VOL. XLV keeps! | my hair healthy § 5 "By using Wildroot regularly * I kMp = Z my scalp entirely free from the itching - crust of dandruff, the cause of most z S hair trouble. I owe my luxuriant hair r = —the envy of my friends—to this Z 5 guaranteed dandruff remedy." S Wlldroot Liquid Shampoo or Wlldroot S Shampoo goap, u»ed In connection wtlh - Wlldroot Hair Tonlo, will hiilin tha ZZ ZZ treatment. WILDPOOT = TOE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC = For sale here under a 5 money-back guarantee .5 Graham Drug Co. ' Hayes Drug Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM. N. C. Olllee over National Buk ot Jllaaaaci J", s. c 6ok, Attorney-at- Lass, GRAHAM, N. C. Offlco Patterson Building Second Floor. ..... DR. WILL S. LONG, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham. .... North Caroline OFFICE IN BJMMONB BUILDING • ACOB A. LOBS. 3. ELMER LONO LONG & LONG, Attorney a and Counselors at L«w GRAHAM, N. O. J as. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich S Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jas. 11. Rich 54fJ-W EASY TO GET, EASY TO KEEP— USE "DIGESTONEINE" AND WIN qiiUs re '' c f ' rom heartburn, (our, gassy stomach, dirzineu anJ other indigestion ills. Tone your entire system, stir up your appetite by fol lowing the lead of thousand*—- fteSMEMIR' ] auiiSa mtmrap, "Til. K.jtoR.IM" ibO I have never taken anything that gave me such quirk relief, and I have epent hundreds of dollara with other remedies, have been bothered over flv# yeara with what was pronounced gastritis. I ate food that I knew would raiae cas on 'my stomach, so to my Hurprisa after having taken the doae of yonr "Dlgestonelua" I had DO dlstreNs whatever. JAMES W. STOKES, Gallatlna, Mo. Hayes Drug Company Graham, N. C. • fioi BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket MenKK, Vest Pocket Memo., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C of Glovee. Gloves are of great antiquity, hav ing been worn In England n» long ago as to Saxon times. Ptetlcally the only change which thtfe has erer been In styles of gloves has been In their decoration. Sometimes they were richly adorned with jewels, £5 having been paid for a pair In the fourteenth Century.—St. Petersburg Tine*. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. About tha Carat. I The "carat" the unit of weight pe culiar to Jewelry, was Introduced from India. Man sought to record the weight of aman objects by using tiny seeds. The barley grain was used In Europe. In. the Cast the seeds of a vetch were In use, and It Is from 'the Greek word for vetch (keratlon) that the now familiar term "carat" Is de bited. Strange Animals. At the foot of Mount ICownng, In Notf i Manchuria,t there live strange animals called "fnru-nanban-kau." They are larger than ordinary apes and dig spacious caverns on the rocky •Ides of the hills. Dnrlnjr the spring and summer they store up sufficient food for the winter. About tha Tourmalines. Tourmalines were discovered to u 3# gems In the eighteenth century when some Dutch children, ptayiii, with bright colored stones on a warn summer daj% noticed that they attract ed and held straws and ashes. Foi some time after thU the stones wen called "ash drawers," and later It wai discovered that they have eJectrli power, greatest between the degrees o( 100 and 200 Fahrenheit. Australian Aborigines. As a hunter the native Australian Is marvelously adjusted to his environ ments. His success lies In an intimate knowledge of the habits of animals. Any animal which leaves a track, how ever dim, 1c sand, on rock, or'ln gruss falls an easy prey to the black fellow. Children are taught to track lizards and snakes over bare rocks. Coai Preserved by Water. The advantage of storing coal under water, where deterioration Is much leas than In the air, has been amply proved. It Is recognized that the gases concealed- In the pores of the coal — oxygen in particular—nre responsible for both heating and deterioration, and their escape should be prevented as far as possible. Of Course Paul Wasn't Mad. Paul and Billy live In the country There nre two girls In the family also Their aunts In town are fond of send Ing them tilings. One package con talned nothing for Paul or Billy. Paul wrote to his grandmother: "What'i the matter with my aunts? They gem a package out here and there wasn't a thing for Billy or me In it, and Billy'i pretty mad about It." Comblnca Three Signals. A newly designed electrit bell yields e -lenr ring frv./i one pus! button, a buzz from the second, and a combined ring and buzz from th» third. The buttons may be placed ot three different doors of a house, oi In office or shop the signals may b« used for calling three different per sons. I Am Not Poor. Pray hold me not In scorn. lam not poor. Poor rather Is the man who desires roouy things. Where shall I take my place? Where In a little time from henceforth you shall know. Do you answer for yourself I From henceforth In n little time.—Leonardo da Vlncl (translated by Edward Mo Curdy). Cultivate the Memory. Back of the Idea of cultivating a memory Is the keener edge It puts on the brain generally, which Is the mak ing of the more attractive person. Is there anything duller than a woman who Is Jnst too laay minded to try to remember names and places and has to refer constantly to a third person for aid In telling an Incident? —Ex- change. Burmese Marriages. A curious Idea among the Burmese Is that people born on the same da; of the wfeek mast not marry. Hence each girls carries a record of bur birthday In her name, each day having a letter belonging to It, and all chil dren are called by a name that be gins with that letter. Searching ftwactioM. About what urn I now employing mj own sonl? On every occasion I must aak myself this question, and Inquire: What have I now La this part of me which they call tho ruling principle? And whose soul have I now? That of • child, or of a young man, or of a feeble woman, or of a tyrant, or of a domestic aulmal. or of a wild beast? —Marcus Amelias. Mandeville's Giraffe. SI. Johu Mandevllle. In his "Trav els," gives this description of a giraffe, whlvlr he calls "Oerfanntz" or "Ora fles": "i- beast spotted. \nd that la a little more high than a.steed, but he bath a neck twenty cubits long, and ba may look over a great high bo?se." Correspondent Answered. Roger sends a clipped advertise ment running: "Lost—Laborer's watch on road near pumping station," and wants to know wherein s laborer's watch differs from a banker's watch. Perhaps Its hands are calloused, Itogec —Boston Transcript. „ The Three Xundred. What are yojr spears, O Xerxeal What are you- zll.lftt, f.oud Persian, with your soldiers sheeting the plains of Greece with splendor, and roaring, like t> -e jubilant »°a, along the Pass of Thermopylae? There stands Leonldas with his 300. rocklike; and they beat you back with an Idea/ George William Curtis. Wedding Custom. The custom of throwing an old shoe after a bride Is quite misapplied when It Is done by her companions for lack. According to the spirit of the ceremony, which Is of very nnclent origin, It should be done by the parent or guard ian of the bride as Indicating a 're nunciation of all authority over her. NIGHT AND DAY GAMP IS LIFE SAVING STATION H I • -* - ' lI,XJPm :■ "jflfl HfcflpK w jVES m - ■ . 36* Tuberculosis kills 150,000 persons In the United States every year. These two women escaped. They are shown In tho Night and Day Camp conducted by the St Louis for the Relief and Prevention of Tuber culosis. They are among the fortunate ones because they knew how to take care of thqmselves when this great menace threatened them. They knew that the cure lies In plenty of fresh air, even If the temperature is away below freezing, sunlight, good food and rest under proper medical supervision. Tuberculosis Is not only curable but Is preventable as well. The prevention lies largely In right living, In building up « strong bodily resistance. Eight out of ten persons are Infected at some time In their lives, according to flgtfres of the National Tuberculosis Association, the leading agency in the United States in the Qght upon this disease. This organization is sponsor for the annual Red Cross Christmas Seal snle, from which the funds to carry on the work throughout the year are chlelly derived. RURALITES HAVE BIG HEALTH ADVANTAGE Abundance of Fresh Air and Sunlight Do Much to Check Ravages of Tuberculosis. DANGER IN CLOSED WINDOWS. National Tuberculosis Association, Which Sponsors the Annual Sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals, Reports 150,000 Deaths Each Year From tho Disease. People who live In the smaller towns and on farms have a great health ad vantage over the city dwellers in that they have ever an abundant supply of fresh air and sunlight. ' These two gifts of nature, so lavish ly bestowed, are not always appreciat ed to their fullest extent They are two of the strongest weapons against tho menace of tuberculosis, or con sumption, as It Is sometimes cnlled. But consumption Is not unknown In the rural districts. The death rate Is sometimes as great In these sections ns In the more crowded localities, chiefly because of carelessness or Indifference to lows of health. Few, Indeed, ure the farm houses or the homes In the smaller cities and villages that cannot have an outdoor sleeping porch. On the contrary, we often And that the windows of sleep ing rooms In tho home nre shut tight 1c the mistaken belief that night air Is harmful. This pnves the way for disease, espe cially tuberculosis, which generally at tacks the lungs. White Plague Kills 150,000 a Year. The white plague claimed 150,(XX) lives lasf year In the United States. More than 1,000,000 Americans are suf fering from It today. These figures are complied from reports of experts ail over the country and sent to the National Tuberculosis Association, the leading agency In the country to com bat this disease. This organization is sponsor for tho Red Cross Christmns Heal sale, from which Its financial sup port la chiefly derived. As medical science has proved con sumption Is both preventable and cura ble, the suffering caused by tills dis ease Is largely unnecessary. Most tu berculosis victims are between the ages of eighteen and forty-flve. Caueee Half Billion Loss Annually. • These are the years when people are most active, the years of tbelr greatest production. The suufliiig out of these lives Just when they are at the height of their usefulness means an annual loss to the country of near ly half a billion dollars. ' Fresh air Is the cheapest of medl clnea. Outdoor sleeping porches are not only for the sick. They help well l*olks to keep well, and tho country dweller can have this aid to healthy lit'l-3g at far less Inconvenience than his city neighbor. •Jfou can help directly by aeeing that yoQ and your family are living under Hi moat healthful conditions possible. New Zealand Lumber Vanishing. At the present rule of Increase in the consumption of native lumber in New Zealand It Is estimated that the ■apply of standing timber will iuat not nere than 30 years. Head Work. Two beads are cartainij Cotter than one for a barrel. —Jacksonville Times- Union. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20,1918 si * si FACTB ON THE ARCH « SI ENEMY OF HUMANITY. * * • « H Tuberculosis kills producers— H •t chiefly men and women between H •t the ages of 10 and 43. V •t It claims workers—active men H it and women In the homes, the ot- it it flee and the shop. R •t It causes 150,000 deaths in tho it it United States every year. H It It costs the United States In It •t economic waste alone about it •t $500,000,000 nnnually. It it More tliun 1,000,000 persons In K •t this country are suffering from It it active tuberculosis right now. It •t It menaces every community, H H every home and every Individ- H H ual. St SI AND YET TUREHCULOSI3 H *t IS CURABLE AND PREVENT- It *t AIILE. H it It Is spread largely by Ig- H Si noronce, carelessness and »eg- it •t lect. st H The National Tuberculosis As- H It soclatlon nnd its 1,000 affiliated It it state and local organizations it * wage a continuous winning war st H on tuberculosis. It it The work of these organize- H It tions Is financed chiefly by the H It sule of Red Cross Christinas St It seals. S| H Drive tho menace of tubercu- It It losis from your door. It •t * FIGHTING TUBERCU LOS 18. Tho National Tuberculosis Associa tion lias launched an extensive educa tional campaign. A recent health sur vey revealed u yearly death rate In tho United States of 150,000 und there are today 1,000,000 active cases. THE SYMBOL OF HOPE. f This Is the emblem of the Natlonsl Tuberculosis Association which in nually aponsora the sale of the Red Cross Christmaa Seals, Walrus s Big Besst. Th* average Hlr.-d Alnakao walrus U SS big ea an tr und often v elghs more than a ton. A walrus was recently killed by a/toe whaler* near Point Bar row whoft« hend weighed HO pounds, and skin. Including flippers, 500 ?ound*. The animal lo»-' a girth of 14 feet. •ally Thought. Philosophy Is nothing hot discretion. —John Sclden. Fair Play Imperative. "Business Is business" Is a motto al. workers should keep before them. The} should demand their rights, but should remember that those In nuthorlty hav« rights nlso, und nrq' entitled to fnlr honest treatment from the people thej employ. Thereforp, ono must learn tt be punctual, non-talkative nnd klndlj to their associates. The employee whe swerves from this code Is not piaytn| fnlr with employer and certainly should keep silent on the question ol Otflltnl flffh + r l>V«lian»n j dllly Old Superstitions. In tho highlands of Scotland It la lulien as a terribly unlucky sign If a Jog should run between the bridal pair on their wedding dny, and brides still tell tho bees of their wedding and decorate the hives for the occasion, says tho Philadelphia North American. In parts of England and Scotland there exists an undent custom for which no one seems to know the reason, by which part of the wedding cake If broken over the bend of the bride and 'he guests nil scramble for a niece. Gem Has Tragio History. The "Regent" diamond, which la treasured In Paris, i.ml Is the queen of nil the French nntlonal gems, was picked up In 1701 nt the I'arteal mines on the Kistnn, hy a slave, who, con cealing It In a hole cut for Its recep tion In his thigh, escnped with It te the coast. Here ho sold tt to ns Eng lish skipper, who, Instead of paying the smnll sum demanded, treacherous ly killed the slave. Age ot Cedars of Lebanon. Several eflVrts to calculate tha age »f the famous-cedars of Lebanon now standing have beep made by counting the rings In the heart wood of those that have fallen. These estimates, ac cording to Prof A. Henry of the Royal Collego of Sciences for Ireland, In an article In Country I.ife, vary from 2,230 years to 2,MX) years, although It may be that they are of slower growth thnn the specimens tested In other countries. The largest of the cedars Is 13 feet In diameter. Tapestries Brought High Prices. A collection of rnre and costly tapea tries and furniture belonging to the estates of Augustus Kouctxe, James Stlllinan, nnd others, wns sold at tha American Art galleries In New York recently, nnd brought a total of 157,• 117.80. Charles, of London, paid $9,000, the top price, for n set of four nlle. gorlcul tapestries, Italian, of the six teenth century; SO,BOO for an Italian Renaissance tapestry, "Harvesting," nnd $5,000 for an Itallnn Renaissance hunting tapestry. Roughing It. Robert and his father were strand ed one night out in a country district Their car had broken down and thej were obliged to stay all night In s hnmb:e little home. Everything was strange to Robert, who was strictly a city child. When he returned horns I heard him tell his little neighbor friend: "Say, It was great I Ws slept on a feather bed and washed In their Ulshpan on the bsck perch." Economy ;n Telephone Use. A Hrazlllun newspaper has been for some time enjoying the privilege of using one telephone line for throe simultaneous conversations. With three telephone" sets at each end of tha line, one pair of users talks English, one pnir French, and one pair Portu guese. The listeners H ** ;;! to find no difficulty In selecting the sounds In telligible to them and Ignoring the oth ers. Th? newspnper people express great satisfaction with the rerult, ea fjerl"'lv as thev nav for onlv one 11MS Famous CSVJS CHa.ige Owners. The Tlllywhim caves nnd the Great Globe nt Swnnage were offered by auc tion at Itoiirn-.ii'.iith, England, hut fulled to lltni a purchaser, although the Great Globe and Ilorleston Head ('nstle were knockrd for SIO,OOO. The Durlenton Par* estnl.') on which these landmarks nre situated, had prevlon* ly been offered as a f-tiole, but had failed to find ■ ncrHviiw To Bivi Charred Documents. Documents that linve been charred by tire nre rendered readable If col lodion Is poured over the charred pa per. In a few mluntcH this dries and a tough, transparent coating Is pro duced through which the printing can he seen. Hank notes and other papers thus charred have been treated in this way with success. The Hour-Glass. Instead "f »Ing obsolete the hour flaae In various forms Is a present-day necessity An nuthorlty points onl tlfet for such purposes as trimming hardening and tempering beats in twist drill manufacture, where seconds or minutes must be gauged accurately, nothing serves like the hour glass with the rlo* amount of sand. Antiquity of the Emerald. The emerald baa been known since early times both In Europe and In cer tain parts of the Orient, where Ita at tractive color and rarity have endowed It with lie- highest rank. Its name may h» traced hack to an idd word which appeared in Greek a« «marag doi, mentioned In Greek by Theopraa tus 300 It C. Pumpernickel. Pumpernickel I* the rye bread used hy the Westphallan peasant*, which In some other parts of Germany la re garded an a great delicacy. The loaves, are sometime* flO pounds In weight. The name Is said to have originated In the saying of a French cavalry soldier, who rejected the bread with disgust, saying It was only "Ron pour NU-haias" —that l», fit or goed for Nicholas, his borse. Method of Faking Violin* A claim which has been made for X-rays Is that hy exposing to their light a good modern violin it will ao gulre the characteristic tone of a gen uine Strad. the action of the rays In 0 few h->ur* ageing the wood by some 60 years. Indian Gio.eaters. Although the natives of India no not operate on the stock market, they hire adopted n unique form of gam bllng for which the cotton market re ports ore responsible. Every day five quotations are cubled from New York announcing the cotton situation. The natives looked upon this as u direct Invitation to them to establish a sim ple but none the loss absorbing form of gambling. The gambling consist* limply In guessing what the Ave lg urei will amount to, and the man get ting nearest to the right uiuount takes the atakes. Porcupine's Quills Not "Thrown." The spine of a porcupine, In the usunl position, He naarly flat, with their points directed backward, but when the anlmnl Is excited they nre capable of being raised. The quills nre loosely Inserted in the skin and may, on being violently shaken, become de tached, a circumstance which prob ably gave rise to the purelyjTabulous statement that the animal phsseases the power of actually ejecting lt» quills Uka arrows or darts at an enemy, Wantad Mora "Baa Jelly." f When Howard was visiting grundmu be was given his first tnste of honcj spread on bread and butter. He llkeii it so much that upon arriving for u second visit he rushed In exclaiming. "O, grundmu, can I have a piece of bread und butter with bee Jelly on It?" Car of Apples FOR SALE AT Graham Depot Selling Will Begin At 12 o'clock Wednesday, November 19 And Continue all Week Come and buy your winter apples. The sale will continue until all are sola, and you can buy any quantity you want. DR. W. B. DODGE, Grower. H. C. LOVING, Agent. GRAHAM lIRUG CO. Perm nent Colors. Ancient Egyptians hail a marvelous knowledge of colors, and they under stood fully what colors would last. In tha Egyptian papyri the ground col or* are ns good ns over they were. The Egyptiana worked their outlines In lampblack, used clay for their whites, fMTngtnou* earths for their .reds, ochres for their yellows, and for Kreen they aaed perhaps green Jasper or willed Woe carbonate or copper with orbm All thes« colors are par CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always bears _ - ■iana'tute cf Too for DiMy U*«. We mtl»' i.«vc n weak *|>ot or two In a charact-r before we can love It much. People that do not laugh or cry. or take more of anything than Is gogJ/ifor them, or use anything hot dictionary words, are admirable sub jects for biographies Hut we don't cafe most for those flat pattern flow ers that press best In the herbarium.— O. W Itnlmea •«me People Never Get Tired. a*a been asking eie dally bow ij-ch l"»»«er she would have to wait before she could go to school. When asking her why she ws* so anx ious. ahe said. Toe so tired mother, ot k.l„« " C 1.1,.. Tr11.... *ssa|*H|«A aa (wpjaJl-'J .tjojoiajatl *MO)s jopqniwj tuoj; tunu|um|S u|S| ■HO OJ »UJ|U|.I XU.WJOK U| AJOJJI/J Y ■suets jopqujei UIOJJ uinu|uiniy mm ' -W vs 1, noturive in time will hard / If ly lail «o keep on liand a bottle ol this effective croup remedy. Vapo /J] mentha ia a certain preventive and specific for colds, croup, influenza, // grippe, pneumonia and other reipiratory ailments. ®VAI»HA& U WILL NOT STAIN THE CIDTHES \ a Pp'.' ed externally to the chew, throat and nos tril. and is quickly absorbed through the pores of the skin. Its healing vapors rise and are inhaled directly 5° 'he infected membranes, A double-action remedy, it is doubly certain to produce satisfactory results. I' has this characteristic that distinguishes it from jTff mi l 1 other salves, it will not stain the clothes. Buy a B> ' j'mßr o' Vapomentha TODAY. It is an invaluable SI nW.A.SI J*.' * HHlf protection J[pr. an insignificant price. |T All Drue sad General Stores. MrPSHSySSm I " y° ur dealer cannot supply you order from J«lly Plant. Comparatively few people know, aay* the American Forestry Magazine, tliat we nre getting Jelly from plnnt*. The Iteaelte plnnt hn« hurt) commer cial vii I in* In the I'hlllpplneii. Ilnwnll ari'l other I'liAtfle inlands. The plnnt Is an iitinuril and iittnlns n helcht of aeren feet. It Is protinbly l!in onlj plnnt In rwlllvatlon In which ihe purt utlllr.el for food l« the calyx which has ♦•tcellent nualltlo* for the manu facture of Jolly Ml'] HIIICI produrt*. Break your Cold or with few doses of 666. Lovt'n Labor Lott. A yonng and orithiiMli«tlc golfer At n dinner party Ntnrtod to «-inimorate to til* partoor tho dotall* nf it golf match flint ho had been piny lnic that day. It wan not until d«**H«»rt wan brought 111 flint lie Mtiddenly bethought hlrnvlf that he had been talking all the time; Indeed, the young lady at hla Hide had not Maid n Mingle word dur ing the progren* of tho meal. "I nrn afraid I have been boring you with thin talk,** he Maid In half apology. "Oh, no—not at nil!" wna the pollto response. "Only, what la gulf?" For Hardwood Floor. If an unfilled or-undress I hardwood floor beooraea gray apply u hoiunon ol two ounce* of oxullc arid dlaaolvod ID Ju*t enough water to wot It well all-, over. Let atavid l.*> or 'JO minutes ; then i rln*e In cold water and proceed to ! •kluib without RIldM us UKMlll. Polyclot Switzerland. French. Italian and (tcrmau are the chief languagoH upoken In Switzer land, each predominating In aectfooa hnrdi>rln» tliAi rMnnwflv« wntrfui NO. 41 UK-HAM", OK KF.AI, ES.'VTK I'NDER DEED OK TRUST Under and by virtue of tlu-power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust recorded in the I'tifo lic Registry of Al.iinaiieo count/, in Hook of Mortgages and DeVtl-t of Trust No. 77, at page 219, default having been made in the payment of tho debt aeciired by said Dee J of Trust, the undersigned Trustee wll, Oil MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, I'i. I. at 11 o'clock, iKun, offer for salu at jiublic auction to tho highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, N. C„ a certain tract or par cel of land in ilurlington township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining Holt Street in the City of Hurlington, C. M. Andrews, N. C. Railroad Company and others, bounded as follows : I'cginning at a corner of said An drews, on Holt Street, and running thence with the line of said Holt Street South 30 deg. 30 min. East 70 feet to a corner with the line-of Alamance Insurance & Real Estat" Company South 53 deg. 24 min. \V, parallel with Graves Street 138 ft. to a corner in the N. O. Kailroarf Company's line; thence with the lino of said Kailroad Company N. 30 deg. 30 min. West 7# ft. to M. Andrews' corner; thence with tho line of said Andrews 131 feet to'' a corner (Ai Holt Street, the beginning; the same being a part of lot No. 219 in the plat and sur vey of the city of Burlington, upon which lot is situated a modern 5- room bungalow. = . Kidding will begin at £1700.25, a !i percent bid having b?en filed hereon. This November 13, 1919. Alamance Ins. it Real Estate Co., r Trustee, E. S. W. DAMERO.V, Atty. You Can Cure Tbat Backache. Pain along ibe back, dtulnesa, headache and gennerai languor. (Jet a package oC Mother Gray'a Australia 1 A* f, the pleasant root and herb cure for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary trouble*. Whan you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination «.f nature, herbs and ruota. As a regulator It haa na qual. Mother Oray'a Australian-Leaf la sold by Druggists or sent by mall for fiOots sample sent free. Address, Tbe Motfesg Gray Co., Le Ror. N. T

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