I - H "hy * IE Suffer? s *J Wonder* for Me," Wkl K* Ded«rMTW,l«ly. "' wfiered for a long tlmp with womanly weak- WtrA TJk «*«," lays Mr*. J. R £9 Simpson, of 57 Spruce •Jl S!.,Asheville,N.C. "I Wj% r> A finally got to the place 4 where it was an effort tor me to go. 1 would have BfcJ a bearing-down paint In WTA my side and bade es pedally severe across my back, and down In my r|J side there wa* a great kR deal ol soreness. I was s nervous and easily fip. fl" B CARDUI The Woman's Tonic S"1 heard of Cardnl and j decided to use it," con- , tinues Mrs. Simpson. "I ■ 2 i saw shortly It was bene- filing me, so 1 kept It up and It did wonders for WFJA m «* And since then I ®s| Shave been glad topnise CarduL It is the best woman's tonic made/* «ij Weak women need a M tonic. Thousands and a thousands, like Mrs. WTA Simpson, bave found S Cardnl of benefit farthent. Try Cardui for your trou- Rtf " mi a U DRUGGISTS g P Count your blessings as nothing —unless you're willing, to work hard. * -* ; ZZ ■ r yP^:'V' r^ v j| , WV// Help the L I By growing more wheat on, less acreage. They increase quantity improve quality and decrease danger from in sects and diseases. To be sure of ihe best results from your wheat * I Order Early w Order ROYSTER'S I J - 9 ' ' By ordering early you help to relieve the serious car shortage and insure yourself against delay or disappoint ment. By ordering kOYSTHR'S you secure the quality and service which have made the unusual popularity of these brands. ' F. a ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY I MAKING WAR ON DISEASE MENACE American Red Cross Announces Budget of $48,200,000 For Current Year. NEW DISASTER RELIEF PLAN- Continuance of Heavy Work Abroad Doomed Necessary to Protect United State**—s2l ,ooo,ooo Less Than Laat Year. A program of fellef ami service to ward which appropriations of $48,- 200,000 bave been made.lias been out lined for the American Rod Cross for the fiscal year, July 1, I91">, to Juiy 1, 1921, according to otticlal announce ment by national headquarters of the organisation at Wqshlngtc n. The fig urea for 1920-21 are $2J,0"0.000 below those of 1919-20, In which $(31),400,000 was spent. Important among the lt»ms of the budget for the present year Is the ap propriation of $31,600,000 tor relief In foreign lands, which Includes $11,000,- 000 In purchased supplies on hand and not distributed. Must Protect United "State*. This will enable the American Red Cross to continue Its humanitarian ef fort to aid stricken peoples to re-estab lish themselves, to fight the disease epi demics whlcb threaten many countries and to efface largely the remaining traces of the blight left by the World War. It la regarded as social as well as physical sanitation on z lurge scale that will bave a direct bearing on to ture conditions In America. Central Europe, the chief sufferer from tho conflict, today la facing an other winter of famine, pestilence and ruin. Typhus decreased much during the summer months where last winter It had its greatest stronghold, but phy sicians who Investigated the situation at the behest of the League of Red Cross Societies have given their un qualified opinion that this coming win ter will see a recurrence on an un precedented seals. The Red Cross feels It must continue preventive meas ures abroad to keep this and other deadly maladlea from the United Btatei. Millions tor Work at Home. When the disease was sweeping Cen tral Europe Inst winter the American Red Cross, with the aid of the govern ments of afflicted natlona, undertook the fight agalnat It Hospitals were estab lished wherever possible and food and clothing were distributed to the un dernourished populations, who by rea son of their undernourishment, .were easy prey to the epidemics. disorganization contributed last year to the great Inroads made by the dis ease. by virtue of Its knowledge of the disease and the presence of well es tablished hospital centers, the Ameri can Red Cress this year will undertake the work with a new confidence. Including the total of $11,000,000 In supplies left from Ibe last fiscal'year, the $31,500,000 Is $21,000,000 less than the expenditures for 1919-20. Appropriations for domestic activi ties total $16,700,000. The largest item of thla "home" budget Is $7,800,000 for civilian relief work. This Includes service and as sistance for families of soldiers, sail ors and marines, and work incidental to disaster. Of the total approprlai tlon for clv Ulan relief, $5,000,000 la held In reserve for the carrying ont of actual disaster relief. Reduced Overhead Expense. The Bed Cress Invariably Is the first thought of a community visited by ca In ml ty. With this In mind. It was ie icrnilned by the Executive Committee In preparing the budget of 1919-20 to have a fixed reserve fund from which to draw In these Instances. For assistance' to soldiers, sailor* nad marines In hospitals and In camps I his year $1,900,000 has been set aside. Four million two hundrel thousand dollars has been appropriated for Im provement ,of health and prevention lof disease throughout the United SHtes during the current twelve months. The Red Cross Is co-operat ing fully with the United States Health Service In this work and through tts Junior Red Cross Is doing much to spread among children the principles of sanitation. An appropriation of sl,- 000,000 hus been made for developing the peace time program of the Red Cross by service to Its chapters In all regions. The appropriation of $48,200,000 Is exclusive of the local expenditures of the 3.000 or more chapters. Administration expenses this year will be 51,800,000. Last year they were $2,800,000. AMERICANS ABROAD IN RED GROSS WORK United Far Away Enthusiastic Members of the "Fourteenth" Division. Among the moat enthusiastic -and energetic members of the American Red Cross are those clttsens of the United States who live outside the continental boundaries of their country —aons and daughters of the Stars und Stripes residing at the far corners of the earth. These people compose the Insular and Foreign Division of the parent or ganization, generally known as the "Fourteenth" Division, which ha* Jurisdiction of all territory outside the countrjr' woi"*rj that J». AJimkn fHE At.Amaiiiik QT.WAn i f.|t l QRAHAM, If. O. ii ■■■ i " M ■ "ii i — Porto Rico, Hawaii, virgin Islands, toe Philippines, Guam, and even tit* is land of Zap, which came under "oar flag aa a result of the world war. For the year 1020 this division reported 30,808 paid up members. The main object of this division Is to give our citizens everywhere the op portunity to participate In the work of the organisation which stands for the best national Ideatt. JMperleaa* In far places intensely ioyaPand pa triotic, treasure t»>elr membership In th« Red Cross as the outward ex pression of their citizenship. It is an other tie to the homeland and te each other. There are chapters of this division In Argentine, Bolivia] Brazil, Canal zone, Chile, China. Costa Rica, Cuba, Domini ciyi Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Guam, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras,, Japan, Manchuria, Netherlands, Nica ragua, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Porto Rico, Siberia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, - Syria. Turkey, Uruguay. Venezuela and Virgin Islands. During the wur these scattered members of the Red Cross contrib uted millions In monejr, and millions of dollars'" worth of necessaty articles for the men In service, and sent many doctors and nurses to France. At the. same time they carried on an excel lent Borne Service in their respective communities for the families of-those who had gone to war, and In some, re gions gave large sums of money and immeasurable personal service to the relief of disaster and disease tlctlms. The division is * now establishing service clubs In foreign ports for the benefit of sailors In the American Mer chant Marine, making plana to aid Americans in trouble In foreign lands and completing arrangements for giv ing Immediate adequate relief In case of disaster. It is the Fourteenth Division's part In the great Peace Time program Ml the American Red Cross. JUNIOR RED CROSS ACTIVE IN EUROPE Garden seeds for Polish orphans, milk for anaemic Greek babies, car penters' tools for Czecho-Slovaklab •cripples—these are only a few of the gifts that young Americans are send ing to thf war-crushed children of the Old World. Through the Junior Red Cross the boy« and girls of the .United States are giving a fresh start In life to little war orphans scattered all over Europe. They have aet up orphans' homes in France, school colonies In Belgium and Montenegro, and day schools In Al bania. They are sending dozens of young Syrians,, Montenegrins, and Albanians to American colleges In Constantinople and Beirut, apd maintaining more than a hundred orphans of French soldiers at colleges and trade schools. In or phanages and firm schools up and down the peninsula of Italy there are nearly 900 wards of American Juniors. Last winter a thousand French chil dren from the inadequate shelters of the devasted regions were Sent by the Junior Red Cross to spend the cold months In warmer parts of France. At the same time Ave thousand 'little Belgians were having a hot lunch every dn.v at Junior Red Cross school can teens. American school children have al ready raised something like a million dollars for these enterprises, and they are still hard at work. In China, through campaigns oi ed ucation. the Junior Red Cross Is help ing 10 combat widely prevalent blind ness hkl cholera. American JUd Cress Roll Call. The Fourth Annual Roll Call of the vmerlcnn Red Craas will be held this tenr from Armistice Day, November 11. to Thanksgiving Day. November 28. ncluslve. During this period the me* nd wonvn of the United States will my their annual dues and renew their o*rtlber>hlp. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Onnhw Aspirin —say Bayer Insist on "Barer Tablet* of Aaplria" la a "Bayer package," containing proper direction! for Headache, Colds, Pain, Nwaralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineUea yean, llanay tin boxes of 12 tablets •oat few cents. Aspirin is trade marie of Bayer Manufacture of lloaoaeeti* acidester of Sabcylicacid. Some of the 1912 Progressives have somersaulted into support of Ha 'ting, others are support ing Cjx. IROILIY BACK' -i ■«Y- 11 mUbont qmtloa Himi'« B«H> TflNr all (ittiintlttintanladcmM, CI f py Tn« Wa«mltck.(ic Deal I VI J A bfruwr diicouraaed bffme otfaw » /'J imnwmitillii. H«mm'«S»K» till i rlievrd hundtcd* of wcl » '• I r«w« You can't low on QUI • •J a "•"»» a«rfc C mmrmmir*. Try .J h.l iMt TODAY. Plica »fc 1 -» by GRAfIAM DRUG COMPANY, ORAiIAM. S. C. ' UNO OF DEAD CIVIUZWIi^ Jungle Growth Has Overrun Onoe Magnificent Temples and Palace* A In Land of Cambodia. J In the jungles of Camhodk,' where the monkeys chatter audi swing from the. knotted vines, and the snake sheds his skin an the mar ble steps high over the stagnant pool, where parrakeets hang like jewels in the trees and tigers glide by with muffled step, stand tem ples, long forgotten, palaces, moats, gates and walls, with stones, wrenched apart by the violent utge of the tropic trees and vines, says a writer in Asia Magazine. Onoe kings stepped forth, hung with jew els and robed in glittering fabrics, to mount their elephants and go a-hunting; once damsels danced age old steps before the altars of the gods, and simpler folk went about their household tasks as simpler folk have always done. For abput 600 years Cambodia was the center of a brilliant civilization; after that, a land of savage tribes, forgetful of the great past. Today'this country, now a province of French Indo- China, is forsaken save by occasional half-naked priests', who climb the great palms to tap the upper leaves for sugar-water, or pause to grin at their own reflections in the pools when they are tired of staring, un comprehending, at the forms that; decorate the temple wallß. BUY WIVES ON EASY TERMS Installment Plan' of Purchasing Part ner of Man's Joys and Sorrows Is Favored In Albania. Albania, so far as I nm aware, is the only country where you can buy a wife on the installment plan. It is quite true that there are plenty of countries wi«4e women can be purchased—in Circassia, for, example; and in China, and in the Solomon group—but in those places the prospective bridegroom is com pelled to pay down the purchase price in cash, not being afforded the convenience of opening an account. In Albania, however, such things are better done, a partial payment on the purchase priee of the girl be ing. paid to her parents when the engagement takes place, after which she is no longer offered for sale, but set aside, like an article on which a deposit has been made, until the final installment has been paid, when she is delivered to her future husband.—E. Alexander Powell, in Scribner's Magazine. BILL YELLED. Bill Freeman of Broadway is Six or seven years old. His parents, leaving home for a short time, noti fied friendly neighbors that Bill would be their guest for an hour or so. Then they sent him off with instructions to push the button on the neighbor's door. Bill pushed the button several times and got no response. Then he noticed the let ters Y'A-L»-E on the door lock. He began to yell and the folks came and let him in. Asked why he was making so much noise, he said he saw the sign on the door to yelll—lndianapolis News. The term "underground railway* means just what it says, according to one Indiana teacher. This teacher recently gave the following answer on an » "This underground railway wm a road built under the ground from the South into Canada. Hie poor slaves would follow this road and it would take them into Canada and here they were free and the southern owners could not get hold of than any more. There were places made along to get their food on their way to keep them from starring to death on the way." MACHINE FOR RIPPLING FLAX. Rippling flax is different from thrashing grain for the jeason that the straw is the valuable part and it must not be dajpagcd by any treatment. That is the reason why the work has always been done by hand, bat the Canadian government is experimenting with a which is said to perform this task as well as when done by hand. SURPRISING PACT. Ha—The Pomeranians are said to "hare been very brave in the lata war. * She—Why, Jack, what coald such little dogs do all tfcWj ■ ««* Children Cry tor Fletcher's jvw mam Ifc V The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 year*, hat borne the signature of , • - and has been made under his per- Slf' - J£y/7-*-&- sonal supervision since its infancy. V*A&Z74!UOM& Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imit&tions and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChUdren—Bxpmence_agaiMt Egertment. Castoria is^a^^il^Fsubstitute m Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It 1 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it Jibb bees in constant use for the relief of Constipation, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and BoweU, aid# the assimilation JA Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought , THE CKNTAUW COMMNY. NEW VOWK OITY. r" ; v 4'*. ; v'v ' - * . ' THE SIGNS OF LACK OF IRON IN THE BLOOD Nervousness—Lack of Appetite—Easily Tired —No Endurance—Falling Off in Bodily Vigor These an • few of the symptoms that indicate your blood is weak and anaemic and lacking in red corpus cles. Vigorous young men and women all have rich red blood, but age and worry and hardship take the power and strength out of thia life fluid. You can supply what the blood lacks, you can enrich the blood, you can bring back the strength and vigor you once had. if you will take a teaspoonful of Acid Iron Mineral three times a day. You'll note the effect, first, in an increased appetite —food will begin to taste good. The next improvement will show in your sleep—you will awaken in the morn ing refreshed and feeling like a new person. Your friends will remark the im For All Good Druggists. Burwell &Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte,N. C., Distributors. >£3THE -AMERICAN )K RED CROSS IN jp&»| PEACE TIME Bvery person mentally ana pnysiau ly able to do so should take the Ameri can Bad Cross Instruction In First Aid Treatment. Ifa a life-saver and a paln-eaver on the {arm, in the factory, ea the street, at the office, in thi home, wherever accidents may occur. Bore's a young wife who Inexpertly wielded a can-opener and received an ugly fash across her wrist from the Jagged can lid. Mother was there, however, with the First Aid kit and Bed Cress Instruction, and probably prevented a case of blood poison by giving prompt and proper treatment before the doctor arrived. , Don't Wait for workers to come aad ask yon for a renewal of your member ship Send In your dollar to the nearest local chapter of Um American Bed Cross. Welcome the opportunity and privilege of repledfing your fellowship by promptly answering the Fourth Roll Call . November 1125, 19* provement in your appearance and you yourself will feel aa you know you ought to feeL You can accomplish all these things by simply putting more iron into your blood, through the use of a natural form of soluble iron, known as Acid Iron Mineral It contains no alcohol or injurious drugs, and will not black en the teeth. Pills and tonics said to contain iron may have disappointed yon in the past, but Acid lion Mineral will start Improvement that you can fee. in a very short time. Try this method of putting iron into your blood—it can not fail Druggists will refund the purchase price cheerfully if you fail to receive the improvement you seek. aßoaaßDaaaDßa J" Accept OB No Substitutes B tor 1 Thedford's 8 BLACK-DRAUGHT | Purely B Vegetable 2 liver Medicine " HB r.s |£i£! ■BBBBBBBPOB**' The antiquity of Harding'* "generalities" suggests that his motto is to the Ark." C ASTORIA Pot Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always beam 1 of 6 —— . Bad health shans a man who is a good, friend of hard work, good food and pure air. Why -io it the small customers always demands more ( service than a big one? BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond W eo»- taina directions to »impfr any worn an can dye any material without Mssfew*