DARLING BABY BRIGHTENS HOME /» Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound p° un * a ® f ' on * 3 r me - I Ullfn ! had six children die almost at H B JIHIIII one hour to nine ill* IP 1 " *■ waa iwrn I took a dozen bot- HHlf pound, and I can say that it is "''' •"' *'• 1 the greatest medicine on W$A % '' " earth, for this baby is now W- m ' our mont hs old, and a ilyfL * ' f. £i H healthier baby you would not ML *sk~ '% ,& P| want I am sending you a gl Iliilfm, \ W&. 1 picture of her. Everybody H * aJ k' 1 b^b '*' a y ery j l heß ' th y v C. W. BENZ, 131 3rd Ave'nuei - ; Mrs. Janssen's experience of interest to childless wives. Millstor, Wis.—"l want to give you a word of praise for your wonderful medicine. We are fond of children, and for a considerable time after we were married I feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me so I now have a nice, strong, h'salthy baby girl. I suffered very little at? childbirth, and I give all the credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend ithiehly. —Mrs H. J>NSSEN, Millston, Wis. . ltfrs. Held of Marinette, Wig., adds her testimonial for Lydia E. Vegetable Compound. She says: /' Marinette, Wis.—" I was in a nervous condition and very irregular. My doctor advised an operation. My husband brought me one of your booklets and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame ihy weakness so that I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar ried nine years. lam glad to recommend your medicine, and you may use my utter as a testimonial?'—Mrs. H. B. HELD, 33ft.Jefferson St, Marinette,Wis. There are many, many such homes that were once childless, and are now blessed with healthy, happy children because Lydia ,E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored the mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it sets as a natural restorative for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu larities, displacements, weakness and nervousness. Women everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones—they are not caused by serious displace ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why BO many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It can be taken with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles. Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering and has been unable to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health and happiness into so many homes once darkened by illness and despair. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women " will be sent to you free upon request. Write to JEhe Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. imami ■ Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankle*, ■ Lymphangitis, Poll EvU, Fiatnla, JB Boils, Swelling!; Stop* Lameness fISH and allays pain. Heali Sore*, Cut*, B Bruises, Boot Chafe*. It it a Vy SAFE MTISEPTIC AID GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the lairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. (2.50 a bottle, delivered. Describe your caie 'or special instructions and Book 5 R free. ABSORBINE. JR., andieptk liniment for mankind, re loces Strain*. Painful. Knotted. Swollen Veins, Coocen rnted —only i few drop* repaired at an application. Price 11.25 per bottle M dealer* or delirered. JY. F. YOUNG, Inc., 110 Trails St.. Springfield, MASS. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura Soap 25c, Oiatmeat 25 and 50c,Talcu 25c. Blood Is the Sap of Life; Keep It Pure Yoa grow by good blood as a tree gets run down and weak—easy prey grows by sap. Rich blood, robust for disease. To be safe, keep the man. Good sap, sturdy tree. Keep circulation wholesome, the blood healthy and wholesome; For this S.S.S., the famous vege poor, impoverished blood table blood remedy your cannot nourish the body druggist keeps, is excell or remove the waste as llliKLJfllljjlfl ent. Start enriching . nature intended. I your blood with S.S.S. to- When your blood is I day, and write about your impure, itching, flaming LSKSjtJffy condition to Chief Medi skin eruptions often cal Advisor, 838 Swift break out, and your body laMMMlilMTiraf Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Stop Suffering! Take This Seven-Day MALARIAL CURE! Guaranteed Money Back if It Fails to Cure mm»® A Positive Specific for Adulb and Childrea TASTELESS! NO HABIT-FORMING DRUGS Antlpiaoma contain* no alcohol, narcotics, morcury quinin* or arsonic. Mad* from balaama and turns. Our rocordo show that mrjr physician who has onco trlod Antiplasma ordars in bulk Remarkable tests and public dem onstrations made m Southern States last summer show no ' malaria cases we could not cure If your druniot doesn't sail it. wail $2.00 to tha Vino Modical Co.. 200 Woat Houston St.. Now York. N.Y.. and O«M bottla containing coaa plita aavan-day car* will bo imaaadiataly Mat you postpaid. AmtipUuma is Malaria humane* at a eott ofs2pary*ar Lack of observation Is almost miraculous. A man will go through life saying "have saw." ' FARMERS IRE WORMM HARDER And using their feet more than ever before. , *" ese workers the frequent use of Allen's Foot=Ease, the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the increases their efficiency and insures needed physical com fort. Allen's Foot=Ease takes tne Friction from the Shoe, keeps the shoe from rub bing and the stockings from wearing, fresh ens the feet, and prevents tired, aching and blistered feet. Women everywhere are constant users of Allen's Foot=Ease. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's Foot = Ease. More than One Million five hundred thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet were used by our Army and Nary during the war. Sold everywhere. . The man who sees no good in others is no good. s The Separate Skirt PfV:, } | | ' '^'' lll^1 " Ml> " ""'" ""n* lllllll^ A PRACTICAL, nent ami very pret ty separate skirt, ns pictured here, for mid-summer wear, la typical of the majority of separate skirts, which are tailored affairs as useful as suits. It ,'s representative of only this one clasa of skirts, however, for there art- as many types of skirts as there are of hats and they are all made In unending variety. Nothing is prettier for ordinary wear than skirts of striped or cross-bar ma terials in which a color or black re lieves the plainness of all white. Light wool fabrics with hairline stripes or crossbars In black, like that in the skirt pictured, have found many ad mirers this summer. Others, with stripes in high colors alternating with Hand-Craft Beads and Trinkets A MONO women there are those gift ed with amazingly ingenious minds, and they are always exercising this gift on the commonplace ma terials—turning them into things of beauty for themselves, their homes, and their friends. Within the last year or so Home one of them dis»-~v ered that colored sealing wax might be substituted for paints, end a lit tle alcohol tlame for a brash, and all sorts of pretty furnishings and trink ets made by sue!) simple means. Fade less bouquets of flowers, fashioned of tape and coated with the wax In different color*, bloom In vases, also painted In beautifully blended col ors—wax providing the color and a flame providing the brush. Very handsome beads and omamenU are made of the colored wax. Bc*- eral colors are used together for mak ing them. The wax is softened over a flame and molded round a knitting needle. Drops of melted wax In pther colors worked into the beads give the most beautifully blended color ef fects. These beads are made In any shape and size desired and strung on small silk cord In the cslor prevailing In the beads. They can be made to Batch or harmonize with costumes . ' ' . ' " • - t THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. white, are box or side plaited so that the white predominates, and there are many patterns In black-and-white com binations. Among the newest skirts for dressy wear there are heavy crepe weaves lit silk with wide printed borders of flor al patterns In many colors. The skirts are made up with this wide about the hips or at the hem, and a sash of white crepe, lined with chiffon In a color, accompanies them. Skirts of georgette banded with Has satin bands In graduated widths, and skirts of taffeta silk with wide borders of duvetyn or other cloth at the bottom, are new and make opportunity for fine color combinations. According to Individual taste, arid each strand may differ from every other strand. The necklace shown at the middle of the three pictured Is made In this way. with lavender heads showing IJecka of rose and gold strung on a«lavender silk cord. Knots in the cord keep the beads from slip ping, and the strand is finished with an ornament The necklaces at «*ach side are made of colored paper and glass bead*. Col ered advertising pages cut from maga zine* provide the paper, which la cut Into long, slender triangles. The length of the bead Is governed by the width of the base of the triangle. Placing the bane of the triangle on a knitting needle, the paper Is wound tightly evenly around the needle, the pointed end fastened down with a bit of mucilage. The bead Is then dipped in clear shellac, strong on a string, and allowed to dry. When a of beads have been made tbey are strong with very small glass bend*. TIIE SAUCY CLOUDS. ONE night as Mr. Moon-man looked over the tops of the trees and mountains he saw a number of fleecy Uttle clouds scudding about. "O dear!" sighed Mr. Moon-man. "I am afraid I shall have trouble tonight with those saucy little clouds. I was hoping as I came up that, they would he in another part of the sky instead of right in the place where I want to shine." Mr. Moon-man was right; he was to have trouble with the saucy, fleecy lit the clouds, and Just as his bright face peeped over the treetops all the little fleecy clouds scudded right Into his face. Mr. Moon-man ducked and dodged nntil at last he found a space between /AM,"S4S S/9/0 the snucy little clouds to shine upon the earth below, but no sooner had he done so than the little clouds danced The Difference. "Have a cigar?" "No—don't smoke now." "Sworn o(T?" "Nope; stopped entirely."—Tnr Baby. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine j | Beware! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you \ are not getting genuine Aspirin pre- j scribed by physiciaus for twenty-one j years and proved safe by millions. ! Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural- j gin, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin i boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcylicacld. CATS CONFINED TO "RANGE" Chicago Man Reports Succes* in Novel Plan for Keeping Pete From Straying Far Afield. Another western Idea was adapted to city uses the other day when a south-elder, who once rode the range on the Colorado plateaus, staked out his cats to keep them at home. The plan worked fine and now the feline animals get the air every day at the ends of tether ropes. The cat owner found that every time he opened the cellar door the pets made a break for the open, fre quently staying away for days and returning with blackened eyes arid xcn»lched hides. He thought of the j tethi i plan, but the first trial was not a success, as the cuts siipi>ed the nooses from their necks. He then j evolved a semi-hobble plan and tied j the heavy string to one of the cat's I hind legs, attaching the other end of the string to a stake driven In the j back yard. This system proved effective and j now every day three of the cats take ! their exercise around o their tether stakes.—Chicago Journal. Extreme* «. "Krrremes meet In the Bermudas." "Hahr "Lilies an'l onion*." „A. Gift from Nature's Storehouse The delicious, crisp granules of the wheat and barley food Grape-Nuts contain all the natural up-build ing values of the grains, including mineral salts so essential to health. A food equally well suited to the * requirements of young and old. "There's a Reason for Sold by grocers everywhere 0 » then they would scud, away and let him shine a minute, only to scud In front of him again. At last the old man lost his patience and sent a message by a star for the old Sky Witch. "Tell her to hurry," he told the little messenger, "for I have lost a great deal of time now." Old Sky Witch came hurrying along on her broomstick, her long black cape floating behind her like a big cloud. "Well, here 1 am," she said, "what can I do for you?" "Hurry as fast as ever you can to the four corners of the Knrth and tell the winds to eotne here quickly; or I shall not be able to shine at all to night," said Mr. Moon-man. Old Sky Wltcb did not stop even to ask what was the matter, but off *he flew and WHS soon out of sight, and all the time the saucy little clouds kept on bothering Mr. Moon-man. He did not have to wait long, for as soon as the winds got the message from the Witch they blew quickly to help Mr. Moon-man out of his trou ble." "Away with you, you llt'tle tor ments !" called the winds, as they blew from north, south, enst and west, and scudding away as fust as they could the saucy little clouds were soon In a farotT purt of the sky and old Moon man sent his bright beams on the .garth without being disturbed. "Thank you," said Mr. Moon-man; "sorry to call on you at this time In the night, but those saucy clouds were pestering me beyond endurance." "Oh, that's all right," answered the Not Only For \jj\rtTEßSMlTJjv Chill# and Fever if CHILL TONIC a But a Fine General Tonic Wards Off Malaria and Restores Strength. Try It Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be j yours if you will keep your system ' in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL | The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1695. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Cold Modal on encr bom and »(cpl no imitation AUTO ACCESSORIES SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES Writ* for rKKK Weekly Hullrtln and laarn 1 [ how you may aave I 9 Tipton, K. Brooklyn, Raltlmorf, Mil. GROW HIGHLY PRIZED COTTON Virgin Islands Produce Long-Staple j Variety That Is Almost Extinct in the United Btates. Cotton raising has become one of ! the principal Industries of the Virgin ' islands. Uncle Sam's newest territorial IMtssesslon, according to Bulletin .No. 1, 1 : Sea Island Cotton In St. Croix, of rhe ! | Virgin Islands agricultural experiment j j station. Just Issued by the United J States Department of Agriculture. Sea-island cotton, the much-prized, j long-staple variety which has been ren dered almost extinct in cpntlnental | United States by the boll weevil, Is the basis of the Virgin Islands Industry. The area devoted to It, while as yet • small, produced an average yield of 1,(HI0 (Miunds of seed cotton to the acre In 1910 and 1020. One of the plats at the government experiment station produced at the rale of 4,4fi0 pounds , of seed cotton. First League of Nations. I)r. K. A. Hates of Cornell university ! Is campaigning in the Interest of In dustrial education for the Indians. Dr. Rates asserted ths Iroquois created the first league of nations when they organized the powerful tribes known j as the "Sl* Nations." Mary Miles Minter This it charming hnary Miles Minter, the winsome and famous film favorite, photographed as she sailed for Eu rope. Miss Minter goes abroad to rest i and see the sights. r» How Itgstiirted -J JljsE! i ■ ■ THE WORD "RUBBER." THE material which we now know us "rubber" wus formerly called elastic gum. One of the earliest uses of this gum had been to erase marks on paper, and the chemist, I'rlestly, In about 1770. suggested that the material Stomach on Strike 20 Years Eafonlo Settled HI "Eatonlc is wonderful," snys C. W. j Burton. "I had been a sufferer from : stomach trouble for 20 years and now I am well." Eatonlc gets right after the cause of ; stomach troubles by taking up and carrying out the acidity nnd gases and of course, when the cause Is removed, i the sufferer gets well. If you have I sourness, belching, Indigestion, food j repeating or any other stomach trouble, take Eatonlc tablets after I each meal and find relief. Big box costs only a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. WALL BOARD Cheaper Than Laths and Plaster Rubens Wall Board keepa the house warm In winter and cool in summer. . *4.2 ft per 100 Hqoar* Feet 10 aheeta to the bundle. In the follow faff at see 4* In. wide by «. 7, I. • and 10 feet long Thla Wall Board la Juet the thlnff for that job where economy la neceaaary. Wrtti lor Frte tarn#lt tad Our Rtv Pri«a Irtt RI'BKNR PAINT K GLASS CO. RICHMOND, VA. Pesky Devils Quietus P. O. Q. M i P. D. Q., Peaky Pi Vila ImmT Quietus, ts the name of the new chemical that •actually ends the bug family Bed Bugs. W Roachea, Ants and Fleas, aa M P. D. Q kills the live ones and their eggs and stops future fenerations. Not an inaect pow der but a chemical unlike any thing you have ever used. A 25 cent package makes one quart and each package contains c patent spout, to get the Pesky Devils In the cracks j End crevtces. Mm Tour druggist has It or he ftm can get It for you. Mailed pre- JM/B, paid upon receipt of price by the Owl Chemical Wks. Terre Haute, In& I Ilirn?Tnn!oGTEMED^ flCluj Which Is Guaranteed I 10 give eetlsfaetloa or nosey bask. (treasons I the worms sod promote* a hmlthr condition ■ sod growth. 6«nd tim HL'UM DIIUT SIHtIJT ■ CO..W A ydes, H C-. ■ tamps or moaey order I for II 00 sndswt a package by reiara aialL ■ Reference: First Natluoalßaak, Ardea, N. C. ■ FLORIDA Producing FARMS •'.l® and 40 acrea, Cleared, Fenced and all Ready to Plant. Fine for Early Pota toee and trucklnff 2 and J k crops a year; only 30 from Jackaonvllle—the ffreai marketlnff and ablpping center. Good Koada, Hehoola, Churchea and Storea. Thorough 4n tlon invited. Send for our literature i and >aay terma of payment. FLORIDA FARMS A IMH STRJES CO. Oretn Core Hprtn*e. Florida IF YOU ARE FIFTY You Need Dutch Herbs FOR WHAT AJLB YOtT Ood grew them tor you we distribute tbess. ttc and 11.00. Sold under guarantee. HOORNBEEK A CO. Distributors 23 Ceatrml At*. NEWARK. N. A KNIFE-PISTOL Pocket knife tor every day' use. pistol for emergencies; shoots 12 shorts. Sent C. O. O. postpaid lor >3.25. Pay (or It when you raceivsit. Guaranteed. Money refunded H not satisfactory. Send this ad. with year atdec. L. E. rOLHEMUS CO. Hardware sad Firearms D««. ®. Klaaat, Art a* FRECKLES gSgsSSSs® W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NCf.

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