rri '■ J ••IKS ',■--- - « H THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. XLV Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN"S MagnoliaJjjjF Balm. W; Acts intftantly. Stops the burning. Clean vour complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is betftof all beautifiera and heals Sunburn Quickest Don't be without it a day longer. Get a battle now. At your Druggist or by mail direft. 75 cents for either coiut. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE." ' LYON MFC. CO.. 40 So. Bth St., Brookly., N.T. EUREKA i; Spring Water : FROM :: EUREKA SPRING, J> Graham* N, G * i > ! \ A valuable mineral spring ] \ J[ has been discovered by W. H. j [ i > Ausley on his place in Graham. ! !! It was noticed that it brought 1' J | health to the users of the water, ; | 11 and upon being analyzed it was > ! I ofund to be a water strong in ; mineral properties and good > for stomach and blood troubles. 3I Physicians who have seen the |; analysis and what it does, ]' i > recommend its use. )! Analysis and testimonials ! J; will be furnished upon request. ] i Why buy expensive mineral « 1 waters from a distance, when 1 ]1 there is a good water recom- j[- ;; mended by physicians right at 0 home? For further informa- JI tion and or the water, if you '' '' desire if apply to the under- > 1 > signed. I! W. H. AUSLEY. :: (► 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM. N. C. Office over Natlomal Bank ol Ala—— J\ S. COOK, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, .... - N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Second Floor DR. WILL S. LONG, JR. . DENTIST ; ; . Graham, - - - - North Carolina OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONO LONG & LONO, A ttorney! and Connaalora at L»w GRAHAM. N. C DIGESTONEINE'? Nature's Restorative, alll help. Not only give* quick, sure relief from indite*. tion'i ilia Heartburn, Dizziness, Sour Risings, Acid Mouth, Sleepless ness, etc., but builds up appetite and entire aystem. Thousands KNOW. Follow Uirir lead fr/spgrmnmaT^ *'Tho Kay to IUIW iHI I am lmprorln* In haalth since I . h«re bm taking roar medicine. It tuu helped me mi murb. I can't tell 1°? .Ixr* thankful I am. I do not thin* I could get along without It. 1 hare recommended It to many since It haa done me so much a God. WILLIS TOWNS, Ifaaaon, No. Car. Ota Mlfcftr-w ytar m, BACK For (tether ccaviocaac FACTS, aea , HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C." LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. Au« Interesting volume —nioely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gill top, $2.50. By mail 20c extra. Orders may b* sent to P. J. KERNODLE, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va Orders may be left at this offiee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HavLna qualified aa Admlnlatrator of the estate of Jeea Kocera, deeeaaed, the under- Binned hereby notifies all peraona hold I [lf clalma anl net aald eaute to present the aa me duly authenticated. on or before the Mb day of Sept.- 1900, or tbla notice irlTI be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All peraona Indebted to aald estate are requested to make Im mediate aattlement. Tbla An*. Mtb. 1»1B. H. M. CATE*. Adm'r of Jeaa Bogera.dee'd. Graham No. 2. Wm. I. Maid, Att y. 4m P«*t FARMERS. YOU ARE INVITED HENRY FORD & SON 1 REPRESENTED BY I Kirk Holt Hardware Co. | j| Will give a public demonstration of their Fordson Tractor on Mr. Lay ton Walker's Farm on the i street ear line near Graham Depot, from 10:30 A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. on Monday, October 6th We'earnestly request every farmer or prospective user of a tractor to attend this demonstration. $750 $750 I I There will be three or more tractors in the field with all kinds of plows, 1 I harrows, pulverizers, drills and other tools that are suited ior work with a § | tractor. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity of seeing all the up-to- 1 I date farm machinery in use and have them explained by experts 1 I from the factory. 1 I I MR. S. A. RYAN, OF DETROIT, WHO IS REPRESENTING HENRY FORD & SON 1 1 Will be in charge of this demonstration and you will* have the opportunity of getting direct information in | regard to the most wonderful little labor-saving machine ever put on the farm. § ■ 1 I Come and Bring Your Friends. A Light Lunch With Cold Drinks and Hot I Coffee Will Be Served on the Grounds Free. | Don't forget the date and place of demonstration | Be on hand promptly so you can get the full benefit of this valuable information, and all owners of |j FORDSON TRACTORS are earnestly requested to be present. j| KIRK HOLT HARDWARE CO. The Hardware and Implement Dealers of Alamance County. 1 Purpose of American Cotton Asso ciation. * ... The American Cotton Aiuociation is ->eing organized in 72 cotton growing countie# in North Carolina, in co-operation with ten other cot- j ton growing stales, for the purpose i of: 1. Protecting the interests of the cotton producer and improving his condition. I 2. Promoting the econo.nk- regu lation of cotton production so thai ' the supply shall be adjusted t» d e mand, and so that the producer will j not be compelled to sell his prod i uct at less than a fair and reason able profit. j 3. Promoting in'.e Kge.it dlvers;- i fication ol crops an I developing 1 markets for such crops, other than : cotton, as may be profitably grown and raised. 4. Improving and enlarging pres GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1919 ent exiyng warehouse facd tics, arid securing additional facilities, so that the* producer may carry hi* hi* crop at the minimum e-;pen«!2 and phynicaJL damage, and the maximum of security and finan" J bility, 5. Broadening the market f for raw cotton and enlarging the of cotton and cotton goods. 6. Improving and IncreaVn*; transportation facilities. 7. Collecting information as t»I both domestic and f»r i ri f on* sumption. th»* *»'• ii«- of 11.» I \ the extent of acreage, sippiv til con dition of crop, and «>l oile* • in/or mation of practical mi'-rcs' t » the cotton industry, mi di«sienon;it:n>; facta and data through h«vcral. sub-organization* to every in'Mi'M of every community, I ;et!» r v*ith direction* and suggestions as to what courw to pursue, from all viewpoint*, in order, to secure"the very best result*. r | if. Maintaining a solid and uni fied effort for- n-t titling |. i fvi ncntly a f:• ir an I «• |•»it i!/!• j»;.e for cotton. 0. I'nifying an I co«u hf» *f •> •; i'i all the cotton inli reiis »f ( »'• South in the ln''-re«vt of ;i business South, i 10. Doing collet tiv ely all and ev erything that may be conducive to the stability a,»d profitableness of the cotton producing iryJusiry. SO6SCRIBK FOR TUB GLKANER CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Uso For Over 30 Years "-z"- Signature c f fCUcJUii Possibly Carranza would "be able to beep order in Mexion if he could only put his finger on it. NO. M J Jaa. H. Rich W. Ernest ThompiO Hich £ Thompson 1 Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night % Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jaa. 11. Rich 54ti-W MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND M Under and by virtue of the power ot sal© in a certain Mortgage Deed £ executed by Graham Bradahaw ind wife, Lucy Ann Bradshaw, to the Graham Loan & Trust Company, and dated March ID, 1915, and re- : «sj corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in ilook of Mortgage Deed's and Deed* of Trust Wo. BO at page 412, and M default having been made in the payment of the said debt secured by said mortgage, the undersign- "■'» ed mortgagee will offer at puolic :i| at the court house door in Graham, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919, & at 12 o'clock noon, the following described tiact of iaifll: , ?3 A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. fj J. Nicks, George S. Mabry, deceas ed, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner with W. J. Nicks on the North siie of said street, South Melville,; thence S. with said street no feel to the cor ner, or iron bolt, with said Mabry; thence W. with 'he line of said Ma bry 124 feet to an iron bap or bolt In the line of said Mabry; thence N. 80 feet to an iron bolt in I'he . -13 line of said Nicks; thence with the lfno of said Nicks 124 feet to the , beginning, and containing 9920 S'l. .!% fpet. Said tract or parcel ot land Is sold subject to a prior mortgage -M In the sum of $75.00 tf> John R[ Hoffman, an evidenced l.y record ed mortgage In the office of the Register oi Deeds. In Mortgage ~.ig Book No 64. page 561. Terms of sale. CASH. This August 22, 1919. GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO., Mortgagee. 3 J. J. HENDERSON, Atty. ■ __*o vEAos reputation m a ARNOLDSM Mm. CurT ™ • I MALL SUMMER SICKNESSES BY| GRAHAM DRUG Co. Summons by Publication. Mt'ate of North Carolina. County ol Alamance. In the Huperlor Court. fl Itefbre the Clerk. John Ilenry Vincent and others vs. Marie Johnson, Ucoj*£e Ed. Holt, Sbelton Moss, «+*ioyd Moss and othore. Tiie defendants above named will tako notice that a special proceeding entitled an above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court o! Ala mance county for the purpose of selling land for partition; that they are required to appear at the office j of tlio Clerk of the Superior Court of VI said county at the court house in •"] Graham on the 27th day of Septem ber, 15)19, anil answer or demur to ; the petition on (ile, or the relief de manded will he granted. This the 21st day of Aug., 1919. I). J. WALKER, C.S. C. Ixiiig A: 1/on#, of Alamance Co. Atty s. 4Sep4t LXN'D SALE! Under at.d l>y virtue of an order -3M ol the duperiur Court, made in a special proceeding therein, enti tled VV. Ai. Mann an . others vs. C. E. Turner, the undersigned Com missioners will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, at the court house door In Graham, at 12 o'clock noon, on • . ° iM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919. the following described real prop erty, to-wit A certain tract or parcel of land lying ana jeing in Thompson town ship, Alamance county, North Car olina, containing six and one half acres, more or less, antf Known as the Pat ton Mill pioperty. For a full description of said property, see deed Irom Robert W. Scott ana others to VV\ M. Kauce'te. recorded in Deed Book No. fl, page 551,. in the office of the Register of De?dl for Alnmance county. This scle in made subject to ad vance l ids and confirmation by the Court. This September 18,19!.*. J J HE VDERSON, .1 D'JLPII T.ONO, Commissioner*. I ROOSEVELT I Was He Afraid of Beinf Aisassbated ? "•■TV* u "f •— 1« itai l« ' ■■«!' mi »k, p, aMi a. ■atetanMlnMndaatm M i l t j, ta Mtinin, K m, "'I." rnm u u. OUI. la> L - Ll I III III! lliiau ; a l ft— In UtMnan f * 1 Scribner'a Magazine

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