VOL. XLVII Legislature Fixing For the Closing. $5,745,000 FOR STATE INSTITU TIONS—GOOD ROADS LAW ' ENACTED. , Walter Murphy Looms for Congress man-at-Large. (By Maxwell Gorman.) Raleigh, March I.—By the mid dle of next week the 1921 session of the General Assembly will have passed into history. It is too early to Jadge its work fairly. That will be done later in the cool dispassionate manner of a critical review of some things done and others omitted. At this writing it appears that • the House is a lap ahead of the Senate. Representative Dough ton,'of Allegheny, father of the House, and the man who has done more valuable legislative work for North Carolina than any other man in the State, tells us he feels sure the House can elean up Tnesday, March Bth. Senate Leader Yarser, of Rob eson, has announced to Senators that they must come to an agree ment early this week to stop all new Legislation, as the Senate will be. compelled to remain in session two or three days next week to complete the work al ready in hapd. Appropriation!. ' v ' The most interest is felt here today in the two-year mainten ance and buying program con tained in thO report of the com mittee on appropriations to the Senate, justsubmitted, and which will call for prompt action this - The bill is only three quarters of a million dollars in excess of the budget commission's recommendations, already refer red to, and a bond issue of $5, 745.000 is provided for, to be issued half in 1921 and half in 1922. There will be a fight over the bill by the educational com mission. The widest departure from the recommendation of the budget committee came in the appropria tion for the State Hospital, neces sitated by reason of the repeal of the act authorizing the transfer of the State Prison building to the State Hospital. The State Hos pital, nnder the measure, is to get $550,000 to construct and equip buildings to take care of 575 pa tients, in lieu of the $300,000 authorized for use in the conver sion of the State Prison into a hospital in addition to the amount recommended by the budget com mission. The State Hospital for the In sane at Goldsboro, the State School for the Deaf atMorganton, the State School for the Blind at Raleigh, the University of North Carolina, the East Carolina Teacher Training School at Green ville, all receive the identioal pro portion of the fund recommended by the budget commission. The same is trne of the negro normal schools and the negro reformatory for boys. Other institutions get slight increases. Improvement Appropriation!. The permanent improvement appropriations for the several in stitutions carried in the bill as against the amounts recommend ed by the budget commission follow: State Hospital for the Insane, Morganton, $150,000 against SIQO,- 000. State Hospital for the Insane, Goldsboro, $300,000 against $300,- 000. • State Hospital for the Insane, Raleigh, $765,000 Against »775,- 000. North Carolina School for the Deaf, Morganton, $20,000 against $20,000. North Carolina School for the Blind, Raleigh, $250,000 against $260,000. North Carolina Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Sanatorium, $330,- 000 against $300,000. State Home and Industrial School for Girls and Women, Ba marcand, $165,000 against $150,- 000. StOMwall Jaekaon Training THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. School, Concord, $140,000 against ♦IOO,OOO. Caswell Training School, Kin ston, $240 000 against $230,000. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, $990,000 against $990,000. State College of Agriculture and Engineering, Raleigh, $550,000 against $500,000. North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, $575,0i>0 a ainst $540,000. East Carolina Teacher Train ing School, Greenville, $325,000. Cullowhee Normal and Indus trial School, Cullowhee. Boone, $200,000 againßt $200,000. State Normal School for Negro es, Elizabeth City, Colored Nor mal School, Fayetteville, and Slater Colored Normal School. WinstonrSalem, $400,000 against $400,000. - Negro Reformatory for boys, $25,000 against $25,000. Total, $5,745,000 against 84, 995,000. The bill appropriates to insti tutions for which no recommend ation was made by the budget Commission as follows: ' North Carolina Orthopaedic Hospital, SIOO,OOO. The complete Agricultural De partment building, $75,000. Confederate Soldiers' , Home, $30,000. / Negro A. and T. College, slls, 000. The bonds authorized will be five-per cent, forty-years, non taxable bonds in denominations of SI,OOO and SSOO, in the determ inations of the State Treasury, not to be sold below par. Movie Picture Cenorshlp The war over movifl pictures has been prolonged, and the sub ject will consume some more time this week—with the House com mitted to an unfavorable report (that is, against State censors) the Senate with a majority of the committee the other way. It is predicted that, like the work men's compensation law wrangle, the legislature may adjourn with out having enactbd a law oiv, either subject. Congressmen-at-Large One is hearing expressions can - cerning the extra man from North Carolina in the Congress to be elected next year. Ex-Speaker Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, who has served some dozen or so terms In the General Assembly, is regarded as among the first of men equipped for legislative work and he would make a serviceable Con gressman his friends all agree. He is a fine fellow personally, and if a Congressman-at-large is to be named, Walter Murphy will be strongly supported for the nomination. Enactment Good Roada Law. Ratification of the big piece of legislation, the road law, with its $50,000,000 bond provision, will be effected early this week, the Senate having passed tho House bill Saturday night aud sent it back to the House for concurrence in two small amendments. A con ference will early and quickly ad just the slight differences. The only amendment that is going to cause the proponents of the bill any trouble is that about the method of collecting the gaso line tax. The eastern people want the measure so worded that it will be possible for the fisher meu and other users of gasoline in motor boats, sawmills, cotton gins, and peanut pickers not to have to pay the tax. The pro ponents think they have the gen eral provision in the bill, but will probably make some modification' or explanatory amend men ts to* provide for the methods for these users to get the rebate of oue cent the gallon. A bill was adopted after a run ning debate between Senator Var serand the opponents of the bill. Varser had the figures and was able to tell the various counties how much money they couljl get out of the bill for roads in their particular counties. . Penitentiary BUI \The bill repealing the 1919 law requiring the State Prison to move out of the penitentiary building and turn it over to the insane asylum, passed without a dissenting vote. Porvision for increased care of insane to num ber of some 1,000 is made through another measure. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. MARCH 3, 1921 CHAMP CLARK DEAD. Champ Clark died in Washing ton yesterday in his seventy-first year and within two days of his retirement from the House of Rep resentatives after a service of 26 years. Death was due to an attack of pleurisy and a complication of diseases incident to his advanced age. Up to ten days ago, how ever, when he developi-d a severe cold, Mr. Clark had shared active ly in proceedings of the House as Democratic leader. To his last conscious moments the former Speaker's mind was engrossed with memories of' his long legislative career. Just be fore lie lapsed into final uncon sciousness yesterday those at his bedside heard him whisper, "The question is on the adoption of the conference rfeport." At Mr. Clark's bedside when the end came were Mrs. Clark, their son, Bennett Clark, and their daughter, Mrs. James M. Thom son of .New Orleans. Arrange ments for the funeral have not been completed, but the body probably will be sent to the old home in Bowling Greea, Missouri, where the former Speaker had ex pected to retire after the end of his congressional service. Mr. Clark presided over the House throughout the World War, relinquishing the Speaker ship after eight years, when the Republicans regained- control last year as a result of their vic tories in .the 1918 congressional elections. He then as Democratic leader in the House. During the present session it was apparent that the former Speaker's health was failing. He walked slowly, with a dragging step. While he usually was on the floor and followed proceed ings closely, he rarely euyaged in debatfe. On one or two occasions, however, he spoke at some lt ugili on important questions. Close friends believe his death was hastened by the death a year ago of his only graudchild, tCfitnp Clark Thomson, three year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.,, James M. Thomson. lie was passionately fond of his grandson, and associates say that after the child's death they noticed a per ceptible change in hi* condition, which in the spring of 11)20 alarm ed his family. Smallpox Prevalent County Health Officer, Dr. W. R. Goley, has received the following letter from the Health Department in Raleigh and it is about a matter in which all the people are con cerned : Smallpox is very prevalent. Re member to notify your schools when it is reported, and that out of towns 10 notices are to he posted in the community. To give you an iflea that may help in educating the people, I quote from a letter of Dr. L. J. Smith, Health Officer, Wilson, N. C. "f take or mail some bulletins, 202, to the teacher, an'! tell her she may use them as reading lessons. She is to explain to the cbddren how the disease used # to kill so many be fore we knew of vaccination and how glad the people were when Dr. Jen ner discovered this means to prevent Bmallpox. It is made plaiu that by people not being vaccinated until they get a 'take' the world would be as it was 100 years ago. The bul letin is then sent by the oldest child to the home for the parents to read, but it was to be returned tg school. The returning impresses lis value. This done until every borne is reached. I find little trouble vac cinating when I go to that school, even in communities which before were antagonistic. Olten they even bring the entire family to my office on Saturdays." « These are the piping times of peace and the shipping board evidently thought it had to pay the piper. . 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of tbe estate of l»r. J. J, Barefoot, deceased, late : f Alamance county, N.-L , this 1» lo nolllj all persons having claims asali.st tbe estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or belore ihe istb day of Marcb, IMS. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All perxm In debted to said etla e will please make Im mediate payment, '' Tbls February 27. 1821. t _K- L. HOLMEM. Adtn'r nf Or. J. J. liatefoot, dee'd. Parker A Long. Ait'ys. tascMt HAW RIVER ITEMS. Cor. of The Gleaner. 1 Mr. E. F. May was in Graharadast I Friday on business. Sir. A. K. Parrish and Miss Dultie | Cook spent Saturday and Sunday in Durham with the latter's brother, | Mr. Walter Cook. Mrs. Phil Williams, who has been ill for several weeks, is improving | slowl v. The Aycock traded School basket ball team played Mebane Graded i School Tuesday night at Mebane. j and Mrs. Dewey May and i Miss Eva Parrish to Greens boro Monday night tose- a Hawaiian | show. Mr. E. F. May ma le a flying trip ! to Mebaue Tuesday afternoon. I Mr. C. Humphreys of Eldh Col | lege was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday. BE OPTIMISTIC ! Here's Good New* lor Graham He-ilileiit' Have you a „pain in tjie small of j the back? I Headaches, dizziness, nervous j spells? Are you languid, irritable and | weak? Annoyed by urinary disorders? Don't despair —profit by Graham experiences. Graham people know Doan'B Kid ney Pills —have used them —recom- , mend them. Hire's a Graham resident's state ment: Mrs. J. T. Roach, S. Main St., Gra ham, says. "'I can speak ver.v highly of Doan's Kidney Pills as I certainly think they are a rem edy that can be reli»d on. Dwns have done me a wlyjle lot of gno j and I am glad to reco.nmend th"n to anyone who is suffering from weak kidneys." Price 60C, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the sinw that Mrs. Roach had. Poster-Mil burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Sale of Land. - Uuder and ~by virtue of , the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust wherein the undersigned Ahmance Insurance «fc Real Estate Company is trus tee; Llt9said deed of trust bearing daie of the 18th day of December, HMD, and being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 84 of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust at page 140, default having been inadtftiu the payment of the in debtedness secured thereby as therein provided, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Two certain tracts or parcels of laud in Graham township, Ala mance county and State of North Carolina, described as follows: First Tract: Near the boundary of the town of Graham, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at a point in the Glen Alpine road or Mebane street extended, 1390 feet west of the intersection of the north line of said Glen Alpine road aud the center of the Big Palls road; running thence N 10 deg 23' E 449 ft. to a stake; thence S 88 deg 15' E 1258 feet to a stake in the center of Big Falls road; thence S 3 deg 19' W 451 ft. to a stake in the middle of the Big Palls road; thence N 87 deg 21' SV 1390 ft to the point of beginning, and containing 13 acres, more or less. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands QX Robt. L. Walker, Mrs. Pomeroy, Millie E. Long and others, and bounded as follows: It being the northwest end of the Casper Long tract, the s«ine be ing bounded as follows: On the north by the lands of Robt. L. Walk°r, Mrs. Poineroy and E. Freeland; on the south by the lands of Mrs. John W. Long; on tbe east by tbe lands of E. Free land, and on the west by tbe lands of Robt. L. Walker, the same con taining by estimation about 38 acres, more or less. Tnis Bth day of Feb, 1921. Alamance Ins. & Heal Estate Co 4" Trustee. W. 8. Coulter, Att'y. Sale of Land Under aud by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust wherein the undersigned, Alamance Insur ance & Real Estate Company, is Trustee, the said deed of trust bearing date of the 18th day of Deceml>er, 1919, and being re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Alamance coun ty. in Book No. 84 of Mortgages aud Deeds)of Trust, at page 130, default having been made in the payment of the indebtednes se secured thereby, as therein pro vided, the undejrsigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1921, at 12 o'clock, rfoon, at the court house door, in Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following desribed property, to-wit : A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county/ North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Main Street, li. A. Sharpe and others, bounded as follows : Beginning at corner on Main St., running thence N. 35 deg.' 10 min. W. 90 ft. to corner of alley way; thence N. 54 deg. 39 min. E. parallel with Main St. 15 ft. co corner with R. A. Sharpe; thence with line of R. A. Sharpe S. 35 deg. 10 min.'E. 90 ft.. to cor. with Main St.; thence with line of Main St. S. 54 cleg. 40 min. W. 15 ft to the beginning, and being lot No. 4 in the Survey of the tract of land lying between Andrews St. and Southern Railway Co. This February 8, 1921. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co. Trustees. W. S. Coulter, Atty. NOTICE To Creditors of the Gra ham Loan & Trust Company. Having been appointed per manent Receiver of the Graham Loan & Trust Company by J. Lloyd Hortou in an action [lend ing the Superior Court of Ala mance county, by an order dated January 28, 1921, and having qualified as Receiver, this is to notify all persons havingx-laims against the said Graham Loan & Trust Company, to exhibit them to the undersigned Re ceiver, at his office in Graham, North Carolina, on or before the Ist day of April, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. .All persons holding bonds or notes of other parties guaran teed by the Graham Ijoan & Trust Company, are notified to exhibit them to the undersigned Receiver on or before the date mentioned above, giving the name of the the date of the bond, the series number, and the serial number of said bond or note, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery on said guarantee. All persons indebted to said Graham Loan & Trust Company will make im-/j mediate payment. This the 3rd day of Feb., 1921. WM. I. WARD, Receiver of Graham Loan & 10feb4t Trust Company. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford withoiftstarter. 1 1917 model - price right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. TOWN TAXES.—Thdtax books for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. TBOUNOKK, Tax Collector. Notice of Sale. "Pursuant-to power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. M. Gant and'wife, Lorena Gant, to the undersigned Trustee, dated May 24th, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Deed of Trust Book No. 79 at page 329, the said deed of trust was given to secure the pay ment of a certain bond of even date therewith in the sum of $1300:00 and interest thereon pay able to Graham Home Building Company. The said boud has been nssi/ned and transferred to S. C. Spoon and default having been made in the pavment of Maid bond and interest thereon, ac cording to its terms, the under signed trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on SATURDAY, A]ARCH 12,1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following I described real property, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land situate in the town j)f Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs. T. C. Mont gomery and others, and be'ngon the south side of Long Avenue, in the town of Graham and bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake on the south sido of Lont; Avenue and corner of Mrs. T. C. Montgomery, lot No. 7, and running S 2 deg W 125 ft/ to a stake, corner of lots NOB. 3, 4 and 8; thenceS 87.10 deg K 90 ft. to a stake, corner of lots Nos. 4, 5 and 6; thence N 2 2-3 deg E 125 ft. to a stake on south side' of Long Avenue and corner of lot No. 6; thence N 87 deg 10' W 90 ft. to the beginning, containing 1-4 of an acre, more or less. Terms of Sale: This sale will remain open for ten days for ad vance bids as provided by law under Mortgagee's sales, and the bidder will be required to pay 10 per cent, of his bid on date of sale, balance to be paid in cash at the expiration of ten days and upon execution and delivery of deed by; the Trustee, conveying to pur chaser the said property. This the 10th day of Feb , 1921 E. S. PARKER, JK., Trustee. Administrator's Sale of Land Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court in a siiecial proceedings wherein J. H. Braxton, Administrator of Mary A. Braxton, deceased, is petitioner, and Hiram Brax ton, J. U. Braxton and others are defendants, the undersign ed administrator will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court' home door in Oraham, N. C., | sell the following described real; property, to-wit: Being lot No. 3 as allotted by: J. M. Lindley, Klines Zachary and Daniel Mcßaue to Ira Barx- j ton, and bounded as follows, to- j wit}. Beginning at a stone in' Hiram Braxton's line and cor ner of lot No. 4, and running; thence E. 25 chs. to a hickory i in Guthrie"s line; thence N. 8.51 chs. to pointers,, corner with lot No. 2; thence W. 25 chs. to a stone in line of lot No. 4; thence 8. B*so chains to the beginning, and containing 23 acres, more or less. The same being that certain tract or parcel of land of.which Mary A. Braxton, de- j ceased, died possessed. Terms of sale: One-third cash, i one-third in three months and one-third in six months. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. T-his February 16, 1921. J. H. BRAXTON, Adtn'r. J. J. Henderson, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa Administrator of the •state of Henry K. Ireland, deceased, the undersigned hereby notlties all per son* holding claims against said es tate to present Ibe same, duly authen ticated. on or before the 15th day of Feb. IKB, or Ibis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU per tons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate set tlement. This Februsr 8.1921. U A. IRELAND. Admlr ' of Henry K. Irelai d, doo'd. Burlington, N. C. | B. 8. W. Dameron, Att y. lOfeMC NO. 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS GRAHAM HARDEN, M. D. Burlington, N. C. Office Hours: 9 to 11a.m. and by appointment Ofßce Over Acme Drug Co. Telephones: Office ItUKesidenee 184 JOHN J.. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Olllec over National Basic at AIMMN t. s. o ook; • Attarnay-at- La«r, JRA.HAM, - . . . N. 0 Offloo Patterson Building Second Fleor |»R. WILLS.IMG,JR. . . . DENTIST ; : ; •raham - . - - N»rt> OftII— OFFICE IN srMMONfI BUILDING *OOB A. LONO. J. ELMER LOSS LONG A, LONG, » tlornejra and CoanMloM at Liw r.RAEAII, N. C. PA TENTS OBTAINED. If you bare an invention to patent please send us a model or sketchr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con tldential, and will reoeive our prompt and | personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON, D. [C. dandruff mean l eood-byto i it LI • k Hair * v fJi Dandruff literally Mothers the . nt life out of the hair roots and i'.'. l, eventually brings baldness. IV Wildroot is guaranteed to cUan ilJr V»P dandruff and remove It—but it J fJI • does more; it cleanses, softens and M looM-ns this Kcalp and stimulates * 'J I the hair to norma!, healthy growth. " t Wildroot Liquid Shampoo or Wildroot P Shampoo 8oa». uMd In connection P with Wtllr»*it Hair Tonic, will haatsa ' 1 the treatment. , WiLDPOOT THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For salt htrt under • money-back guarantm Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. NOTICE To Creditors of the Gra ham Land Company. Having been appointed per manent Receiver of the Graham Lan 1 Company by J. Lloyd Horton in an action pending in the Superior Court of Alamance count)', by an order dated Janu larjr *2B, 11)21, and having quali fied as Receiver, this is to notify all persons having claims against | the said Graham Land Company :to exhibit them to the under signed Receiver at his office in Graham, North Carolina, on or before the Ist day of April, 1921, or this notice will lie plead ed in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said I Graham Land Company will make immediate payment, j This the 3rd day of Feb., 1921. WM. I. WARD, i Receiver of Graham Land , 10feb4t » Company. : i ,i Truck For Hire. Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new truck.-" Terms reasonable. BRA Dsn AW & FULLER, Phone 6o». Graham, N. C. TOWN TAXES.—The tax book* for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. TROLINGEB, Tax Collector. » I