VOL. XLVI ? "By mine Wlldroot reaularlv I kr«> S - crmt of dandruff, the -at mo* - hair trouble. I owe my luxuriant hair 8 —the «Ctt of my friends—to thia 5 i—lßlwl dandruff remedy." = £ WlMroot Uwld Shampoo or Wlliroot = § &SSS* B2?' 5 « for Mlt in under « r £ moncy-bach ouruntst 8 Graham Drug Co. Hayes Drag Co. ~K&F\m FOR HEADACHE J . Nunc "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin —say Bayer Insist on "Barer Tsbkts of Aspirin" la a "Barer package," containing proper direction* for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Xams "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin preeerihed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets •eat few cents. Aspirin is trade mark W .Barer Manufacture of Monoscetie aritoter of SaHcylicacid. HEARTBURN or heavfoett after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid-dyspepsia. KinoiDS pleasant to take, neutralist acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADB «R SCOTT A BOWMS NABOB or ecorra EMULSION What the Kaiser Told Roosevelt THE FULL ACCOUNT of Reseevelt's reception at ths varices courts oi Europe, de scribing ietimetely hie remark ableiaterviews with the Kaiier, _ ere told is Roosevelt's own Words exelasively in SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE At your dealers or send SI.OO sow to SCRIBNER'S M A JA ZINB, New York City, (or three numbers oonfaininf Roosevelt's Own Letter* PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send us a model or sketchr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con lldential, add will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON, D. C. Proposal for Building a Sanitary Sewer Sys tem for Graham, North Carolina. Sealed proposals for furnishing material and constructing a sani tary sewer system for the town of Graham, N. C,, will be received by the Mayor and Commissioners at Ihe Citv Hall, until 2 p. m. of the 20th day of May, 1020. The work will consist of 13.8 miles of 8, 10, 12, 15 and 18 inch vitrified pipe, with manholes, floshtanks and appurtenances, to gether with two sewage pumping stations with 0.6 miles of 4 and 6 inch cast iron pipe. Each proposal mast be accom panied by a certified check, pay able to the Town of Gtahatn, N. C., to an amonnt equal to 5 per eent. of the bid as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if awarded. A bond of fifty (00 per cent.) percent of the con tract price will be required. Pay ments will be made in monthly estimates. Plans and specifications are on file in the office of Norcroes& Keis, Engineers, 1820 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga., and with the Town Clerk, at Graham, N. G. Bidders may obtain copies from the Engineers by enclosing check for Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, payable to the Engineer, and to M held by them until the return of Plans and Specifications. If blue prints are desired they may bo had at the cost of printing. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. R. L. HOLMES, Mayor. NORCBOds & Kns, Engineers, At lanta Om. . THE ALAMANCE GLEANER M?VMW I(IS4A *■' iH| &raham, May 22-27 |Uur\ - ;' JBI- ' HP H ILU IJREPJHBY'' •■• V ' HHHHJ I-*-Onions rrom Spain, worth ?27,000, held up by switchmen's strike at Jersey City, condemned and dumpea In the meadowa. 2—Funeral la Arlington cemetery of nineteen men of the A. E. F. whose bodies were brought from abroad. B—House In Washington which the people gave Admiral Dewey being remodeled as a shop. GREAT YEAR FOR |; SIMMS OVERSTEPS ITS ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR BY NEARLY 1400,000 CONTMBUIIONS OF $604,236 Number of Delegstes Whs Will At tsnd Annus! Convention at Wash ington Is Expected to Ressh 1,000 Ralsish. North Carolina Baptlrts attendinj the Southern Baptist State Convention which meets In Diamond Jubilee An niversary session In Washington, D. 0., May 12-18, will have the conscious ness that the denomination in the state during the year closing April 10. overstepped Its achievements for the preceding year for all convention ob jects by nearly $400,000. The Baptists of North Carolina son trlbuted for all convention objects during the past year 104,236 against |508,132 for ths ssms period last year, making a net gala of $3(9,133. This does not include more than $160,000 which has gone directly into the hands of the treasurer for the Thfim esvllle Orphanage. Judging from the number of ore- 1 dentlals sent to delegates in this state by Secretary Walter Johnson, thpre . will be at least SOO or 1,000 delegates j from North.Carolina to attend, and special railroad rates of one ahd one third fare for the round trip ba j given to regular accredited delegates, Including ladlefc aa well as men. The convention has met in Wash ington only once before, which was 28 years ago. The Baptist churches of Washington, for the most part, have always been more affiliated with the Northern convention than with the Southern. But recently these churohea agreed to dlvtde up flfty-flfty between the two conventions. Warren Re-eleotsd Chairman. At a ten minute session In the sen ate chamber here the state democratic executive committee unanimously re elected Thomas D. Warren, of New Bern, chairman and! H. P. Whltehurst, of Nsw Bern, secretary Money for Azalea Hospital. WaahlafOnj—(Special). Chali* man Kaha, of the house military af fairs committee. Introduced a bill to provide for, among ether piaoes. aa appropriation of $61,000 for Asalss i hospital nsar Ashsvllle. The bill Is tor completion and acquisition of real eetete. Msmsisr Is Fr»* to Run. Washington.—(Special). Depart meat of Justice officials dsnled * re port that W. C. Hammer, dlstrlot at torasy had been warned that he would have to resign If hs runs for ths nom ination for congress. M was statsd that the department fees not Interfere In such matters un less some feetest saylag that he Is neglecting his fcoslness is sent la. DslsgaMsn to Cenferenoe. The following North Carollnlsss have bees named by Governor T. W. ftlckett to represent (he state at the national oonferenee on eduoatlon to b* held la Waahlagtoa, D. C : . May 12-14: Or. I. I. Foast, Orseasboro; Dr. H. W. Chase, Oka pel Hill; Miss Mary 1 OrghaiS. Raleigh; Miss Mary Arling ton. Rooky Mount; Hon. W. N. Ev erett*, Rockingham; Chaa. H- Ire land. Oreansboro; Mrs. Henry Well. Ooldsboro; Hon. Oallatln Robert* Ashsvllle; Oeorge Holderaess. Tar bore; Prof. R. H. Wright, Oreeavllle; Prof. M. C. 0. Noble. Chapel MfU; Oeorge Roy all, Ooldsboro; Felix Harv ey, Klnstoa; W. D Carmlchael. Dur ham; C. M. Carr, H. Gruver, Ashevllle; Jag. A. Gray, Win ston-Salem; R. A. Morrow, Monro*; George Stephens, Charlotte; W. A. McGlrt, Wilmington; Jamei Sprunt, Wilmington; J. K. Wllion, Elisabeth City; J. A. Brown, CttWbourn; Gen. B. 8. Rorster, Raleigh; J. F. Shlnn, Norwood; T. O. Cnrrln, Oxford. Urban Populatlen Growing. Washington.—(Bpeclal). lt was stated at the census liureaa that many of the urban communities .In the south have grown at the expense of rural districts. The movement from the country to the city seams to have set in In North Carolina. North Carolina's urban population in 1920 was but IS par cent of the to tal. A large Increase will be shows this year. It is indicated by census figures already in that the urban population is going to exceed the rural. Charter* and Amendment a. # The Enterprise Company, of Met* ane, was chartered by the secretary of state, with 14,090 of an authorised 1 Its, #oo capital stock paid In by W. B. I Miller, J. 8- Vincent and T C. Carter. | The company will publish a news- 1 paper bearing the name of "Enter, prise." Blackburn Mill Manufacturing Co, | West Jefferson, with an authorised capital steek of 1100,000. Amendments were flled to the char ters of the Bank of Fair Bluff and »k« Office Specialty Co., Charlotte. Former Well Known Cltlxen Dead Baltimore, Md., (Special)— Follo wing a short illness, Thomas J. Cope land, well known throughout the Southern States as a business man and president of the North Carolina Society of Baltimore, died at the He brew Hospital. Oreat Gathering of Shrlnera Much Interest throughout the State ; centers In (he Spring Ceremonial of j the Oaals Tempi* of the Shrine that Is to be held In Greensboro, Thursday and Friday, May 27 and 28. Potentate Julian Pries and hto aides are arrang- j Ing for one of the most attractive meetings ever held In North Caro lina. It Is expected that there will be some 2,000 Bkrlners attending from Murphy to Menteo. Acute Shortage of Labor "According to reports fri>m more than tVo thousand formers, the labor supply Is aboat thirteen per cent short | of last year and thirty less than the usual. The grsiatest deficiency Is re ported from ths central or Piedmont | territory whers grain crop* are grown.* The ahortage also extends to the et- t flclency and working hours of labor •long with an increase In the wages paid. R l> to Idle dream that ths farmers are "up against It," as they cannot be expected to make a Hying i Income from crops with no one but | 1 themselves and children to produc# i i enough to feed themselves and ths I othr half of the non food-producing I wtyld, under present conditions. There is a growing feeling of distrust and Indifference. Ts Wsgs Wsr on Typhoid | Dr. F. M. Register, stats epldemlo (agist, announces that because of ths prevalence of typhoid fsv*r, and ths Indian In ths number of cases this month, ths summer campaign against thJs disease will be hastened. It to urgsd that ths counties get busy and make appropriations for free dlspsnsaiiss. All it will cost ths countlss will bs M cents for eeeh per so* vaccinated, while the value to ths community of a human life is ssti matsd now by the state beard d health as IMM. against I4.MS be ' Cor* the war. This sstimate le raised frmßine of the fact that thtag* gen sraO? have in or ass sd 100 per oeot is ! value Md. as geeds ars scares, pre , dueers also are eearce. , American Leflen Week George W. Wiiso*. a dsmeeratle rasd'4f*» for the coogressleoal nem Inatloa In the niath district, has formerly notified the chairman of the state beard of elections of his with, drawel trom GRAHAM. K. 6., THtJBSDAY. MAY 13, 1920 * The soldier record of Bseman / Smith, of Durham, sentenced In l»ll to eerve two years for the laresay ol a suitcsie, sated htm from the ssnt i •aca. When the charge was brought ' he left the state before a caplaa could be lnued. He volunteered In the | army and made a good record In Prance. He oan now return to hl» native etate. Governor Blckett endorsed the week of May 22 to 27 as American Legion week, during which period he urge* all eligible* to join the organisation. Court Without Jurisdiction. In the case of state, re Alexandei against Pharr from Mecklenburg th« supremo court held It was wlthoul jurisdiction. The reason given In th« order Issued by the court Is "hecaust the notion is to try the title to a seal In he gefiersUassembly of North Car I olltnt aad the constitution of the stati j provides that oach house shall be. th ' judge of the toallflcatlons and eleo tlons of Its own members." Ij The action was to determine wheth | or Pharr could sit la the leglslatur« j and be a notary public. i ! More Bank Charters |, Governor Blckett has granted l I conditional pardon to Marvin Dunn, I of Montgomery county, sentenced la I July, 1»1», to servo three years 1* state's prison for second degree mur dec. Durham Is to have a new banking Institution, known as the Fraternal Bank aad Trust compaay, chartered with an authorised capital of |Ht,#oo > The Beak of Leggett, Edgeo»mtn county, was chartered with an auth orlsed capital of $50,040. Pour Conditional Paroles. Pursuant to recommendations made to him by the Advisory Board of Pa* ; role of the State Prison, Governor j Blckett granted conditional parolee to Lonnle Lawrence, serving 26 years lot burglary; Lonnle Thomas, serving two years for violation of the liquor laws; Jesss Thompson, serving two year* for larceny, and J. L. Russell, ssrrlnf three years for bigamy. No Convictions Under Levrr Act Washington,—North Carolina Is one of ths few states In which there wa% not a conviction under the Lever food control or profiteering act np to the time the department of Justice made a report to a senate committee within' ; the last few dsys. j Joseph H. Robertson hss been ap \ pointed postmaster at Blzby and Brnest H. Laws at Pores Knob. ' Christian Convsntlon Stirred The Southern Christian convention wss greatly stirred In Its session by j the report of its committee on the man and Millions forward movement. In , which It was stated that f1,724,172,* had been raised In a whirlwind cam- I patgn for a f2,000.000,000 ultimate goal. I Noted Head Advocate* Invited ' A letter addressed by Colonel T. L. Klrkpatrlek. hae been sent to Judge W, W. Brandon, one of the loading political figures of Alabama, who I* credited with the victory In the light • for tK.000.000 road bonds Inviting him I to he a speaker at the Ralolgh road , mooting which opens the general as sembly in July. Judge Brandon Is a i loader of the present day stump ape it I ore aad a champion of good roads in the couth. ! College Student* Want Work Agricultural students at State Cot tage who deelre to do so will he given an opportunity to work on eome of the larger farms of the state during j the simmer months. Dean C. B. WH ( llama boilevee that a system of teaeh | tag agriculture defectively oaa now be eooured by students learning how to 'j do things properly with their own f hands. A good maay students have express ed a deelre to eecare summer em ployment on some of the progressive North Carolina tame aa a supplement e to the theoretical aad practical ■- v ot ruction received In College, and the • Dean's office has been In correepond e once with a number of the larger k plaatatione. NEWS REVIEW OF i CURRENT EVENTS : i w I State Preferential Primaries J Fail to Settle Presidential Nominations. ' i ■ t I WOOD wis HOST panares Johnaon'a Popular Vote the Larpsst— Knox, Whose Pesos Resolution Is Up In Ssnate, Talked of as Compromise Candidate— Polee Defeat Boistievlkl. By EDWARD W. PICKAND. The state presldsntlal* prlufartaj have nearly all been held; the fever* Isli race for delegatea Is about over. And now every one Is free to guess who will be tbe nominees of the na tional conventions, and there Is not much more to base guesses on than ' there was before. On the Republican side two devel- I opments stand out: MaJ. Gen. Leon- I ard Wood baa captured more Instruct- I ed delegatea than any one else, and I Senator Hiram Johnson haa been ac- corded the largest popular vote. Bun- I nlng a fairly strong third In both par- i tlculars Is Governor Lowdsn of Bit- i nols. But tbe deliberate plan of tha party managers has been carried oat and no candidate will go to tha Chi cago convention with anywhere near enough votes pledged to nominate. Tbe result In the Coliseum win be brought about by aklllful dickering, unless the convention can be stampeded, which Is Improbable. . The two most Important prlmarlea of the past week were In California and Indiana. In the former Johnson won s sweeping victory, bis majority over Herbert Hoover,* his only com petitor, being something Ilka 100,000. Mr. Hoover expressed himself ss sur prised by the showing ha made, con sidering the Inadequacy of hla cam paign arrangements. His supporters on the coast charged that a deal was made with the Phelaa machine In San Prandsco to deliver the Democratic vote to Johnaon. Indiana's primary law requires that a candidate must secure a majority of all votaa cast in order to gain com-, plate control of tha state's delegation. This Genaral Wood tailed to do, though bis plurality over.Johnaon was about 6,000, Wood's managers said they would Insist that the state con vention Instruct the solid delegation for tha general, but this aroused bit ter opposition in tha ether camps. On the face of practically complete re- I turns tha Wood people claimed 20 of . the district delegates and the four | delegates-at-large. Tha steel workers in the Calumst region piled up a big majority for Johnaon and he also car- , rled Kvansvtlle, but Wood won la In- 1 dlanapolls mad other Cities. Lowdsn I who was strong la the rural districts, got ahaat half as aaay votes as Joha | son, and Harding about half ss many j as ths Illinois governor. Tbe reertts in Indiana really ware not sstlsfao- j tory to any one of the Candida tea, bat I they quite sotted the political mana gers of the state, who plan to hare Indiana hold the balance of power la the convention. Msryland Republicans turned out 1n smsll numbers and gavs Wood tbe atate's preference by a vote of about two to one over Johnson. The Johnson msnsgers felt tbst ths Michigan state convention did not give tbe eeoator the full fruits of his victory la the priasary. k Instructsd the delegation to vote for htm as long as he has a chance of winning tha nomination, but refussd Ironclad In structions. tearing It to tha delegatea to decide when to switch to another , candidate. Of the big four elected. two are Johnson man and two are j eeld to favor Wood. | One of tbe few dslegatloaa that will go to the Democratic convention In Ban Prandsco with Instructions ss I | to Its vots will be that from Kea-J tucky. Ths stats convention votsd for' Instructions for Governor Cox of Ohio. ! -It would not surprise aetata potttl ' dans If tha ITenter# teas flad Hi sea aslvee among the first la the bead wagon. Cos la looked eo as a vary liksly toaspremlss candidate. Mr. Mo | Adoo, replying to sotae Brooklyn peo ple who ladoraed htm for the Demo-, era tic aoaslaatloo, wrote: 1 doubt moot seriously that I poasaaa the quaUflcattoaa required to meet the exacting requirements of tha prsaant situation," aad added that ha was not Interested la tha political fort usee of aay man. least of all hlmaelf. Tbe Bopobllcaa ssnstors brought up for cooeldarsttou hi tha senate last week .the Knox rseolotton declaring tha war eaddd, aad Senator Knox opeaed the debate with a defense of i tbe measure snd a warm attack on , the policy of Prseldant Wilson. At i first tha Democrat!* aaaatora decided to fight the reootuttoif with a flllbua . tor, but ahaagad their aalada when . they learned tha was wttUag i to bava tha matter brought to aa la t sue and was determined to veto the . reeolutlon If It were adopted. It waa > understood that Mr. Wilson also . would resubmit tha VaraalUea treaty r to the senate, formally making It aa fsstSe In tbe presidential campaign. It has been that he might auggeat some reservations of his own, | but It la scarcely to be supposed these, would satisfy the Republican sena tors. * According to Secretary of State Col by, who was presumably speaking for the president, the Knox resolution la "absolutely unprecedented In the his tory of the United States" and "whol ly unconstitutional." Ha aaserta the only way to re-establish peace with Oermany Is by treaty and that the president la power! sea under the Con stitution to patch up any scheme of friendly relations or "appoint diplo matic and consular representatives until a treaty hss been ratified. Mr. Knox's long address on the resolution was heard and read with especial Interest because he has been put forward as a possible nominee of the Chicago convention. Senator Pen rose, who usually voices the opinion of the "old guard" In the Republican party, says Knox will prove the most satisfactory and most available com promise candidate If It Is found neither Wood, Johnson nor Lowden can land the prise. | ' Meanwhile the allied aupreme coun cil and the League of Nations are go ing ahead with thslr_tasks In Europe.* burn made by Dr. Andreas Blunck, German minister of Justice. He says the Oerman government has been for soma time in readlneas to try the ac cased and the attorney general has Instituted 817 proaecutlona, but that nothing more can be done until the allied natlona furnish the evidence which they promised. Not a word haa come from any of them alnce the list of the accused was handed to the ! Berlin government three months ago, asserts the minister. Carransa'a hold- on Mexico appar ently Is weakening so rapidly that the old man must be decidedly alarmed. The revolt, of which Oen- , eral Obregon Is the recognised leader, | la spread log dally and the federal armies lose large numbers by deser tion to the rebels. If the bewbls kered president bsd sny plans for fleeing from the country, It Is likely he has too long deferred their execu tion, for the ports on both eaat and west cossts are cloeed to him hy the operations of rebel units along the connecting railways and highways. Howavar be may yet escape into the United Hinted er Guatemala. Accord ing to a story came acreea the border, all the rebel leadera have agreed oo*a plan to force the abdica tion of Oarraasa on May IB and to name Alfredo Robles Domlnguez pres ident pro tempore. The latest big acceaslon to the rebel forces waa franc!sco villa who, with 2,000 men,. Joined the revolutionary army In Ohthuahua. It was gald he would bring lOfiOO men to the support of Obregon. In Torreon the federal i garrison raisad the flag of revslt and , arrested their commander. I After a*vera 1 requests from ths > state department, the navy depart ment dispatched a flotilla of deatroy , ere to Key West, whence they will be 1 able to reach tha Mexican porta on I the east coast within a few boors. Ho | far they bava not been greatly need ed to protect American Interests there. ' ■ Agent* of our government hare report ed that the rebel leadera glva assur j ance of the adoption of a mora friend |ly attitude toward foreigners than ' has been maintained by Carrsnza, bnt Of course the United Ststes Is not tak ing any hand In the struggle. Secretary of Labor Wllaon sur prised and dlamayed the department of Justice men who are- carrying on the "proceedings to rid the country of dangerous alien*. He ruled that mem bership In the Communist Labor party does not constitute ground for de portation because that party does not advocate resort to force. Bone time ago Mr. Wilson held that alien mem bers of the Communist party, which advocates the overthrow of the exist* Ing government by force, might be de- 1 ported. In the opinion of Assistant Attorney Oen eral Oarvan the new rul ing means tbst the campaign to de port tha alien reds must collapse, since the Communists can easily Join i the Communist Labor party without i abandoning their theories or pur j poses, it may be Secretary Wilson's action will save from Impeachment Assistant Secretary Poet, who has canceled 1,400 deportation wsrrsats. perata, continuing day and night. Ile ports received at Berne aald two bol ahevlst armlea had been routed and virtually destroyed, and Waraaw an nounced tha capture of Skvlra. a bol abevlst stronghold, by the Polish csv ' airy. I From Vladivostok and Tokyo came II tha newa that In eastsrn Slberls the ; Russians had signed a protocol yield i Ing to all the demanda presented by tha Jspansss military authorltlea. In cluding withdrawal for a distance of SO kilometers from districts occupied ) by tha Japanese. I A correspondent In Berlin aaya that t from authentic sourcee In the foreign t offlce and the ministry of flnsnce be ■ leans tbst Oermsny will flatly refuse II to pay s hundred billion tnsrks lo- I demnlty, snd that tbe offer of such a - sum, msds when the treaty of peace II was signed. Is to be withdrawn and fig t urea startllngly low substituted whan - tha conference at Spa takea place, i Premiers Mlllerand and Lloyd George • are to meet before tbe Bpa eeeslon bo > gtss and doubtless will cocse to a coro r plate understanding as to wdat will i be demanded from Germany. An Intereetlng statement coueern t lac tha trial of war ctlmlnalj Jias The objections of the Hungarian*~to their treaty have been answered with out yielding and they were liven ten «4gya to accept the pact. The Turkish delegates arrived In Paris Thursday to receive the treaty with the Porte. They will sign It, of course, but that won't end th« trouble In Turkey, by any means. The nationalists are as determined as ever In their opposition and In their Ant national convention, recently held, they defied Great Brit ain especially and all the allies gen erally. Their leaders My they were willing to accept Wllsonlsm but that being refused them, 'they will probably turn -to bolshevlsm. The grand vtiler at Constantinople has sent a delega- I tlon to endeavor to effect a compro- I mlse with Mnstapba Kemal, the head of the nationalist movement. Efforts to Induce Turkish government troop* to oppose Keqwtf's forces have resulted In mutiny. 001, Jafnr Tayar, com mandant of Adrlanople, who haa de clared the Independence of that city. Is said to be preparing to resist Qreek occupation. I It was officially announced In Lon- I don that Sir Eric Drummond, secre tary general of the League of Nations, had sent to Moscow a telegram ask ing for a definite statement of the aovlet government's attitude toward a proposal to send a commission of the lesgue Into Russia to consider the ad visability of recognising the Lenlne government No reply has been re ceived. The executive council of the league already had selected the com mission and wished to learn the atti tude of the aovlet leaders before Ita next meeting on May 14. The great drive of the Poles and Ukrainians sgalnst the aovlet forces In the Ukraine haa resulted in san guinary battles In which the Pole* seem to have had the best of It At j last sccounts they hsd pressed for j ward aa far as the bridgehead of Kiev I I and the fight for that city was de» fcoteh Whiskey Appears to Have Loet Its Flsvor With Scotchmen. Dunfermline, Scotland.—The Scot tish trades union congrees has pass ed « resolution In favor of liquor pro hibition. Hiram Johnson Defeated by Woed In Recent New Jeraey Primer lee. Complete corrected figures In the New Jeraey preferential presidential primary gave Major Oeneral Leonard Wood a lead of I.MT votes over Ben ator Hiram W. Johnson. The vote stood: Wood, M.MJ; Johnson, 51,- 401. Sugsr In Chlcsgo Resshee a New High Level Price of S2c a Pound. Chicago.—Sugar reached the high- I est price on record la Chicago, ac i cording to commission men, whsn a 1.400-pouad lot sold for it cents a pound wholesale. Buyer* attempted te obtain more by offering St cents. , Luthsren Minister Says Divorces ' Promote a Higher Moral Standard. I Bridgeport. Conn/—Divorce oases tend to a higher standard of atorals I and there la really no need to look with horror on their Increasing num ber, according to Rev. Arnold Kellar, of New Haven, who read a paper on divorce at the final sessloo of ths Connooticut conference of Lutheran Churches here. 4 ■ ■ ■ntlrei World Muet Tighten Belt If Thsrs Is to bs Food for All. Now York.—Ths entire world must tighten lis belt If there Is to be enough for all, and that belt is a strict control of bank credit without i which the world will continue to gorge >, tUelf and inflate, declared Paul M. - Warburg, banker, discussing Inflation, ! Its causes and remedies, before the - Academy of Political Science here. , Anonymous Olft of M.000.000 Is I Made Interchurch World Movement l » New York.—An anonymous gift ol ■ ft.000.000 to the united financial cam t palgn of the Intercburch World I Movement was announced at cam paign headquarters here. with ths statement that $100,000,000 of the ■ ISM.777.STt sought had been pledged. k Another Effort Made by Striking Rallrosd Msn to Obtain Hearing. Washington.—Another effort to gain n hearing before the railroad labor > board waa made by rspressatatlves i of the non recognised associations of - railroad men who have quit their Jobs ' In a letter to Chairman Barton, offl - clals of the new organisations aald ■ the recognised unions had mlsrepre- I seated the etrllcars and thay asked that the new associations of yardmen and englnemen be permitted to pre t sent wage detnanda. i . > British to Support Sultan In a ) Move Agalnet Nationalist Turk! > Constantinople.—British troops. It Is t believed, plan to rapport the sultan's * foroes In the movement agalnat Turk l lsh aatlonallets in Asia Minor and l even Join In an aggroaaive offensive I sga*~tTT Mastapha Kama). Lieutenant - Oeneral Sir Milne, commander of * British forces here, haa gone to lamld I en an inspection tour and elaborate preparations are being made by the i- British along the Anatolian ooast ol s IBs sen a Marmora. I Hair Gray? Read Tblsf This a message of impoij^^^H to all who have gray hair. Science has made a great discovery {gum Q-ban. Gray or faded hair change* to $9 natural, uniform, lustrous, bettnU—JH ful dark shade simply by O-ban. Works gradually and defies ' J detection. Safe, sure, and gaaratiBwg teed harmless. All ready "o uae.J| 60c a large bottle, money back Dot satisfied. Sold by Hayes Drug ik Company and all good drug storaCJl ,Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Soap, UiajßH shampoo, also Q-ban Depliatory^B PROFESSIONAL CARD^B JOHN J. HENDEuH i Attoraey-it-Uw f GRAHAM. N. C. I mi" over »-fi —— -i jjti&MjMmM s. o OOTOM • RAHAM. • . - . jj. 0 Offloe Psturaoa Buildloc Seoond Fleor. ..... " »R. WILLS.L9I«fI,JE. | Graham, .... NartkCanfls* >FFICK IN HJMMONB BUILDISO ACOB A. LOBO. J. El MIB LOW LONG A LONG, k ttommym and CoonMftora at v GBAHAM. M. O. s J «g Take it fromme I'm not much at rhyme But one thing I know Chautauqua's Joy Urn*. i "•£ Season Ticket*, $240 Admit to All Proyrsm Graham, May 22-27 ■ Thelierger, Debs, Hillquit, Hay - , wood crew can not make headwuv in this country so long jurit - render verdicts like thai in 11,-.-y"V Newberry case. When the unusually welMi; t| formed Louisville Poet mixes C/echo-Slovakia and Jugo Slaviii. 1 what chance has the small boy i> 1 bis wiestle with war geography? The price in Chicago for cnltini; , out an appendix haa Ik en ilfni upward, which will makt- appe:.- dicitis more fashionable. If that soldier bonus be granted no matter in what form itjM fuel paid, its cost at the last will ret-i upon the ultimate consumers, Ol whom the soldiers area very large proportion. lias the census shown any city to l>e as populous as it thought it ww>? With Hoover, is it case of how happy he could he with either dear party were t'other dear parly i away? There is no royal road lo learn ing IIIKI no substitute in achiev ing success has been found lor hard work and saving. If you get hot this summer, just think of what you'll have to pay for next winter's coal and then you'll shiver. A woman should remember that, while sho can change her mind after she makes it up, the cannot change her ballot after it has been cast. Despite the paper shortage-there will bp no objection to the hand ing of "walking papers" to a few thousand superfluous clerks in * Washington. And there were men who con- £ tended c.s earnestly for the "per- J| sonnl right" to fight duels a*aoae| men now coutend for the "pt|Ng| sonal right" to buy liquor. Taft says the president's "stu-a ?• boruness" defeated the Taft, when president, had had a little of that same "stubbornness" when a tariff bill waa sent to him to sign, he might have bad a second term. The peace treaty is only a year old. Give it time. lit may yet establish peace. -V:.- ..'iiJiJtti

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