THE GLEANER QBAHAM.N. 0., Jnly 28, 1921. Postotfiee Honrs. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. t07.00p. m. Biiuday 0.00 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 6.00 p. m R. N. COOK, Postmaster. ♦++♦++♦+*•. ++++++++++++++++ ♦ + ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ + ♦+♦+++++++++++++++++++++++ —A most welcome shower felt here Tuesday afternoon. It rained about onej hour, starting shortly after one o'clock. —The County Commissioners will meet ia regular monthly ses-- sion next Monday, it being the first Monday of August. —The hard-surface road from Trolinwood to Haw River is almost completed. It is understood that it will take only four or five days long er to complete putting clown the concrete. —Mr. Robt. G. Rainey was call ed to Durham Monday on account of the Berious illness of his father, Mr. James Rainey, who died Mon day night and was buried Tuesday afternoon. —Graham Council No. 36 of the Jr. Order was well represented at the .District meeting at Manndale last Saturday. The local Council had made ample preparations and entertained the visitors in splendid style. —Dr. Daniel Albright Long preached a very interesting and in •structive sermon at the Graham Christian church last Sunday, fill ing the pulpit of Rev. F. C. Lester, who was away helping in a pro tracted service. v ~ 'J —Work on the additions to Gra ham Graded School building is well along. The walls are up and the roof is on, and the workmen are now busy on the interior work. Mess. A. B. Nicholson & Son have the contract and are pushing the work. They expect to have it com , pleted, ready for the opening of school in the early fall. —The time of holding the Upion Services on Sunday evenings at 6 o'clock will Be continued, as the at tendance is much better than when held at the later hour. On last Sunday evening Rev. E. N. Cald well preached and Mr. A. P. Wil liams led thp singing. For next Sunday evening Mr. Williams has invited the little folks to come and sing. —The contractors are making good progress on putting in the sewer system for Graham. The sewerpipes are laid as fast as the ditching is completed. Weather conditions have been most favora ble for the work. On the outlet toward Haw river, on the east, be yond the town limits, solid rock has been encountered in places and progress is necessarily slow. Baptist Picnic Excursion. This morning at 7:45 a large num ber of the Baptists and others left on a picnic excursion to the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. The two Baptist churches in Burlington furnished about 500 for this excur • sion. Death. Mrs. Fannie Home, widow of Abel Home, died last Thursday, 21st inst., at her home near Haw River, aged 77 years, 4 months and 19 days. The remains were buried at Long's Chapel on Friday. Returned From Gamp. The members of Co. I, First Regt., and the Graham Medical Corps of the N. C. National Guardp returned Monday from encampment at Camp Glenn, Morehead City. The bovs appear to be in fine condition and they report a good time. Married. Mr. Freeman Coley of Burlington and Miss Annie Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boone of Gra ham, gave their friends a big sur prise Sunday night. They were united in marriage by Mr. Walter M. Euliss, J. P. Here's wishing theqi long life, happiness and pros perity. Base Ball. Burlington and Mebane had a "set-to" at baseball last Friday and Saturday. On Friday at Burling ton Mebane won by a score of 3 to 5, and at Mebane on Saturday Mebane won again, score 11 to 3. Yester day Burlington played Reidsville at the latter slace. Friday Burlington playß Schoolfield at Schoolfield. Saturday Burlimgton plays Reids ville at Burlington. BIRD/ puppiee for sale —Chas. and Worth Thompson, Graham, N C., Bo* 182. 'Phone 653-W. , * + * , PERSONAL. * - + it 11111)1111 tint HIM nn Mr. Julian E. Seliars of Pleasant Grove township was in town Tues day. ** . Mrs. Junius H. Harden left last night for Philadelphia to consult a specialist. Mess. B. N. Turner and Chas. E. Moore spent Monday afternoon in Greensboro. Mr. A. Lacy Holt and Master Fred left Saturday fbr Wrightsville and returned Monday. , Miss Siddie Moore of Shelby ar rived here Tuesday on a visit to Miss Annie Hunter. Miss Blanche Webster of Burling ton spent the week-end here with Mrsi W. W. Garrett. Miss Mattie G. Long spent lust week with Misses Nell and Alberta Thompson in Mebane. Miss Mattie Evans of Danville, Va., arrived here Monday on a visit to Miss Conley Albright. Mrs. H. H. Simpson of Haw River spent Sunday here with her daugh ter, Mrs. E. Lee Henderson. Mrs. W. W. Phillips left Sunday' for Asheville, where she will spend some ten daysgwith friends. Miss Mary Catherine Holt return ed' Tuesday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Roy Long, in Hickory. Mrs. W. R. Goley left last Satur day for Jackson Springs to visit her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross. I Miss Jeannette and Master Banks Simpson of Greensboro spent Sun day here with Mrs. E. L. Henderson. Miss Helen Sumner, who has been visiting Mrs. Will E. White, left yesterday for her home in Salisbury. Miss Estelle Brown of Hillslioro will arrive tomorrow to spend the week-end with Miss Jessie Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dorinell of Greensboro were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore last night. Miss Annie Watson Moore spent Saturday and Sunday in Greensboro with her sister, Miss Fannie D. Moore. Maj. J. J. Henderson left last night for Washington on business and expects to return tomorrow morning. Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin left the latter part of last week for Wilming ton, to visit his son, Mr. Geo. L. Clendenin. Mrs. W. R. Perry and daughter, Miss Lorena, returned Monday from spending several J a yß at W rights ville Beach. Miss Lucile Holmes returned Mon day evening from Kenansville where she spent ten days as a member of a house-party. Mess. Edgar Long and J. P. Mc- Adams, Dr. Herbert S. Long and his young brother David spent last Fri day at Pinehurst.» Mrs. J. J. Barefoot and Masters Jack and Bill of Raleigh arrived here Tuesday evening on a visit to Mrs. R. L. Holmes. Mrs. W. S. Coulter of Burlington spent the latter part of last week here at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Will S. Cong. 'Mrs. W. M. Liner and daughter, Miss Agnes,,returned yesterday from a visit of two weeks to her aon, Mr. O. F. Liner, at Greenwood, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Causey and children of Greensboro spent Sunday here with Mrs. Causey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White left this morning for Morganton, where Mrs. White will spend the month of August. Mr. White will spend the week-end. Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George returned last week from a visit to the former's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Attmore, at Stonewall, near Newborn. O H ' Mrs. Wilkinson and son, Mr. Clair Wilkinson, of Ridgeville, and Mrs. Dave Mebane of Mebane spent this morning at Mrs. G. in passing through to Greensboro. Mrs. Allen B. Thompson returned last Friday from a business trip to Hamlet, Rockingham, Jackson Springs, Asheboro and other points in the interest of Alamance Broom Co. 6 * • Misses Lala Browning of Gra ham and Latha Stockard of Graham No. 1 who have been attending school at N. C. College for Women, Greensboro, returned home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Rogers and little daughter of Raeford arrived last Saturday on a visit to Mr. Rogers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers, south of Graham. Mr. Rogers is County Supt. of Schools of Hoke county. Mrs. P. A. Mitchell of Tjoy, N. C., is spending a few days here with her brother, Mr. J. D Albright. Mrs. E. J. Lester and son, Rev. F. C. Lester, left Sunday for their old home in Rockingham, near which Mr. Lestet is engaged in a .protracted meeting this week. Mr. faster aided in a protracted meet ing at Henderson last Mrs. G. L. Walker and daughter, Miss Mary, have returned from a visit of several weeks to Mrs. Walker's son, Mr. Will B. Walker, in New York. While in New JJfork Mißs Walker attended the World's Christian Endeavor Conference. Mrs. Walter R. Harden and two daughters, Elizabeth and Annie Ruth, and Miss Lois Harden spent last Saturday in Greensboro, and Miss Elizabeth Craven of that city returned with them for a visit to Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth Harden. Miss Nina Holt, the clerk and stenographer in the County Super intendent's office,, left this morning for a two weeks' vacation. She will vicit her sister, Mrs. Roy Long, in Hickory and another sister, Mrs. VV. D. Reaves, in Greenville, S. C. Miss Holt will be accompanied to Hickory by Miss Margaret Hunter. Small Fire at Mr. J. S. Cook's. About one o'clock last Saturday afternoon the fire alarm was turned j in for a small blaze at Mr. J. S | Cook's home on South Main St. Evidently a spark had fallen from the kitchen flue on the dry shingle room, and when it was started it was not long in coming to a blaze. When first discovered the blaze was between one and two feet high. Neighbors ran in and had it under control wuen the firemen arrived The damaga was slight, but undis turbed a few minutes a big blaze would have developed in a very short while. Christian Endeavorers to Picnic at Holt's Pond Aug 11th The Burlington-Grahan Christian Endeavor Union held their regular meeting of Congress at Harden Park on Sunday afternoon at 3:30, at which time it was unanimously de cided to have Christian Endeavor picnic on ' August 11th at Holt's pond. All o£ the Senior and Inter mediate Christian Endeavorers are cordially invited to attend this pic nic. Also the ministers of l-Jraham and Burliugton are invited. This ia to be a basket picnic and all of the Endeavorers are expected to bring a basket of eatables with them. Birthday Parties. On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. B. Montgomery gave little Miss Virginia Harden a birthday party. It was her 12th anniversary and she h adquite a company of her little friends with her. Refresh ments were served. Mr. Ray Harden htd a number of his young lady and boy. friends with him at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Harden, Tuesday evening. It was the celebration of his 19th anniversary which fell on the 23rd. Refreshments were serv ed and an enjoyable evening was spent. County Groop Meeting Woman's Missionary Society, M E. Church, South- The following is the program of Alamance County Group Meeting of Woman's Missionary Society, Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, to be held in Front St. M. E. church in Burlington on August sth : 10:00 a. m., ifusic, Hymn 415 Devotional, Dr. W. B. North Organization. Reports of Auxiliaries. Plan of Organization, Mrs. llarvey Boney Children's Work, Mrs. N. 11. I). Wilson Music. Lunch. 2.00 p. m., Music, Hymn 054 Young People's Work, Miss Ldlie Duke Scarritt as I know it, Miss Mary Nichols Music. Round Table, Miss Mattie Pulliam 4:30 p. m., . Prayer Miss Mary L Freeman is Presi dent of Alamance County Gronp. WANTED—Contractors to bid on two room building to be erected 2 miles South of Graham. Apply to M. C. Teirell for specifications. M. C. Trkbhix Superintendent FOR SALE.—I have two young mares and a complete set of farm mplements which will be sold at a bargain. Call or write Thos. C. Brodshaw, Graham, N. C. • • \ THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. Alamance Boys in Auto Wreck- One ~ Rilled. Latft Saturday afternoon, as a re salt of reckless driving a big auto was wrecked near Chapel Hill, when two were killed, Ralph Web ster, aged 20, son of J . W. Webster of Burlington, and J. E. Martin of Durham, Three -others were se riously hurt, Leon Bell, Ben Thompson and Lewis Allen. The homes of the last two are in South ern Alamance near snow Camp. The boys, it appears, bad spent the day in Alamance, but work in Dur ham. In attempting to pass another car at high speed the car struck a side ditch. The driver, an Assy rian, was arrested and lodged in jail. Contract Road Work and Bridge Over Back Creek Let. On Tuesday of last week two con tracts were let for Alamance road and bridge work at the office of the chief enginter in Greensboro. W. W. Turk and son of Virgilina, Va., were awaided the contract by Frank Page, chairman of the State Highway Commission, to do grading on the road from Mebaneto Troling wood, a distance of about 5.22 milas. The cost of tha work will amount to 815,554. After grading is com pleted contract will be let for laying of a Jiard surface on ihis stretch ol highway. ft, was estimated that it will re quire .the contraclois about four months to finish the job. This stretch of road is a link of the State highway bi Greenslmro and TUH Viiuilina contractors aru well known in North vaiolma, Living done considerable ainon a of similar work in the Stale. Q.itat L'ousi ruction Company of Savannah, 1.1 a , WHS given ihecon tract to construct the across B ick creek. The construction of this bridge, which will be made of reinforced concrete, will cost $14,202. Work on the bridge will be rushed to completion as rapidly a-i iiossible. There were about 30 c mtractors bi• Idi ny for the two jobs and 20-odd w. re present in the ofiiee of •). I). Waldrop, chief engineer of the filth district, when the contracts were awarded. Jurors fur August Court. The following have been dra"W to serve as jurors at the August Criminal Term of Alamance Supeiior Court, which convenes on August 22nd,viz: Patlerson township —M. F. Horna dny, S. L. Spoon, P. H. Stevens, J. A. Smith, (Jhas. Kuliss, M. E. Graves. Coble tp. —M. D. ShofTner. Boon Station tp. —H. C. Pollard, I. H. Johnson, Cad Troxler, J. P. Huffman. Morton tp.—P. G. Mctntyre, G. D. Barnett, J. C. McCulloch, M. V. Simpson. Faucette tp. —L E. Walker, W. J. Graham, ljacy L. Garrison, J. A. Jones. v Graham tp. —B. R. Jones, W. H. Wood, E. A. Noah, G. 0. Rogers. Albright tp. —S. G. Coble. Newlin tp. —d. W. Johnson, J. T. Coggins, J. H. Moore, W. T. Clark. Thompson tp. —Sara McPherson, G. R. Long. Melvilh tp. —W. T. Riggs. Pleasant Grove tp. —W. 11. Whit ted. Burlington tp. —E. L. Graves, M. B. Lindsay, J. E. Garrison, R. A Moore, W. J. Home, J. A. Boswell, W. V. Winningham, W. M White sell, Sam T. Pylts Haw River tp. —J. W. Thomas, Jesse B. Sharpe, W. I. Hill. LOCAL MANAGER WATED— At once by the largest concern of it's' kind in the world, to develop and handle local business. No in vestment or experience required. $2,500 to SIO,OOO profits first year, according to population, and won derful future possibilies, as ours is a Staple commodity with constant un limited demand and we undeisell all competition. GUARANTBK COAL MIN ING COMPANY, 1330 Como .Bldg., Chicago, 111. * 2bjul ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adrolnintrator of the eatate of Boxton Hbarpe, deceaad. the underaljrned hereby notifies all persons hold intr claims avainst the Mild r»ut» to pre-ent the aamo, 111117 authenticated, rwi or before the Mb day of July, 1&2, or tblx notice will pleaded In bar of their recovery; and all peraons Indebted to mild estate are reijucai ed to make Immediate settlement. Tbl» July 21, IK!). HEN HHAIIVK. tdm'r of Ho*ton hnrpo, dee'd. J. S. Cook. Att'y. iljulyfii PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have nti invention to patent please send tut n model or sketcbr with a letter ol brief explanation for pre liminary examination nul advice, Vour disclosure and all busiiK-M i* strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. • D. SWIFT & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINOTON. D. C Hon I Soit Morris Ge»t said at a Chicago recep tion: "These blue-law people are always finding offense where no offense Is liv tended. They remind me of the book seller. "plshop Trevor of England wrote a book some time ago called 'Loose Stones.' Th# book was highly recom mended to me by a priest. According ly I wrote to my bookseller and ordered a copy. "The bookseller sent me his reply next day. He said he fiad no copy of Trevor's 'Loose Stories' In stock, and he added that If my taste ran to that kind of literature I had better patron- Ire another bookseller In future." Horse For Sale. A fine horse owned bv Graham Fire Department. See or write E. P. McClure, Graham, N. C. 23june3t Receiver's Sale Under Deed In Trust. % ' # Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed ot trust executed on the 25th day of Sept., 1919, by Mat tie C. Small and husband, J. A. Small, to Graham Loan & Trust I 0., trustee, for the of securing the payment of certain bonds of evtnda'e Jthere with, and the interest thereon, said deeo being dulyTwprded in the office f the R gisßh of Deeds for j Alutnaucc count v«n Book" No.! 84 >l Mortgage Deeds find Deed-I of Trust, at page 46 and default I having Ixen made in the pay-' ment of said bonds and interest 1 according u> their tenor, and under and by virtue of the au thority vested in me as Receive* « f the •riiham Loan v I'rust Co., i i an order date I the 28th day '»! January, 1921, made by J. Loyrl Horton, Judge of the Superior Court of Noith Caro lina, holding the Courts of the Tenth Judicial di-trict. the un dersigned Receiver will, on AUG. 29, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham. Al amance county, N. C.. offer for sale iit public outcry to the highest bidder, forcas.ha certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Alamance county, State aforesaid, and defined and de scribed as foliows, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Patterson Township Alamance County and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Samuel C. Clapp, and others and bounded as follows; beginning at a stone near Mill Rbce and running thence N 01 deg E 14.22 poles to a stone; thence S 87V3 deg 18 poles to a on the South side of mill road; thence N 20 deg E 4.20 • poles to a stone; Byeamore tree on the East bank of Rock Creek; thence 11 deg E 5 pole 9 to a sycamore on the East side of said Creek; thence S 50 deg W 8 poles tcfa large syca more, near the East end of Mill house; thence S 23 deg W G poles" to a stone on the East side of Mill Race; thence S 23 deg E 0 poles to a stone at or near the N end of mill dam; thence up the pond at highwater mark with the various courses of the said pond to the head of the game; thence across the creek N and down the pond at high water mark with the various courses to the beginning, containing 12 acres by the McMath plot be the same more or less, on Lot No. 1 in the division of the said lands and known as Coble's MiU. Second Tract —Adjoining" thu lands of J. G. Montgomery, Bloss Browning, Mrs. Durham, and others and bounded as fol lows; beginning at a rock on said Montgomery line, corntr with said Browning, and run ning thence N 3 1-3 deg W 1 50 chs to a rock or iron bar, corner with said Browning; thence with his line S 8G deg E 90 chs to a rock corner with said browning in said Company's line; thence N 3 1-3 deg W 2.35 chs to a rock in said line, corner with said Durham; thence with her line West, 3.90 chs to a rock corner with said Mrs. Durham; thence S 3 1-3 deg E 3.58 chs to a rock on said Montgomery's line; thence S 86 deg E 2.01 chs to the beginning and containing 1 2 i acres more or les, and on wbich there is a frame dwelling. This Julv 27, 1921. W 1. WARD, Receiver Graham Loan & Trust Co. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County* In the Superior Court. ' _ Before the Clerk. Thomas Mcl'herson, Petitioner, vs. Minnie Benton and her husband, • Benton, or her chil dren or legal representatives whose names, ages and resi dence are unknown. All pf the above named re spondents will take notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county l>etore the Clerk for the purpose of selling for division between the petitioner and the respondents that certain lot or parcel of land situate in Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Amy Trice, Fannie Kuffin, J. \Y. Harden and others and being the same lot of land conveyed to Emma J. Freeland and others by John A. Harden and wife In deed which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance countv in Deed You ean always answer the call of the road if there's some of our delicious bakery goods in the house. During the summer months, when impromptu picnics and out-door feasts are the delight of every family, it's wise to be prepared. It is true economy and such a convenience in hot weather to buy your pastry and bakery goods at our store. Our cured meats are ever ready for quick service. We will be more than pleased to serve you. J. P. McADAMS & CO., GRAHAM, N. C. Pay Cash - - - Cash Pays. Educate For Business The Business Training offers a sh'irt, ea»y ami inexpensylfc route Io Success. Practical business, stenographic anil secretarial courses given. King's graduates wilh leading Carolina firms. Student* assisted free.lo situations. Rates of tuition and board very reasonable. Knroll any time. Wijite today for catalog. "/in Accredited SchooC ' Raleigh, N. C • • • - . Charlotte, N. C. Our Own Guarantee is added to the manufacturer's when you buy a Simmons Chain. Whatever pattern you choose —to please your in dividual taste the style is sure to be correct. The Simmons goods for 40 years have bad tba reputation of always being io good taste. SIMOOMS CHfclflS are noted for their qualities as well aa for their exquisite design and , finish. They ara not washed or plated goods—the surface of each chain is a heavy rolled tuba of toHd gold. Come in and see our new aaaortment of handsome Spring styles, Z.T.HADLE\ Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM. N. C. Book No. 9, at page 683, to which referende is xnade for a flrtt description to said property,. The said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Alamance coun ty, Graham, North Carolina, on or before Monday the 22nd day of August, 1921, and answer or demur to the petition filed in this proceeding or the petiticflner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. Done this thw. 2pth day of • July, 1921. 1). J. WALKER, C. S. C. Parker & Long, Att'ys. 21 jlyit EXECUTORS' NOTICE. . Having qualltli d as Executor nnd Execu trix of the last will hnd testament of W. J. Bt«dler, dectaped !ftt*» of Alamance countj, North i Hrminn, tbl» is to notify all persons having claims HRHinst the estnte of tild de ceased to exhibit them to the undeesiir; d J. " Stadlerat Bui )i npton, North Carollnu, • n or before the Ist day of July, 1022, or tbia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment* This June, lirJl. J. K. MTADLEK, Executor, DKTTIE J.HIMMONHC Ex'r'x, W.J. Staale*. dee'd. F t 8. W. Darneron, AtVy. 231unetit A confirmed cro k is a man who cheats vvlip.n he is playing solitaire. • -• / 1 § y-M 7 • / [dt ]£ M f ' V"N n • wniv T. •BVotJtfg WVMH3W 'OV9 Bjifiwiraca nr,. n injj-»o c f 33*14 mh aXIHM :: -suoaipa mjwiam P u * htuoti ogogj-gamuaj p«iv *3/: ad uvy» « •osseins' jrjjtjtlßjSoa;) coc'OE 'mfJt :: -ua powdertora OOOYI WRHWH :: -;i oo'm •*>>sed otiz OW pjjo.tti ,» o*u .U pascota injstaj •• - r.s jo t>pucsnotj4 jo spojpunq Xq .-Art Xjicp Oi Kt -fc-pjou Jti'.A O) opcta 'jOJOAiSUTJ nottsatib {csjtsAtnn t! 'jr>qDt,t>; am -Wt-nu UB fc i AHVNOIXOICI SIVNOIJLVNU3JLNI M3M smssm •t»D3tit pus UMOd ms)puai tptu* 'Xaospyja j'.oX snuioi 'Ktuxai jcm 2u;i»nd jo tuxwual aifj aouj{ ip-iojtt jo soioqa jood pna •Sunisds ui SJOJJS SutMHilsqma jsunSs ajntut oj /titunuoddo jnoX ti wy I g Vmpri>2 / w}l'W&

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