IS YOUR HEALTH : GRADUALLY SLKT. Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declares Tint i' ...uu Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spsurci Much Sickness and Worry. Navasota, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following interest ing account of how she recovered her having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainty sit up and take notice, TTiat is what I diJ some time ago when I found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless ! could hardly go at all. "1 was Just no account for work. 1 would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak 1 would have to set it down i - before 1 felt like I could lift it to the shelL In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervous and easily upset zm\ i 11 rr oil: la VimiliiiiiiiilliMiiilbiiiiliiiiiiiliiimilllii null) JOHNNIE RUNS A'WAY OF COURSE, you know that the Hook family is a very exclusive bird family. They think a great deal of their family tree, or trees, and will not allow a young Rook to go away from those trees. Now, young Johnnie Rook thought all this fuss about keeping with the family very Silly, and one day he de cided he would build a nest In a tree close to a field where there were plenty of grubs and also where he could occasionally have a taste of vegetables. Johnnie Rook does not destroy very much; he might help himself to a potato or a little corn once In a while, but he Is of enough value to the farm g~Sl eoo/c ' mjrw/)ssoM „ jggv er destroying worms, so he can af ford to give the Rooks a few vege tables In payment , . Of course, Johnnie Rook did not say a word to any of his relatives about moving away from,the family trees. He Just quietly one morning went away and at night time lie did not return. Old Grandfather Rook was the first to discover Johnnie's absence when he was counting noses before be weot to sleep. "Where Is Johnnie?" he asked. "Watch him tomorrow when you see him and find out where he Is," com manded Grandfather Rook. The next night at bedtime every Book knew what had happensd; John THOUGHT OUT BY JUVENILES Examination Pspera In American Pub lic Schools Art Raplata With Unoonaclous Humor. Every onca In awhlla aome school | tencher reveals to the world aome of the jinconsclous humor of her pupils na shown In their nnswer to questions In their school testa. One such an swer sent by a schoolmnYm of Spring field, 8. D., sounds like It might be a criticism of much of the literature of the duy. for the pupil remarks: "Sentiment Is mostly of dost or oth er Impurities that It may get and this usually settles at the bottom." Another answer seems to disclose • serious disorder from which the moon la Buffering, leading to the conjecture that what psendo scientists have mis taken for efforts to signal the earth may be but frantic calls for the doe tor. The pupil saya: "The moon haa sort of blisters on It some of them have busted and hnve formed deep crusts." "Hirers carry their load Is sqfttlon and expansion," but qualifies this dis concerting statement wkh another which aaya: "Benefactors which Influ ence the amount of runoff arc. If they are streams In deserts, moat generally they are always short" Another young scientist explains tha formation of snow by the statement that It Is formed by the freeilng of the atndsphere that la oo the air, and another explaina the formation of rain as the small particles of lea that get so big they cannot stay In the air. and so come down as rain. May 8 trans- Chan La the Pittsburgh Dispatch 1 couldn't rest well at night and was. .. just lifeless. "I heard of Cardui atid after reading J decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cttu.:; and began it. . . "In a very sholt while after I begnn tU Cardui Home Treatment 1 saw an im provement and it wasn't long until 1 was all right—good appetite, Splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my housework. , v -"*- "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. 1 can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for it more women knew, it would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise of thousands of other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it li worth trying. All druggists sell it nie Rook had stolen away to another tree and made a nest for himself. "Let everyone be at that tree In the early morning," said Grandfather Rook, as he tucked his. head under his wing. "Be up early, every one of you." There was very little noise In the trees the next morning and silently Grandfather Rook led all of the fam ily to the tree by the field where John nie had made a new home. But when they reached there they were far from quiet; such a chattering Johnnie never had heard before. He poked his head out, but he did not have a chance to get out of his new home by himself—he was helped by a dozen or more bills giving him sharp digs. "Sit on that branch," said Grand father Hook in a cross voice, "and we will hold a court; but, first, some of you take care of ,that nest." Poor trembling Johnnie had to watch his nest pulled In pieces before bis very eyes, but what they were to do to him Interested him much more, for the family looked very crmts. Grandfather Rook first told Johnnie jvhat a grave offense It tfas for a young Rook not to respect bis family trees and go away by himself, and then every one began to chatter. "Pick him hard." said some. "Beat him with our wings," said others, while others cried, "Death to the de serter I" Poor- Johnnie almost fell off the limb where he sat with fright and bis feathers shook with bis trembling. 'What would have happened to John ntfc he never knew, for at that moment Grandmother Rook spread her wings and llew to a>braneh atrave the others. "Give him one more chance," she said; "he Is very young and I am sure be did not know how terrible It is for one of our family to go by him self." And so after a great deal of arguing and chattering It was decided to give Johnnie another chance, which you may be sure he was very glad to have. He flew back to the family trees, and from that day there wus no more loyal Rook in the family than Johnnie (Coarrlfbt.) The income tax blank has in spired almost as many paragraphs as it contains. To Change Gray Hair! Here's the simple, easy, safeway to surely change gray, (add or lifeless hair to a uniform, dark, lustrous, beautiful shade—perfect ly natural in appearance. Merely do as thousands have done and ap ply Q-ban. Not a quick acting dye, out de fies detection. Ouaranteed harin j less—soe a large bottle. Sold bv | Hayes Drug Company, and all good i drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Ton • ic; Q-ban Liquid Shampoo; Q-ban • Soap. Also Q-ban Depilatory. oa>&. KZIJUP JHONIT BACK •rttbout qantfaHHial'iUM #- i\ HuTt'llSww! nlt» »»i1 Im- V|JP 1 1 Snd* efeMh ewes. Yea VJ / I lose M ear I Zss&ifSStxr* * 1 GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY. ' GRAHAM. V. C. t , THE ALAMANCE GLEAHER, GRAHAM, N. 0. SOME LOGIC; LITTLE REASON Examination papers Turned In by Youngsters Proved They Gave Thought to Quaatlona. "Tall ma all yon know about ceo* taurs." The response of one -boy to thl*\ demand In a recent examination was sa follows: "A centaur was ancient cavalry and archefy all In one niece. He could not be knocked out of hla saddle because he didn't have any, being the same person aa his horse. ,If he needed a stable be did not need a tent, I do not know which, and If he needed for age he did not Deed ratloryi, or if he needed rations he did not * need for age." ' • Evidently the youngster who gave that reply was of a military Inclination, and had thought out for himself the advantages of centaurs on the fighting i line. It was funny, but not unin telligent. Less original, with only one little slip indeed to mar its accurscy, is the version of the schoolboy of the story of the Qorgons. "The Oorgons," he began confident ly, "were three sisters that lived In the islands of the Hesperldes, some where In the Indian ocean. They had long snakes for hair, tusks for teeth and claws for nails, and they looked like women, only more horrible." It was a little Boston girl whose definition of the mlnotaur has long been remembered by the eider pupils In the school thst she attended: "The mlnotaur was a Urge boll which lived on tributes In a laby rinth. He was mythical, carnivorous and fond of young people." FACTS ABOUT MILK AS FOOD As an Artlcla of Diet There Are Many Things That Are Not Properly Understood. The use of milk as a food has been so extensively exploited by the milk Interests that there exists a somewhat erroneous Idea about It which a re cent speaker, before the American Ped iatric society, is endeavoring to cor rect these errors principally concern the group of children between the ages of 1 and 0 years. These errors might be classified under the headings: (1) Prolonged use of milk as an exclusive article of diet (2) -Increased quan tities of milk given Wlong with other foods. Milk might not only be used too long as an exclusive article of diet and In excessive quantities with other foods, but Its nutritional value might be Injured by boiling. The laity were taught and lightly so, that milk was an Ideal breeding place for germs, and that the growth of these germs might be Inhibited by keeping the milk on ice, or the milk might be brought to a boll. The use of boiled milk was becoming more prevalent snd many Injuries-to nutri tion occurred. Phoenix Built on Ruins. J By far the most Interesting remalmr of the lost people of Arizona are their network of canals whlcfi prevail through all the valleys. The longest Is the one tapping the 011 a river, and which supplied with water the ancient city, now marked with the one stand ing building. This Is the Casa Grande, about which so much has been;written, and which has excited much Interest among achaeologlsts in the last ten years. The volume of water taken out by this canal must have been Immense, for it supported millions of acres. In most places the canal has been filled with drifting sand, but Its course Is easily traced. Engineers who located the Merlcopa canal made use of the old Aztec ditch, and today water runs over Its pebbly bottom just as it did two thousand or three thoussnd years ego. For miles and miles around mounds tell the tale of houses destroyed by the ravages of time Phoenix was built on the rains of this ancient city, and the rellcsofrequently are found of this ancient civilization. Detroit News. i " M Celer and Light To (et color and light Is the greet thing. The difficulty Is to get them both. Turner, in his Italian land scapes, enhanced the color of his sky by a dprk pine-tree In the foreground, sacrificing the color of the tree for the sake of accenting Its value and warmth; and the old landscape painter's device of a brown tree Is used for the same end —to make the blue of the sky and distance more luminous and beautiful. This Is also the reason for the dark-brown fore ground usual In old landscapes; and our eye Is not arrested by the tree or the dark foreground, but goes pest It to the point of the picture.—George Ota used. Two Pol eon Antidotes, The old method of administering an emetic In case of poisoning has given way to a lavage of the stomsch which Is claimed to have many ad vantages over the older process. This flushing of the stomsch most be thor oughly dooe aad water must be taken at doss Intervals until about 15 pints have bean consumed, litis Is fol lowed by a quantity of animal char-! coal taken Into the stomach to Insure the absorption of any poison which may be left This takes the place ot old antidotes, although there la noth ing ts hinder one from adding some at the aseal antldotea to the waMt psade an eg Cor flushing purposes. SATISFIED WITH THE TEST i After Somewhat Belated Proof of the Purity of the Liquor, Brothers Slept In Peace. "•resting'' corn liquor Is one of the most frequent preliminaries to con viviality these daya, it Is rumored, ah legedMndleated and otherwise noised abroad. Llghtnln' that burns with a white flame is supposed to be danger ous, to contain wood alcohol, and to otherwise be undesirable; shine that burns blfte is supposed to be the hon est effort of s master-maker of spirits. Sometimes, however, zeal for drink overcomes caution, even of this un certain sort, with the result that the following occurred a few nights aga Two young brothers In mild Iniquity secured themselves a pint They, be ing fairly law-abiding in other re spects, went to their room to drink it I They drank It, at least, mest of it, and became somewhat aifected by Its presence with them. They undressed, turnAl out the light snd retired. After about 20 minutes, one aroused himself and called to the other. "Say, wake up, we didn't test that liquor!" "Well, must do it," was the d«>wsy reply, "won't do drink it 'thout testln* 1L" They arose, turned on the light, found the drop or two of liquor left In the flask, poured It on a hand-mlr ror, touched a match to It with due solemnity and care, aaw the blue flame and returned to their beds absolutely satisfied.—Atlanta Constitution. HE GOT THE "BUG LETTER" Discovery That Made the Victim Madder Than Before He Bent In Original "Kick." There is probably no easier way t» get a laugh out of an average Amer ican audience than to mention ikn Englishman's sense of humor, and to read what an American may have to say about the British humor may be exasperating to an Englishman, but the reverse is not always true. An Englishman, J. C. Squire, for instance, may write about American Jokes and not be the least bit irritating.. In ills "Life and Letters" Mr. Squire's chap ter, "Goaks and Humour," contains several fine American Jokes, -and among them Is one that concerns a traveler on a,sleeping car who had written a complaint to headquarters about the presence of vermin in his berth. "He received back from the ad ministrative head a letter of Immense effusiveness. Never before had such a complaint been lodged against this scrupulously careful line, and the man agement would have suffered any loss rather than cause annoyance to so distinguished a citizen as, etc., etc. He was very delighted with this ab ject apology. But as he was throw ing away the envelope there fell out, a slip of paper which had, apparent ly, been Inclosed by mistake. On It was a memorandum: 'Send this guy pe bug letter.'" Relle of Glacial Age. Devil's Pulpit, located about twe miles east of Batavla, N. Y., is a relic of the glacial age. It Is a huge mass of rock shaped like an hour glass, and Is one of the most peculiar and striking natural formations in the whole stats. The base Is fully SO feet across. It slopes upward to a nar row rock, corresponding to the neck through which the sands of an hour glass sift, and then broadens out to form what looks like the upper cham ber of the glass. It Is composed of limestone and stands 20 feet In height The nearest bedrock like It Is five miles away to the north, and ge ologists believe this means that the rock was torn loose from Its original mother vein and dragged those five miles by the big glacier that swept down from the polar regions ages •go. Natural erosion did the carving that gives It the hour-glass contour. N«w Timekeeper ©leek. Boiling eggs, developing photographs, or any other operation that require* abort but accurate account of time* may be allowed to -proceed without at tention through the use of a novel dock, described in Popular Mechanic*. The four-Inch dial la at the top, and In the lower part of the case la a vertical scale, reading up to 90 min utes In one-minute divisions, *and car rying a small slide that la set by hand. At the end of the period set, a four- Inch gong on the back rings Until It Is shut off. Though a valuable addi tion to the home kitchen, the new time keeping clock Is Intended especially as a labor-saving accessory for hotel and restaurant kitchens, photo laboratories snd other places where the measurement of minutes Is Deeded. Snapping Movie NejMre. Usually 190,000. to 200.000 feet are run through the cameras to get a six reel, or 6,000-foot motion picture. The director stations three, four or Ave cameras to take the same scene. He has one camera close beside the strug gling villain «nd heto, another grind ing from fcn elevation\gtlll another at this angle, one more at that angle. When all of theee negatives are de veloped. parts of each enter Into tbe composition of the completed red. Impossible. "Theee short skirts—" -Yesl" "1 should think a girl's ankles would get cold." -Hew can her ankles get ceM when she haa a fur neckpiecer—Loulavttla Current Knowledge Students repeatedly excuse their de ficiency in current knowledge by Mm statement: "Our college work keepa us s* busy that we hare no time te read the newspapers and magazines." Which naturally Suggests a greater emphasis on the college responsibility of keeping the student Interest in such phases of information thoroughly aroused. These older boys and girls are for the most part quite as human as the rest of as, and so* manage to gite attention enough to matters of primary interest. Students ari being (taught to snswer quite glibly academic questions of a decidedly eruuite char acter, while at the same time t..ey are losing contact with the vital world about them. Seriously, we ought to know to what an extent this condition "exists, and meet the issue sanely and efficiently.—Paul V. West in the Atlan tic Monthly. A Bay of Water. A soap bubble is merely a hollow ball of water containing air. The soap, partly dissolved, forms a very thin Aim or skin over the air which ia endeavoring to force Its way through it. This air exerts an equal pressure in all directions, and forces the soap film ont at an equal distance from the center of the compressed air, tiros forming a perfect sphere or ball. After the bubble has been floating about for a few moments, the water drips toward the bottom of the ball and collects the# In drops. The weight of these drops pulls the bub ble out of shape and increases the pressure of the air Inside to such an extent that It breaks through the film and the bubble bursts. Quite Obvloos. The class of backward children being taught mental association of re lated objects. The teacher distributed a number of pictures and an equal number of titles for the pictures. When they had arranged the pictures and titles to their own satisfaction, she passed down the aisles and viewed the results. One little chap had put the title "Nutting" under a picture showing a naked baby In a bath tub enjoying the warm water. The teach er failed to see any connection, but when the lad was questioned concern ing his disposition of titles, he an swered, "Why, ma'm, the baby haa nutting on." —Columbus Dispatch. Llttla-Known Spot. A few piles west from the east branch of the Rosebud is the West Rosebud canyon. A good trail con nects the two and a visit of any time to this area will be In the nature of a camp trip, says the American For estry Magazine in an article on "The Land of the Beartooth." A passable wagon road reaches Emerald lake en West Rosebud. It is a lake which de serves to be popular for here nature made a placet which Is naturally at tractive. The scenic values are excel lent, the fishing' is good, and around the lake luscious mountain huckleber rles grow In profusion. Must Undergo Teat. >' It doesn't take much to set na back from our acquired character to our original nature. Sometimes a long spell of sickness discovers to us what we really are, as compared with the fine creature we like- to pretend we are. Starvation will bring old friends to the point of clutching each others' throats, and an excess of bodily fa tigue may curdle the sweetest temper. Let us not hear that any human being has an angel character till he haa been under some excruciating trial and haa emerged with honor from the ordeal.- Exchange. Bcored on Ingersolh Robert O. Ingersoll had social qual ities which won him many friends, who, however, could not bat deeply regret his published opinions. One day while in Beecher'a study he saw a globe which greatly pleased his fancy. On Its surface were raised figures of the heavenly bodies In very delicate workmanship. "I admire that," said Ingersoll, ''who made itt" "Wlio made It, do you ask, colonel?" repeated Beecher. "Who made this globe? Why, nobody, of course—lt Just happened."—Boston Transcript. City and Country People. The best and moat hopeful feature In any people la undoubtedly the In stinct that leada them to the country to take root there, and not that which aenda them flocking to the town and Its distractions. The lighter the anew the more it drifts; and the mors frivolous the people, the more they are blown, by one wind or another Into towns and dtiea.—John Bur roughs. ' Canada's First Farmer. It waa a Frenchman and Irishman who waa Canada'a first farm er. His name waa Louis Hebert Ho landed at Quebec In 161T with his wife and children, and at ooce,started to dear and cultivate the soil on what Is now the site of the cathedral at Quebec, the seminary, and part of the Upper Town. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an Invention to patent pleaae send us a model or aketchr with a letter ot brief explanation for pre limiliary examination and advice, iou, diacloeure and all buahieaa Is strictly con fldeotial, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO.. PATKJIT fLAWYEM. • WASHINGTON, IX JCL Children Cry for Fletehfti** za Jj ■ ■ V « The Xlnd Ton Hare Always Bought,' and which has boon -in use for oror over 30 years, has borne the signature of jm and has been made under his pet sonal suponrlsion since its infancy. iw*v3T t4C Ajlow no one to deceive yofi in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. & What isCASTCmiA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty jean it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid# the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Tears The Kind You Have Always Bought . TW •■NTAUW OOMI»ANV. M»W VOWW OITV, " WHY ARE YOU RUN-DOWN NERVOUS AND WEAK? Your Blood Needs Iron to Give You Energy, Power, Strength and Endurance . Bow is your appetite? Do 70a ral* Uh the food you eat? Do too tin eaaily? you pal* and sl«]y Vook * ing? Do you (jet nervous? Do you ■leep wellf These are quesUuna you should ask yourself frequently. Ycta owe it to yourself and thoae around you to keep In as good condition of health as poa- # sible. Neglect of little thinga often leads to serious and complicated sick- MM. You must not neglect to keep your blood pure and in condition so that it carriea life and health and vigor to all parts of the body. At the first sign of fatigue or weak- Bess at any point begin to strengthen For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte,N. C., Distributors. THE PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. AND THE ALAMANCE RAILWAY CO. ARE YOUR ■BibbwMP • PUBLIC '.••' - ; / - UTILITIES • , • •• y; *;_■ > • - Back them both up by your patronage or they cannot help to build community « • ' . .. V ;-.. V «» ' t ======= ■ :' f I / v . . - Burlington, Graham, Haw River, * Mebane, Elon College, Gibsonville. Subscribe for The Glaener SIOO a year—in advance. the system through the blood. It is the surest way, for healthy blood carries strength to the nerves, power to the muscles, and replaces weak ness with vigor. There is nothing that can compare with Acid Iron Mineral for enriching the blood and making this life fluid pulsating with health and energy. Ask your druggist for Acid Iron Mineral. He will tell you that it is a natural form of soluble iron—the only 1 form of iron which can be absorbed by the blood in sufficient quantities to bring quick and lasting results. It will give you natural strength, for * it is a remarkable blood tonic and body builder.