* VOL. XLY Get Rid of Tan, Saftbarn and Freckle* by using HAGAN*S Magnolia Balm. W9O V " Acta inrftantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and" Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it Thous ands of women say it ia beft of all beautifiera and heals Sunburn quickest Don't ba without it • day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direct. 75 cents for either coiot, White. Pink. Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE." LYON MFG. CO, 40 So. sth St.. Brooked Y. EUREKA : Spring Water || FROM EUREKA SPRING, jj | Grahams N, C. j j (>— I 11 A valuable mineral spring J \ |; has been discovered by W. H. ] [ i > Aualey on his place in' Graham. > ! I It was noticed that it brought \; health to the users of the water, *; 11 and npon being analyzed it was > !I ofund to be a water strong in I ;; mineral properties and good ; ' for stomach and blood troubles. > ! Physicians who have seen the { J; analysis and what it does, J; 11 recommend its use. ' | Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. | • i Why buy expensive mineral 1I waters from a distance, when ' 11 there is a good water recom- | 1 1 mended by physicians right at - ! • home ? For further informa- i, 11 tion and or the water, if you | ' | desire if apply to the under- 1 > signed. !! II W. H. AUSLEY. J ; PROFESSIONAL CABDB JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Lnw GRAHAM, N. C. OHlce over * "—'■ ■■ J\ S. C OOK, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Second Fleor DR. WILL UDMfI, JR. . . . DENTIST : ; . Graham, . - - - North Carolina OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONO IiOXG & LONG, Attorney* and Coun*elor» at Law GRAHAM, N. 0 IT'S YOURS—USE "Dlialontlncr 1 Nature's restorative ana safe thort cut to quidc relief from stomach ills: Heartburn, Dizziness, Acid Mouth, Lost Appetite, Sieeplessneu, etc. Known, trusted and tried by thous ands the whole land over. I IH\isssxMEU^ > > This is to certify 700 that I bar* received the medicine ft ordered from you. Most ur it U excellent and la doing me all the rood. REV. a L. LAWRENCE, Wadley, Ga. Since osiaf Dlfeetonetoa my stomach has stopped bin-tin* me and I Just can eat anything that I want to. I hare hsd indigestion for 20 years. D.S.WILLI A MB, HI Boa 82, Tlcer.Ga. HAYES DRUQ COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. nil LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS Thin book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.80. By mail 20c extra. Orders may bt sent to P. J. KKBNODLE, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va Orders may be left at this offiee. | trsulomarkeand(-oprrfetrtJiofccahMd or »e H ■ tmrn. feftd mulct. akeCrbM or photos sad As* ■ ■ srrlptton for FREE SEARCH aad report ■ ■ or patentability, (tank rafsrwKas. I PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES far W ■ yoa. Our frae book lota toll how, what to lavsat ■ ■ and ssea yoa tnotvj Writs today. ID. SWIFT &co.| PATgNT LAWYIna, THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. fLAN YOUR RACE AND—WIN! If lt'i a tie between INCOME and SPENDING, we lose. If we lose, we are handicapped on the next lap of life's relay. But if we beat our FOOLISH SPENDING, we start the next lap ahead of the game. If we keep up our saving pace, we dis tance the Wolf. HOW LARGE SUMS CAN BE SAVED ON SERVICE M*ak People Fall to Conaldsr What Help In Horn* Really Coat* In tha Long RUN. b any plan for national economy British specialists think that tha household rathar than tha family should ba taken aa a unit. Under hausehold consumption they lnoluda (X) serrtoaa rendered maintaining Ui house and !U lnmataa, (1) tha goods consumed or acquired by tha Inmates, (t) the general charge* of cleaning, decorating, offsetting deterioration, etc. As a start la a saving program the British Commission kaa pointed oat that services should be valued even mora hlghiytha? goods, as each per aon doing unnecessary and unproduc tive work not only oonaumes without producing, but Is alao depriving the country of possible productive power. Translated into terms of American saving, this service idea would mean, "Do not hire any one to do what you can do for yourself In apare time un law you find It directly profitable." few Americans are really honest with themselves as to the cost of ser vices. Not one family in a hundred really knows what a servant actually costs. Most ct them place the ooet of her wagea and (all to count la her food, light and other things she con sumes. Moet of them, moreover, have no way of figuring correctly the extra waste of food or extra breakage or >w*ar and tear due to the fact that the servant does not have the lntereet of ownership for making things go as far as possible. Few families know at the end of the year the important total that the "odd Job*" man or hedtfe cutter or grass trimmer has cost them tor service that might as weH have been rendered a* recreation or need ed outdoor exercise by the man or boys of the family. This, of course, doea not mean that %o service ehould be purchaaed. Where a houaewlfe's time is worth more in money or other contribution to family well-being than the cost of a servant she makes a profit by employ ing aome one who freea her to do bet ter paid work than household tasks. In many cases physical or personal reaeons make it essential to the wel fare of the family to have help, but in many cases the time saved to the members of the household by ser vanta is not utilised profitably la a monetary way or even in a way to make for real happiness or advance ment. Savings oa service will give many people Important aama to land to their government and save for thamselvea through War Savings Stamps. Ia the aaae of children work la not only a practical means of earning and sav ing. but In lualf la a valuable dlaclp ptaa for l|fa. THE CAVE MAN Took What Ha Wanted. He didn't say: "By Your Leave." He lost helped himself e e e The Civilised Man aad Womaa Get What They Waat with Money e e e la Order to Have Honey Toa Muat Save. Save First, Spend Afterward. Nearly Bvary Aaserloan Saved Daring I*ll Keep Up the Habit Through lilt And Doat Stay, e e e War Saviaga fltaaip* rora The Naeleaa of a COMFORTABLE INCOME. BUT THEM I KSBF THEM I SATS NOW! laveet your sarpios money la War Savings Stampe and watch It grew. How to Make Money uo. Pick up a half dollar with two needle*, or plna, by placing the points on the milled edge of the coin diamet rically opposite each other. By keep ing the needle* flrmly pressed against .the coin it will be held with sufficient firmness. Then blow against the coin, directing your breath either above or below tne center line, and it will spin round at a great rate, producing a buzzing sound. BANKS ENTER FIGHT AGAINST BOND SHARK Plan la Davlaad Whereby Person Wha Muat Sail Will Ba Given Squara Deal. Bankers In all parts of this dl» trlot hare been asked to take part la tha war which has been declared against the bond ahark. The cam paign Is to protect we small holder of Liberty and Victory Bonds. Many of these people are being preyed upon by profiteers In government secure tlea and by saleamen of so-called wild cat atocks. Übverament which are the best security In th« world, hare been traded for worthless stock certificates which never have and never will pay one cent In divi dends. While every holder of Liberty and Victory bonds Is urged not to sell, the fact Is recognized that some per- beyond their buying power and they now find that for one reaaon or another—good reasons no doubt— they must sell. Bond sharks have taken ahameful advantage of some oi these people, according to reports re ceived, and the banks are now lining up to put an end to their activities. If a man finds that he must sell his bond he should take It to the nearest bank where, he will be given Its full market value or If for any reason ths bank prefer not to pay the cash the bond holder will be directed to a rep utable broker. Tha Federal Reserve Bank of Rich mond has sent an official communi oatloa to evary bank and trust com I>any In this dlatrict urging their c» operation. The point is made that no oritlclsm la aimed at the repntaMt broker who Is legitimately buying and selling bonds and other standard securities, but a determined effort will he made, and Indeed Is now being made, to block the actlvitloa of thoes parsons who by misrepresentation ars preying upon the lnexperencod bond ■holdsrs. BUDGETING CHILDREN Budgeting children will teach them the value of money and often make them more careful of their clothes and shoes. It will also bring out cer tain traits of character thnt nothing •lae will disclose and enable pareata to correct faults before they become fixed habits. Any child old enough to be entrusted with money Is old enough to be given a specified amount to tpend each weak, and to be told tha value of saving a part of It. Of course very young children may not be allowed to choose their own clothes, but training along thla line may begin very early and a senae of values and suitability may be In stilled. Three grown girls In a certain fam ily were given the same allowance for clothes, books, amuscmenta, enter tainment of friend i, etc. At the end ef the first month May had spent all ef her Allowance and stated that she had aothlng to show for It. Jane had aaved one-half of hers and deposited It la tha bank She had denied her self soma badly needed clothing and bought a few showy articlea with the amount apaat She had accepted en tartalnment from friends but was too stingy with her own money to enter tain la return. Sarah produced an aeeouat book a&! showed thai she had bought all the aecossary articlea of clethlng. enjoyed ssveral well chossn entertainments, and had purchased two War Savings Stamps, paying four par oaat compound Intereat. These are typical, and the Informa tion gathered from the first month enabled tha father and mother to •how May the folly of wasteful and earelees expandltnre. Jane the irapor taace o t providing aaaeaaltles first and (ha virtue of generosity, and la oommead Sarah for her unusaal bust aeas ability and sense of tbrllt Patha ef Democracy. To accustom oneself to dlxregnrd the accident* of manner and Htntlon sufficiently to see the man ns he In, to have a clear sight for genuine charac ter under any of the dlsgutaex of un famlllarlty and prejudice, to k»ow how simple and hew uie elements that go to the making W manhood, are the paths that lead to belief In democracy.—George K. Wood berry. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 PRETTY HOI UF ENGLISH STUCCO Originality in Design Demanded by Home Builders. COMB PAST FOR THE BEST Design Which Combines tho Beauty of the Old English Architecture With Modern Room Arrangement and Convenience!. Mr William A Radford will anawer question. and five advice FREE OF COST on all (Übjecte pertalnlnc to the subject of building, for the readera of this ° n account of hla wide experience aa Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he la, without doubt, the hlcheet authority ? n the.. subjects. Addrese all Inoulrlee to William A. Radford, No. IK7 Prairie avenue, Chleajo, 111., and only encloee two-cent a tamp for reply By WILLIAM A. RADFORD The great army of home builder* this year are turning more and more to originality In the designs for the homes that they are erecting. Design* for modern homes are the results of the architectural experience of this and past generations. From the homes that were designed In various periods, the best has been selected and the balance discarded. Thus does the present-day home sacrifice neither beauty to convenience, nor convenience to beauty. An example of this process of archi tectural selection is shown in the ac companying design. Here has been combined the exterior beauty of the old English style of architecture with modern room arrangement and mod ern construction methods and mate rials. This old English stucco house of six rooms is what might be termed a "beauty." Its exterior appearance Is out of the ordinary, while the room arrangement and the conveniences in stalled In them are of the type that appeal to the modern home builder. The lines are graceful, and yet no space Is sacrificed to get the effect: the rooms are planned to give the home owner all the comforts of a much larger house. The dimensions of this house. 27 by 80 feet, which Is a size that will per mit of plenty of lawn space and garden room on an ordinary-sized lot. This B'r.e also is Inexpensive to build. The porch aiid the living porch, which, together, extend across the front of the house are features that everybody wants in a home, while the large living room, with a fireplace, makes this house most desirable. The living room is 22 feet 0 Inches, by 11 feet, a spacious room in Itself. == W U j \Ly UVINGPm 'J I PORCH/| ItviNGPoßcn.f ,j r.w \| in'.ti' I First Floor Plan. but the living porch, with its casement windows and accordion doors, adds 16 feet 6 Inches to the living room width and 9 feet 0 Inches to Its depth. Glass doors connect the dining room, 12 feet 6 Inches, by 14 feet, with the living room on one side, and the kitch en, 13 by 8 feet, is reached through ■ short hall leading out of the other •nd of the living room. The conveniences that have been planned for the kitchen are a feature of this design that will appeal to the women members of the family of the prospective builder. The work table Underneath the window, the wail case and the sick alongside of It. with a swinging seat so that there Is a place for the housekeeper to sit down while the work Is being done either at the link or table, the Ironing board at- CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Itch relieved In *» minute* oj Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Nevai (alia. Sold by Graham Drug Co, tachcd to the door of the closet, so that It can be let down Into the'kitchen and the electric socket so placed that an electric Iron can be handily used, all ar? unusual and make this n kitchen where the work can be done easily and quickly. On the second floor there a*e three good-sized bedrooms, all with two ex posures, and the bathroom. Erery j room has n closet, while there Is a ! fourth one In the hall. The casement windows, some hung 1 In pnlrs and others singly, nre features [ of this design that add to th.» appear- I ance of the honse and to the comfort | of Its occupants. The perspective gives an excellent I Idea of the exterior of the honsc, while 1 the floor plans show the room srrangfr- PORCH ROOF Second Floor Plan. ment and the a,any built-in features j 'of the house. The honse Is of stand- I ard wood construction, with a stuccoed | exterior over>wdol, or wire or metal I lath. f Too much cannt t be said in favor i of this design; it Is Indeed a beauty, and such homes at this give the owner I the utmost in satisfaction, because its | exterior is one fn be proud of, while ! the conveniences anil comforts that the ' j interior arrangement provides are | what the home builder wants and de- ! mands. I' However, this plan can be altered j [ to suit the ii ™)t wishes to build SRjtoc' can b« rtni«h«t hou.Hw built of brick ■ an7 stucco applied. struction. thai principalJthing that both provide a is wann er In winter amJustwlerAn summer, lU j though the cost \»a/dttle more. At i any rut* a consultation with the local architect, contractor and material dealer, will be of urea* assistance to the home builder lu determining the materials to be used and the cost at the home. One of the delights of home build ing Is the selection of the exterior -design and the interior arrangement. This is a phase of securing a home that should not be done hurriedly. It should be remembered that, tile homo builder expects to live in the bouse for a great many years, "onsequentiy the selection of Che design Is Impor tant. because care will eliminate much disappointment. Itere Is where the services ami advice of architect, un tractor and material dealer will help ! the prospective builder. By experl i ence and education these building ! specialists know what to avoid. The flrst step in building a home Is ! securing a lot on which to build If. Here again caution should be exercised in determining the character of tile neighborhood, the probability of Its growing or deteriorating, and Its prox- I Unity to schools, etc. Appreciation of the property makes home owning a good investment, irrespective of the comforts that come with a home, "be i cause there always Is the possibility that the owuer may want to sell, for aowe rvasou or other. But considering all of these points, man who uses care will never regret that be built a homo of his OWU.' Valuable Waste Reclaimed. By the use of a volatile solvent, the ' United States forest products labora tory has succeeded in economically re claiming the oils anil paraffin from waste wax paper, leaving the pulp In condition for use anew. Kxtractlou by steam and hot water was unsat isfactory, and failed to remove all wax and oils, while the cost was too great. Though this uew Ueld of op eration is small, the products are valuable. The gutlre waste for treat ment now lucludes about enough from wax paper mills to support one ceu trul recovery plant, but the quantity la Ilk -•'? to tnereuse. rapidly, with the prospect that othc plants In varivus places will be requited ere long. Cash Value of Belt. It has been estimated by an Euro pean scientist that the commercial value of the electricity lu a Hash of lightning lastlug one one-thousandth of a second Is -H cents. Cat In Scotland. More than 23 per cent of Scotland's illuminating gas is made lu municipal plants to more thuu 51 per cent in Ire land and about 3U per cent in England. CHANDLER SfX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor The Year's Pleasing Ne THE season offers no other sedan so pleasing in the beauty of its lines and its furnishings, as the new series Chandler Sedan- And there is none chat may be compared with It at any thing like its price. The new Chandler Sedan is the highest expression of years of development in the creation of closed bodies. Et is beautiful to look at, and most comfortable to ride in. It has style and refine ment that must appeal to those who care for the flxmr things. This car seats seven persons most comfortably or five when auxiliary chairs are not in use. The front seat is solid, not divided as in previous models, and the window posts are a per manent part of the body, not removable. The windows, however, may be lowered away or adjusted to suit the weather and. die wish. The entire interior is upholstered in finest quality silk plush of pleasing pattern for cushions and plain mn> far Baead lining. Interior fittings are in dull silver finish. Despite, the largest production in the history of ths Chandler Company, ♦ the demand for the new series sedan will quickly consume the production for weeks to come. Your early order-will be a .safeguard against disappointment. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Patt—trr Tonrinf Car, SI TPS Pour-fautmfr Koadsur, tI7K /•'nur-I'autnfrr Ditpauh Car, SJS7S Seven-I'autnger Sedan, S2T9S V-nur- i'msenter Camp*. t!695 U—uune, S3I9S 4U /*>« a /. o. 4. Clmtemd P TED MO NT WfMWlwmrm- Graham, N, C. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO Ferns Particularly Adopted for Growth in Sarden Spaces That Seem So Uninviting. \ There is perhaps no plant grown 'Elicit appeals to tint refined taste of the ghrdener anil lover of plant life 'an tile' rem—with its wonderful grace i&fform add variety of color shading. »3Pexv people realize what charming , tffflfect.s can lie obtained utu very smull cost With' rile iiiil of our native wood Corns. We admire them when they are seen in their native cool and shaded haunts, Hut we do not realise they can easily he transplanted and will quickly contribute to the beauty of our lawns and gardens. Ferns may lie found in the woods at almost every state in the Union. Around every house, whether in city or village, there are shady spots where grass and flowers will not grow. Wo look at Uleso bare and uninviting places and wish something could lie done to tnuke them attractive. Take a day off, go to the woods, and with a trowel dig up some terns, secure as muny varieties as possible, plant them in the prepared lied, the larger varie ties at tho hack, the more delicate in front. It does not require so many I'pr a start, as they multiply rapidly. Keep them moist tin HI thoroughly ostab* ilsheil. Late In tile fall cover wltll leaves. In tile s|»niig do not remove these leaves from the bed, as they help to hold the moisture, linrlch the soil and give tile ferns more of their native conditions. Thus the former unsighlly spots will have become places of joy and beauty.—Thrift Mag azine. Try It! Substitute For Mastv Calomel J Starts your liver without making you .-sick and can not salivate. Every druggist in Town—your druggist and everybody s drutjgibt has noticed a great, falling oil in the sale of clonic!. They all give tho same reason. Dodbon's Liver is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and peo fectly safe and gives better re sults said a prominent local drug gist Oodson's Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few ceuts and if it fails to give easy relief ill uvoi.v case oi liver sluggishness ami con stipation xju have onlv to ask fro your money back. Dodsco a Liver Tone is a pleas ant tasting purely vegetable rem edy, harmless tT> both children and adults. Take a spoonful at uight and wake up feeling fine, no bil iousness, sick headache, acid stom ach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconven ienco all the next day like violent caloxnel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will fee) weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day'a work. Take Uodson s Uver Tone instead and feel fine, i full of vigor and ambition. adv, MORTGAGEE'S .SALB OP LAND Under :imi by virtue of the powpr ii sale in a eertuin Mortgage L)f»eu executed by Graham Uradbhaw md wife, Lucy Ann rJrad&haw. to rhe Graham Loan & .Prust Company, and- LP, lIHD, ami re corded in the office » p Uie Register of Deedfc for Alamunee county, in dook of Mortgage. J)ee ' , and Deeoj. if Trust No. f »D it p3e 112, and default having been >mJp in the payment *f the sji.l debt secured by said mortgage the undersign ed mortgagee will offer at puollc sale, it the c » *rt house loor in Graham, »n SATURDAY, Of.'TOHKH 4, IMfK it 11? O'CIUCK noun, IH; FOLLOWING tiescribed tiact of land: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands ot \V. •I. NiCKts George S. Mabrv, deceas ed, and bounded as follows Begin in lip, at a corner with W. .!. Nicks on the North siie ofc said street, .South Melville.; thence S with said street so fee., to the c >r ner, or iron bolt, with said Mabrv: thence W. with fit line »f said bry r fc '4 feet t> an iron bap or iiolt in tin* line of ;aid Mabry; thenc** N. s0 feet to in iron b'.>lt iri .ho line of said Nicks, thenve w t!i tfiv line »f said Nicks liM feet tli-* begimniif,, and c«'!»tain!n/ 1 '"il H>.\. feet. Haiti tract or ,»irrH of li >d is sold siUiject a prior, in tiie sum "f 'H7S.OO to John Rl. Hoffman, evidenced «»y i-d in the offic * »f th * oi Uttnl«. in . Mook No '.J. page | (V : r»n» of sale. CASH. T)iit» \uKUbt ~'2, I}>U*. >HAJIAVf LO/»N a: TRUST CO.. Mortgagee. •J. 1. HKNDIJKSON, Atty. - Summous by Publication. '>| Noi lJi Carolina, Count) ot AiaiuaiK'e. In tlic »U|i«;ijor Court. Utiui ti [lit Clerk. J i/ltii IJ on ry Vincent atiil otherH vs. Mariu .Juhubuu, Gtiotge lid. iiolt, Sheltou MOBS, Kloyd Moss and UtllOlH. Tlio iliifcinianlh above numod will 'uko iiotico iliut a sptciul priA;et'ding ontitkil ae above hu» beeu commeuc fd in tbo Superior Court of Ala mance county (or tile purpose of veiling land lor partition, that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court house in Grahaui ou the -7 th day of Septem ber, I'Jl'J, and aimvvur or demur to tiie petition on iile, or the relief de manded will be granted. This the 21st day of Aug., 1919. l> J. WALKER, C. Ss C. Long & l ong. of Alamance Co. Attye. ISep-it RUB IT ON NO. 31 [ Jaß. H. Rich W. Urneet Thompson; I_ _ , Rick I Thtmm u - 111 ' II Funeral DirectQns and Embalmerap MOTOR AND HORSH DRAWN HEARSES (.'ails answered anywhere day ornightt Day 'l'hone No. 88W Night 'Phones \V. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jas. 11. Rich r »4t>»W Trustee's Sale of Real Estate: in Burlington Township. Under and by virtue of th«p power of sale continued in a «r* tain Deed of Trust executed by H, J. Lacy and wife to Alamance Ittr surauce and Real Kslate Cain? j jiauy for the purpose of .securing; the payment of six certain bonds of oven date therewith, whioh deed of trust is recorded in Rook, jof Mortgages und-Deeds of Trust : No. 77, at page -l»7, in the I'nbllo Registry of Alamance county, dft>- : fault having beeu made in tbe ; payment of said bonds and tbe ! interest thereou, the undersigned; trustee will, on MONDAY, SKPT. 22, 1910,, I at. 12 o'clock, noon, at the oounb ! house loor of Alamance county,, jin (jraham, North Carolina, offer . J for sale at public auction to the- *Jj i highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of laud in Hurling ton town | ship, Alamance county aud State of North Carolina, adjoining Webb, j Avenue, G. K. Blackmon, Ivey laud other*, and bounded folr | lows; Beginning at a corner of G. Jl, j Blackmon lot ou Webb Aveuna;; j running thence with the line QC Wobb Aveuuo Ifiast GO toet to j corner with said Ivey*, t.heuoe wit4t j the lino ot' said Ivey South 1.1,0 feet to corner ou Miss Alexander's line; thence with tbe line of said Alexander parallel with Webb Aveuuo 00 feet to corner on Blaok mou'sliue; theuce with the lino of said Blackmon 110 feet to t>ho beginning. Ou the said lob is situated a four-room dwelling. 1 This August 11, IMA Alamance his. Jit Real list act Co., Truste®, , —, „ You CM Cur* That Pain tilouK tbe bttcfc, ll?uiin*i% feMfUaito* 1 and nviumrni languor, a um>kmoC MoLbur Grav's AualraJiu LmX, tthi ! root and b«r*> euro tor Kidney, Bladder j and Urinary trouble*. Wtwu you teai «U I Uruu down, tired, weaJi and without UHe r.hla r«mark.Hble oouiblnatloa sl| nature* Jf berba and rvoU. Ai % regulator it a* M Mother Gray'a Australian- l*U sold by Uruggiata or *»ut by mall tor , uj l>l v mul frea. Addrvaa, Th# Moll Mt ntffco.. L« Kvv, K. IT

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