THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Dec. 8, 1921. Postoflice Honrs. , toT.OO p. m. Bnudajr 9.00 totl.oo a. m. and (.00 to 6J» p. m R. N. COOK. Po«.master. MM I Mil ++++++++++MM++ ♦ .LOCAL NEWS. + Ttiiiiui» 11 it ii in , 411T —Graham and New Providence Christian churches have secured a pastor, Rev. S. L. Beougher, who comes here from Tampa, Fla., where he has resided for-some time on ac count of the health of his wife. He and family are expected to arrive here about the 17th. They will oc cupy 'the Christiau parsonage on Albright Ave. . —Maj. J. J. Henderson returned Sunday night, from Van Buren, Ark., where he went two weeks before to try an important suit involving sev eral thousand dollars. The trial lasted over three days and resulted in a mistrial, as the jury could not sgree, hut ten of them were favorable to the Major's clients. The case will come up for trial again next July. Every Sunday Service. Graham Methodist Protestant church has made a forward move and will have every-Sunday service.! The new arangement started with the last Sunday in November. * The new pastor is Rev. (J. L. Spencer, who cornea here' from Weaverville, N. C. He and family havp arrived and occupy the Jas. V. Pomeroy residence on N. Main St. Mrs. G. M. Holt Dies Suddenly. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Holt, wife of Mr. Gilbert M. Holt, died at their home in Albright township Wednes day morning,D ec 7th. She suffered a stroke of apoplexy the day before, from which she never rallied. The burial will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Mt. Hermon of which she was a member. Mrs. Holt was in her 69th year and was the daughter of the late John Roney. She is survived by her husband and the following children, namely, Mr. E. F. Holt of Albright towhship, Mrs Albert J. Thompson of Mebane, Messrs. Herbert Holt of Troy, and Harris Holt and DeWitt Holt, both of Charlotte, who have a host of friends who will sympa thize with them in their sore bereave ment. Mrs. Holt was an exception able good woman and held in high esteem by her neighbors and all who knew her. Hers was a life of devo tion and works and her community will greatly miss her, Honor Roll Graham Public Schools First Quarter 0 f Year 1921-'22. The Honor Roll consists of those pupils who have maintained a grade not lower than A on any subject for the quarter, and who have no unex cused absences charged against them, and have not been tardy dur ing the quarter. The following pu pils have met these requirements for the first quarter of the year: FIST GRADE. Rachel Cook, Ralph Henderson, Norman Murrav, James Berry, James Holt, Worth Isley, Minter Snipes, Herman Jones, Inez Bailiff, Cletus Womble, Annie Lee Boswell, Jean Tate, Elizabeth Whittemore. HIGH FIRST GRADE. Hazel Cheek, Annie Boyd Trol inger, Dollie Boswell, Wil iam Guthrie, George Pugh, Marion Phil lips, Eugene Hancock. SECOND GRADE. * - Edna Crawford, Madeline Mc- Phereon, Felicia Riddle, Florin- Boggs, Evelyn Porterfield, liayle Smith, Sallie Shoe, Hanly Holt, Horace Johnson, Herbert Lovett, Junius Neese, Ir*in Williams, Mary Elizabeth Wicker, Gaynelle Haith cock. , THIRD GRADE. Pauline Smith, Doris Noah, Trm- - dell * Phillips, Annie Robertson, Arthur Shoffner, Jessie Terrell, Alene Hunter. FOURTH GRADE lone Whitfield, Ruth Forlines. FIFTH GRADE. Doris Moser, Ruth Riley. SIXTH GRADK. George Long, Mae Looge&t, lone McAdams, Virginia Fate, Ruth Ward, Louise Bnckuer. Annie Had ley, Emily Lee, John D. lee, G/ovei Holt. SEVENTH GRADE. Aileen Pegg, Harold Cox. TENTH GRADE. Everet{e Kirkpstrick, Nina Qua kenbush. —Hughes Garage Co., Graham, forvquick service. Sapphire is the next hardest stone to the dijuiivnd. ' * PERSONAL. + tiininiiiinnriiiiiiin Mr. Ralph Long of Greensboro was here Tuesday. * „ Mr. L. T. Barber of. Gibsonville was here yesterday. Mrs. H. W. Scott spent Tuesday afternoon in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Thorn psom spent Sunday in Greensboro. Mr. E. Lee Henderson was a busi ness visitor in Durham Monday. Miss. Fannie D. Moore of Greens boro spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston of Elon College were Graham visit ers yesterday. Mrs. Phil Carlton of Greensboro spent last Thursday here wiili Afra. Will E White. Mr. Harry Lewellvn camn up fiom Chapel Hill and spent the week-end here with Mrs. Lewellyn. , Mrs. Sam'l E. Freeze of Cbiaa Grove is here with relatives und will remain till after Christ mas. Miss Esther Taylor of Newport sewß,Va., spent the first, part of t.he week here with Miss .Mary Estelow. Mr. Johnj Scott of Greensboro spent Sunday here at the limine of his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs.J. L. Scott Jr. ' Miss Sadie Snead of Gretna, Va., after spending a fow 'lavs here with her cousin, Mrs. Jas. A. Hay, retuned home laat week. Misß Annie FoUrer of Monrre, formerly music teacher at the Graded School, visited Mrs. Wrn. I, Ward here a few days ago. Mrs. A. H. Graham and Master A. H., Jr., of Hillsboro are spending a few days here with her parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Long. Mesdames 0. S. Hunter and W. R. Goley and .VlisFes Ida Scott and Marce Goley spent last Saturday afternoon in Graensboro. Mrs. Donald F. Ifcyeß returned last Friday after spending several days in Charlotte. She will go to Charlotte soon to make her home. Miss Da/lie Ilpnderson spent Saturday and Sunday here with rela tives. The is taking a business course and working in Greensboro. Mr. R. L. Ilolmos, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewellyn and Mioses Brown and Rachel Haynes spent last Saturday afternoon in Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden and little daughters, Annie Ruth and Elizabeath and Misses Ruth Braw ley and Ada Hamilton spent last Saturday in Greensboro. \ Mrs. R. C. Hunter spent last week in Greensboro with her daughter, Mrs. J. DeWitt Foust, and Misses Annie and Mary Hunter went up Sunday and returned with their mother. Mrs. A. Lacy Holt, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Long, in Hickory, returned last Friday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long and little daughter, Ora Holt, who will Bpend a while here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and Masters George and William of Jack son Springs arrived here Monday. Mr. Ross was on his way to Raleigh to attend the extra session of the Legislature of which he is a mem ber, and Mrs. Ross and the children will spend the time here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs W. R. Goley, while the Legislature is in session. Methodist Protestant Church. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., C. P. Holt, Superintendent. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m., Rev. C. L. Spencer, Pastor. Morning subject: "Personal Re sponsibility." Evening subject : "Purpose of Heart" Everyone who does not attend other churches is cordially invited. Right ear is generally higher thau the left. RICKETS' flCr Cod -liver oil is the \\TT best thing in the JjUL world for rickets. ScotTs Emulsion contains richest cod-liver oil, abundant in the vita mines that every rickety child needs. AT AU- DRUO STORES PRICE. lIJO and OOA. Scott A BOWM. BkxWUld. N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF Kl-HOIDS (Tablets or Granules) £2? INDIGESTION 'IXr rfr VIRGINIA CM, BURLEY Notables TURKISH The three greatest cigarette tobaccos, blending MILDNESS - MELLOWNESS-AROMA one-eleven cigarettes 20forl5 { Mil F AETiJLAVB. Wagner, while still in tin prime of life, h«d his grave lll > in his garden. • For au'omobile repair work stop at the Hughes Garage Co., W Harden St., Graham, N. C. —Go to Hughes Garage Co., W. Harden St., Graham, dealer in auto mobile accessories, and for firct-class mechanic work. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK! With a well Equipped shop and plenty of supplies, I am prepared to do first-class rlumbing and Electrical work on short notice and reason-* able terms. Shop Southeast corner of Court House Square. Call or phone, W. M. EULISS. 'Phone 273-J Christmas Gifts! , i Best Gifts at the Fre-War Cost Ladies' Home Journal 1 year, - - $1.50 Country Gentleman 1 year, - - - 1.00 Saturday Evening Post 1 year, . - 2.00 Cosmopolitan 1 year, - - - - - 3.00 Good Housekeeping 1 year, - - 2.50 Pictorial "Review 1 year, - - - - 2.50 American Magazine 1 year, - - 2-50 Collier's Weekly 1 year, - - - 2.50 Little Folks 1 year, - - - 2.00 Youth's Companion 1 year, - - - 2.50 And many other Magazines. For further information call 423 or write LORENA KERNODLE, Graham, N. C. [~T —j SAP OLIO jy • Find# countless uses in the kitchen. It cleans cutlery, ■ kettles, tins, porcelain, china, 5k earthenware, linoleum, oil «r doth, refrigerators, tile, marble, M# shelves and floors. See that m the name SAPOLiO is on J*. —"W—? every package. HjP' ENOCH MORGANS SONS CO. Now York U. S. A. HAKES POTS AND PANS I LOOK LIKE NEW THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. Spring Betterment Association Met Dec. 3rd. - The Women's Bettermunt As oc a tiou met at Spring schojlboiisn oh Dec. 3rd. with seventeen members present 1 , Miss Edna Reinhardt was present and gave a demonstration iu making cake icings, candied orange peel, fondant, and showed many differ ent wave of decorating candy and | cakes. The ladies were much interested , iu thi« demonstration as it will B'xm \ l>e Christmas and they are planing jto make Jheir Christmas candy. [They adjourned to meet on Jan. 7, \ 1921, when the program will be I poultry and gardening. "Tanlac made me f«-el younger." ,- It put me back on the pay-roll." | "I can eat whatever I want now." I "I no longer suffer from iudiges |tion," "I gained weight rapid , ly. ' These and many more cx- I premium* are now heard daily as people tell of their experiences with Teniae. Sold by. Farrel 1 Drug Co., Graham, N. C. New Stock Silver, Cut Glass and Mahogany Clocks I w Z. T. Hadley Jeweler ami Optician Graham, N. C. O»rHOItUC» $&5: *' '*- BREAKING FROM THE HOME FIELDS Every community affords a commercial pasture in which can be found something to fill every want. The home merchant is the pasture from which every citizen should fill his wants ; those who choose to break through the barrier and shop in non-home productive stores are the losers first and the community next. MORAL:—Don,t break from your home pastures for untried fields. 10c Farrell Drug Co. 10c J. D. Lee This Coupon has a cash value of , Dry Goods lOcts on £jny 51.00 ' Millinery 10c purchase at our store 10c Ladies' Shoes Graham Hardware Co. . Graham Drug Co. Cook and Safety First Heating Trade with us and Save Stoves ' Money W. B. Quakenbush * Crawford & McAdams French Doors, Book Cases, arid all - ___ —_ Gol(1 Bond clothes Kinds of Panel Work to order, Florsheim Shoes, Stetson Hats, Upholstering a Specialty - Genls 1 Furnishings J. D. Albright & Co. Graham Grocery Co. Dress Goods, Coats, Sweaters, Under- For Nke Grocerieg wear, Shoes and small notions anJ ns "CRACK & JOE." i ic-r ' or plione IS7 Graham Tire Co. Moore's Grocery Dealers in Hood Tires . , *r i • • v Best Fresh Family Groceries All kinds of v ulcamzmg , alwavs in stnek .... Work Guaranteed Polite .. - - Service Rich & Thompson T T RI Furniture and Undertaking 0 • • JJiaCiV High Class Furniture and Agents for the General Feed Store • . Phone 3f>7-J Groceries EAGLE PENCIL No. 174 1 For Sale at Your Dealers Made in Five Grades 1 ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY NEW YORK |j Fin«t purely American ciyHrs liivinir in Austria is now 38 wert- made in 1801 by the wife of " Sj| limes as (ostly as in 191-1. a Con nrcl icut tobacco planter. m*M;-G7v'A fl3w ■ Vfl • _ "r >J• ft£Uitcix~MU±^iJlJnLm.-KM of living in London w liO EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. HONBT BACK' P*r cent above the pre-war figure. - .A i| «nhiw! iiuttilnlf Hum'tStln -jiT'lr' •11 r«il« in thr treatment of Ermna, Having quallfltd at Kxrcut'lx Of the /U / Ly Truer Ringworm. ltch.etc Don't )r>.t will and te«i«tnent Of J. B. Ml- i I J 1 become di«:oura(edbecauieotlM* I'bctaon. dfC«••••!, lute of Alamance county, V / r) ireatmenu failed Hunt'« Sal»« i North Carolina, thi» is to notify all perrona h " ""eved hundreds of much having claim* against the eat*t« of a*ld do- . . u*ea You can't low on out ceaat-d lo exhibit them to the undt-eslgm-d i*' HM» 9wt Cnrtafta. Try on or before the lOui day of J>ec., WZ, or Ujla £■ , fi it nt ■»„ u.i TODAV. Piica lit will hrp.'ik a Cold Fer«r and notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov- For .sic loyally by Will urwn rt 1-UIU, rmer aut *_ ery. All peruana Indebted to laid eatate will Grippe quicker thail HUything please make Immediate payment. CIUAUAW M n ! I TBIII Nov. AND, I«I. OK AH ASI N « we know, preventing pneu- LDJGT""' COrtA M GRAHAH DRUG COMPANY, monia.—ad, 10novl5t