■-. • ■ THE ALAMANCE GLEANER i - 1 . ■ , : : s - VOL. XLVI AROUND $5,000,000 IS UNIVERSITY PROGRAM. Will Take This Sum to Provide Ac commodation for Present and Increasing Attendance. Chapel Hill, N. C., Der—2l. The needs of the Unfverstity ot North Carolina to remedy present congested conditions and to me*t the increase to 3,000 students in the next 5 years have been oat lined by President Chase. His plans are based on a resolution of the trustees to prepare for the in crease in students and they have been worked out by trustees' com mitte on the development of uni versity property and approved by the executive committee of the board. No figures have been announc ed, but it is understood that the plans call for an expenditure in the neighborhood of 95,000,00.0 It is the largest program ever projected by the university, but President Chase said that it was the minimum required to handle the present overload of 40 per cent and to prepare for £he natur al increase of the near future. Specific needs outlined include additional dormitory space to house 1200 students, dining room accomoditions for 1700 students two new class room buildings, & gymnasium, a geology building, a pharmacy building, a woman's building, an auditorium, additions to the medical and chemistry buildings, the renovation of sev eral old buildings, and an exten sion ojf the heat, light, power, and water systems. i In addition the university needs, according to President Chase, a virtual doubling 0 f its yearly maintenance fund which was es tablished 2 years ago on a basis of 1000 students and which has had to handle for the past 2 years an a vera -e attendance of more than 1400 students and an average summer school attendance of more than 1000. Topping the list of the univer sity's immediate needs, President Chase said, were 'additional dor mitory, eating, and class-room space. At present dormitories, designed for 469, are holding about half the students body of 14U0. The plans for rooms for 1200 students will relieve the con gestion but will take care of only part of the to-be-expected in crease, and even with .the new dormitory space, it is estimated that something like another 1200 students will have to find rooms outside the dormitory. Additional space for 1700 stu dents in the dining halls is nec essary because accommodations, designed for less than 500, can now with overcrowding handle only about 700. Approximately 600 students are now eating in private bouses and although some increase is expected in private accommodations, it can hardly keep pace with the growth of the university. The astounding growth in sheer numbers in the student body in the past few years and the knowl edge, gained from high school records, that more persons will be wanting a college education in the next few years than ever before, has caused the university to plan many new buildings to prepare for the rush. New class-room space, essential now because many departments have to limit the number of students, is provided for in the plans for the new lan guage and history buildings, the l&w, geology, and pharmacy build ings, and in the additions to medi cine and chemistry. Catarrh Cannot Me Cared with Local they cannot reach the aeat of the Catarrh la a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitu tional condition!, and In order to care It you moat take an Internal remedy. Hall's Ca tarrh Medicine is taken internally and acta thru the blood on the Ductaaarfaoe- of the system Hall's Catarrh MHne was pin scribed by one ot the best in this country for years. It Is coMDsed of some ot the best tonics known, with some or the best b.ood puriaers. Whe perfect com bination of the IngredlentaA Hall,s 'Jalarrh Medicine la what product# sttcb wonderful results In catarrhal ooi.dlUons. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. CHENEY a CO., Prop*., Toledo, O. All Or UK run. 75c, Hall's Family Pills for oonatlpatlon. A drummer returning from Canada with a loaded grip might be called a bottle-scared hero. The former kaiser made a new will but be foond he oonld not fetqoMth his bittor fthooc&s. Well Known Citizen Missing. The item below appeared in the Roxboro Courier last week, fol-' lowed by the request that papers in northern North Carolina aud southern Virginia copy. The Gleaner is printing it with the hope of being helpfal in restoring the missing man to his distressed family. ■ The item reads: Mr. W. S. Carter, a well know n farmer residing near Houslmi, Halifax county, Va., (his lull name being Wm. Steven Carter) went to Sonth Boston early last Tuesday morning, December 7th, ..with a load of leaf tobacco, for salo, and who was last seep on the streets of that town about four o'clock that afternoon, failed to return home, and his wife and eight children are very anxious to learn of his whereabouts. Mr. Carter is described as being a man of low stature, somewhat stoop shouldered, red-faced, with dark iron gray hair, blue eyes, aud weighed approximately 125 lbs. When last seen he wore adark colored coat, and tan overalls and a light soft hat. His family know of no reason why he should b« absent from home, and it is feared that he may have had a slight stroke of paralysis, and become dazed, and is walking aimlessly through the country. Any in formation as to his whereabouts will be thankfully received, and any one extending him aid or at tention, will be promptly reim bursed; and even rewarded. Ad dress by mail: Mrs. W. S. Carter, R. K. D. No. 3, Houston, Halifax County, Va., or telegraph Aylett W. Carter, Houston, Va. Envy is what the drng-store faced girls feel for the maid who does not "paint the lily" of a naturally beautiful complexion. Judge Landis is esteemed one of our beet judges and draws $7,500 a year for his services as such, but his side-line as a lover of the national game will pay him nearly six times as much an nually. It's four years to 1924, but a number of Democrats are think ing about A 1 Smith, who only lacked 57,000 votes of being re elected Governor of New York, which State gave more than a mil lion majority against Cox. Sale Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed the Ist day of December, 1917, by Zora Zachary (widow), to the undersigned Graham Loan & Trust Company, trustee, for the purpose of securing certain bonds of even date therewith and the interest thereon, which deed of trust is duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 77, at page No. 39, default having been made in the payment of said bonds according to their tenor, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, JAN. 24, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, K certain lot or parcel of land described as fol lows, to-wit: Tract No. 1, of a sub-division of the Peter Foust land in Ala mance county, as developed for the Graham Land Company by Lewis H. Holt, a map ef which is on record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, State of North Carolina, in Book of plats No. 1, at page pressly made for a more par ticular description. Tract No. \ 1 contains 14.5 acres, more or less, and on it is situate a new frame dwelling. This Dec. 18th, 1920. GKAHAM LOAN & TRUST Co., Trustee. Wo, I, Ward, Att'y. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. DKCEMBER 23. 1920 To You and Yours r. the Merriest i * • Christmas ®ver What Are Your Chances -Of Success? Do You Step Out With Snap And Vigor? Are You Able to Get Things Done? DON'T STAND IN YOUR OWN WAY People With Tftin, Weak Blood Have a Hard Time of it They Shold Take Pepto-Mangan Look at the facts of yon r health. So much depends on having red blood. If yon jjtaiul up in front of your work with half-starved blood in your system you an* stand ing in your own way. You are blocking your own progress. Thin blood make* yon dull. It makes you pale. You tnke no enjoyment out of your work. It is only half as good as it should be. You can remedy that condition so easily. Begin taking that fine tonic, Pepto-Mangan, tiday and keep it up for a while. Your blood will become nouri*hed. Pepto-Mangan mnkf* ret blood corpuscles. You will get energy and strong pow r of resistance. Instead of standing in your own way, you will puhh yourself ahead becanse of greater vitality But be sure you get the genu ine In both liquid and tablet form. Ask for "Gnde'e" and be suro that the name is on the package. The tablets or the liquid have the same medicinal value.—Advt. See Sheriff Story and settle your taxes this month Alter January Ist one per cent per month penalty will be added. TOWN TAXES.—The tax booka for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested B. R. Trolinokr, Tax Collector. Bee Sheriff Btory and aettle your taxes this month. After January Ist one per cent per mouth penalty will he added. There's this to be said in lavor of the grape juice highball -it doesn't make you miss the last car home. A Vancouver, Wmtb., bnby wwt born in «n Automobile. It'* A wonder they didn't plpeb tb# stork for fpMdinf. Re-Sale oi Seal Estate.! By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortage deed executed tp the undersigned by Walter Puller on the 29th day of July, 1920, and duly record ed in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 82 of M. D., page 251, to secure the payment of a certain bond, conveyed real es tate, and whereas default has been made in the payment of said bond and interest, I will sell nt"pnblic sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance coun ty, on FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1920, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a certain tract of land in Morton's town ship, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Freel Sutton, G. D. Dan iely, H. R. Ireland and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on the A. F. Isley corner; thence N 15$ deg E25 chs and 71 Iks to a rock on Daniely's corner; thence N 80 deg W 2.66 chs to a rock; thence N 9 deg E 4 chs to a rock, Sut ton'.} corner; thence S 208 chs to a rock; thence N 86$ deg W 4.78 chs; thence N 10 chs to a rock,Sutton's and Fuller's corner on side of road; thence N 86 deg W 21.07 chs to a solid rock, 34 deg S E of B. 0. Kernodle's and Ross' corner; thence S 4.5 deg W 23.13 chs to a dead red oak corner; thence S 87} deg E 18.35 chs to a stone in Fuller's line; thence N ljJ} deg E 14.17 chs to a rock. Fuller's corner; thence :SB7 1 -4 deg E 2.10 chs to a rock on west side of road; thence S 46 2-3 deg E 10.40 chs to red oak on the east side of the road; thence S 3 deg W 20.17 chs, to «n iron bar, Fuller's corner; thence S 86} deg E 11.77 chs to the beginning, containing 84 acres, more or less, but subject to a deduction of 19 acres already disposed of as shown by deeds of record. Bidding to begin at $2,574.00. This 14th day of Dec., 1920. JNO. R. HOFFMAN, Mortgagee. IVup e CMII tlii# M "general pence." It might be better if it ware » trifle Jew general nod » trifl* Mom cpeeifle. Sale Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed the 10th day of October, 1917, by W. P. Murray and wife, to the undersigned Graham Loan & Trust Company, trustee, for the purpose of securing certain bonds of even date therewith and the interest thereon, which deed of trust is duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 69 at page 297, default having been made in the payment of said bonds according to their tenor, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, JAN. 3, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Graham, N. C., off er for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Haw River township, county and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of Jno. A. Trolinger, Graham Land Co., Bason and others, and bounded aud described as fol lows: Beginning at a ruck in the line of said Trolinger, thence N 78| dag E 17,53 chs to a rock in Ba son's line; thence 2$ deg with Bason's line, to a rock; thence W 17.78 deg S to a rock; thence N 4 deg E 11.77 chs to the be ginning, and containing 20 acre* more or less. This being the same land conveyed to W. P. Murray by deed dated the 10th day of October, 1917, and re corded in the office of Register lof Deeds for aforesaid county land State. It is also the lot known as No. 1 of the Cook and 1 McCracken land that was con veyed to Graham Land Com pany and as surveyed by Lewis 111. Holt, county surveyor, on Dec. 16th, 1911, and a plat of which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for aforesaid county and State in Book of Plats No. lat page ,to which reference is made for a more particular description. This November 23, 1920. , GRAHAM LOAK & TRUST CO., Triiat.Ptf> Wm. I, Ward, Att'y. Commissioners' Re Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Coui± made in a Special entitled, Mrs. Edith Holt and her husband, Isaac Holt, vs. R. P. Boone and wife, Effie - Boone and others, the undersigned commissioners wJI, on .FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, North Carolinn, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, the follow ing tracts of real property, to-wit: Tract A. Two certain in Newlin township, adjoining the lands of John Morgan, Julius Roberson, J. A. Winningham and others, and bounded as fol lows: Tract 1. Beginning at a stake on the Graham road, corner with Lot No. 2, and running thence W 14 chs to a etake; thence N 34 deg W 14.35 chs to P. O.; thence 10 deg W 12.15 chs to a stake; thence W 6.40 chs to Stafford line; thence N 17 degE ■l6 chs to a stone, Stafford's cor ner; thence E 7.80 chs to a stake, Robert Shaw's corner; thence S 14.85 chs to a Stake; thence E 7 chs to a stake, Mary Ray line; thence S 8 chs to P. O.; thence E 9.60 chs to Graham road; thenrre with the said road to the beginning and containing 44 acres, more or less. Tract 2. Beginning at a white oak on the road leading from Saxapahaw to the Graham road and running thence North sup posed to be 30 chs to a stake in Juny Ran line; thence W 15.75 chs to a white oak on the Gra ham road; thence with said road with its various courses to a cor ner of the African church lot; thence E with Saxapahaw road to the beginning and containing 34 acres. Except therefrom has been sold a tract of 5.94 acres to J. W. Johnson. Tract B. The remainder, after the expiration of the life estate of Mrs. Letitia Boone, in the fol lowing tract of land, to-wit: The said tract of land wliich is a part of the above, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a rock, corner with said Alston, runuing thence 8 Bs deg E fi.4l chs to a rock, corner with said Alston on W side of old Graham road; thence S 16 deg 20' E 2 chs to an iron bolt in said road; thence S 71 5 deg W (B. S. 70 deg) 13 chs to a rock; thence N 2 deg 40' W 14 chs to a rock, corner with said Alston and heirs: thence S 88 deg 20' E |B. S.) 6.58 chs to a rock, corner with said Alston; thence S 1 deg 30' W 8 chs to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. Bidding to commence at sl,- 815.00. Terms of SaleT One-third I cash; one third in six months; I and one-third in twelve months. This Dec. Ist, 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, J. DOLPH LONG, Commissioners. , KEEP THE .KIDNEYS WELL Health l« Worth Mating, and Hon* Graham People Know to Have It. Man (iraham people take their ; live# in their hands by j the kidneys when they know these organs need helf. Weak kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of Buffering and ill health— th? delay is dangerous. L'se Doan's Kidney Pills—a remedy that has helped thousands of kid i net sufferers. Here is a Graham citizen's recommendation : Mrs. C. E. Moore, E. Harden St. says a year ago an operation left with weak kidneys. I suffered with ' dull headaches,, was very nervous and was annoyed by my kidneys acting irregularly. After I took Doan's Kidney- Pills m.v kidevs kidneys were regulated and ihe other troubles all disappeared." I Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont j simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pilla— the same Mrs. Moore had. Foeter-Milourn Co., Mfgre., Buffalo, .S Y. NO. 46 Ki-MOIDS (GRANULE*) INDIGESTION rH«mli> instantly on ■. ,| or fai hot or coil water, or ; 1 vidbjr. Try at soda fountain. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABUCT FOWM MAM mr moan m mamm , MAKERS OF ' SCOTT » EMULSION 10 mmmtmmmmmmmmmmKmmr PROFESSIONAL CARDS GRAHAM HARDEN, M. D. BwHagton, N. C. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a. m. and by appointment Office Over Acme Drug Co. Telephones; olee -tt«-Residence SS« JOHN J. HENDERSON Atloney-al-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Mike svcr Natl—l Sanlrai Al——a J", s. COOK:, Attsrssjf-it-Ua, GRAHAM. ... . X O Omoo Patterson balMlac Second ll*or. . ... !>K. win mw. JR. . . . DENTIST . : : GRAHAM. .... NortS CAROLINA OFirTrK rw 5 f MMONB BUILDING A COB A. Lose. i. suns LOSS LONG * LONG, \tiomsjrs snd Cotni—loi ■ at Uwr OBAHIH, S. C. PATENTS OBTAINED. If yon hare an invention to patent please send us a model or (ketcbr with a letter of brief explanation for pre limiliary examination and advice. You. disclosure and all business is strictly con fldential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WABHIMOTOM. D. C. IHWiV Millie grains*fcf dandrirfF meah to ! K Hair t [ J Dandruff Steaßr aailbai the • M life oat of die hair roots sod ; • '\i brings : I Wild root 13 guaranteed to daa • \\ op dandruff aivi nnon it-hut it J al l does wore; it ct—nsca. aaftena and /V* loosens the sciln and stimulates * Jl the hair to nonotf. besithVpwtlL J (X WUdront Liquid SkMspoooWlldraot if umoo Hon BMd is oruMim tr Willi Wild rncrtEUlr Ttmlc. »U1 >w ' WILD BOOT I THE GUARANTEED HAIR TOXIC For tali km rnndtr m atomy-bock gmmrantm Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. Commissoner's Re-Sale of Land. Uiulor an order of the Superior Court, made in a Special Proceed ing entitled. "Mrs. W. L. Ruinley, Administratrix of W. L. Itumley, deceased, Kx Parte," the under signed Couimisioner will sell ac public auction at the court house door hi Graham, on FRIDAY, DEC. 24, 1020, >.t 12 o'clock, IIOJU, the following real property, to-wit: « Tract 3—Beginning at a stake on the mountain, Henderson Coble corner, and running thence E 31.35 chs to pointers, corner of lot No. 6; thence N 9 chs to pointers; thence N 70 deg E 4 75cbstoa stake 011 the Graham road; thence with said road 1(5 chs to a sassafras on the west side of the said road; thence S 54 deg 45 chs to the Iteginniiig, and containing 41.50 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: One-third cadi, one-third in three mouths, aad balance in six months. This is a re-sale of this tract, and bidding on said tract is to I commence at 1918.00. Sale sub ject to the confirmation »f Court, j This ihe ls-t day of Dee., 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Commissioner Un, yf. h, Rowley, AdmVx.

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