meet in the Court House Thursday night, April 17th, 1919, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of nominating a can didate for Mayor and five Commis sioners. Be sure to attend. B. R. TBOIXINGEB, Township Chairman. Among the Sick. Mrs. Armstrong Holt is greatly improved and has returned hotne. Mfs. Chas. D. Johnston is ex tremely ill and is not expected to live through the day. Later —Fri- day morning: Mrs. Johnston died this morning. Returned From Overseas. Ernest Parrish, base hospital service, reached his home here Mon day afternoon. Otis Edwards, 131 st Machine Gun Corps, arrived Wednesday. Jas. E. ("Doc") Williamson, Head ' quarters Co., 30th Div., arrived Wednesday. Wilson Williamson, 113 th Field Artillery, arrived Wednesday. The last two live at Saxapahaw. An abundance of ventilation is a necessity to health in every home.* In most sections of the country the addition of sleeping porches will be found well worth while. Of the total number of farms in the United States, according to the last Federal census, the num ber worked by owners was shown to be 3,948,722; the number ope rated by managers, 58,104; and the number operated by tenants, 2,354,076. A PRE 1199 CALENDAR. Owing to the very high cost oi paper, calendars are quite scare"? this year, so we take pleasure in announcing that any of our read ers can secure a nice 10x11 in. cal edar by sending the postage there tor, 8c ia stamps, to> D. SWIFT & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. THE GROWTH OF HABIT Robustness to many is almost entirely a natter of habit, the habit of taking care and die consistent use of SCOOT MISHM The energizing properties of Scott's have been proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere. fThe habit of using Scott'* regularly at trying periods as a means of building up strength and thwarting weakness is a habit well worth cultivating. «HI 1+ ♦ ♦ PBRBONAL. + ♦ ♦ Miss Blanche Scott spent the first ol the week visiting in Raleigh. Mrs. A. K. Hardee and Master Kirkare visiting in Greensboro. Mr. C. M. Braxton, near Satphin Mill, was in town this morning. - Mr. J. Walter Johnston, near I Long's Chapel, is in town today. Maj. J. J. Henderson spent yes terday in Greeosbor > on business.* Miss Janie Ormopd of Stonewall is here visiting Mrs. J. Oolph Long. 'Squire R. J. Thompson of Pat terson township was in town Mon- 1 day. Mr. Robt. F. Wakefield of Char lotte spent Monday and Tuesday here. Mrs.. W. S. Rives of Raleigh is here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Taylor. ' ■ Mr. Howard Mitchell of Raleigh is spending a few days here with relatives. Mr. J. Dolph Long went to Wash ington, N. C., the first of the week on business. Mr. W. S. Durham of Siler City, spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr.T. P. Bradshaw. • Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., and Miss Blanche returned last Friday from a visit at Whiteville. Mr. Smith, near Reidsville, is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston. Mr. Thos. E. Steele, who has lived in Nprfolk for about two yea rat is back home\>n a visit. Mrs. J. C. Simmons is visiting Mfs. W. R. Goley and ittending the Presbyterial in Burlington. Miss Ada Denny left the latter part of last week to visit relatives in Greensboro and High Point. Miss Ann Moran of Winston- Salem spent the week-end here as guest of Mrs. Will E. White. Mr. Julius Johnston, who has lived in Washington, D. 0., for the past two years, is at home on a visit. Miss Mary Ruth Johnston, who has been teaching in R-ockingbam, Richmond county, is at home on a visit. Mr. Boyd Harden, in school at Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr- and Mrs. Junius 11. Harden. Mrs. J. Mell Thompson of Mebune was with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Scott, for the Presbyterial held in Burlington. Mr. J. I. Long, near Prospeect Hill, was here the first of the week visiting his daughters, Mesdames E. E. McAdams and Dolph Longest. Mrs. Chas Stott Noble of Win ston-Salem and Mrs. Richard Bragaw of Lexington were with Mrs. Will E. White during the Presbyterial in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holmes, Dr. Will Long, Mrs. W. R. Petteway, Misses Estelle Brown, Maxine Holmes and Mr. Robert Holmps spent Bunday with relatives i.) Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Don F. N >yes of Construction arrived here Monday afternoon and were the guests of the latte'r's sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Thomp son. They went to Greensboro Tues day where Mr. Noyes went for an operation. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board met in regular session Monday and transacted business as follows : Elbridge Crabtree allowed to ped dle books and notions without li cense. Supt. of Roads ordered to build bridge over Tom's creek, Faucette township. Petition for road near ShoUner school house referred to W. I'. Law rence and R. A. Lntterloh. J. E. Latham was allowed 5275 damages for removal of top-soil by committee. E. C. Derby was appointed to lo cate a road Creek church in Faucette township. A committee was appointed to buy a tractor for road working and a second one, if the first proves sat-' isfactory. A committee to get engineer to locate road south of Mebane wan appointed. ~ Nathan Unthank was admitted to the County Home. Capt. W. H. Turrentine and W. I. Ward were selected for recommenda tion for appointment as county ap praisers and John A. Trolinger as county director under the revalua tion act passed by the legislature. The following were appointed list takers for their respective townships to list taxes in tho month of May, viz : Patterson —R. J. Thompson. Coble —Lacy Sharpe. Boon Station —J. J. Lambeth. Morton —T. J. Gwynn. Faucette—lt. E. McCauley. Graham —Ernest Thompson, Albright—o. C Thompson. Newlin—W. M. Lewis. Thompson—C. I hornp-ton. Melville—E. P. Cook. " Pleasant Grove—W. B. Sellara. North Burlington—B. M. Walker. South Burlington—R. A. Freeman. Haw River—W. J. Crutch field. The dog law passed by the legis-* latare provides that the.County Com missioners . shall decide for each county whether it shall apply. The board held that it should apply to Alamanceconnty. A Big Health Problem. Press Dispatch. Fifty percent of the 26,000,000 boys and girlp of school age have physical defects that impede normal development, Willard S. Small, school hygenic specialist of the Federal Bureau or Educa tion, said in an address the other day before the American Public HeAlth Association in Chicago. After declaring that the nation's need of physical education is im perative, the speaker pointed out that 2,500,000 men in the.first draft were disqualified for active military service because of physi cal defects, and added: Being unfit forHnilitary service,- they were therefore unfit to render full seryice in any capacity. They were unable to get full returtis from life in work and happiness. The physical education needed mnst assume physical activity as the basic thing, the speaker added. There must be wholesome phyical environment, individual physical examination and record, and medi cal supervision of schools. It should provide for all persons between six and 18 years of age. It should extend its benefits to youth above the compulsory school age. It should provide federal aid to permit States to carry on effective systems of physical edu cation. This federal aid should be limited to preparation of teach ers for skilled service and pay ment for skilled service. The program proposed will raise the positive co-efficient of the physical life of the nation. It will build morality upon the solid foundation of physical soundue! s and vitality. It will be a power ful influence in Americanization. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion tor a tew cents. The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes H whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautitier at about the cost 'one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a flue cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orch ard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. adv NOTICE Of Town Election. All persons entitled to vote in the election in the Town of Graham, N. C., will hereby take notice that the regular election for a Mayor and Board of Town Commissioners will be held on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the same being May 0, 1919. You will also take notice that Sain T. Johnston has been appointed registrar and will hold the registra tion books open at his office for seven days prior to said election, at which time those who are entitled to vote in said election, but who have not registered, will be permitted to register. By order of: HEENAN HUGHES, Mayor, and Board of Town Commissioners, J. M. Holt, RT G. Foster, J. G. Guthrie;, Jos. S. Holt, Fied l'oust. Educational Day Saturday APRIL 26th. ' * V % Z. T. HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Hecaoae It contalna no optatca, no lead, DO belladonna, no polaonoua drug. AU other PIU medicine containing lojnrous narcotic and other polaona cauae conatlpallon and tlamafe all who uae Ihe TO, K-KC-UA cun-a or S6O pala. « „ , HayesDrug Co., Sole Agents, Graham,N.C Quit Purges; Try NR HR"Tonight—Tomorrow Fwl Right It In a m!stal:o to continually dose | youruelf Wi vii &o-c~lled Uxativo pills, calomel* oil. purses and cathartics 1 ftftd fOTCO bowel action. It i thD bor/cla cr.a liver and makes con stant dosing- accessary. Why.don't you bcrjln rlfcht today to overcome your corfstlpatlon and got . your system in such shape that -dally 1 purging- will bo unnecessary? You can do bo If you get a 26c box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and take #no each night for ft week or so. NR Tablets do much more than merely cause pleasant easy bowel ac tion. This mcdielno acts upon the digestlvo aa well as ellmlnatlve organs —promotes good digestion, "causes the body to get tho nourishment from all the food you eat, gives you a good, hearty appetite, strengthens the liver, overcomes biliousness, regulates kidney and bowel action and gives tho whole body a thorough cleaning out. This accomplished you will not navo to take medicine every day. An occasleTfalNß tablet will keep your body/fn condi tion and you can always feel your best: Try Nature's Remedy (Nit Tablets) and provo this. It Is the best bowel medicine that you can use and costs only 25c per box, containing enough to last twenty-live days. Nature's Rem edy (NR Tablets) to sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. GRAHAM DRUG CO. Summons by Publication North Carolina, Alamaneo, County, In the Superior Court, llefore the Clerk. E. 11. Murray, Administrator of A. M. Garwood, dee'd, Plaintiff, vs, Sarah Walser (widow), J. 11. Gar wood, Carl Garwood et al., heirs-at-law of A. M. Garwood, dee'd, Defendants. The defendants, J. H. Garwood and Carl Garwood, above named, will take no'ice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, to sell certain real estate belong ing to the estate of A M. Garwood, deceased, to make assets for the payment of the debts of said estate; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are inquired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court I for the county of Alamance on Monday the 21st day of April, 1919, and answer the complaiiit in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho rblief demanded iu said complaint (peti tion). I). J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court. This 17th day of March, 1019. iiOineiilt Trustee's Sale oi Real Estate. , Uuder and'by virtue of the power of gale contained in a certain deed ot I runt executed to the undersigned trustee by J. A. Huffman and wife for the purpose of securing the payment of three certain bonds, which deed of trust is recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds ol Trust No. 05, at page 120, Public Registry of Alamance county, default having been' made in the payment of said bonds, the undersigned trustee will, on TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1910, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door of Alamance county at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to tho 1 highest bidder, for cash, a certain tractor ! lot of land in Burlington township, Ala \ mance county, North Curolina, adjoining the lands of E. A. Benson nnd other* aud bouncd as follows; ! Beginning at a rock on the east side of I Ireland Street, corner with the D. I. (iisli ! lot, anil running thence 9 80$ deg E 4 ehs to a rock; thence B 80' W 1J ehs to a rock, corner with E. A. Benson; thence N 80J j deg W 4 ehs to a rock, corner with said I Benson on cast side of said Ireland Street; i thence N 80' E li ehs to the beginning, I aud containing one half acre, more or less, on which is situated a modern cottage. I This April 'ind, 1010. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co, Trustee. Columbia State: The Boltdie viki have turned a church into a theater. In their set it was prob ably the only way to fill it. Gossard Corsets ————————— mmm—mm—mm—mm—m—m. \ The war has taught us much about every subject in the world, but not - the least o£ its lessons has been its warning to women how to buy Corsets that are hygienically correct, to be fitted carefully, and to adjust their / Mi corsets each time they are worn so that their full benefit and service may j \j realized. }| I ' n True corset economy is simply buying the right corset. The weH jll || known medical authority, AliceS. Cutler, M. D., says: "Being a woman myself, and as a physician, one : who knows that if it were not for ill-fitting and the f Jn sini\ i 7 / wrong kind of corsets we would have very few female / JysJk j I / invalids and I am naturally determined to do every- ( : fM L thing in my power to educate the American woman in \( \y j the proper fitting of .corsets." ! = GoMrd = £ UCORSETS JJtqyLace In Front ■ - ! ■ \ We unreservedly recommend Gossard Corsets, the original front lacing corsets, as the complete expression of modern corsetry v If i possible the new spring and summer Gossards are superior to J those of the past season which were acknowledged to be without | equal in meeting the needs of active womanhood from the j U/ J standpoint of comfort, hygiene, wear and figure improvement. i j ur highly specialized fitting service reflects jmlprtwr J\\ our earnest appreciation of the important rela / 1 \ tion a correctly fitted corset bears to your health 1 1 an(^to perfect figure and poise that give the \\)fcja««a> W jfA elusive charm of style. [ \ \ggJLWe deem it a pleasure to serve you. J I Gossard Corsets are for sale by the ; Fair Department Store GRAHAM, N. C. DAY OF MISERY Much Suffering is Get Relief Without Fearl Pon't Lay Awake in Pain, SLEEP TONIGHT! Adults—Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, re peat dose three times a day, after meals. For Pain! Colds Neuralgia Grippe Toothache Influenzal Colds Earache Neuritis Headache Sciatica Rheumatism Lumbago Owned by Americans! Th* /"TIN "Bayir Croat" /QAOQA original t*J>- on r-ach tablet ITjty leta. Intro mon genuine. duced 1000, ASPIRIN Atpfrlp Is tfc« mark of Bayr Vfantifi* tur« of Mono*ccuc«oje»tcr of S*)ic7lkal4 Always Insist upon the safe! "B«yer Tablets of Aspirin.« Buy only orljffrml Bayer package*. 20-ctiit package— Larger lizm. French troops to the number of 2,7J0,000 wjll have been demobil ized by April 5, according a French paper. This leave* 100,000 Htili under arum in the French army. Hearing apple trees will net and mature a heavier crop of fruit if they are given 3 or 4 pounds of nil rate of soda or sulphate of am monia a week or two before the bloMtoms open. This i« especially true with trees growing in sod. For Sale! A Forma-Truck—Pord—in A 1 con dition. T. C. MOON, Phone 260J Graham, N, C. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of Hale contained in a cer tuiu deed of trust executed by H. E. Crutchfleld and wife to Ala mance Insurance anwHeal Estate Company, an trustee, which deed of trust in recorded in Hook of Mort gagee and Deeds of Trust No. 77 at page 120, Public Registry of Ala mance county, default having been made in tlie payment of the bonds according to their tenor that said deed of trust was given to secure, the undersigned trustee will, on SATURDAY. AI'RH, 20, 191!), at 12 o'clock noon, at llio court house door i( Alamance county, at Graham, N. ofTer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid - der, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of laud lying and being in Burlington township, Alamance county, North Carolina: The same being lots numbered 1!) and 20 as shown in blue-print, which is duly probated and re corded in the office of the Register of Deads for Alamance county, at Graham, N*. C\, in Hook of I'lats No: 1 at page upon which is situated a four-room cottage. Reference is made to said blue print foj a particular description of said property by metes and bounds. Alamance Ins. & Beat Est lto Co., Truhtee. This March 22, IWI'J. Mortgagee's Land Sale. t*i»«lfrr and l»y virtue of tin* JKJWIT of MMI e contained in a deed of iron executed by G. S. Mabry ami huitua J. Mcbry, bit wife, t«> the nndcralgfied, **• curing the mini of Heven Huixiriil I)ollarn ($700.00), which deed of mint i* recordi-d in th« office of the lk gint« rof Deed* f'»r Alamance county, in Mortgage Dw-'l No. 62 fit page 181. default having been mad'-on I lift jwyment of the hntidii + cured ?iy »ld deed of trunt, the under *lgru-d 1 ruatee will *e)l to the higln *t hid d.»r, for at tli«- court liouiwr door in Urubam, at rj o'clock noon. on BATI'HDAY. AI'IIIL M. lUlti. the following described property: A lot or parrel of land in (iraliHiii town uliip, Alamance county. North Curolina, ail joining the land* of Alice Fret laud, a fttreet, and other* Ik-giuuing at an iron bolt, corner with ■aid r reeland, on south aide of a utreet; running thence H1 2 deg W 3 79 elm to a rock, comer with Maid r reeland: llwnceß HMJ deg K 2 chii to an iron lw>lt. corner with laid —; thence B*s deg W 2.82 eha to an iron Iwlt on North aide of a iitrcct; thertce W it.'Mj eka-fto im iron bolt on North aide of *aid »treet, 55 llnkfi K of It. It. track; thence N 1 deg K 5.N1 C|IH to an iron bolt on Houth nide of atreet, 57 Ikn Plant of aaid It It. track; thence N deg K I.HO ch» to the begin ning, containing I 25 acres, more or let*. Thin the- 26th day of March, 1919. GHAIIAM LOAN A: TKL'ST CO., Trustee. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with (ew doses of 666. . * \ —; 11 i >.» ■ u* 1 ... Your Public Utilities. Let us solve your Laundry troubles with an ELECTRIC WASHER PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebanc, Elon College, (libsonville. To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle catlings and tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Hubber Company's goods. The bout—no others sold hero equal to them. A written K"Arantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those usiiitf Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C. WANT ADS. WANTED, CEDAR LUMBER ANJ) 1.00 8 —Wo aro pleased to an nounce lliat wo have raided prices to one-fourth and one-third over our former prices on both lumber and logs. We urge you to inaiket your cedar novv while prices aro highest and wj are making our final drive on thin !e rilory. Wo aro continuing to buy, de livered at It. 11. or piled qd public highway*. Terms Cash. For information writo or phone 11. G'. W.U.KKU, i'hone 541W Graham, N. C. " Geo. ('. Hiiown Sc Co., ■iapltf (ireeuboro, N. C. Ju-b relieved in 20 minute* by Woodford'* Sanitary Lotion. Nevei (all*. Sold br Graham Drug Co. BUY WAR S A VINO STAMPS HH.vvaio aux hoj aaiaoKaos •Jaa. 11. Hich W. Krnest Thompson Rich I Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls answered anywhere day or nigh I)av Thono No. BGW * , Night 'Phones • W. Krnest Thompson 2502 Jan. 11. Rich 54t»-W EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. flavin* qualified m Executrix of the will of John A.Wnrren.decM.the undersigned hereby notiftea all perooua holding claim* again** mid hum to preaent Ibeaame, duly authen ticated. on or before the sth day of April, lieu, or Iblß notice will be pleaded in bar or their recovery. All per ions Indebted to laid estate are requested to make Immediate aet- Uijaint. Thin March 15.1911". Mm. NOVELLA PRTTIGREW,KxVx, of John A. Warren, dee'd. Parker & Long, A tt'y*. SaplSt BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS