Postotfice Hoars. Ofllo op*D 7UIO «. a. to T.SO p. a. Sondsj *.* toll.oo *. m. srxli.«o toMQp.n B. H. OOOK. PoMMIHr. ♦ 4 ♦ LOCAL NBWB. 4 ♦ 4 *WIIIIM 11111 H »M I MIH I —Call, when you come to courl next week, and mod as s dollar on your subscription. —Mr. R. H Farrell is building a bath room and adding other conven iences to his residence. —Mr. W. W. Garrett baa had the interior of" fala cafe repainted and fixed over, which adds smartly to its appeaiiance. —Mr. Jaa. W. Holt, who recently sold bis mercantile business near T ravora Mills to Mr. J. E. Wicker, laa bought the market businesn of * Mr. W. 11. Albright. —Jlay Terin of Alamance Superior Comt f r the trial of civil actiobs will begin next Monday aud'continue for two *»ek». A large number >f caeca have been placed on the calen dar to be beard. • —Burlington' and Graham base ball teams of the Alamance Baseball Association played at Harden Park last Saturday afternoon. Graham lost to Burlington by a score of 17 tel. —Rev. Dr. Jj?. P. McCorkle, a former pastor of Graham Presby terian church some 16 to 18 year 4 ago, has accepted the pastorate of Elmira, Shiloh and Piedmont Pres byterian churches. —lce in May ia very unusual in this latitnde, but some is reported to have been Been on both Saturday and Sunday mornings laat. In places where tobacco plants had been aet, it ia learned that they were left black on the hilla on account of the cold on these two mornings. „ ' Shop Talk. Print paper, such as the news paper usee, ia high and hard to get. The situation is aoute and the price haa doubled in less than a year. Papera are auapending because they cannot get paper. The cost of pa per and ita scarcity make it neces sary that subscribeis pay promptly to enable the papers to run. Many have advanced their aubscription price. And just here we want to say that we do not knoft how long we can continue to print THB GLEAN EB at SI.OO a year, but all are urged to pay up promptly to help ease the situation. * Social Items. On laat Frida/ afternoon Mrs. Will E. White entertained the Bridge qub. Mrs. Mcßride Holt gave a delight ful luncheon laat Thursday. Mrs. Jaa. K. Mebane of Waahington, D. C„ was the guest of honor. Misses Lynette Held and Nell Ferguson gave a miscellaneous shower laat Saturday afternoon at Mra. R. L. Holmes' in honor of Miss Franoes Moore, who ia to be married in Jane. On laat Friday night Miss Blanche Soott, of the Earn eat Workers Circle of the Preabyterian church, gave a farewell party to Miasea Adelaide Morrow and Lizzie and Minnie Bradahaw. Miss Morrow will not return to toach here next session, and the Miaaea Bradahaw leave the first of Jnne to make their home in Ohio. The Weil Kept Cemetery. Good road a, good schools and well kept cemeteries are marka of civiliza tion that go hand in hand, yet there are exceptions where we find new churches and now cemeteriee, the afiapring of old pioneer churches and cemeteriee, that get good up keep, while the old pioneer ueme x » teriea are sadly neglected; therefore, ia it not wise for us to think on theae things and trace backward a little, viaiting in our mind, or better, in person, and aee if the little citiea and narrow homes of our I ore-parenta are in that condition which ia credit able to ua, considering, too, the hard ahipa our fore-parents had in mak ing possible the many bleaainga *we ■- are now enjoying. The - New Providence Memorial Association, Mra. Mcßride Holt, Treasurer, ia doing a noble work in restoring tbe Old Providence Ceme tery, which work deaervea the co operation of all intereeted friends. Graded School Closiog Exercises This Week. _The closing exercises of Graham Graded School are on thia week. Tuesday night a piano ricital waa given by Mias Annie Folger'a music class to a full house. She haa a large and intonating daas and the ' manner in which her pupila acquit ted themselves reflected credit on both pupil and - teacher, marking Mias Folger as a auceeasful teacher. * Tonight the school will present ''Princess Chrysanthemum," a Jap anese Operetta, at the Opera Houae. Thia ia a very intonating play and those who fail to see and hear it will miaa a treat. Tomorrow/ (Friday) night the final exercises will take place, when cer tificatoa of scholarships, diplomas, ' ate., will be delivered. A featun of the svsning will bs the address of Mis. Mary Settle Sharpe, a di«- tinguiahed teacher in the N. C. Col lege lor Women in Greensboro. Mn. Sharps ia a nominee far the office of State Supt of Public Instruction and enjoys the distinction of being tbe first woman nominated lor a State office in North Carolina. Far Sale. Methodist Parsonage—firs-room house ca N. Maple St. Water and lights. A berg tin for qui-i sale. 'Phone 880, or write P. 0. Box 394, Graham, N. 0. -20may4t ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ KM « t ♦+♦+++♦♦4 = ♦ PERSONAL. 1 H ♦ \ j Dr. J. L. Kernodle of GnenabOic waa in Graham Monday. Mn. Will E. Wbito is visiting ai • her old home in Morgauton. I . Mr. A. C. Hornaday of Saniorti + apent Sunday and Monday here. * ♦ hi/Will E. While left a day oi two ago for Pt. Louis on business. * Mrs. Edwin D. Scott and Maatoi Edwin an visiting at her old home in Aughsta, Ga * Mr. Jabies D. Ezolle and family of were victors here Sat unlay afternoon. j Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., spent Mon day in Raleigh on buainess before the Supreme Court. Mn. Don E. Scott left Tuesday " for the Stokes-Whitehead Sanito rium, Salisbury, where she will J undergo a slight operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sc itt. Jr., went to Greensboro Monday to see r tbeir new grand-daughter, the only 8 daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Cha*. W. ® Causey. Mia. Jos' K. Mebauo left last Fii day for Washington, p. C, after s(>ending some two weeks here at tbe 1 home of her parents, Mr. and Mn. L. Banks Holt. c ] Rev. and Mra. J. S. Cook and j their little son and daughter of Huttonville", W. Vs., arrived hero Sunday on a'visft to Mrs. Cook's pa -1 rente, Mr. and Mra. W. L. Cooper. 4 Mn. S. D. Thompson and little f son Derwood of Columbua, Miss, - arrived here last Thursday for an extended visit to Mrs. Sam T. John -1 ston and other relatives. > Mr. and Mra. L. Banks William r son of Fayetteville were here last i week. Mrs. Williamson was the , guest of Mrs. Lynu B. Williamson ; for two or three days the latter part i of the week. Mrs. M. L Reece and daughters, Mn. A. D. Folger and Miss Emma Reeae,' Airs. W. W. Hampton and - Mr. G. C. Mock, passing through from Durham to their home at D>b -1 son, stopped here a short'while Tues day afternoon (o call on Miss Annie ' L. Folger, teacher of music in Gra ham Graded School. Miss Folger'a home is at Dobson. Wipprecht-Kernodle. ( The following announcement has , been received here by the friends and relatives of the groom: Mr. and Mrs. WalUjr Wippreckt announce tbe marriage of their daughter Ida Welch to Mr. John David Kernodle, Jr. Wednesday, May the twelfth nineteen hundred and twenty Bryan, Texas The following is from the Bryaa (Texas) Daily Eagle: On Saturday afternoon Mrs. W. Wioprecht entertained the William Scott Chapter, D. A. R , at her home, corner College Avenue and 27th street, the cordial hospitality of the hostess and her daughter, together with the carefully planned features of the entertainment, furnishing an afternoon of real pleasure for all. The paramount feature of the after noon, however, and one of great interest for all, was the announce ment made by the hostess of the coming marriage of her daughter, Miss Ida Welch Wipprecht to Mr. J. *D. Kernodle, Jr., of Graham, North Carolina. The wedding will beaolemnized on Wednesday, May 12, at the borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wipprecht. The bride and groom arrived here Saturday afternoon. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wipprecht of Bryan, Texas. Her father is the business manager of the A. and M. College at Bryan. The groom is the eldaßt son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle of Graham. The marriage was quietly solemnized at the home of the brideV parents in the presence of her immediate family and a few friends. The friends of tbe groom here wish for him and his bride long life, unbounded happiness and success. Three Convicts Escape and all Re captured. Last Saturday night three convicfs overpowered the guard and escaped from the county convict camp. The officers looked for them Sunday and Sunday night but found no trace of them. Monday two negroes, George Allen and another named Newman', were arrested at Roecoe'a store in Caswell where they went for some thing to eat. The white man, Clar ence Garrett, waa with the otbera, but did not go to the store and es caped arrest. Sheriff C. D. Story and Supt. R. A. Lutterlob, assisted by Sheriff Fitch and othere got on the track of Garrett and finally caught him Tuesday night at Miles' store. But for the quick work and diligence of the officers, perhapa all three would have finally got away. The convicts took the guard'a gun and sold it, but that, too, was re covered. Mrs. Butler Addresses Literary -Chib. On last Wednesday afternoon Mn. Geo. W. Butler of Goldaboro, for 35 yean missionary in Bnzil, while hen, addressed tbe Graham-Burling ton Litorary Club at Mra. Don. E. Scott's. Her aubject was "When South America Prays." And at night she made another moet interesting talk at tbe prayer meeting service at the Presbyterian church upon the phaaee of South American life and the missionary work. For Sale. Mammoth Yellow Soy Beana. , T..C. Moos, 30may4t Graham, N. C. —We rerair and aharpea Lawn Mowers. 29apT4t GRAHAM WELDING Co. ** - " J Chautauqua Tent Convenient ♦ The tent for Chautauqua will be * located very conveniently. Tbe va cant lot on N. Main St., west aide, between the reaidence "of Mr. Robt. ° L. Holmes and Graham Qrocer> Co.'a store ia being cleaned off to it make room for the tent. Several trees will bs taken dowu and two or j three small outhouses will be moved or torn down. Then ia no better or more convenient place in town for * erecting the big tent. Chautauqua will open next Saturday and con ,r t : nue tqr aix days. e ' Putting Providence Cemetery in Shape. y Work, in a general way, is now e being done by the New Providence Memorial Association in the Provi' deuce Cemetery, and friends who desire to give a personal touch to e the up-keep of the grives in that cemetery in which they are interest y ed, are invited to'do so now. - This old cemetery is pretty well II restored now, and by Sunday, June 6th, when the Memorial Association will hold its annual meeting, it will 0 present the moet attractive sppear y ance that it has presented ii, many ■ lonsr yean. Co-operation in the work is always thankfully received and appreciated. r Service at M. E. Church. , Sunday School at 9:30 a. m, Rev. W. B. Green, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. •j by tbe pastor, Rev. C. T. Thrift. Subjects: 11 a. m, "Christian 13 Education." A special invitation is given to the mem ben of the School • Board and to the Town Corainis -8 sioners and to all parenta who are interested in education to hear this j sermon. 8 p. m., "Conviction, the . primary work of the Holy Spirit." A cordial invitation to everybody to come. ■ Epworth Leagues meet at 7p. m. > llr. George Summey Visits Graham [ After Absence of 36 Years. Rev. Dr. George Summey and Mrs Summey were here Tuesday calling 1 on friends. In tbe early 80s Dr. J Summey waa pastor of Graham Prea byterian church for some two years 1 or more. He left here about 30 years ago and bad not been back since, j Coming lact after so long an ab sence, he finds the young people and children of that time the middle-aged ' and old people of today. All their old friends here were glad to see them nud to note that time had dealt gently with them. Dr. and Mrs. i Summey lived in Tennessee a nqpi i ber of years after leaving here, but for tbe past seventeen years they have lived in New Orleans. They have.a son who is a Professor in the Slate College, West Raleigh, and while on a to him they ran up to Graham to greet old friqnds again. Mrs. Don E. Scott's Brother Married in London. Information was received a few days ago by Mn. Don E. Scott that ber brother, Mr. Grier Gray, was re cently tanited in marriage with Miss Margaret Cunliff-Owen of London. Mr. Grey, formerly of Winston- Salem, has been with the British- American Tobacco Co., in Great Britain for five years. His bride ia the daughter of Sir Hugo Cunliff- Owen, President of the British- Amerioan Tobacco Co. Sir Cunliff- Owen belongs to the nobility of Great Britain. ( Suit Against Graham Dismissed. The Supreme Court on Monday diamissed the suit of the Piedmont Power & Light Co. against tbe town of Graham, in vVhich the com- ( pany sought to prevent the town from granting * power and light franchise to the Mutual Power & 1 Light Co. Two Fords Wrecked. Laat Saturday night, over near the County Home, two Fords were badly wrecked when a third machine came along and attempted to pass ' between them. Tbe Fords were standing still when the accident oc- 1 curred. Fortunately no one waa 1 seriously huit. ~ I Remains Brought Here For Burisl. , Charles Laird, son of Dr. and 1 Mrs. E. C. Laird, and a grandson of the late Gov. Tbos. M. Holt, died i in South America about 5 years ago. His remains were brought here Mon day and interred in the family plot , in Linwood cemetry. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666 Next year they'll bo worth a lot—tire spuds you grow in that vacant spot. Three co-operative sales of wool i this summer Details from Ex tension Service, Raleigh. DOD3ON TELLS THE HORROR OF CALOMEL YM Don't to Miekea. C.rlpt, or LNillttlt YosrM-lf lo Mtmrt Liver. You're bilious, sluggish, consti pated, .you feel lieadach/. your stomach may be sour, your breath had, ycur skin sallow an if you Ueve you need vile# dangero'is al ■ omei to start liver and bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your | druggist for a bottle- of Podsou » ' Liver Tone an-J ta*e « n .nf'il t-'- nigbt. It it doesn't stirt voir ifver and straighten y»J rl?h( UR !>ctter than calomel and witho it griping and making y>a a'.ek. I w ant you to'go kick 11 th » store and get your monev. Take calomel to-day and tomor row you will feel weak and sU'k »n'f nauseated Don't lose a day. Tak> a spoonful of harmless vegetable, Dodson's Live); Tone t'ltil-jh* att'f wake up feeling splendid. It is perfectlv harmless io give it to your children any time. It cant sslivsts. , "Yes," Or "No" Which Do You Say? ( Folk. With TUB, Pale freed Healtale r Feel Vmrtali 1 HHOULDJAKE PRPTO-MANGAK r r Red-blooded Nei ud Wimi Kaew l What They Waat to Da and De It It irmy be you fre just recover ing from it Hict{ spoil.—or may b« your system in rnu down and your ' blood HO weak that you are In a > poor shape to resist infection- Hut if yo:i don't feel and look > rollout you are not robust. Such > state is often due to weak blood, ' nut enough red blood oells, acon ' ditinn known an anemia. The bent remedy for anemia I (bloodlessnes*) with its low mental 1 and physical vigor is Gude'a 1 Pepto-Mangan. ' Pepto Mangan supplies the ■ weak, watery blood with the very ' elements it needs to put new life into it. It repairs, re-creates, and 1 re-builds the exhanated blood, the vital fluid of health and life. TrJ* Pepto-Mangan if you are "run down." It cannot harm you , —it will certainly help you unless you liffve some deep-seated chronic d.sease requiring the physician's care. Be *ure the name "Qude's" ,is on the package. Without i "Gnde's" it is not Pepto-Mangan. For sale at all druggists. adv Fords lor Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model—price right Apply to Samet Furniture Co.. Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. WANTED—Man with team or auto who~can give bond to sell 137 WatkiDs home and farm products. Ilipgo-t concern of kind m world. $1,600 to 16,000 yearly income. Ter ritory in this county open. Write today. J. R WATKINS CO , Dept. 112 Winona, Minn. 6mayst Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In the Saperlor Court. Before the Clerk. Dora M. Teague, Executrix of the last will and testament of Edward Teague, vs. Clarence W. Teague, Mrs. W. T. Williams and husband, W. T. Williams, Maurice E. Teague, _ Willie E. Teague, Charlie E. Teague, Edward T. Davis, ( and Thomas J. Davis, the mi nor children of Inez F. Davis, ' deceased, and T. J. Davis, ' their father; Mary L."Teague, ' Ruby Teague, Katie Teague, 1 Francis Teague, Archie Teague, Ruth Teague, Mil- ' dred Teague, and Frances E. ' Teague, the children and ' widow of Banks E. Teague, deceased, and Ada A. Teague, " widow of Edward Teague. The respondents in the above entitled action, and especially Mrs. W. T. Williams ana W. T. Williams, her husband, Morris E. Teague, Willie E. Teague and his wife, Carrie Teague, Charlie E. Teague and his wife, N Cotaline Teague, Edward T. Davis, 'Thomas J. Davis, Jr., and T. J. Davis, their father, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina,before the Clerk, for the purpose of obtaining an order of sale, to create as jets for the estate of the late Edward Teague, of thr&e certain lots of land situate in Burlington, North Carolina, which said Edward Teague owned at the time of his death, and in which said respond ents own an interest as the de visees and heire-at-law of the said Edward Teague.' And they will further take notice, that they are required to appear, at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala mance county, at the court house in Graham, North Carolina, on or before the 14th day of June, 1020, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said special proceeding, or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. Done this the 13th day of.- May, ,1920. D. J. WALKER, 13may4t C. S. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Marine qualified a* Administrator of the ratal* >? Mary J Hlddlek. deeeaeed. lata I Alamance count?, N. C'„ tbla la tonolllyall pereone having claims ajralnet the aetata « Mid deeeaeed to eiblblt Uwa to the under aiaoed on or belore the l&Ui day of Mar, Utl. or this notice will be pleaded In bar or their recovery. All peraooe In debted to aald aetata will pleaea arte la mrdlate payment. Tbla A prti 21 at, HSO. M. M. CATM. Adm'r Uaaytt of Mary J. luddlck. dee d. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE; Marina qualified aa Admlniatrator of the eetate of Jeaee M. Uradabaw, daeeeead. the underalen* d hereby notlftee all pereoal hotd inc clalmi eralnet tbe aald estele to preeent (be MOM, iulr authenticated, on or before . tbe Mb day of Marcb, l«H>, or tbla notice wID 'be pleaded In bar of their rweorery; aad ail peraona Indebted to aald aetata are reqoeet ed to make Immediate aetUement. Tbla Marcb lltb, IW. 77 e BLACK. Adm'r ftmcbet of Jeaee M. Uradabaw, dec'd. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Each package of "DIMMAD Dree" M» tiina direction* ao aim pie the* •mj woman ean dye aay wwiil wtthovt etreakiag, Jading or rttanlsf. DrnaM tea color emA-J+4 m '■ 'i; 11 r - I CHAUTAUQUA THE JOY'TIMJt 5 Day.—lo Sessions—l 9 Events - k FIRST. DAY '•SaTZrtwe' Owtomi Sopertatendeat n " n * M 0H ' 30 ctnTS - OtMMt—LjtalfK Quintet IvtkuMjl MIS ADMISSION. IS CDITt Cmrt lytgyi Qafatet ' " fu£ra n4 gaaa* lleataaat J. Dsatea SECONDDAY ■- - ||(|||| AaMM *">»- »am Uetar*-- Karaa aad Feaee ia the far *aat/ Dr .1. A. Beck. 1 THIRD DAY AmmOOB-SJO attack. ADWMXOV. JO CBVTS. imr Jefca A. Dm*™ ' Caaoart fllnnh 1 ! Baad with Kba Kekhef, Saynaa. SVWUM-M0 ADMIMIOV, IS cm Coacert—Cilaagato l ! Baal with MM Zakhal. FOURTH DAY ANWOOS-AJO MA ADMISSIOK, SO CUTS. tato Uctm-OnlMvu Saperlatwdeat. Ceacert Tlarra'i KawalUaa. AD«MIO»R. 7I am that Haa Bappaaat la the Wart*," FIFTH! DAY CMMrt Ml SateftataaMat—lUaaWth labarta. •A Xathhr Oaeaa Fart*"—Jaaiar ttaatoaftai. waao-i# iffinsmi. » cim h " U **• Chaataa^aa 3—on Tickets. s2io . MWT TO ALL CHAUTAUQUA HMMIAMB | J OUR 'CMNTELE' GROWS! ;; Not Upon Promises, but Upon Performance ;; _ We are Pioneers in I! I; Pry Cleaning and Dyeing:; 11 In Business Since 183fl Prompt Deliveries ;; Send Goods by Parcels Post ! THE TEASDALE COMPANY ''+♦++ cmcmNATi. ono JJB—W—■ T STACEY W. WADE For bimaM CMaMtau. I am a candidate to succeed Col onel James R. Young who is not a candidate for reelection. With an experience of ten years in the De partment as Chief Deputy Commie, sioner, my friends feel that I am ?ualified for this position. Certainly will put into it my best efforts and 1 appreciate your Tote and aid. l.'Jmay-U Reepa6tfully. STACEY W. WADE. 1 ' ! '■*, -R- SB The Worlds Largest Tire Factory Building 30x3,30x31 and 3 lx4-inch Tires -J\ * .— — Owners of the smaller cars can enjoy the \ same high relative value in Goodyear Tires krJrv£fA*\ gives utmost satisfaction to owners of n tn£> costly motor carriages. /Wq j|l\: They can take advantage of that tremendous A/Ur am amount of equipment, skill andcare employed IrSAy ffllr by Goodyear to build tires of extraordinary rfJrV /! 111 I the 30 x 3-, 30 x 3V2'» and 31x4- They can secure these tires without waiting, ll' despite the enormous demand, because, j. I in addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear builds WgjVA | l an average of 20,000 a day in the world's WV r ■ largest tire factory devoted to the three LI j sizes mentioned. .hm j j If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, NHUfINv jm II or any other car using one of these sizes, go W Im// to nearest Goodyear Service Station WjM I J Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear / / Heavy Tourist Tubes. P °r tlU . COT tIISO OywlTWf HaaTyTowfat Tuhy it. thfafc. «ton« tub- that Fafcete, All-Weather Trod. *Lj— reinforce caringi properly. Win rttk a eood caring with a WT.TU. l—« . - CHC.P tuber Goodyear Heavy Touriet Tube* COM little mote >2155 °* "**• 30 ' } ' 4 *• $450 j Town Taxes! I have been appointed Tax Col lector for the town of Oraham and the books hare been placed in my handa. I hare been directed to collect all delinquent taxes without delay. See me and sere costs. Yon can aee me at the Sheriff'a office in the oourt house. Thia April 27, 1920, IK)YD R. TROLINOER, I 29apltf Tax Collector. I ■B Real Estate Are Yon Interested? Banking on our faith in the future of this con munity, we have acquired, in fee simple, an a tractive list of real estate, both farm and d 1 property. We are in a position to offer attrac ive prices and the very best of terms on our noldingrs. It is easy to do business with u WE BUY, SELL, SWOP 7 What is your proposition ? / Think about it and see. / R. N. COOK or E. P. McCLUR Graham, N. C THE BIG "3" I ,You demand three things from a tire dealer— - 1 The immediate delivery of the tire you want I when you want it jffK 2 The most economical tire 1 JgKV available—a quality tire at a AT/TMMI faur Price. (xxtiMA 3 A convenient service that will nryQH a 'd you to get all the mileage aX V BRI out of a tire. Wrtr j| 11| WJth a complete stock of Qoodjeui S UAV 11111 and onr P roved »rvic« we offer you. fVSA 11111 all jou conld ask. ml MOOD Motor (Car Co. Ml 111 Graham, N. C, WKm Phone 558 They Make Yoar Tire* last L*>f«r —(Mjmr Hm?; TmicM Tabes Bee Hives For Sale We now have ready "Modem Hives", made of YeUow Poplar, painted. Starters In both brood and snper metal tops. Get onr prices—we can save yon nosey. We guarantee onr ldves |o be sn perlor to sny yon can bny for the money. . fc # F. H. THOMPSON, M'f'r, Haw River, li I

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