VOL. XLVI ' WILDROCH will improve 1 hail* op we I Jay you ) i§|pit§E!li ggsaSSj I WILD BOOT s 11 »)i I ail miumitm I Graham Drug Co. Hayes Drag Co. What the Kaiser Told Roosevelt THE FULL ACCOUNT of Roosevelt's reception at the various eo-irts ol Euroie, de scribing intirastsly his remark' sbie iatsrviews with ths Kaiser, ar. told in Rioi.velt's owa words .xclusiv.iy ia SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ' At jour deal.rs or tend SI.OO so« to SCRIBNBR'S MAGA ZINE, Naw York City, lor tbr.c numbers oontelalaf Roosevelt's Own Letters PATENTS OBTAINED. If you bare an invention to patent please tend us a model or iketchr with a letter of brief explanation forpre Hmlnary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business la strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt aad persona) attention. D. SWIFT & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS, WASHINGTON. D. a If Burned Out Would Your Insurrnce Pay the Loss? Bromine your Fire Insurance Pol icy tad Me if Won carry, enough Insurance. Prices ol materials an very high and you would be a very heavy loeer in cue of fin. We can protect you from such loaa. Graham Real Estate Co. r*kOBC 844 GRAHAM, N. Ci Jaa. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich I Thompson 1 Funeral Directors i and Embalmers , MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night Day "Phone No. 86W 7 Night' Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2602 Jaa. H. Rich 64*W ' - jHliialjiii ftilffcai;»i*»^jtj SSSSjSpsXj/l ®fe j2 - >£/ 1 GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, tf. C. THE BEST NOVEL •OP THE YEAR "ERSKINE DALE, . PIONEER" w JOHN POX, JR. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ROOBEVELTS # * - LABOR LETTERS THE ALAMANCE GLEANER jO^R£3K jg I—Royall—Royal who will be known la klitwj u the "Black Wttcn," purl of ine guuru n liouor ot compenylng Lord French on recent rlilU to Yprss. 3—Women Id Russisn red army going to fight Pole*. 3 Old Port Jefferson at Dry Tortugas, FUI, again brought to light -as training ground for U. 8. marine*. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS i i .. Republican Convention Adopts ' Platform After Much Travail r in Committee. i LEAGUE RUM OBSTACLE ASveeetee and Opponents SatlsAsd by 1 Compromise—Woman Set Equal > Voice With Men in Csmpelgn —Wat Hopes Sh rivet- Affairs in Europe. By K. P. CLIP SON. N|||M||||||||||||| IKlQMiitl Of til# present time, require that this review be written by Friday neon. Important phases of the Republican national een ventten, notably the aemlnatiene for . ssri sst 'lns yet sssurrsd, they are reserved fee treatment In the general sews ar la spsstsl srtleleai ' Agreement on the platform ms sf facted In the Republican conrifctlon Thursday night without any of the fireworks which had been predicted and anticipated. The pyrotechnic* oc curred In the cocnmlttss which frsmsd ths platform and did not reach the pnbUc nor ths great body of delegetes exeeptlng through the press. The Lssgus of Nations plank was ths (rest exciting cause sad the dUßculty wss to so frame it as to save the facss of the Republican senators who had taken such varying attitudes on ths question ever sines President Wilson brought ths peace tresty end ths lssgne cove nant back from Europe. The result wss accomplished In a Tory adroit compromise which "sbusss the sdmln istratlon as tin-American in Its stub born Insistence upon the league as frsmsd In Europe, pats on ths back sll slsments whether reeervetlonlsts, mild reeervatlonlsts or lrrsconcilsbles in the senate' majority who appassd ths Wilson lssgne; pledges ths party to a continuation of ths policies of Wash ington, Jefferson snd Monroe snd to sa lntsrnatlonsl associstlon which shall provide Interns tlonsl courts, de velop intornstlonsl law and secure in- Stent snd general Internatloaal confer once whenever peace shall be threat ened. To many this must look like (a la dorssment at ths principle of s Lssgne sf Nstlons si though nothing Is said about mandates nor the duty at Amer ica to take pert In foreign esnhroil msnts. On the other hsnd ths plsnk spsciflcslly states that ths United States shan havs ths right to deter atiae in sdvsaes what Is Just snd fslr without becoming Involved es partlci paat or peacemaker la foreign quar rels. Much at this was gone over la the esttsts dsbstss snd It slwsys caussd division la ths Rspubllcsn ms- Jerlty, but st ths convsntlon It sssmed to sstlsfy sll psrtlss. Johnson claims s victory, Lodge daiass a victory, oth ers who wars oppsssd to both at them dslm victoriss snd everybody le hsppy with ths opponents hugging ssch other todsy whsrsss yesterday they were enemies, with esrtaln "lr rsconcilsbles'* thrsstsnlng to holt the party. No each aa example of the oiling of troubled waters hss svsr pre viously bssn sssn aad ths msstsr hsnd at Elihu Bast to ssld to be the oae that penned the resnarkabls compro mise. Aa unique feature ef the convention was tbe snvsrich character at the deists Hons Never, st Isast la reesnt times, hss ssch aa as brsadsd ladlvidusls com tegethsr tor the purpsss at aeratestleg a Can dida to for prsgldsat. Masy rtfl llmirs .who had taken sa active part la for sssr sccastsns sf the kiad, wsrs fsrted late hack eeate or wen paasive ea loekere fnas the side Muool New faces aad youager men were everywhere la evidence. Probebly a larger prspor ttoa than ever before were uaacqaalnt- Sd with ths gams at pelMcs. This fact provsetod the huge body from getting Jate customary groovoo sad mads ths pfwMßfli of profßOrtleatloG rb usually dtfkult one from the start. Anothsr feature was fha unpro cedeated a—bsr at inHHws sad men from other partlee who were en haad to Idheste the chetca at the coarse Son. Notable smsng thsse wen WO- Ssm J. Bryan aad WTUlam Bsadolph Meant eepedaUy the latter, who siwtl to conceive tt a patriotic duty to do sll la hie powsr to assist ths BspuMlceue la assktam S wise sslee- Son. Woman will from now on have u equal voice with men In planning and managing Republican campaign*. This Is. assured through the adoption by the convention of the report of the committee on rule*, the chief recom mendation of which waa that the executive committee (hall have a mem bership of fifteen instead of ten as heretofore. The makeup of the com mittee will be seven men, seven wom en and the chairman. In addition the committee will have • woman vice chairman, ranking next in dignity to the chairman. There will also be an assistant secretary who will be a woman. The women of the majority tot everything they asked for from the convention notwithstanding the fact that a strong delegation of their sex who are opposed to suffrage was on hand. These latter were disappointed. The Supreme court's decision up holding the prohibition amendment and the Volstead act came at an op portune time to relieve the platform framers of embarrasament on the question. The hopes of anti-prohibi tlonlsts which went from wet to moist are now scarcely humid. Their only recourse la In the election of a con gress which will repeal or amend the Volstead law. Gov. Edward L Edwards of New Jersey, who Is making the race for the Democratic presidential nomination largely on the queatlon of personal lib erty, advocates a nation-wide refer endum on the question of prohibition. He believes that the sentiment of the people so expressed, will force an amendment to the law. His conten tion 4a that the act goes too far in attempting to regulate the habits of .millions of dtisens; that It places In the lawbreaking and criminal claca millions of women all over the coun try who make light wines from home grown fruits tor domestic use and .millions of farmers who make and ma ture dder from their own orchards; that by the prohibition of beverages of light alcoholic content, it has In creased the Illicit distillation of harm ful liquors to twentyfold their former that many of the agenta of enforcement, both atate and fed eral, have become either blackmailer* of the lawbreakers or partners In crime; that it la the main Impelling cause why t,000,000 men of foreign birth, have returned to their native lands snd that It menaces the whole Industrlsl fabric, and millions of work era are Hied with resentment on ae count of the Invasion of their personal liberties. The New Jersey executive attacks the law on several other counts and one easily discerns that the question la going to cut a much larger figure at San Frandaco than it has nt Chi cago. In the Republican convention the only entry slmllsr to Governor Kd wards was Senator Prance of Mary land. and he never had a chance, for at MO time was there any prospect of a wet track. German elections which were relied upon to clarify the political atmos phere and settle the Immediate course of government la that country, appar ently have failed of effect The re sult wens to be of the nature of a stalemate, and while President Kbert appears to have palled through by a small majority the coalition govern ment which he heads Is so beset by the right and Ml oppoeltlon that par liamentary chaoe Is almost Inevitable. Short and the forces nearest to him are asederate socialist a. The opposi tion of the right contains, under vari ona party namee and ahadea of polit ical belief, the democrats, reaction aries, limited monarchists snd uphold ers of the old regime. The left con tains the Independent socialists snd all the more radical representstion. The government, endeavoring to steer t middle course snif yet an ultra-llb •ral one for (lemniiiy between (hoe* irreconcilable elemeata, will be in a dUkilt position. Indications are that the coalition will be obliged to continue at the helin In eider to make sn appearance of stable government before the sillcM pnnsia which will meet at the Hna conference {o settle the amount bt Oarman reparations and other impor tant qoeetlons. After that confer ence now elections appear to be a noeeaetty to remove the ambiguous complexion of Otrnto affair*. On# seemingly bright ray from the recent elections was the small vote polled by the party of the esUsms left—the —tit* I**' 1 **' or Germsn bolshevlsts as they properly may be termed. This happy reeult, however, was somswhat vitiated by the extremely heavy vote polled by the Independent socialists who undoubtedly number in their ranks away extreme radii cats. The Spa conference at the Insist ence ad Germans and IteUana and In GBAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1920 | the hope that the Unlteil Slates will Bend a representative, has been post poned until July 5. One of Germany's big protests at the conference, aside from the reparations bill, wHt he against reimbursing the allied nation* for the expenses of the armies of oc cupation and of the several control commissions. These expenses are said to amount to upward of 100,000,000 marks or normally about $2.1,000,000 a day. 11 the conferees can lie con vinced that German resources will stand this big suin in addition to the hugfe reparations, the money will be very acceptable In lightening the mili tary budgets of England, France, and even the United States, unless our ul trulsm prevents tlie acceptance of a portion of It. In spite of the uncertain political situation -In Germany, the problems , with which the Spa conference will I wrestle, the state of affairs in Russia and in tbe near and far East, n not* of distinct optimism comes from Eng land and from sources close to Prime Minister Lloyd George. The word Is that the whole world Is settling down and that nations gradually are return ing to sanity. Irelaud is saiiHtO show definite signs of returning to peace on a basis of permanent connection with the British empire; Egypt Is ready to | abandon Its claim to complete Inde pendence and to accept a progressive constitution; pan-Moslem agitation In India Is said to be dying down and the Turkish situation Is clenrlng. In this optimistic condition of mind It Is Impossible to say to what extent the wish fathers the thought. But If Eng lish problems really are clearing It argues well for Improved conditions all around. That the principal coun tries of Europe are achieving s better basis, materially, at least, Is evident hi Increased production, more ship ments to the United States and a slight amelioration of exchange condi tions. Past history has shown Franca and England at least, to be wonder ful in the come-back sense. Reports of operations on the long battle line of the Poles and Russian bolsbevlkl extending from a point north of Dvlnsk on the Latvian fron tier to the Dniester river and the Rou manian border, show a series of at tacks and counters with the net result somewhat In favor of the Poles. Their campaign Is strengthened by tbe fnct that they are more than holding their own. Moscow admits an additional reverse suffered by the bolsbevlkl near Perekop at the neck of the Crimean peninsula, but claims to have recov ered some of the lost ground. Turkish nationalist forces defeated government troops and advanced to within five and n half mill's of Isinld, which caused the British to close the Gulf of Ismld which controls the ap proach to Constantinople of all cruft from the Black sea. American wom en relief workers who recently evac uated the Caucasus to escape being caught In the red drive are returning to Batoum. Hopes are entertained for the resumption on u limited scale of relief work In Armenia, which oo»try Is reported to lie combating the Inter ior bolshevik movement. Fighting against the French In Hilda has stopped In accordauee with an armis tice pact. The French troops evacu ated Thrace where the nationalists, the Turkish government and tbe Bul garians are uniting to oppose Greek occupation. Higher TStephana Ratal The Piedmont Telephone Company, of Oaatoala has petitioned the Corpo ration Commission for permission to laoreaae Its telephone rates in Oxa losis and other towns la Oaston coun ty. The petition was resisted by the municipal authorities of Gnstonls and tbe hearing adjourned until May M to give the opponents time to prepare a brief to Ike case Tbe company de sires te Increase from II to 14 for oomauratal telephones and 60 cents par men lb for residence service. Tbe overall craze that Is sweeping over the United Stales, though It can hare little direct economic vslue, Is an Interesting expression of popular an ger against (he clothing profiteers. In Isolated cases It already has caused some reduction of prices, but In gen eral tt most be regarded ss s worthy demonstration that Is likely to he taken up by faddists snd distorted out of all reason. We are still wsltlng to be told, an*, thentlcally, hew the coal of living can be Jowered. The experts have been saying that Increased production Is tbe solution of the matter, bat when one reads thst American fprodvrttoo Is now on a basis of 40 per cent abova domestic needs, and then looks at the prices demanded for all the necea sitlea of life, one doesn't know what te think. WHY DO EUROPEAN CABINETS RESIGN? ITALIAN, HUNGARIAN, POLISH AND AUSTRIAN CONDITIONS ARB. SIGNIFICANT. I STATE OF BENEML UNREST Immediate Cauaea of Rsslgnstion of ao Many Cabinets Are Aaorlbad to Uftreet and Rconomla Anxli.iee. Paris.—The simultaneous resigns tion of four European cabinets —the. Italian, Polish, Hungarian and A as-, trlan —la viewed in official deles here to be significant chiefly as de monstrating the difficulty of adopting politics and economic condltiona to the peace terms. The immediate causes of the reels' naitnos were dlffrenet in each ease, but behind them said a wall inform ed French diplomat, were economic anxieties and general unrest, with lingering peoples not reconciled to the sscrlfices demanded of them. Of the five crisis in course of so lution only the Italian and German are given concern here, officlsls de clared. It was aald the adveat of for mer Premier Gioitti In the Italian sit uation provoked apprehension of a tendency on the part of Italy toward a separate policy with regard to Ger many while the German situation was being watched with the greatest In terest because of the possibility of a reaction. Eleven Candidates Per Presidency Placed In Nomination at Chleage. Chicago.—Eleven candidate* for Prealdent were received in nomina tion by the republloen national con vention In the first eight hours of its session. Eighty-one Snllsted Men of the Navy Pass Exams, for Annapolis. Washington. Eighty-oss enlisted men of the navy and marine eorps, s record number, psasad the recent es amlnatlon tor entrance to the naval academy. Steel Mills of Country Oversold to sn Amount of 10,947,444 Tone. New.Yor.—Unfilled orders of the United States Steel Corporation for the month ending May 11 ware 10,- 947, 1 it tone, it waa announced. This is an increase of 617,71f tons from the previous month. Charge of Profiteering In Sugar Preferred Against Utsh-ldsho Os. Pocatello, Idaho.—Charges of Bask ing excessive profits In sugsr, con trary to ths Lever set, were filed here sgsinst officials of the Utah- Idaho Sugar Company, of Salt Lsks bsfors United States Commissioner. Four Members of Army Transport Crew Suicide Off Vlrglnls CossL Washington. Pour persons on board the army transport Mount Ver non, commlted suicide after one of the ship's propellers broke, off the Virginia coast, according to a r.idlo dispatch received here. Mexlcsn Govsrnment Will Rosters to Owners All Slesee Property. Mexico City—All property seised by the government during previoas ad ministrations will be returned on simple presentation of '.ltle to the property confiscsted, according to newspaper reports. Urugusy Govsrnment Considering Suppression of Liquor Traffic Montevideo. Agitation of the liquor question in Uruguay has re sulted In a committee of ths ssnats undsrtaklng a study with ths minister of tbe Interior, of two new propossls for tbs control of sleohollsm. One proposal would limit purchases of al cohol. while the other would prohibit the Importation, manufacture and sale of distilled liquors, allowing four years for the complete suppression of the entire traffic. Wife ef Former Banker Charged With Thelft ef Diamond Bar Pin New York—Fashionably gowned women thronged the West Bids court while young Mrs. J. C. Glee son, who said aba.waa tbe wife of s former Cblcsgo banksr plsadsd not guilty to charges of stealing a SI,OOO diamond bsr pin during a womeo's poker gams recently st ths boms of Mrs. Cbsstsr M. Curry. Mr*. Glsason gave her counsel s wrist watch set with thirty dismonds to cover bond. internetlonel Conferenoe ef Women Suffrage Allianoo Haa Adjenrned. Oonevs.—Tbs eighth cosgroes ef the Isternstleasl Woman Seffrase Al liance came to aa eed. The all leace bae established the of fice of general secretary aad this of ficial will aet ae the eonaectlag llahe between tbe wemes's organization snd tbs issgus of satlous. Modem end Cemmsllois Structure le Deelgned For Bsnk of Bnglsnd. London.—Tbs Bsnk of England Is to be rebuilt Tbe governors ssd court of direct ore of the Institution (or tbe peat St years have considered the advleability of re pi ae lag the black, oae story "Old Lady sf Thread needle Street" with a more modem sad commodious structure. One Death From Bubonic Plague Reported at Peneaeola, Florida. • Psnsscols, Pis.—Stats labirslory officials declared that bubonic plague caused the death of George Gardlna, a merchandise clerk, and a clean up camapign and warfare on rsts was Inaugurted. first Shipment of Sugar From the Republlo of Panama Received Here. New Orissns.—The first shipment of sugar from the republic of Pana ma to any other point in ths world recently was received here. Joee B. Cairo, coashl at Now Orissns for Panama said thla was ths flrit tiius Psnsma svsr bsd a sufficient amount pf sugar ores tor domsetlc uie. " Efforts Appesr Be Prultlsos to Form S New ermsn Cabinst. London/— After three daye of fruit lees dffort, Herr Mueller has aban dosed his efforts to for ma new Ger man eabinet saill an Exchange Tele graph' dispatch from Amsterdam. Chiangs Physlelsn leeue Many Spurioue Prescriptions "or Liquor. Chicago.—Of a half million pre acrlptlons for liuor written by Chica go physlotans since the Dl 7 law west Into effect, 300,000 have been spurious, socordlng to an estimate of Captain Howard, Pederal Prohibition Dtreotor of Illinois, as he prepared for the hearinga to be given to twenty physicians and as many drug gists of Chicago, who are charged with evading the amendment. Ohio le the Native State of the Republican Nominee for Preeldent Marion, Ohio.—the Republican presidential itomlnee was born on November t, IMS. st Blooming Orove, Morrow county, Ohio, lust It miles ssst of Marion. When a boy his fam ily moved to Caledonia, nine miles nearer Marion; whore young Harding taught school tor two years. He play ed a cornet In the Caledonia brass band and later received a oollege edu cation at a little" Baptist college at Iberia, Ohio. Condition of Senator Penrose is Considered ss Extremely Critical Coliseum —Members of the Penn sylvania delegation said they had re ceived a telegram from Senator Pen rose's physician saying ths senator was very low snd might not live through the day. Philadelphia.—Senator Penrose is s statement gave unqualified endorse ment to denslor Harding as ths man pre-eminently fitted for the presi dency. Several Warehousing propositions "We have secured subscriptions to stock that will enable us to go ahead and build a 1(0,000 warehouse for our cotton and othar farm crops," W. O. Newby, of Hertford, one of the of ficials of the Perqulmmons County Cotton association writes Secretary Tressury A Treasurer S. G. Rublnew of the North Carolina organisation. The cotton aaeoclatlon is at work on warehousing propositions In a number of otbor cotton counties. Johasoo, Granville, Union and Har nett counties bava already begun the organisation of the warehouse com panies. Sampeon county has sold Us stock sad Is rssdy tb begin the erec tion of the warehouse In the near future. Meckieaburg county, wbicb will put lon sn extensive campaign for mem bers beginning April t, will also work sn s warehouse proposition. Meck lenburg county did not make Its cam paign at the time the general etete oampalgn waa conducted because of ether work In the oounty at that time which made It Impossible to mske the canvass. Judgs Llndeey sn Lseture Teur Judge Ben B. Llndeey. Judge of the Juvenile court of Desver, Colo., will speod moot of Esster week lecturing before the clubs of North Carolina. Among the clubs fortussto enough to sscurs engagements with the greet Jurist of the Northwest srs ths Ral slgh Woman's club and the Soroela of Wilmington. Two Conditional Pardons leeved Conditional clemency was extended by Oovernor T. W. Blekett to M. G. States, Lsnolr county, ssrvlng a rosd sentence for having liquor In bis possession snd to Prank Tart, Wilson county, ssrvlng sight years for second dsgrss murder. Both prisoners are required to observe good behavior and remain law abiding citizens. Ta Orgsnlss Auxlllsries All divisions of ths Orsnd Istersa tteaal Auxiliaries to tbe Brotherhood at UIOSOiIVS Engineer* of both North snd South Carolina are Invited U) meet with Raleigh Division to 7 tbe third Wedensdsy Is May for the pur paee of organising a Carolina State Union. It is very neccessary .that members sttssd both regulsr and spseisl meetings that preparations may be mede to meet them tbe regu lar meeting day. All members are re quested to be preaent. No ProvleUn fer Kxemptien The opinion of the Supreme Court Is the cm of Brown «t al ti. Jack- Ma, •horlff, from New Hanorer. In which the court hold* four million dol lar* worth of Atlantic Coaat Uo« •tack eubject to taxation by the State of North Carolina u written by Aaeo elate Juatlce Ooorge W. Brown waa directed eimply at the fact that the Legislature had not made provision for the exemption of the atock from taxation. The dleeenUnc opinion by Aaeoflate Juattce W R. Allen hoMe that the Legislature k«a made suoh APPROPRIATIONS BY 65TH CONGRESS THK SUM OP »4,a59,890,525 It Pt» ' PORTED BY CHAIRMAN GOOD OP THK COMMITTI I P. 0. ESTIMATES INCREASED I * The Congress Added $184,M1,000 U Amount Namsd Ih Mill fer Um By |. P. O. and Panalon Dapartmenta Washington.—Aproximately five bit lion dollars traa appropriated by th« sixty-sixth Congress at lta session end I lag Juna 5, according to a statement prepared by Chairman flood, of UM bouse appropriation* .committee, foi the float tiaua of the Congressional Record. * The exsot total as (Ivan by Mr. Oood was $4,t6»,8»0,5U. Of this »4,57J,373,a»8 is for (oremsent «• pen sea la the fiscal year bejlnnlng , July 1 and $416,416,048 is to meat d» i flclanclea for the flacal year endlaa I with this month, j Chairman Oood said Congress had |reduced estimates of government da partmants for next year by 91.474? 421,602; the total appropriations is only two measures exceeding the a* tlmates. Congress added $(4,120,00 to the pension bill and (70,(61,000 to the postal bill. One Hundred Per Cent Increase Granted to Havana Telegraphers ' Havana—The strike of telegrapk operators on the National Uaea which has baen In progress for sev eral daya, haa ended. An lncreaae ta wages amounting to virtually 100 pat cent haa been granted. Moulders of Mexlosn Diplomats Representative Bend Under Burden Mexico City. Fernando Lera, whoss appointment aa Mexican dlplo matte repreaentatlve In Christlanla was announced June IX. will be naaa ed envoy to Sweden and Denmark la addition to his duties in Norway, a» cording to El Universal. 14,000 Tons Sugar from Buenoe Aires to Cost IS Csnts s Pound Buenos Aires.—Baaed on the domes tie price at which F. J. Stimson, Unit ed States ambaasador to Argentina obtained 14.040 tons of sugar for the account of the United States, plua the transportstlon cost. It Is estimated the sugar will bs landed In New York at 15 cents a pound. Army Trsns-Contlnsntsl Motor Con.voy en Its 3,M0 Mite Trip Wsshfsgtea.— Conceived aa a teat of tha southern pathway aa a link ol national seoorlty and economic prog reaa, the army trana-oontlnaatal motoj company cenvoy moved oat of Waeh> Ingten on Its MfO-mlls trip to Baa Diego, Calif., via the Bankhead Na tional Highway. Albanian Ineurgents Strengthened by Amerlosn-Iqulpped Sarblsns. Roaie.—The sltustlon la Albaala Is eoneidssed most grave. "The At bsnlan Inaurgsnts bsrn beea strsagth enod by American-equipped Serbians wearing Amerleaa ualferma." eaya the the Idea Naalonale, adding 'lt is true the offensive by Serbian aad Jugo slav troops alms to chsse Italy from the Balkana " Oermeny Delivers Immsnse Amount Cosl snd Live Stoek to Pranee Paris —Up to May SO. German de liveries of coal to Pranoe under the treaty of Versalllee amounted to 4.M6.000 toss. It waa officially an nounced by the reparation, commis sion. Of this total, 40&.000 tone were given to Luxemburg. Germany, up to the end of May. tha announcement shows, alao had de llvered to France «,$!? horses, 40.720 head of rattle, (7,476 sheep and 7,571 goats. Pew Psris Newspspsrs Comment on Action of Republlcsn Convention Perls.—Few newapapem hern ven ture to comment on the action of the republican national convention at Chicago, although tbey devote consid erable space to tha nomlnatlona. "It Is a triumph of th» muchlne of the party organUation, or lta boa.?/, over pcrsonallllea aufficicntly power ful or WPII aupplled with funda to be In a position to app.»al directly to the nation." declare Pertlna*, political ed itor of The Kcho do Pari.. Norman H. Davis of Tsnnsssss is Nsmed Under Secretsry 'of Stats Washington.—Norman H. Davis, of 1 Tennesnep. was appointed by Presi dent Wllwn to he under secretary of •tale ' Ho will assume his duties at once, succeeding Prank L. Polk, who had resigned because of the state of hi* health. Mr. Devid real rued last week aa assistant car rotary of the treasury In order t« accept the state department poet. He was one of the adviser* t« the American peace delegation. SWINE CONSUMED MUCH FEED Devoured Mere Grain Than Cattle Last Year, Being Fed 50.3 Per Cent of Corn. Swine consumed more (rain than cattle last year in the United States, being fed 00.8 per cent of the corn, , 10.8 per cent of the oata, 00 per cent j of thn barley, 39.1 per cent of the j wheat and 41.0 par cent of the mill ■ NO GRAY HAIRS NOW You Deed not have a b it of hair now. You can do just a*' '■s thousands of our best people havejlß and bring a natural, •hade to your gray or faded presses ' J in a simple and healthful raanner|| ! b 7 applying Q-ban Hair Color Ke~fl atorer at once. Have handsoraeJH soft luxuriant hair. Artply Q-banS ready to use; guaranteed —only 60c a large bottle at Drug Co.'s and all other good stores. Money back if not fied. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, SdjSH Q-ban Liquid Shampoo. Ofoau PROFESSIONAL" CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Atloraty-sHaw gkabAm. N. c. Mile* ever Wlliail B«a|i«s llmmh RAH Offloe Paturson Building Second Pleor. ..... OR. WILLS.IM6.JIt | —* 9 Ira ham, .... Nerta Carell M OFFICE 1* BUHJU NO A COB i. mw. j. guru iom . LONG * Loire, Attorneys and Cnnimlmssttsw GRAHAM, H. C. KEEP SETTMKRS FREE.FROMUOE Enomooa hmi Caused Annually by l itmf ' awl M .*? would not FoattfcK Jl without Dr. LeGeau-'s Pooltry Rsea- •' edies - aays Mrs. L. V. Boa* «• Coero, Texaa.«."Wa hare newer M any of thamTOl to do evaa man than yoo data for tWV-* d > EruylMar, mllHooe at Bat) Chicks an lost beeaaaa Httekw srs not kept clean sad free «£ Lie* KBka quickly flocko* Boa ami venDm.p^fl^| Through his advice ad MmU Dr. LeGear has helped tbooaaada ?s* Q *j?_±]u^ >er * du ™* W {£v?sS!Es^ advice juat as Mrs. Baas Cet a can of Dr. CSSgtZ.'a from year dealer, nsa it sumidhg, *o dlrsetiona. If yon are not eatirsly satisfied with reaalta return tha empty can to your dealer n| hi I BLANK BOOKS $ Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vestj Poeket Memo., Ac. Far. Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. — ■ ■ 11 IOVER-EATCNG 1 is tfce root of nearly all ilitcJiva 1 evils. If yoardigostion is \,;«k or H out of kilter, better eat laKaadase ] KI moim I the aew aid to better digeitfaa. I Heasaat to take—off ectiva. Let I Ki-moUk kelp straighten ovt yen I digestive trouble.. I MADK BY SCOTT a DOWNS LaiHIIHK You Can Cure Tint Backache. Pain nlong the back, dltUeraa, beedsohe in.l rrnncrat languor. Oet a package at Vother Gray's Australia Ltef, the pleasant " root anil herb cure for Kidney, Bladder ti'd Urinary trouble,. Wban vou (eel all run down, tired. week and without energy u*e this remarkable cotnbinaUon*.f nature, berba and roots. As a rpftulator It has ns qua I. Mother Oray'a Auatrallan-Lesf Is t sold by Dru#slats or sent by mail for CO eta aamplu a«nt free. Address, The Mother fljir Co- Le Kor. N. T —For 11.65 you can get both Tho Progressive Farmer and Tmk Au mance Gleaner for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will

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