THE GLEANER ISaCBD BVEKY THURSDAY. J. P. KEBNOPLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. n>« editor will not b* rwpoulble for ■ *Wmt aqprMMd by eormpondent*. inttnd at to* Poatoffloa at Graham. H. a, aa aaoood-alaaa matter. GRAHAM^C.J&y l.lSlflT'' LIEUT.-GOV. GARDNER. A good audience at the Graded School auditorium heard Lieut.-Gov. Max 0. Gardner last Saturday. All who could crowd into the room beard \him. The report of the day's exercises elsewhere in this paper tells some of the things he Mid. Many Alamance people have before heard him in political speeches and pronounced him fine. But in that role he ia no finer than he is as an educational day speaker. His au dience gave him splendid attention and listened appreciatively. Many were glad to hear him also because he ia just now being prominently mentioned in connection with the governorship of the State for 1920. He left the impression that he is able to do his part in aDy contest. Said Mr. Simonds, one of the most Interesting of war corres pondents and critics, a few short weeks ago in starting one of his letters, "The League of Nations la dead." No donbt he was speak ing his honest belief, but he made • mistake. It was at a critical time in the Peace Conference de liberations. He had not taken the proper measurement of Presi dent Wilson, who stood by his program till it was carried out. Slmonda was not alono in his esti- mate. The articles of the League have been adopted and Wilson hM won ont. The Old Kaiser perhaps harbor ed the thought that he was safe 1 In Holland and that he wonld not be moleated. But his time is I Mining. He will be tried and | judgment will be passed on him fr for the part ho took in the world i* War. Other high officials of the I Imperial Germau Government will ' alao be tried by a competent court. " However severe the penalty that will be meted out to the foment ere of the unparalleled butchery it will fall immeasurably short of whet the felons deserve. |"A ROYAL WELCOME 1 Col Don E. Scott Talks to His Home Folks About the War. I COURT HOUSE PACKED TO HEAR HIM. The big erowd that filled the court booaa laat Thursday night and the | many who could not get so much on etaaaing room wss a fine tribute paid Col. Don K. Scott just back (from the war. The presence of such a throng of the home folks who had known him from his babyhood was more eloquent than spoken wnrda. Elon College Band waa present and gave patriotic music. Mayor lleenan fiaghee opened the meeting with an appropriate and thrilling speec-j. Next Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., gave OoL Soott an eloquent introduction. Whan Col. Soott, young and brawny, the picture of vigorous young tnau- I hood, looking every inch the soldier, t made hia appearance he waa received with a storm of applauae. It would be en injnatice to say he is an ora ; tor, bat the occaaion brought from bim e moat interaeting narrative of what he aew and the perila be ex ' perieneed during his 12 months on the firing line on the hallowed soil of France. We will not attempt to follow up the account he gave of his mea ana himaelf, all of which re flected the utmost credit upon them ea valorous aoldiers who ahirked no doty. He was intereating, intensely no, and he withheld no credit from , the brave boys, the heroes, who | fought with him and achieved a big abare of the glory of breaking the Hindenburg Line. At the cloae J forward for a hearty Tkr* U mora Caiarrah In thla Motion »f tIM country tkan all otfcar dlwam put to a*tb*r, and uoUl lb* laat few yuara WW aup poaaii (a ba Incurable. ror a ini m«uy year* doctors Dimouiml it a loval dlaama Mi VnaertbM local maartm, and by con- KSBnir taUIM *o eura with lural lrralui.Mil. i : MtoaMdl It Incurable. Bclanc* ba" uro> «i> Catarrb to ba a oonailiuikmai dlacaiw. and IHarafuroraqutraa ronatliutloual inatmcui. Haifa CaUrrh Cure, manufactured bjr K. 1. Ciwoay * Cto., Tolado, oaio. >■ u» „nir r,.„- aunilpaal our* on the market. It la taken Infernally la doaaa I rum HI dropa to a laa apoonfw. It acta dlroclly on tba blood and ■Moanartaoaaotlta ajaUia. Tliay offer oaakunUnd dollars for anr oaaaltfalla to Mia. Hand for oiraularm and laatiiaunlala. Addiraa: F. J.CHRN ■ V *l»„ Tolado. ttblo. Taka^italllfVinilly"' Pllla for ooaaupa- MM. I ' GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make i bcaaty fatlaa tor. a few eeata to ItMarr taa, Owkln, aalluwaru. Your grocer baa the lemon* and anp drug More or toilet eounter will supply von with three ounce* of on-hard white far *' few renta. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemonn Into a bottle, then put §£)■ the orchard white and abake well. TW» make* a quarter pint of tbe very beat lemon akin whiteoer and complex ion beautlder known. Maiaage tbia fru mit, creamy lotion daily into tba face, Mck, artna and hands and juat aee how ijftocklM. tan, aallowneaa. rnlneaa and gfOUghneM disappear and how amootli, roott and olear the akin becomes. Yea ! Kg* jwrmleH, and tbe beautiful results tßhrlll surprise you. adv Educational pay. LARGE ATTENDANCE FROM ALL PARTS COUNTY. Lieutenant Governor Gardener Makes Fine Address. The following contribution con cerning Educational Day so well covers all the exercises that THE GLEANER adopts it without alter ation : The town of Graham was thronged with visitors Saturday, to attend the Alamance County Educational Day which was held here in the Graded School Build ing. The exercises were opeoed at 11 a. m. by prayer led by Rev. Dr. A. R Shaw, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Music was furnished by Klou Brass Band, and community singing was led by Mr. G. F. Alexander of Elon College. Lieut.-Gov. O. Max Gardner of Shelby delivered an excellent ad dress on Education, part of which is as follows: • The most efficient antidote for the disease, the vice, the crime, tho misery and the Bolshevistic tendencies of this world is schools, more schools and better schools. German despotism was no greater menace than this violent Russ'an passion of international destruc tion. Its most fruitful soil for growth and propagation is ignor ance. Since the dawn of creation ignorance has been the unexcell id plant food for unrest, discontent, vice, crime and misery, and this malignant thing called Bolshe vism is nothing more nor less than "ignorance set on lire." It llrst manifests itself in vicious discon tent. I believe a reasonable, a noble, discoutent is a healthy sign. A contented individual, State or nation, is a stand-patter. It is a good thing to realize that we have not done our best In poli tics, business, occupations and professions, and then strive to do it. The advance of progress, truth and uuselflshness across the world has been marked by thrflH* tie circles of blackened where yesterday the discontented stood. But there is another dis content, boru of envy, jealousy, ignorance, unrest, and hate, which seeks not to correct mistakes, not to profit by failure, not to build up, a destructive discouteut which strikes bliudly and without regard for law, order or the dlviue in junction that it was a "blessing and not a curse, that it was in mercy and not iu wrath that man was commanded to eat his bread iu the sweat of his face." To my mind the only way to put out the licking flames of Bolshe vism is to keep (he stream of edu cation in North Carolina and America ilearaud unpolluted and in full operation, saturate the minds of our childreu with knowl edge—accurate knowlodge, and with the principles of American popular government. Teach our children each day to pledge "alle glanco to the flag, the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and jus tice for all." Teach them, too, that this is a land of Inflnito op portunity and that they shall have guaranteed to them, even the humblest, "the right to be and mako of themselves everything that God has put into thetn." American democracy stretches its hauds down to lift them up, while Bolshevism lifts its red hands up to tear men down. The last thing ou the program before noou was the awarding of certificates o( graduation and of perfect attendance to a largo num ber of pupils from different schools lu the county, by Prof. M. C. Ter rell, Supt. of Public School* in Alamance county. in spite of rather disagreeable weather, dinner was served on the grounds in picnic fashion. A happy social hour was spent, a* well as a good dinnor enjoyed. At 2 p. in. exercises were re opened with music by the band and all joined in the community aingiug. Heading, Declamation, and Ik-citation context* followed. The judges for the reading content were: Miss Ilyrd Dai ley, Miss Lola Cooper, and Mis* Loreua Garrett. The contestants were, Naomi Howard, primer, Olenhope; Elisa beth Dalloy, second grade, Sid ney; Lois Uulitis, third grade, Friendship, and Mary Beth Gar rison, third grade, Stony Creek The successful contestant, Mary Ever Salivated by Calomel? Horrible! Calomel is ' Quicksilver and Acts like Dynamite on Your Kidneys. Calomel loaea you n day! You know what calomel la. It'* mer cury; quicktllver. Calomel is dan gerous. It crashes into your bUe dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bone* and should never be put ln*o your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out. and feel that you need a dose of dangerous calomel, Just remember your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of I)onwn's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleaaant to take and Is a per fect substitute for calomel. It I* guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and cannot salivate. Don't take Calomel ! It makes you sick next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone •tralghtena you right np and you feel great. Oive It to the children because it I* perfectly harmle** ana doesn't gripe. adv. Beth Garrison, received a gold medal given by Supt. M. C. Ter rell. The judges for the declamation and recitation contests were as follows: Prof. U. C. Hawortb, Rev. L. U. Weston, Prof. Fred Myriok, Prof. Cotton of Elon, and Miss Lola Cooper. Ernest Code of i Umax and Boyd Isley of Friendship were the candidates in the Public School Declamation Contest, Boyd Isley receiving the gold medal given by the National liank of Alamauco. Iluth Tapscott of Stony Creek and Mozell Isley of Friendship were the candidates for the Pub lic School Contest for Recitation, Mflzell Isley receiving the gold medal given by the Citizens Hank of Graham. Edwin Tate of Sidney and Dan Barber of Stony Creek were the candidates iu the High School Declamation Contest, Kdwin Tate receiving the gold medal given by Green fc McClure Furniture Co. The recitors in the-High School Contest were Nina Blanchard of Stony Creek and Louise llome wood of Friendship; Nina Blanch ard winning the gold medal given by Graham Hardware Co. After music by the band, the judges having rendered their de cisions, E. 8, \V. Dameron award ed the prizes to the winners. Immediately following this was a contest for the championship of the county in basket ball between the Spring and ilawflelds schools. In tho first half the girls from Spring outclassed Ilawflelds a number of points, but in the last half the excellent guarding of Ilawflelds held Spriug down to only two goals. Both sides played well, and the spectators were de lighted. • At the same time the boys from Saxapahaw and Ilawflelds were putting up a hot fight for the championship in baseball. Ilaw flelds was outclassed by Saxapa haw iu a score of 11 to 4. Famous Music Teacher and Composer at Elon College May 6th. ~~ The people of Alamauce and Guilford counties will have a rare trent offered them on Tuesday evening. May 0, when Mrs. Groeby Adams, a world famous teacher and composer of piano, will give a lecture-recital in the Elon Col lege auditorium. Mrs. Adams for many years now has been giving her summers to teachiug music teachers at Montreal, North Carolina, and each year the number of Buch teachers who resort to that moun tain retreat for her Instruction grows perceptibly larger. She has a rare faculty not only to compose great mimic but to inspire those who study und?r her direction to interpret it. In her lecture recitAl at the College she will demonstrate how great music composition grows in the soul of the musician and she will at the same time demonstrate her own rare talent as a per former. The Y. M. C. A of the College it* presenting her for this event aud they have placed the adinis- Hion charge at 25 cenUt. They have no thought of making money but to give all those who love music, in this section, au oppor tunity to hear a real artist, and we feel .confident that the coufl dunce of the young women have in the musical taste of the people in the community will be reward ed with a largo audieuce at this great event. Following Mrs. Adams' publio appearauce there will be a recep tion given in her honor by Presi dent and Mrs. Harper, at their home. I)o not forget the date, May C, nor the hour, 8:30 p. m. BEAPLANE BREAKS WORLD'B RECORD FOR ENDURANCE Washington.—A naval aeaplane of the Ffi type, carrying a crew of four men. remained In the air at the Hamp ton Una da naval bn-e for SO hour* and 10 minutes. ealab'lahlng what naval officiate aald waa a wofld'a record for •eaplanea. Thrf machine covered a dlalance of/about 1.250 milei, averag ing a little more than 0 mtlea an hour, despite the fact that a gale of from SO to 30 mllee waa blowing. DEPARTMENT OF JUBTICE TO ENFORCE PROHIBITION Washington.—Enforcement of na tional war time prohibition, effective next July 1, will be undertaken bjr the dopartment of Justice. Attorney Gen eral Palmer In a statement asserted that hn possessed no power to grant amnesty to aay one who might manu facture beer pending an Interpretation of the law as to what peroentago of al coholic constltnent brlngn beer wlft- In the mean Inn of the prohibition act DOIM THEIR DUTY Mrore* of tirabam Header* Are Uar>l>( The U«t> of the Klvaeya. To litter the blood la the kidn *y » \\*h«*n they fail to do this the kid neys are weak. Backache and other kidney III* may follow. Help the kidneys do their work. U»e Doan's Kidney Pt'U-th* te:t ed kidney remedy. Graham peopla enJora? their worth. Mrs. Matilda Martin. Outhrle 8?. (Iraham, aay*: *•! use Doan'a Ki l mw\ l*l|la whenever my back aee.ns sore and my kidneys a rent work ing Juat right, or when I have headaches and my nerves are un strung. I find I can depend on Doan'a Kidney PPills for relief from this trouble and you can alware fined a box in my home. Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy - get Doan's Kidney Pills—the stm that Mrs. Martin had. Fo»ter-Mll burn Co., Mfgra., Buffalo, ST. Y. BUY WAR BAVINO STAMFS HEARTBURN are oladd-dyspepsia. v Kl-HOIDS pleasant to nttxtraUst aciditu and help restore normal digestion. MADS BY SCOTT & BO WNZ HAUBS OP soorrs BNNJHM Mortgagee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Mortgage Deed of Trust, ex ecuted by Julia E. Montgomery and husband, T. C. Montgomery, on April 3, 1914, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Caro lina, in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 62, at page 232, and defalut having been mode in the payment thereof in accordance with the terms of payment therein set out, the undersigned Mortgagee will, on SATURDAY, MAY, 31, 1919, at the hour of twelve, noon, at the court bouse door in Graham, N. C., offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, all of the following real property, to-wlt: All that certain tract or lot of land in the Town of Graham on Long Avenue, adjoining the lands of Curry Moore, J. P. Williams and others. ' 4 Situated on the north side of said Long Avenue and fronting on the south of the said avenue, and lying between lot No. 12 (Curry Moore) and lot No. 14 (J. 1\ Williams), and beginning at a stake on the north side of Long Avenue, corner ol lot No. 12, and running thence 8 87 deg 10' £ 30 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 14; thence N 87 deg 10' W 90 feet to a stake, corner with lot No. 12; thence 3 3 deg W 132 feet to the beginning and containing 1-4 acre, more or less, and being known as Lot No. 13 as sold by J. A. Long at public auction. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 24th day of April, 1919. , GRAHAM LOAN AND TRUST CO., Mortgagee. J. J. Henderson, Att'y. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 24th day of April, 1919. GRAHAM LOAN AND TRUST CO., Mortgagee. J. J. Henderson, Att'y. Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY In tbe Muperlor Court, Before tbe Clerk. Louis t Warren and husband, James Warren, Mrs. Georgia Foster aud husband, Mack Foster, Mrs. Mat tie Warwick and husband, W. J. Warwick, Mrs. Gertrude Tingen and husband, Zach Tingen, Mrs. Novella Pettigrew and husband, F It. Pettigrew, and Mrs. Mabel Warwick. vs. Luther Warwick, husband of Mabel Warwick, and Minnie Warren, A minor. Tbe respondent, Luther Warwick, as above named, will take notice that a Special Proceeding, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, belore the Clerk, for the purpose of obtaining an order of sale for divis ion of that tract of land situate in Pleasant Grove township, Alamnnce county, North Carolina, formerly owned by Mrs. Willie V. Warren, and upon which her husband, J. A. Warren, resided until his death, and containing 77 acres, and which is now tho property of the children of Mrs. Willie V. Warren as tenants in common, and in which the said Lu ther Warwick own* no interest in any way. And he will further take notice that he is reqatred to appear at the office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance, at the court house in Graham, North Carilina, on or before the 24th day of May, 1919, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said special proceeding, or the said petitioners will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief demanded in said petition. Done the 22nd day of April, 1919. D. J. WALKER, lmay4i Clerk Superior Court. Mortgagee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer ucin mortage deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Hook of Mort gage Deeds No. i>9, at page 259, aud a certain Deed of Trust re corded in Jiaid office in Boole of Mortgage Deeds No. 73, at page 107, said mortgage deed and deed of trust being executed by John Hester and Maggie lJester.V anil default being made in the pay ment thereof, tho undersigned Mortgagee will, on SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door ID the town oLOraham, N. C., offer at publio sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing real property, to-wit: In the said Town of Graham and on Elm Street adjoining the lands of J. 11. Hawks and others: Beginning at a Make on the north aide of aaid Elm atreet and 12 feet west of a one-story cottage on aaid aide of aaid street, and running thence N 160 feet to a stone; thence E to a ai«ke; thence S 160 feet to aaid atreet; thence with aaid street to the beginning, and being that certain lot or tract of land heretofore conveyed to the said John Heater by G. 8. Thomp son and wife, Lillie Thompson, by deed dated September 29, 1918. Thia April 24, 1010. 1 GRAHAM LOAN AND TRUST CO., Mortgages. J. J. Henderson, Att'y. Break yoor Cold or LaGrippe with few dotes of 666. Mortgagee's Saleof Land. Under and by vlrtoe of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed exec ted by J. C. Core, May 20th, 1913, and the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, in Book of Mort gage Deeds No. 59 at pageo9l, and default haviug been made in the payment thereof in accordance with the terms as therein set ont, the undersigned Mortgagee will, on SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1019, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court bouse door in Graham, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, all the following real property, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Al bright township, Alamance couu ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of D. A. Bivins, Henderson Coble, Heirs of Peter Poust, Henry Holt, Sina Rigstaff and others: Beginning at a rock, formerly a black jack, comer with said Bivins and running thence N 2} deg W 1.99 chs to a rock on west side of road; thence with said roau as It meanders N deg W 450 chs N 10f deg W 7 chs, N 14 deg W 5.30 chs, N 15 deg W 3 chs, N 3* deg W 2 chs, N 27* deg W 7 chs, 32 deg W 2.00 chs to post oak tree, corner with said Coble; thence N 87 deg W 17 chs to black gum and rock, corner with said heirs on the. north side of said road; thence 6$ deg W 10.78 chs to rock in corner with said Holt in said heirs line; thence with said road S 15J deg E 10.25 chs to maf>le tree on the north side of Whitehead creek; thence down said creek with its meanders E 2.10 chs, S 71 1-3 deg E 3 chs, S 53} deg E 7 chs, S 16* deg W 2 chs to a black gum tree on the south side of said creek, corner with said Rigstaff;,thence S 20£ deg W 10.70 chs to rock, corner with said Shaw; thence 803 2-3 deg E 22.4G chs to rock, corner with said Shaw in said Bivins' line; thenceN 8 2-3 deg E 8 35 chs to rock, corner with said Bivins; thence N 69 deg E 17.15 chs to the begiuuing, and containing 112.31 acres, inore or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 24th day of April, 1919. GRAHAM LOAN AND TRUST Co., Mortgagee. SQUEEZE a rich, ruddy-ripe orange—you have a pure, nourishing drink. But Orange-Crush, with its pure, natural fruit flavor and carbonated champagne sparkle, is the perfect drink. Thirst-tempter and thirst-quencher without a peer, Orange-Crush is the Natiws favor ite beverage. Brimful of Goodness Pour out Orange-Crush, sparkling and snappy, from an ice-cold bottle. Watch it bubbling brightly up to the rim of the glass—brimful of goodness. Refreshing and thirst-satisfying. Orange-Crush is the drink delightful—the drink that's deliciously different. yMvrds , t ORANGE-CRUSH Treat yourself to an ice-cold bottle of Orange-Crush today. We know you'll like it—immensely. We know it's absolutely pure, too, because we bottle it ourselves. A case oT Orange- Crush at home will make everybody happy. Sc. by the Bottle. Less by the Case. | GRAHAM CHERO-GOLA BOTTLING GO. w y" vivWIA \ . Peace is Worth the [Vice • # Worth any price we have to pay for it! Some of this price we have paid. Many of our boys have paid their all. The rest is up to us—to us who have benefited by their sacrifices—to us whose peace has been secured. ""3 Back the Victory Liberty Loan to your limit! '$ Victory Liberty Loan Committee , j ■»i i = 3 Thi* spact contributed by ■ 11 " GRAHAM DRUG CO., Graham, N. C. •' . ~ Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. IL.der and by virtue of the power of Bule contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by W. A. Clapp and wife for the purpose of securing the payment of two certain bonds ofV even date therewith, which deedf of trust is duly recorded in the Public Registry of Alamance county in Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 77 at at page 104, default having been made in the payment of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on TUESDAY, MAY 6,1919, at 12 o'clock noon, At the conrt house door of Alamance county at Qr&nam, N. (J., offor for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, two certain tracts or parcels of land in the town of Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, and more particularly bounded and described .as follows: First Tract—Adjoining the lands of J. L Teal, W. T. McCaskile and streets of said town; beginning at an iron bar on the south side of a street in said town, running from the premises of Abram Browder, color ed, deceased, to premises of Oneida Cotton Mills, and running thence wilh said street South 87 £ deg £ 75 feet to W .T. McCaskile; thence 8 2J deg W with line of said McCaskile 99 feet to said Teal's line; thence wilh said Teal's line N 87£ deg W 75 feet to a stake on the east side of a street in said town, running from terminus of West Harden Street to said street running from premises of said Browder to Oneida Cotton Mill lands; thence with said street last mentioned 99 feet to the beginning, containing. 17 of an acre, more or less. Second Tract—Adjoining the ]ands of G. A. Godfrey, W. T. McCaskile, Thomas Small and others, beginning at a stake on east side of a street in said town of Graham, running north from the west terminus of West Har den Street, said Godffey's corner, and running theuco with Baid street N 2£ deg E 35 feet to said McCas kile' s corner; thence with said Mc- Caskile's line S 87-}- deg E 75 feet tp said Small's line; thence with said Small's line S 2b deg W 36 feet to said Small's corner; thence with his line N 87£ deg W 75 feet to the be ginning, same being a part of that tract of land conveyed io J. L. Teal by L. Banks Holt, June 14th, 1889, Book No. 21, page 38 of Deeds. This April Ist, 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. Land Sale. Under and by virtue of an order by the Superior Court of Alamanee county, made in a Bpecial Proceeding therein penhing, entitled 0. D. Johnston, Adm'r, vs. Mrs. Virginia G. Johnston and others, The undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in Graham, at 12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919, the following described interests in real prdperty, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in Haw River township, in Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the land of Mrs. Henry Brown, J. M. Stone, C. D. Johnston and others, and bounded a» fol lows: Beginning at an iron bar in the Haw River road, corner with said Brown, run ning thence S 621-2 dbg Wlch 70 Iks to an iron bar in said road, corner with said Johnston; thence N 171-4 deg W 5 chs 01 Iks to an iron bar, corner with said John ston; thence N 78 deg E 1 ch 67 1-2 Iks to an iron oar, corner with said Brown; thence S 171-2 deg £ 5 chs 80 Iks to the beginning, contasning 96-100 of an acre, The above described lot will be soil subject to a deed of trust executed by J. W. Johnston and wife to the Alamance Insurance and Heal Estate Company, se curing the sum of five hundred dollars ($500,00) and accrued interest, and also subject to the dower estate existing in Mrs. VUginia 6. Johnston, widow of J. W. Johnston, in the said property, and any homestead rights of the minor chil dren of the said J. W. Johnston therein. Also a one-half undivided interest in the following described real property, to-wit; Lots Nos. 5, 11, 12, 18, 14. 15, 16, 19, and 20, of Block No. 2; and lots Nos. 21, 22, 28, 24, and 25, of Block No. 8, of the 8. W. Davis' lands, as shown by plat of Villa Dale Land Company, which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Caro lina, in Book No. 84, at page 86. Also a one-half undivided interest in the following described real property, to-wit: A certain lot or percel Of land begin ning at an iron bar in Haw Kiver road, corner with the said Albright and Trol inger; running thence N 712-8 deg E 19 fee) to an iron stake, corner with King and Johnston in said road; thence 817 deg E 168 1-4 ft. to an iron bolt, corner with said King and Johnston; thence N 692-8 deg E 40 ft to an iron stake, corner with the said King and Johnston, in said Cora Mfg. Co.'s line; thence 8 81-2 deg W 77 ft to an iron bar, corner with said Gregory in said Co.'s line; thence N 59 deg W 115 ft to an iron bar, corner with said Oregory. in said Albright's line in said road; thenee NBO 2-8 deg E 641-2 ft to the beginning, containing 16-100 of an acre. Alio a certain lot of land beginning at an iron bolt in public road to Haw ltiver, corner with Cora Mfg. Co.; running thence 8 8 1-2 deg W 70 ft to an iron bolt in said Cora Mfg. Co. 'a line; thenee 8 712-8 deg W 40 ft to an iron bolt; thence N 17 I B deg W 641-2 ft to an iron bolt in said public road road; thence N 712-8 deg K 71 8-4 ft to the beginning, containing 7-100 of an acre, more or lets. Terms of Sale: The above described interest* in real property will be sold sub ject to advance bids, and aubject to con firmation by the Court, title to be retain ed until purchase price la fully paid; pur chaser to one-half of the amount of his bid on day of sale, and the other half within aix (0) months; deferred pay menu to be evidenced by bonds of the purchaser, bearing six percent (0 per tent) interest from date of confirmation, and title to be retained unlil purchase price is fully paid This the 22nd day of April, 101 V. J. DOLPH LONG, (^ommiaaioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havtnf qualified as Administrator of the •state of Ileorr Allison, deceased. the undertimed hereby notifies all persons hold ing claims against tbs said estate to present !S* •JS?? 1 "nlv auuientle4tad, on or before the »«h dav or March, lliai, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recover/; and all persons Indebted to said aetata are request ed u. make Immedlals settlement. This March U, I*l*. J. WALTER JOHNSTON, Adm'r of Henry Allleon, deed. . . w .. Burlington, Itoatei. *. 8. W. Dame rap. Att'jr. rmartt BUY .WAR SAVING STAMPS

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